pg. 1 © Copyright 2017 Komitor Healing Method, Inc., dba Healing Touch for Animals®. All rights reserved. The Energetics of… LOSS By Carol Komitor Disclaimer: This teaching is meant to explain the energetic system of the human and animal body and does not replace medical or veterinary care. There are no claims of diagnosis, prescription or treatment of any physical or psychological disorders. Refer to a medical or veterinary professional for medical care.

The Energetics of… - Healing Touch for Animals · ̶ Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross The Energetics of…Loss will explain what our energy system goes through when we experience different

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pg. 1 © Copyright 2017 Komitor Healing Method, Inc., dba Healing Touch for Animals®. All rights reserved.

The Energetics of…

LOSS By Carol Komitor

Disclaimer: This teaching is meant to explain the energetic system of the human

and animal body and does not replace medical or veterinary care. There are no

claims of diagnosis, prescription or treatment of any physical or psychological

disorders. Refer to a medical or veterinary professional for medical care.

pg. 2 © Copyright 2017 Komitor Healing Method, Inc., dba Healing Touch for Animals®. All rights reserved.

The Energetics of…Loss

By Carol Komitor

“The most beautiful people I’ve known are those who have known trials, have known

struggles, have known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.”

Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

The Energetics of…Loss will explain what our energy system goes through when we

experience different aspects of loss. Within this teaching, we will explore how to

recover from a loss without adding additional stress or trauma. As we work through the

understanding of how our energy system reacts, defends and reintegrates after a loss,

it is hoped that you will find an easier way to cope and thrive during and after a loss.

About the Energetics of…Series

The work shared in this Energetics of…Series is designed to develop your energetic

awareness as to how the energy system works. This new or strengthened ability will

allow you to better help the humans and animals and advance your own personal

development and self-care.

What you will Learn

The Energetics of…Loss is meant to increase energetic understanding and offer self-

solutions to be able to “right” your energy system after such an event.

This training may tap into a sense of loss you did not even know you were holding

onto. I know that in writing these words, I shed tears, my heart ached and in the end, I

recognized that by acknowledging the feelings and emotions experienced, it helped me

to clear my own energetic congestion and bring my energy into a stronger balance by

releasing loss.

We will explore different aspects of our lives which impact the energy system due to

loss. The goal is to create more awareness about the energy system and recognize the

repair that can be applied to bring balance to our lives.

Please understand that this training is not saying that you are doing something wrong.

The body, mind and spirit we hold within our energy system has a natural ability to

survive. Our coping mechanism allows us to do exactly that: COPE! In this teaching,

you will find that coping is not always healthy, and when issues of loss are addressed at

a deeper level, our own energy system is able to better THRIVE.

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Loss comes to us repeatedly throughout our lives through the loss of a spouse, parent,

child (the hardest in my eyes) or beloved friend. Just as with the loss of a human, when

our animals pass or become lost, it touches us deeply.

No matter what our loss, we are affected by the lost presence. Our hearts ache. Our

tears flow. We are set off-kilter and it is often difficult to return to our normal presence.

The education about how the energy system presents itself during loss is the key to

healing. The understanding of the changes throughout the energy field and the flow of

the energy around the body gives us awareness of what needs to be corrected. We

become aware of the discrepancies and then can use our understanding and our skills

to restore natural energy flow.

All the information offered in the Energetics of…Loss comes from my energetic

awareness, personal experience, and from working with clients in my private practice.

Awareness is Empowering

Awareness affects the deepest of our emotional abilities which include the “why’s” of

how we work. Awareness brings understanding so we can address our challenges, joys

and our aspirations with greater vigor.

In this teaching and exploration of The Energetics of…Loss, it is my hope that we

examine the energy behind different kinds of loss and then consider our reactions to

loss. My desire is to empower you to move forward after a loss. The recognition of how

we work energetically will create a strong, more productive response to loss and offer,

when in the throes of it all, the energetic stability needed to heal.

All of us recognize loss as something that happens to everyone. We assume that the

situation can be “handled”. We sometimes become stoic and then convince ourselves

that we can get over our loss and move on with life. Each scenario of loss is quite real.

Loss is devastating, and it is empowering all at the same time. Different situations

around loss provide us with the recognition of our weaknesses and then show us our


Your Involvement

It will be helpful for your own healing to take each section and work through your

personal concerns, then clear the energetic congestion around it. Let the energy

connected to your issue(s) be driven by the willingness to clear your own energy body.

The clearing then allows your personal energy to flow easily, supporting your well-being

as it provides an increase of your personal energetic vibration.

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What is our Goal with the Energetics of…Loss?

Our goal is to maintain a strong, stable energy system no matter what happens to us.

When a loss is experienced, we want the energy body to stay vital and support us

through a difficult time.

Personal work throughout our lives is so important. Receiving energy work, having a

massage, being outdoors, exercising, going to the doctor, connecting to our family and

friends, all help us to become strong. Taking care of ourselves will help maintain the

energetic balance needed for health. When we do our own personal work, we help our

energy system to manufacture its vibrancy and balance.

