The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist September 2012

The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist

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The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist. September 2012. There’s a lot going on…. } Payback. Deleveraging Rebalancing Global scene China / Asia Christchurch. Deleveraging has a way to go. Private sector credit. Not keeping great company: shhh – don’t tell. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist

The Economic Outlook

Cameron BagrieChief Economist

September 2012

Page 2: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


There’s a lot going on…

> Deleveraging

> Rebalancing

> Global scene

> China / Asia

> Christchurch

} Payback

Page 3: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


Deleveraging has a way to go




88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08-30-20-10010203040New Zealand

% GDPPrivate sector credit

Page 4: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


Not keeping great company: shhh – don’t tell

Net I IP position as % of nominal GDP

- 150

- 100

- 50





Switz.J ap



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ia NZGree


inI re





Page 5: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


Four years into a financial crisis what has changed globally?

> Private debt down, public up: total debt higher

> Banking crisis has morphed into a sovereign debt crisis

> Baton being passed back and forth

> Financial volatility extreme

Page 6: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


Europe’s challenges

> The 3 in’s

— Indebted

— Inflexible

— Incapable politically

Page 7: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


Uncle Sam

USA National Accounts (Dec 11)

Total US Tax Revenue 2,310,000,000,000

Federal Budget 3,619,000,000,000

New Debt 1,303,000,000,000

Total National Debt 15,119,000,000,000

Recent Budget Cuts 38,500,000,000

These are trillions of dollars, let's convert closer to an average family by taking off eight zeros…

Family income 23,100

Annual spending 36,190

Credit Card Debt 13,030

Mortgage 151,190

Savings Plan 385

Source: Santelli Report, CNBC 14 Dec 2011

And then there’s Japan.

Page 8: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


The pattern so far: the CRIC cycle

> Crisis: debt metrics

> Response: money printing

> Improvement: relief

> Complacency: Q. What has changed? A. Nothing

> Crisis….and the spiral is in motion

Page 9: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


Why can’t policymakers sort the problem out? The prisoners dilemma

6 mths > 0 and 5 > 2 so optimal strategy in terms of minimising jail time is to defectNatural equilibrium we end up need not be optimal!!!!!But what happens if you starting playing with an irrational player?

Optimal solution

Actual outcome

Example PD payoff matrix

Cooperate (lie) Defect

Cooperate (lie) 6 mths, 6 mths 5, 0

Defect 0, 5 2, 2

Page 10: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


What’s the way out?

> Default – banking crisis

> Deleverage/austerity – social / political consequences, and often too late

> Go for growth – how exactly?

> Monetise it – inflation and distortion

> Repression – how to kill your financial sector for a decade

We need fiscal / Government leadership inconjunction with central bank support

Page 11: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


What does it all mean for NZ?

It’s all about the C’s……

Page 12: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


The C’s

> Confidence National Bank Business Outlook– confidence easing

Page 13: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


GDP vs Consumer and Business Confidence

- 4

- 2







90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12- 4

- 2






10Annual % change

Sources: ANZ, National Bank, Statistics NZ, Westpac McDermott Miller



Own activity and current conditions composite

(adv 3m, RHS)

Confident enough to get by but not stellar

Page 14: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


> Confidence > Contagion

— NZ current account deficit 5% of GDP— Net foreign debt still very large— Fiscal books need to be good reading— Government needs to show credibility and competency

and remain whiter than white

National Bank Business Outlook– confidence easing

The C’s

Page 15: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


> Confidence > Contagion> Commodity prices

National Bank Business Outlook– confidence easing

The C’s

Page 16: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


A cyclical correction and currency challenges…..

Real NZD ANZ Commodity PricesFarm expenses deflator










88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12Sources: ANZ, National Bank, Statistics NZ


Page 17: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


China - Population Dynamics(% of total population)



1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010Urban Population Rural Population

China - Number of Super Markets and Purchases



2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 20090







No. of Supermarket Stores Sumer market Sales (RHS)


*After dotted line warehouse and hypermarket purchases are added (previous data not available)

Amidst a structural boom. Who is going to feed China?

