THE EFFECTIVENESS OF QUANTUM THINKER MODEL IN TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION THESIS Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Attainment of a Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Education Department By Name : Dwi Putri Puspitasari NIM : 2012850050 ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF JAKARTA 2017


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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Attainment of

a Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Education Department


Name : Dwi Putri Puspitasari

NIM : 2012850050







Thesis January 2017

Dwi Putri Puspitasari (2012850050)


xvi + 61 pages., 11 tables, 4 figures, 19 appendices


The objective of this research is to know the effectiveness of Quantum Thinker model on Students‘ Reading Comprehension at tenth grade students of SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta. The research used quantitative method with quasi experimental design by applying pre-test and post-test. In this research, the writer used two classes as experimental and control classes. The sample in this study is class X IPS (experimental class) and class X MIPA 1 (control class). Each of the class is occupied by 60 students. The data was collected by giving pre-test and post-test as the instruments. The writer used t-test formula to analyze the difference of students‘ scores in experimental and control classes. Based on the data obtained from the study that t-observation (to) is 2.079, meanwhile t-table (tt) with df 56 in significance level 5% is 1.672. So, based on calculation the writer find that to is higher than tt (2.079 > 1.672). It means that is data has the influence significant, with the result Ho is rejected and Ha was accepted. This finding reveals that Quantum Thinker is an effective model in teaching students‘ reading comprehension.

Keywords : Effectiveness, Quantum Thinker Model, Students’ Reading Comprehension

References 27 (1986 – 2016)



Skripsi Januari 2017

Dwi Putri Puspitasari (2012850050)


xvi + 61 halaman., 11 tabel, 4 ilmu hitung, 19 lampiran


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas model Quantum Thinker pada Pemahaman Membaca Siswa di kelas sepuluh SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain kuasi eksperimental dengan menerapkan pre-test dan post-test. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan dua kelas sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas X IPS (kelas eksperimen) dan kelas X MIPA 1 (kelas kontrol). Masing-masing kelas ditempati oleh 60 siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan memberikan pre-test dan post-test sebagai instrumen. Penulis menggunakan rumus t-test untuk menganalisis perbedaan skor siswa di kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari penelitian bahwa t-observation (to) adalah 2.079, sementara itu t-tabel (tt) dengan df 56 pada tarif signifikan 5% adalah 1.672. Jadi, berdasarkan perhitungan penulis menemukan bahwa to lebih tinggi dari tt (2.079 > 1.672). Ini berarti bahwa data tersebut memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan, dengan hasil Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa Quantum Thinker adalah model yang efektif dalam mengajar pemahaman membaca siswa.

Kata Kunci : Efektifitas, Model Quantum Thinker, Pemahaman Membaca Siswa

Daftar Pustaka 27 (1986 – 2016)




Board of Examiners of Faculty of Educational Sciences certifies that thesis entitled ―THE EFFECTIVENESS OF QUANTUM THINKER MODEL IN TEACHING READING COMPREHENSION‖ written by Dwi Putri Puspitasari student‘s registration number 2012850050 was examined by the committees on February 22nd, 2017. The thesis has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of (S.Pd.) in English Education at Faculty of Educational Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta.

Acknowledge by,



(Dr. Hj. Herwina Bahar, M.A.)

Board of Examiners

Signature Date

Dr. Ahmad Susanto, M.Pd. Chairman

Zaitun, M.Pd. Secretary

Lidiyatul Izzah, M.Pd. Advisor

Dr. Muh. Sofian Hadi, M.Pd. Examiner – 1




This is to certify that board of examiners has approved the undergraduate

thesis as follows:

Name : Dwi Putri Puspitasari

Student‘s Registration Number : 2012850050

Thesis Title : The Effectiveness of Quantum Thinker

Model in Teaching Reading


Academic Year : 2012/2013

Day : Wednesday

Date : February 22nd, 2017

…………………………………………………. Dr. Ahmad Susanto, M.Pd.


…………………………………………………. Zaitun, M.Pd.


…………………………………………………. Dr. Muh. Sofian Hadi, M.Pd.

Examiner – 1

………………………………………………… Mutiarani, M.Pd.

Examiner – 2



Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

a. Nama : Dwi Putri Puspitasari

b. Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Jakarta, 29 Oktober 1994

c. Fakultas/Prodi : Ilmu Pendidikan/Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

d. Nomor Pokok : 2012850050

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g. Judul Skripsi : The Effectiveness of Quantum Thinker Model

in Teaching Reading Comprehension

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paksaan dari siapapun juga, untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Jakarta, 22 Februari 2017

Mahasiswa yang bersangkutan,


Dwi Putri Puspitasari



Sebagai sivitas Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah

Jakarta, saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Dwi Putri Puspitasari

NIM : 2012850050

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas : Ilmu Pendidikan

Jenis Karya : Skripsi

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Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenar-benarnya.

Dibuat di Jakarta,

Pada tanggal, 22 Februari 2017

Dwi Putri Puspitasari




I dedicated my thesis to my beloved family and friends.

Thank you so much for your motivation.



“The moment you feel like giving up, remember all the reasons you held on for so long”

“So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are (true) believers”

(QS. Ali „Imran: 139)



In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

All praised be to Allah, Lord of the world, who has given the writer

love and blessing in finishing this thesis. Peace and salutation be upon to

the prophet Muhammad SAW, His family, His companion, and His


This thesis is presented to English Education Program, Faculty of

Educational Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta in order to

fulfill one of the requirements for English Bachelor Degree (S.Pd.). The

writer would like to thank to Allah SWT who has given health, knowledge,

patience, and strength so that the writer was able to finish this thesis well.

The writer also would like to express her thanks and gratitude to her

beloved parents, H. Sugeng Priono and Herlina who always given support,

pray, motivation and moral encouragement to finish her study and she also

thanks to all of her family.

The writer also would like to address her great honor and attitude to

her thesis advisor, Lidiyatul Izzah, M.Pd., who has guided and supported

her along her thesis writing. Her appreciation and gratitude also go to:

1. Dr. Hj. Herwina Bahar, MA., as the Dean of Faculty of

Educational Sciences.

2. Zaitun, M.Pd., as the Head of English Education Department.

3. All lecturers in English Department for teaching her precious

knowledge and giving wonderful study experiences.

4. Drs. Sumarwadi as the headmaster of SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta

who has given the writer permission in doing the research.

5. All friends in Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta especially in

English Department.

6. All people that the writer can‘t mention one by one, who have

been give motivation, help and support for the writer to finish this



The words are not enough to say any appreciation for their help and

contribution to this thesis. May Allah bless them for all of what they have

done. The writer realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect.

Thus, comments and suggestions are welcome to the improvement of this

thesis. Hopefully, the presence of this thesis can be useful for the readers.

Jakarta, 22 Februari 2017

The Writer


















A. Background of the Study 1

B. Identification of the Problem 4

C. Limitation of the Problem 5

D. Problem of the Study 5

E. The Objective of the Study 5

F. Significance of the Study 6


A. The Description of the Theories 7

1. Reading 7

a. The Definition of Reading 7

b. The Purpose of Reading 9

c. The Kinds of Reading 12

d. The Understanding of Reading Comprehension 14

e. The Factors Influence Reading Comprehension 16


2. Quantum Thinker Model 17

a. The Definition of Quantum Thinker Model 17

b. Quantum Thinker as Teaching Model 19

c. Procedure of Quantum Thinker Model 21

d. Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantum Thinker

Model 23

B. Theoretical Framework 24

C. Hypothesis of the Study 26


A. Time and Place of the Study 27

B. Method of the Study 27

C. Operational Definition of Variables 29

D. Population and Sample 30

E. Techniques for Collecting the Data 30

F. Techniques for Analyzing the Data 32


A. Findings 36

1. Test Analysis 36

a. Validity 36

b. Reliability 37

2. Data Description 37

3. Data Analysis 47

B. Interpretations 54


A. Conclusions 56

B. Suggestions 57





Table 3.1. Quasi – Experimental Design 28

Table 3.2. Matrix of Assessment for Students' Reading Comprehension


Table 4.1. Questionnaire Validity 36

Table 4.2. The Students‘ Pre-test and Post-test Score in Class X IPS (The

Experimental Class) 37

Table 4.3. The Frequency Distribution of Pre-test in Experimental Class


Table 4.4. The Frequency Distribution of Post-test in Experimental

Class 41

Table 4.5. The Students‘ Pre-test and Post-test Score in Class X MIPA 1

(The Control Class) 42

Table 4.6. The Frequency Distribution of Pre-test in Control Class 44

Table 4.7. The Frequency Distribution of Post-test in Control Class 46

Table 4.8. The Students‘ Gained Score in Class X IPS (The Experimental

Class) 47

Table 4.9. The Students‘ Gained Score in Class X MIPA 1 (The Control

Class) 50



Figure 4.1. Diagram of Frequency Distribution of Pre-test in Experimental

Class 40

Figure 4.2. Diagram of Frequency Distribution of Post-test in Experimental

Class 42

Figure 4.3. Diagram of Frequency distribution of Pre-test in Control Class


Figure 4.4. Diagram of Frequency distribution of Post-test in Control Class




Appendix-1 The Lesson Plan of Experimental Class 62

Appendix-2 The Lesson Plan of Control Class 100

Appendix-3 Form of the Student‘s Pre-test in Experimental Class 137

Appendix-4 Form of the Student‘s Post-test in Experimental Class 138

Appendix-5 Form of the Student‘s Pre-test in Control Class 139

Appendix-6 Form of the Student‘s Post-test in Control Class 140

Appendix-7 Pre-test and Post-test Score of Experimental Class 141

Appendix-8 The Pre-test and Post-test Score of Control Class 142

Appendix-9 The t-table and df at Significance Level 5% 143

Appendix-10 Table of the Questionnaire Validity 144

Appendix-11 Kartu Menyaksikan Ujian Skripsi 146

Appendix-12 Surat Bimbingan 147

Appendix-13 Kartu Bimbingan 148

Appendix-14 Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian 149

Appendix-15 The Documentation of Experimental Class 150

Appendix-16 The Documentation of Control Class 151

Appendix-17 Surat Keterangan Penelitian dari Sekolah 152

Appendix-18 Bimbingan Pasca Sidang Skripsi 153

Appendix-19 Riwayat Hidup Penulis 154




A. Background of the Study

In teaching and learning process, reading has an important role in

progressing student‘s knowledge in English language. Reading as one

of the four language skill that are learned by students. Many students

are getting the difficulties for mastering English reading skill because

the students are too lazy to read unknown language. Besides, the

students are not also able to comprehend the text due to the lack of

understanding in terms of the vocabulary and discourse structure in

language system. Reading is very useful for students language

acquisition. In addition, Allah SWT ordered human being to read and

write. It was expressed in surah Al – ‗Alaq as follow:

―Read, for your Lord is the Most Generous (3) Who taught by the pen

(4) Taught man that which he knew not (5)‖. (Qs. Al – ‗Alaq: 3-5 ).

In the surah Al – ‗Alaq 3-5, Allah SWT requires of Muslims and in

general all humanity to read. Reading is an important skill that

students‘ should have in learning English as foreign language. In

English as foreign language context, reading has been an important

part of the English skills which is needed to master. Reading activity

can help students to gain knowledge and information all over the world.

Furthermore, Sheng (2000: 58) define reading is a communication


process from the writer to the reader and the recognition of letters,

words, phrases, and clauses are involved. By reading, readers

recognize the information from written materials but it is not guaranteed

that they can comprehend it due to the different reading

comprehension of each reader.

Reading comprehension is the ability to go beyond the words, to

understand the ideas and the relationships between ideas conveyed in

a text. So that reading comprehension is the process of identifying

topic, main idea, supporting ideas and writer's message based on

background knowledge or experience in inferring the implied

information of a text.

The ultimate goal of teaching reading is comprehension. It means

that the students need to have the ability to understand the text.

Furthermore, based on the National Curriculum (2013), students of

senior high school are expected to be able to comprehend texts and

develop their ability both oral and written to achieve informational level

which they are capable of accessing language ability in daily and

academic context.

In senior high school, the students learn the different text types,

there are narrative, descriptive, procedure, report and recount text.

One of them is descriptive text. Descriptive text is a text that describes

someone, place, things, person looks like. Descriptive text is given to

10th and 11th graders in senior high school. In reading descriptive text,

the students face some obstacles, one of them is the lack of

vocabulary. A descriptive text consists of some paragraphs and the


students may find some unfamiliar words in each paragraph. Another

obstacle in reading descriptive text is construing the ideas in a text or

paragraph. Some students may be wrong in interpreting a text because

they do not know how to construe the idea of the descriptive text. Most

of the students think that learning to read is simply thing, it shows how

important reading model in helping students to read a paragraph or

texts and it involves understanding or comprehending the meaning of

the text.

