1 CHAPTER 1 The Problem and Its Background Introduction The South China Sea or so called West Philippines Sea serves as the battle ground of the two of many actors, they are the Philippines and China. According to U.S Energy information Administration (2013), South China Sea can be a possible major source of gas and oil approximately 11 billion of barrels of oil and 190 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Under international law there are five principles that guide assessment of claiming territorial sovereignty. First principle is discovery and occupation exhibiting control. Second principle is prescription which denotes peaceful transfer of sovereignty under international law and continued occupation over a long period of time when it actually belonged to another. Third principle is conquest and annexation. Fourth is cession, which is the territory is

The Degree of Awareness of Education Students of Jose Rizal University About Territorial Dispute between Philippines and China

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The Problem and Its Background


The South China Sea or so called West Philippines Sea serves as the battle

ground of the two of many actors, they are the Philippines and China. According to U.S

Energy information Administration (2013), South China Sea can be a possible major

source of gas and oil approximately 11 billion of barrels of oil and 190 trillion cubic feet

of natural gas.

Under international law there are five principles that guide assessment of claiming

territorial sovereignty. First principle is discovery and occupation exhibiting control.

Second principle is prescription which denotes peaceful transfer of sovereignty under

international law and continued occupation over a long period of time when it actually

belonged to another. Third principle is conquest and annexation. Fourth is cession, which

is the territory is transferred from one to another state. Last principle is accretion and

avulsion where a new territory is added when natural causes happens (Southeast Asian

Affairs 2000, 1974).

Chung, (2013) characterized the disputes in one word “antagonistic”. Chinese

government has drawn a 9-dashed also called South China Sea dotted line after the World

War 2, this U shaped line map shows the claims of China in the islands and features of

the South China Sea. Wu Shicum, the president of China Institute of South China Sea,

studies in his article, after the Chinese government officially published its “Locations of


the South China Sea Islands” in 1948 the international community, states bordering on

the South China Sea included, did not raise any objection, nor did any national

government raise any diplomatic issues with China. They all tacitly accepted the

existence of the line. In fact, a number of countries and regions in Europe and America

have published maps to identify areas of the South China Sea inside the dashed line as

territorially belonging to China. Also, Wu Shicum states that China’s claims over the

South China Sea islands are based on its legitimate rights and the fact that China is the

first country to discover, to name and to exercise sovereignty over the islands.

Philippine claims based on continental shelf and res nullius (Land belongs to no

one), Article 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Seas (UNCLOS)

allow every state to establish territorial seas around its land areas to limit not exceeding

12 nautical miles. Philippine establish 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)

whereas Spratly islands are within the territory. Philippines never claim the main island

of Spratly, (Hurwitt, 1980) Philippine used res nullius its claim because of Thomas

Cloma a Filipino citizen who sailed to the Spratly from 1947-1950 and proclaimed the

archipelago as res nullius and named it Kalayaan(Freedomland).

The Department of Affairs of the Philippines cited on their article on 2012 the

basis of the Philippines over the Scarborough shoal, Bajo de Masinloc’s (Scarborough

Shoal) chain of reefs and rocks is about 124 NM from the nearest coast of Luzon and

approximately 472 NM from the nearest coast of China. Bajo de Masinloc is located

approximately along latitude 15°08′N and longitude 117°45′E. The rocks of Bajo de


Masinloc are situated north of the Spratlys, therefore, the rocks of Bajo de Masinloc is

also within the 200-NM EEZ and 200-NM continental shelf (CS) of the Philippines.

In the lights of the study, the researchers wanted to measure the degree of

awareness of selected education students of Jose Rizal University about territorial dispute

between the Philippines and China and specifically looked into the relationship of the

measured awareness to that of the respondents’ profile.


Theoretical framework

This study embraced the theory of Endsley (1995) the situational awareness

theory, Endsley's model illustrates three stages or steps of SA formation: perception,

comprehension, and projection.

Perception (Level 1 SA): The first step in achieving SA is to perceive the status,

attributes, and dynamics of relevant elements in the environment. Thus, Level 1 SA, the

most basic level of SA, involves the processes of monitoring, cue detection, and simple

recognition, which lead to an awareness of multiple situational elements (objects, events,

people, systems, environmental factors) and their current states (locations, conditions,

modes, actions).

Comprehension (Level 2 SA): The next step in SA formation involves a synthesis

of disjointed Level 1 SA elements through the processes of pattern recognition,

interpretation, and evaluation. Level 2 SA requires integrating this information to

understand how it will impact upon the individual's goals and objectives. This includes

developing a comprehensive picture of the world, or of that portion of the world of

concern to the individual.

