LUMBEU, &iC jAK.B'WAIiE. DAILY JOURWAIi r'sPSdHAL iiOTlOES. CARiin's coLurtir. JITAI Terl 1 i?ieis tn. Counsel Tor tab Cureless. The body Is a machine, and carelessnes . , Xeir. AilverllHements. A CiENTS WANTED For RICHARD-P- . SON'S great and popular work, the PERSONAL HISTORYolT GENERAL ORANT, with Life or SCHUYLER COLFAX. In one volume. " The literature of our modern history has produced no book which will com- mand greater attention." iV. Y. Tribune. This work was prepared, as I know, with approval of General Grant, and its author had access to matters hitherto kept fiom the public." Or. Syracuse Journal. .Send for circulars. Address I PRY. GOODS. g k - , . -L- j-'m - kV 'M Z ; '2- - " &V'i" r- -i ,. Ll ..rr , 1 S L' IV o w House. . . .. n 'r l- - : t HATE JEST OPENED THE WElargest, finest, and best assorted stocxoi .iJU: x a:". si "' WHITE" GOODS ever brought to Evansvllle. . .. Tbe ladles of this eitr bave long felt tbe need of a first-elas- s White Goods House, ana In order to supply tbe demand we are Just opening a beautiful stock of ; , ESIBUPIDERIES, 'I sVu HANDKERCHIEFS MEN'8, WOMEN'S, AKDCHILDREN'S i ' ' ' AND i ,f j Our prices win be aa low as the same class of goods can bebonght in New iork. For FINE. FRESH iOODH. M'.w STYLESr and ORE AT BARUA1NS, call .1! E: COOKE & CO3,; " Na 10 mh'. STREET, ii. Nearly opposite the New Opera Honse. an 18 d 3m . . , .1 . n i, - STATIONERY. J00N jn.! SCOTT. JSooksellcr, stationer ; ' ' i : " ' AND irEWSDEALER, Ko. 53 MAIJ STREET,' car. Second, aai5dly ; r " ; Evahstillk. Ind. CINCINNATI : Iaper ,; Wareltouse. C HATFIELD AWOODS, . BANCFACTCBEBS ,; lABD WHOLKSALt: , PAPER DEAltERS 11 and 79 Walnat Street, Keep constantly on hand a complete sorimsnt 01 FLAT-CA- P, F0LI0, DEMY, MEDIUM, KUiAli, Ail 17 Dl'fJSK.KUrAIi FLAT LETTERS, various weights : FLAT COMMERCIAL AND PACKET NOTES; Nos. I and 2: also, other brands.' of all colors; PRINTERS' CARD STOCK, in sheets, colored - and white;, also, CUT CARDS, in full variety of aualltieM and aurea. ruled letter;-n- o te, and i;t UAP PAPERS, f Various weights and qualities. ' " " ' . ' 'if. - ' ' XANtTVACTOBZBS OT PAPER BAGS & FLOUR SACKS, An sixes and numbers'first quality ' .!. l ' . Paper. 1: 51-i- t News Paper, Manilla Paper, Book Paper, . wrapping jraper, votorea j"osier fuper. Paper, Tar Boards, Straw Boards. ,I.eatIiers of all Iiiuds For Binders' use, together with TOOLS and BINDERS' MACHINERT, All of which, we offer at lowest market prises. .... . Orders by mail promptly filled. ' ,J I, 4 WOODS. I: :i 77 and 79 Walnat Street. xnarZldtf lnclnMaiL -- 7'..) fish barter;: It 0, ii.:. TPVtS i:0 .M. Wholesale Booksellers & Stationers, SCHOOL BOOKS ; i . BLANK BOOKS, ; MISCELLANEOUS l BOOKS. ' PAPERr ENVELOPES, ml 'i '11;. ..j: AND li Ctu i CJeneral Stationery No. lO MalStrcet,, ; EfanSTlIIe IndLVna.1 ireti Julys ly FREDERIC , CEIL, "-- Dealer Ih jv uu mi. aiuuo v& m unium xiloiruillQuiI ' ' InstrHctiou Books, Shee Music, j , w. TT1 - 11 t3 4 . &C., Aa. i? ci X forth Side Third Street, Between l! Sycamore and yine, sill Iu -- Evansvllle, - IniL.; Sole Agent for Stein way a Sons' aavl CnicKenng A Son's ..Gold Medal kino ior naynes rsro. s nanos, and nmw ciumon aieioaens anu urgana. :hatthew dalzell., . Wholesale Dealer In Groceries, Nails;. White tead, Lirni f . . . '.. ,, VOlJJIBli L, OtU . , No. 13 Water Street, deelO dly EvAisvii.ii, iif n. O,!'1;. FEMALE SEMINARY. anrti? Ja' N' V- - iinowned for T 1..1 ilurinz 43 years. GRANT AND COLFAX. BOCK AQKJtTS VAMED tor HoWLA5l'3 One Laige Octavo Volume, Finely USus-- ; trated. One A gent has sold 0 copies in daj-f- i One Agent haR sold coplt-- s In 3 days' Oue Agent (a ldy) has sjiu 4o copies in a days. - We employ no General Agents, and ofler extra Inducements to can vitters. Send for circular and learn our teriui ,o agents be- fore engaging el wwbere. J. G. bUKIt A CO., Publishers, ' Hartford, Coaii. AGE NTS WAN 1 ED roK Dr. Kane's Great Pictorial Weil, ' ARCTIC EXPL0RA1I0KS," An eleeant volume of rareat merit and lu.lructloD, and of Kieat intere&L lor ail readers. H'itA; SOO eaultvl Engravings, And a skttcM of tbe author. Exclusive terr.t ry given and iarge com-miasiou- s. tor rlicrilar.i W.BU4 A COFubl?8hew:iv. ledo, Ohio, and Hartford. Conu. AGEN1S WANTED for thk Of FICIAL HI3T0RY OP THE WAR . Its Cam. s, CUaracter, CODduct. and Keaults. By Hon. Aliianbik H. Stephens. Its ready sale, combined with an cominhlon, mates it the hht subscription book every published. One agent in Easton, Pa., reports 72 subscribers In three days. Another in Boston luS sub- scribers in four days. Send for circulars and see our terms ana a full description of the work Ad dretn NATIONAL PUBLISHING fu Philadelphia. Pa.; Cincinnati, Ohio: Chi. eago, 111.; orHt. Loulf, Ho. ' O TJ It, It TJ Ia EBS AND OUR RIGHTS. A Timely New Work by Jrnxjg Willie AGENTS. WANTED. The book or Agents, Old and yonne. learned and unlearned, need It constantly. AU take it readiiy, as the price suits the tunes. It has no com e titer. It is finely illustrated wlih steel pitites. over 5u pages. Tbe best chancd yet offered lor men and women to make money without risk.' Send for lerms. Extra inducements given. Secure first choice ot field. PARMELE A CO., Publishers, X18 Hantoni Philadelphia, Pa. A . JE3. feJ. ALL STYLUS A?T BUAPFJd flrTYOCBS FOR NOTHING. Anj- - one who sends us an order for FIVE (8) AX En, at ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF EACH, with the cash, wlU receive ONE EXTRA, KOB NOTHING. We will put our Axe alongside of any other make, and prove it the best finished and tbe largest si eel, measuring two and a baif Inches, " We have made Axes for twenty-tw- o years, aud won't yield t he palm in shape to any manufacturer, and yet oonress that a "cucker of Il.lnols. ' called Coibuhs, beat us In his patent shape. Tbe circular bit and ooutlnuous edge make the fcam labor produce twice an much etfeoL We call it COLBUtlN'S PATENT RED JACKET AXE. Any one who tends us an order for FIVP: AXKS of this shape, at TWO DOLLAR Ota) EACH, will receive ONE EXTRA. FOR NOTHING. . All responsible hardware elealers sell the "LIPPlNCiTT AXES." Buy of them. But II there shoe Id happen to be one so unfortunate as not to kuow us, send th money and we will be sure to pleaae you. UPPINCOTT BAKF.WEI.L, PtnaBCEQ, Pa, Bole owners of Cclbnrn's Paient Axe. .i ..,':"J.&r. C0ATS Tvoit their lest Spool Cutdm SII-C0B- D With special reference to tbe want of operatives on SEWING MACHINES. Not. 40, 46, SO, 60, 70, , Esrxidally, are STRONGER THAN EVEJ BEFORE. For Sale ly all Dealers in Dry Goods and Notions. tCtt F-e- r Month guaranteed. Sure VMUlF I'ay. isalarius paid weekly. Agents wanted everywhere to sell our Patent Kverlaktin i White Wire Clothet-Lin- e. Call at or addresa tbe GIRARI) WIRE MILLS. Philadelphia, Pa.' Agents Wan UdrlVAS Oroide Hunting. Voted Watches, bent imita- tion Gold Watcbet made. Price $15. Great Inducement to Areata. Address OROIDE W A1CH CO., Boston, Mass. Wanted Acnts.-plr- 5, tO HiiHP lit sell the Oenulne Improved (.Wimtin &ense J'itmily Sewing Michine. Price omy g!S. Address SECOMB A CO., Pittsburg, Pa., or Boston, Mas A YEAR TO AGENT J1200 to tell the STAR SHUT- - Lc, rK WING MACHINE. Full particu lars .free. Extra inducements to expe rienced agents. Cull on or address W. U. WILSON A CO., Cleveland, O.; Bostou, Mas.; or St. Louto. Mo. iOO TRUSTY AGENTS. We TO guaranty 93U per week and ex- - yennes.. For pail u.ara address G. W. A CO.. BalUmore, Md. To travel WAXTED-SALESM- EN Comnany and. sell by sample. Good wages are guaiau-tee- d. Addres-s- with etimp, H. D. HAM- ILTON a CO., No. 413 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. RfnnflMANHOI-Notbln- g so lra-ulu- uu rxrta it. Send two tttmnn forsealed 72 rages on tne whole. subject. DR. WHITTIKR, nfidential physician, bl7 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, iio., stand a Dove all others lu ua spe- cialty. No matter who failed, ste your case. Patients treated by mall in every Staie. ..... Of the Multitudes7esSctTtne.a0t5 a R'ttlng posture, more than two-tnir- aa suffer from Constipation. ! they know that an occasional resort to TAHUA.M'.S SELTZER APERIENT would prevent all tneir misery! lt regulating properties are unparalleled. Forsaie by al) dealers lu medicine. WE SELL F0U ONE DOLLAtl "fOI.I AWO HILTEB WATCHES. t5T Hewiun Macbmes. Hllk Dretta Pat terns, Carpeting, Domestic Goods, Sc CIRCULARS SENT FREE, Giving fall particulars, or tea checks sent lor one Dollar describing teu different ar- ticles wblcb we will sell for ' One Dollar Ea:li. Splendid inducements offered to Agents sending us ciub. Address LABONTK A BABBITT, No. feil Sudbury Street, Boston, Mass. in. ivuixTijcit, 617 AX. CltarU Street, St. Louis, Mo., Wbo treats confidentially all delicate, le, aud longhtanding complaints, publishes a pamphlet which sbouul be lettil by every you I? man la America, two stamps. Patients everywhere. Slate your case. "tiii ET f S "VVAN;i EO LighrbuKlness. JtJL Ihis proflla. lie. for sample, Wort a uc B.GEHR, Shirt'inantowu, Pa. llissomi Landij. SIX PARCELS 930, 2000. 