There are some models in reading comprehension. One of the

proposed reading models is Quantum Thinker introduced by DePorter

in 2007. Quantum Thinker model is expected as an excellent model to

be used with a textbook which provides a lot of information. DePorter

(2009: 21) introduces Quantum Thinker as a model of the way in

thinking bigger than it was before and absorbed through its 5

principles; (1) There is always another way; (2) Always want to know

about something; (3) Look for as many ideas as you can; (4) Find the

example in your own environment; and (5) Stay focus on who you are

and what you want. Through Quantum Thinker's principle, teaching

reading comprehension in class can be done through five steps. First,

the students are instructed to read only the title of a written text, next

they create several questions related to the title of the text, then they

look for as many ideas as they can to answer their questions, after that

they relate the topic to the text's title with their own experience and

environment, finally they are allowed to read the text as a whole. By


implementing this model, students are expected to focus their reading

of a text on which they are and what they want to know.

Reviews of the previous study Ansas (2014) also reveal that

Quantum Thinker model was considered as an appropriate and

effective model in teaching reading. In other words, the implementation

of Quantum Thinker model had significant influence toward the

students' reading ability. Thus, the implementation of Quantum Thinker

model in the classroom is considered as a very valuable experience for


Concerning the reasons above, the writer interested to investigate

how Quantum Thinker model can help 10th grade students reading

comprehension. The title of the research is; “THE EFFECTIVENESS



B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background, there are some problems that can be

identified dealing with the implementation of Quantum Thinker model in

teaching reading comprehension. They are as follows:

1. Students are lack of reading comprehension.

2. Students are lack in understanding the text.

3. Students are not able to get the main idea of they have read.

4. Students are lack of participation in learning.

5. English teacher are still lack of creativity to give the model in

teaching reading comprehension. They just give explanation and


exercise in reading comprehension without applying the

appropriate model.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on those problems that have been identified above, this

research is limited or focused on the effectiveness of Quantum Thinker

model in teaching reading comprehension at tenth grade students of

SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta.

D. Problem of the Study

Based on the limitation of the problem, the writer states the problem

as follow: is there any effectiveness of using Quantum Thinker model in

teaching reading comprehension?

E. The Objective of the Study

Thus, the objective of this research is to find out the effectiveness of

the implementations of Quantum Thinker model in teaching reading


F. Significance of the Study

The present research is believed to have theoretical, practical, and

professional significances. The research which is focused on the

effectiveness of Quantum Thinker as a teaching and learning model is

expected to be useful for both students and teachers.

For the students, the writer hopes that the effectiveness of

Quantum Thinker model in teaching and learning can improve reading


ability, enhance their ability in reading text, and also improve their

comprehension of reading a text.

For the English teachers, the writer hopes that research will help

them to find some innovations and alternative model of teaching

reading comprehension. It can also be used as consideration to be a

chosen model by language courses or schools.

For other researchers, hopefully this research is expected to give

and developing information about the students‘ reading comprehension

through the Quantum Thinker model to build an effective teaching and

learning which is appropriate to students needs and improving students

learning outcomes especially in reading comprehension.



A. The Description of the Theories


1. Reading

a. The Definition of Reading

Reading is a source of information that can open our

insights about various things such as science, economic,

social, cultural, politically and other aspects of life. In

addition, by reading can increase one's knowledge and

improves memory and comprehension. And often read the

people develop their ability; both to receive and process the

knowledge and to learn the various disciplines and its

application in life.

Walter (2008: 1181) stated that getting meaning from text

depends on the readers‘ prior knowledge about the written

message. In the dictionary, reading is also defined as the

skill or activity of getting information from books. The more

people read the more they get the information which can

contribute to their life, such as reaching success for school


Based on Connelly (2016: 6) reading is a skill that is

found a cross content areas in the academic setting. As

such, comprehension of what is read is paramount to

academic achievement.

Comprehension as one of the characteristics of reading,

McNamara (2007:28) stated that comprehension is the

interpretation of the information in the text, the use of prior

knowledge to interpret this information and, ultimately, the


construction of a coherent representation or picture in the

reader mind of what the text is about.

Based on the statement above, reading skill can be learnt

in all grade, even reading become one of the most important

thing in daily live. By reading can help us getting a lot

information, various kinds of new information which have not

yet we know most likely it can be useful to us later. With

reading, we can also interpret the conclusion of information

from the text by using our own word. Besides, reading

comprehension is a process of relating the readers‘

background knowledge with information in the text to get the

message of the text. So, the reader is not a passive role,

because the reader makes an interpretation, the conclusion

of information, and searching for information. The more

knowledge we have, and then we will be better prepared to

face life's challenges both in the present and in the days to


b. The Purpose of Reading

There are several purposes of reading which are

declared by some experts. McDonough and Shaw (2003: 90)

classify reason for reading:

1) Getting general information from the text

2) Getting specific information from a text

3) For pleasure or for interest


Another purpose of reading is also stated by Nation

(2009: 49) that reading is a source of learning and a source

of enjoyment. It can be a goal in its own right and a way of

reaching other goals. As a source of learning, reading can

establish previously learned vocabulary and grammar, it can

help learners learn new vocabulary and grammar, and

through success in language use it can encourage learners

to learn more and continue with their language study. As a

goal in its own right, reading can be a source of enjoyment

and a way of gaining knowledge of the world. As learners

gain skill and fluency in reading, their enjoyment can


It means that special purpose reading is not only for

learning language or interested in the pronunciation or

interesting in grammar, and getting the pleasure. But it aims

to get meaning or message from the text that read.

According to Grabe and Stoller statement as cited by

Nida‘s book (2000: 9-10), there are four purposes of reading,

they are:

1) Reading to search for simple information.

Most people said that reading to search for simple

information is a common reading ability, though some

researchers see it as a relatively independent cognitive

process. In reading to search, we typically scan the text

for specific information or a specific word. For example,


when we are read search the meaning of word in the

dictionary, we typically scan the text for specific

information. Typically, this is done when we already know

exactly what we are looking so concentrate search for

specific answers.

2) Reading to learn from text.

It is usually occurs in academic and professional

context when people need to learn a considerable

amount of information from a text. For example, when we

are reading a book and one text, we usually read the

title, subtitle and subheading to find out what was

discussed of the texts.

3) Reading to integrated information, write and critique


This purpose requires additional decisions about the

relative importance of complementary, mutually

supporting or conflicting information and the likely

restructuring of a rhetorical frame to accommodate

information from multiple sources. For example, when we

are reading a book or a text, we use our mind critique the

text about positive or negative contents from the text, and

we write them.

4) Reading for general comprehension

We can say that general reading comprehension is

the most basic purpose for reading, underlying, and


supporting most other purposes for reading. This

purpose is usually used when we are reading. When we

are reading, we try to comprehend the text to get

information that very important or we need in everyday


Based on the statement above people read for many

purposes, the writer concluded that the purpose of reading

mainly to get something or information from the text, read for

pleasure and some read for includes content, understand the

meaning of reading it relates to the purpose or our intensive

in reading. Reading is very important for human life, because

reading can enrich and expand insight of life, so that readers

are increasingly able to mature themselves.

c. The Kinds of Reading

Harmer (2007: 99) stated that are two kinds of reading as


1) Intensive Reading

Intensive reading refers to the detailed focus on the

construction of reading texts which takes place usually

(but not always) in classrooms. Teachers may ask

students to look at extracts from magazine, poem,

Internet websites, novels, newspaper, plays and a wide

range of other text genres (that is, style or types of text).

In another hand, in intensive reading is program activities

of reading are carried out carefully, each vocabulary and


structural item is explained and made as fact of our

active language, pronunciation, and intonation are

stressed, and each concept allusion is clarified. In this

reading, the students only read one or a few choices

from reading material available and aims to cultivate and

sharpen the ability to read critically. Besides, intensive

reading is used to gain a deep understanding of a text,

which is important for the reader. The process of

scanning takes a more prominent role than skimming.

2) Extensive Reading

The term extensive reading refers to reading which

students do often (but not exclusively) away from the

classroom. They may read novels, web pages,

newspaper magazines or any other reference material. In

other words, extensive reading should involve reading for

pleasure, the readers do not need to know the exact

meaning of the word just getting an overall

understanding of the text from those classification, it can

be concluded that a reading program that is widely

performed, both of the type as well as various of the text

and the purposed just to understand the contents that

significance of reading materials that read by using the

time fastest maybe. The students are given freedom and

flexibility in thing of having, both the type and scope

reading materials that they read.


Based on statement above it can be compared that

intensive reading is a classroom-oriented activity in the

students which focus on the linguistic or semantic details of a

passage. Intensive reading calls students' attention to

grammatical forms, discourse markers, and other surface

structure details for the purpose of understanding the literal

meaning. Meanwhile, extensive reading is generally

associated with reading large amounts with the aim of getting

an overall understanding of the material. Readers are more

concerned with the meaning of the text than the meaning of

individual words or sentences.

d. The Understanding of Reading Comprehension

There are several understanding of reading

comprehension based on Zein et al., (2014) in Connelly

(2016: 6) divined that ―reading comprehension is a skill that

is composed of an individual‘s language skills, pertinent

knowledge, and cognitive process‖. Additionally, Nunan

(2006: 71) stated that ―reading comprehension refers to

reading for meaning, understanding, and entertainment‖.

From those definitions, it clearly states that both author

emphasized on meaning and understanding. Thus in the

reading process, the readers not only read text but they need

to comprehend and find out what the author tried to convey

based on the text they read.


Meanwhile, the statement of Paris and Hamilton as cited

by Israel and Dufy (2009: 32) that ―reading comprehension is

only a subset of an ill-defined larger set of knowledge that

reflects the communicative interactions among the intentions

of the author/speaker, the content of the text/message, the

abilities and purposes of the reader/listener, and the

context/situation of the interaction‖. From both definitions, the

author concludes that reading is a process communicative

interaction that is carried and used by readers to get the

message to be conveyed by the author through the content

of the text/written language. It means that the stronger the

goals person's for reading then also increase the person it

ability to understand the reading.

Additionally, Scanlon et al., (2010: 276) stated that

―comprehension is an active, constructive process in which

the ultimate understanding of the text is determined by a

combination of what is stated directly in the text and the

reader‘s preexisting knowledge related to the topic of the

text‖. From that definition the final goal of reading is to

understand the idea, the ability to catch the meaning directly

in the text as a whole with knowledge related to the topic of

the text both in narrative form, free text, or poems that can be

concluded in a papers or unwritten.

In other words, reading comprehension is an active

interaction from the reader in comprehending the author


through the content of the text/written language that

conveyed by author. In addition, while reading, the reader‘s

not only catch the meaning directly in the text or absorbs new

information but the reader also needs to combine their prior


e. The Factors Influence Reading Comprehension

McIntyre et al., (2011: 113) mention some factors that

has been identified as the primary determinants of reading

comprehension, they are: the reader‘s background

knowledge and vocabulary (reader) interact with his or her

purposes for reading (e.g., to scan for information, study for

a test, or read for pleasure; activity) and the type of text

(Internet website, textbook, novel) to contribute to his or her


McIntyre et al., (2011: 113) added ―reading is

comprehending. If children can read the words of a text, but

do not understand what they are reading, they are not really

reading‖. How much and how easily readers comprehend

depends on variables within and outside them. Further,

Charmot & O‘Malley (1994) statement as cited by Bouchard

(2005: 8) cited four reasons:

1) Content provides students with an opportunity to develop

important knowledge in different subject areas.


2) Students are able to practice the language functions and

skills needed to understand, discuss, read about and

write about the concept develop.

3) Many students are more highly motivated to learn when

they are learning content rather isolated language skill.

4) Content provides meaningful context for teaching learning


The writer sums up that the factors that affect reading

comprehension can be divided into two kinds, namely that

there is inside and outside in self the readers. The factors

that are inside in self the reader includes linguistic abilities,

background knowledge, curiosity to read a text, motivation

(how much concern the reader to read the task or general

feelings about reading and school), and the reading skills

(how well readers can read). And then, the factors that are

outside in self the reader includes reading elements such as

the level of difficulty of reading material and reading

environment such as teacher preparation before, during, or

after reading lessons to help students understand the text.

