The Death of A Conscience Mark 6:14-29 Jim Beasley Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Death of A Conscience Mark 6:14-29 Jim Beasley Sunday, August 29, 2010

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Page 1: The Death of A Conscience Mark 6:14-29 Jim Beasley Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Death of A Conscience

Mark 6:14-29

Jim BeasleySunday, August 29, 2010

Page 2: The Death of A Conscience Mark 6:14-29 Jim Beasley Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mark 6:14-29 14King Herod heard about this, for Jesus' name had become well known. Some were saying, "John the Baptist has been raised from the dead, and that is why miraculous powers are at work in him."  15Others said, "He is Elijah."       And still others claimed, "He is a prophet, like one of the prophets of long ago."  16But when Herod heard this, he said, "John, the man I beheaded, has been raised from the dead!"  17For Herod himself had given orders to have John arrested, and he had him bound and put in prison. He did this because of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife, whom he had married. 18For John had been saying to Herod, "It is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife."

Page 3: The Death of A Conscience Mark 6:14-29 Jim Beasley Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mark 6:14-2919So Herodias nursed a grudge against John and wanted to kill him. But she was not able to, 20because Herod feared John and protected him, knowing him to be a righteous and holy man. When Herod heard John, he was greatly puzzled; yet he liked to listen to him.  21Finally the opportune time came. On his birthday Herod gave a banquet for his high officials and military commanders and the leading men of Galilee. 22When the daughter of Herodias came in and danced, she pleased Herod and his dinner guests.

Page 4: The Death of A Conscience Mark 6:14-29 Jim Beasley Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mark 6:14-29   The king said to the girl, "Ask me for anything you want, and I'll give it to you." 23And he promised her with an oath, "Whatever you ask I will give you, up to half my kingdom."  24She went out and said to her mother, "What shall I ask for?"       "The head of John the Baptist," she answered.  25At once the girl hurried in to the king with the request: "I want you to give me right now the head of John the Baptist on a platter."  26The king was greatly distressed, but because of his oaths and his dinner guests, he did not want to refuse her. 27So he immediately sent an executioner with orders to bring John's head. The man went, beheaded John in the prison, 28and brought back his head on a platter. He presented it to the girl, and she gave it to her mother. 29On hearing of this, John's disciples came and took his body and laid it in a tomb.

Page 5: The Death of A Conscience Mark 6:14-29 Jim Beasley Sunday, August 29, 2010

IntroductionO Matthew 11:11O “tetrarch” means “the ruler of a

fourth part.”O Luke 13:32O 1 Timothy 4:1-2O 1 Timothy 1:19

Page 6: The Death of A Conscience Mark 6:14-29 Jim Beasley Sunday, August 29, 2010

Herod’s Confusion O Herod held John v. 17-18

O Herod Antipas is the son of Herod the Great.O Among his half-brothers are Aristobolus (He was

killed by his own father) and Herod Philip.O Herod the Great had at least five wives and had

sons and daughters by them all.O Herod Antipas, the man in our text, married the

daughter of Aretas I an Arabian king.O Herod Philip married Herodias, the woman in our

text, who was the daughter of his half-brother Aristobolus. She was his half-niece. They had a daughter named Salome, the girl who danced for Herod Antipas, her double half-uncle and step-father.

O Herod Philip was disinherited by his father Herod the Great. He and Herodias moved to Rome.

Page 7: The Death of A Conscience Mark 6:14-29 Jim Beasley Sunday, August 29, 2010

Herod’s Confusion O Herod held John v. 17-18

O Herod Antipas and his wife visited his brother in Rome and Herod Antipas fell in love with his half-niece and sister-in-law Herodias. They had an affair and both left their spouses and married one another.

O Response to the WordO You can ignore the message.O You can attack the preacher.O You can bring the need to the Lord.

O Herod helped John v. 19O Herod heard John v. 20

Page 8: The Death of A Conscience Mark 6:14-29 Jim Beasley Sunday, August 29, 2010

Herod’s Crime O It Involved a Sinful Dance v. 21-22a O It Involved a Senseless Declaration v. 22b-25O It Involved a Shameful Deed v. 26-29O Lessons learned:

O These verses reveal the devastating power of hatred, bitterness and unforgiveness, stored in our hearts.O Ephesians 4:32O Matthew 18:21-22O Luke 17:1-5

O These verses reveal the dangers involved in the use and abuse of alcohol and mind altering drugs.O Proverbs 23:29-35

Page 9: The Death of A Conscience Mark 6:14-29 Jim Beasley Sunday, August 29, 2010

Herod’s Crime O Lessons learned:

O These verses reveal the danger of peer pressure. Just because others do stupid stuff does not mean that you have to follow their lead!

O These verses reveal the danger of not controlling your tongue.O James 3:1-12O 1 John 1:9O Romans 1:24-32O Genesis 6:3O Proverbs 27:1