Projection (Level 3 SA): The third and highest level of SA involves the ability to

project the future actions of the elements in the environment. Level 3 SA is achieved

through knowledge of the status and dynamics of the elements and comprehension of the

situation (Levels 1 and 2 SA), and then extrapolating this information forward in time to

determine how it will affect future states of the operational environment.


Conceptual framework

As depicted in figure 1, there are 4 profile variables served as input in the study

that includes profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, income and major field of


To accomplish the output of the study, that is the degree of awareness of

Education students and analysis of the profile of the student respondents were assessed

using the survey questionnaire.

Figure1. Research Paradigm


Profile of the





Major field of


Awareness of the

Students to

Territorial dispute.




Distribution of


Collection of


Analysis of the

profile of the



The Degree of

Awareness of Selected

Education Students of

Jose Rizal University

About Territorial

Dispute between the

Philippines and China.


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine The Degree of Awareness of Selected

Education Students of Jose Rizal University about Territorial Dispute between

Philippines and China SY 2014-2015.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions;

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex;

1.3 Income; and

1.4 major field of study?

2. What is the degree of awareness of Education Students in territorial dispute?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the degree of awareness of the

respondents when grouped according to the following variables:

3.1 Age;

3.2 Sex;

3.3 Family income;

3.4 major field of study;



1. There is no significant relationship between the degree of awareness of the

respondents as to their age, sex, family income and field of specialization.

Scope and delimitation

This study covered the degree of awareness of Selected Education students of

Jose Rizal University during the school year 2014-2015 in the issue of territorial dispute

between Philippines and China. The Education students of Jose Rizal University were the

respondents of this study.

Assumptions of the study

1. That the lower income group has the lower degree of awareness in territorial

dispute between Philippines and China.

2. That the major in the social studies has the higher degree of awareness in

territorial dispute between Philippines and China.

Significance of the Study

1. For the teachers and student. They can use the findings of this study and to

provide the data how the students aware about the territorial dispute between

the Philippines and China.

2. Future Researcher. This study will also be beneficial to the future

researchers as their reference.


3. Filipino people. To increase the level of the awareness of the people about the

territorial dispute.

4. For the Authors.. To use the findings as a tool aid of statistical reports

concerning the awareness of the student.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the study, the following terms were defined


Awareness.Concern about and well informed interest in a particular situation or


Disputes.Disagreement followed by opposition against something. 

EEZ. Exclusive Economic Zone,is a concept adopted at the Third United

Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (1982), whereby a coastal State assumes

jurisdiction over the exploration and exploitation of marine resources in its adjacent

section of the continental shelf, taken to be a band extending 200 miles from the shore

Res nullius.A thing which has no owner

Scarborough Shoal or Bajo de Masinloc, Bajo de Masinloc is not an island.

Bajo de Masinloc is also not part of the Spratlys.


South China Sea or West Philippines Sea.is a marginal sea that is part of

the Pacific Ocean, encompassing an area from the Singapore and Malacca Straits to

the Strait of Taiwan.

Sovereignty.Absolute, supreme and ultimate dominion and authority of a political

state subject to no higher power, expressed within its territory in full self-government and

in complete freedom from any outside influence

Spratly Island.It is a group of islands located in the West Philippine Sea.

UNCLOS, it is also known as the Law of the Sea Treaty, an international

agreement that defined the limits of the territorial seas of nations and the areas in which

they could exploit marine resources.



Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the review of related literature. Starting with the foreign and

local literature and studies and the last part of the chapter is the synthesis of the review.

Related Literature

Foreign Sources

Strong majorities in the Philippines (90%), Japan (82%), South Korea (77%) and

Indonesia (62%) think that such territorial disputes with China are a big problem for their

country. This is particularly the case in the Philippines, where 58% of Filipinos say such

friction with China is a very big problem. In a related issue, many of China’s Asian-

Pacific neighbors are quite troubled by Beijing’s growing military power. Nearly all

Japanese (96%) and South Koreans (91%) and strong majorities of Australians 71%) and

Filipinos (68%) think China’s expanding martial capabilities are bad for their country,

www.pewglobal.org (2013)

In the 9th Japan-China Public Poll, analysis report on the comparative data in

2013, the existence of a territorial dispute between China and Japan. The public

awareness of the Chinese was higher than the Japanese with a percentage of 80% while

Japanese has 60%, www.genron-npo.net (2013)


In 2014, the percentage of awareness of the Japanese and Chinese who recognized

the existence of the territorial dispute between the two countries were 64.3% and 76.2%

respectively according to the 10th Japan-China Public Opinion Poll. In regards to that the

most popular solution to resolve this territorial dispute among Japanese polled was that