2. Quantum Thinker Model

a. The Definition of Quantum Thinker Model

There are several definitions of Quantum Thinker model

based on Ruggierro (2008: 16) stated that thinking is

sometimes regarded as two harmonious processes. One


process is the production of ideas (creative thinking),

accomplished by widening your focus and looking at many

possibilities. The other process is the evaluation of ideas

(critical thinking), accomplished by narrowing your focus.

Based on this definition, thinking can be taught include some

approaches for producing ideas, but its main focus will be

evaluating ideas—that is, critical thinking.

Meanwhile, students do not only need creative thinking

but thinking creative should be used in reading

comprehension. Quantum Thinker model is expected as an

excellent model to be used with a textbook which provides a

lot of information. DePorter (2009: 21) introduced Quantum

Thinker as a model of the way in thinking bigger than it was

before and absorbed. Thus the writer sums up that the

teaching and learning with Quantum Thinker model is

designed to facilitate the students to learn and think bigger

such as it can express the idea about of what the students

knew, so that it becomes a creative thinking.

According to Blum (2006: 175) defined that Quantum

Thinker model is as a necessary act for the governing idea or

abstraction that is realized. Thus, the students can see that

all ideas can be further developed. It involves students‘

minds which accompanied by a discussion of the ideas.

In other words, Quantum Thinker model it can increases

their thinking skill. They also have much more control over


their thinking and how they wear them because they know

their thinking style. By using Quantum Thinker model is

process to turn ideas into action.

b. Quantum Thinker as Teaching Model

Quantum Thinker model is one of part that creates

interactions and active students. According to Yasser et al.,

(2014: 86) stated that learning is designed to develop the

learners' learning on thinking skills. Quantum Thinker

learning model is the model that used to improve students‘

thinking skill, especially in learning reading comprehension

so the ability of the students can be developed. In the

learning process of Quantum Thinker model, teachers and

students are involved in learning process they collaborate to

achieve maximum results.

Quantum combines all the things in the class to support

learning process, consists of Quantum Teaching model and

Quantum Learning model. In Quantum Learning model,

Given and DePorter (2015: 14) stated that Quantum

Learning model focuses on culture and cognition while

orchestrating interactions between teachers and students,

students and students, students and content to reach desired

academic and social/emotional outcomes. It means that

teaching and learning are open, dynamic, and complex

systems. Quantum Learning model it can be defined flexible

enough to embrace changes in education such as


enthusiasm skills, talents, or potential of students through

interaction with other people and the environment.

Meanwhile, Quantum Teaching model shows how to be

a good teacher. Quantum Teaching model shows new ways

that make the learning process easier through the art

element guiding and the directed achievements for whatever

subjects you are teach. According to DePorter (1992) in

Gunarhadi et al., journal (2014: 196), Quantum Teaching

model is like conducting a symphony and orchestrating two

major elements: context and content. The context element

deals with the preparation of the classroom where the

learning process will take place. The content element, on the

other hand, refers to the implementation of a teaching model

in which the curriculum is presented in the actual learning


From the statement above, the writer summarizes that

Quantum Thinker model is to create an effective learning

environment, create the learning process with fun, to

increase the ability of think bigger to convey the ideas, and

help accelerate in learning. In Quantum Learning model is a

learning model that can increase teacher effectiveness when

facilitating students' mastery of content and it makes learning

process can be fun and learn effectively. Meanwhile, by

applying the Quantum Teaching models is directed for

learning process and facing the students in class and also for


evaluate learning. Based on the learning with Quantum

Teaching and Learning models, Quantum Thinker model can

used as teaching model in reading comprehension.

c. Procedure of Quantum Thinker Model

Dweck‘s (1986) in book Creswell (2012: 333), the

definition of procedure is as performance goals or learning

goals. Further procedures were specific to the classroom

structure condition. As this research the teaching and

learning process includes the steps of the activity for both the

teacher and students.

The elaboration of the teaching of reading using

Quantum Thinker model is designed based on the following


1) Before Reading: Predicting

The teacher instructed students to read only the title

of a written text, and then teacher used the pictures

based on the topic to trigger the students‘ prior

knowledge toward the learning topic.

In this stage, teacher instructed students to create a

questions related to the title of the text. Teacher gives

students‘ handout to note their questions and answer

toward the text that is learned, with expectation to

develop feel want to know of their selves, so it is to

increase an interest to learn for students.

2) While Reading: Silent Reading


The teacher gives chance to the students to look for

as many ideas as they can to answers their questions


After the students look for as many ideas as they

can, the students relate to the topic of the text‘s title with

their own experience and environment, so there is

motivation of the students that ever experienced with the

material to develop their experience more, and to the

students that ever have no experience with that material

to become more interested to be learned.

3) After Reading: Confirming the Prediction

In this activity, teacher convey the material that will

be learned in full after the students relate to the topic of

the text‘s title with their own experience and environment,

then the teacher give article based on the topic and the

students are allowed to read the text as a whole, after

that students‘ handout would be marked for questions

and answers that is appeared in the text, the students‘

handout were in a form of the table that consists of

prediction column (questions and answers) and mark


By implementing this model, students are expected to

focus their reading of a text on which they are and what they

want to know.


d. Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantum Thinker


Quantum Thinker model is the act of creating something

of value where the students to think bigger in learning and it

comes with a great sense of self achievement and

satisfaction them have developed the skills to use it properly.

Blum (2006: 164) said that Quantum Thinker vied for how the

action of the moment would be conceived, informed by a

sense… and thus how they could be guided.

By using the Quantum Thinker model will make learning

more alive, effective and at last the students' will optimally

acquire the learning outcomes. With some of these

advantages, the learning results obtained will be higher than

using conventional learning that just makes the teacher as

the only source of learning.

In conclusion, Quantum Thinker model it can be seen as

a complement and extension of learning model in reading

comprehension. In teaching and learning process in the

classroom the teacher it can engages students with an good

question that it can pique their interest, make them wonder

why, get them to think, and motivate them to make

connections with the content . Beside the advantages, the

disadvantage of Quantum Thinker model is requires the skill

of teachers in particularly, because without supported it,


learning process will not be effective. Thus, Quantum Thinker

model can replace the conventional learning.

B. Theoretical Framework

Reading is one of the skills that should be mastered by the students

in learning English. Reading is also defined as the skill or ability of

getting information from books. As we know, when the readers read

they need to comprehend the meaning and information from the texts

while they read. Therefore, an appropriate and effective technique

should be applied to help readers improve their ability to comprehend


The use of technique in comprehending texts (reading

comprehension) is perhaps the most important means to helping

readers improve comprehension and learning from books. Reading

comprehension is a part of life that is very important to access

information of the text because when students involve in reading, they

will understand what they have read, and they are able to say word to

convey an idea or a motion that is in effective reading.

As one of model in reading, Quantum Thinker model is considered

meaningful to improving the students‘ reading comprehension

especially problem of the students‘ to get the main idea and detail

information in the texts. It also involved the students to be able to

connect their prior knowledge with the information of the text through

students‘ participation in of learning process. Quantum Thinker model

has aims to create the students will be more active in learning


environment and to increase the ability of think bigger to convey the

ideas as they can. The use of Quantum Thinker model in the

classroom can increase students‘ comprehension. By implementing

this model, students are expected to focus their reading of a text on

which they are and what they want to know.

Quantum Thinker model is very appropriate for the students

because the students can work together to share the ideas that ever

experienced with the material through this model. By applying

Quantum Thinker model, teachers and students are involved in

learning process they collaborate to achieve maximum results.

C. Hypothesis of the Study

Fraenkel et al., (2012: 83) stated that ―a hypothesis is a prediction

of the possible outcomes of a study‖. To know the effective of Quantum

Thinker model in teaching reading comprehension, the writer

formulates two hypotheses that will be tested by using t-test. They are:

1. Null Hypothesis (Ho)

There is no effectiveness of Quantum Thinker model in teaching

reading comprehension at tenth grade students of SMA Gita Kirtti 3


2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

There is an effectiveness of Quantum Thinker model in teaching

reading comprehension at tenth grade students of SMA Gita Kirtti 3





A. Time and Place of the Study

The research was conducted at SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta which is

located on Jalan BRI Radio Dalam, Gandaria Utara, Kebayoran Baru,

South - Jakarta in academic year of 2016/2017. This research was held

on November 1st 2016 - December 3rd 2016.

B. Method of the Study

In conducting the research, the quantitative research was applied

using quasi experimental as the research design. The following

definition of quantitative research is Creswell (2014: 4) mentions that:

―the quantitative research is an approach for testing objective theories by examining the relationship among variable. These variables, in turn, can be measured, typically on instruments, so that numbered data can be analyzed using statistical procedures‖. In this research, the students that chosen was randomly. According

to Creswell (2012: 296) states that the most rigorous approach of

experimental design is to randomly assign individuals to the

treatments. Further, the random assignment deals with random


selection. Besides, Creswell (2012: 297) adds that ―quantitative

researchers randomly select a sample from a population‖.

Therefore, there are two groups taken in this research. The first

group is experimental class and the second group is control class. The

experimental class was given Quantum Thinker as the teaching model

and control class was given the traditional model. Both groups got the

pre-test and post-test. Below is a quasi-experimental design developed

by Creswell (2012: 310):

Table 3.1

Quasi-Experimental Design

Pre- and Posttest Design Time

Select Control Group Pretest Non Treatment Posttest

Select Experimental

Group Pretest


Treatment Posttest

Adopted from: Creswell (2012: 310)

Based on the design above, it can be seen that both of the groups

are given pre-test in the beginning of the research. Then, the

treatments are only given to the experimental class before

implementing the post-test. This is to find out whether the students who

are treated by using Quantum Thinker model could achieve greater

score than those who are treated by using traditional model.


C. Operational Definition of Variables

According to Creswell (2012: 112), variable is a characteristic of an

individual or organization that can be measured by the researcher and

also varies which has different value among different individuals or

organization. The variables used in this quasi experimental research,

they are; independent variable (X) and dependent variable (Y). In this

study, independent variable (variable X) is using the Quantum Thinker

model and the dependent variable (variable Y) is students‘ reading

comprehension. As an independent variable, using the Quantum

Thinker model can help the teacher to teach reading comprehension.

The teacher use Quantum Thinker model to help the students

describe something such as person, place, and thing with easily and

clearly. By using Quantum Thinker model, also developed the students'

enthusiasm and creativity in the learning process, and encouraged

them to improve their reading ability.

Meanwhile, dependent variable is students‘ reading

comprehension. It is about the result of students‘ scores in reading

comprehension by descriptive text that is measured by test through

Quantum Thinker model in teaching reading comprehension for

students at tenth grade of SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta.

D. Population and Sample


The population in this research is at tenth grade students in the

2016/2017 academic year of school SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta. There

are three classes of tenth graders: they are X MIPA 1, X MIPA 2 and X

IPS with total of population was 89 students. Creswell (2012: 142)

stated that the target population or the sampling frame is a group of

individuals or a organizations with some common defining

characteristic that the researcher can apply the result of a research.

The sample is a group of the target population that the researcher has

selected to collect data of the target population.

The writer used cluster random sampling to choose the sample

(class X IPS and X MIPA 1). These two classes were directly assigned

as experimental class (X IPS) and control class (X MIPA 1). The total

of the samples were 60 students, 34 students from class X IPS and 26

students from X MIPA 1.

E. Techniques for Collecting the Data

In order to collect the data, the procedure of the study consists of

some steps, there are pre-test and post-test. Besides, to measure the

students‘ comprehension of the descriptive text by using pre-test and

post-test consisted of essay test. The writer formulated the essay test

by using Erlangga‘s book.

The data of this study were students‘ results of reading text. In this

study, both pre-test and post-test were used to collect the data. Before

the test administered, the validity of the research in pre-test and post-

test was analyzed is valid, because the value from the r-table is 0.367.


In addition, pre-test was given before treatment in the first meeting

and post-test was given after treatment. For the second until eight

meeting, the writer gave Quantum Thinker model to the students of the

experimental class to conduct treatment.

1. Pre-test

The topic of pre-test is about working on essay questions as

much as 10 questions from descriptive text of describing people. In

addition, pre-test was given to analyse students in reading

comprehension. The writer gave scores for every student based on

matrix of assessment. It is given to the experimental class and the

control class to collect the data whether those groups had the same

ability or not before they got the treatment.

2. Treatment

In this meeting, treatment was conducted before the post-test

performed. The treatment was conducted by using Quantum

Thinker model as media of teaching to experimental class.

