Pledge of Allegiance- David Cutter Four Way Test- Barbara Roberts. Greeter-Dave Davis Welcome to The Rotary Club of Palm Springs- Ray Corvan Rotary Inspirational Min- ute- Judy Bronstein- Fondly remembering how Ellie Corkel (former member, deceased) always made her wel- come when she arrived to the meetings. Welcome Back to Joel Ontiveros “Joel, where have you been?” Joel happily introduced his girlfriend Tiffany. Corvan in Control? Remembering Ellie Corkle The Desertarian SCRIBE: SYLVIA ZARASUA PHOTOGRAPHER HAL CASTLE APRIL 22ND 2009 OFFICERS & DIRECTORS 2008– 2009 Jacque Wachs— President Ray Corvan, President Elect & Program Chair Bob Elsner, Immediate Past President Milt Levinson, Secretary Janie Bolitho, Treasurer, Club Service Board of Directors Bob Allan Mike Brill Bary Freet Helene Kalfuss Lars Hansen Sylvia Zarasua Kevin Nay Mark Stanley Ex Officio Jim Dowler DESERTARIAN STAFF Mark Stanley David Cutter Ken Sherman Devorah Kalani Bob Allen Sylvia Zarasua Bary Freet Photographer Mike Brill District Governor 5330 2008-2009 Rob Shepherd District Assistant Governor Frank Peabody This week’s Desertarian Dialogue comes to you from Sylvia Zarasua— thanks again! __________________ Ticket Sales- Mike Sellin

The Desertarian · The ABC’s of Rotary The District Conference Most Rotarians have never attended a Rotary district conference. They have, not experienced one of the most enjoyable

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Page 1: The Desertarian · The ABC’s of Rotary The District Conference Most Rotarians have never attended a Rotary district conference. They have, not experienced one of the most enjoyable

Pledge of Allegiance- David Cutter

Four Way Test- Barbara Roberts.

Greeter-Dave Davis

Welcome to The Rotary Club of Palm Springs- Ray Corvan

Rotary Inspirational Min-ute- Judy Bronstein- Fondly remembering

how Ellie Corkel (former member, deceased)

always made her wel-come when she arrived to the meetings.

Welcome Back to Joel Ontiveros “Joel, where have you been?” Joel happily introduced his

girlfriend Tiffany.

Corvan in Control?

Remembering Ellie Corkle

The Desertarian S C R I B E : S Y L V I A Z A R A S U A


A P R I L 2 2 N D 2 0 0 9 O F F I C E R S & D I R E C T O R S 2 0 0 8 – 2 0 0 9

Jacque Wachs—President

Ray Corvan, President Elect & Program Chair

Bob Elsner, Immediate Past President

Milt Levinson, Secretary

Janie Bolitho, Treasurer, Club Service

Board of Directors

Bob Allan Mike Brill Bary Freet Helene Kalfuss Lars Hansen Sylvia Zarasua Kevin Nay Mark Stanley

Ex Officio Jim Dowler


Mark Stanley David Cutter Ken Sherman Devorah Kalani Bob Allen Sylvia Zarasua Bary Freet


Mike Brill

District Governor 5330 2008-2009 Rob Shepherd

District Assistant Governor Frank Peabody

This week’s Desertarian Dialogue comes to you from Sylvia Zarasua—thanks again!


Ticket Sales- Mike Sellin

Page 2: The Desertarian · The ABC’s of Rotary The District Conference Most Rotarians have never attended a Rotary district conference. They have, not experienced one of the most enjoyable

P A G E 2

Rotarians at Work Day Introduc-tion of vis-iting Guests- Christine Cross

Sue and Dick Fox of Vancouver, USA

Sojourner Jack Bell announced that this is his last meeting for the year. We are sad to hear that.

Lars Hansen intro-duced Alyssa Tengco President of the Palm Springs Interact club.

She has been ac-cepted and will attend UCLA. Charlotte Greenbaum, Vice President of the Palm Springs In-teract club, has been accepted and plans to attend Stanford!