Life happens, so does death. Loss is only one aspect of our life that creates an

energetic shift in our being. As we build a strong energy system, and when the

devastation of a loss happens, we can get through that loss and experience with less

personal trauma.

The sooner we accept that there are things in our life that are completely out of our

control, we can move forward. We can recognize the loss which impacted us on many

levels and then move forward to repair our energy system. The energetic repair then

brings us back into a balanced state.

It is impossible to forget what happened with a loss. Our brains store the thoughts, our

hearts collect the feelings and our guts give us the awareness that we are still in this

world, working through our different experiences and issues.

All the emotions that we go through are real whether we are experiencing loss or

something else. It is our responsibility to find a way to travel through the challenges

and commit to health.

When we recognize loss, we must embrace it and bring it to the forefront. We can take

action to clear ourselves from the adverse effects of the whole experience. We can

bring logic, stability and strength back to ourselves and move forward so we can once

again live in balance.

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The Animals The different aspects of loss presented by an animal is typically short lived. Tapping

into their natural instinctual ability, animals work through the adversity of loss quickly.

In the Healing Touch for Animals® Level 1 course, we teach students that the animals

hold a much larger energy system than that of a human, as much as 10 times larger.

Energy Field Perspective of a Dog Beside a Human

The animals also have what I call an “integrated energy field”, not a layered energy

system like humans.

Human Energy Field

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Animals integrate all the aspects of the layered system in particles distributed

throughout the energy field. The integrated energy constitutes their instinct. The

instinctual energy field provides information about their safety, predators and the

emotion of unconditional love. This integrated system looks like pixels from a magnified

digital picture.

Energy Field Integration of an Animal vs. Human

A larger integrated energy field monitors the animal’s surroundings and draws in the

information like radar detectors. Animals process any energetic experience quicker

because of this heightened awareness and then decipher how to react to an event.

Animals generally do not stockpile or hold onto energetic disruption for very long. They

recognize the event, manage the emotion quickly and then move on.

Instinct is their friend. The working mechanisms of their instinct help animals to

maintain their vibrancy and balance with ease.

How Are Animals Affected When There is Loss? When we are working through emotional concerns with our animals, we need to avoid

projecting our own concerns on to them. The animals are tuned-in with the present.

They will recognize that something bad has happened, and then they move on to the

next thing.

The animals’ survival instinct does not allow them to dwell in the past. They still

remember, but they do not hold on to loss. The animal is concerned with food, shelter

from the elements and survival. It is basic!

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As humans, we can influence our animals to hold on to the past loss or trauma. We talk

about how we “rescued” them from a shelter, rather than “adopting” them into our

family. We talk about their accidents or injuries as if they happened yesterday and as

we dwell on the past, it impacts the animal’s energy system.

When we keep our animals in the energy of loss or trauma, we imprint that energy

back into their pixelated energy field. Humans sometimes make the animal’s story their

story. Why the heck do we do that?

If you feel you need to tell their story, then just say to your animal, “I’m going to share

your story so that my friend will better understand your history”. This simple

acknowledgement is a big deal and honors your animals’ experiences. It is a great way

to support your animal and anchor your love for them as it deepens the bond between


When you tell your animal that you will talk about what has happened to them, it

becomes a story. The story slides off the instinctual, integrated pixels of their energy

system, and the animal can let go of the emotion that you offer during the storytelling.

The impact of the event does not affect their energy field because you have let them

know that you will be talking about them. They do not add to the trauma and your

communication allows them to remain whole.

Speaking to your animal in all matters of their well-being brings a deeper animal/human

bond and expresses unconditional love to them.

What Does the Energy System Do During Times of Loss? Loss impacts the energy system in many ways. The explanation of how the energy field

reacts energetically to different aspects of loss will help you understand how to help

yourself and others during those times. Keep in mind that the repair of the energy

system is needed whenever someone is facing loss of any kind.

Aspects of Loss and How the Energy System Reacts

Loss Due to Death Death of a Human

Oh, My Gosh! Why do we have to look at “death” first you might ask? The concept of

“loss” is not just the death of a loved one, beloved pet or perhaps an impending death

of our self or another. Loss can be taken-in, cultivated, churned over and over in our

minds to the point that we send the depression of our grief to the depths of our soul.

We may even take it to a place within us where it seems there is no recovery.

When someone dies, death sometimes becomes a complex scenario to rationalize the

loss of a loved one. Death can be considered a blessing to relieve suffering from a

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devastating illness. Or in the case of an instant death caused by an accident, we are

comforted because it kept the person or animal from a long-life of suffering.

No matter who has passed, those of us who remain experience vacancy in our lives.

The recognition of the one missing, floods our being. Our energy system turns into a

hollow formation and often becomes dispersed and unsteady.

As we go through the grieving process, we must be mindful not to self-numb to sooth

our grief. Seek help, if needed, and avoid excessive alcohol use or other means of self-

destruction during these times of loss.

