The ENLIGHTENED LIVING RETREAT€¦ · mantra chanting that will allow your week of dreaming to take #ight into the etheric world by singing and chanting ancient spiritual phrases

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Page 1: The ENLIGHTENED LIVING RETREAT€¦ · mantra chanting that will allow your week of dreaming to take #ight into the etheric world by singing and chanting ancient spiritual phrases


SUNSHINE COAST 18 February - 23 February 2017

Page 2: The ENLIGHTENED LIVING RETREAT€¦ · mantra chanting that will allow your week of dreaming to take #ight into the etheric world by singing and chanting ancient spiritual phrases

Retreating into the spiritual vibration of ancient healing, join Melissa for a week of inner stillness and undergo a complete rejuvenation of body, mind and soul.

There is something so magical and powerful about retreating’ from the business of our everyday world that allows us to tap back into our inner wisdom and regain our capacity to simplify our life.

When you join the Equinox Life Coaching Enlightened Living Retreat you will have the opportunity to truly hit the pause button on your life so that you can declutter any pent-up stresses and reclaim your inner vision.

The purpose of this retreat is to detoxify the body, mind and spirit from energetic and physical toxins and create a remedy map to assist in the vibrational uplift of all areas of your life. Each day you will release sabotage from a different life area such as health, wealth, relationships, career and personal development. You will then create new dreams and visions and accompanying strategies to start powerfully manifesting your new desired outcomes.

Each day you will experience yoga specifically designed for purification. Our daily ritual comprises a one-hour yoga session and a one-hour breathwork session followed by a hypnotic release visualisation.

Each yoga practice is tailored to allow a connection with the elements of Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire as we spend the day nourishing the corresponding organs, glands, meridians and emotional body with relevant vegetarian foods and herbal medicines. This intentional directed healing approach allows for deep detoxification in a very gentle and nurturing environment. It will also install a profound connection between your body and its corresponding emotions that will forge a pathway for all your future healing practices.

Alongside directional healing towards a life area and element, you will engage in a variety of spiritual practices designed to allow a transformational spiritual cleansing to take place. The physical body will also undergo daily massages with a variety of nourishing techniques, including kahuna massage, herbal massage, hot rock massage, traditional Balinese massage and aromatherapy massage. A total of five beautiful restorative massages will allow toxins to gently release.

Seldom do we truly allow ourselves the space, mental clarity and emotional nurturance to delve so deeply into our life. These six days will extend you the opportunity to cultivate personal transformation in a very peaceful and lasting way. It will allow you to focus on putting reality creation techniques into practice from a very connected place within.

The Enlightened Living Retreat will be a deepening of any earlier practices, nourishing you at a deeper level and creating more tailored routines for you to incorporate beyond the retreat space.

The Enlightened Living Retreat

Page 3: The ENLIGHTENED LIVING RETREAT€¦ · mantra chanting that will allow your week of dreaming to take #ight into the etheric world by singing and chanting ancient spiritual phrases

Day OneEarth element yoga begins with a healing intention upon the stomach, spleen and pancreas as you gently delve into the emotional space of nurturance, purpose and joy followed by a cleansing breathwork session to breathe in new prana.

Our focus continues with the life area of health, exploring our vision for this life area and engaging in NLP healing processes to release blockages and sabotage. After setting five powerful goals in this life area the group will start a gentle detoxification journey, taking time to experience moxa organ warming, foot detoxification, a magnesium bath, a detox sauna, body vibration, magnetic therapy and an Indian head massage using potent traditional Ayurvedic healing oil. Whilst relaxing to high frequency music, a renowned artist will intuitively tune into your higher self and draw you a spirit guide portrait. Today the group will enjoy a delicious vegetarian lunch and dinner together.

Day TwoYour journey continues today with a focus on the element of metal with a yoga practice designed to balance the lungs and large intestine, allowing you to make authentic break-thru’s followed by a Kundalini breathwork session that will begin to open up your spiritual connection.