"the two countries should promptly precede toward negotiations with a view to resolve

their issues by peaceful means" for about 48.4 %. While Chinese was "to protect its

territory, China should increase its effective control over it" for about 63.7 %,

www.genron-npo.net, (2014)

Local Sources

Valderama ( 2015) the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) commissioned a

Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey in December 2013 to gauge people’s awareness

about issues surrounding the Philippine-China dispute. The survey showed that 73% of

1,550 respondents were aware of the territorial dispute. And with that 82% said that they

are agreed to bring the issue to the to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

(Itlos), and 80% agreed that the government should ask help from other countries to keep

China’s military actions in check.

De Leon (2014) the survey said 82 % of Filipinos strongly agree or "somewhat

agree" with Manila’s filing the case for arbitration in January 21, 2013. Of the

respondents, 8 percent are "Undecided"; 5 percent "somewhat disagree"; and 3 percent

"strongly disagree". At least 61 % of respondents said they were generally aware of the


DFA's move to prove China's claim over the West Philippine Sea is excessive and

violated the provision of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS); while 39

% "heard about it only now" or the time the survey was done. As for public awareness

about the dispute in general, the SWS counted a 73% awareness level on the dispute

nationwide; meanwhile, 68 % are aware that the region holds natural resources like oil

and gas under the seabed. Majority of the Filipinos or 93 % agreed that the Philippines

"should defend the territory and natural resources in the West Philippine Sea; 2 percent

negate it while 5 percent are undecided or "don't know".

Suarez (2014) A big majority of respondents 73% are aware of the territorial

dispute that the Philippines has with China over a group of islands called the Spratlys

(locally known as Kalayaan). When sorted by geographic location, the numbers are

consistent: 78% for Metro Manila, 74% for the rest of Luzon, 70% in the Visayas, and

72% in Mindanao. A big majority (68%) are also aware of the possible oil and gas

deposits in the disputed area, while 61% know that the Philippines brought the case for

resolution before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) (61%).

Awareness of the issues is highest in Metro Manila: 65% in the ITLOS case, and 72% in

the possible for natural resources. A majority are also aware of the measures China is

doing in the sea, particularly its strengthening of military forces (56%), the SWS said.

Again, Metro Manila residents have the highest awareness of the issue at 65%. Most

Filipinos agree with the government's filing of the case before the ITLOS: for the entire

survey pool, 82% agree with the move, while 8% disagree. The remaining 8% are

undecided. Majority are also in agreement that the Philippines should ask the help of


other countries to keep China's military actions in check: 80% of the respondents

nationwide agree to an extent. The survey also revealed that almost all the respondents –

93% – of respondents agree that the country should defend its territory and natural

resources in the West Philippine Sea "through lawful means."

Related Studies

Foreign Source

In the study of Rao (2011) about public awareness, he found out that the absence

of strong and active environmental conservation and citizen groups in India is also a

reason for poor environmental awareness and public participation in environmental


Charzynki, Podkorski, Stanczyk (2014), in their study about “Raising territorial

awareness of the students from Gorzów Wielkopolski county (Poland) as part of

geographical and historical education” they came up with the conclusion that the level of

territorial identity of students from selected schools in Gorzów county is high. However,

with the change in the stage of education level, this identity slightly decreases.

Presumably this is related to the fact that most of the attention to one’s region is paid in

primary school, a little less in middle school and definitely it is “forgotten” in high


Local Source

Garcia (2012) in her study, The awareness on-going to territorial dispute between

China and Philippines shows awareness to the issue which can brought to the stand of


letting go the Scarborough shoal or not. The 50% of the aware respondents seems to be

concern about the occurring conflict as it makes them more engages to issues concerning

world affairs and relations of the Philippines. The other 50% of the “aware” population

shows minimal concern on the issue for different reasons like; it doesn’t majorly affect

their everyday living as a student, or they believe our country is experience more serious

and fatal problems than the Scarborough conflict. On the total of 25 Lasallian

respondents, all of them are said to be aware of the issue, but only 19 of them said that

they are concern about it. The results are quite opposite to their findings about foreign-

based individuals, where not all and only 6 of the 11 are aware of the issue, yet, everyone

agrees that the issue concerns every Filipinos, no matter where on earth they are living.

This concrete survey shows that the Philippines should not let go of the Island because it

concerns so much in the economy and property of the country and every Filipino.

