The Expanding Earth and Plate Tectonics-JNPerson

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  • 8/14/2019 The Expanding Earth and Plate Tectonics-JNPerson


    The Expanding Earth and Plate TectonicsJohn N Person

    Nov - 2007

    Ever since the human species developed the ability to retain a memory and

    consider a thought, it has been interested about its origins. There have been

    more than one mind that has gazed at the pinpricks in the night sky wondering

    about their part of the cosmos. Some have looked back down at their feet and

    marveled at the round ball they stood on, all basically thinking the same thing,

    where did their home come from and how long had it been here.

    Current theory holds forth that our planet has been around for some 4.5

    billion years, in other words, a long time. Scientists today have calculated that

    each and everyone of us, standing still or laying down are moving through the

    Universe at 264,120 miles per hour and if you believe the current age, our

    planet has moved something like 9,277,457,990,400,000,000 (9.28E + 18)

    miles from its original position, as a layman in the art of geology I hold to the

    quote, there is only one constant in our Universe and that is change! Even if

    you subtracted the rotation of earth around its axis the number is 9.25E +18.

    In any account a large distance no matter how you measure it.

    As the scientific world increased the thinkers around the globe began to try

    and answer some of their most basic questions not only about their existence

    but the existence of the universe around them and the world they stood on as

    in most sciences their findings only increased their questions, whereas one

    simply answer would by itself create hundreds of unopened question, such is


    The idea of an expanding Earth pushed its way into mainstream science

    back in 1938, when the physicist Paul Dirac suggested that the Earths

    gravitational constant had decreased in the billions of years of its existence,

    leading Pascual Jordon (a German physicist) with a modification of General

    Relativity to propose in 1964 that all planets slowly expand, recent

    measurement have all but killed his proposal.

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    The theory of an internal expansion of the earth has a small following, this

    in comparison to the well accepted theory (again a theory) of plate tectonics,

    being discredited by some pretty heavy hitters in the geological mainstream.

    Although they basically depend on the same bare facts, whereas they base

    their strength on the appearance of new crustal material bubbling forth from

    mid-ocean ridges, with one of their big differences being the absence of

    subduction (reentry of the earth into the mantle between the plates a theory

    not subscribed to an Expanding Earth analysis. There is a large school of

    thought, along with some evidence, that supports a fixed-size Earth due to

    subduction model, thus in their minds eliminated the Expanded Earth model.

    There are a number of models that have floated around in the Scientific

    Community over the past few years:

    A: The Earth is shrinking as it cools causing lithosphere mountain building,

    and compressional changes. This was popular for a time in the 19th century

    and faded after the discovery of radioactive nuclides which cause thermal

    heating, but as of late it also has been discovered that these nuclides are not

    evenly distributed throughout the entire body of earth, and they are only

    concentrated in the uppermost crust whereas they cannot be the cause of

    the estimated 6000 degrees K (10,800 F) deep interior Earth temperature.

    B: Earth has a constant radius with fixed and unmoving continents. This

    theory was the general scientific truth for most of the 20th century, prior to

    the widely accepted plate tectonic, continental-drift theory which came about

    in the late 60s and early 70s.

    C: A pulsating Earth. This where Earth expands to form the mid-ocean rift

    zone crust and contracts to form the mountain belts, in a sense surge tectonics,

    this doesnt have really the mid-ocean rifting, it has surge channels like lava-

    tube conduits.

    D: Earth has a constant radius and has continents which are mobile and

    drift around, periodically colliding and merging with each other to form

    super continents and then begin the process all over again drifting in new

    directions, all controlled by the mantles thermal convection. This the currently

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    accepted theory known as Plate Tectonic (used to have a handle of continental

    drift, which I imagine sounded too much like a popular dance in the late 60s).

    The theory is based on the creation of new material at the mid-ocean-ridges

    and its eventual removal in the deep ocean trenches, with a major hole in it, as

    there are only a few places on the globe that have these deep ocean

    trenches, and in contrast there are far more locations of new oceanic crust

    generation and the chain of events demonstrate that the required energy to

    maintain the mantle convection mechanism is far too inadequate.

    E: Earth is Expanding: In this the continents originally formed unbroken

    single plate over the surface of a smaller Earth and as the expansion of the

    Earth came about, the single plate tore apart, creating deep ocean basins, and

    a collection of individual plates, This expansion began to dominate the Earth, it

    is believed this movement tool place over the last 200 million years, which is

    only 4.44% of the Earths estimated age.