> China is become richer, more middle class and more urban

> And shopping patterns are changing, away from local markets and toward supermarkets

> Food consumption will accelerate going forward and China’s endowment of fresh water is limited

> Big picture: China will need to import goods with “embodied water” from the rest of the world

Page 18: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist

18 Sources: USDA, ANZ Commodity Strategy Milk Powder = Whole & Skim Milk Powder


Animal ProteinGrains

OilseedsChina Net Trade Flows




91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 11 13Corn Wheat Rice

m tonnes

Net I mports

Net Exports









91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 11 13Beef Pork Poultry Milk Powder

k tonnes

Net Imports

Net Exports







91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 11 13

m tonnes

Net I mports

Net Exports







91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 11 13

Edible OilsSoybeans

m tonnes

Net I mports

Net Exports

China shifting to a net importer in recent years

Page 19: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


> Confidence > Contagion> Commodity prices> Currency

National Bank Business Outlook– confidence easing

The C’s

Page 20: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


Currency beauty contest


Economic Growth 2.4% 4.3% 2.2% -0.4% -0.8%

Policy rate 2.5% 3.5% 0.25% 0.75% 0.5%

10yr Bond Yield 3.6% 3.1% 1.6% 1.4% (GE) 1.6%

Unemployment 6.8% 5.2% 8.3% 11.2% 8.1%

C/ A Balance* -5.2% -3.9% -3.7% 1.0% -2.1%

Budget Balance* -4.4% -2.2% -8.3% -3.0% -7.7%

Govt Debt to GDP* 15.5% 7.3% 85.3% 62.7% 74.4%

Overall Rank 2nd 1st Last Mid Field Mid Field

Deviation from Fair Value +13% +18% 0% (DXY) -4% -7%

Sources: ANZ, Bloomberg and OECD Economic outlook 2012 for items marked *

ANZ "Beauty Contest" J udging Matrix

Page 21: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


Investors are starting to view the world differently


Traditional "Basket Cases" New Safe Havens

New Zealand






The I mpossible Zone Traditional Safe Havens



High FiscalCredibility

High Yield

Low Yield

Low FiscalCredibility

Page 22: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


> Confidence > Contagion> Commodity prices> Currency > Cost of funds

National Bank Business Outlook– confidence easing

The C’s

Page 23: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


Improvements, but still expensive

OCR cuts?

OCR hikes?

Page 24: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


> Confidence > Contagion> Commodity prices> Currency > Cost of funds> China (and Australia)

National Bank Business Outlook– confidence easing

The C’s

Page 25: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


China – slowing “officially” and more aggressively “unofficially”


China - GDP Growth



2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

y/y q/q, saar

China - Provincial GDP Growth(y/y)



2012 H1 2011H1

Coastal Provinces

China - Domestic Demand Indicators(y/y)














Industrial Production, y/y Retail Sales, y/y

China - Electricity Production and Industrial Production (y/ y)






















Electricity Production Industrial Production

Page 26: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


> Collapsed Iron Ore and Coal prices> Two-speed economy quite extreme> Very exposed to a China slowdown > Housing market still looks overvalued> AUD looks very overvalued

Key issues: Australia is our largest trading partner. NZD/AUD if RBA cutting rates? Fewer mining jobs = more NZ’ers returning and an easing brain drain


Page 27: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


> Confidence > Contagion> Commodity prices> Currency > Cost of funds> China> Capital (resources)

National Bank Business Outlook– confidence easing

The C’s

Page 28: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


Leading the renewable resources pack






50,000Top 10: NZ, Tonga, Canada, Belize,

Guyana, Australia, Finland, Guatemala, Ecuador, Sweden

US$ per capita

Source: The World Bank "The Changing Wealth of Nations" 2010

Bottom 10: Togo, Kuwait, Maldives, Cape Verde,

Trinidad/Tobago, Bahrain, Lesotho, St. Lucia, Hong

Kong, Singapore

Who is the lucky country?

Page 29: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


A few local considerations too

> Fiscal straight-jacket — 2.8% fiscal contraction over next 2 years. Big shoes to fill.

> An earthquake rebuild — Timing / cost / resourcing? Offset by fiscal policy.

> Proprietary gauges suggest mediocre growth at best— Getting used to 2% growth.— Rebalancing still not occurring.

> Inflation is low— Can the RBNZ ease? It could.— But what about the housing market?

> Auckland property market— A fundamental shortage of houses.

Page 30: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


The four V’s

> Volatility is the new normal in the CRIC cycle

> Veracity: issues will not disappear suddenly

> Vision— Leadership over populism— NZ’s resource endowment a must to unlock

> Subdued velocity— best performing firms’ will have stronger

microeconomic foundations

Page 31: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist


All up…

> OCR hike off the agenda. Cuts can’t be ruled out.

> NZD unlikely to be as weak as we’d like.

> Grumpy growth in NZ for a while yet.

> Bumpy road in Europe for next 10+ years. Accident pending.

> NZ not a bad place to be.

Page 32: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist



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Page 33: The Economic Outlook Cameron Bagrie Chief Economist



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