Announcements- Ray Corvan-

GSE team going away party May 11th, 2009 to be held at Patricia Omote’s (Sunup Rotary club) house. - Ray

Speaker: Law-rence Miller, Certified Clini-cal Hypno-therapist- In-troduced by Bob Elsner.

Trained by the Hypnotism Training Institute in Los Angeles, Lawrence is certified by the American Council of Hypnotist Exam-iners.

We will be manning the Rotary Booth at the Street Fair and need 4 volunteers 2 shifts.

Rotarians at Work Day- Bary Freet This Saturday 25th. (Pick up

your shirts before you leave to-day.)

Advertise on the Palm Springs

Rotary web site—only

$110.00 per year.

Reach out and touch the world!


Visit the new website at www.therotaryclubofpalmsprings.org

Look for us on

face book …. Search


“Rotary Club of Palm

Springs California”

Exchange ideas and news with members

and visitors from all over the world.

Page 3: The Desertarian · The ABC’s of Rotary The District Conference Most Rotarians have never attended a Rotary district conference. They have, not experienced one of the most enjoyable

The Hypnotic Speaker P A G E 3 A P R I L 2 2 N D 2 0 0 9

He’ had extensive addi-tional coursed at several hypnosis academic institu-

tions. He has been in pri-vate practice for 22 years.

Lawrence is currently in the process of publishing 3

books, one of which is called: Meeting of the Minds”—Nurturing your child to be Powerful and Successful, and “Choices.”

Joel Ontiveros- who said: “I always follow the in-structions on the aspirin bottles it says “ take two and keep away from chil-dren”

Helene Kalfuss- Who said? “If you have half a mind to go into politics, go right a head, that will be all you need.”

The answer: Will Rogers.

Answer: Roseanne Barr.

Jerry Moss- Who said? “When we are talking to God, we are praying.

Recognition- Mark Stanley

The choices are: Earth day questions or “Who said this?

Janie Bolitho- For every ton of recycled paper, how many gallons of wa-ter are saved? 7,000 gal-lons!

More Stanley……………….


On the average,

the 140 million

cars in America

are estimated to

travel almost 4

billion miles in a

day, and

according to the

Department of


they use over

200 million

gallons of

gasoline doing


Did you know that by prepaying your meals

directly from your Bank account you save $1 per meal or $52 over the course of a year?

Contact Janie Bolitho for details

Who said or Earth Day fines

Page 4: The Desertarian · The ABC’s of Rotary The District Conference Most Rotarians have never attended a Rotary district conference. They have, not experienced one of the most enjoyable

Recognition and Happy Dollars P A G E 4 A P R I L 2 2 N D 2 0 0 9

When God talks to us, we are schizophrenic!

Answer: Lilly Tomlin.

Dave Davis- Who said? “When you lose one par-ent, it is sad. When you lose both, it looks like canisters.

Answer: ??

Who said? “A man is as old as the women he feels? Grouch Marx!

Jerry Moss- “Thanks for not asking me any ques-tions, as I would not have known the answers.”

John Jackson- “I am leav-ing, Thanks for a great year. See you next year!”

Mark Stanley won $36.00, AAWWWH he did not pick the black marble.

Happy Dowlers

Drawing Dollars.




have a





Page 5: The Desertarian · The ABC’s of Rotary The District Conference Most Rotarians have never attended a Rotary district conference. They have, not experienced one of the most enjoyable

P A G E 5 A P R I L 2 2 N D 2 0 0 9

Accomplishments for 2008—2009

Community Service Cahuilla School—provided Books, School supplies,

computers and printers, volunteers to work with the students in the classroom

Opportunity Grant providing 70 backpacks to Well in the Desert filled with personal items

Change Clock/Change batteries, CPR Project, Holiday singing with Windsor Court.

Rotarians at Work Day,

Thanksgiving gathering to provide canned food to Well in the Desert

Donated $1,000 to SafeHouse (for runaway Children) part of 3 year commitment

Angel View Prom (5th year)

Youth Service Sponsor Interact, Early Act Clubs—4 students to RYLA and 3 to PRYDE

Club Foundation Donated over $18,000 in grants through the year to the YMCA, Well in the Desert, Mizell Center

Angel View, Desert Aids Project, Palm Springs Communal Concerts, Big Brothers, Big Sisters among other recipients.