Synthesis of the review

In foreign literature different countries in Asia also conducted survey in

order to determine the degree of awareness of the people. In 2013 the Japanese

Government conducted 9th Japan-China public poll, 80% of the Chinese people are more

likely more than Japanese people that got 60%. The following year 2014 another survey

conducted the 10th Japan-China public awareness survey the showed that the two

countries increase its awareness about the territorial dispute but the Chinese people

gained the higher percentage of 76.2% while the Japanese gained 64.3%. In local

literature, an article written by Valderama (2014) in Manila times it was stated that there


was a survey conducted by the Social Weather Station (SWS) commissioned by the

Department Foreign Affairs (DFA) in December 2013 in order to scale the awareness of

the Filipino respondents when it comes to the to the Philippine-China dispute. The results

show that out of 1,550 respondents 73% of the respondents were aware of the territorial

dispute. Another article written by Suarez (2014) in rappler.com, there was a national

survey conducted to the Filipinos about Spratly Island and awareness to the dispute. The

big majority of 73% of the respondents are aware that the Spratly Island should be part of

the Philippines and not to the China. And to the national survey the Metro Manila got the

highest awareness of 65%. In the study of Garcia (2012) 76% of the selected Lasallian

respondents were aware about the Scarborough Shoal dispute.

The aforementioned research literature and study on this chapter concerning about

the awareness of the Filipino about the issue of territorial dispute showed that more than

50% of the respondents are aware of the conflict between the Philippines and China but

also the dispute between Japan and China. The research differs from the above mentioned

study in terms of the respondents; the researches cover the awareness of the selected

education student of Jose Rizal University S.Y. 2014-2015



Research Methods and Procedures

This chapter presents methods and procedures of the research.

Research method

The researchers was employed the descriptive method of research. Kothari (2004)

Descriptive research studies are those studies which are concerned with describing the

characteristics of a particular individual, or of a group, whereas diagnostic research

studies determine the frequency with which something occurs or its association with

something else.

This research methodology was useful to describe the degree of awareness of the

Education students of Jose Rizal University of school year 2014-2015.

Respondents of the Study

The education students of Jose Rizal University who was involved in the study

are currently enrolled for school year 2014-2015. The target respondents of the study

were 60 students. Purposive sampling procedure be utilized in the study.

Through Purposive sampling, the researcher selects the sampling units base on his

subjective judgment. Those who met the purpose of the study are those consider included

by the researchers in the study.


Data Collection Instruments

To be able to gather information for this study, the researchers was used the

personal data sheet and survey questionnaire.

Personal Data Sheet, was the research-made tool designed to gather profile of the


Survey questionnaire, it is the primary data-gathering tool for this study. The

response mode for this portion of the questionnaire was given below.

Likert Scale used to interpret the awareness of the respondents.

Scale Weighted MeanDescriptive


5 4.51-5.00Extremely

AwareVery High

4 3.51-4.50Moderate

Aware High

3 2.51-3.50Somewhat

Aware Average

2 1.51-2.50 Slightly AwareLow

1 1.00-1.50 Not all Aware Very Low

Data Collection Procedures


Before administering of the survey questionnaire, the researcher sought the

permission of Dr. Earvin Salazar, the Chairperson of Education Department and Dean

Henry Magat for the last approval. The questionnaire validated by our thesis adviser, Dr.

Darwin Bonifacio.

Subsequently, the researchers distributed the survey questionnaire to their

respondents. The respondents had five minutes to answer the questionnaire then the

researchers collected the accomplished survey questionnaire.

After collecting the survey questionnaire, the researchers encoded and tabulated

answers of the respondents, then followed statistical analysis and interpretation.

Data Analysis Plan

Formula 1.Frequency count and percentage, was used in presenting the profile of

the respondents.


P = F

N x 100


P = percentage

F = frequency of category


N = number of cases.

Formula 2. To interpret the relationship of the awareness of the respondents among age,

sex, family income and major field of the study.

Chi-square Correlation analysis was used.

Chi-square: Correlation analysis

X2= chi-square statistics

Oi = observed frequency

Ei = expected frequency

I = the number of the cell (cell 1,cell 2. Etc)

Formula 3. To measure the degree of awareness of the education students weighted mean

was used.

Weighted Mean

= Stands for the Weighted Arithmetic Mean


x = Stands for values of the items

w = Stands for weight of the item



Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis of Data

This chapter present the analysis and the interpretation of data gathered to answer

problems stated in chapter one. The research was based on data which relied from

answers from the questionnaire distributed.

1. What is the profile of the respondents

TABLE 1. Sex Distribution of Respondents

Frequency Percent Mean value


Male 29 48.3

Female 31 51.7

Total 60 100

Table 1 shows the sex distribution of the respondents which composed of 60

education students, 31 or 51.7% are female and 29 or 48.3% are males. Majority of the

respondents of the study are female.