    In defense of the others, especially against the widely accepted Plate

    Tectonic theory, the continental drift model has yet to clearly identify or has

    general opinion agreed upon a mechanism or the horizontal plate

    movements. As objective geologists and many geophysicists state their claims

    that global expansion does not have any identified mechanism, they also

    acknowledge that the accepted Plate Tectonic and Subduction Plate Drift model

    is also missing anything remotely linked to a workable driving mechanism, and

    are now coming to the conclusion (the objective ones) that they cannot use this

    argument or reasoning to deny the existence of the Earth Expansion theory.

    In other words, Plate Tectonic is no more scientifically founded than the

    Earth Expansion explanation of the geotectonism that is said to be happening

    to our home in the Universe. This is the question now facing the scientific mind

    today, which is true, Plate Tectonics or the Expanding Earth model?

    The scientific arguments are numerous against each, Plate Tectonic and the

    Expanding Earth theorieseven as person who has spend years in this field, I

    only understand some of them, leaving many far beyond my comprehension

    as such the reader of this paper will have to bear with me as I attempt to put to

    the pen what I was able to understan

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    Some known facts:

    During the mid-60s, deep-ocean drilling was conducted at the meeting

    point of the East/West North Atlantic basin where if was found that the basaltic

    ocean crust adjacent to the North American continent and to Europe was

    only about 140 million years old and as the drilling vessel moved along a line

    toward the mid-ocean-ridge the scientists observed that the rocks retrieved

    in the drilling cores progressively grew younger as they neared the mid-ocean

    mountain range and that the marine sediment deposits grew less and less.

    Volcanic rocks from the center of the mountain range turned out to be only

    a few million years old, at most! As they made their way past the mountain

    range the reverse was true, the age of the material increased in age, this

    including the rocks and the increasing sediments.

    Their conclusion was that the chain of undersea volcanoes represented

    areas of continuous extended crustal rifting and the formation of new basaltic

    ocean crust. Recent drilling has confirmed these finding. Another basis of fact

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    was determined, it showed that North America, Europe and the Asian Far East

    had all once been part of a single land mass, whereas North American and

    Western Europe began their separation around 180 million years ago, and it

    also linked the lower halves of the two, West Africa and Eastern South America.

    Four separate plates had once been joined together.

    Not unlike todays rush to the Global Warming bandwagon, the scientific

    community, especially in the USA, fell over each other to embrace the Plate

    Tectonic Theory, massive funding was made available for further research. The

    recently converted constant Earth state scientific community took this money

    and wrote trainloads of documents on their Plate Tectonic interpretations on

    every phenomenon they could think about, no matter the lack of physical

    information to support their ramblings this in turn creating more non-sensical

    Plate Tectonic interpretation. As today with respect to global warming, the

    general opinion why should anyone go against the now popular Plate Tectonic

    (global warming) theory and risk cutting off their funding?

    The result was a mass of unsupported interpretative documents that rolled

    forward like a ten-ton boulder down a steep hill, moving on its own accord

    without any substantial evidence or scientific true reasoning. Like other parts

    of our existence, the politics of research funding had in this case circumvented

    the set rules of the scientific processes, throwing out the door critical

    approaches to data as well as the use of any fail safe procedures such as the

    time honored self-correcting, peer review, all of this clouding the issue of an

    accurate or sparse database to account for Earths history.

    The Western adoption of the Continental Drift Theory represented the

    largest singular popular change in Earth science thinking in our history and

    in adopting this way of thinking we have produced many, many significant

    advances in our understanding of Earth, along with generating mountains of

    raw data. Some feel that now it is now time the basis of this theory with a

    more satisfactory interpretative geotectonic and a geodynamic working model.

    The drilling activities in the Atlantic open the door to many questions, where

    some feel that they can only be answered by adopting the Expanding Earth

    Theory for a solid explanation of the Earths mountains, but then again this

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    proposal to other was even more absurd and heretical than the previously

    scandalous continental-drift theory. US geoscientists in lieu of this adopted the

    lesser heresy, and the theory of Plate Tectonics became the generally

    accepted framework. But was it valid?

    Western mainstream scientists as a body seemed to never bother to ask

    questions or check missing data or what data they had with an equal efforts or

    scientific thoroughness. On the International scene there were a few

    geologists who did bother to check, with most of them persuaded by the

    available evidence to lean toward the Expanding Earth scenario.

