I THE EVENING JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1914 * r V Assist in Bringing t'necr to the War Kiddies LEWISP.BUSH DEAD I"**ℱ" Attractions at the Theatres Help the Stomach Digest Your Food it r AT THE GARRICK. Those who have not soon Fred Ardath ("Hiram, the handy boy I around the farm") who Is at the Oar- I I rick Theatre this week with his com- pany of comedians, cun hardly appre- ciate what a Rood comedy he Is put- ting on. His act is one of the fun- niest In the varieties, and the com- pany, of whom there are eight, are all keyed up to the true comedy, spirit of the occasion. In the cast, in ad- dition to "Hiram," there Is the farm- er, bis wife, the township constable, with his "billy goat" whiskers, besides a bevy of pretty girls, who are sup- posed' to be members of a stranded opera troupe, that has taken refuge on the farm. The stage setting rep- I resents a farm yard, with Its chick- ens. pigs, pigeons and a dog- All sorts of funny things are happening and they come In such rapid succes- sion that the spectators are kept In laughter. AT ACE OF 01 Election of directors and ron-idcra» tion of reports «ere the principal mat* tors before shareholders of the Dels- Fair. Association, who met at the Security Trust and Safe Deposit Company yesterday. Board of directors were named as fol- lows: Frederick Brady, Richard Buck- ingham, Alexander P. (orbit, Joseph Dsvidson, Lewis IJerickson, Horace L. I III worth, S. Frank Kwart. Harry Hay- ward, Francis H. Hoffeckcr, Joseph H. Hossinger, .1. YV. Killen, Charles Meg- giiison. K. I‘. I Jr., William P. imrg, Frederick C. Snyder, Ashton R. Lewis 1*. Hush, III (ear- old, president Tatum, L. Scoit Townsend, Howard T. of I hi' (ieorge W. Bush and Nona Coin- Wallace, d. Atwood Weldin, dames F. puny, and one of the best-known bnsi White, .tames Wilson, B, H. Wilson, dr. ness men in Wilmington, died at hi* Paul K. W ilson was elected to fill the hume. No. RIOI Pennsylvania avenue al 9.45 o’clock last night, of heart disease, muml Peach. _____ I iruin which Mr. Bn-h lias suffered for known Wilmingtonian, i some lime. Mr. Bush had lieen confined Richard tĂź. Buckingham, who served as teni|4goy chairman, lias called a Mr. Bush was horn and passed his meeting of directors for 3 o'clock, Tnes- life inWilmington. He succeeded Wal day, November ‘A4, at the secretary’s tor D. Bush, a brother, as president and oflice. No, I West Fifth street, atwhich |cx 'cntivc head "I I he Bnsli interests, officers for the ensuing year will he I heing the thiid head of the company. ! During ins long business career Mr. ! Bush made hundreds of friends. ‱ Mr. Bush was an active member of I Ci ntrai Presbyterian ( Imreli and a di- rector of Wilmington Institute Free Li I hrary and Delaware College, and vice- Union Men Name Commit-1«"ĂżJS, »ilTC* hu» tee to Make Study of the Question When the stomach fails to digest and distribute that which is eaten, the bowels become clogged witli a mass of waste and refuse that fer. incuts and generates poisons that are gradually foroed into the blood, causing distress and often serious illness. Most people naturally object to the drastic cathartic and purgative agents that shock the system. A mild, gentle laxative, positive in it* effect and that will quickly relieve constipation is Ur. Caldwell’ Pepsin, sold by druggists at titty cent a and one dollar a bottle. It docs not gripe or cramp, hut acts easily and pleasantly, and is there fore the most satisfactory remedy for children, women and elderly per- sons. For a free trial bottle write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 461 Washington Bt., MonUcelln, III. J , (Continued From Page 8.) “A Friend," set of blocks. ‱ ware State Well-Known City Business Man Succumbs to Heart Disease I. S. Jones, No. 209 Co.,cord Ave„ hoy of candy, stockings and hooks. | Frank T. Sharpless, No, 1823 'LUnall street, one sail boat, one little .folks' color kit, box of picture cards, model village building set, one set of ten pins, one sharp shooter’s ga«ce, one soap bubble game, one clown ten pins, one set of water color paints, i\ne inagit. Life of Abraham Lincoln, animal tales, and Mother (loose puzzle pietinfs. several other hooks for children, and one complete set of boxing gloves for boys. Crosby ii Hill Company, merchants, nt No. 605 Market street, announces that it is heartily in favor of the War Children’s Christmas Gift movement. v r v \ HIS ENTIRE LIFE SPENT IN WILMINGTON ; I Moody, Arnold Nandain, Peach, David Snsllen- ■ a Syrup It makes a contribution of $25 worth of merchandise. N. Bnellenburg & Co. are also enthusiastic, Hnd announce that they will contribute as much merchandise as any other Wilmington mercantile house. R. Topkis Bons, merchuirls nt No. 420 Market street, have enlisted heart- ily in the cause to procure Christmas gifts for the war children in battle- scarred Kurope, That firm announces llmt it will make a liberal contribu- tion of wearing apparel for the war children. Mrs. A. ft. Burke, of No. 1908 Boulevard, sends a box containing the following articles, all new; i suits of underclothes, fi paiis of stockings, 4 pairs of gloves, 2 sweaters, 8 suits of infants’ underclothes, 1 infants* sacque, 4 dolls and 4 iron trains of cars. Donald M. Yost, of No. 2420 Jefferson street, sends 2 boxes containing 2 c ' im ‱Hinted by ihr «tenth of Ed Mr. Wll»on is a well > aeaney * Ih'iI lor three weeks. t “SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS” Harold Belt Wright, a popular Ameri- ] Iegh novelist, with the ussisianee of Els- i bery W. Reynolds, has made a drama j f fixation of ilia most widely-read novel, | suits of iinderrlothes, 1 child's suit, 8 pairs of mitts, 1 doll, wrapped in an |“The shepherd of the Hill».” It» initial | [production in this eity will lake place at The Playhouse today for an <ng^|«- j MISS FDITH TH VY'FK lean flag and n card reading: “Wishing you a Merry Christmas. Donald j m7J* w-brht â€˜ĂŒfa* man w^th tTmissioii star 1,1 U,p ,"usica' comedy opera M. Yost." Lnd message- he is a story teller, and "The Firefly" at The Playhouse Sat- From anonymous donors who describe themselves as “Two Americans," creates a yearning for a better life unlay- THE EVENING JOURNAL received for the war children yesterday a gen- j "«long the sunlit Held», where the lighi erously-tilled box. It contained the following articles, all news Two bahy ]in„ors even when the sun is down.” | gooli company. blankets, with this accompanying notes "For some little Belgian child, from The story is old, if iigc come» with the j Âź?J|L'meefnliv aȧut Hwfll h^*a real i . II«,. Imt-rl.