TABLE 2. Age Distribution of Respondents


Frequency Percent

15 to 19 32 53.3

20 - 24 15 25.0

25 - 29 6 10.0

30 and above 7 11.7

Total 60 100.0

Table 2 shows the age distribution of the respondents where 32 or 53.3% of the

total respondents were 15-19 years old considered young and 20-24 years old with 15 or

25%. Respondents with 25-29 years of age were only 6 or 10%. The total respondents

aged 30 years and above is composed of 7 or11.7% were considered adults.

TABLE 3. Family Income Distributions of Respondents


Frequency Percent

P21,000 to 25,000 36 60.0

26,000 - 30,000 10 16.7

31,000 to 35,000 6 10.0

36,000 and above 8 13.3

Total 60 100.0

Table 3 present the income distribution of the respondents. Thirty six or sixty

percent of the total respondents had an average income of 21,000-25,000 pesos a month.

And 26,000 - 30,000 family income monthly shared only 16.7%. Of the total respondents

families whose income ranged from 31,000-35,000 pesos and those families whose

income 36,000 pesos and above shared only 10% and 13.3% respectively.

TABLE 4. Major Field of Study Distributions of Respondents


Frequency Percent

Mathematics 14 23.3

English 19 31.7

Social studies 27 45.0

Total 60 100.0

Table 4 shows that all respondents have their own major field of study. Of all

major studies in the field, Social Studies respondents responded the survey with 45.0%

compared to English and Mathematics respondents with only 31.7% and 23.3%



2. What is the degree of awareness of Education Students in territorial dispute?

TABLE 5. Awareness of selected Education students of Jose Rizal University

Mean InterpretationThreat

9.Are you aware that military presences including the USA forces will trigger war?

3.85 High10.Are you aware that continued building Chinese Military structures enhanced defense capability that threatens the security of the region?

3.98 High

Scarborough shoal dispute

13. Are you aware that ancient maps of the Philippines and Southeast Asia had shown that Scarborough Shoal is part of Luzon?

3.91 High

15.Are you aware that today China communist bullies use military might to expel unarmed Filipinos from their century’s long Scarborough Shoal fishing grounds, yet they run away from the strength of the Philippine case at the UN International Tribunal on The Law of the Sea?

4 High

Spratly island dispute

14.Are you aware that the ancient maps of China since Song Dynasty do not include the South China Sea to which Spratly is located? 3.23 Average


6.Are you aware that the International Court should settle the territorial dispute? 3.87 High


7.Are you aware that diplomacy should be used and not to show of force from both parties?

4.05 High

11.Are you aware that the Chinese Government is blatantly violated the United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)?

3.77 High

5.Are you aware that the Philippines and China should stand their ground in claiming Scarborough and Spratly Island as part of their territory?

4.02 High


3. Are you aware that the Spratly Islands and the Scarborough shoal are part of Integral territory of the Philippines? 4.55 Very High

4.Are you aware that the Spratly Islands and the Scarborough shoal are part of Integral territory of China

2.98 Average

Cause12.Are you aware that the recently Chinese draws what they called 9- dashed line which claims as its southernmost boarder including the exclusive economic zones (EEZ) of the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia? 3.45 Average

2.Are you aware about the cause of their territorial dispute?

4.15 High

1.Are you aware about territorial dispute between the Philippines and China? 4.28 High

8.Are you aware that asking support from other neighboring Asian countries will help resolve the issue? 3.78 High

General weighted mean 3.86 High


The degree of the awareness of Education Students in territorial disputes obtained

a general weighted mean of 3.86with a verbal interpretation high. The highest outcome

of awareness was item number 3 with an average mean of 4.55. This showed that they

were extremely aware that the Spratly Islands and the Scarborough shoal are part of

Integral territory of the Philippines. The lowest ranking result of the awareness with an

average mean of 2.98 was the item number 4 that the Spratly Islands and the Scarborough

shoal are part of Integral territory of China.


3. Is there a significant relationship between the degree of awareness of the respondents when grouped according to the following variables age, sex, family income, major field of study?

TABLE 6.Relationship between sex and awareness

Value DfAsymp. Sig. (2-


Chi-Square 32.411a 31 .397

a. 64 cells (100.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum

Expected count is .47.

The Chi-Square Test was performed on the data at .05 level of significance. The

results show that the Chi – Square coefficient of 32.411 with a p – value of .397. Since

the p – value was greater than the level of significance; the null hypothesis was not

rejected. Hence, there was no significant relationship between sex and awareness.