Surrounding yourself with loved ones, friends, animals and your own spiritual practice,

will help support you during trying times. When someone calls to check on you, answer

the phone, open your door and join-in when there is an invitation. Hang out with a

buddy or volunteer at a food bank or an animal shelter to help you pull yourself out of

the void you are experiencing. All these things help to mend your broken heart, lift your

spirit and help you to take steps forward to regain a sense of life purpose. Being with

others also helps to bring flow into your energy system.

As we continue our daily lives, after someone dies, we naturally seek joy. As we think of

events that were shared, we come into a celebration of the time together. This added

presence of something up-lifting naturally helps fill the void and stabilize our own well-


Death is “death”, no matter if it is a person or an animal. The loss of that presence in

your life can be overwhelming. Start a conversation with, “I’m so sad”, when you are

talking to someone, if needed. People naturally care for others and are willing to listen

to you. Your best friend, your clergy, a furry buddy, or even the grocery clerk can offer

a hug if you are hurting. The main point to remember is that everyone has empathy to

loss because they have gone through it themselves. No one is exempt and that gives us

the compassion to help others. Once your healing has begun after a loss, you will be

more compassionate and helpful because of your own experience.

Remember, too, to give yourself a break. Allow yourself the time to grieve. Cry, yell or

scream if you need to. Get mad at the individual who had the audacity to leave

you…then open your heart to allow the love, admiration and respect that you felt for

the one you lost to pour into the depths of your being.

Celebrate what is missed. Bring the energetic responses to your loss in to your

awareness and recognize the impact the loss brought to your life. Celebrate the life of

the human or animal that is gone. This can be the most healing of all when you are

facing loss of loved ones. Celebration opens our hearts and allows the healing to begin.

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Animals and Death

Animals process loss a whole lot easier than humans. Their integrated, instinctual

energy system will have already sensed the vacancy of their animal partner.

The animals read our energy fields. Our words are perhaps not understood, but the

energy we are emitting from our emotions show-up within our energy field. They know

we are experiencing sadness, grief, joy, etc. As we speak to them with kindness,

compassion, they will comprehend and support us and heal themselves from thee loss.

A celebration of their life together, person or animal, will bring harmony to the animal

pack, herd, pride, etc. Tell your favorite story of the animal who has died. As you tell

your story, the other animals present will pick-up the emotion you express and they will

embrace the love and joy, from your words to help see the bigger picture of wholeness.

When a beloved pet dies, it is important to allow the other animals to recognize the loss

of their friend. They will pick up on your experience through your energy field and

process your grief, so it is important to let them know you are able to work through

your grief. You can also let them know you appreciate their energetic support and love.

When a Pet Dies

Losing a pet is devastating. A cherished family member is no longer present. We must

take care of ourselves as well as the other animals in our family. Compassion and a

loving presence must be held for all family members. The experience of the death is

recognized by the other animals, but the celebration of the one who passed is the

healing catalyst for all.

The animals understand illness, injury, end of life and even sudden death because of

their expanded instinctual energy system. They understand far greater than we give

them credit. Yes, they do miss their pack or herd members, but they understand that

the lifeless body that is before them no longer holds the vibrancy and unconditional

love that was shared while alive.

Celebration changes the sadness and creates a remembrance of happier times. Gather

the human and animal family members together and tell your favorite stories of that

animal and the relationship you shared. Laugh, cry, cuddle and rejoice in the energetic

imprint that the animal who is gone, offered to you. The spoken stories shift the energy

of the loss to the energy of hope. The companionship the animals shared and

recognition of their loss will help the remaining animals to get through the changes.

If you know the Etheric Heartbeat™, taught in the Healing Touch for Animals® Level 1

Course, start the celebration and storytelling as the effervescent energy is flowing from

the hearts of those who remain. The energetic balance created by the Etheric

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Heartbeat™ and the stories that are told give hope to a new vision and energy

presence. It opens the heart and allows love to flow once again.

When an Animal Loses Their Person

Animals will grieve when they lose their person to death. They will often search for their

person, sit or lie in their person’s favorite spot and continue the search with

expectations of their return. It is important to explain the death just like with the loss of

another animal within the pack. A clear expression of the actual death is also a good

idea. The more the animal knows, or reads through your energy field, the easier it is to

help them let go of their grief and loss. Celebration of the human’s life with the animal

is also important when an animal survives their person.

Energy Field Reaction: Loss Due to Death = DISPERSED Energy System

The same energy presence occurs with animals and people. When there is loss

due to a death, the energy system is dispersed. The edges of the energy field

are weakened and cannot contain the energy flowing through the body.

The edges of the energy system become like a dandelion puff and the normal

consistency of energy flow is disrupted. A slow leakage develops and vital energy

seeps through the sieve-like boundaries of the energy field. The dispersed edges

hinder the full energetic support needed for health and well-being.

Loss of Expectations There are times when we see potential in ourselves and in others. We see how things

can be and how those things can serve us or another in a better way. Then we perceive

that potential as fact. The vision we had and our delusion of how that vision plays out,

twists our thinking to the point of making it a reality and it remains a thought that

anchors into our brains.