21'JO. aud S3M acu-l- n Barry County, for bale' IMS. p acre, by E. G. HHKPHARD, - 2 BowIU g Green, N. V. City. ST E. IL11KRT .fc ( O No. SI North Fibst 8trii r, Vv ill be pleased to seo ali their old custo ers,and as many new ones as will favor them with a call. A full assortment of Groceries, etc. alwavs on hand, and for sale at the lowest market prices. "Agents for Statlbrd Mills (Alabama) Cottou Yarns, at luaunfaeturers prices. He wiu give twiul t lauoeniews no au most buying for CASH. ioce TltlllLE. MYEUS 4& ltliO.. (Suitcessors to Steele k Trible.y X AjnjFACTUBKRS OF AND SKAUEKS TS Sash, Doors, Blinds, Frames, , MOULDINGS, &o. All orders for work in the Building line are promptly alien aea to. we keep constantly on hand alt klndi P T ITU i L l DfMC aJ T&DT . D ET 11.11. ING, WEATHERBOARDING, &C. Hcrou sawing or every description ai.u Dressing of Lumber done to order. - Factory at tbe old Btand of Steele Trtble,-- -' i secona bU, bet. Chestnut and Cherry. ... evanbviij:b, Inn. apll dtf OAED. In retiring from the above partnership 1 desire to return my thanks to my friends wbo bave favored me with bnsinesa, and would ask their continuance with the new firm. JAMES Si'EELIS. Evansvllle, Jan. 29. . , XrHBEB-LUMB- ER I SUBSCRIBER CONTINUES THE Lumber Business at his old stand at the corner of Main and Seventh Streets, ana wool a respectiuiiy luioriu ioa puouc that his stock is large and second to nan' In the assortments, embracing Pine ot ' thicknesses and quality, from the nice i Third Common Saginaw Board up i Three-Inc- h First Clear Plank. J Also, BOO DOORS of various thicknev and styles, and lO.OOO LIGHTS. . f , , - Window Sash, Pine and Poplar Shingle, and .4-f- Lath, Mouldings, Casing! Quarter-Roun- d, tc, Aa. Orders from the country, Tlver or rail filled promptly.. . se21 d3m J JOHN F. GLOVER. BUILDERS' EMPORIUM. "TT7E HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE ; j following, . and ' offer them atre- - markably low piices: ' b' ' 50,000 feet YELLOW PINE FLOORING ; 20,000 feet POPLAR FLOORING; lOOfiOQ POPLAR LATHS ; 100,000 POPLAR 8HINGLKS; ', 2,000 barrels choice WHITE LIME; ' ',.1,000 barrels CEMENT, "Also on hand a full stock of Doors, Sash Blinds,. Glass, Nails, Paints, Oils, and Building Hardware. J B ABC0CK i "STEELJ :' ? s Water Street, let. Locust and Walnut, au8 d&wu30 EYAH8TILX.K, IWD Builders and Painters. E HA VE IN STORE, 60,00 pounds strlctlv pure White Lead. . tu,uuu pounds pure Htar w nite ieaa. 60,000 pounds Bay State White Lead. 1,000 gallons Linseed OH. bfiOO pounds No, 1 Pntty, In Bladders ; Cans. Window Glass, all sizes.'-- ; Giaslers' Points and Putty Knives. COLORS of every variety. DRY ot OIL. All of which we are selling aa che as can be purchased in the West. ; ' KELLER & WHITE, Wlioleiate Druggists, Evdnsville, lad. ; mch6 tf . - WILLIAM HXTNlNEXi, '" MANUFACTDEka OF SashtDoors,BIinds, Frames, &c. i and Dealer In Pine and Poplar Lumber, Shingles SIDING, FLOORING, le. Office and Factory, Corner Fifth and Walnut . Streets, JUvansvlile, ind. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. . malSdtf . ' ; Evansvllle Slate Depot. I BUILDE R S IE M P O R I UM. 'E ARE THE AGENTS FOR one .of tbe lamest Slate manufactories in tne country ,anu are preparea to inrnisn at the manufacturers' prices, on short no- tice, tbe following: Roofing Slate of different styles and quality ; uiate rieanns; Slate Jams for Fire-place- s; Slate Black Boards for Schools; Slate and Marble Tiles for Floors: And would Dartlcniarlv call attention to the fact that the Slate Hearths, Jams, and .BiacK .uoaras is tne cheapest ana oesi arti cle lor tne purpose now Known. . Water, ... i bet, .Locust and Walnut Sta, ; xunjtf OU1U TO BUILDERS. TO NOTIFY THE' CW1SII public in general, that I have on band and am still receiving a large stock or - .- Michigan, Saginaw, and Green Bay Pine and Poplar Flooring and Siding. PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES, &c., Which I will sell cheap for cash. , - - WM. HTJNNEL. Office "and Factory corner Fifth and Walnut Streets, Evansvllle, Ind. jel83ra JAMES SWAKS0N & SON, " Wholesale and Retail Dealers in , , LTJMBEE, Shiiigies, Lath, Doors, and basn. A lark a 1 vara a aaArfm fint. ff A llAtrri ATtV Chicago, and Toledo Lumber and Flooring, orestted and undressed, on nana ana iot sale. Extra Sawed and Shaved Pint Shingles, eighteen inches long. We respectfully solicit the citizens of EvauBVllle to give us a call and examine oar stock before purchasing elsewhere. . Yard on Watkr Street, (Opposite Lamasco Wharf), . Evanavlll All orders promptly attended to. : may23dbm , ., , , . :, CARPETS. O A R PET WAREHOUSE WHL E. HIENCH & C0n Nos. 47 and 49 Main St., EYAXSTILLE. The largest and most ' complete assort. - - mem oi - - Uoase-Farnislii- ng Goods In the STATE OF INDIANA. - ' ' .u u,., .Jji i jt, auu 1111. ITMl. ... In addition to all our other lines of goods, we have , 40,000 Rolls WALL PAPER, at UNUSUALLY LOW FIGURES. By means of a NEW INVENTION In the production of tiOED 1AR1.0R PAPERS, which we control in this mar ket, we are now enaoieo to sell these ele gant goous hi aoout 25 EBR CENT: less than thev were ever before offe , . in this market. UIVE US A lAlL.-- ! aprl7 dtf WM. REAVIS, , TJ. Claim Agont. Also, REAL ESTATE and COTjLECTIj ' . WAVi-l A. .i Office on Mam street, between Third and Fourth, No. U5 (over Keller's Gun Store). " Kvanaville.Ind. aeplftt 1'CBU.HIIED BY TUB ET15STILLK J01BXAL COMPANY, No. e I.rnt Street, Evansvllle. MONDAY ..... .OCTOBER V? 1868. . FOR PRESIDENT, GENERAL U. S. , GRANT. FOB VICE PRESIDENT, Hon. SCHUYLER COLFAX. l.CPVBLICAN STATE TICKET. .11 . FOR GOVERNOR, ' ' CONRAD BAKER. 1 ' ' Vanderburgh. ,Of ; i" tOR I.IFITTFSAHT GOVERNOR, Coionkl WILL CUM BACK, Of Decatur Co. . FOR CONGRKSS, -- ' ;J3es. JAMES U. VEATCEI. FOR JITDOR FIRST COMMON PI.EA8 DISTRICT u ISAAC S. MOORE, ' 1 Of Warrick County. " FOR PROSECtrTTSfO ATTORXKY, . JOITN.E. i'lULLlFS, Of Gibson Coanty. . . i COVNTY TICKET. FOR STATS SENATOR, ASA IGLEIIART. ; , FOB. KEl'KJEKTATIV?V AUGUSTUS L EMC KB, JOHN G. POTTS, , : ; Of Scott. FOK COCNTY CXBft. SO REN SORENSON; FOR RKtOBDKR. CASPER TOMIIEMELT. FOR'TRKASDBKB, . " ;. WILL.' WARREN, Jr. " FOR CORONER, - SAMUEL P. 11AVLIN. FOR REAL ESTATE AIPRAIRFR. MOSES AIKEN, s Of Knight. FOR COMMISSIONER, . SAMUEL BARKER, . Of Union. . Agents for the Journal. 11 . A. Htt. Princeton, Ind. - ' 'apt. I.kvi Ftrofson. Peterfibnrgn, Ind 11 akry 1'. Smith, Washington, lnd. w. J. UUiKHsswAr, Boonvilie, ind.. C. R. 1.Brci.f.k, Newburgb, Ind. ; John M. Lock wood. Ml, Vernon, Ind. j. l. Poster. Fort P.ranch, Ind. -- II. W. Vkaver, Poseyvllle. Ind. S. H. Corwin, T'omervllle, Ind. ('apt. M HlTlsn, Cynlhlana, Ind. E.J. IIogkp.s, New Harmony, Ind. Hakvfy Bond, Hazleton. Ind. THos. JlcCcic-- f kn. Snndersville, Ind.. -- tTkhim Marks. Black. Hawk Mills. Ind. '1 hey will alsoieceive and forward to us cruers lor Ajiua:ug uuu j u ruuuus. HARDWARE. 131 o dq xi a rter s for, and only Complete Stock of,. Cooper Tools & Truss Hoops in the city.' ; r- - We have now a full line of Barton's Coopar Tools ;" ; Colnmbn3 Cooper-Plane- s and Joint "V' - ; ersj : A No.,1 Tr'uss Hoops, 10 to 32 inches ; Patent Dowel and Crore BUM, Saws, Dl vtders. Braces, Ac. Also, 1 , Apple-Parer- s ; Grain SliOYnla ; ' " Brass Coal Shovels; 1 and Enameled Kettlaa Bailders Hardware ; Chain Pumps, &c All of the above at EATE8T KEIrCEI J'RK'KS FOIt CASH. , . FRED. P. STRAOB & C0 ' IIarlware Deiilers, ,roT 74 MAIN STREET, jy29 dtf 1 Bet. Second and Third Street. Iff. rr. ,sSVells & Son, IVo. rtl MAIN ST., Importers and Doalers In ' rholflC Trace, Log, Halter Chains j (.- - tiame.s; conon ana wool CartU. n -- .l.rX"RnfttriS. Oraln frdlw. Forks'. oLjHIl-- o Iloef, Rakes, Sheep Shears. 1 1 - et,ni aIc Spades, AXES; Mill, Cross. 