The Emperor's New Clothes = Gr.3

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  • 8/13/2019 The Emperor's New Clothes = Gr.3


    Once upon a time there lived a vain Emperor

    whose only worry in life was to dress inelegant clothes. He changed clothes almostevery hour and loved to show them off to his

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    Word of the Emperor's refined habitsspread over his kingdom and beyond.Two scoundrels who had heard of the

    Emperor's vanity decided to takeadvantage of it. They introducedthemselves at the gates of the palace

    with a scheme in mind.

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    "We are two very good tailors andafter many years of research we haveinvented an extraordinary method toweave a cloth so light and fine that it

    looks invisible. As a matter of fact it isinvisible to anyone who is too stupidand incompetent to appreciate its


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    The chief of the guardsheard the scoundrel'sstrange story and sent forthe court chamberlain.The chamberlain notified

    the prime minister, whoran to the Emperor anddisclosed the incredible

    news. The Emperor'scuriosity got the better ofhim and he decided tosee the two scoundrels.

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    "Besides being invisible, your

    Highness, this cloth will be wovenin colors and patterns createdespecially for you." The emperor

    gave the two men a bag of goldcoins in exchange for theirpromise to begin working on the

    fabric immediately.

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    "Just tell us what you need to get startedand we'll give it to you." The twoscoundrels asked for a loom, silk, goldthread and then pretended to beginworking. The Emperor thought he hadspent his money quite well: in additionto getting a new extraordinary suit, he

    would discover which of his subjectswere ignorant and incompetent.

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    A few days later, he called the old and

    wise prime minister, who wasconsidered by everyone as a man withcommon sense.

    "Go and see how the work isproceeding," the Emperor told him,"and come back to let me know."

    The prime minister was welcomedby the two scoundrels.

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    "We're almost finished, but weneed a lot more gold thread. Here,Excellency! Admire the colors, feel

    the softness!" The old man bentover the loom and tried to see thefabric that was not there. He felt

    cold sweat on his forehead.

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    "I can't see anything," hethought. "If I see nothing,that means I'm stupid! Or,

    worse, incompetent!" If theprime minister admitted thathe didn't see anything, he

    would be discharged fromhis office.

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    "What a marvelous fabric, he

    said then. "I'll certainly tellthe Emperor." The twoscoundrels rubbed theirhands gleefully. They hadalmost made it. More thread

    was requested to finish thework.

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    Finally, the Emperor receivedthe announcement that the

    two tailors had come to takeall the measurements neededto sew his new suit.

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    "Come in," the Emperorordered. Even as theybowed, the two scoundrels

    pretended to be holdinglarge roll of fabric.

    "Here it is your

    Highness, the result of ourlabor," the scoundrels said.

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    "We have worked night andday but, at last, the mostbeautiful fabric in the world is

    ready for you. Look at thecolors and feel how fine it is."Of course the Emperor did not

    see any colors and could notfeel any cloth between hisfingers.

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    He panicked and felt likefainting. But luckily the throne

    was right behind him and hesat down. But when herealized that no one couldknow that he did not see the

    fabric, he felt better. Nobodycould find out he was stupidand incompetent.

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    And the Emperor didn't know that

    everybody else around himthought and did the very samething.

    The farce continued as the twoscoundrels had foreseen it. Oncethey had taken the measurements,

    the two began cutting the air withscissors while sewing with theirneedles an invisible cloth.

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    "Your Highness, you'll have totake off your clothes to try on

    your new ones." The two

    scoundrels draped the newclothes on him and then heldup a mirror. The Emperor was

    embarrassed but since noneof his bystanders were, he feltrelieved.

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    "Yes, this is a beautiful suitand it looks very good onme," the Emperor said trying

    to look comfortable. "You'vedone a fine job."

    "Your Majesty," the prime

    minister said, "we have arequest for you.

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    The people have found outabout this extraordinary fabricand they are anxious to see youin your new suit." The Emperor

    was doubtful showing himselfnaked to the people, but thenhe abandoned his fears.

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    After all, no one would

    know about it exceptthe ignorant and theincompetent.

    "All right," he said."I will grant the peoplethis privilege." Hesummoned his carriageand the ceremonialparade was formed.

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    A group of dignitarieswalked at the very front ofthe procession and anxiouslyscrutinized the faces of thepeople in the street. All thepeople had gathered in themain square, pushing and

    shoving to get a better look.An applause welcomed theregal procession.

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    Everyone wanted to know how

    stupid or incompetent his orher neighbor was but, as theEmperor passed, a strange

    murmur rose from the crowd.Everyone said, loud enough

    for the others to hear: "Look at

    the Emperor's new clothes.They're beautiful!"

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    "What a marveloustrain!"

    "And the

    colors! The colorsof that beautifulfabric! I have never

    seen anything likeit in my life!"

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    They all tried to conceal theirdisappointment at not beingable to see the clothes, and

    since nobody was willing toadmit his own stupidity andincompetence, they all

    behaved as the twoscoundrels had predicted.

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    A child, however, who hadno important job and couldonly see things as his eyesshowed them to him, wentup to the carriage.

    "The Emperor is naked,"

    he said.

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    "Fool!" his fatherreprimanded, running afterhim. "Don't talk nonsense!"

    He grabbed his child andtook him away. But the boy'sremark, which had been

    heard by the bystanders, wasrepeated over and over againuntil everyone cried:

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    "The boy is right! TheEmperor is naked! It's true!"

    The Emperor realizedthat the people were rightbut could not admit to that.

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    He though it better to

    continue the processionunder the illusion thatanyone who couldn't see

    his clothes was eitherstupid or incompetent.

    And he stood stiffly on

    his carriage, while behindhim a page held hisimaginary mantle.