-an - SI, pair, .< ».», >..t. of war. ÂŁÂŁ*}(«, «*XSPj* [ 2»„.Ӏ' 5“'ÂŁSS SAÄ yarn, three doll hahics, eight darning needles, one cake of rastile soap. The L_ thpgp RJlt..|on(e lorc,.J, ,,f the soul : as carried by this company to uug givers are clearly Belgian sympathizers, liecnuse they directed that the I ff„a expression in the characters to whom mont the local orchestra,together contents of the box be given to Belgian war kiddies. I the audience ha» never been introduced w'*«h two carloads of scenery and From Mitchell H. Greenwood, of No. 1011 Washington street, we have until now. Yet the«- people of the electrical cffecta. received the following articles for the Belgian childrens Three petticoat». Jlu.h’ Z heroic, still one set of rompers and small tool chest. ono i,,r|H j,, n,em the throb of kinship Frit/.i Bcheff will lie seen in a comedy From Miss Horn, of ihc Marlon Apartments! Four pairs of stoeklngs | to all who live outside their almostwith music entitled "Petty Mrs. Smith, ’ and three heavy underskirts ! enchanted land. There i» a plot. The at The Playhouse November 83, direct 1 claimed by a me...... .. ol the Machleist»'j II ,, , 3 , , ’ . , .. o____. 1 movement is ever onward, there are no from the Casino Theatre, New York. I nion that under the cooperative plan nip From U . primary department of (he Second Bapt.tUhurch Sunday 1rolropra,|<. antl m,alI|„R,e„ eddies m The new pice i. .. departure in tl.«-| lt Mv t„ , H % * || School, iwc dolls, box of toys and small dolls, one pair of shoes, three pairs this stream of happenings. The current style of light mniu entertainment. |tit,,H| „ SHvjll„ ut at i ,,i 1 of stockings, two dresses, three undershirts and a child’s ironing set, of events seizes and takes one on and is three sets, by Oliver Morocco and | . r “ ’ 1 .... , . . . , I l-'litii-r lliirri» The inm.li' i. he Henrv lowing the dlHCllBSimi the following Colli- Miss Jean Brown, contributes a package of toys and a wool cap. ] on. uim* r Hams, ino music is uy iimry , . , . . . . ______ .lames and Alfred Robyn, with ivnes l«y An anonymons sympathizer sends a box of boohs and toys. ■ MAJESTIC. Earl tan oil. A YVJlmlngton wo ;an who wishes her name withheld, sends one pink Photoplay patrons arc enthusiastic Where "Pretty Mrs. Smith" differs 4 uoc blue shawl nnd scarf, all won! and hand made. ovcr 11lls wonderful film story, “The from I lie usual run off mubical comedies, Trey O’ Hearts,” which is at the Ma- >s ‘bat it cells a well constructed story ■ Ü Jeatic Theatre today. Now the end 'ul farcies' tendencies that depend» The legialative committee reported! Ml has come, and although* we have fol- | u|«>" ''»«’If for the greater share of in j that it would meet on next Tues- i|) lowed the characters through the var-i «crest. Music c made a relative de ] day evening in Painter» Hall, No. f ious crises, now that the climax has ««‹■. "»«*‹«’ partleularly pleasing in ( bio 1-2 Market street. Several lot- | come, we are unable to Judge avlth any >h<’ "»‹««‹* <‹« aarmony and eatchiness, ters from the A. F. of L. were read degree of accuracy the ending of the '* ""« °n*; Wtt" ,rom «he Metal Traders De- story. The author has planned a sur- — I P?rl?en.t poni'ernl,J8 thn organizing! prise for those who are Interested in- *'‱“ Hamilton will play the rol« of the tradesmen In this city. It Is the last three reels today. Alan, Rose j’’“'""h" . m thc prmlm tio.i of Bl.aw » likely the union will be organized. I and 1 iiriit h were together last week Ar",s 1,11,1 «he Man,” winch will be I he delegates to the Central Body i =na .he nn^enTn^nf this «ßrtme shows F'v'" '»V «he l.ittb- Theatre .‱ompanv, of will bave their photographs taken H n.1 M wevei ate ' Liilmlci,,! ..... at The Pluyhonsc':,.'No- In a group on Tuesday evening. De-j I nd I 'ember 23. Mia*/ Hamilton, who iH gan eember 1. The picture will be used I the way the characters are handled Is 1 ,“‘r "nder -Augustin Daly, made by the Aasoelaied Publlshera of YVII-I I ; L evlrelee » «"’M tour with the famed Kyrie Bel- tulngtoi) In their new hook on this I a surp e y . | lew Mrs. lames Brown Potter company, city. Another self-explanatory com- I mid in more recent years »cored a great munlcation follows: success playing prominent roles with “Hon. David J. Reinhardt, Mrs. Fiskc. As "lainka" she has won "Odd Fellow» Building, for herself :■ permanent place in Phila- "Wilmington, Del, delphia, and has also scored a big »ne- "Dear Sir: Abolir one year ago the I ecus a» "Julia” in "The Rivals" and Wilmington Central Labor Union, in a "Fanny” in "Hindie Wakes.’” letter to the Chamber of Commerce, asked why work had been »napended and »o lining men formerly employed tit I the industries in charge ol the memher»] of the Chamber of Commerce, forced out] of employment. "The reply of the Chamber of Com- merce did not give a solution. “Our letter of lust December has re- cently been used by you a» an indict- ment of the Democratic party, now in power. “Unemployment is even greater in ex- tent now than a year ago. “We want to know the reason. “If, a. action, the cannot lie elected. s American flag;. 1 pair of hoy’s suspenders, 1 set of play blocks, a hag of marbles, wrapped In an American flag. Each gift contains a small Amer. tliice children. Mis* Emma D. Rush, Charles W . Rush and W. Whiteley Bush. The limerai will lie held from hi- hits residence at :t o’clock Friday afternoon, the Rev. .1. H. Crawford, oljieiating. In ferment will be in Wilmington and Brandywine Cemetery, .JSSs. », 4 T I The chorus will not - 4 Another clever idea in serving Wilbur Cocoa 'Tlic quest loti of the co-operative pur-j s|| elia»ing of coal was discussed at a largely attended inueting of the Central Labor Union tost evening. Niec Presi- dent A. N. St rad Icy presided. It was *T vt-BUft ICI ‘PRETTY MRS. SMITH.' : i ,j\ '-te- ‱v Vj s* I ! h' UST after it is poured into C COCOA the cups, drop a nice fresh marshmallow on top of the hot Wilbur Cocoa. It expands and dissolves to a cream and |) makes a very dainty, attractive refreshment for your guests. The Wilbur way of producing cocoa securing for you the rich, inimitable flavor, aroma and goodness that nature