    These few individuals realized that Plate Tectonic was not very close to the

    truth, with some claiming it was false and that a great error had been pushed

    off on the scientific community unfortunately their information were met with

    deaf ears on the geosciences mainstream, and that it wasnt even interested in

    listening to the few and their arguments, what for, they had garnered the bulk

    of the research dollars, building their careers, making maps, writing papers and

    giving lectures on the theory of Plate Tectonic all based on the idea that Plate

    Tectonics was the way to go, and now along came a few said they had made a

    big mistake, give me a break, it would never happen. They, like most

    politicians today left it to later generations to clean up their mess.

    If youre a graduate of High School and in some parts of this nation where

    you have studied geography you have more than likely exposed to Plate

    Tectonics and if you for the first time are hearing about an expanding Earth you

    are probably surprised there was such an idea floating around out there. I

    know I was about six-months ago. I revisited the concept as I was writing a

    preamble for a business plan I was dibbling and dabbling with a project in the

    Arctic Ocean concerning oil.

    It is well understood that the exterior of the Earth is basically make up of its

    outermost rocky crust, which extends downward for around 40 kms (24.9

    miles), iron and magnesium silicates are in the upper and lower mantles; and

    then the liquid outer core and the solid inner core. The inner core boundary is

    some 2,900 kms [1,800 miles] below the surface, which up some recent tests

    scientists have long assumed the inner core was rather featureless. Although

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    the results of their exploration has not be detailed as such, they have found in

    their detailed views more complexity than expected.

    No one has ever seen the turbulently swirling liquid iron of the outer core

    meeting the silicate rock of the mantel, which is 10 times further below ground

    than the International Space Station is above, with their new study researches

    have been able to estimate that the temperature of this region is 3,700 C

    [6,692F), that is white hot.

    A little closer to the surface and in dealing with Plate Tectonic theory we

    find the New Madrid Seismic Zone (Reelfoot Rift)/(New Madrid Fault Line) which

    is classified as a major seismic zone in the Southern United States and the

    Midwestern U.S. this rift zone is responsible for the 1812 New Madrid

    Earthquake, and some note it has the potential to produce damaging

    earthquakes on an average of 300 to 500 years.

    It is said that this zone (rift) was formed when North America began to pull

    (rift) apart during the breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia [Pangaea] in the

    Neoproterozoic Era (about 750,000,000 years ago), with the rift failing to

    separate but remaining a scar of zone of weakness. The region than was

    flooded by an ancient ocean depositing layers of sediment on the rift.

    About 200,000,000 years ago (Mesozoic Era) when the Atlantic Ocean was

    opening in the east, rifting was once again re-activated and intrusive igneous

    rocks were put in place but once again the rifting failed and the continent

    remained in one piece. The natural valley formed by the collapsed portion is

    part of the Mississippi embayment.

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    Alfred Wegener is credited as the main (but not the only one) driver behind

    this theory. This theory like most that from time-to-time enter into mainstream

    science met with some fierce opposition since the 1960s it has become

    dogma at every level of education.

    Wegener [1880-1930] educated in meteorology and astronomy observed

    many striking similarities in the land forms and their position on the planet,

    such as coastal dents and the continuation of mountain ranges on various

    continents. Some believe he was constructing his hypotheses based on the

    observations of Alexander von Humboldt [1769-1859] the famous German


    From 1910 onward, he promoted a thesis that the continents at one time

    were all one landmass, a supercontinent which he named Pangaea. With no

    reference to calculate its shape, its perimeters were undefinedhis assumption

    moved forward with it first dividing into two smaller continents, the northern

    Laurasia and the southern Gondwana.

    His later calculations claimed that over a period of 225 million years the

    continents moved into their current locations. Since his time, research

    suggests that his Pangaea may not have been the first supercontinent, in

    other words it was a result of smaller continents colliding as they traveled over

    the surface of the planet. Recently a new revision to the hypothesis suggests

    that our continents today drifted from a more relaxed cluster than Wegeners

    solid Pangaea, with their shapes relatively intact and it is in this new hypothesis

    that scientists are attempting to define the perimeters not previously known.

    The drift concept fueled the development of two other currently accepted


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    A. Plate tectonics, where it is said that the Earths crust is comprised ofsegments (plates) which shift very slowly (inches per year) by heat-generated propulsion.

    B. Subduction, new sea floor is continuously generated at a mid-ocean crestand then spreads from the center out and sucked by some force into a

    deeper hot magma, the overflow of sea floor dips under the continents,thus forming the deep ocean trenches.