Delve into the life area of relationships starting with ‘you’ as you begin releasing childhood patterns that no longer serve you and begin to consciously design the quality of relationships that you want to experience in this life.

Experience a heart-opening meditation as you access higher learnings to help you re-pattern this life area.

Primordial sounds will surround you all day as you experience a sound bath of crystal bowl healing and Solfeggio frequencies, and undergo a spiritual activation using light therapy to open your third eye. Be surrounded in colour frequencies and aromatherapy all day long as you deeply relax and enjoy reiki energy blessings while you journal your thoughts and feelings before heading off to enjoy dinner at the local gourmet delight ‘Spirit House’.

Day ThreeA day of learning to let go begins as yoga guides you to connect with the element of water and specifically the kidneys and bladder. This focus will enable you to release old fears and anxieties as you explore the life area of wealth, taking time to eradicate limiting beliefs and heal unconscious wounds that may be restricting your financial freedom. You will set some big goals today as you contemplate living an abundant life!

Venture to the ocean for a beach meditation followed by a cleansing dip. After a scrumptious lunch of raw living foods you will begin a shamanic journey of clearing limiting spiritual contracts and opening up

to receive divine guidance for all life areas. Engage in psychic healing processes that allow an understanding of the importance of self-cleansing and experience a ritual of muscle testing flower essences that will spiritually uplift and support all the healing processes you are experiencing.

Enjoy a fully vegan dinner and embrace the old-fashioned remedy of an early night’s sleep.

Page 4: The ENLIGHTENED LIVING RETREAT€¦ · mantra chanting that will allow your week of dreaming to take #ight into the etheric world by singing and chanting ancient spiritual phrases

Day FourNow well established into our healing routine, you will today experience the element of wood and start to cull out any dead wood in your life and in your body as you heal the liver and gallbladder. On this day of self–forgiveness, explore your life path, contemplate your current career and start to set foundations to truly begin embodying your life purpose.

Today will be a day of 100% raw juices and salads to allow a deepening of the detoxification process. Join in ceremony to experience a liquid crystal mandala meditation, then move into a nature quest and spend time in a natural setting linking in with your intuition to download empowering and uplifting messages.

Spend the remainder of the day in silent meditation as you drink nourishing herbal teas and engage in self-pampering practices.

Day Five

Today embrace the element of fire and unite with your heart and small intestine, starting with a yoga practice to open your heart chakra wide followed by a pranayama yogic breathing practice.

Begin the journey of exploring personal development and spirituality, with a deep healing technique that will clear blockages and pave new pathways to enhance spiritual alignment with your own higher power.

You will then learn the art of Wu Tao elemental dancing and put into practice our week of elemental focus. Learn the dance of each element as you embrace the freedom to explore your meridians in a feminine, flowing and practical way.

It will then be time to experience raw food cooking inspiration and enjoy a whole day of hands-on raw food cuisine preparation and tasting that will instil the confidence and practical wisdom to start incorporating many of the techniques into your day-to-day living. Learn how to make delicious salads, dressings, breads, dips, nut milk, fermenting and divinely decadent desserts.

Our final evening celebration will involve mantra chanting that will allow your week of dreaming to take flight into the etheric world by singing and chanting ancient spiritual phrases that are the secret behind easy manifesting.

Day SixEase into our last day with laughter yoga to playfully integrate the week of intense focus on all of our organs and glands.

Spend the morning immersed in nutritional guidance and vitamin therapy so that you leave the retreat with your unique prescription of healing remedies to enable your healing journey to continue. This will be a muscle-tested remedy list of vitamins, herbs, essential oils, herbal teas and tinctures, exercise practices, meditation practices and healing mantras for you to use to integrate your week of immersion.

Finally, conclude this week of healing with a spiritually channeled visualisation that will help you download powerful healing codes to uplift and strengthen you long into your future. Our final day concludes at 2pm on this day.