Expectations belong to us and to us alone. What I see from myself and from my clients

is that some expectations we hold are often lofty and unreachable or that there is not

enough time given to make that expectation a reality.

As humans, we hold expectations generally to such an extreme that we set ourselves

up for failure. Disappointment, regret and failure override our initial vision and create a

sense of loss and imprints our energy system with “not being good enough”.

The expectation drains us. Our healthy energy system flattens like a tire with a nail

imbedded within the tread. The air escapes and the stability is lost and no longer allows

the roundness of the tire’s structure to maintain itself.

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When an expectation is lost, remember that there may be another plan for you. The

loss of that expectation may come back to support you in a way you had not

envisioned. Be open for a different direction to appear and trust that you will be able to

create a new vibrancy, from a healthy energy system, to establish forward movement

and vitality.

Energy Field Reaction: Loss of Expectations = FLAT Energy System

The flattened energy field loses its ability to hold an even structure around the

body. Expectations lost creates a leakage within the energy system and appears

as if it were a flat tire. More pressure is placed on the top of the energy field as it

overworks to maintain itself, but cannot hold the round, vibrant formation that

displays health.

Loss of an Ideal or Vision (Idea) How many times do we promise ourselves to do something, become someone better or

have an idea of how we can make our world a better place? We often idealize a thought

or vision and, to our dismay, find that it is an unreachable goal.

Our idea bubble bursts and a sense of deflation comes over us. The ego, the joy and

the actual thought process in the brain explodes leaving our energy system in a state of


After such an energetic disruption, we often do not trust new thoughts that might come

forward or our sense of creativity seems to disappear. The psyche goes into a stagnate

state-of-being and we cannot think in the realms of what is to come.

This kind of energy does not allow a new ideal to form and we become stuck. The

bubble containing our bright idea, bursts and sets us to a lower frequency and

vibration. Many times, you will look back and understand why the original plan would

not have worked, but in the throes of a vision that does not pan out, it might feel like

you are trapped in concrete.

Energy Field Reaction: Loss of a Vision = BUBBLE BURST

The burst of the energy field is caused when the energy builds within us, but has

no structure or direction to flow. The connection between the thought or vision

has no physical foundation to anchor to which allows little or no energy flow to

the body.

The energy in the body becomes stuck. An idea or vision may be present, but

the containment is inflexible. The energy continues to fill, but the creativity of

the vision is not really moving. A welling of the energy fills the “idea bubble”, but

the stability of the idea or vision cannot anchor to reality. Like water filling a

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balloon it can hold only so much within the confines of the balloon. The water

finally forces pressure against the boundaries of the balloon and it bursts. The

water cannot go anywhere. It becomes stagnant inside the balloon and has no

flow to it, therefore, breaks from pressure.

When there is an idea or vision that has no structure or foundation, the “idea

bubble” forms within its containment and the shape of the energy field

disintegrates. The energy comes back to the body, but it remains imbalanced

and chaotic until balance is regained.

Loss during Holidays, Celebrations The different celebrations that occur in our lives may also present a sense of loss.

Birthdays, Anniversaries, Holidays, etc., will sometimes trigger the emotions of loss and

set a slowing down of our energy system. Expectations of what will happen during

these times often create a sense of loss when those hopes are dampened and then

brings a sense of loss to us.

When we are by ourselves, when our loved ones have passed or we do not accept an

invitation to join in on a celebration, it presents a depletion of our energy system. The

depletion causes us to shift and it is as if our energetic spirit drags us down. In fact,

that is what the energy field surrounding the body looks like. It looks like the Peanuts

character, Linus, who drags his blanket everywhere. And like that dragging blanket, the

energy around us drags. This offers a lack of sustenance which depletes the energy

support through the body.

Holidays, anniversaries, births, deaths and even those gatherings we do not attend

because we want to avoid connection with others, set the stage for an energy presence

of suppression. This experience is often caused because we do not want to recognize

that we are experiencing loss. The avoidance of facing the “why” about what we “don’t

like” about these events creates a damaging affect to our energetic well-being.

Energy Field Reaction: Loss during Holiday, etc. = DRAG

The front of the energy field appears to be normal, vibrant, but what support the

field behind the body is flattened. The energy field seems to be lagging. There is

no buoyancy which causes physical and mental fatigue.

Loss of Friendship The loss of a friend is often as devastating as if an actual death has occurred. The

support that comes from having a close friend is invaluable. Close friends become

extremely familiar with our thought patterns, habits. It is like they anticipate our

movements and reactions before they even happen.

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When friends are no longer a part of our lives, it can be overwhelming. The imprint

they have left is still there but their physical presence is gone. Our own energy system

goes into a shock-like presence, and then we are left with what seems like a missing

part of ourselves.

Not unlike death, we grieve even though we recognize the ending friendship may be for

our best. It might seem impossible to move forward, and the overwhelm can drag you

down as if you were pulling a heavy sack of potatoes behind you.