13111111-13- ) Cut,, ami Circular Saws; and Grindstones. Tab!e and Pocket Knives, Knives- - ' Hieves, Horse : and Shoe BruHhes, Curry-Comb- s. '?lpt-I-ek- H, ninges. Screws, Tacks. aud i. large stock, oi Carpenters' and Coopers' Tools '. and IXullrters' Hardware. ; - H. K. WELLS 4 SON, apis 31 Main Street. PORT CrRAPE WINE. Used by Hundreds of Congregations for. uhurch or Communion Pur- poses. . - " . ' -- i Also.Exccllcnt Tor Ladles and Weaklj Persons. . Vineyards, A'pu Jersey. SPF.EB'N tOItT GRAPE WISE, Tonr Tears Id. ' , , This Justly celebrated Native Wine made from the juice of tbe Oporto Grape. raiseO-iu-th- iii. country. It invaluable tonic and streugtheuing properties are uuKurpus-xe-d by any otber native Wine. Being the pure Juice of the grape, pro- duced under Mr. Hpeer's own personal supervlnlou. Its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child mar parlaltw of its generous qualities, and the weakest luvallu may use it to advantage. Jt is particularly beneficial to the aeed and debilitated, and suitable to the va- rious alluie-u- b that afflict the weaker sex. It is in every retpoct A WISE TO BE RELIED OJV. . Invalids use Bpeer's Port Orape Wine. Females use Speer's Port Orape Wine. Weallty persons find beueQt by its use. Hpeei 'ii wia8 iu hospitiUs are preferred to ot her wines. M-Ho- ld by dragglsts.' A. Hptfr'M Vineyard, New Jersey, Offloe m l'.roadvay, New York. Ide4'ff7dly CHAULES I1AI1COCK A Co., IMPORTER AMD DEALltR IK Coach & Saddlery nardware Springs, .Axle, . Wood Work, masks Harness, Enameled Patent Leather . pad iBkina, Skirtings, fcc, Ac. IVo. S 5Iain Street , , KvansvlUe, July 2, 1866 jelO BIETTICUER, KELLOGG & Co. (Successors to Wells, Kellogg & Co.) IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF- - , t- -r HARDWARE 13 jtriir st-'f- . Street, SIGN OF THE PADLOCK AXES, AXES, AXES, AXES, AXES, AXES. . . i or ABLE CUTLER T. TABLE CUTLERY, TABLE CUTLER Y POCKET CUTLERY, - - -- POCKET CUTLERYj - TracaChalns, Trace Clitilns, -- f- Trace Chains, Planters Hoes, Planters' . Hoes, Planters Hoes. 4 s : ' t Mechanics' Tools, ? Mechanics' Tools, u Mechanics' Tools, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, ' .' 1 Bl'ILDKRS 11ARDWAKK, BUILDKBS HARDWAJiK, : , ' COTTOS AND WOOL CARDS, ? i , CertON AND WOOL CARDS, tWfOH AH1 WOOL IIAHUS BEST R TFBBER BEL TING, 'If BEST RUBBER BELTINQ, BEST RUBBER BELTIAO, l ' i: Mill and Cross-C- nt Saws, MiU and Cross-C- nt Saws, " Mill and Cross-C- nt Saws. CASH buyers will find It to their ad van tage to examine our stock before purchas ing elsewhere. L ; . j - At the Old Stand, 13; First St , C2TTICUEE, KELLOGG i CO. Iyl6 - o 8ASTX& ORB. JAMES DAVIDSON. J.X. OBB SAMUEL ORR & CO., . . .:' . . ; ' ' : ' . L . dkaxxbs nr' IRON, STEE L, TIS.PLATE, . WIRE, m. r- - - 8PRINGIS, AXLES, Horse and Male Shoes, Tinners and Blacksmiths' Tools, WAG0X 13TD BCGGT W00BW0BK WROVGUT scrap iron SOI70HT At the highest market rates. Water Street, 1unU dtf EVANSVILLE, IND DliTJGGISTS. raxD. bcbtjxxmank: w. Til btjrfobd SCHUERMANN & BUBF0RD. Apotlieearies, OPERA DRUG STORE, 1 . (CHANDLER'S BLOCK,). ; , ' ' No.:: 18 South First' Street, EVANSVIEI.E, IXI. - Dealers in Pure Drugs, Medicines, and vuemicais; wines, tsiauuiet-,s- , lor medi- cinal purposes.. .. , ... . Will keep constantly on band a large mhw iineu t 01 loiiei soaps, Hair, Nail, Tooth, and Cloth Brushes. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. au22d3m .' H. J. SCHLAEPFER. DEALER IN PURE DR UGS, MEDICINES, AND CHEJHICALS, ,.' ' ' i - ' :.!.:. . Wines and XJrtintlios, Where von can find the lareest stock at Jonei Aruoteein tne vyeei.' Physicians' Brescrintiona filled at all hours, day or night, by none ' but expe-- iwuueu rreacnpuoo , CLOUD & AKIN, , Wliolesalo DrnglsU AND RUSUFACTUBL 0 CHEMISTS No; 16 North ' First Street' AGENTS FOR li t i 6E0R8B H. REED'S D02EST1 ' ' : LIQUID DYES. .'V . . - ' l -- Zl ...i . '" : ; GENERAL AGENTS FOR UK. ARJaUSTEAD'S TONIC SYR01 UNIVERSAL OINTMENT, and - PILE OINTMENT. ' ' ' All orders promptly filled. apr. JODX LAVAL. Wnolesale and KetaU Drnj Dealer In Medicines, Paints, OUs, Brushes, Ac. 'MAIN ST., bet. Second and Third, , ' , . .. . EvansvUle, Ind. vrtionlar attention given to CUTTING WINDOW GLASS to any sire. Jun21dtf , HRS.N.:L..FAY, . ' Eleetro-Rotani- c Pbysician.' Imparts Immediate Relief to Nervous Diseases. ' . coNsrrr.TATiON FREE. ParUonlar attention paid to Female Weak n esses. Resldt nee and Office Second Street, bet. Locust and Walnut. Jyl7d3m In 1U management la as sore l ieaa vu evil result i carelessness m"'' '.,,", meat of a steam engine. Yet thing that taoct people wn jj j"- - rrotection oi iu uc""i" 'vvrr Creator's handiwork from the subtle causes of disease by which it Is surround ed. It is no easy mins. w tem when in rains; bat there is no difflcuty la fortifying it against manyof tbe dangers io wmcu m against nervous aetru.u.y a. .;uiy- - ,nnta. buiU. trtw flasrn energies of rinra with HOSTETTER'd STOMACH liiTTli'RS. Take it regularly and persist ently, until bodily rigor is thoroughly re- stored, it creates an appetite, pomotes (or, it might as properly be said, compels) the comniew u mention oi the looa.regu lates tbe tecretlve action of the liver, tones and invigorates . tbe bowels, im proves tbe conultleu oi the Diooa, ana gives nrmness to tne , nerves, u p" tk vtm thn Btrnnirl hnr.od and rfctU- - lateVt In .11 itm- - ftinitlnn.. the fOfiTS and exhala lona of Autumn, pregnant with the elements of Intermittent and remittent lever, can make little or bo impression. Whoever supposes that fever and ague an unavoidable evil in certain district, at this season of the year, is ereK,"sy,miK taken. As effectually as a draaghtof air is shut ont by the closing ?,00i?" complaint, and all disorders of a nils", tic type, may be prevented by the BliTKRS. When 1lleime avoided by a means sp jfJ'SX " not the merest ders, general debility, or "P"001 the bowel, this pure ;vgetabl prepara tion stands alone. . ().J.,(.ij)tn hi Oolcrixte Sc Oo.s j Fragrant Toilet Soaps ) ARE PREPARED BY Skilled Work-- , men from tb bet Materials, and r OlOWll AS THI STANDARD BT DIAUM AJD CUSTOM KR8. ( , Sold Every wrt. ,? ' . . deo ' Uotn Patches ,: Freckles & Tan. ' The ONLY RELIABLE REMEDY lot , hose browm disco LoRATiorca on the lace JPerry' Moth and Freckle Jjoliotw Pre-lere- d only by Dr. B, C. PKRRY. Bond . Ureet, New York,: Sold everywhere.. : aar26d6m MOrUKUS! MOTUEIiS! MOTHXKS ! DONT FAIL TO'PROcijRK ' 1 , Mrs. Winslow's - Soothing ' Syrap, , j FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. This valuable preparation has been used with never failing rucceut tn Uioxuandt of antes. t i It not only relieves the child from pain. but invigorates tbe stomach and bowels. corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to tbe whola system, it will also Instautlv lelleveO&iriMQ m thk Bowxxjb and Wimo Couc. We believe it Is the best and surest rem- edy in the torld in all cases of Dysmlet and Diarrhea in Children, whether arising from teething or any otber cause. Full directions lor Oslng wlU accompany eacn oouie. Be sur and call for "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP." having the fao-ti- ile r "Cuhtis fc Pkrkins " on the outside wrauper. All others are base imitations. ' . Je24dAw6in .; i ! t. , - Batchalbr's Hair jpye. This splendid Hair Dye is the best In the world ; the only . true and perfect Dye harmless, reliable, lmttantaneous ; no dis- appointment ; no ridiculous tints; reme- dies tbe ill effects of bad dyes; invigorates and leaves the Hair soft and beautiful, black or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Perfumers; and properly applied at Ba cU-elo- r's Wig Factory, No. ltJ Bond btieet. New York. ap30dly r : i -- :c"'f , 'r ' ' " How rr:r.ny Tiothers suffer the agony if seeing tLc lr Al:tle ones snatched away .rom them ty t Je Whooping Cough, or DlpthertA, Wi.oa single bottle of Poland's White Pint- - LAjm mund would have ss ved tne bat yuliiG. Ills infallible. iiJGW ORIajEANS. K. H. FAIRCHIIJD. ". J. W. BlMOKAK. FAIRCHILD & BLNQHAM, CoramiHHlon TVXeirclin.nt 84 Magaiine Street, J nova) dly NEW ORLEANS. I Apples I Apples I Apples! JCS r RECKIVKD AT THE BUILD. EMPORIUM, and for sale to ciose consignment, t !Ot barrels choice Winter Apples. ' oc9d)t Evansvllle, Ind. TVTOTICE IS II EH EST OIVK.V. that JL1 at the next session of tbe Board of bounty commissioners, I will make ap- plication for license to retail splrituoue liquors, at tne oiu .Becker mill, in section No. 21, Township No, 6 south, of Range 11 west, in Oerman Township, Vanderburgh ocrt2Ud ' WM. H. FOWLER. ' ' EVANSVH.LP. Ind Sept. 21, 188. THB HUM OF liUUCiE, t'AKK A was this day dissolved by mutual consent, K. Carr withdrawing. The usi-ie- wiil hereafter be conducted by F. 1. Hodge and John. Gilbert, under the style of Hodge A Co.; who assume allre-sponstbilUl- and who will collect all ciaius uue the late firm of Hodge, Carr fc Co. F. T. HOLK1E, , N. F.CARR, JOHN GILBERT. -- In retiring from the above firm, I am vwry manaiui to my friends for past favors, and hope they will continue to iuuuuub my successors in business. " , N. F. CARR. aep2311t Courier copy. LElcn & LEMCKE, ' ' ' : ' ' Formerly' j w ! , Lelch.Caristedt&Co., Wholesale Druggists No; 78 MAIN STREET, a 120 dtw3m . EVANS VI LLE. 1 VfT. 300,000 OR ANT and 200,000 Badees, Medals, and Ptna Orast Cioab, must he closed out at half fine flavor, tbe cost to manufacture worth Every club in tbe eonntn S25 per 1,000, should get them at once to be sold 1.000 gut-bord- Orant at no Dr l imn Badges, ' in order to in l.00 fine gilt eUeant troduce them. Orant Badges. $12. - l.uou extra giituranicoirax Badges W 1.00J most beautiful Ciub Bad sen in'th market, "Grant and Colfax,' 30. Any smart agent can make from $15 to K5 per day. We send a present "of 1,000 Orant Cigars with every order of J50." Money must accompany the order. Satisfaction dressed to RICHARDS M ABKT, 55 fur-ra- y Street, Bx 8,181, New York. Refer- ences: Postmaster in New York, Nassau Bank. T. N. Hickcox fc Co., New York. ocl d3w " - C. WOIVFF,' : . Manufacturer of, and Wholesale and Retail Dealer In, : . Saddles, XIariiess COLLARS, and SADDLER T HARDWARE, Jo. 58 Main Street, corner Second, fablSdt' KY".ID. COAL! COAL I XX A. Liter's towboat aadcSj"1 aud tbe lease of his Mines, I will continue the'businewon 1 ;; Locnst Street, Between Fbrst and Water, And 111 sell the best : ; i GREE2T Rl VER COAL - AT 12Je. PKB BtJSHKL, Dehvered to any part of the city. . Jruers for towing left at the offlm win be prompt y attended to. " THOH. WHITED. a ts - Y o "3 I S--I 3 on a Q . a. i o i S." St S 2 li ..... t f ' 0 55a f - M $ s. . ; . r Q .... v...