Furthermore, in the control class was taught without using Quantum

Thinker model. In this step, because of the reading model used was

Quantum Thinker model, the main equipment of the lessons was

pictures and students‘ handout. As for the procedures that used

those are:

1) At the beginning of the lesson the pictures were used in order to

trigger the students‘ prior knowledge toward the topic.

2) The pictures were varied in each meeting due to the different

topic based on the lesson plan (see Appendix 1) such as


pictures in Flyer of a Missing Person, Semarang, Borobudur

Temple, and Purna Bhakti Pertiwi Museum.

3) The students‘ handout were used by students to note their

questions and answers toward the text learned in each meeting

that later, after they read the text, the students‘ handout would

be marked for questions and answers that appeared in the text.

4) The students' handout was in a form of table that consists of

prediction column (questions and answers) and mark column.

3. Post-test

In the last meeting, the writer gave post-test to both classes. It

is used to determine whether there was a significant progress on

students‘ reading comprehension, especially those who had treated

by Quantum Thinker model. The writer gives 10 essay questions.

The questions formulated in the post-test were similar to those in


F. Techniques for Analyzing the Data

In analyzing the data of this research the writer used the matrix of

assessment for students‘ reading comprehension was based on

analytic scale purposed by Omaggio (1986: 266), as follows:


Table 3.2

Matrix of Assessment for Students’ Reading Comprehension

Score Value Description

80 - 100 Excellent Describing all the parts, qualities and

characteristics completely

60 - 79 Good

Describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Somewhat choppy


40 - 59 Fair Fair describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Some are missing

20 - 39 Poor Poorly describing many parts, qualities

and characteristics are missing

0 - 19 Very Poor Does not describe the parts, qualities

and characteristics anymore

In this research, the writer processed and analyzed the data from

the result of test has been given by the writer in experimental class and

control class. The writer uses statistical calculating of t-test formula in

significance level 5% with Degree of Freedom (df) and gained scores.

It is to test the significance of the main gained score of the

experimental class and control class. However, prerequisite tests

analysis, it needs to be used the hypothesis test.

1. Prerequisites Test Analysis

a. Hypothesis Test

According to Sudijono (2010: 34), t-test formula as follows:


M 1 : Mean of the Difference of Experimental Class.

M 2 : Mean of the Difference of Control Class.

SE M 1 : Standard of Error of Experimental Class.

SE M 2 : Standard of Error of Control Class.

Besides, to get the calculation of t-test, there are several

procedures of calculation to be taken:

1) Determine mean of variable X with formula:

2) Determine mean of variable X with formula:

3) Determine standard deviation variable X with formula:

4) Determine standard deviation variable Y with formula:

5) Determine standard error of variable X with formula:

6) Determine standard error of variable X with formula:


7) Determine standard error means of differences mean of

variable X and variable Y, with formula:

8) Determining t0 with formula:

9) Determining t-table in significance level 5% with Degree of

Freedom (df):

df = ( N1 + N2 ) – 2




A. Findings

1. Test Analysis

a. Validity

The instrument in the post-test contains 10 items to 31

students of class XI MIPA SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta. By using

the product moment formula r-table at 0.05 significant with

0.367 r-table.

Here are table of the questionnaire validity:

Table 4.1

Questionnaire Validity




Coefficient Information

1 0.91257 Valid

2 0.8054 Valid

3 0.98667 Valid

4 0.96259 Valid

5 0.98667 Valid

6 0.98667 Valid

7 0.94697 Valid


8 0.8591 Valid

9 0.95019 Valid

10 0.98667 Valid

b. Reliability

Then the item scores valid re-examined using reliability

test using Alpha Cronbach r = 0.98667 with the highest data.

2. Data Description

In the data description, the writer described the data which

had been collected from students‘ pre-test and post-test scores of

reading comprehension. The pre-test is given before treatment. It

is given into the experimental class and the control class. The

post-test is given after treatment was conducted. It is given into

the experimental class by presenting the Quantum Thinker model

and the post-test is given into the control class by using traditional


Here are the table descriptions of pre-test and post-test scores:

Table 4.2

The Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Score in Class X IPS

(The Experimental Class)

Number Students Pre-test Post-test

(X1) (X2)

1 S1 70 95

2 S2 90 90


3 S3 80 80

4 S4 85 90

5 S5 85 90

6 S6 85 95

7 S7 80 85

8 S8 80 85

9 S9 90 95

10 S10 75 85

11 S11 85 90

12 S12 80 80

13 S13 70 95

14 S14 75 80

15 S15 80 95

16 S16 75 80

17 S17 80 80

18 S18 80 80

19 S19 80 85

20 S20 80 80

21 S21 80 85

22 S22 75 85

23 S23 80 85

24 S24 75 80

25 S25 75 80

26 S26 95 95

27 S27 90 95


28 S28 80 85

29 S29 80 90

30 S30 75 80

31 S31 80 95

32 S32 80 95

33 S33 75 80

34 S34 75 80

Amount 34 2720 2945

Mean 80 86.7

Based on the table above showed that the score of the

experimental class between pre-test and post-test were different.

The mean of students‘ score in the pre-test is 80 with the lowest

score of pre-test is 70 and the highest score of pre-test is 95.

Meanwhile, the mean of the students‘ score in the post-test is 86.7

with the lowest score of post-test is 80 and the highest score of

post-test is 95.

Here are table of the frequency distribution of pre-test and post-

test in experimental class:


Table 4.3

The Frequency Distribution of Pre-test in Experimental Class

Class Interval Frequency

Absolute Relative%

70 – 75 11 32.35%

76 – 81 15 44.12%

82 – 87 4 11.76%

88 – 93 3 88.23%

94 – 99 1 29.41%

Total 34 100%

Figure 4.1

Diagram of Frequency Distribution of Pre-test in Experimental



Based on the diagram of frequency distribution of pre-test of

the experimental class shows that the students who received

scores 70 – 75 there are 11 students with frequency relative

32.35%. The students who received scores 76 – 81 there are 15

students with frequency relative 44.12%. The students who

received scores 82 – 87 there are 4 students with frequency

relative 11.76%. The students who received scores 88 – 93 there

are 3 students with frequency relative 88.23%. The students who

received 94 – 99 scores there are 1 student with frequency relative


Table 4.4

The Frequency Distribution of Post-test in Experimental Class

Class Interval Frequency

Absolute Relative%

80 – 83 12 35.29%

84 – 87 8 23.53%

88 – 91 5 14.70%

92 – 95 9 26.47%

Total 34 100%


Figure 4.2

Diagram of Frequency Distribution of Post-test in Experimental


Based on the diagram of frequency distribution of post-test of

the experimental class shows that the students who received

scores 80 – 83 there are 12 students with frequency relative

35.29%. The students who received scores 84 – 87 there are 8

students with frequency relative 23.53%. The students who

received scores 88 – 91 there are 5 students with frequency

relative 14.70%. The students who received scores 92 – 95 there

are 9 students with frequency relative 26.47%.

Table 4.5

The Students’ Pre-test and Post-test Score in Class X MIPA 1

(The Control Class)

Number Students Pre-test Post-test

(Y1) (Y2)

1 S1 80 85

2 S2 65 70


3 S3 90 95

4 S4 80 90

5 S5 80 80

6 S6 80 90

7 S7 75 85

8 S8 50 65

9 S9 85 85

10 S10 80 80

11 S11 90 95

12 S12 80 90

13 S13 75 90

14 S14 65 65

15 S15 80 85

16 S16 50 65

17 S17 85 85

18 S18 80 90

19 S19 85 85

20 S20 50 70

21 S21 65 80

22 S22 65 70

23 S23 80 90

24 S24 85 90

25 S25 65 65

26 S26 65 65

Amount 26 1930 2105


Mean 74.4 80.9

Based on the table above showed that the score of the control

class between pre-test and post-test were different. The mean of

students‘ score in the pre-test is 74.4 with the lowest score of pre-

test is 50 and the highest score of pre-test is 90. Meanwhile, the

mean of the students‘ score in the post-test is 80.9 with the lowest

score of post-test is 65 and the highest score of post-test is 95.

Table 4.6

The Frequency Distribution of Pre-test in Control Class

Class Interval Frequency

Absolute Relative%

50 – 56 3 11.54%

57 – 63 0 0%

64 – 70 6 23.08%

71 – 77 2 76.92%

78 – 84 9 34.61%

85 – 91 6 23.08%

Total 26 100%


Figure 4.3

Diagram of Frequency Distribution of Pre-test in Control Class

Based on the diagram of frequency distribution of pre-test of

the control class shows that the students who received scores 50

– 56 there are 3 students with frequency relative 11.54%. The

students who received scores 57 – 63 there is 0 students with

frequency relative 0%. The students who received scores 64 – 70

there are 6 students with frequency relative 23.08%. The students

who received scores 71 – 77 there are 2 students with frequency

relative 76.92%. The students who received 78 – 84 scores there

are 9 students with frequency relative 34.61%. The students who

received scores 85 – 91 there are 6 students with frequency

relative 23.08%.

Table 4.7

The Frequency Distribution of Post-test in Control class


Class Interval Frequency

Absolute Relative%

65 – 70 8 30.77%

71 – 76 0 0%

77 – 82 0 0%

83 – 88 6 23.08%

89 – 94 7 26.92%

95 – 100 2 76.92%

Total 26 100%

Figure 4.4

Diagram of Frequency Distribution of Post-test in Control Class

Based on the diagram of frequency distribution of post-test of

the control class shows that the students who received scores 65

– 70 there are 8 students with frequency relative 30.77%. The

students who received scores 71 – 76 there is 0 students with

frequency relative 0%. The students who received scores 77 – 82

there is 0 students with frequency relative 0%. The students who


received scores 83 – 88 there are 6 students with frequency

relative 23.08%. The students who received scores 89 – 94 there

are 7 students with frequency relative 26.92%. The students who

received scores 95 – 100 there are 2 students with frequency

relative 76.92%.

3. Data Analysis

Based on the data obtained, the writer analyzed the test score

of the experimental class and control class by calculating the

result into the formula t-test. Before using the formula of t-test, the

students‘ score in experimental and control classes were tabulated

the gained score of each class as follows:

Table 4.8

The Students’ Gained Score in Class X IPS

(The Experimental Class)

Number Students Pre-test Post-test Gained

Score X2

X1 X2

1 S1 70 95 25 625

2 S2 90 90 0 0

3 S3 80 80 0 0

4 S4 85 90 5 25

5 S5 85 90 5 25

6 S6 85 95 10 100

7 S7 80 85 5 25

8 S8 80 85 5 25


9 S9 90 95 5 25

10 S10 75 85 10 100

11 S11 85 90 5 25

12 S12 80 80 0 0

13 S13 70 95 25 625

14 S14 75 80 5 25

15 S15 80 95 15 225

16 S16 75 80 5 25

17 S17 80 80 0 0

18 S18 80 80 0 0

19 S19 80 85 5 25

20 S20 80 80 0 0

21 S21 80 85 5 25

22 S22 75 85 10 100

23 S23 80 85 5 25

24 S24 75 80 5 25

25 S25 75 80 5 25

26 S26 95 95 0 0

27 S27 90 95 5 25

28 S28 80 85 5 25

29 S29 80 90 10 100

30 S30 75 80 5 25

31 S31 80 95 15 225

32 S32 80 95 15 225

33 S33 75 80 5 25


34 S34 75 80 5 25


= 34

= 2720

= 2945

= 225

= 2775

Mean 80 86.6176 6.6176 81.6176

The total students in the experimental class

The total pre-test score of students in the experimental


The total of post-test score of students in the experimental


The total gained score of students in the experimental


The square of the total gained score of students in the

experimental class

Based on the table above, the writer got ,

, , . The result will be used to find

out the t-test.