The weight of the emotion initiates a sense of not being able to accomplish tasks and

presents a state of hibernation. The thought of connecting with another person or an

animal may offer a sense of distrust or self-protection and keeps us from engaging with


Energy Field Reaction: Loss of Friendship = HIBERNATION

When we experience a hibernation reaction because of loss, the energy field

pulls close to the body. There is little or no room for energy to flow. The energy

itself becomes more stagnate and slows down because it does not have to move

much within its containment. The low flow of energy offers little support to the

body, mind or spirit.

It is important in these times that we do not go into a hibernation state. Just like

death, we must force ourselves, if necessary to connect with others. Walk the

dog, have lunch with another friend, go to a social gathering to meet new

friends. Do not remain in hibernation.

Loss of Physical Health, Mental Function A new diagnosis, the loss of a limb or the aging process may instigate a deep sense of

loss. Cancer, heart disease, kidney failure or some other devastating diagnosis will set

one into a tailspin which becomes difficult to correct. Losing a body part or the function

of our senses energetically erases what used to be vital and supportive for well-being.

The unknown and the sense of “what is to come”, offers a bewilderment and

exacerbates loss.

The loss of function due to aging sets a sense of loss like being lost in the desert. I

have watched my parents exhibit frustration with not being able to tap into the sharp

memory they once had. Their recollection of a memory from their youth is easy to pull-

up, but remembering what happened or what was discussed yesterday becomes an


pg. 14 © Copyright 2017 Komitor Healing Method, Inc., dba Healing Touch for Animals®. All rights reserved.

Loss often creates trauma or subtle trauma within the energy system. Whenever

anything happens to us, that event places an imprint into our energy system. If I shake

your hand, my imprint places my energy into your energy field. If harsh words are said

to someone, the imprint of those words impact the energy flowing through the body.

On the other hand, if love is offered, that loving presence is taken in as energy

memory. Therefore, repeated patterns of emotional reactions will bring up the energy

memory of the first occurrence whether that is pleasant or traumatic.

Energy memory of loss presents itself and the information of physical and mental

changes creates an energetic imprint of trauma into the energy system. When this

scenario of loss appears, it forces the energy system downward and offers a state of


Energy Field Reaction: Loss of Physical/Mental = SUPPRESSED/FLAT

The imbalance created within the energy system flattens to form a suppressed

state of being. The person is not there really; they somehow ignore or leave the

rationale of their situation! The physical body is there, but the emotional being is

pushed downward. Energetically this presents a heavy weight on the energy

system as if a hand been placed at the top of the head. There is little or no

movement of vital energy through the body and confines any health or well-


Loss of Possessions When my mom passed away in 1997 I was sad. I was exhausted from caring for her

during the previous months. I was also happy that she was not suffering any longer.

Weeks later while shopping, I removed her ring from my finger to apply hand lotion and

forgot it way resting in my skirt. When I got out of my car, it fell from my lap and I did

not notice. The ring was one of Mom’s favorites, and she wore it daily. It had a huge,

beautiful diamond mounted on a wide band of gold, somewhat resembling a saddle, but

it was gone.

As soon as I realized what had happened, I returned to the parking lot and searched

the place that I had parked, looking under surrounding cars, keeping my eyes peeled

for any hint of a sparkle. I filed a police report, checked back every few days at the

store and looked around the parking lot repeatedly—just in case! But to no avail. Alas,

the ring was nowhere to be found. I resolved that whoever found it would love it as

much as I did.

The sentimental value of my mom’s ring was worth much more than the dollar value it

held. I felt the loss of the ring was almost as devastating as when my mom died. I felt I

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had lost her all over again. This experience put me into a deeper state of loss and

which added to my grief. The recognition, in my own mind, was that I did not deserve

to have something as nice as Mom’s beautiful ring.

This event made me realize that I had given away my self-worth. My responsible-self

helped to create a slump of my spirit which was hard to overcome. The self-talk I

imposed was disempowering, and it felt like I would never come back to my happy,

productive self. “It was just a ring! It was only a possession! It was Mom’s ring! It was

gone forever, just like her…!” I repeatedly stated. I sounded like a broken record and

nothing seemed to sooth the loss I was feeling.

What I also came to understand was that the experience and the aftermath of losing

the ring pulled my energy field in, tight around my body. My awareness of all things

around me diminished and offered a “reminder” that I was not worthy to have “the

ring”, and I was not worthy of anything I did, said or acted upon. My self-esteem

tanked, and I was in a very dark place.

It was not until days, maybe weeks, later losing the ring that it sank into my brain that

the ring was only a possession and the loss of my mom was the real catalyst for my

sadness. I then started my self-talk in a different direction. I first reminded myself that

my mom would be furious at my “moping around”. In my mind, I heard her voice as I

talked myself into a celebration of what she gave to me throughout my life. Gratitude

filled my anguish and even though I miss her to this day, every day, I find the blessings

and remember her fondly. I remember how she taught me so many things, the fun she

provided and most of all, the love we shared.