Vocational Service Career Job Shadowing with PSHS students, GSE hosting for businesses

International Service Matching grant for rehab center in Cochi, India. Borehole in Kilifi, Kenya.

Matching Grant for disabled children in Israel.

Cultural Literacy for Casango people (Hungarian) in Romania

Club partnership with other clubs for ROTOPLAST in Venezuela.

Early Act purchased water filters.

Hosted GSE team from Yorkshire (England).

Donated $2,340 for Polio Plus (Bowling for Polio).

$650 donation (to follow) to Palm House in Kenya (InterACT fundraiser)

Literacy Donated 400 books (four times) to Cahuilla School through FIRST BOOKS Program.

Dictionaries to 5th graders of Palm Springs Elementary Schools.

Club Service Implemented new website and Desertarian Magazine.

4 fundraising events, Membership mixer every month

Partnered with Palm Spring Sun Up club for social and fundraising events.

Palm Springs Club Rotarians of the Month—March

Page 6: The Desertarian · The ABC’s of Rotary The District Conference Most Rotarians have never attended a Rotary district conference. They have, not experienced one of the most enjoyable

The ABC’s of Rotary The District Conference

Most Rotarians have never attended a Rotary district conference. They have, not experienced one of the most enjoyable and rewarding privi-leges of Rotary membership.

A district conference is for all club members and their spouses, not just for club officers and committee members. The purpose of a district conference is for fellowship, good fun, inspira-tional speakers and discussion of matters that make one's Rotary membership more meaning-ful. Every person who attends a district confer-ence finds that being a Rotarian becomes even more rewarding because of the new experi-ences, insights and acquaintances developed at the conference. Those who attend a conference enjoy going back, year after year.

Everyone of Rotary's more than 525 districts has a conference annually These meetings are considered so important that the Rotary Inter-national president selects a knowledgeable Ro-tarian as his personal representative to attend and address each conference. The program al-ways includes several outstanding entertain-ment features, interesting discussions and inspi-rational programs.

One of the added benefits of attending a district conference is the opportunity to become better acquainted with members of one's own club in an informal setting. Lasting friendships grow from the fellowship hour at the district confer-ence.

Page 7: The Desertarian · The ABC’s of Rotary The District Conference Most Rotarians have never attended a Rotary district conference. They have, not experienced one of the most enjoyable

April 29 Program: Interact Meeting

The Interact students will run the meeting from beginning to end under the tute-

lage of Lars Hansen.

April 30 – May 3 District Conference

Located at the Bahia Resort in San Diego

May 5 Membership Mixer 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

May 6 Guest Speaker: Richard Balocco Richard will be updating the club on

"The Desert ARC - Now and in the Future."

May 13 Speaker: Bev Greer - Stroke Recovery Center

May 16 – May 17 PRYDE Camp

Today’s Humour Reasons Why The English Language Is Hard To Learn (for SOME Rotarians).

1) The bandage was wound around the wound.

2) The farm was used to produce produce.

3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.

4) We must polish the Polish furniture.

5) He could lead if he would get the lead out.

6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.

7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.

8) A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.

9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.

10) I did not object to the object.

11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid.

12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.

13) They were too close to the door to close it.

14) The buck does funny things when the does are present.

15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.

16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.

17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail.

18) After a number of injections my jaw got number.

19) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.

20) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.

21) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?


Indian Wells Noon Indian Wells Country Club


Indio Sunrise 7:00 am Heritage Palms CC

Palm Springs Sunup

7:00 am Rick’s Restaurant

Cathedral City Noon Doral Hotel

Palm Desert Noon: Desert Falls CC

Indio Noon: Indian Palms CC


Palm Desert Palms to Pines:

7:30 am Desert Falls CC

Coachella Valley Noon Indian Palms CC


Rancho Mirage 7:30am Clubhouse at Rancho

Las Palmas CC

Desert Hot Springs Noon Miracle Springs Hotel


La Quinta Noon The Cliff House.


April 2009 S U N M O N T U E W E D T H U F R I S A T

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