means shall be there. J 1 I initiĂ©e \vas appointed tn look ini matter and report nt tin- next meeting, na of the union: ( lia rie» W, Sehl, chair- HI man; Janies O’Kane, William Schaeffer,! HI ‱lohn C. Saylor and John It, Carr, 1 ** I h ' ’ll Wilburbuds «havv I and scarf A-ccompanying them is a pair of pulse warmers. Francis De Croix sends a box of toy furniture for “some little girl in Germany, whose father Is in the army,” with an accompanying Merry Christmas greeting. “A Friend," living in Spruce street, sends a bundle of warm wearln* apparel ’'for the Belgian war orphans." From a kind-hearted person at No. 2600 AVest Seventeenth street, two boxes containing two dolls, a large hag of almonds, several pounds of candy and toys of various kinds, “for the suffering Belgian children.” From Russell Macklin, No. 938 Kirkwood street, a package of toys, Everybody knows these nifty confections—made to melt in the mouth — pecked like jewel». Of course, they are imi- tated — in appearance. But the Wilbur secret of making them ia what gives th4m their charm. r I I I Ml Wilburmilk A creamy, delicious chocolate bar — nutri- * tious and tempting, You’D find Wilbur Specialties in all good candy places. hooks and games. Several valuable packages of gifts and also several cash contribu- tions for the war kiddles were received today Ihrongh Ihe depository es- tablished in the department store of Lippincott A (,'o„ 30H to 814 Mar- Ask «our grocer, or write us, for ‘‘Cook’s Tours Through Wilbur- land”— a little book that teilt many ico«s to use Wilbur Cocoa. H. O. Wilbur Sc Sons, Inc., Philadelphia, Po. ket street. There are in Europe millions of boys and girls who will have no Christ- mas cheer unless It he sent to them from this side of the Atlant*. j I’a'lowa and her Rn.skn ballet] That I. h,,...* .1*1, In ,h. anal,. « «.naan,. «,». ■ ℱ“’".„ST" " Britain, France, Austria, Russia, Belgium, Servla and Montenegro; In the j known in theatrical circles a» “the man still, buried in the | with a smile that will not come off'.” Mr. Hirsch lias been in the amusement business for more than thirty years, and during that time he lias managed nr had intimate business relations with most of the great operatic stars who, a*lt« Saturday. comedians, and PAVLOWA. Max Hirsch, manager en tour with ( i» ■ 'sr-ĂŻdĂšSaĂźfflBaKMBMHHB ( military hospitals of the several countries, or worse battle fields which cover hundreds of miles of European territory. It Is the purpose of those behind Hie War Children's Christmas l und 1c send Christmas presents to»at least 1,000,090 of those children, the dis- tribution to be made impartlany in all the lands involved in the war. The movement in behalf of the war children has assumed nation-wide proportions. AVRmingtonians and Delawareans generally, are Invited to participate in # and 1« play the part of Banta Claus to these war kiddles, who have the sympathy of the civilized world. Mrs. John Hays Hammond, National chairman of the fund, and Mrs. Eva MacDonald Valesh. editor of the American (Tub YVoman Magazine, its treasurer, bave appointed THE EVENING JOURNAL their official repre- It has HOPKINS THEATRE. Vaudeville will hold the boards at the Hopkins Theatre Thursday^, Fri- Paris and Geers, (he Japanese wire i How Often Do You Attend Church? i i as everybody know» are the most tem- peramental indivirfffals and therefore the "alkera are on the bill, hardest to get along "itli on top of the earth. these year», Air.1 Hirsch is said seldom to have lost bi»| temper or to have leased smiling even in the face of vicissitudes and (rouble» which would wreck the good nature of most any person. For 27 years Mr. Hirsch was treasurer of the Metropoli- tan Opera Company, road manager for I’a'lowa, Mr. Hirsch was g.nerai representative of Die Chi- cago Grand Opera Company, under An- dreas Dippel’s direct inn. all Yet. in NEW OWNERS FOR I CITY REAL ESTATE / „ might be inferred from your prnl deni of nneniployiiiellt el I led in the industries IheniBolveo, but is caused nnd iniisl he cured by political action affecting On I industries, then we want to know how. “While the election is over, imeinploy ment is still with us. “We urge you, therefore, to (ell us what can be done to remedy it. "Must these depressions lie expected as una'oidahle every few years and raust we accept them and let them run their course as in Die past, regardless of what party is in power, since one also occurred under it Republican ad- ministration in 190«1 "Or if there is a remedy, does your party possess it and can you tell us clearly what It Is? "Can you tell us so clearly that wc ran decide on the merits of the remedy rather than on the merits of your party? “Can you tell us so we can under- stand why the remedy would be suc- cessful whether we accepted your parly along with Ihe remedy or not? "It the remedy cannot be applied without your party being elected, is It because. In your opinion, no other parly possesses such remedy? "Will you help us determine as citizens, rather than as advocates of one political party, what is the mat- ter with our present system, indus- trial. commercial and* political, and (he remedy? “Will you kindly reply to this by a written statement of the cause of and remedy tor what we now suffer? “Will you also publish your state- ment in the local papers? "In addition, will you arrange for a mass meeting of the general pub- lic. to be addressed by a representative of your party on Ihe question of unem- ployment. its cause and (ho remedy? your party having charge of the meet- ing. sentative in Wilmington to solicit Xmas gifts for those children, accepted the appointment and now give that the campaign must be made quickly, as the Christmas ship bear- ing the 1,000,000 or more gifts, must reach Europe several weeks before Christmas that a proper distribution may be made. THE EY’ENTSG JOURNAL invites church and Sunday school organiza- tion», public, parochial and private schocX! classe»; «inb», lodges and civic organizations of all kinds to join in Ibis Sant« (Tans work, which I» one of international import and Interest, YYhen Christmas Day conies It will he a comforting thonght to those who have contributed (hat somewhere In nar-riven Europe there are chil- dren whose eyes are (casting upon gifts sent to them by unknown hut sympathizing friends In Delaware, heart of any Delaware man,-woman or child. Therefore, send