I received several sessions of energy work to help me clear the energetic baggage

created around the whole “ring thing”. I am happy with the memories and grateful for

the lessons learned before my mom died and for the lessons after her passing.

Keepsakes, homes, our favorite trinkets that are gone forever, pull us in energetically

and we get stuck. We become tight, like a tourniquet, which creates energetic


Energy Field Reaction: Loss of Possessions = TIGHT

When there is a possession that has been lost, often the attachment to the

possession sucks our energy system in tight against our body. It presents lack of

movement and flow within the energy system and each time you think about

losing the possession, a capsule-like formation presents itself around the energy


The more energy given to the loss of the possession the tighter the energy field

becomes. The energy field presents a frozen like effect of the energy flow within

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the body and we are duped. The procession has taken over and creates an

unhealthy presence of the energy within the body, mind and spirit.

It is important to release the possession energetically and honor the time you

shared with it. When you offer gratitude for that possession, it will come back to

you ten times over. The sentimental value is still with you, but the clinging to the

possession does not serve our well-being.

Loss of Self In the cycle of life, there will be times when we seem to lose ourselves. We become

disappointed in ourselves because we have not accomplished a task. Perhaps we have

not connected to someone with whom we need to have a discussion. Sometimes we

feel like we have lost ourselves when we have acted inappropriately or indulged in an

activity that churns in the gut.

We can also loose ourselves in joy and happiness. The bliss that fills our bodies and our

energy system, takes us off ground. The ungrounded-self has no connection in this case

and it is difficult to find a placement in the present.

We tend to hold expectations of our self to a higher level than we do with others. This

high degree of expectancy will often cause a bigger fall when we are not able to meet

the anticipated outcome. We lose a part of who we are.

The energetics of losing ourselves is as if we let out all our steam. We become deflated

and like a flat tire, we bump along in our everyday tasks until we can find rightness


When we have a difficult time “finding ourselves”, we often become sad or depressed

which sets one in an unending cycle of sadness or depression. The energy around the

body, mind and spirit flattens and takes a bit of time and effort to repair.

Energy Field Reaction: Loss of Self = DEFLATED

In the deflated energy field, the body cannot hold stable boundaries with the

energy that surrounds the body. The energy field is inconsistent with its support

and loses the grounded presence needed for sustainability.

The energy field contains no vibrancy, buoyancy or structure. The energy field

needs to be rebalanced and anchored with a grounded presence.

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Loss of Time How many times have you watched a “stupid” movie or spent too much time on

Facebook? You might say to yourself, “I have wasted all that time when I could have

done something more productive.”

We go into guilt or regret and then proceed to beat ourselves up because of our

actions. Maybe we feel we spent too much time at the mall, at an event, browsing the

art museum or even at the bar.

What we see as wasted time presents a different kind of energy presence. When we

have a sense of losing time, the energy system leaves a wispy sense of energy behind

us. It is like the wind blew through our sails and left nothing to support the strength

needed to support our backside.

Regret replaces time gone forever and not to be regained. We might wish we could

gather those particles from the clock’s second-hand, draw them up and bring them back

as a pliable, tactile experience to “do over”. This energy of regret for time lost throws

our system into a questioning or blaming sense-of-self. We hold regret towards our

more productive selves and see the waste of time as damage to our being.

Time loss and regret seems to show up more as we age. We might reflect on time lost

when we did not give adequate time to loved ones or friends. Regret of not taking a

little more time to really make a project top-notch instead of sliding through to be


Each time we “regret”, it places a tiny pinhole in our energy field and we create a small

leak within our energy system, leaving little support. If this type of regret remains and

there are many pinholes created, it will not cause severe damage to the sustainable

energy needed for vitality and strength of our energy system.

Energy Field Reaction: Loss of Time = SEEPAGE/LEAK

Each time we “regret”, it places a tiny pinhole in our energy field and we create a

small leak in our bubble of energy support. If there are many of these leakages,

it will not allow us to sustain vitality and strength for our well-being. We become

sluggish and unproductive. The seepage is usually unnoticeable until later and

then one experiences a lack of energy even after a good night’s rest.

Sudden Loss or Shock When there is a sudden loss, it presents a shock to the energy system. Shock takes our

energy field and immediately sends a surge of energy through the body, then it sets an

uneven flow that carries a static-like vibration through the energy system. It creates a

buzzing or hum throughout the body, mind and spirit.

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A shock to the energy system is no different than being struck by lightning. The initial

jolt of energy through the body stops everything. When loss is sudden, the shock that

first happens is followed by a static energy flow. We then experience devastation and

shudder through the loss as we attempt to find an even keel.

Waves of shock can also be felt during this type of loss. When the dust settles and

everyone has gone home, another shock wave may come over you.

Energy Field Reaction: Sudden Loss or Shock = Static

The energy system freezes with sudden shock. When there is a sudden loss from

a death, loss of a job, a home or anything else that happens suddenly, the

energy flow through the body stops. In its attempt to recover, the energy field

presents a static

What to Do for Yourself and Others During Times of Loss? When we are experiencing this aspect of loss, we must be kind to ourselves. Taking

care of ourselves and guiding others who are impacted by a loss is our main concern.