TABLE 7.Relationship between Age and Awareness

Value dfAsymp. Sig. (2-


Chi-Square 86.860a 93 .660

a. 128 cells (100.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected

count is .10.

The Chi-Square Test was performed on the data at .05 level of significance. The

results show that the Chi – Square coefficient of 86.86 with a p–value of .660. Since the

p – value was greater than the level of significance; the null hypothesis was not rejected.

Hence, there was no significant relationship between age and awareness.


TABLE 8.Relationship between Family Income and Awareness

Value dfAsymp. Sig. (2-


Chi-Square 109.444a 93 .117

a. 128 cells (100.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count

is .10.

The Chi-Square Test was performed on the data at .05 level of significance. The

results show that the Chi – Square coefficient of 109.444 with a p – value of .117. Since

the p – value was greater than the level of significance; the null hypothesis was not

rejected. Hence, there was no significant relationship between family income and


TABLE 9.Relationship between Major Field of Study and Awareness


Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-


Chi-Square 71.905a 62 .183

The Chi-Square Test was performed on the data at .05 level of significance. The

results show that the Chi – Square coefficient of 71.905 with a p – value of .183. Since

the p–value was greater than the level of significance, the null hypothesis was not

rejected. Hence, there was no significant relationship between major field of study and


In an “open-ended question” As a student and a citizen of this Republic what can

you suggest and contribute to ease or resolve this issue? Majority of the respondents

suggested in order settling the territorial dispute was to have International arbitration to

resolve the issue peacefully while others wanted to bring the issue to the United Nations

specifically to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) which has the

jurisdiction over any dispute.

a. 96 cells (100.0%) have expected count less than 5. The

minimum expected count is .23.



Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

Summary of Findings

The overriding of this study was to determine the degree of awareness of selected

education students of the Jose Rizal University about the territorial dispute between the

Philippines and China. The respondents were Education students of Jose Rizal University

S.Y 2014-2015 with a total of 60 respondents. The investigation conducted within the

Jose Rizal University. Descriptive method of research was used to illustrate the degree of

awareness of education students. The Statistical tools applied to treat the gathered data

were personal data sheet and survey questionnaire.

Based on the data were presented;

1. Profile of the respondents

The profile of respondent was categorized into: the age, sex, income and the

major field of study. In the age distribution of the respondents there were 28 males and

32 females with an average percent of 48.3% and 51.7% respectively. Meanwhile in the

sex distribution we found out that there were 28 males and 32 females with an average

percent of 46.7% and 53.3% respectively. And to the age distribution, there were 32

respondents, where 15to 19 years old and the least were 30 and above consisted of 7

respondents. And when it comes to the family income distribution of the respondents


there were 36 respondents with a family income of 21, 0000 – 25, 0000 pesos with an

average of 60% and the lowest among them was 36,000 and above with the total of

13.3%. Lastly, in the major field of study distribution most of the Respondents with

Social Studies major had the highest frequency with the total of 27 students but not too

far with the English major with 19 students.

2. Degree of awareness of education students

The questionnaire given to respondents composed of 15 items. And the general

weighted mean was 3.8611,verbally interpreted was high awareness, item number 3 has

the highest mean with 4.5500 where the respondents had the very high awareness that the

Spratly Islands and the Scarborough shoal are part of Integral territory of the Philippines.

The least average was item number 4, that the Spratly Islands and the Scarborough shoal

are part of Integral territory of China.

In the open ended question, the majority of the respondents proposed that the best

solution in resolving the dispute was to bring the issue in the United Nations.

3. The Relationship of awareness of the respondents among the sex, age,

family income and major field of study.

In finding out the result of the relationship of the awareness of the respondents

among the sex, age, family income and major field of study we used the Chi-square

correlation analysis. The results showed that the Chi – Square coefficient of 32.411 with

a p – value of .397 between sex and awareness. The relationship of age and awareness


showed that the Chi – Square coefficient of 86.86 with a p–value of .660. And the result

to the relationship of family income and awareness showed that the Chi-square

coefficient of 109.444 with a p – value of .117 between family income and awareness.

And to the relationship of awareness and major field of study The results showed that the

Chi – Square coefficient of 71.905 with a p – value of .183.


Based on the findings, the researchers made the following conclusions.