-:- - . 4-- 1 ' - f : tQ .,.'.:-..- :;..:;x!-.(fV- ;- Q ; :l;rO:;:; ; ... 00 i .. . I'- - . ,. : co - H S . , 1 o I..'.- - J - t ' --!: . ... ' " o ' ' .'; ,gf.-rf'- i : . ., '. .... . .... r - - , ... ft . ' if.'f ft . 3 S ' ft- - I to -- v ,S',. 3 5i - a 'O J. H. CA21I.IN. OROCEIXIJBS. i.; : i i.1 CHARLES VIELE & CO., WHOLESALE . '.' ' :') 4 ... G-- 1 O O 3E T & , SOUTHWEST VOENMU First and Sycamore Streets, EVAHSVrtXJB, 1MB. au9dtf.; 0AAO HUKANN. .. DA VIA Hklaf AtfV I. D. lIEISIANr,-- . : Wholesale Dealers I u'wt""' gboJqe; iliila. Foreign and Domestic Liquors, . NAILS, CttTTONTARNS, GLASS WAR . w o, - - I J Koi. 60 and eaLMaJii Street, Between Second and Th ijM, o i ? ' Y. : . ... J ,'. Vi-- -. FISH DEPOT. OVaidU ly Vfll-- f R. W. BLISS A CO., Toledo, Ohio. THE SUCCESS Of our Dollar Sale has caused such " A COMPLETE BEVOLUTIOS I IV TRADE That, in order to supply tbe demand occa- sioned by our constantly Increasing pa tronage, we have recently made importa- tions for the Fall trade, direct from Euro- pean manufacturers. Amounting to ffearl $509,005, So that we are prepared to sell every de- -. . scrlption of t . DRY AND FANCY GOODS, SILVER PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, WATCH- ES, ALBUMS, JEWELRY, c. Of better quality than any other concern In the country, lor . the uniform price of One Dollar for Each Article. The beet of Boston or New York ref- erences given as to tbe reliability of our house, and that oar business is conducted In tbe fairest and most legitimate manner possible, and that we give greater value tor the money than can be obtained iu any other way. ,, , Atl, GOODS DAXAQKD OB BROS! IN TBAKSPOBTATXOX . Bk.iLACA.D WITHOUT CHABQE. :JChecka describing articles sold sent to agent In Clubs at rates mentioned be- low. We guarantee every article to cost less than if bought at any Boston or New lork House, . , t Our Commissions to Agents Exceed those of any otber establishment of tbe kind, proof of this can be found In comparing our premiums with those of others fob Ci ubs of the same size. In ad-dul- on to which we claim to give better goods of the same character. ' ...... WE WILL SEND TO AGENTS FREE OF :..,.r. l( i.CHAKGe, v For' a Ctub of SO and Three Dollars I dor. good linen Shirt Fronts, 1 set Solid "old studs. All Wool CasNlmere for Pants. Fine W bite Counterpane, large size. 1 elegant Balmoral Skirt. 20 yards brown or bleach ed Sheeting, good quality, yard wide. 1 ele gant-iu- u riciuie xaorocco-Doun- d Photo. Album. 1 double lens Stereoscope and 12 Foreign Views. 1 silver-plated engraved 5 bottle Castor. 1 elegant Silk Fan, with ivory or Manual wood f rame, featbeed edge and spangled. 1 Steel Garvin Knife and Cork, very best quality, with ivory balanced handle. 1 handsome beaded and lined Parasol. 20 yards good Print. 1 very fine Damask Table Cover. 1 pr. best qual- ity Ladies' Serge Congress Boots. 1 doaen fine Linen Toweju. dozen Rogers' best teilver Desert Forks. 1 Ladles' large real Morocco Traveling Bag.- - 1 fancy cress pat- - tern. dozen elegant Sliver Plated en graved Napkin Rings. 1 doaen Ladles' fine Merino or Cotton Stockings. Oenta' heavy chased eolid Ooid .Ring. I pair Ladles' hlah cut Balmoral Boots, leleaant Delaine Dress Pattern. 1 Violin and Bow, In box complete. 1 set Jewelry, pin. ear droDS and sleeve buttons. For a CVuo of HO and Flue Dollaril black or colored Alapacca Dress Pattern. 1 set Lace Curtains. 1 pr. All Wool Blankets. Kngravea (Silver piatea u Dottle Revolv ing Castor. 1 beantlful Writing Desk. 1 sol- - Id uoiu Mean t"in o yus, very cue v;asai-mer- e. for Pants and Vest. 1 set Ivory bal- anced handle Knives, with si ver plated Forks. 1 elegant Satin Parasol, heavily beaded and lined with ilk. 1 pr. gents' Calf Boots. 30 yds. good Print. 30 yds. good brown or bleached Sheeting, yard wide, or 40 yds. yd. wide, g- - od quality.-- 1 V elegant Morocco Traveling bag. I square Wool Shawl. 1 plain Norwich Pop- lin dress pattern. 14 yds. don. wtdtn cloth for Ladies' Cloak. Elegant engraved sil- ver plated Tea PoU 3 yds double width water-pro- of cloth for cloaking. For a Vlnb of IOO aad Ten Dollars-- -1 rich Merino or Thlbbet dress pattern. 1 pair of fine Damask Tab e C otbs and Napkins to match.-- pr.' gents' French Calf Boots. 1 heavy sliver plated engraved Ice Pitcher. Very fine All Wool Cloth for Ladles' Cloak. 1 vreb very best quality brown or bleached Sheeting. 7 yds. fine Casslmere lor suit. 1 elegant fopua areas pattern, i beautiful KnuUhli Average miawi. i set or Ivory balanced handle :nlvea and Forks. 1 ladies' or genls' silver Uuniing-cas- e Watch. 1 Bartiett Hand, Portable Sewing Machine. Splendid Family. Bible, steel engravings, with record ana photograph pages, to yds. gooa nemp jarpeiiug, gooa colon. 1 pair good Marseilles Quilt. 1 good six barel revolver; 1 elegant fur Muff and Cape. 1 single barrel Shot Gun. 1 sli- ver plated, engraved. 6 bottled Revolving Castor, out glass bottles. 1 very fine Violin and bow. in case, i set ivory oaianceu Knives and Forks. . Presents for larger Clubs increase m tbe same ratio, - i i Sen3 Money by Registered Letter. BWCatalogue of goods sent to any ad dress free.- PARKER & CO., Nos. 98 and 100 Summer Street, Boston. a -- 1 LAW CARDS. ' W. P. HARGRAVE, ATTORNEY at LAW. Office on Third Street. In Washington House Block. Will Practice t a various Courts o I tbe Circuit. Prompt attention to ornoe business ' deel d3m B. L. D. GUFFY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ; ' MORGANTOWN, KY., Will practice in the counties of Butler. warren, Mu men burg. Ohio, ana Mctean. rromvt attention given to tne collection of claims. ; ' References Wheeler A RIggs. HOIllnr' worth A Bro., Cbas. Babcock. A Co. , lapal N. R. II LACK, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR at LAW MARION, ' Crittenden County, Kentucky, apl7 wtf - ' No. 1.438. United States Marshal's Notice. United States of America,-- ' District of In- - ' diana, ta: ..,. TTTJ1EHEAS. A EI BE I, OF IN. Vv loi mat Ion was filed lu tbe District Court oi the United States for the District of Indiana, on. tbe 22d d y of September, IKJS. hv Henry Hnber. John Sheer, and John Fried ley. by Charles E. Marsh, Esq., tneir proctor, 8 gainst seven coal barges and tbeir tackle, seized at said District for a cause of salvage civil and maritime, and claiming damage in tbe sum of I , and praying process against said barges, and that tn same may be condemned and sold therefor; ' j - . . Now. therefore, lu pursuance of the mo nition under the seal ol said Court to me directed and delivered. I do hereby give public notice to all persons clalmlne said goods, or any part thereof, or In any man- ner ic teres ted therein, that they be and appear before tbe said, the District Court of the United States, to be beld at tbe city In and for tbe District of Indiana, on the first Monday of November next, at AO o dock ol tbe iorenoon or that day, then and there to interpose their claims and make their allegations in that oeu&u, . BEN. BPOONER. Marshal, U. S. Bv HahhilDay. Denutv. Attest: J. D. Howl and. Clerk. ' se25dUt , i - : " . United States Marshal's Sale. fNo. 1.416.1 VIRTU; OF A VENOITIONI BY Issued out of the oflice of the Ulerh of the District Couit o: the United Slates for tne District of Indiana, silting as a court oi Aumirauty, upon a nuai aecree, In tbe case of Shuitze.Tbumau A Co. vs. tbe steamboat "Stonewall Jackson," her en- - twi AO . tonlrln una-t- pal , a Tti i a T 4 11 '(ji u v at,mi;,nijifui a ouu auk aaa km Ot A it ill. on TUESDAY, tbeath day of September, isoo, ueiween tue nours vi iu o uiix k a.m. and 4 o'clock l'.M of said day. at tbe court house door, on Main Street, In the city of Evansvllle, county of Vanderburgh, and State of Indiana, sell at public aui-tio- u to the highest bidder the aaid steamboat Stonewall Jackson," her engines, tackle. apparel, anu lurmmre. .BPi.tUOiyKK. i - ; ' Untied btates Marshal: By Samckl Day. DeDut v. Chas. E. Mabsu. Proctor for LibellanU. seta uta - HEAD QXJAXtTISIl. 5For ISootN and Shoes, ! Sio. 35 MAIN STREET. miiE CNDF.BSH1SKD HAW ' RE and JL celved a laittre stock of BOOTS SHOES, which be sells VERY LOW. . ' Call and see for yourselvea. , , JOHN J. BEYER, . eelO dim Successor w r . n. seuinan