The following information contains different aspects taking care of yourself. Take what

feels true to you and use it to restructure the energy congestion the loss created as you

engage in your healing process.

• Recognize the loss

• Allow time to heal

• Receive energy healing

• Use Aromatherapy

• Seek help

• Hug a family member

• Spend quality time with loved


• Talk to a friend

• Talk to your clergy

• Join in

• Meditate or Pray

• Know you are not alone

• Give yourself a break

Recognize the Loss The first step is to acknowledge you are reacting to a loss. You know that you are

grieving and yet the loss is often difficult to look at or embrace. Identify the kind of

loss; the lesson learned, the person or animal that is no longer in your life or even the

ideal that has faded from your reality.

When you identify and focus on what is missing, then turn your awareness into

celebration. Your celebration of life of the one who is gone brings in the happy

memories of that individual. This is a great recognition that you have learned your

lesson for the last time and can now clear the stagnant energy that has kept you


pg. 19 © Copyright 2017 Komitor Healing Method, Inc., dba Healing Touch for Animals®. All rights reserved.

No matter how difficult your loss, ask your Higher-Self to give you guidance and the

support needed to move forward without further adversity. Offer gratitude for your

situation and know that you have cleared the unfavorable energy you have carried.

Allow Time to Heal The statement of “time heals everything” is sometimes difficult to hear. We often feel

like we can “get over it” or “time will heal”, but sometimes we need additional support,

comfort and intervention.

The time spent to sort out all the details of any loss provides truth to this old-adage.

Time is a funny thing. Time provides us space to sort all the details of our loss and

allows us comfort and understanding of those events.

Receive Energy Healing It is vital to take care of ourselves, but especially when we face challenges of loss.

Self-care promotes healing. Going to the doctor, being in nature, immersing ourselves

with friends and family receiving bodywork; all supports health through self-care.

Energy clearing and balancing provides us with the energetic support needed to begin

healing. Energy restoration clears the energy system and brings balance and

wholeness. Everything that happens to us comes through our energy field, first; then

the event impacts the rest of our body, mind and spirit. The energy repair gained by

receiving energy healing provides stability and strength as the body restores itself.

Use Aromatherapy There are many different single oils and blends of essential oils to use when there is a

sense of loss. The discussion and different concepts of loss may drive you to choose

one essential oil over another. There are several essential oils suggested here, but in

the long run, it is really the one you are attracted to that should be used. Your body

knows what is best, so trust that you will choose the perfect essential oil and that it will

match the support needed for your health and healing.

The appropriate essential oil for your situation might be chosen by how you are

attracted to the fragrance. Remember that each of the essential oils and blends provide

an energetic frequency that is helpful to the body, mind and spirit. Refer to your

essential oil reference books to help determine what might be the best essential oil for


It is important to use quality essential oils. Know where your oils come from and if the

essentials are distilled properly to provide the best of quality for your health. Purchase

your essential oils from a reputable company so the quality of the oils match what you

desire from them.

pg. 20 © Copyright 2017 Komitor Healing Method, Inc., dba Healing Touch for Animals®. All rights reserved.

The single essential oils and the blends offered as suggestions here are represented

through Young Living Essential Oils. These oils are recommended to help support you

and your animals through loss, no matter what type of loss you are experiencing.

For Humans: Use your essential oils as inhalation, in the diffuser or apply to the body.

Apply to the hands, wrists, the occipital ridge or on the bottom of the feet to allow the

body to absorb the support offered by the essential oils.

For Animals: Use the essential oils as inhalation, in the diffuser. To use topically, apply

1-2 drops to your palms and rub the palms together. Using your hands, begin behind

the ears and stroke down the spine.

Singles Oils

• Bergamot

• Frankincense

• Idaho Blue Spruce

• Lavender

• Lime

• Melissa

• Myrrh

• Northern Lights Black


• Sacred Frankincense

• Sandalwood

• Tangerine


• Common Sense

• Grounding

• Joy

• Peace and Calming

• Transformation

*** Essential Oil Recipes ***

Uplifting the Body, Mind & Spirit: (Carol Komitor, HTCP/I, HTACP/I)

Use a cool-air diffuser. Add essential oils to your water-filled diffuser.

Recipe #1:

• 10 drops of Idaho

Blue Spruce

• 5 drops of Joy

Recipe #2:

• 5-10 drops Lime


• 5-10 drops Tangerine

Recipe #3:

• 10 drops Bergamot

• 10 drops Lavender

For Grief: (Kate Brown, HTACP/I, ISHA)

Combine all oils in a glass bottle and apply to hands or the bottom of your feet as often

as you desire. Inhale deep breaths to support the aromatherapy effects of the essential

oil blend.