Table 4.9

The Students’ Gained Score in Class X MIPA 1

(The Control Class)

Number Students Pre-test Post-test Gained

Score Y2

Y1 Y2

1 S1 80 85 5 25

2 S2 65 70 5 25

3 S3 90 95 5 25


4 S4 80 90 10 100

5 S5 80 80 0 0

6 S6 80 90 10 100

7 S7 75 85 10 100

8 S8 50 65 15 225

9 S9 85 85 0 0

10 S10 80 80 0 0

11 S11 90 95 5 25

12 S12 80 90 10 100

13 S13 75 90 15 225

14 S14 65 65 0 0

15 S15 80 85 5 25

16 S16 50 65 15 225

17 S17 85 85 0 0

18 S18 80 90 10 100

19 S19 85 85 0 0

20 S20 50 70 20 400

21 S21 65 80 15 225

22 S22 65 70 5 25

23 S23 80 90 10 100

24 S24 85 90 5 25

25 S25 65 65 0 0

26 S26 65 65 0 0


= 26

= 1930

= 2105

= 175

= 2075


Mean 74.4 80.9615 6.7307 79.8076

The total students in the control class

The total pre-test score of students in the control class

The total of post-test score of students in the control class

The total gained score of students in the control class

The square of the total gained score of students in the

control class

Based on the table above, the writer got ,

, , . The result will be used to find

out the t-test

After analyzing the data, the next procedure of this research is

analyzing the data of students‘ scores, from the result of pre-test

and post-test of both experimental class and control class. The

writer calculated the data by using t-test formula with significance

level 5% into some steps as follows:

1) Determine mean of variable X with formula:

2) Determine mean of variable Y with formula:

3) Determine standard deviation variable X with formula:


4) Determine standard deviation variable Y with formula:

5) Determine standard error of variable X with formula:

6) Determine standard error of variable Y with formula:

7) Determine standard error means of differences mean of

variable X and variable Y, with formula:

8) Determining t0 with formula:

9) Determining t-table in significance level 5% with

Degree of Freedom (df):


df = ( N1 + N2 ) – 2

= ( 34 + 26 ) – 2

= 60 – 2

= 56

The value of df is 56 at degree of significance 5% or t-table is

1.672. The writer tested the hypothesis based on the statistical

hypothesis as follows:

1. If t0 > tt : The null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the

alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. So, there is an

effectiveness of using Quantum Thinker model in teaching

reading comprehension at tenth grade students of SMA Gita

Kirtti 3 Jakarta.

2. If t0 < tt : The null hypothesis (Ho) was accepted and the

alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. So, there is no

effectiveness of using Quantum Thinker model in teaching

reading comprehension at tenth grade students of SMA Gita

Kirtti 3 Jakarta.

10) The testing of hypothesis

(Ha) = 2.079 > 1.672

From the calculated above, the writer assumed a hypothesis

of the research that ―Quantum Thinker model is effective in teaching

reading comprehension‖.

The result calculating the data is t0 = 2.079 and tt = 1.672

means, t0 is higher than tt in significance level 5%. So, the null

hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted.


B. Interpretations

Based on the data collected that was taken from 34 students in

experimental class, it could be explained that the mean of pre-test

before using Quantum Thinker model in teaching reading

comprehension is 80 with the lowest score of pre-test is 70 and the

highest score of pre-test is 95. Meanwhile, the mean of post-test after

giving treatments using Quantum Thinker model in teaching reading

comprehension is 86.7 with the lowest score of post-test is 80 and the

highest score of post-test is 95. So, the writer got the mean of gained

score 225.

Meanwhile, the description of students‘ score in control class that

was taken from 26 students, it could be explained that the mean of

pre-test is 74.4 with the lowest score of pre-test is 50 and the highest

score of pre-test is 90. Meanwhile, the mean of post-test after teaching

reading comprehension with traditional model is 80.9 with the lowest

score of post-test is 65 and the highest score of post-test is 95. So, the

writer got the mean of gained score is 175.

Based on the result of the mean score in each classes (the

experimental and the control class), it is obtained the t-observation (to) is

2.079, meanwhile the t-table (tt) of df is 56 in significance level 5% is

1.672 it means t-observation (to) is higher than t-table (tt). So, the

alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho)

is rejected, because to > tt (2.079 > 1.672). So, there is difference

significant between the students‘ score in reading comprehension by


using Quantum Thinker model and the students‘ score in reading

comprehension without using Quantum Thinker model at tenth grade

students of SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta. It means that the using Quantum

Thinker model in teaching reading comprehension at tenth grade

students of SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta are effective.

Based on the data description, it concluded that the scores of

students who have been taught by using Quantum Thinker model in

teaching reading comprehension is higher than the scores of students

who have been taught without Quantum Thinker model. It proved that

Quantum Thinker model is effective in teaching reading




A. Conclusions

Based on the research carried out in tenth grade students of SMA

Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta, it can be concluded that the Quantum Thinker

model is more effective in teaching reading comprehension than

teaching reading comprehension with traditional model. It can be seen

from the result of research analysis in the experimental class and the

control class, it is obtained the t-observation (to) is 2.079, meanwhile the


t-table (tt) is 1.672 at significance level 5%. It means t-observation (to)

higher than t-table (tt). So, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted

and the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected because to > tt (2.079 > 1.672).

So, there is difference significant between the students‘ score in

reading comprehension by using Quantum Thinker model and the

students‘ score in reading comprehension without using Quantum

Thinker model in tenth grade students of SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta.

Therefore, this research has proved that using Quantum Thinker is an

effective model in teaching students‘ reading comprehension at tenth

grade students of SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta.

B. Suggestions

The writer would like to give some suggestion, as follow:

1. For School

School should provide some media teaching such as projector or

LCD in every class, computer, laboratory, etc. to support the

teaching and learning process.

2. For Students

Students should have good motivation and more creative in

learning English especially in reading comprehension. They should

study hard in order to understand the material and get good score.

They also should enrich their vocabulary through all models. If their

vocabulary is good, they can translate both word and sentence


3. For Teacher


Teacher teaching English to tenth grade students is not an easy

work. The teacher should give something creative and innovative in

teaching reading comprehension in order to motivated students to

read well and seriously. The teacher should enrich their vocabulary

in order to make the students solve their problem in reading both

word and sentence. The last is the teacher should use variety of

media to make the learning process fun, so that the students feel

easy to understand the material. Besides that the teacher can be

use Quantum Thinker as a model in teaching reading


4. For Other Researchers

The researcher realizes that this research paper is not perfect,

there are many weaknesses because of the limited skill of the

writer. Hopefully, this research can be used as the reference for

helping other researchers who want complete the research in

different point.



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Nama sekolah : SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X (Sepuluh) / 1

Aspek/Skill : Membaca

Jenis Teks : Descriptive Text

Tema : Describing People

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (2x pertemuan)

I. Standar Kompetensi

Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional dan esai pendek

sederhana berbentuk descriptive text untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

Memahami dan merespon makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional

pendek sederhana dan langkah retorika teks tulis esai secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


III. Indikator

Mampu mengidentifikasi atau memahami isi teks fungsional dalam

bentuk descriptive text.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi terhadap teks yang sudah dibaca.

2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dalam teks yang dibaca.

3. Menggambarkan tentang descriptive text.

4. Mengidentiikasi langkah-langkah retorika dari teks.


V. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Mendengarkan Pengertian

Descriptive text merupakan jenis teks yang banyak

digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dalam menggambarkan

benda, tempat, manusia, hewan dan lain sebagainya.

Descriptive text adalah sebuah teks bahasa Inggris untuk

menggambarkan seperti apa benda atau mahkluk hidup yang

kita deskripsikan, baik secara kenampakan, bau, suara, atau

tekstur dari benda atau makhluk hidup tersebut.

Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing

is like, its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person,

place, or thing.

2. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text has structure as below:

a. Identification; identifying the phenomenon to be described.

b. Description; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities,

or/and characteristic.

3. The Language Features

a. The use of simple present tense

- Word order of questions with Do and Does

Do/Does Subject Verb* the Rest of

the sentence

Do I / you / we / they have / need want etc.

a new bike? Does he / she / it

*Verb: The verb that goes here is the base form of the

infinitive = The infinitive without TO before the verb. Instead

of the infinitive To have it is just the have part.

b. The use of compound adjective (e.g. : brownish-black air,

bright eyed, bald-headed, long-legged)

4. Script dari menggambarkan orang ―Flyer of a Missing Person‖


The Example of Describing Person

VI. Model/Metode Pembelajaran

Pembelajaran menggunakan model Quantum Thinker.

VII. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pendahuluan a) Memberi Salam

b) Tegur Sapa

15 menit


c) Apersepsi

Guru memotivasi

peserta didik dengan

tanya jawab mengenai

teks tulis fungsional

dan esai pendek

sederhana berbentuk

descriptive text untuk

berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

Guru menjelaskan

pentingnya materi yang

akan dipelajari dan

kompetensi yang harus

dikuasi. Materi ini

penting dipelajari

karena memberikan

keterampilan kepada

peserta didik untuk



Guru menjelaskan

definisi (definition),

struktur umum (generic

struktur), dan fitur

bahasa descriptive text.

Guru mengajarkan dan

menyediakan contoh

yang sesuai tentang

menerapkan model

Quantum Thinker

dalam pengajaran

pemahaman membaca


descriptive text

berdasarkan pedoman

penerapan model

Quantum Thinker

kepada peserta didik.

Inti Eksplorasi


Guru menyebarkan

gambar sesuai dengan

materi yang dipelajari

dan menyampaikan

kepada peserta didik

untuk memahami

gambar tersebut.

Guru membahas dan

memberikan tata

bahasa; simple present

tense (word order of

questions with Do and

Does) and compound


Guru memfasilitasi

interaksi antar peserta

didik serta antara

peserta didik dengan

guru, lingkungan, dan

sumber belajar lainnya.

Guru melibatkan

peserta didik secara

aktif dalam setiap

kegiatan pembelajaran.


65 menit


Guru meminta peserta

didik untuk membuat

beberapa pertanyaan

yang berhubungan

dengan judul teks.

Guru memberi

kesempatan peserta

didik untuk berpikir,

menganalisis dan

mecari ide sebanyak

yang mereka bisa untuk

menjawab pertanyaan


Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik dalam

pembelajaran kooperatif

and kolaboratif.

Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik

berkompetensi secara

sehat untuk

meningkatkan prestasi



Guru menginformasikan

topik/materi yang

dibahas berdasarkan

teks yang telah dibaca

peserta didik tersebut.

Guru memberi

penjelasan tentang

materi tersebut.


Guru memberi

kesimpulan atas materi


Penutup Bersama-sama dengan

peserta didik membuat

rangkuman atau

kesimpulan pelajaran.

Memberikan umpan

balik terhadap proses

dan hasil pembelajaran.

Menyampaikan rencana


pertemuan berikutnya.

Memberi salam.

10 menit

VIII. Alat/media/Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Buku teks yang relevan.

2. Gambar – gambar yang relevan.

3. Script bacaan.

4. Papan tulis.

IX. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Teknik : Tes tertulis

2. Bentuk : Esai

3. Instrument : Terlampir

X. Pedoman Penilaian

Score Value Description

80 - 100 Excellent Describing all the parts, qualities and

characteristics completely

60 - 79 Good Describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Somewhat choppy



40 - 59 Fair Fair describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Some are missing

20 - 39 Poor Poorly describing many parts, qualities

and characteristics are missing

0 - 19 Very Poor Does not describe the parts, qualities

and characteristics anymore


The Example Flyer Picture of a Missing Person


Prediction Column

Question Answer














*pada lembar kolom prediksi, siswa membuat beberapa pertanyaan

yang berhubungan dengan judul teks, kemudian siswa mencari ide

sebanyak yang mereka bisa untuk mejawab pertanyaan mereka.

Catatan: dst (dan seterusnya), e.g. (misalnya), etc (dan lain-lain)

Jakarta, 31 Oktober 2016


Guru Mata Pelajaran Peneliti




Nama sekolah : SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X (Sepuluh) / 1

Aspek/Skill : Membaca

Jenis Teks : Descriptive Text

Tema : Describing Place

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (2x pertemuan)

I. Standar Kompetensi

Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional dan esai pendek

sederhana berbentuk descriptive text untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

Memahami dan merespon makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional

pendek sederhana dan langkah retorika teks tulis esai secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


III. Indikator

Mampu mengidentifikasi atau memahami isi teks fungsional dalam

bentuk descriptive text.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi terhadap teks yang sudah dibaca.

2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dalam teks yang dibaca.

3. Menggambarkan tentang descriptive text.

4. Mengidentiikasi langkah-langkah retorika dari teks.


V. Materi Pembelajaran

1. The Language Features

a. The use of interrogative words and sentence

- Interrogative words (e.g. : what?, who?, really?, how?)

- Interrogative Words:

Present tense

Auxiliary/to be + subject + verb 1 + … + ? or

WH-question + auxiliary/to be + subject + verb + … + ?


Simple Present

How is she now? (WH + to be + S + adverb + ?)

What is the next? (WH + to be + adverb + ?)

Is she okay? (to be + S + adjective + ?)