The Evansville journal. (Evansville, Ind.) 1868-10-12 [p ]. · 2017-12-15 · DAILY JOURWAIi r'sPSdHAL iiOTlOES. jAK.B'WAIiE. LUMBEU, &iC CARiin's coLurtir. JITAI Terl 1 i?ieis tn

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Page 1: The Evansville journal. (Evansville, Ind.) 1868-10-12 [p ]. · 2017-12-15 · DAILY JOURWAIi r'sPSdHAL iiOTlOES. jAK.B'WAIiE. LUMBEU, &iC CARiin's coLurtir. JITAI Terl 1 i?ieis tn

LUMBEU, &iCjAK.B'WAIiE.DAILY JOURWAIi r'sPSdHAL iiOTlOES. CARiin's coLurtir. JITAI Terl 1 i?ieis tn.

Counsel Tor tab Cureless.The body Is a machine, and carelessnes

. , Xeir. AilverllHements.A CiENTS WANTED For RICHARD-P- .

SON'S great and popular work, thePERSONAL HISTORYolTGENERAL ORANT,

with Life or SCHUYLER COLFAX. Inone volume." The literature of our modern historyhas produced no book which will com-mand greater attention." iV. Y. Tribune.

This work was prepared, as I know, withapproval of General Grant, and its authorhad access to matters hitherto kept fiomthe public." Or. Syracuse Journal.

.Send for circulars. Address



g k -

, . -L- j-'m -

kV 'M Z

; '2- -



r- -i ,. Ll ..rr

,1 S L'

IV o w House.. . ..n 'r l-- : t

HATE JEST OPENED THEWElargest, finest, and best assortedstocxoi .iJU: x a:". si

"' WHITE" GOODSever brought to Evansvllle. . ..

Tbe ladles of this eitr bave long felt tbeneed of a first-elas- s White Goods House,ana In order to supply tbe demand we areJust opening a beautiful stock of



' ' 'AND i ,f j

Our prices win be aa low as the sameclass of goods can bebonght in New iork.



E: COOKE & CO3,;"

Na 10 mh'. STREET, ii.Nearly opposite the New Opera Honse.

an 18 d 3m . . , .1 . n i, -


JSooksellcr, stationer; ' ' i : " '


irEWSDEALER,Ko. 53 MAIJ STREET,' car. Second,

aai5dly ; r " ; Evahstillk. Ind.


Iaper ,; Wareltouse.



PAPER DEAltERS11 and 79 Walnat Street,

Keep constantly on hand a completesorimsnt 01


FLAT LETTERS, various weights : FLATCOMMERCIAL AND PACKET NOTES;Nos. I and 2: also, other brands.' of allcolors; PRINTERS' CARD STOCK, insheets, colored - and white;, also, CUTCARDS, in full variety of aualltieM andaurea.

ruled letter;-n- o te, andi;t UAP PAPERS, fVarious weights and qualities.' " " ' . ' 'if.- ' ' XANtTVACTOBZBS OT

PAPER BAGS & FLOUR SACKS,An sixes and numbers'first quality '

.!. l ' . Paper. 1: 51-i- t

News Paper, Manilla Paper, Book Paper,. wrapping jraper, votorea j"osier fuper.

Paper, Tar Boards, Straw Boards.,I.eatIiers of all Iiiuds

For Binders' use, together with TOOLS andBINDERS' MACHINERT,

All of which, we offer at lowest marketprises. .... .

Orders by mail promptly filled. ' ,J

I, 4 WOODS. I: :i77 and 79 Walnat Street.

xnarZldtf lnclnMaiL

-- 7'..)fish barter;: It 0,

ii.:. TPVtS i:0 .M.Wholesale Booksellers & Stationers,




m l 'i '11;. ..j:AND

li Ctu iCJeneral Stationery

No. lO MalStrcet,,; EfanSTlIIe IndLVna.1 ireti

Julys ly


Dealer Ih jv

uu mi. aiuuo v& m unium xiloiruillQuiI ' '

InstrHctiou Books, Shee Music, j ,w. TT1 - 1 1 t3 4

. &C., Aa. i? ciX

forth Side Third Street,



Sycamore and yine, sill

Iu --Evansvllle,- IniL.;Sole Agent for Stein way a Sons'aavl CnicKenng A Son's ..Gold Medal

kino ior naynes rsro. s nanos, andnmw ciumon aieioaens anu urgana.

:hatthew dalzell.,. Wholesale Dealer In

Groceries, Nails;. White tead, Lirnif

. . . '.. , , VOlJJIBli L, OtU . ,No. 13 Water Street,

deelO dly EvAisvii.ii, iif n.

O,!'1;. FEMALE SEMINARY.anrti? Ja' N' V- - iinowned for

T 1..1 ilurinz 43 years.


One Laige Octavo Volume, Finely USus-- ;trated.

One A gent has sold 0 copies in daj-f- i

One Agent haR sold coplt-- s In 3 days'Oue Agent (a ldy) has sjiu 4o copies ina days. -

We employ no General Agents, and oflerextra Inducements to can vitters. Send forcircular and learn our teriui ,o agents be-fore engaging el wwbere.

J. G. bUKIt A CO., Publishers,' Hartford, Coaii.

AGE NTS WAN 1 ED roKDr. Kane's Great Pictorial Weil,

' ARCTIC EXPL0RA1I0KS,"An eleeant volume of rareat merit andlu.lructloD, and of Kieat intere&L

lor ail readers.H'itA; SOO eaultvl Engravings,

And a skttcM of tbe author.Exclusive terr.t ry given and iarge com-miasiou- s.tor rlicrilar.iW.BU4 A COFubl?8hew:iv.ledo, Ohio, and Hartford. Conu.AGEN1S WANTED for thk

Of FICIAL HI3T0RY OP THE WAR. Its Cam. s, CUaracter, CODduct. and

Keaults.By Hon. Aliianbik H. Stephens.

Its ready sale, combined with ancominhlon, mates it the hhtsubscription book every published. Oneagent in Easton, Pa., reports 72 subscribersIn three days. Another in Boston luS sub-scribers in four days.Send for circulars and see our termsana a full description of the work Addretn NATIONAL PUBLISHING fuPhiladelphia. Pa.; Cincinnati, Ohio: Chi.eago, 111.; orHt. Loulf, Ho.


OUR RIGHTS.A Timely New Work by Jrnxjg Willie

AGENTS. WANTED.The book or Agents, Old and yonne.

learned and unlearned, need It constantly.AU take it readiiy, as the price suits thetunes. It has no com e titer. It is finelyillustrated wlih steel pitites. over 5upages. Tbe best chancd yet offered lormen and women to make money withoutrisk.' Send for lerms. Extra inducementsgiven. Secure first choice ot field.PARMELE A CO., Publishers,

X18 Hantoni Philadelphia, Pa.

A . JE3. feJ.



Anj- - one who sends us an order for FIVE(8) AX En, at ONE DOLLAR AND AHALF EACH, with the cash, wlU receiveONE EXTRA, KOB NOTHING.We will put our Axe alongside of any

other make, and prove it the best finishedand tbe largest si eel, measuring two and abaif Inches," We have made Axes for twenty-tw- oyears, aud won't yield t he palm in shapeto any manufacturer, and yet oonress thata "cucker of Il.lnols. ' called Coibuhs,beat us In his patent shape. Tbe circularbit and ooutlnuous edge make the fcamlabor produce twice an much etfeoL

We call it COLBUtlN'S PATENT


Any one who tends us an order for FIVP:AXKS of this shape, at TWO DOLLAROta) EACH, will receive ONE EXTRA.FOR NOTHING. .

All responsible hardware elealers sell the"LIPPlNCiTT AXES." Buy of them.But II there shoe Id happen to be one sounfortunate as not to kuow us, send thmoney and we will be sure to pleaae you.UPPINCOTT BAKF.WEI.L,

PtnaBCEQ, Pa,Bole owners of Cclbnrn's Paient Axe.

.i ..,':"J.&r. C0ATS

Tvoit their lest Spool Cutdm


With special reference to tbe want ofoperatives on


Not. 40, 46, SO, 60, 70,, Esrxidally, are


For Sale ly all Dealers in Dry Goodsand Notions.

tCtt F-e-r Month guaranteed. SureVMUlF I'ay. isalarius paid weekly.Agents wanted everywhere to sell ourPatent Kverlaktin i White Wire Clothet-Lin- e.

Call at or addresa tbe GIRARI)WIRE MILLS. Philadelphia, Pa.'Agents Wan UdrlVASOroide Hunting. Voted Watches, bent imita-tion Gold Watcbet made. Price $15. GreatInducement to Areata. Address OROIDEW A1CH CO., Boston, Mass.