• 10 drops Frankincense

• 10 drops Myrrh

• 1 drop Rose

• 5 ml of carrier oil

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Seek Help As humans, we sometimes feel we can fix whatever is broken and we begin a hamster

wheel of repetitive behavior where we remain in the “energy of loss”. It is a good thing

to seek help when you find yourself stuck. Professionals, clergy, friends, family

members are willing to be a great sounding board and maybe offer solutions to help

one mend from loss. Seeking additional help is an admiral thing to do to support health

and maintain self-care.

Hug a Family Member Find a family member and give them a hug or let them hug you as go through this loss.

Spend Quality Time with Loved Ones During this process, it’s important to spend quality time with those you love.

Talk to a Friend Don’t be afraid to reach out to your friends and let them listen.

Talk to your Clergy Talk to your clergy and allow them to give you spiritual support.

Join In When we are experiencing loss, we push love away. We tend to isolate ourselves and

talk ourselves into, “I can get through this loss myself”. Instead of rejecting offers of

support, join in. When you get invited for dinner or a friend asks you to explore a new

trail during a hike or take a new class with them, accept the offer. Hiding in your loss is

not healthy.

The animals provide a loving energetic connection, too. They know that you are hurting

and they know there is a better way to thrive in our world. Allow the animals to help

support you as they pour their unconditional love your way.

Embrace the energy of connection, love and support that is offered. Even the slightest

offering can begin the healing needed to repair the energy system.

Meditate or Pray Meditation and prayer is a great way to quiet your mind and rest your body from

survival mode. This will help you to readjust your own energy system to a normal,

functioning state.

If you cannot sit still because your mind goes to the loss you feel, move. Take a walk,

join an exercise class, volunteer at a shelter walking dogs, volunteer at a barn and help

to groom or clean tack.

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Listen to guided meditations to help quite your mind’s chatter. The accomplishment, as

you provide peace within yourself, will help you to repattern your own energy system

and begin your healing.

Know You are Not Alone Seeking guidance or help is an admirable thing to do.

Give Yourself a Break When there is loss, there is NO blame. NO regret. NO time to beat yourself up. This is a

time when you must be kind to yourself and allow the loss to be processed within your

mind and your energy system. Do not let the Guilt… get you down. Time heals. Time is

needed to work through what you have lost and clear the path ahead so that a sense of

“new” can be embraced.

Our memories of what we have lost are still there, but when we address the energy of

the loss, it gives us the opportunity to move forward. Embracing the healing from loss

will create the energy of what feeds the soul. It is the prospect of our future that we

are working with and it helps us to get past the devastation and move to a more

productive state-of-being.

Now What?

Manifest and Heal

Manifest whatever you need to self-repair and heal after a loss. Ask for help, if needed.

Make a commitment to yourself to allow for your own energetic repair as you move-on

with your full, abundant life.

Make an appointment with your favorite energy person and receive a qualified balance

and clearing of who you are as you embrace the self-healing process.

Support yourself NOW! Do not put your own care to the side. The quicker you can

restore and revive, the sooner you will be able to help those around you.

The first rule to recovery from loss is self-care. It is important no matter who you are,

what you do and what events have brought you to experiencing loss, it is important

that you acknowledge that your energy system needs repair. Your normal strong,

steady and vibrant energy system yearns for the “comeback to where I belong” energy

memory. If you already practice energy field therapies, there is a point that your body

knows what is right and how energy is supposed to flow and then seeks that point.

Allow yourself to receive an energy treatment to help restore and revive. This will give

you a new vigor to move forward with more vibrancy.

pg. 23 © Copyright 2017 Komitor Healing Method, Inc., dba Healing Touch for Animals®. All rights reserved.

If you know the Etheric Heartbeat™, taught in Level 1 of Healing Touch for Animals®,

start the celebration and storytelling as the effervescent energy is flowing from the

hearts of those who remain. The energetic balance created by the Etheric Heartbeat™

and the stories that are told give hope to a new vision and energy presence. This

technique opens the heart and allows love to flow once again.

Make a List

Making a list of what your desires are, as you move forward, is an excellent exercise to

bring yourself into healing and quality of life. Be as detailed as you like to keep you on

track for your future. If your list is pages long, or just a few items, know there is power

within your words to make change. Your communication as you list your desires helps

to manifest clear direction as you heal. Know, too, that you can add to or delete

anything from your list to provide clarity of what is coming your way.

Tie-up Loose Ends

Your list of ‘to-do’s” will probably include those things that are needing to be resolved.

If there are thoughts and actions that need to be addressed, the completion of those

tasks is imperative to healing from loss. Take one thing at a time. Complete. Then on to

the next thing until those loose ends are all tied-up.

Do not get caught in the procrastination of your loose ends. Just pick up one at a time

and move to the next as you see fit. Crossing each thing off your list is rewarding in the

accomplishment and assists the healing process.

Thank You Addressing loss is a huge healing challenge. Know that you have help. You can

acknowledge what needs to be taken care of, healed or let go! You have tools to begin

your healing process. You are empowered through love and gratitude.

Blessings and take GOOD care!