- Primary auxiliaries (e.g. : do/does/did, has/have, be)

- Modal auxiliaries (e.g. : can/could, may/might, shall/

should, will/would, must, etc)

- To be (verb be): is/am/are

2. Script dari menggambarkan tempat ―Semarang‖

3. Kosa kata yang berkaitan dengan teks:

English Indonesia English Indonesia

approximately berkisar honour menghormati

climate iklim mayor walikota

coast pantai predominantly berkisar

built dibangun roundabout bundaran

boasts memiliki surrounded

(surround) dikelilingi

headed (head) dikepalai struggle perjuangan

The Example of Describing Place


VI. Model/Metode Pembelajaran

Pembelajaran menggunakan model Quantum Thinker.

VII. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pendahuluan a) Memberi Salam

b) Tegur Sapa

c) Apersepsi

15 menit


Guru memotivasi

peserta didik dengan

tanya jawab mengenai

teks tulis fungsional

dan esai pendek

sederhana berbentuk

descriptive text untuk

berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

Guru menjelaskan

pentingnya materi yang

akan dipelajari dan

kompetensi yang harus

dikuasi. Materi ini

penting dipelajari

karena memberikan

keterampilan kepada

peserta didik untuk



Guru menjelaskan fitur

bahasa descriptive text.

Guru mengajarkan dan

menyediakan contoh

yang sesuai tentang

menerapkan model

Quantum Thinker

dalam pengajaran

pemahaman membaca

descriptive text

berdasarkan pedoman

penerapan model

Quantum Thinker


kepada peserta didik.

Inti Eksplorasi


Guru menyebarkan

gambar sesuai dengan

materi yang dipelajari

dan menyampaikan

kepada peserta didik

untuk memahami

gambar tersebut.

Guru membahas dan

mengembangkan kosa

kata dan tata bahasa;

simple present tense

(interrogative words and


Guru memfasilitasi

interaksi antar peserta

didik serta antara

peserta didik dengan

guru, lingkungan, dan

sumber belajar lainnya.

Guru melibatkan

peserta didik secara

aktif dalam setiap

kegiatan pembelajaran.


Guru meminta peserta

didik untuk membuat

beberapa pertanyaan

yang berhubungan

dengan judul teks.

65 menit


Guru memberi

kesempatan peserta

didik untuk berpikir,

menganalisis dan

mecari ide sebanyak

yang mereka bisa untuk

menjawab pertanyaan


Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik dalam

pembelajaran kooperatif

and kolaboratif.

Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik

berkompetensi secara

sehat untuk

meningkatkan prestasi



Guru menginformasikan

topik/materi yang

dibahas berdasarkan

teks yang telah dibaca

peserta didik tersebut.

Guru memberi

penjelasan tentang

materi tersebut.

Guru memberi

kesimpulan atas materi


Penutup Bersama-sama dengan

peserta didik membuat

10 menit


rangkuman atau

kesimpulan pelajaran.

Memberikan umpan

balik terhadap proses

dan hasil pembelajaran.

Menyampaikan rencana


pertemuan berikutnya.

Memberi salam.

VIII. Alat/media/Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Buku teks yang relevan.

2. Gambar – gambar yang relevan.

3. Script bacaan.

4. Papan tulis.

IX. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Teknik : Tes tertulis

2. Bentuk : Esai

3. Instrument : Terlampir

X. Pedoman Penilaian

Score Value Description

80 - 100 Excellent Describing all the parts, qualities and

characteristics completely

60 - 79 Good

Describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Somewhat choppy


40 - 59 Fair Fair describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Some are missing


20 - 39 Poor Poorly describing many parts, qualities

and characteristics are missing

0 - 19 Very Poor Does not describe the parts, qualities

and characteristics anymore


The Example Picture of Semarang

Prediction Column

Question Answer















*pada lembar kolom prediksi, siswa membuat beberapa pertanyaan

yang berhubungan dengan judul teks, kemudian siswa mencari ide

sebanyak yang mereka bisa untuk mejawab pertanyaan mereka.

Catatan: dst (dan seterusnya), e.g. (misalnya), etc (dan lain-lain)

Jakarta, 7 November 2016


Guru Mata Pelajaran Peneliti

Nurul Fadillah S.Pd

Dwi Putri Puspitasari

NIM. 2012850050




Nama sekolah : SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X (Sepuluh) / 1

Aspek/Skill : Membaca

Jenis Teks : Descriptive Text

Tema : Describing Place

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (2x pertemuan)

I. Standar Kompetensi

Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional dan esai pendek

sederhana berbentuk descriptive text untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

Memahami dan merespon makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional

pendek sederhana dan langkah retorika teks tulis esai secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


III. Indikator

Mampu mengidentifikasi atau memahami isi teks fungsional dalam

bentuk descriptive text.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi terhadap teks yang sudah dibaca.

2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dalam teks yang dibaca.

3. Menggambarkan tentang descriptive text.

4. Mengidentiikasi langkah-langkah retorika dari teks.


V. Materi Pembelajaran

1. The Language Features

a. Focus on one specific object

b. The Use of Simple Present Tense

Pattern :

(+) S + V1 s/es

Example : They write a letter

(-) S + do/does + not + V1

Example : I do not bring money.

(?) Do/does + S + V1

Example : Does she go to campus?

c. The Use of Adjectives (e.g. : thick, long, funny, love, etc)

2. Script dari menggambarkan tempat ―Borobudur Temple‖

3. Kosa kata yang berkaitan dengan teks:

English Indonesia English Indonesia


(abandon) ditinggalkan similar mirip


(adorn) dihiasi


(surround) dikelilingi

bell-shaped berbentuk

lonceng stone batu


(crown) dimahkotai stairway tangga


(excavate) digali treasure harta

extend meluas universe alam


partially sebagian valuable berharga

shiren kuil well-known terkenal

The Example of Describing Place


VI. Model/Metode Pembelajaran

Pembelajaran menggunakan model Quantum Thinker.

VII. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pendahuluan a) Memberi Salam

b) Tegur Sapa

c) Apersepsi

Guru memotivasi

peserta didik dengan

tanya jawab mengenai

teks tulis fungsional

dan esai pendek

sederhana berbentuk

descriptive text untuk

berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

15 menit


Guru menjelaskan

pentingnya materi yang

akan dipelajari dan

kompetensi yang harus

dikuasi. Materi ini

penting dipelajari

karena memberikan

keterampilan kepada

peserta didik untuk



Guru menjelaskan fitur

bahasa descriptive text.

Guru mengajarkan dan

menyediakan contoh

yang sesuai tentang

menerapkan model

Quantum Thinker

dalam pengajaran

pemahaman membaca

descriptive text

berdasarkan pedoman

penerapan model

Quantum Thinker

kepada peserta didik.

Inti Eksplorasi


Guru menyebarkan

gambar sesuai dengan

materi yang dipelajari

dan menyampaikan

kepada peserta didik

untuk memahami

65 menit


gambar tersebut.

Guru membahas dan

memberikan tata

bahasa; simple present

tense and adjectives.

Guru memfasilitasi

interaksi antar peserta

didik serta antara

peserta didik dengan

guru, lingkungan, dan

sumber belajar lainnya.

Guru melibatkan

peserta didik secara

aktif dalam setiap

kegiatan pembelajaran.


Guru meminta peserta

didik untuk membuat

beberapa pertanyaan

yang berhubungan

dengan judul teks.

Guru memberi

kesempatan peserta

didik untuk berpikir,

menganalisis dan

mecari ide sebanyak

yang mereka bisa untuk

menjawab pertanyaan


Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik dalam

pembelajaran kooperatif


and kolaboratif.

Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik

berkompetensi secara

sehat untuk

meningkatkan prestasi



Guru menginformasikan

topik/materi yang

dibahas berdasarkan

teks yang telah dibaca

peserta didik tersebut.

Guru memberi

penjelasan tentang

materi tersebut.

Guru memberi

kesimpulan atas materi


Penutup Bersama-sama dengan

peserta didik membuat

rangkuman atau

kesimpulan pelajaran.

Memberikan umpan

balik terhadap proses

dan hasil pembelajaran.

Menyampaikan rencana


pertemuan berikutnya.

Memberi salam.

10 menit

VIII. Alat/media/Sumber Pembelajaran


1. Buku teks yang relevan.

2. Gambar – gambar yang relevan.

3. Script bacaan.

4. Papan tulis.

IX. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Teknik : Tes tertulis

2. Bentuk : Esai

3. Instrument : Terlampir

X. Pedoman Penilian

Score Value Description

80 - 100 Excellent Describing all the parts, qualities and

characteristics completely

60 - 79 Good

Describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Somewhat choppy


40 - 59 Fair Fair describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Some are missing

20 - 39 Poor Poorly describing many parts, qualities

and characteristics are missing

0 - 19 Very Poor Does not describe the parts, qualities

and characteristics anymore


The Example Picture of Borobudur Temple


Prediction Column

Question Answer














*pada lembar kolom prediksi, siswa membuat beberapa pertanyaan

yang berhubungan dengan judul teks, kemudian siswa mencari ide

sebanyak yang mereka bisa untuk mejawab pertanyaan mereka.

Catatan: dst (dan seterusnya), e.g. (misalnya), etc (dan lain-lain)

Jakarta, 14 November 2016




Nama sekolah : SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X (Sepuluh) / 1

Aspek/Skill : Membaca

Jenis Teks : Descriptive Text

Tema : Describing Place

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (2x pertemuan)

I. Standar Kompetensi

Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional dan esai pendek

sederhana berbentuk descriptive text untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

Memahami dan merespon makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional

pendek sederhana dan langkah retorika teks tulis esai secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


III. Indikator

Mampu mengidentifikasi atau memahami isi teks fungsional dalam

bentuk descriptive text.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi terhadap teks yang sudah dibaca.

2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dalam teks yang dibaca.

3. Menggambarkan tentang descriptive text.

4. Mengidentiikasi langkah-langkah retorika dari teks.


V. Materi Pembelajaran

1. The Language Feature

a. The use of preposition of place (position and direction)

(e.g. : the apple is on the plate, the boy is reading a book

under a tree)

2. Script dari menggambarkan tempat ―Purna Bhakti Pertiwi


3. Kosa kata yang berkaitan dengan teks:

English Indonesia

appealing menarik

colleague rekan kerja

corner penjuru

glimpse melihat sekilas

perverse menyimpang

struggle perjuangan

The Example of Describing Place

VI. Model/Metode Pembelajaran

Pembelajaran menggunakan model Quantum Thinker.


VII. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pendahuluan a) Memberi Salam

b) Tegur Sapa

c) Apersepsi

Guru memotivasi

peserta didik dengan

tanya jawab mengenai

teks tulis fungsional

dan esai pendek

sederhana berbentuk

descriptive text untuk

berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

Guru menjelaskan

pentingnya materi yang

akan dipelajari dan

kompetensi yang harus

dikuasi. Materi ini

penting dipelajari

karena memberikan

keterampilan kepada

peserta didik untuk



Guru menjelaskan fitur

bahasa descriptive text.

Guru mengajarkan dan

menyediakan contoh

yang sesuai tentang

menerapkan model

Quantum Thinker

dalam pengajaran

15 menit


pemahaman membaca

descriptive text

berdasarkan pedoman

penerapan model

Quantum Thinker

kepada peserta didik.

Inti Eksplorasi


Guru menyebarkan

gambar sesuai dengan

materi yang dipelajari

dan menyampaikan

kepada peserta didik

untuk memahami

gambar tersebut.

Guru membahas dan

memberikan tata

bahasa; preposition of

place (position and


Guru memfasilitasi

interaksi antar peserta

didik serta antara

peserta didik dengan

guru, lingkungan, dan

sumber belajar lainnya.

Guru melibatkan

peserta didik secara

aktif dalam setiap

kegiatan pembelajaran.


Guru meminta peserta

65 menit


didik untuk membuat

beberapa pertanyaan

yang berhubungan

dengan judul teks.

Guru memberi

kesempatan peserta

didik untuk berpikir,

menganalisis dan

mecari ide sebanyak

yang mereka bisa untuk

menjawab pertanyaan


Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik dalam

pembelajaran kooperatif

and kolaboratif.

Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik

berkompetensi secara

sehat untuk

meningkatkan prestasi



Guru menginformasikan

topik/materi yang

dibahas berdasarkan

teks yang telah dibaca

peserta didik tersebut.

Guru memberi

penjelasan tentang

materi tersebut.

Guru memberi


kesimpulan atas materi


Penutup Bersama-sama dengan

peserta didik membuat

rangkuman atau

kesimpulan pelajaran.

Memberikan umpan

balik terhadap proses

dan hasil pembelajaran.

Menyampaikan rencana


pertemuan berikutnya.

Memberi salam.