Wanted Acnts.-plr- 5, tO HiiHPlit

sell the Oenulne Improved (.Wimtin &enseJ'itmily Sewing Michine. Price omy g!S.Address SECOMB A CO., Pittsburg, Pa.,or Boston, Mas

A YEAR TO AGENTJ1200 to tell the STAR SHUT- -Lc, rK WING MACHINE. Full particu

lars .free. Extra inducements to experienced agents. Cull on or address W. U.WILSON A CO., Cleveland, O.; Bostou,Mas.; or St. Louto. Mo.

iOO TRUSTY AGENTS. WeTO guaranty 93U per week and ex- -

yennes.. For pail u.ara address G. W.A CO.. BalUmore, Md.

To travelWAXTED-SALESM- ENComnany and.

sell by sample. Good wages are guaiau-tee- d.Addres-s- with etimp, H. D. HAM-

ILTON a CO., No. 413 Chestnut Street,Philadelphia, Pa.RfnnflMANHOI-Notbln- g so lra-ulu- uu

rxrta it. Send two tttmnnforsealed 72 rages on tne whole. subject.DR. WHITTIKR, nfidential physician,bl7 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, iio., stand

a Dove all others lu ua spe-cialty. No matter who failed, ste yourcase. Patients treated by mall in everyStaie. .....Of the Multitudes7esSctTtne.a0t5a R'ttlng posture, more than two-tnir- aa

suffer from Constipation. ! they knowthat an occasional resort to TAHUA.M'.SSELTZER APERIENT would prevent alltneir misery! lt regulating propertiesare unparalleled. Forsaie by al) dealers lumedicine.WE SELL F0U ONE DOLLAtl

"fOI.I AWO HILTEB WATCHES.t5T Hewiun Macbmes. Hllk Dretta Patterns, Carpeting, Domestic Goods, Sc

CIRCULARS SENT FREE,Giving fall particulars, or tea checks sentlor one Dollar describing teu different ar-ticles wblcb we will sell for

' One Dollar Ea:li.Splendid inducements offered to Agents

sending us ciub. AddressLABONTK A BABBITT,

No. feil Sudbury Street, Boston, Mass.

in. ivuixTijcit,617 AX. CltarU Street, St. Louis, Mo.,

Wbo treats confidentially all delicate, le,

aud longhtanding complaints,publishes a pamphlet which sbouul belettil by every you I? man la America,

two stamps. Patients everywhere.Slate your case."tiii ET fS "VVAN;i EO LighrbuKlness.JtJL Ihis proflla. lie. for sample, Wort auc B.GEHR, Shirt'inantowu, Pa.

llissomi Landij.SIX PARCELS 930, 2000. 21'JO.

aud S3M acu-l- n Barry County, for bale'IMS. p acre, by

E. G. HHKPHARD,- 2 BowIU g Green, N. V. City.

ST E. IL11KRT .fc ( ONo. SI North Fibst 8trii r,

Vv ill be pleased to seo ali their old custoers,and as many new ones as will favorthem with a call. A full assortment ofGroceries, etc. alwavs on hand, and forsale at the lowest market prices."Agents for Statlbrd Mills (Alabama)Cottou Yarns, at luaunfaeturers prices.

He wiu give twiul t lauoeniews no au mostbuying for CASH. ioce

TltlllLE. MYEUS 4& ltliO..(Suitcessors to Steele k Trible.y


Sash, Doors, Blinds, Frames,, MOULDINGS, &o.

All orders for work in the Building lineare promptly alien aea to.we keep constantly on hand alt klndi


Hcrou sawing or every description ai.uDressing of Lumber done to order. -

Factory at tbe old Btand of SteeleTrtble,-- -' i

secona bU, bet. Chestnut and Cherry.... evanbviij:b, Inn.apll dtf

OAED.In retiring from the above partnership 1

desire to return my thanks to my friendswbo bave favored me with bnsinesa, andwould ask their continuance with the newfirm. JAMES Si'EELIS.

Evansvllle, Jan. 29. . ,

XrHBEB-LUMB- ER ISUBSCRIBER CONTINUESTHE Lumber Business at his old standat the corner of Main and Seventh Streets,

ana wool a respectiuiiy luioriu ioa puoucthat his stock is large and second to nan'In the assortments, embracing Pine ot '

thicknesses and quality, from the nice i

Third Common Saginaw Board up iThree-Inc- h First Clear Plank. J

Also, BOO DOORS of various thicknevand styles, and

lO.OOO LIGHTS. . f , ,-

Window Sash, Pine and Poplar Shingle,and .4-f- Lath, Mouldings, Casing!

Quarter-Roun- d, tc, Aa.Orders from the country, Tlver or rail

filled promptly.. .

se21 d3m J JOHN F. GLOVER.


"TT7E HAVE JUST RECEIVED THE; j following, . and ' offer them atre- -

markably low piices:' b' '


20,000 feet POPLAR FLOORING;


100,000 POPLAR 8HINGLKS; ',

2,000 barrels choice WHITE LIME; '

',.1,000 barrels CEMENT,

"Also on hand a full stock of Doors, SashBlinds,. Glass, Nails, Paints, Oils, andBuilding Hardware.

J BABC0CK i "STEELJ : ' ?s

Water Street, let. Locust and Walnut,

au8 d&wu30 EYAH8TILX.K, IWD

Builders and Painters.E HA VE IN STORE,

60,00 pounds strlctlv pure White Lead.. tu,uuu pounds pure Htar w nite ieaa.60,000 pounds Bay State White Lead.1,000 gallons Linseed OH.bfiOO pounds No, 1 Pntty, In Bladders ;

Cans.Window Glass, all sizes.'-- ;

Giaslers' Points and Putty Knives.COLORS of every variety. DRY ot

OIL. All of which we are selling aa cheas can be purchased in the West.

; ' KELLER & WHITE,Wlioleiate Druggists, Evdnsville, lad.

; mch6 tf . -



SashtDoors,BIinds, Frames, &c.i and Dealer In

Pine and Poplar Lumber, ShinglesSIDING, FLOORING, le.

Office and Factory, Corner Fifth and Walnut. Streets, JUvansvlile, ind.

Orders from abroad promptly attended to.. malSdtf .


; Evansvllle Slate Depot.I BUILDE R S IEMP O R I UM.

'E ARE THE AGENTS FOR one.of tbe lamest Slate manufactories

in tne country ,anu are preparea to inrnisnat the manufacturers' prices, on short no-tice, tbe following:

Roofing Slate of different styles andquality ;

uiate rieanns;Slate Jams for Fire-place- s;

Slate Black Boards for Schools;Slate and Marble Tiles for Floors:And would Dartlcniarlv call attention to

the fact that the Slate Hearths, Jams, and.BiacK .uoaras is tne cheapest ana oesi article lor tne purpose now Known.

. Water,... ibet, .Locust and Walnut Sta,; xunjtf OU1U

TO BUILDERS.TO NOTIFY THE'CW1SII public in general, that I have

on band and am still receiving a largestock or - . -

Michigan, Saginaw, and Green BayPine and Poplar Flooring and Siding.

PINE LUMBER, SHINGLES, &c.,Which I will sell cheap for cash. , -

- WM. HTJNNEL.Office "and Factory corner Fifth and

Walnut Streets, Evansvllle, Ind. jel83ra


Wholesale and Retail Dealers in , ,

LTJMBEE,Shiiigies, Lath, Doors, and basn.

A lark a 1 vara a aaArfm fint. ff A llAtrri ATtV

Chicago, and Toledo Lumber and Flooring,orestted and undressed, on nana ana iotsale.

Extra Sawed and Shaved PintShingles, eighteen inches long.

We respectfully solicit the citizens ofEvauBVllle to give us a call and examineoar stock before purchasing elsewhere. .

Yard on Watkr Street,(Opposite Lamasco Wharf), . Evanavlll

All orders promptly attended to. :

may23dbm , ., , ,. :,




Nos. 47 and 49 Main St.,


The largest and most ' complete assort.- - mem oi - -

Uoase-Farnislii- ng GoodsIn the STATE OF INDIANA. - ' '

.u u,., .Jji i jt, auu 1111.

ITMl. ...In addition to all our other lines of

goods, we have ,


By means of a NEW INVENTION Inthe production of tiOED 1AR1.0RPAPERS, which we control in this market, we are now enaoieo to sell these elegant goous hi aoout

25 EBR CENT:less than thev were ever before offe , . inthis market.

UIVE US A lAlL.-- !

aprl7 dtf

WM. REAVIS, ,TJ. Claim Agont.

Also, REAL ESTATE and COTjLECTIj' . WAVi-l A. .i

Office on Mam street, between Third andFourth, No. U5 (over Keller's Gun Store)."Kvanaville.Ind. aeplftt



No. e I.rnt Street, Evansvllle.

MONDAY ..... .OCTOBER V? 1868.





' ' CONRAD BAKER.1 ' ' Vanderburgh.,Of ;


Coionkl WILL CUM BACK,Of Decatur Co. .



u ISAAC S. MOORE, '1 Of Warrick County.


JOITN.E. i'lULLlFS,Of Gibson Coanty. . . i




JOHN G. POTTS,, : ; Of Scott.




;. WILL.' WARREN, Jr."


MOSES AIKEN,s Of Knight.



Agents for the Journal.11 . A. Htt. Princeton, Ind. - ''apt. I.kvi Ftrofson. Peterfibnrgn, Ind

11 akry 1'. Smith, Washington, lnd.w. J. UUiKHsswAr, Boonvilie, ind..C. R. 1.Brci.f.k, Newburgb, Ind. ;John M. Lock wood. Ml, Vernon, Ind.j. l. Poster. Fort P.ranch, Ind. --

II. W. Vkaver, Poseyvllle. Ind.S. H. Corwin, T'omervllle, Ind.('apt. M HlTlsn, Cynlhlana, Ind.E.J. IIogkp.s, New Harmony, Ind.Hakvfy Bond, Hazleton. Ind.THos. JlcCcic-- f kn. Snndersville, Ind.. --

tTkhim Marks. Black. Hawk Mills. Ind.'1 hey will alsoieceive and forward to us

cruers lor Ajiua:ug uuu j u ruuuus.


131 o dq xi a rter sfor, and only Complete Stock of,.