    None of these theories addresses or provides a fully admissible explanation

    for the development of Earths features.

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    Wegener met with scorn and ridicule with his theory, with many arguments

    that were presented backed by their hypotheses which declared his unfounded.

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    Since that time much criticism has been launched, not only by geologists but

    by others who worked with science examining our life and the teachings in our

    schools, universities and how their science was affected by his theory.

    Unfortunately, like the CO2 effect with Global Warming, most have been

    silenced. There are three very well known men of geology who have not been

    silenced, Dr. Paul S Wesson and Dr. Hugh Owen and an Australian geologist

    Professor S Warren Carey.

    The First Objection:

    Understanding heat distribution it is difficult to comprehend why a turning,

    cooling planet or for that matter, one that has been

    turning of its axis for more than 4 billion years would

    develop a crust where 33% of it would be thicker 10

    times thicker (Pangaea) than the remaining 66%, the

    ocean floors.

    In other words, it would not develop a lopsided crust.

    To most this is the basic error in Wegeners theory, no

    valid reason to this day has been proposed on why it

    did. The recent hypothesis of a loose-fitting continental

    structure has also met with the same criticism. In that

    with its greater sprawl of land masses, it attempts to cover or overcome the

    weakest part of the Pangaea concept.

    It is also known that in a normal cooling process the heat-absorbing co-

    efficiency of water is greater than that of air, so things cool faster in water

    than in air. This would have produced a much thicker oceanic crust than the

    continents, not thinner. It appears that Pangaea goes against known natural


    In addition its difficult to understand why such a formation would rupture

    at its thickest part rather than at its thinnest and weakest, the ocean floor. And

    as his theory states for some reason, unknown Pangaea cracked and spit the


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    The Second Objection:

    Wegeners theory only accounts for some of the perimeters whereas any

    rupture of the supercontinent would have produced a correlation only in the

    perimeters created along the break. His theory provides for no explanation for

    the shape of the remaining continental shorelines. On todays globe the

    continental perimeters are clearly correlated. With their relationships such that

    the continents themselves could not logically have originated from a Pangaea

    whose perimeters are undetermined.

    The Third Objection:

    One assumption of the continental drift theory is the mechanism that drives

    it, where magma currents are claimed to be this mechanism. Magma is

    spreading the plates by convection similar to that of thick, simmering soup.

    In all or any direction. To cover this random movement the theory rests its

    case upon a process that is labeled intricate causality, or one without a

    guiding mechanism.

    That these intricate causality forces could produce the precision in the

    pattern of the continents today is beyond the thinking of most of its serious


    The Fourth Objection:

    Our planet has, beneath the waves, a mid-ocean crest system that is made

    up of a series of mountains (ridges) running through the center of our oceans,

    with the exception of largest ocean the Pacific.

    The continental drift theory assumes two main features, one is that the

    tectonic plates are generated at, and spread out from these crests. Two, is

    that the crests must be acted upon by a compound movement in order to

    remain centered.

    In this explanation these crests are not logically explained with Plate

    Tectonics, and in addition random drift could not have placed these crests

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    precisely between the continents. To assume this, in some scientists eyes is a

    grave error.


    The concept of expansion will not only challenge you knowledge, it has to

    overturn the basics of Plate Tectonic, to a point. You where taught in high

    school that the Earth developed within 4.6 billion years, turning at its current

    size, with one super continent and continental drift. Now you have an

    opportunity to re-evaluate your traditional thought.

    When a spherical object (Earth) expands radially, the objects on its surface

    will maintain their position. Any particular object

    will not move laterally across it surface. It

    maintains its position on the surface and will move

    with the surface as it expands, and easy

    demonstration of this is to blow up a balloon, tape

    an object to it and continue to blow up the balloon.

    In this manner, Expansion only extends the radial

    line and the object remains locked in place simply

    being transported on the expanding surface, moving along the radial line.

    If the Earth went through a similar process then its magma, being extremely

    fluid, pushed up with equal pressure from the interior of the planet. Thus, in

    theory, like a balloon the Earth expanded.

    There have been such experiments done with balloons with the continents

    connected to the balloon at the tangent points of the continent secured to the

    balloon with Velcro.

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    A brief description of their findings: Starting with the deflation cycle

    making it smaller so all the continents fit together. They used a standard 12

    model in the process, and cut from a 12 globe the landmasses on Earth.