1. Profile of the respondents

Majority or 51.7% of the respondents were female while 48.3% were males. The age

of the respondents who participated in the survey mostly ranged from 15 to 19 years old

with an average percentage of 53.3%. They were considered young. The rest of the

respondents shared the remaining percentage. Twenty-five percent (25%) of the

respondents had 20-24 years and 11.7% belonged to 30 years old and above. When it

comes to the family income, the highest family income distribution of respondents was

60% with an average of 21,000- 25,000 pesos. While the others 26,000 - 30,000 family

income monthly shared only 16.7%. And to those families whose income ranged from

31000-35000 pesos and those families whose income were 36000 pesos and above shared

only 10% and 13.3% respectively. The major field distribution of the respondents most of

the Education students were major in Social Studies with 45%. The next one was English

with 31.7% which was not too far from social studies major. And the least major was

Mathematics with 23.3% only.


2. Degree of awareness of education students

Out of 15 questions item number 4 gained the lowest weighted mean of 2.9833.

Most of the respondents’ responses were most unaware that Spratly Islands and the

Scarborough shoal are part of Integral territory of China.

3. Relationship of awareness among the sex, age, family income and major field

of study.

The following are the result of the findings of determining the relationship of

awareness among the sex, age, family income and major field of study. The result

showed that the Chi – Square coefficient of 32.411 with a p – value of .397 between sex

and awareness. The p – value is greater than the level of significance. Since the level of

significance is .05. Then, there is no significant relationship between sex and awareness.

The result of the relationship between family income and awareness showed that the Chi

– Square coefficient of 109.444 with a p – value of .117. Since the p – value was greater

than the level of significance. Consequently, there was no significant relationship

between family income and awareness. Meanwhile in the relationship of major field of

study and awareness result also showed that the Chi – Square coefficient of 71.905 with

a p – value of .183, since the p–value was greater than the level of significance, the null

hypothesis was not rejected. Hence, there was no significant relationship between major

field of study and awareness. The null hypothesis was not rejected.



Based on the findings and conclusion, we made the following recommendations were


1. Increase the number of respondents to have better accuracy of the result.

2. The students should be aware about Chinese’ claims that the Spratly and

Scarborough shoal are part of their territory not only focusing in the Philippines.

3. To raise the awareness about territorial dispute, the issue should be included

in the history books and it must be taught from the basic education up to college.

4. As citizens you should be responsible to read newspapers, watching news and

listening to radio as part of growing the awareness.



A. Books

Chia S.Y. (1974).Southeast Asian Affairs 2000.Singapore. Institute of Southeast

Asian Studies.

Kothari, C.R.(2004). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. India. New

Age International Limited Publishers.

B. Journals and Periodicals

Endsley, M.R. (1995). “Human Factors” Toward a Theory of Situational Awareness in

Dynamics Systems.32-64

Dawnay, K.(2012). ““The Scarborough Shoal Standoff” Current Intelligence

Volume 4 issue 2.

Keyuan, Z. (1999). “Scarborough Reef: A New Flashpoint in Sino-Philippine Relations?

IBRU Boundary and Security Bulletin Summer, 71-81.

Shen.J, (2002). “China's Sovereignty over the South China Sea Islands: “A Historical


Perspective,” Chinese JIL, 95-15

C. Thesis

Chung, C.P.C (2013). “Since Time Immemorial”: China’s Historical Claim in the South China

Sea. University of Calgary

Hurwitt, M.C (1980) ” U.S. Strategy in Southeast Asia:The Spratly Islands Dispute”.

University of North Carolina.

D. Electronic Sources

De Leon, P. (2014, February 10). PINOY PULSE | We must defend West PH Sea, don't

trust China. http://www.interaksyon.com/article/80481/pinoy-pulse--we-must-


Chapter 3.Attitudes toward China. (2013, July 17). Retrieved September 23, 204, from


Suarez, K. (2014, February 10). SWS: Most Filipinos back gov't on Spratlys.

http://www.rappler.com/nation/50168-survey-filipinos- awareness-china-dispute.

The 9th Japan-China Public Opinion Poll.(n.d.). Retrieved February 8, 2015, from



The 10th Japan-China Public Opinion Poll  Analysis Report on the Comparative Data. (n.d.).

Retrieved February 8, 2015Fromhttp://www.genronnpo.net/en/pp/archives/5153.html

Valderama, T. (2015, February 10). Dignity vs arrogance | The Manila Times Online. Retrieved

February 11, 2015, from http://www.manilatimes.net/dignity-vs-arrogance/161552/


20January 2015

Dr. Henry G. MagatDean, College of Arts, Criminology & EducationJose Rizal University

Thru: Dr. Ervin A. SalazarChairperson, Education DepartmentJose Rizal University

Dear Sir/Madam:


As part of the Liberal Arts program curriculum activity of our batch, we are working on our thesis entitled “The Degree of Awareness of the Bachelor of Science in Education Students in the Jose Rizal University on the Territorial Dispute between Philippines and China SY 2014 – 2015”.