10 menit

VIII. Alat/media/Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Buku teks yang relevan.

2. Gambar – gambar yang relevan.

3. Script bacaan.

4. Papan tulis.

IX. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Teknik : Tes tertulis

2. Bentuk : Esai

3. Instrument : Terlampir

X. Pedoman Penilian

Score Value Description

80 - 100 Excellent Describing all the parts, qualities and

characteristics completely

60 - 79 Good

Describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Somewhat choppy



40 - 59 Fair Fair describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Some are missing

20 - 39 Poor Poorly describing many parts, qualities

and characteristics are missing

0 - 19 Very Poor Does not describe the parts, qualities

and characteristics anymore


The Example Picture of Purna Bhakti Pertiwi Museum

Prediction Column

Question Answer















*pada lembar kolom prediksi, siswa membuat beberapa pertanyaan

yang berhubungan dengan judul teks, kemudian siswa mencari ide

sebanyak yang mereka bisa untuk mejawab pertanyaan mereka.

Catatan: dst (dan seterusnya), e.g. (misalnya)

Jakarta, 21 November 2016


Guru Mata Pelajaran Peneliti

Nurul Fadillah S.Pd

Dwi Putri Puspitasari

NIM. 2012850050




Nama sekolah : SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X (Sepuluh) / 1

Aspek/Skill : Membaca

Jenis Teks : Descriptive Text

Tema : Describing People

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (2x pertemuan)

XI. Standar Kompetensi

Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional dan esai pendek

sederhana berbentuk descriptive text untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

XII. Kompetensi Dasar

Memahami dan merespon makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional

pendek sederhana dan langkah retorika teks tulis esai secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


XIII. Indikator

Mampu mengidentifikasi atau memahami isi teks fungsional dalam

bentuk descriptive text.

XIV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:

5. Mengidentifikasi terhadap teks yang sudah dibaca.

6. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dalam teks yang dibaca.


7. Menggambarkan tentang descriptive text.

8. Mengidentiikasi langkah-langkah retorika dari teks.

XV. Materi Pembelajaran

5. Mendengarkan Pengertian

Descriptive text merupakan jenis teks yang banyak

digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dalam menggambarkan

benda, tempat, manusia, hewan dan lain sebagainya.

Descriptive text adalah sebuah teks bahasa Inggris untuk

menggambarkan seperti apa benda atau mahkluk hidup yang

kita deskripsikan, baik secara kenampakan, bau, suara, atau

tekstur dari benda atau makhluk hidup tersebut.

Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing

is like, its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person,

place, or thing.

6. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

Descriptive text has structure as below :

c. Identification; identifying the phenomenon to be described.

d. Description; describing the phenomenon in parts, qualities,

or/and characteristic.

7. The Language Features

c. The use of simple present tense

- Word order of questions with Do and Does

Do/Does Subject Verb* the Rest of

the sentence

Do I / you / we / they have / need want etc.

a new bike? Does he / she / it

*Verb : The verb that goes here is the base form of the

infinitive = The infinitive without TO before the verb. Instead

of the infinitive To have it is just the have part.

d. The use of compound adjective (e.g. : brownish-black air,

bright eyed, bald-headed, long-legged)

8. Script dari menggambarkan orang ―Flyer of a Missing Person‖


The Example of Describing Person

Now, answer the questions based on the text.

1. What is the text about?

2. What is the name of the missing person?

3. What is his complexion like?

4. How old is he?

5. What is his eye color?

6. What is his hair like?

7. What is his address?


8. What time was he last seen?

9. What was he wearing?

10. If someone meets this person, what should he she do?

XVI. Model/Metode Pembelajaran

Pembelajaran menggunakan model tradisional:



Question and answer

XVII. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pendahuluan d) Memberi Salam

e) Tegur Sapa

f) Apersepsi

Guru memotivasi

peserta didik dengan

tanya jawab mengenai

teks tulis fungsional dan

esai pendek sederhana

berbentuk descriptive

text untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan


Guru menjelaskan

pentingnya materi yang

akan dipelajari dan

kompetensi yang harus

dikuasi. Materi ini

penting dipelajari

karena memberikan

keterampilan kepada

peserta didik untuk

15 menit




Guru menjelaskan

definisi (definition),

struktur umum (generic

struktur), dan fitur

bahasa descriptive text.

Inti Eksplorasi


Guru memberikan

stimulus berupa

pemberian materi

tentang descriptive text.

Guru meminta peserta

didik untuk

mendiskusikan materi


Guru membahas dan

memberikan tata

bahasa; simple present

tense (word order of

questions with Do and

Does) and compound


Guru memfasilitasi

interaksi antar peserta

didik serta antara

peserta didik dengan

guru, lingkungan, dan

sumber belajar lainnya.

Guru melibatkan

peserta didik secara

aktif dalam setiap

65 menit


kegiatan pembelajaran.


Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik melalui

pemberian soal latihan.

Guru memberi

kesempatan peserta

didik untuk berpikir,

menganalisis dan

mecari ide sebanyak

yang mereka bisa untuk

menjawab pertanyaan


Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik dalam

pembelajaran kooperatif

and kolaboratif.

Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik

berkompetensi secara

sehat untuk

meningkatkan prestasi



Guru menginformasikan

topik/materi yang

dibahas berdasarkan

teks yang telah dibaca

peserta didik tersebut.

Guru memberi

penjelasan tentang


materi tersebut.

Guru memberi

kesimpulan atas materi


Penutup Bersama-sama dengan

peserta didik membuat

rangkuman atau

kesimpulan pelajaran.

Memberikan umpan

balik terhadap proses

dan hasil pembelajaran.

Menyampaikan rencana


pertemuan berikutnya.

Memberi salam.

10 menit

XVIII. Alat/media/Sumber Pembelajaran

5. Buku teks yang relevan.

6. Script bacaan.

7. Papan tulis.

XIX. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

4. Teknik : Tes tertulis

5. Bentuk : Esai

6. Instrument : Terlampir

XX. Pedoman Penilaian

Score Value Description

80 - 100 Excellent Describing all the parts, qualities and

characteristics completely

60 - 79 Good Describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Somewhat choppy



40 - 59 Fair Fair describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Some are missing

20 - 39 Poor Poorly describing many parts, qualities

and characteristics are missing

0 - 19 Very Poor Does not describe the parts, qualities

and characteristics anymore



Answer Key

1. It is about description of a missing person

2. The name is James Lewis

3. It is white-skinned

4. His age is 67th

5. Eye color is Brown

6. His hair is Grayish-haired

7. His residence in the 2800 block of Pennsylvania Avenue, SE

8. At approximately 12.30 p.m., on Saturday, 11 March 2014

9. Last seen wearing blue jeans and grey/blue shirt

10. Report to Washington, DC-The Metropolitan Police Department

Catatan: e.g. (misalnya), etc (dan lain-lain)

Jakarta, 2 November 2016


Guru Mata Pelajaran Peneliti

Nurul Fadillah S.Pd

Dwi Putri Puspitasari NIM. 2012850050




Nama sekolah : SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X (Sepuluh) / 1

Aspek/Skill : Membaca

Jenis Teks : Descriptive Text

Tema : Describing Place

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (2x pertemuan)

I. Standar Kompetensi

Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional dan esai pendek

sederhana berbentuk descriptive text untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

Memahami dan merespon makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional

pendek sederhana dan langkah retorika teks tulis esai secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


III. Indikator

Mampu mengidentifikasi atau memahami isi teks fungsional dalam

bentuk descriptive text.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi terhadap teks yang sudah dibaca.

2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dalam teks yang dibaca.

3. Menggambarkan tentang descriptive text.

4. Mengidentiikasi langkah-langkah retorika dari teks.


V. Materi Pembelajaran

1. The Language Features

a. The use of interrogative words and sentence

- Interrogative words (e.g. : what?, who?, really?, how?)

- Interrogative Words:

Present tense

Auxiliary/to be + subject + verb 1 + … + ? or

WH-question + auxiliary/to be + subject + verb + … + ?


Simple Present

How is she now? (WH + to be + S + adverb + ?)

What is the next? (WH + to be + adverb + ?)

Is she okay? (to be + S + adjective + ?)

- Primary auxiliaries (e.g. : do/does/did, has/have, be)

- Modal auxiliaries (e.g. : can/could, may/might,

shall/should, will/would, must, etc)

- To be (verb be): is/am/are

2. Script dari menggambarkan tempat ―Semarang‖

3. Kosa kata yang berkaitan dengan teks:

English Indonesia English Indonesia

approximately berkisar honour menghormati

climate iklim mayor walikota

coast pantai predominantly berkisar

built dibangun roundabout bundaran

boasts memiliki surrounded

(surround) dikelilingi

headed (head) dikepalai struggle perjuangan


The Example of Describing Place

Now, complete the table with the 10 information in the text.

1. Population : ____________________

2. Location : ____________________

3. Seasons : ____________________

4. : ____________________

5. : ____________________

6. : ____________________

7. : ____________________


8. : ____________________

9. : ____________________

10. : ____________________

VI. Model/Metode Pembelajaran

Pembelajaran menggunakan model tradisional:



Question and answer

VII. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pendahuluan a) Memberi Salam

b) Tegur Sapa

c) Apersepsi

Guru memotivasi

peserta didik dengan

tanya jawab mengenai

teks tulis fungsional dan

esai pendek sederhana

berbentuk descriptive

text untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan


Guru menjelaskan

pentingnya materi yang

akan dipelajari dan

kompetensi yang harus

dikuasi. Materi ini

penting dipelajari

karena memberikan

keterampilan kepada

peserta didik untuk

15 menit




Guru menjelaskan fitur

bahasa descriptive text.

Inti Eksplorasi


Guru memberikan

stimulus berupa

pemberian materi

tentang descriptive text.

Guru meminta peserta

didik untuk

mendiskusikan materi


Guru membahas dan

memberikan tata

bahasa; simple present

tense (interrogative

words and sentence).

Guru memfasilitasi

interaksi antar peserta

didik serta antara

peserta didik dengan

guru, lingkungan, dan

sumber belajar lainnya.

Guru melibatkan

peserta didik secara

aktif dalam setiap

kegiatan pembelajaran.


Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik melalui

65 menit


pemberian soal latihan.

Guru memberi

kesempatan peserta

didik untuk berpikir,

menganalisis dan

mecari ide sebanyak

yang mereka bisa untuk

menjawab pertanyaan


Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik dalam

pembelajaran kooperatif

and kolaboratif.

Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik

berkompetensi secara

sehat untuk

meningkatkan prestasi



Guru menginformasikan

topik/materi yang

dibahas berdasarkan

teks yang telah dibaca

peserta didik tersebut.

Guru memberi

penjelasan tentang

materi tersebut.

Guru memberi

kesimpulan atas materi


Penutup Bersama-sama dengan 10 menit


peserta didik membuat

rangkuman atau

kesimpulan pelajaran.

Memberikan umpan

balik terhadap proses

dan hasil pembelajaran.

Menyampaikan rencana


pertemuan berikutnya.

Memberi salam.

VIII. Alat/media/Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Buku teks yang relevan.

2. Script bacaan.

3. Papan tulis.

IX. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Teknik : Tes tertulis

2. Bentuk : Esai

3. Instrument : Terlampir

X. Pedoman Penilaian

Score Value Description

80 - 100 Excellent Describing all the parts, qualities and

characteristics completely

60 - 79 Good

Describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Somewhat choppy


40 - 59 Fair Fair describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Some are missing


20 - 39 Poor Poorly describing many parts, qualities

and characteristics are missing

0 - 19 Very Poor Does not describe the parts, qualities

and characteristics anymore



Answer Key

1. 1,5 million people

2. City on the north coast of the island Java, Indonesia

3. Semarang features a tropical wet and dry climate, with distinct

wet and dry season








Catatan: e.g. (misalnya), etc (dan lain-lain)

Jakarta, 9 November 2016


Guru Mata Pelajaran Peneliti

Nurul Fadillah S.Pd

Dwi Putri Puspitasari NIM. 2012850050




Nama sekolah : SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X (Sepuluh) / 1

Aspek/Skill : Membaca

Jenis Teks : Descriptive Text

Tema : Describing Place

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (2x pertemuan)

I. Standar Kompetensi

Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional dan esai pendek

sederhana berbentuk descriptive text untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

Memahami dan merespon makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional

pendek sederhana dan langkah retorika teks tulis esai secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


III. Indikator

Mampu mengidentifikasi atau memahami isi teks fungsional dalam

bentuk descriptive text.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi terhadap teks yang sudah dibaca.