in yonr Christmas gifts for the war kiddles, and do it quickly to the end that they may reach the beneficiaries In ample time to show them that the Xmas spirit althoogh prostrate in Europe. Is wide-awake and doing in the United States and (hat It Is broad enough to overlap into Ihe war zo«e on the other side of the Atlantic. wishes to remind those who desire to Prior to becoming The following properly transfers have been recorded a( the City Reg- istry lui man this week: Peter J. Ford and wife to Adam H. Pox. north side of Seventh street, «Tin ri ill'l l v ** 126 fwt weat of ,,nlon s,rept’ $1 THEtiui.ru. Same property. Adam H. Fox to One of the exceptional attractions Wood lawn Co $”25 hooked for “ppraranro here thls sea- 8eourlfy Trust and Safe Deposit son will be TheFirefly musical Co trugtPes of Patrlck 1)pnas| comedy opera. W’ith Kdlth Thayer, the Rarnpt( Wplna,ork N 1203 ,Æb_ little vest pocket prima donna, in the . .. . MU star role and under the personal dlrec- . . , Such a (bought Is enough I« warm the tion of Arthur Hammerstein. "The Samuel L., and Stephen S. South- Firefly" will come to The Playhouse.«.^ a"d to Klj» ». Southard, next Saturday afternoon and night. 11 ‱*'*** Market street, $600- While Edith Thayer is the star, she I Patrick Dcnnsh to Charles G. will not be the whole show by any | Guyer. No. 1205 Lobdell ^street, $(6o. means, for there will be a dozen others , William M. S. Brown and wife to in the cast who are all clever and who I George W. Cooper, south side of could play the part of a star In any Twelfth street. «8 feet east of Tal- j nail street, $2000. Catherine Dougherey to Anna M. Glaeser. cast side of duPont street, 124 feet south of Tenth street, $1.- 725. 1 1 1 M Oh, I’m so busy during the week that 1 need to rest up on Sunday,” you may answer. Of course you do. Everybody does That’s ONE of the pur- poses tor which the Sabbath was created, to rest poor body weary, mind weary, soul weary humanity. There was ANOTHER pur- pose, too—that ALL should de- vote a part of that day to divine worship. Will you start fulfilling BOTH purposes next »Sunday ? It is Everybody Go to Church Sunday November 22nd. Make SOME Church YOUR Church That Day. You’ll Be Welcome G I ? C â–ș sii m¼ÊÊ William H. Boaston Io William W. Knox, south side of Eighteenth street. 20 feet west of Rivcrvlew ave- nue, $11,400. William W. Knox Howard J. Hahn, No. 2408 W. Eigh- teenth street, $3800. James Flnan and wife to John G. Macfarlune, south of Third street, 113 feet east of Adams street. $1200. Peter J Ford and wife to Kath- erine Corbit Coburn, east side of Grant avenue, 80 feet north of 8ev- ] enth street, $1. Same property, Kath- I erino C. Coburn and husband to Woodlawn Co., $348. Michael Augustwynowskl and wife to Leon Guiczynski and wife, south side of Third street, 11 feet west of Pine street. $7400. Saint Stanislaus Kosta Church to Atoni Blellekl. west side of laveust street. 180 feet south of Eighth street, $60. ‱ft u s I Ï3 and wife to S Men Like Good “Eats r *TrepĂąr«d i under ent yy j Supervision” and they like m/frmours Glendale Oleomargarine because of its rich, delicious flavor. The housewife likes it because it is Pure, Whole- some and Economical. ii "Ponding »iirh a ma von at once reply by letter and pub- lish your statement on unemployment, as requested? “Requesting yonr prompt reply, “Respectfully, “The Wilmington Central ill meeting. ,4 Jr J ft Frank R. Zebley to Hillary Long and wife, southeast corner Twenty- sixth and Madison streets, $3000. Jennie T. Fahey, executrix, and Jenny T. Fahey to James J. O'Don- nell, four properties, together, west side of Van Buren street, 17 feet south of Columbia avenue, $6200 for its «Dior Union, “(Signed), Walter C. Davis, Jr., Beere tary.” Mr. Reinhardt’s reply was then read and ordered placed on’ file. The reply was as follows: < She has learned that it is made of the finest essential food fats of our everyday diet, carefully blended and packed in hygienic paraffined cartons - J all. “Nov. 11. 1014. I “Central Labor Union. "Wilmington. Delaware, “Gentlemen: I have your letter of November 3d, in regard to the letter 1 whieb was written to the Chamber of 'Commerce by yonr hotly shout a year ago. I am now in the midst of a busy , term of court and cannot give this let- , ter proper attention at this time. I will i be very glad to write a letter to your | body »etting forth my views as soon a» find a little more time than I have | GIVEN BAUER KRAUT SUFFER. The members of the L. M- Society of the First United Presbyterian Church gave a sauer kraut supper at the home of Mrs. James Watson last night. About 200 or more partook of the meal. The women in charge were Mrs. James Watson, Mrs. Emma Mc- Farland, Mrs. Harry Wright, Mrs. John Conley. Mrs. David Robinson, Mrs- Thomas Huey, Mrs. John Huey, Mrs. Parker Watson. Mrs. Robert,! Neeson and Mrs. David McHenry, j Some of the younger women who as- sisted were the Misses Esther Rob- ' inson. Katie Mason and Esther Wharry. Look for the Armour GLENDALE label ABMOUB^COMBWer WILMINGTON, DEL. fife K I can now. 1 “Y'oura very truly. “(Signed) D. J. Reinhardt.” I The Central I-aher Union therefore I RoyalTypewriter Co. pnvQ1 MnHpl tO ieet» a reply ut Mr. Reinhardt’»eon- 915 Market Street l\.Ujal iUUUCI xvf ill w IC Ml answer O, y being installed byWilminglon’a largestbusiness houses In praferenca lo J all others. Ask Joseph Bancroft Co.,Wilmington Fibre Co., Consumers’ Ice Co., Central National Bank. Kvening Journal. Kit.. Etc., Etc., about the superior merits of Ihe wondtrfni e\| question* asked. New delegate* were seated a» follow»: State Councillor George F. Lang Wilmington Typographical Union, No. and about twenty-five members of the |f$, John Rein. Jr.; Wilmington Lodge. Jr. O. U- A. M.. will visit Buck Coun No. 1st, 1. A. of Machinists, Charle» W. cil si Summit Bridge tonight. JUNIORS TO VISIT TONIGHT. new Master Model 10 Rny>l. _____ .. „„ TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. RENTED 3 MONTHS. IS 00. Special rental rale to »Indent» on ritible muclsmes. Used typewriter». All meiiew Bargain», *lu up Sold »i month)}. Ribbon» and carbon paper. American »J4 ».idio* machinea. » F r J-rlil. \ k - Cv > ‱T. \ \ «*■ v J.; i* -i mi w ■ - \ T T VI rlr V I ' V A" m i \ \ ,r>« ? \ i 'A 3 V 5 \tv< TV ■A- V 1 - V-> T v s. »■ - » F \ I ‱ w \' l « ' Q ■it* r. # i Y ‘V; ‱f. A. r \f ; 1 l; \ l


