The Elements of Drama

The Elements of Drama. Drama Comes from the Greek Word, “ Dran ” Means “ To do ” or “ To Act ” The Doing/Acting Makes Drama

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  • The Elements of Drama

  • DramaComes from the Greek Word, Dran Means To do or To ActThe Doing/Acting Makes Drama

  • Dramais a story told in front of an audience

  • Elements of DramaPlaywright - author of a playScript text of a playActors - people who performActs - units of action Scenes - parts of the acts

  • Dramatic Speech Dialogue - conversation between or among charactersMonologue - long speech by one single characterSoliloquy character alone on stage reveals private thoughts to the audience.Aside a brief remark that a character expresses to the audience.

  • Characters actorsConflict strugglePlot sequence of events Climax point of greatest tension

  • Stage Directions Sets of bracketed information that tells what the stage looks like and how characters should move and speak Center Stage = CStage Left = LStage Right = RUpstage or Rear = U.S.Downstage (front)= D.S.

  • Theatre Where a play takes place

  • SetConstruction on the stage that shows time/placeCould be called Scenery

  • PropsMovable objects that the actors use to make actions look real

  • Dramatic Effect - illusion of reality

    Theme insight into life

    Dramatic Conventions methods to enhance the story

  • Types of DramaAncient Greeks developed drama and created two types: Comedy and Tragedy.

  • Comedya form of drama that has a happy ending.Stresses the weaknesses of ordinary people or society.

  • TragedyTragedy is a form of drama in which events lead to the downfall of the main character, like a king or hero.Tragic hero main characterTragic flaw mistaken action or defect in characterChorus group that comments on the actionDramatic irony audience knows but characters dont

  • The Globe

  • The GlobeThe Globe is an open air theater.This model shows the stage from above

  • The Pit1pennyThe Heavens

  • The the walls and settings are made to look elaborate.Seemingly marble columns are just paint

  • The