DIT Computing Research Seminar Dr. Bianca Schoen-Phelan LiDAR Storage, Indexing and Querying Dr. Bianca Schoen-Phelan March 2014 The Evolution of LiDAR for 3D Data Storage, Indexing and Querying

The Evolution of LiDAR for 3D Data Storage, Indexing and ... · PDF fileDIT Computing Research Seminar Dr. Bianca Schoen-Phelan LiDAR Storage, Indexing and Querying Dr. Bianca Schoen-Phelan

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Page 1: The Evolution of LiDAR for 3D Data Storage, Indexing and ... · PDF fileDIT Computing Research Seminar Dr. Bianca Schoen-Phelan LiDAR Storage, Indexing and Querying Dr. Bianca Schoen-Phelan

DIT Computing Research Seminar Dr. Bianca Schoen-Phelan

LiDAR Storage, Indexing and Querying Dr. Bianca Schoen-Phelan March 2014

The Evolution of LiDAR for 3D Data Storage, Indexing and Querying

Page 2: The Evolution of LiDAR for 3D Data Storage, Indexing and ... · PDF fileDIT Computing Research Seminar Dr. Bianca Schoen-Phelan LiDAR Storage, Indexing and Querying Dr. Bianca Schoen-Phelan


① Se(ng  the  Background  ② Surveying  and  GIS  ③ LiDAR  and  GIS/SpaAal  Databases  ④ CommercialisaAon  of  Research  

Research  Seminar  Talk   Dr.  Bianca  Schoen-­‐Phelan   2  

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My  Background  

•  PhD  on  IntuiAve  NavigaAonal  Support  for  3D  Virtual  Environments  




Spa9al  Content  

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My  PostDocs  

•  Light  DetecAon  and  Ranging  (LiDAR)  in  SpaAal  Databases  

Research  Seminar  Talk   Dr.  Bianca  Schoen-­‐Phelan   5  

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Example  SpaAal  Data  

•  Census  Data  •  NASA  Satellite  Images  • Weather/Climate  Data  •  Ecological  Impact  Data  (rivers,  etc.)  • Medical  Imagery  

Research  Seminar  Talk   Dr.  Bianca  Schoen-­‐Phelan   7  

Since  1960s  GIS  have  been  used  to  host  spaAal  content.  

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Evolving  Support  

•  Early  systems  uAlise  disAnct  file-­‐based  systems  for  represenAng  spaAal  features  and  related  a_ributes  –  Raster  and  vector  format  – Did  not  easily  integrate  with  external  DB  components  

Research  Seminar  Talk   Dr.  Bianca  Schoen-­‐Phelan   8  

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Evolving  Support  

•  Then  GIS  facilitate  integraAon  on  a  loosely  coupled  approach  –  Proprietary  format  stores  geometry  and  linked  to  a_ribute  informaAon  

•  Now  integrated  approach  to  stored  spaAal  extent  (component)  together  with  a_ribute  data  in  same  DB  table  -­‐>  SpaAal  DBMS  

Research  Seminar  Talk   Dr.  Bianca  Schoen-­‐Phelan   9  

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GIS  and/or  SpaAal  DB?  

•  Accurately  determine  the  terrestrial  or  3D  posiAon  of  points,  usually  on  the  surface  of  the  Earth  

•  TradiAonal  GIS  area  •  Catching  up:  SpaAal  DBMS  

– ADT  (Abstract  Data  Type)  allow  to  include  methods  for  different  types  of  geometry  and  object-­‐relaAonal  DB  schemata  to  be  modelled  

Research  Seminar  Talk   Dr.  Bianca  Schoen-­‐Phelan   10  

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GIS  and/or  SpaAal  DB?  

•  Accurately  determine  the  terrestrial  or  3D  posiAon  of  points,  usually  on  the  surface  of  the  Earth  

•  TradiAonal  GIS  area  •  Catching  up:  SpaAal  DBMS  

– ADT  (Abstract  Data  Type)  allow  to  include  methods  for  different  types  of  geometry  and  object-­‐relaAonal  DB  schemata  to  be  modelled  

Research  Seminar  Talk   Dr.  Bianca  Schoen-­‐Phelan   11  

•  Efficient  storage,  querying,  sharing  of  large  spaAal  datasets  

•  Simple,  set  based  query  operaAons  

•  Spa9al  indexes  

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Support  for  true  3D  

•  Not  really  that  supported  –  ESRI  ArcGIS  with  2.5D  (Digital  ElevaAon  Model  (DEM)  and  Triangular  Irregular  network  (TIN)  )  and  more  3D  in  Terrain  feature  class  and  mulApatch  feature  class  

Oken  rather  staAc….  HosAng  yes  ✔  Querying  maybe  ?/limited✗  

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DEM  and  TIN  DEM     TIN  

Research  Seminar  Talk   Dr.  Bianca  Schoen-­‐Phelan   14  

Major  difference  is  distribuAon  of  points.  

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More  Support  

•  3D  spaAal  system  must  support  3D  data  types  (points,  line,  surface,  volume)  in  3D  Euclidean  space  

Research  Seminar  Talk   Dr.  Bianca  Schoen-­‐Phelan   15  

Must  also  offer  operaAons  and  funcAons  embedded  into  its  query  language  that  can  opearte  with  its  3D  data  types.  

Need  efficient  index!  

Aerial  LiDAR  easily  produces  about  280,000,000  data  points  per  square  kilometre!  

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Indexing  for  SpaAal  Data  

•  TradiAonally  R-­‐tree  for  spaAal  content  

Research  Seminar  Talk   Dr.  Bianca  Schoen-­‐Phelan   16  



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Indexing  for  SpaAal  Data  

•  Quadtree  

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Support  in  SpaAal  DBMS  

•  Oracle  11  includes  –  Point  cloud  data  type  –  3D  spaAal  index  

•  PostGIS  (spaAal  extension  to  PostgreSQL)  includes:  –  Like  Oracle,  extendable  – Geographic  data  types  

Research  Seminar  Talk   Dr.  Bianca  Schoen-­‐Phelan   18  

How  fast  can  it  be  loaded?  18mio  points  took  20  min    

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LiDAR  and  SDBMS  

•  Challenges:  – Volume!  – How  to  allocate  a  sets  of  points  within  the  point  cloud  to  SDBMS  feature  types  

•  And:  point  clouds  are  first  collected  in  proprietary  manufacturer  format  (scanner)  

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Funding  Landscape  

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•  Spin-­‐out  •  Licensing  

Research  Seminar  Talk   Dr.  Bianca  Schoen-­‐Phelan   22  

Implement  protec9on  strategies.  

Meet  an  unmet  need.  

Many  people  are  needed:  Funding  agency,  technology  transfer  team  contacts,  patent  agents,  industry  collaborators,  business  partners,  investors…  

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•  NovaUCD  •  Different  university  cultures  •  NDRC  

–  PatenAng  –  Licensing  –  Selling  

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