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Assist in Bringing t'necrto the War Kiddies

LEWISP.BUSH DEAD I"**ℱ"Attractions at the Theatres Help the Stomach Digest Your Foodit rAT THE GARRICK.

Those who have not soon Fred Ardath ("Hiram, the handy boy I around the farm") who Is at the Oar- I

I rick Theatre this week with his com­pany of comedians, cun hardly appre­ciate what a Rood comedy he Is put­ting on. His act is one of the fun­niest In the varieties, and the com­pany, of whom there are eight, are all keyed up to the true comedy, spirit of the occasion. In the cast, in ad­dition to "Hiram," there Is the farm­er, bis wife, the township constable, with his "billy goat" whiskers, besides a bevy of pretty girls, who are sup­posed' to be members of a stranded opera troupe, that has taken refuge on the farm. The stage setting rep-

I resents a farm yard, with Its chick­ens. pigs, pigeons and a dog- All sorts of funny things are happening and they come In such rapid succes­sion that the spectators are kept In laughter.

AT ACE OF 01 Election of directors and ron-idcra» tion of reports «ere the principal mat* tors before shareholders of the Dels-

Fair. Association, who met at the Security Trust and Safe Deposit Company yesterday.

Board of directors were named as fol­lows: Frederick Brady, Richard Buck­ingham, Alexander P. (orbit, Joseph Dsvidson, Lewis IJerickson, Horace L.I III worth, S. Frank Kwart. Harry Hay­ward, Francis H. Hoffeckcr, Joseph H. Hossinger, .1. YV. Killen, Charles Meg- giiison. K. I‘. I Jr., William P.imrg, Frederick C. Snyder, Ashton R.

Lewis 1*. Hush, III (ear- old, president Tatum, L. Scoit Townsend, Howard T. of I hi' (ieorge W. Bush and Nona Coin- Wallace, d. Atwood Weldin, dames F. puny, and one of the best-known bnsi White, .tames Wilson, B, H. Wilson, dr. ness men in Wilmington, died at hi* Paul K. W ilson was elected to fill the hume. No. RIOI Pennsylvania avenue al9.45 o’clock last night, of heart disease, muml Peach. _____

I iruin which Mr. Bn-h lias suffered for known Wilmingtonian, i some lime. Mr. Bush had lieen confined Richard tĂź. Buckingham, who served

as teni|4goy chairman, lias called a Mr. Bush was horn and passed his meeting of directors for 3 o'clock, Tnes-

life in Wilmington. He succeeded Wal day, November ‘A4, at the secretary’stor D. Bush, a brother, as president and oflice. No, I West Fifth street, at which

|cx 'cntivc head "I I he Bnsli interests, officers for the ensuing year will he I heing the thiid head of the company.! During ins long business career Mr.! Bush made hundreds of friends.‱ Mr. Bush was an active member of I Ci ntrai Presbyterian ( Imreli and a di­rector of Wilmington Institute Free Li

I hrary and Delaware College, and vice-

Union Men Name Commit-1«"ÿJS, »ilTC* hu»tee to Make Study of

the Question

When the stomach fails to digest and distribute that which is eaten, the bowels become clogged witli a mass of waste and refuse that fer. incuts and generates poisons that are gradually foroed into the blood, causing distress and often serious illness.

Most people naturally object to the drastic cathartic and purgative agents that shock the system. A mild, gentle laxative, positive in it* effect and that will quickly relieve constipation is Ur. Caldwell’Pepsin, sold by druggists at titty cent a and one dollar a bottle. It docs not gripe or cramp, hut acts easily and pleasantly, and is there fore the most satisfactory remedy for children, women and elderly per­sons. For a free trial bottle write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 461 Washington Bt., MonUcelln, III.

J , (Continued From Page 8.)“A Friend," set of blocks. ‱

ware StateWell-Known City Business Man Succumbs to Heart


I. S. Jones, No. 209 Co.,cord Ave„ hoy of candy, stockings and hooks. | Frank T. Sharpless, No, 1823 'LUnall street, one sail boat, one little

.folks' color kit, box of picture cards, model village building set, one set of ten pins, one sharp shooter’s ga«ce, one soap bubble game, one clown ten pins, one set of water color paints, i\ne inagit. Life of Abraham Lincoln, animal tales, and Mother (loose puzzle pietinfs. several other hooks for children, and one complete set of boxing gloves for boys.

Crosby ii Hill Company, merchants, nt No. 605 Market street, announces that it is heartily in favor of the War Children’s Christmas Gift movement.




; I

Moody, Arnold Nandain, Peach, David Snsllen-

■a Syrup

It makes a contribution of $25 worth of merchandise.N. Bnellenburg & Co. are also enthusiastic, Hnd announce that they will

contribute as much merchandise as any other Wilmington mercantile house.R. Topkis Bons, merchuirls nt No. 420 Market street, have enlisted heart­

ily in the cause to procure Christmas gifts for the war children in battle- scarred Kurope, That firm announces llmt it will make a liberal contribu­tion of wearing apparel for the war children.

Mrs. A. ft. Burke, of No. 1908 Boulevard, sends a box containing the following articles, all new; i suits of underclothes, fi paiis of stockings, 4 pairs of gloves, 2 sweaters, 8 suits of infants’ underclothes, 1 infants* sacque, 4 dolls and 4 iron trains of cars.

Donald M. Yost, of No. 2420 Jefferson street, sends 2 boxes containing 2

c' im

‱Hinted by ihr «tenth of Ed Mr. Wll»on is a well

> aeaney*

Ih'iI lor three weeks.t“SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS”Harold Belt Wright, a popular Ameri- ]

Iegh novelist, with the ussisianee of Els- i bery W. Reynolds, has made a drama j f fixation of ilia most widely-read novel, |

suits of iinderrlothes, 1 child's suit, 8 pairs of mitts, 1 doll, wrapped in an |“The shepherd of the Hill».” It» initial |[production in this eity will lake placeat The Playhouse today for an <ng^|«- j MISS FDITH TH VY'FK

lean flag and n card reading: “Wishing you a Merry Christmas. Donald j m7J* w-brht â€˜ĂŒfa* man w^th tTmissioii star 1,1 U,p ,"usica' comedy opera M. Yost." Lnd message- he is a story teller, and "The Firefly" at The Playhouse Sat-

From anonymous donors who describe themselves as “Two Americans," creates a yearning for a better life unlay-THE EVENING JOURNAL received for the war children yesterday a gen- j "«long the sunlit Held», where the lighierously-tilled box. It contained the following articles, all news Two bahy ]in„ors even when the sun is down.” | gooli company.blankets, with this accompanying notes "For some little Belgian child, from The story is old, if iigc come» with the j Âź?J|L'meefnliv aȧut Hwfll h^*a real i