Cooper Tools & Truss Hoops

in the city.' ;

r- - We have now a full line of

Barton's Coopar Tools ;" ;

Colnmbn3 Cooper-Plane- s and Joint"V' - ;ersj :

A No.,1 Tr'uss Hoops, 10 to 32 inches ;

Patent Dowel and Crore BUM, Saws, Dlvtders. Braces, Ac. Also, 1 ,

Apple-Parer- s ;

Grain SliOYnla ;

' "


Coal Shovels; 1

and Enameled Kettlaa

Bailders Hardware ;

Chain Pumps, &c

All of the above at EATE8T KEIrCEIJ'RK'KS FOIt CASH. ,


FRED. P. STRAOB & C0' IIarlware Deiilers,

,roT 74 MAIN STREET,jy29 dtf 1 Bet. Second and Third Street.

Iff. rr. ,sSVells & Son,IVo. rtl MAIN ST.,

Importers and Doalers In '

rholflC Trace, Log, Halter Chains j(.- - tiame.s; conon ana wool


n -- .l.rX"RnfttriS. Oraln frdlw. Forks'.oLjHIl-- o Iloef, Rakes, Sheep Shears. 1 1

-et,ni aIc Spades, AXES; Mill, Cross.13111111-13- ) Cut,, ami Circular Saws; and


Tab!e and Pocket Knives,Knives- - ' Hieves, Horse : and ShoeBruHhes, Curry-Comb- s.

'?lpt-I-ek- H, ninges. Screws, Tacks.aud i. large stock, oi

Carpenters' and Coopers' Tools'. and

IXullrters' Hardware. ; -

H. K. WELLS 4 SON,apis 31 Main Street.


Used by Hundreds of Congregationsfor. uhurch or Communion Pur-poses. . -


' --i

Also.Exccllcnt Tor Ladles and WeakljPersons. .

Vineyards, A'pu Jersey.

SPF.EB'N tOItT GRAPE WISE,Tonr Tears Id. ' , ,

This Justly celebrated Native Winemade from the juice of tbe Oporto Grape.raiseO-iu-th- iii. country. It invaluabletonic and streugtheuing properties areuuKurpus-xe-d by any otber native Wine.Being the pure Juice of the grape, pro-duced under Mr. Hpeer's own personalsupervlnlou. Its purity and genuinenessare guaranteed. The youngest child marparlaltw of its generous qualities, and theweakest luvallu may use it to advantage.Jt is particularly beneficial to the aeedand debilitated, and suitable to the va-rious alluie-u- b that afflict the weaker sex.It is in every retpoct


Invalids use Bpeer's Port Orape Wine.Females use Speer's Port Orape Wine.Weallty persons find beueQt by its use.Hpeei 'ii wia8 iu hospitiUs are preferred

to ot her wines.M-Ho-ld by dragglsts.'A. Hptfr'M Vineyard, New Jersey, Offloem l'.roadvay, New York. Ide4'ff7dly



Coach & Saddlery nardware

Springs, .Axle, . Wood Work, masksHarness, Enameled Patent Leather .

padiBkina, Skirtings, fcc, Ac.

IVo. S 5Iain Street , ,

KvansvlUe, July 2, 1866 jelO


(Successors to Wells, Kellogg & Co.)


HARDWARE13 jtriir st-'f- . Street,






TracaChalns,Trace Clitilns,--f- Trace Chains,

Planters Hoes,Planters' . Hoes,Planters Hoes.

4 s :' t Mechanics' Tools,

? Mechanics' Tools,u Mechanics' Tools,






' i: Mill and Cross-C-nt Saws,MiU and Cross-C- nt Saws,

" Mill and Cross-C-nt Saws.CASH buyers will find It to their advan

tage to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. L ; . j -

At the Old Stand, 13; First St



SAMUEL ORR & CO.,. . .:' . . ; '

' : '. L . dkaxxbs nr'



m. r- - -

8PRINGIS, AXLES,Horse and Male Shoes,

Tinners and Blacksmiths' Tools,


WROVGUT scrap iron SOI70HT

At the highest market rates.

Water Street,1unU dtf EVANSVILLE, IND

DliTJGGISTS.raxD. bcbtjxxmank: w. Til btjrfobd


Apotlieearies,OPERA DRUG STORE, 1



' ' No.:: 18 South First' Street,

EVANSVIEI.E, IXI.- Dealers in Pure Drugs, Medicines, andvuemicais; wines, tsiauuiet-,s- , lor medi-cinal purposes.. .. , .... Will keep constantly on band a largemhw iineu t 01 loiiei soaps,Hair, Nail, Tooth, and Cloth Brushes.Prescriptions carefully compoundedat all hours. au22d3m .'




i - ' :.!.:. .

Wines and XJrtintlios,Where von can find the lareest stock atJonei Aruoteein tne vyeei.'

Physicians' Brescrintiona filled at allhours, day or night, by none ' but expe--iwuueu rreacnpuoo ,


Wliolesalo DrnglsUAND


No; 16 North ' First Street'AGENTS FOR

li t i

6E0R8B H. REED'S D02EST1' ' :


. .

- ' l -- Zl ...i . '" : ;




' ''

All orders promptly filled. apr.

JODX LAVAL.Wnolesale and KetaU Drnj

Dealer InMedicines, Paints, OUs, Brushes, Ac.

'MAIN ST., bet. Second and Third, ,' , . .. . EvansvUle, Ind.vrtionlar attention given to CUTTING

WINDOW GLASS to any sire. Jun21dtf

, HRS.N.:L..FAY, . '

Eleetro-Rotani- c Pbysician.'Imparts Immediate Relief to Nervous

Diseases. ' .

coNsrrr.TATiON FREE.ParUonlar attention paid to Female Weak

n esses.Resldt nee and Office Second Street, bet.

Locust and Walnut. Jyl7d3m

In 1U management la as sore l ieaa vuevil result i carelessness m"'' '.,,",meat of a steam engine. Yetthing that taoct people wn jj j"- -

rrotection oi iu uc""i" 'vvrrCreator's handiwork from the subtlecauses of disease by which it Is surrounded. It is no easy mins. wtem when in rains; bat there is nodifflcuty la fortifying it against manyoftbe dangers io wmcu magainst nervous aetru.u.y a. .;uiy--

,nnta. buiU. trtw flasrn energies ofrinra with HOSTETTER'd STOMACHliiTTli'RS. Take it regularly and persistently, until bodily rigor is thoroughly re-stored, it creates an appetite, pomotes(or, it might as properly be said, compels)the comniew u mention oi the looa.regulates tbe tecretlve action of the liver,tones and invigorates . tbe bowels, improves tbe conultleu oi the Diooa, anagives nrmness to tne , nerves, u p"tk vtm thn Btrnnirl hnr.od and rfctU- -lateVt In .11 itm- - ftinitlnn.. the fOfiTS andexhala lona of Autumn, pregnant with theelements of Intermittent and remittentlever, can make little or bo impression.Whoever supposes that fever and aguean unavoidable evil in certain district, atthis season of the year, is ereK,"sy,miKtaken. As effectually as a draaghtofair is shut ont by the closing ?,00i?"complaint, and all disorders of a nils",tic type, may be prevented bythe BliTKRS. When 1lleimeavoided by a means sp jfJ'SX" not the merest

ders, general debility, or "P"001the bowel, this pure ;vgetabl preparation stands alone. . ().J.,(.ij)tn hi

Oolcrixte Sc Oo.sj Fragrant Toilet Soaps )

ARE PREPARED BY Skilled Work-- ,men from tb bet Materials, and rOlOWll AS THI STANDARD BT DIAUMAJD CUSTOM KR8. (


Sold Every wrt. ,? '. . deo '

Uotn Patches ,: Freckles & Tan.' The ONLY RELIABLE REMEDY lot, hose browm disco LoRATiorca on the lace

JPerry' Moth and Freckle Jjoliotw Pre-lere-d

only by Dr. B, C. PKRRY. Bond. Ureet, New York,: Sold everywhere..: aar26d6m


Mrs. Winslow's - Soothing ' Syrap,, j FOR CHILDREN TEETHING.

This valuable preparation has been usedwith never failing rucceut tn Uioxuandt of

antes. t i

It not only relieves the child from pain.but invigorates tbe stomach and bowels.corrects acidity, and gives tone and energyto tbe whola system, it will also InstautlvlelleveO&iriMQ m thk Bowxxjb and WimoCouc.

We believe it Is the best and surest rem-edy in the torld in all cases of Dysmletand Diarrhea in Children, whether arisingfrom teething or any otber cause.

Full directions lor Oslng wlU accompanyeacn oouie.

Be sur and call for "MRS. WINSLOW'SSOOTHING SYRUP." having the fao-ti-

ile r "Cuhtis fc Pkrkins " on the outsidewrauper. All others are base imitations. '

. Je24dAw6in .; i ! t. , -

Batchalbr's Hair jpye.

This splendid Hair Dye is the best In theworld ; the only . true and perfect Dyeharmless, reliable, lmttantaneous ; no dis-appointment ; no ridiculous tints; reme-dies tbe ill effects of bad dyes; invigoratesand leaves the Hair soft and beautiful,black or brown. Sold by all Druggists andPerfumers; and properly applied at Ba cU-elo- r's

Wig Factory, No. ltJ Bond btieet.New York. ap30dly r

: i --:c"'f , 'r ' ' "

How rr:r.ny Tiothers suffer the agonyif seeing tLc lr Al:tle ones snatched away.rom them ty t Je Whooping Cough, orDlpthertA, Wi.oa single bottle of Poland'sWhite Pint- - LAjm mund would have ss vedtne bat yuliiG. Ills infallible.



CoramiHHlon TVXeirclin.nt

84 Magaiine Street, Jnova) dly NEW ORLEANS.

I Apples I Apples I Apples!JCS r RECKIVKD AT THE BUILD.

EMPORIUM, and for sale tociose consignment, t

!Ot barrels choice Winter Apples.

' oc9d)t Evansvllle, Ind.TVTOTICE IS II EH EST OIVK.V. thatJL1 at the next session of tbe Board ofbounty commissioners, I will make ap-plication for license to retail splrituoueliquors, at tne oiu .Becker mill, in sectionNo. 21, Township No, 6 south, of Range 11west, in Oerman Township, Vanderburgh

ocrt2Ud ' WM. H. FOWLER.' ' EVANSVH.LP. Ind Sept. 21, 188.THB HUM OF liUUCiE, t'AKK Awas this day dissolved by mutualconsent, K. Carr withdrawing. The

usi-ie- wiil hereafter be conducted by F.1. Hodge and John. Gilbert, under thestyle of Hodge A Co.; who assume allre-sponstbilUl-

and who will collect allciaius uue the late firm of Hodge, Carr fcCo. F. T. HOLK1E, ,


-- In retiring from the above firm, I amvwry manaiui to my friends for pastfavors, and hope they will continue toiuuuuub my successors in business.

" , N. F. CARR.aep2311t Courier copy.