2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dalam teks yang dibaca.

3. Menggambarkan tentang descriptive text.

4. Mengidentiikasi langkah-langkah retorika dari teks.


V. Materi Pembelajaran

1. The Language Features

a. Focus on one specific object

b. The Use of Simple Present Tense

Pattern :

(+) S + V1 s/es

Example : They write a letter

(-) S + do/does + not + V1

Example : I do not bring money.

(?) Do/does + S + V1

Example : Does she go to campus?

c. The Use of Adjectives (e.g. : thick, long, funny, love, etc)

2. Script dari menggambarkan tempat ―Borobudur Temple‖

3. Kosa kata yang berkaitan dengan teks:

English Indonesia English Indonesia


(abandon) ditinggalkan similar mirip


(adorn) dihiasi


(surround) dikelilingi

bell-shaped berbentuk

lonceng stone batu


(crown) dimahkotai stairway tangga


(excavate) digali treasure harta

extend meluas universe alam


partially sebagian valuable berharga

shiren kuil well-known terkenal


The Example of Describing Place

Now, answer the following questions.

1. What is the text telling you about?

2. What is the purpose of the writer writing this text?

3. When was Borobudur temple built?

4. What makes Borobudur temple well-known?

5. What specific things does Borobudur have?

VI. Model/Metode Pembelajaran

Pembelajaran menggunakan model tradisional:



Question and answer


VII. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pendahuluan a) Memberi Salam

b) Tegur Sapa

c) Apersepsi

Guru memotivasi

peserta didik dengan

tanya jawab mengenai

teks tulis fungsional dan

esai pendek sederhana

berbentuk descriptive

text untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan


Guru menjelaskan

pentingnya materi yang

akan dipelajari dan

kompetensi yang harus

dikuasi. Materi ini

penting dipelajari

karena memberikan

keterampilan kepada

peserta didik untuk



Guru menjelaskan fitur

bahasa descriptive text.

15 menit

Inti Eksplorasi


Guru memberikan

stimulus berupa

pemberian materi

tentang descriptive text.

65 menit


Guru meminta peserta

didik untuk

mendiskusikan materi


Guru membahas dan

memberikan tata

bahasa; simple present

tense and adjectives.

Guru memfasilitasi

interaksi antar peserta

didik serta antara

peserta didik dengan

guru, lingkungan, dan

sumber belajar lainnya.

Guru melibatkan

peserta didik secara

aktif dalam setiap

kegiatan pembelajaran.


Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik melalui

pemberian soal latihan.

Guru memberi

kesempatan peserta

didik untuk berpikir,

menganalisis dan

mecari ide sebanyak

yang mereka bisa untuk

menjawab pertanyaan


Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik dalam


pembelajaran kooperatif

and kolaboratif.

Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik

berkompetensi secara

sehat untuk

meningkatkan prestasi



Guru menginformasikan

topik/materi yang

dibahas berdasarkan

teks yang telah dibaca

peserta didik tersebut.

Guru memberi

penjelasan tentang

materi tersebut.

Guru memberi

kesimpulan atas materi


Penutup Bersama-sama dengan

peserta didik membuat

rangkuman atau

kesimpulan pelajaran.

Memberikan umpan

balik terhadap proses

dan hasil pembelajaran.

Menyampaikan rencana


pertemuan berikutnya.

Memberi salam.

10 menit


VIII. Alat/media/Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Buku teks yang relevan.

2. Script bacaan.

3. Papan tulis.

IX. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Teknik : Tes tertulis

2. Bentuk : Esai

3. Instrument : Terlampir

X. Pedoman Penilaian

Score Value Description

80 - 100 Excellent Describing all the parts, qualities and

characteristics completely

60 - 79 Good

Describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Somewhat choppy


40 - 59 Fair Fair describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Some are missing

20 - 39 Poor Poorly describing many parts, qualities

and characteristics are missing

0 - 19 Very Poor Does not describe the parts, qualities

and characteristics anymore



Answer Key

1. It is descriptive text about describing place of Borobudur temple

2. It is introduce Borobudur temple to the readers

3. Borobudur temple built in the 9th century under the Syailendra


4. The design of Borobudur, a temple-mountain symbolizing the

structure of the universe, is similar to the temples built at

Angkor, Cambodia and Borobudur temple is a valuable treasure

for Indonesia people

5. Borobudur temple influenced by the Gupta architecture of India,

the temple is constructed on a hill 46 m (150 ft) high and

consists of eight steps like stone terraces, one on top of the

other. The first five terraces are square and surrounded by walls

adorned with Buddhist sculpture in bas-relief; the upper three

are circular, each with a circle of bell-shaped stupas (Buddhist

shrines). The entire edifice is crowned by a large stupa at the


center of the top circle. The way to the summit extends through

some 4.8 km (Some 3 mi) of passages and stairways. The

design of Borobudur, a temple-mountain symbolizing the

structure of the universe, is similar to the temples built at

Angkor, Cambodia

Catatan: e.g. (misalnya), etc (dan lain-lain)

Jakarta, 16 November 2016


Guru Mata Pelajaran Peneliti

Nurul Fadillah S.Pd

Dwi Putri Puspitasari NIM. 2012850050




Nama sekolah : SMA Gita Kirtti 3 Jakarta

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X (Sepuluh) / 1

Aspek/Skill : Membaca

Jenis Teks : Descriptive Text

Tema : Describing Place

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit (2x pertemuan)

I. Standar Kompetensi

Memahami makna dalam teks fungsional dan esai pendek

sederhana berbentuk descriptive text untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkungan sekitar.

II. Kompetensi Dasar

Memahami dan merespon makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional

pendek sederhana dan langkah retorika teks tulis esai secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan


III. Indikator

Mampu mengidentifikasi atau memahami isi teks fungsional dalam

bentuk descriptive text.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:

1. Mengidentifikasi terhadap teks yang sudah dibaca.

2. Mengidentifikasi tujuan dalam teks yang dibaca.

3. Menggambarkan tentang descriptive text.

4. Mengidentiikasi langkah-langkah retorika dari teks.


V. Materi Pembelajaran

1. The Language Feature

a. The use of preposition of place (position and direction)

(e.g. : the apple is on the plate, the boy is reading a book

under a tree)

2. Script dari menggambarkan tempat ―Purna Bhakti Pertiwi


3. Kosa kata yang berkaitan dengan teks:

English Indonesia

appealing menarik

colleague rekan kerja

corner penjuru

glimpse melihat sekilas

perverse menyimpang

struggle perjuangan

The Example of Describing Place

Now, answer the questions based on the text.

1. What is the text about?

2. What does the writer try to describe?


3. The first paragraph tells the readers about _______________

4. The characteristics of Purna Bhakti Pertiwi Museum can be

found in paragraph _______________

5. The main idea of the third paragraph is _______________

VI. Model/Metode Pembelajaran

Pembelajaran menggunakan model tradisional:



Question and answer

VII. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Kegiatan Deskripsi Kegiatan Alokasi Waktu

Pendahuluan a) Memberi Salam

b) Tegur Sapa

c) Apersepsi

Guru memotivasi

peserta didik dengan

tanya jawab mengenai

teks tulis fungsional dan

esai pendek sederhana

berbentuk descriptive

text untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan


Guru menjelaskan

pentingnya materi yang

akan dipelajari dan

kompetensi yang harus

dikuasi. Materi ini

penting dipelajari

karena memberikan

keterampilan kepada

15 menit


peserta didik untuk



Guru menjelaskan fitur

bahasa descriptive text.

Inti Eksplorasi


Guru memberikan

stimulus berupa

pemberian materi

tentang descriptive text.

Guru meminta peserta

didik untuk

mendiskusikan materi


Guru membahas dan

memberikan tata

bahasa; preposition of

place (position and


Guru memfasilitasi

interaksi antar peserta

didik serta antara

peserta didik dengan

guru, lingkungan, dan

sumber belajar lainnya.

Guru melibatkan

peserta didik secara

aktif dalam setiap

kegiatan pembelajaran.


Guru memfasilitasi

65 menit


peserta didik melalui

pemberian soal latihan.

Guru memberi

kesempatan peserta

didik untuk berpikir,

menganalisis dan

mecari ide sebanyak

yang mereka bisa untuk

menjawab pertanyaan


Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik dalam

pembelajaran kooperatif

and kolaboratif.

Guru memfasilitasi

peserta didik

berkompetensi secara

sehat untuk

meningkatkan prestasi



Guru menginformasikan

topik/materi yang

dibahas berdasarkan

teks yang telah dibaca

peserta didik tersebut.

Guru memberi

penjelasan tentang

materi tersebut.

Guru memberi

kesimpulan atas materi



Penutup Bersama-sama dengan

peserta didik membuat

rangkuman atau

kesimpulan pelajaran.

Memberikan umpan

balik terhadap proses

dan hasil pembelajaran.

Menyampaikan rencana


pertemuan berikutnya.

Memberi salam.

10 menit

VIII. Alat/media/Sumber Pembelajaran

1. Buku teks yang relevan.

2. Script bacaan.

3. Papan tulis.

IX. Penilaian Hasil Belajar

1. Teknik : Tes tertulis

2. Bentuk : Esai

3. Instrument : Terlampir

X. Pedoman Penilaian

Score Value Description

80 - 100 Excellent Describing all the parts, qualities and

characteristics completely

60 - 79 Good

Describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Somewhat choppy


40 - 59 Fair Fair describing parts, qualities and

characteristics. Some are missing


20 - 39 Poor Poorly describing many parts, qualities

and characteristics are missing

0 - 19 Very Poor Does not describe the parts, qualities

and characteristics anymore


Answer Key

1. It is about descriptive text

2. It is describing place about Purna Bhakti Pertiwi Museum

3. It is about a place to preserve the historical evidence of Mr.

Soeharto‘s struggle

4. In paragraph 3

5. At Purna Bhakti Pertiwi Museum consist of various kinds and

forms of the works of art, which make this museum appealing to


Catatan: e.g. (misalnya), etc (dan lain-lain)


Jakarta, 23 November 2016


Guru Mata Pelajaran Peneliti

Nurul Fadillah S.Pd

Dwi Putri Puspitasari NIM. 2012850050





Number Students Pre-test Post-test

1 S1 70 95

2 S2 90 90

3 S3 80 80

4 S4 85 90

5 S5 85 90

6 S6 85 95

7 S7 80 85


8 S8 80 85

9 S9 90 95

10 S10 75 85

11 S11 85 90

12 S12 80 80

13 S13 70 95

14 S14 75 80

15 S15 80 95

16 S16 75 80

17 S17 80 80

18 S18 80 80

19 S19 80 85

20 S20 80 80

21 S21 80 85

22 S22 75 85

23 S23 80 85

24 S24 75 80

25 S25 75 80

26 S26 95 95

27 S27 90 95

28 S28 80 85

29 S29 80 90

30 S30 75 80

31 S31 80 95

32 S32 80 95

33 S33 75 80

34 S34 75 80

Amount 34 2720 2945

Mean 80 86.7

Number Students Pre-test Post-test

1 S1 80 85

2 S2 65 70

3 S3 90 95

4 S4 80 90

5 S5 80 80

6 S6 80 90

7 S7 75 85

8 S8 50 65

9 S9 85 85

10 S10 80 80


11 S11 90 95

12 S12 80 90

13 S13 75 90

14 S14 65 65

15 S15 80 85

16 S16 50 65

17 S17 85 85

18 S18 80 90

19 S19 85 85

20 S20 50 70

21 S21 65 80

22 S22 65 70

23 S23 80 90

24 S24 85 90

25 S25 65 65

26 S26 65 65

Amount 26 1930 2105

Mean 74.4 80.9














Nama : Dwi Putri Puspitasari

Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Jakarta, 29 Oktober 1994

Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan

Alamat : Jl. Tanah Kusir II No. 31 Rt. 010/009 Kel.

Kebayoran Lama Selatan, Kec. Kebayoran

Lama, Jakarta Selatan 12240

Agama : Islam

Kewarganegaraan : Indonesia


1. Orang Tua : a. Ayah : Sugeng Priono

b. Ibu : Herlina


1. TKA At-Taubah Jakarta, tamat tahun 2000

2. TK Kartika XII-1 Jakarta, tamat tahun 2000

3. SD Negeri 05 Pagi Jakarta, tamat tahun 2006

4. SMP Al-Fajar Jakarta, tamat tahun 2009

5. SMA Negeri 7 Jakarta, tamat tahun 2012

6. Diterima di Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas

Muhammadiyah Jakarta, tahun 2012