. II«,. Imt-rl.-an - SI, pair, .< ».», >..t. of war. ÂŁÂŁ*}(«, «*XSPj* [ 2»„.Ӏ' 5“'ÂŁSS SAÄyarn, three doll hahics, eight darning needles, one cake of rastile soap. The L_ thpgp RJlt..|on(e lorc,.J, ,,f the soul : as carried by this company to uug givers are clearly Belgian sympathizers, liecnuse they directed that the I ff„a expression in the characters to whom mont the local orchestra, togethercontents of the box be given to Belgian war kiddies. I the audience ha» never been introduced w'*«h two carloads of scenery and

From Mitchell H. Greenwood, of No. 1011 Washington street, we have until now. Yet the«- people of the electrical cffecta.received the following articles for the Belgian childrens Three petticoat». Jlu.h’ Z heroic, still

one set of rompers and small tool chest. ono i,,r|H j,, n,em the throb of kinship Frit/.i Bcheff will lie seen in a comedyFrom Miss Horn, of ihc Marlon Apartments! Four pairs of stoeklngs | to all who live outside their almost with music entitled "Petty Mrs. Smith, ’

and three heavy underskirts ! enchanted land. There i» a plot. The at The Playhouse November 83, direct 1 claimed by a me...... .. ol the Mach leist»'j II,, , 3 , , ’ . , .. o____. 1 movement is ever onward, there are no from the Casino Theatre, New York. I nion that under the cooperative plan nipFrom U . primary department of (he Second Bapt.tUhurch Sunday 1rolropra,|<. antl m,alI|„R,e„ eddies m The new pice i. .. departure in tl.«-| lt Mv t„ , H % * ||

School, iwc dolls, box of toys and small dolls, one pair of shoes, three pairs this stream of happenings. The current style of light mniu entertainment. |tit,,H| „ SHvjll„ ut at i ,,i 1of stockings, two dresses, three undershirts and a child’s ironing set, of events seizes and takes one on and is three sets, by Oliver Morocco and | . r

“ ’ 1 .... , . . . , I l-'litii-r lliirri» The inm.li' i. he Henrv lowing the dlHCllBSimi the following Colli-Miss Jean Brown, contributes a package of toys and a wool cap. ] on. uim* r Hams, ino music is uy iimry, . , . . . . ______ .lames and Alfred Robyn, with ivnes l«y

An anonymons sympathizer sends a box of boohs and toys. ■ MAJESTIC. Earl tan oil.A YVJlmlngton wo ;an who wishes her name withheld, sends one pink Photoplay patrons arc enthusiastic Where "Pretty Mrs. Smith" differs

4 uoc blue shawl nnd scarf, all won! and hand made. ovcr 11lls wonderful film story, “The from I lie usual run off mubical comedies,Trey O’ Hearts,” which is at the Ma- >s ‘bat it cells a well constructed story ■ ÜJeatic Theatre today. Now the end 'ul farcies' tendencies that depend» The legialative committee reported! Ml has come, and although* we have fol- | u|«>" ''»«’If for the greater share of in j that it would meet on next Tues- i|)lowed the characters through the var-i «crest. Music c made a relative de ] day evening in Painter» Hall, No. fious crises, now that the climax has ««‹■. "»«*‹«’ partleularly pleasing in ( bio 1-2 Market street. Several lot- |come, we are unable to Judge avlth any >h<’ "»‹««‹* <‹« aarmony and eatchiness, ters from the A. F. of L. were read degree of accuracy the ending of the '* ""« °n*; Wtt" ,rom «he Metal Traders De-story. The author has planned a sur- — I P?rl?en.t poni'ernl,J8 thn organizing!prise for those who are Interested in- *'‱“ Hamilton will play the rol« of the tradesmen In this city. It Is the last three reels today. Alan, Rose j’’“'""h" . m thc prmlm tio.i of Bl.aw » likely the union will be organized. I and 1 iiriit h were together last week Ar",s 1,11,1 «he Man,” winch will be I he delegates to the Central Body i=na .he nn^enTn^nf this «ßrtme shows F'v'" '»V «he l.ittb- Theatre .‱ompanv, of will bave their photographs taken Hn.1 M wevei ate ' Liilmlci,,! ..... at The Pluyhonsc':,.'No- In a group on Tuesday evening. De-j I

nd I 'ember 23. Mia*/ Hamilton, who iH gan eember 1. The picture will be used I the way the characters are handled Is 1 ,“‘r "nder -Augustin Daly, made by the Aasoelaied Publlshera of YVII-I I; L evlrelee » «"’M tour with the famed Kyrie Bel- tulngtoi) In their new hook on this Ia surp e y . | lew Mrs. lames Brown Potter company, city. Another self-explanatory com- I

mid in more recent years »cored a great munlcation follows: success playing prominent roles with “Hon. David J. Reinhardt,Mrs. Fiskc. As "lainka" she has won "Odd Fellow» Building, for herself :■ permanent place in Phila- "Wilmington, Del,delphia, and has also scored a big »ne- "Dear Sir: Abolir one year ago the

I ecus a» "Julia” in "The Rivals" and Wilmington Central Labor Union, in a "Fanny” in "Hindie Wakes.’” letter to the Chamber of Commerce,

asked why work had been »napended and »o lining men formerly employed tit I the industries in charge ol the mem her»] of the Chamber of Commerce, forced out] of employment.

"The reply of the Chamber of Com­merce did not give a solution.

“Our letter of lust December has re­cently been used by you a» an indict­ment of the Democratic party, now in power.

“Unemployment is even greater in ex­tent now than a year ago.

“We want to know the reason.“If, a.

action, the cannot lie

elected.s American flag;. 1 pair of hoy’s suspenders, 1 set of play blocks, a hag of

marbles, wrapped In an American flag. Each gift contains a small Amer.tliice children. Mis* Emma D. Rush, Charles W . Rush and W. Whiteley Bush.

The limerai will lie held from hi- hits residence at :t o’clock Friday afternoon, the Rev. .1. H. Crawford, oljieiating. In ferment will be in Wilmington and Brandywine Cemetery, .JSSs.

»,4 T

IThe chorus will not -


Another clever idea in serving

Wilbur Cocoa

'Tlic quest loti of the co-operative pur-j s||

elia»ing of coal was discussed at a largely attended inueting of the Central Labor Union tost evening. Niec Presi- dent A. N. St rad Icy presided. It was

*T vt-BUftICI

‘PRETTY MRS. SMITH.' :i,j\ '-te- ‱ v Vj s*I !

h'UST after it is poured into C COCOA the cups, drop a nice fresh marshmallow on top of the

hot Wilbur Cocoa. It expands and dissolves to a cream and

|) makes a very dainty, attractive refreshment for your guests.