LElcn & LEMCKE,' ' ' : '' Formerly'j w

!, Lelch.Caristedt&Co.,

Wholesale DruggistsNo; 78 MAIN STREET,

a 120 dtw3m . EVANS VI LLE. 1 VfT.

300,000 OR ANT and 200,000Badees, Medals, and Ptna Orast Cioab,must he closed out at half fine flavor,tbe cost to manufacture worthEvery club in tbe eonntn S25 per 1,000,should get them at once to be sold1.000 gut-bord- Orant at no Dr l imnBadges, ' in order to inl.00 fine gilt eUeant troduce them.Orant Badges. $12. -

l.uou extra giituranicoirax Badges W1.00J most beautiful Ciub Bad sen in'th

market, "Grant and Colfax,' 30. Anysmart agent can make from $15 to K5 perday. We send a present "of 1,000 OrantCigars with every order of J50." Moneymust accompany the order. Satisfactiondressed to RICHARDS M ABKT, 55 fur-ra- y

Street, Bx 8,181, New York. Refer-ences: Postmaster in New York, NassauBank. T. N. Hickcox fc Co., New York.

ocl d3w " -

C. WOIVFF,' : .

Manufacturer of, and Wholesale andRetail Dealer In, :


Saddles, XIariiessCOLLARS, and SADDLER T

HARDWARE,Jo. 58 Main Street, corner Second,

fablSdt' KY".ID.COAL! COAL I

XX A. Liter's towboat aadcSj"1aud tbe lease of hisMines, I will continue the'businewon 1

;; Locnst Street,Between Fbrst and Water,

And 111 sell the best: ; i GREE2T Rl VER COAL

- AT 12Je. PKB BtJSHKL,Dehvered to any part of the city. .

Jruers for towing left at the offlm winbe prompt y attended to. "THOH. WHITED.


-Y o


I S--I



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if.'fft .

3S '






- a


J. H. CA21I.IN.

OROCEIXIJBS.i.; : i i.1



'.' ' :') 4 ...G-- 1 O O 3E T & ,


First and Sycamore Streets,




I. D. lIEISIANr,-- . :

Wholesale Dealers I u'wt""'

gboJqe; iliila.Foreign and Domestic Liquors, .


Koi. 60 and eaLMaJii Street,Between Second and Th ijM, o i ? '

Y. :. ... J ,'. Vi-- -.

FISH DEPOT.OVaidU ly Vfll-- f

R. W. BLISS A CO., Toledo, Ohio.

THE SUCCESSOf our Dollar Sale has caused such "


BEVOLUTIOSI IV TRADEThat, in order to supply tbe demand occa-sioned by our constantly Increasing patronage, we have recently made importa-tions for the Fall trade, direct from Euro-pean manufacturers.

Amounting to ffearl $509,005,So that we are prepared to sell every de- -.

. scrlption of t .

DRY AND FANCY GOODS, SILVERPLATED WARE, CUTLERY, WATCH-ES, ALBUMS, JEWELRY, c.Of better quality than any other concernIn the country, lor . the uniform price of

One Dollar for Each Article.The beet of Boston or New York ref-erences given as to tbe reliability of ourhouse, and that oar business is conductedIn tbe fairest and most legitimate manner

possible, and that we give greater valuetor the money than can be obtained iuany other way. , , ,


:JChecka describing articles sold sentto agent In Clubs at rates mentioned be-low. We guarantee every article to costless than if bought at any Boston or Newlork House, . , t

Our Commissions to AgentsExceed those of any otber establishmentof tbe kind, proof of this can be found Incomparing our premiums with those ofothers fob Ci ubs of the same size. In ad-dul- on

to which we claim to give bettergoods of the same character. ' ......WE WILL SEND TO AGENTS FREE OF

:..,.r. l( i.CHAKGe, vFor' a Ctub of SO and Three Dollars I dor.

good linen Shirt Fronts, 1 set Solid "oldstuds. All Wool CasNlmere for Pants. FineW bite Counterpane, large size. 1 elegantBalmoral Skirt. 20 yards brown or bleached Sheeting, good quality, yard wide. 1 elegant-iu- u riciuie xaorocco-Doun- d Photo.Album. 1 double lens Stereoscope and 12Foreign Views. 1 silver-plated engraved5 bottle Castor. 1 elegant Silk Fan, withivory or Manual wood f rame, featbeededge and spangled. 1 Steel Garvin Knifeand Cork, very best quality, with ivorybalanced handle. 1 handsome beaded andlined Parasol. 20 yards good Print. 1 veryfine Damask Table Cover. 1 pr. best qual-ity Ladies' Serge Congress Boots. 1 doaenfine Linen Toweju. dozen Rogers' bestteilver Desert Forks. 1 Ladles' large realMorocco Traveling Bag.- - 1 fancy cress pat- -tern. dozen elegant Sliver Plated engraved Napkin Rings. 1 doaen Ladles' fineMerino or Cotton Stockings. Oenta' heavychased eolid Ooid .Ring. I pair Ladles'hlah cut Balmoral Boots, leleaant DelaineDress Pattern. 1 Violin and Bow, In boxcomplete. 1 set Jewelry, pin. ear droDS andsleeve buttons.

For a CVuo of HO and Flue Dollaril blackor colored Alapacca Dress Pattern. 1 setLace Curtains. 1 pr. All Wool Blankets.Kngravea (Silver piatea u Dottle Revolving Castor. 1 beantlful Writing Desk. 1 sol--Id uoiu Mean t"in o yus, very cue v;asai-mer- e.

for Pants and Vest. 1 set Ivory bal-anced handle Knives, with si ver platedForks. 1 elegant Satin Parasol, heavilybeaded and lined with ilk. 1 pr. gents'Calf Boots. 30 yds. good Print. 30 yds. goodbrown or bleached Sheeting, yard wide,or 40 yds. yd. wide, g- - od quality.-- 1 V

elegant Morocco Traveling bag. Isquare Wool Shawl. 1 plain Norwich Pop-lin dress pattern. 14 yds. don. wtdtn clothfor Ladies' Cloak. Elegant engraved sil-ver plated Tea PoU 3 yds double widthwater-pro- of cloth for cloaking.

For a Vlnb of IOO aad Ten Dollars-- -1 richMerino or Thlbbet dress pattern. 1 pair offine Damask Tab e C otbs and Napkins tomatch.-- pr.' gents' French Calf Boots. 1heavy sliver plated engraved Ice Pitcher.Very fine All Wool Cloth for Ladles'Cloak. 1 vreb very best quality brown orbleached Sheeting. 7 yds. fine Casslmerelor suit. 1 elegant fopua areas pattern, ibeautiful KnuUhli Average miawi. i set orIvory balanced handle :nlvea and Forks.1 ladies' or genls' silver Uuniing-cas-e

Watch. 1 Bartiett Hand, Portable SewingMachine. Splendid Family. Bible, steelengravings, with record ana photographpages, to yds. gooa nemp jarpeiiug, gooacolon. 1 pair good Marseilles Quilt. 1 goodsix barel revolver; 1 elegant fur Muffand Cape. 1 single barrel Shot Gun. 1 sli-ver plated, engraved. 6 bottled RevolvingCastor, out glass bottles. 1 very fine Violinand bow. in case, i set ivory oaianceuKnives and Forks. .

Presents for larger Clubs increase m tbesame ratio,

- i i

Sen3 Money by Registered Letter.BWCatalogue of goods sent to any ad

dress free.-PARKER & CO.,

Nos. 98 and 100 Summer Street, Boston.a --1



ATTORNEY at LAW.Office on Third Street. In Washington

House Block.Will Practice t a various Courts o I

tbe Circuit. Prompt attention to ornoebusiness ' deel d3m



Will practice in the counties of Butler.warren, Mu men burg. Ohio, ana Mctean.

rromvt attention given to tne collectionof claims. ; '

References Wheeler A RIggs. HOIllnr'worth A Bro., Cbas. Babcock. A Co. , lapal



Crittenden County, Kentucky,apl7 wtf

- ' No. 1.438.United States Marshal's Notice.

United States of America,--' District of In--' diana, ta: ..,.TTTJ1EHEAS. A EI BE I, OF IN.Vv loi mat Ion was filed lu tbe District

Court oi the United States for the Districtof Indiana, on. tbe 22d d y of September,IKJS. hv Henry Hnber. John Sheer, andJohn Fried ley. by Charles E. Marsh, Esq.,tneir proctor, 8 gainst seven coal bargesand tbeir tackle, seized at said District fora cause of salvage civil and maritime, andclaiming damage in tbe sum of I , andpraying process against said barges, andthat tn same may be condemned and soldtherefor; ' j - . .

Now. therefore, lu pursuance of the monition under the seal ol said Court to medirected and delivered. I do hereby givepublic notice to all persons clalmlne saidgoods, or any part thereof, or In any man-ner ic teres ted therein, that they be andappear before tbe said, the District Courtof the United States, to be beld at tbe city

In and for tbe District ofIndiana, on the first Monday of Novembernext, at AO odock ol tbe iorenoon or thatday, then and there to interpose theirclaims and make their allegations in thatoeu&u, .

BEN. BPOONER. Marshal, U. S.Bv HahhilDay. Denutv.

Attest: J. D. Howl and. Clerk. '

se25dUt , i - :" .

United States Marshal's Sale.fNo. 1.416.1

VIRTU; OF A VENOITIONIBY Issued out of the oflice of theUlerh of the District Couit o: the UnitedSlates for tne District of Indiana, silting asa court oi Aumirauty, upon a nuai aecree,In tbe case of Shuitze.Tbumau A Co. vs. tbesteamboat "Stonewall Jackson," her en- -twi AO . tonlrln una-t- pal , a Tti i a T 4 11'(ji u v at,mi;,nijifui a ouu auk aaa km Ot A it ill.on TUESDAY, tbeath day of September,isoo, ueiween tue nours vi iu o uiix k a.m.and 4 o'clock l'.M of said day. at tbe courthouse door, on Main Street, In the city ofEvansvllle, county of Vanderburgh, andState of Indiana, sell at public aui-tio- u tothe highest bidder the aaid steamboat

Stonewall Jackson," her engines, tackle.apparel, anu lurmmre..BPi.tUOiyKK.

i - ; ' Untied btates Marshal:By Samckl Day. DeDut v.Chas. E. Mabsu. Proctor for LibellanU.

seta uta -

HEAD QXJAXtTISIl.5For ISootN and Shoes,

! Sio. 35 MAIN STREET.

miiE CNDF.BSH1SKD HAW ' REandJL celved a laittre stock of BOOTS

SHOES, which be sells


Call and see for yourselvea. , ,


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