In this regard, we would like to ask for a permission to conduct a survey to our education students.

We are looking forward to your positive response.

Thank you!

Respectfully yours,

Christine Grace T. CatubigStudent

Ed Paulo G. RamosStudent

Noted by:

Dr. Efren ConseminoThesis Professor

Endorse by:

Dr. Ervin A. SalazarChairperson

Approved by:

Dr. Henry G. MagatDean, College of Arts, Criminology & Education



Appendix B

Jose Rizal University80 Shaw Blvd. Mandaluyong City

The Degree of Awareness of Selected Education Students of the Jose Rizal University

About Territorial Dispute between Philippines and China

SY 2014-2015:

Directions: Please put an “X” mark in the box that corresponds to your profile.

Name (optional) __________________________________

Sex: Male  Female

Age: 15-19 20-24 25 – 29 30 and above

Family Income: 21,000 – 25,000 Pesos

26,000 - 30,000 Pesos

31,000 -35,000 Pesos

36,000 and aboveMajor Field of Study:



Social Studies


The Degree of Awareness of Education Students of the Jose Rizal University about

Territorial Dispute between the Philippines and China

SY 2014-2015

Directions:  Please rate your level of awareness with each of the following questions by 

encircling the number.

Extremely aware


Somewhat aware

Slightly aware

Notall aware

1. Are you aware about territorial dispute between the Philippines and China? 5 4 3 2 1

2. Are you aware about the cause of their territorial dispute? 5 4 3 2 1

3. Are you are aware that the Spratly Islands and the Scarborough shoal are part of Integral territory of the Philippines?

5 4 3 2 1

4. Are you are aware that the Spratly Islands and the Scarborough shoal are part of Integral territory of the China?

5 4 3 2 1

5. Are you aware that the Philippines and China stand their ground in claiming the Scarborough and the Spratly Island as part of their territory?

5 4 3 2 1


6. Are you aware that the International Court should settle the territorial dispute? 5 4 3 2 1

7. Are you aware that diplomacy should be used and not to show of force from both parties?

5 43 2


8. Are you aware that asking support from other neighboring Asian countries will help resolve the issue?

5 4 3 2 1

9. Are you aware that military presences including the USA forces will trigger war?

5 4 3 2 1

10. Are you aware that continued building Chinese Military structures enhanced defense capability that threatens the security of the region? 5

4 32 1

11. Are you aware that the Chinese Government is blatantly violated the United Nations Conventions on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)?

5 4 3 2 1

12. Are you aware that the recently Chinese draws what they called 9-dashed line which claims as its southernmost boarder including the exclusive economic zones (EEZ) of the Philippines, Vietnam,

5 4 3 2 1


Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia?

13. Are you aware that ancient maps of the Philippines and Southeast Asia had shown that Scarborough Shoal which is part of Luzon?

5 4 3 2 1

14. Are you aware that the ancient maps of China since Song Dynasty do not include the South China Sea to which Spratly which located? 5 4 3 2 1

15. Are you aware that today China communist bullies use military might to expel unarmed Filipinos from their century’s long Scarborough Shoal fishing grounds, yet they run away from the strength of the Philippine case at the UN International Tribunal on The Law of the Sea?

5 4 3 2 1

As a student and a citizen of this Republic what can you suggest and contribute to ease or resolve this issue?





Sex : Male

Civil Status : Single

Date of Birth : October 12, 1994

Place of Birth : Bacoor, Cavite

Parents : Edgardo E. Ramos

Helen M. Golez

Present Address : 7633 Bethany St. Valley golf Cainta, Rizal



Elementary : De Castro elementary School

Pasig, City

Secondary : Sta. Lucia High School

Pasig, City

College : Jose Rizal University

Mandaluyong City


Success seminar by Chinkee Tan

San Juan, Greenhills, 2012

Unselfie leaders, unselfie heroes

Jose Rizal University, September 12, 2014




Sex : Female

Civil Status : Single

Date of Birth : November 13, 1994

Place of Birth : Tondo, Manila

Parents : Jeremias O. Catubig

Judith T. Catubig

Present Address : 46A Del Mundo St. Talipapa Quezon, City


Elementary : Sto. Rosario Elementary School

Secondary : Baesa High School

College : Jose Rizal University



Unselfie Leaders, Unselfie Heroes

Jose Rizal University, September 12, 2014

Social Media

University of Manila, August 2011

Discovering Your Learning Style

Jose Rizal University, September 2012

Strategy In Selecting Thinking About And Learning New Ideas

Jose Rizal University, October 2012

The Pillars of Academic Success

Jose Rizal University, October 2012