The Wilbur way of producing cocoa securing for you the rich, inimitable flavor, aroma and goodness that nature means shall be there.

J1 IinitiĂ©e \vas appointed tn look ini matter and report nt tin- next meeting, na of the union: ( lia rie» W, Sehl, chair- HI man; Janies O’Kane, William Schaeffer,! HI ‱lohn C. Saylor and John It, Carr, 1 **

I h' ’ll

Wilburbuds«havv I and scarf A-ccompanying them is a pair of pulse warmers.

Francis De Croix sends a box of toy furniture for “some little girl in Germany, whose father Is in the army,” with an accompanying Merry

Christmas greeting.“A Friend," living in Spruce street, sends a bundle of warm wearln*

apparel ’'for the Belgian war orphans."From a kind-hearted person at No. 2600 AVest Seventeenth street, two

boxes containing two dolls, a large hag of almonds, several pounds of candy and toys of various kinds, “for the suffering Belgian children.”

From Russell Macklin, No. 938 Kirkwood street, a package of toys,

Every body knows these nifty confections—made to melt in the mouth — pecked like jewel». Of course, they are imi­tated — in appearance. But the Wilbur secret of making them ia what gives th4m their charm.



I Ml

WilburmilkA creamy, delicious chocolate bar — nutri-

* tious and tempting, You’D find Wilbur Specialties in all good candy places.

hooks and games.Several valuable packages of gifts and also several cash contribu­

tions for the war kiddles were received today Ihrongh Ihe depository es­tablished in the department store of Lippincott A (,'o„ 30H to 814 Mar-

Ask «our grocer, or write us, for ‘‘Cook’s Tours Through Wilbur- land”— a little book that teilt many ico«s to use Wilbur Cocoa.

H. O. Wilbur Sc Sons, Inc., Philadelphia, Po.

ket street.There are in Europe millions of boys and girls who will have no Christ­

mas cheer unless It he sent to them from this side of the Atlant*. j I’a'lowa and her Rn.skn ballet]That I. h,,...* .1*1, In ,h. anal,. « «.naan,. «,». ■ ℱ“’".„ST" "

Britain, France, Austria, Russia, Belgium, Servla and Montenegro; In the j known in theatrical circles a» “the manstill, buried in the | with a smile that will not come off'.”

Mr. Hirsch lias been in the amusement business for more than thirty years, and during that time he lias managed nr had intimate business relations with most of the great operatic stars who, a*lt« Saturday.

comedians, and

PAVLOWA.Max Hirsch, manager en tour with

( i»■ 'sr-ĂŻdĂšSaĂźfflBaKMBMHHB

( military hospitals of the several countries, or worse battle fields which cover hundreds of miles of European territory.

It Is the purpose of those behind Hie War Children's Christmas l und 1c send Christmas presents to»at least 1,000,090 of those children, the dis­tribution to be made impartlany in all the lands involved in the war.

The movement in behalf of the war children has assumed nation-wide proportions. AVRmingtonians and Delawareans generally, are Invited to participate in # and 1« play the part of Banta Claus to these war kiddles,

who have the sympathy of the civilized world.Mrs. John Hays Hammond, National chairman of the fund, and Mrs.

Eva MacDonald Valesh. editor of the American (Tub YVoman Magazine, its treasurer, bave appointed THE EVENING JOURNAL their official repre-

It has

HOPKINS THEATRE.Vaudeville will hold the boards at

the Hopkins Theatre Thursday^, Fri- Paris and Geers,

(he Japanese wire


How Often Do You Attend

Church? i

ias everybody know» are the most tem­peramental indivirfffals and therefore the "alkera are on the bill, hardest to get along "itli on top of the earth. these year», Air.1 Hirsch is said seldom to have lost bi»| temper or to have leased smiling even in the face of vicissitudes and (rouble» which would wreck the good nature of most any person. For 27 years Mr. Hirsch was treasurer of the Metropoli­tan Opera Company, road manager for I’a'lowa, Mr. Hirsch was g.nerai representative of Die Chi­cago Grand Opera Company, under An­dreas Dippel’s direct inn.

allYet. in


CITY REAL ESTATE/„ might be inferred from your

prnl deni of nneniployiiiellt el I led in the industries

IheniBolveo, but is caused nnd iniisl he cured by political action affecting On I industries, then we want to know how.

“While the election is over, imeinploy ment is still with us.

“We urge you, therefore, to (ell us what can be done to remedy it.

"Must these depressions lie expected as una'oidahle every few years and raust we accept them and let them run their course as in Die past, regardless of what party is in power, since one also occurred under it Republican ad­ministration in 190«1

"Or if there is a remedy, does your party possess it and can you tell us clearly what It Is?

"Can you tell us so clearly that wc ran decide on the merits of the remedy rather than on the merits of your party?

“Can you tell us so we can under­stand why the remedy would be suc­cessful whether we accepted your parly along with Ihe remedy or not?

"It the remedy cannot be applied without your party being elected, is It because. In your opinion, no other parly possesses such remedy?

"Will you help us determine as citizens, rather than as advocates of one political party, what is the mat­ter with our present system, indus­trial. commercial and* political, and (he remedy?

“Will you kindly reply to this by a written statement of the cause of and remedy tor what we now suffer?

“Will you also publish your state­ment in the local papers?

"In addition, will you arrange for a mass meeting of the general pub­lic. to be addressed by a representative of your party on Ihe question of unem­ployment. its cause and (ho remedy? your party having charge of the meet­ing.

sentative in Wilmington to solicit Xmas gifts for those children,

accepted the appointment and now give that the campaign must be made quickly, as the Christmas ship bear­ing the 1,000,000 or more gifts, must reach Europe several weeks before

Christmas that a proper distribution may be made.THE EY’ENTSG JOURNAL invites church and Sunday school organiza­

tion», public, parochial and private schocX! classe»; «inb», lodges and civic organizations of all kinds to join in Ibis Sant« (Tans work, which I» one

of international import and Interest,YYhen Christmas Day conies It will he a comforting thonght to those

who have contributed (hat somewhere In nar-riven Europe there are chil­dren whose eyes are (casting upon gifts sent to them by unknown hut

sympathizing friends In Delaware, heart of any Delaware man,-woman or child.

