The End of the War in Colombia

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  • 8/19/2019 The End of the War in Colombia


    The end of a war in Colombia

    Colombia is the only country in the world which has been in an internal conflict for

    more than 5 decades. This situation has left more than 6.8 million of victims, where we

    find kidnapped people, displaced farmers and dead. Today, the Colombian government

    is holding a peace treaty with the terrorist group called F!C in order to end the war.

    The signature of this official agreement will bring to Colombia new changes" especially,

    in its economy, society and international panorama.

    First of all, #conomic changes are very important to develop a strong economic system

    in any nation. $ue to an ongoing conflict, Colombia has seen several hardships"

    especially, related to its internal and e%ternal economy. Farmers are not in the field

    cultivating their land anymore, and international well known products like coffee,

    flowers and bananas has reduced their profits, lately. &ith the end of the conflict,

    money which was used for the military now will be allocated for farmers. ll of these

    will enhance the agriculture in Colombia and as a result a better life for Colombians is


    new society based on values such as tolerance and understanding will create a new

    generation of Colombians. !esolution of conflicts by means of violence is something

    wrong. 'eace in Colombia brings new policies in several aspects" mostly, in education.

    (n schools and universities will be compulsory topics like tolerance, education for

     peace, and problem solving based on dialogue. ll of these, with the sole purpose to

    educate a new society and avoid future conflicts. 'eace begins in home and education

    strengthens it.

    For many years Colombia has been seen by other counties as a nation of drug dealers,

    terrorist and, kidnappers. This situation has brought several conse)uences not only for

  • 8/19/2019 The End of the War in Colombia


    the country but also for its citi*ens overseas. +nfair and ridiculous personal inspections

     by immigration authorities are among the situations, Colombians has to face each time

    they want to go abroad. The government of Colombia is e%pecting a significant

    reduction of production and consume of drugs with the end of the internal conflict.

    new international panorama is something Colombia eagerly e%pects with the cease of its


    To sum up, a peace treaty is something very urgent for Colombia, a nation hit by

    violence and terrorism. &ith the signature of the final peace agreement, several new

    changes are e%pected in different aspects such as new economic policies, education for

     peace and renew international view. +nderstanding and tolerance is the path to peace.

    oren*o -ahecha illa