    As they decreased the size of their balloon from 12, as it deflated the

    oceans shrank, and the continents firmly affixed to the balloon came closer. At

    a size of 7 the continents came together and formed a spherical jig-saw puzzle

    with all the perimeters of the continents matching on all sides, forming a

    equally solidified crust enveloping the globe.

    At the 7 size there was two holes in the pattern, where the continents

    circumventing the Pacific Basis did not touch, only forming a continuous circle

    around it the Pacific Basis was thus a land-less void and the second land-less

    void was a smaller hole below India.

    At the 7 size the large mountain ranges and parts of the Ring of Fire were

    unified, appearing as a continuous mountain range encircling the Pacific Basin.

    As a matter of reference our globe now has a radius of 6,367 kms [3.956.6

    miles] if you were to extrapolate from the 12 to 7 its radius would be 3,714

    kms [2,308 miles].


    Naturally the original 12 gave us the position of our continents today, what

    I did find interesting and so did the modelers was that the seams marked on

    the balloon when the continents were all together, appear as the mid-ocean

    crest system as the globe expands. Like the continents the ridges themselves

    do not move laterally being simply transported on an expanding surface. In

    that they stretch longitudinally but remained systematically centered between

    the continents. And since the Pacific Basin was surrounded only by the

    continents there is no mid-ocean ridge in the Pacific.

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    In 1980s Dr Hugh Owen wrote Atlas of Continental Displacement: 200

    Million Years to Present, it was published in 1983.He agreed to the Expanding Earth concept with a little twist. The basis for

    his thesis was in asking the question, Are the pressure and heat in the interior

    of the Earth enough to maintain a plasma core? They probably are, and the

    solid nickel-iron core of the textbooks may be a myth. He states that, the

    behavior of waves (seismic) passing through a plasma core would be similar to

    that in a solid iron-sulfur core.

    Dr. Owen suggests that if the inner core is plasma there is a potential for

    expansion when the core changes from plasma into an atomic state. The

    Earths outer core may be molten because it has already changed into its

    atomic state there is a direct tie to this change happening if a large

    extraterrestrial object slammed into the Earth some 200 300 million years

    ago and breaking the gravity envelope.

    In a recent report (2006) researchers from Ohio State University told us they

    have located an impact crater in Antarctica that is 300 miles in diameter that is

    dated to have slammed into our Blue Ball around 250 million years ago (+/-)

    300 miles in diameter, now that is some big object, take a minute and compare

    that to the one that smacked into the Chicxulub region on the Yucatan

    Peninsula some 65 million years ago with a diameter of 112 miles. 300

    hundred miles could cause a major shakeup.

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    The proposal that in breaking the gravity shield and the plasma changing to

    an Atomic state isnt so far fetched.

    Both Dr Owen and Professor S Warren Carey propose a global expansion of

    millions of years and that a tremendous disturbance of a gravity-condensed

    plasma core (such as a break in its envelope by a celestial body impact), could

    have produced the same effect in a much shorter time period. This scenario

    would have resulted in an expanded Earth and NOT an expanding Earth.

    Dr Owen after researching the continental shelves, showed that even over a

    long period of time, little erosion or deformation had occurred at that depth

    meaning that if the continents had drifted, erosion would be expected along

    the shelves.

    Looking down at the smaller planet picture you would show spaces between

    the coasts, the continental shelves which extend beyond the coastlines would

    slope down to meet each other.

    The conclusion he reached is that after the initial movement of the

    continents and after the solidification occurred they no longer moved simply

    because the expansion period was over.

    There are some glaring differences between our currently held positions (by

    the majority) on Plate Tectonics, which in reality goes against all we have

    discovered within our own solar system. In our observations of our neighboring

    planets we see evidence of global extensional rifting, very over-whelming

    actually. And we also see no evidence of crustal subduction, some say it only

    means they have finally stopped expanding.

    To me the book is still open, but as I study the material that is slowly

    becoming available for how long that book will remain open is questionable.

    Remember, science teaches us that all alternatives should be listed and

    considered and over time reviewed once in a while. Assumption should be

    identified and marked whereas the Plate Tectonics Theory was put forth

    under the assumption and belief of a constant size earth. Just as the

    Expanding Earth Theory is an assumption it must be revisited with an open

    mind, and with as much enthusiasm as other theories.

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    Note: I have taken a much more detailed look at this subject in my paper

    The Oceans of our Mind

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