Therefore, send in yonr Christmas gifts for the war kiddles, and do it quickly to the end that they may reach the beneficiaries In ample time to show them that the Xmas spirit althoogh prostrate in Europe. Is wide-awake and doing in the United States and (hat It Is broad enough to overlap into Ihe war zo«e on the other side of the Atlantic.

wishes to remind those who desire to Prior to becoming The following properly transfershave been recorded a( the City Reg­istry lui man this week:

Peter J. Ford and wife to Adam H. Pox. north side of Seventh street,

«Tin ri ill'l l v ** 126 fwt weat of ,,nlon s,rept’ $1THE tiui.ru. Same property. Adam H. Fox to

One of the exceptional attractions Wood lawn Co $”25 hooked for “ppraranro here thls sea- 8eourlfy Trust and Safe Deposit son will be The Firefly musical Co trugtPes of Patrlck 1)pnas|comedy opera. W’ith Kdlth Thayer, the Rarnpt( Wplna,ork N 1203 ,Æb_little vest pocket prima donna, in the . .. . MUstar role and under the personal dlrec- . . ,

Such a (bought Is enough I« warm the tion of Arthur Hammerstein. "The Samuel L., and Stephen S. South-Firefly" will come to The Playhouse.«.^ a"d to Klj» ». Southard,next Saturday afternoon and night. 11 ‱*'*** Market street, $600- While Edith Thayer is the star, she I Patrick Dcnnsh to Charles G. will not be the whole show by any | Guyer. No. 1205 Lobdell ^street, $(6o. means, for there will be a dozen others , William M. S. Brown and wife to in the cast who are all clever and who I George W. Cooper, south side of could play the part of a star In any Twelfth street. «8 feet east of Tal-

j nail street, $2000.Catherine Dougherey to Anna M.

Glaeser. cast side of duPont street, 124 feet south of Tenth street, $1.- 725.



M Oh, I’m so busy during the week that 1 need to rest up on Sunday,” you may answer.

Of course you do. Everybody does That’s ONE of the pur­poses tor which the Sabbath was created, to rest poor body weary, mind weary, soul weary humanity.

There was ANOTHER pur­pose, too—that ALL should de­vote a part of that day to divine worship.

Will you start fulfilling BOTH purposes next »Sunday ?

It is

Everybody Go to Church Sunday

November 22nd.Make SOME Church YOUR

Church That Day.

You’ll Be Welcome







William H. Boaston Io William W. Knox, south side of Eighteenth street. 20 feet west of Rivcrvlew ave­nue, $11,400.

William W. Knox Howard J. Hahn, No. 2408 W. Eigh­teenth street, $3800.

James Flnan and wife to John G. Macfarlune, south of Third street, 113 feet east of Adams street. $1200.

Peter J Ford and wife to Kath­erine Corbit Coburn, east side of Grant avenue, 80 feet north of 8ev-

] enth street, $1. Same property, Kath- I erino C. Coburn and husband to

Woodlawn Co., $348.Michael Augustwynowskl and wife

to Leon Guiczynski and wife, south side of Third street, 11 feet west of Pine street. $7400.

Saint Stanislaus Kosta Church to Atoni Blellekl. west side of laveust street. 180 feet south of Eighth street, $60.

‱ft us IÏ3 and wife to

SMen Like Good “Eatsr

*TrepĂąr«d iunderent yyj Supervision”

and they like m/frmours Glendale Oleomargarinebecause of its rich, delicious flavor. The housewife likes it because it is Pure, Whole­some and Economical.

ii"Ponding »iirh a ma von at once reply by letter and pub­lish your statement on unemployment, as requested?

“Requesting yonr prompt reply, “Respectfully,

“The Wilmington Central



J ftFrank R. Zebley to Hillary Long and wife, southeast corner Twenty- sixth and Madison streets, $3000.

Jennie T. Fahey, executrix, and Jenny T. Fahey to James J. O'Don­nell, four properties, together, west side of Van Buren street, 17 feet south of Columbia avenue, $6200 for

its «Dior Union, “(Signed), Walter C. Davis, Jr., Beere

tary.”Mr. Reinhardt’s reply was then read

and ordered placed on’ file. The reply was as follows:< She has learned that it is made of

the finest essential food fats of our everyday diet, carefully blended and packed in hygienic paraffined cartons


J all.“Nov. 11. 1014.

I “Central Labor Union."Wilmington. Delaware,

“Gentlemen: I have your letter of November 3d, in regard to the letter 1 whieb was written to the Chamber of

'Commerce by yonr hotly shout a year ago. I am now in the midst of a busy , term of court and cannot give this let- , ter proper attention at this time. I will i be very glad to write a letter to your | body »etting forth my views as soon a»

find a little more time than I have |

GIVEN BAUER KRAUT SUFFER.The members of the L. M- Society

of the First United Presbyterian Church gave a sauer kraut supper at the home of Mrs. James Watson last night. About 200 or more partook of the meal. The women in charge were Mrs. James Watson, Mrs. Emma Mc­Farland, Mrs. Harry Wright, Mrs. John Conley. Mrs. David Robinson, Mrs- Thomas Huey, Mrs. John Huey, Mrs. Parker Watson. Mrs. Robert,! Neeson and Mrs. David McHenry, j Some of the younger women who as­sisted were the Misses Esther Rob- ' inson. Katie Mason and Esther Wharry.

Look for the Armour GLENDALE label


WILMINGTON, DEL.fife KI can now.

1 “Y'oura very truly. “(Signed) D. J. Reinhardt.” I

The Central I-aher Union therefore I Royal Typewriter Co. pnvQ1 MnHpl tOieet» a reply ut Mr. Reinhardt’» eon- 915 Market Street l\.Ujal iUUUCI xvf

ill w IC Ml answer O, y being installed by Wilminglon’a largest business houses In praferenca lo

J all others. Ask Joseph Bancroft Co., Wilmington Fibre Co., Consumers’ Ice Co., CentralNational Bank. Kvening Journal. Kit.. Etc., Etc., about the superior merits of Ihe wondtrfni


question* asked.New delegate* were seated a» follow»:

State Councillor George F. Lang Wilmington Typographical Union, No. and about twenty-five members of the |f$, John Rein. Jr.; Wilmington Lodge. Jr. O. U- A. M.. will visit Buck Coun No. 1st, 1. A. of Machinists, Char le» W. cil si Summit Bridge tonight.

JUNIORS TO VISIT TONIGHT.new Master Model 10 Rny>l. _____ .. „„

TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. RENTED 3 MONTHS. IS 00.Special rental rale to »Indent» on ritible muclsmes. Used typewriter». All meiiew

Bargain», *lu up Sold »i month)}. Ribbon» and carbon paper. American »J4 ».idio*


» Fr



-Cv >‱T. \\ «*■ v J.;i*-i miw ■- \ TTVI rlr VI ' VA" mi \

\ ,r>« ?\i 'A 3V 5\tv< TV■A- V1 - V-> Tvs.»■ -» F\ I ‱ w \'l

« ' Q■it*r. # iY‘V; ‱f.A. r\f ; 1l;\l