i V , t\ m FAUflEIJS STATKHWK OF CANTON SOUTH DAKOTA. P. A. OVERSETH, J. M. LEWIS, MERLE DEAN. < President. Vice-Pres. Cashier. PAID UP CAPITAL $25,000. INDIVIDUAL Responsibility of Stockholders $40C,000. ' Short Time Loans - A Farm Loans. Farmers and Merchants Business Respectfully Solicited; Careful and Personal Attention Given to Every Detail. XA The Farmers Lumber Co. When in need of an estimate or prices k. on any kind o f Building Material . v;::i: , ' ** * "..••••• Universal Portland Cement, American Woven Wire Fence, Prepared Roofing, Farm Gates, Drain Tile or Sewer Pipe. If Call at the Farmers Lumber ; Co.'s office where you will find the best of everything usually carried by a first- class lumber yard. - v. ^ . •' EDGAR D E A N, Manager. SIOUX VALLEY HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT COMPANY u, t;- tWi •" HA. v 'X "i Everything in i N H » *. , t 1 " •&" -**\V Partto»owiiig us, for Twine" will please call at once •*' 7 •V V if r , , SioM Valley ^ Hardware & Implement Company Mil lard Be nnet t, President. Old Reliable. Established in 1871' G. SKARTVEDT REAL ESTATE DEALER Make farm loahs on the most favorable terms. Write in- surance in the best Companies, against Fire, Lightning, Tornado and Hail. Rftjl 0C6AH StC &IHSllip Tickets by all the LEADING LINES Shorthorn Cattle. * GfSKflRTVEDT, Canton, 5. D. srtt •rf * - ^ -v g -j M «• ~ f . isi . ,"*• * USERS DF BDGD WRITINB PAPER can be suited here in the latest .t. styles or tablets with envelopes to match. We have papers from Eaton & Hulbut, Cranes Linen Lawn and the popular Autocrat line of box paper, 10 different _ EWi H .. i to have your prescription filled at our the best tttudardiied drugs used. ^ nto-datb pharmacy D. r. DKXTER, Ph. ( 'l The Lincoln County Bank CANTON, S. D.« A. R. BROWN, President, O. A. RUDOLPH, Vice Pres. O. K. BROWN, Cashier. J.:H. ROWK, Asst. Cashier Oldest Baik in the Coonti. Eettbllsbed In 1880 Incorporated In 1887 Corporate Exlstenoe Kitendod to 1997 Interest allowed on time deposits, and short time loans a specialty O. A. Rudolph, E. Wendt, A. R. Brown Directors. Original Unit- ed Doctors Will be in Canton at 'the Rudolph Hotel Monday June 24 ONE DAY ONLY Hours: 11 a. m. to 8 p. m. Consultation and Examination . Free on this Trip. The great and good work of these Doctors in the northwest during the past three years has gained for them a standing that places them in the high ranks of Specialism and merits them the most implicit confidence in every vicinity they have visited in the state. The United Doctors with Labora torles Boston Block, Minneapolis Minnesota, are the doctors who be gan in South Dakota over two years ago; you no doubt have heard of them possibly know them personally through treating you, or some of your family if not, ask your neighbors about them. They rely upon the recommenda tions of their patients treated to bring them their practice, which -has grown to be very extensive. According to their system no more operations for appendicitis, gall stones tumors, goiter or certain forms of cancer. Tubercular glands, piles and diseases peculiar to both men and women, diseases of the stomach, in testines, liver, blood, skin, granulated eyelids, nerves, heart, spleen, kidneys or bladder, rheumatism, dropsy, ul cers, weak lungs and those afflicted with long-standing deep-seated, chro- nic diseases that have baffled the skill of the family physician, should not fall to call. ; v;,. Married ladies must come with their husbands and minors with their fathers. * i : ' Call For Bids. Sealed bids for the complete con structton of nine blocks of Water Mains, and also separate bids for just the digging and tilling of the nine blocks of Water Mains, from the intersection of Fifth and Dakota streets east four blocks to the inter- section of fifth and Kimball street, three blocks on Elder street from the intersection or Grant and Elder street west three blocks to the inter section of Dakota and Elder streets and two blocks commencing at the intersection of Eighth and Johnson streets south one block thence west one block to the intersection of ninth and Pleasant streets. All material to be furnished by the City of Canton, S. D., is hereby called for to be tiled with the city auditor before the date set for opening same. The Board of City Commissioners of said City will meet at 8 o'clock p m. on the 11th, day of June 1912, for the purpose of opening and consider- ing said bids. The Commissioners of said City reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Dated May 29th, 1912. Attest: CARL F. TANK, GJSO. HOKKNSTAD, Mayofc City Auditor. Dean Thomas Sterling of Vermil lion, aspiring for the nomination on the republican ticket to the position of United States Senator arrived from the west and spoke Saturday evening in the court house to a fair sized audience. Mr. Sterling's talk was very impressive along progressive lines in the interest of his candidacy and was well received by his hearers. Mr. Sterling is closing his campaign in this part of the state and departed Monday for Beresford. , , Notice. " We the under signed will close our dental offices commencing with the first Wednesday in June every Wed- nesday afternoon through June, July, and August. Dr. H. N. Syverud A. M. Anderson ' '* ,, J. M. Eveleth A. E.'Jennings MCUClC'lijft J FOR THE I 11 D O YOU knot of anyone who is old enough to re«d, who has not seen that sign at a railroad erasing? If everyone haa aaaa k m mt time or other, tbaa wfaj doesn't the railroad, let tba ripi rot away? Why do—the mflroed company coatinM to keep those iliiii at nay caoMfc^r Maybe you think; Ha Merchant "Moat everybody know my store, I don't hant»«diallw Yonr atore and ya more adTertWag roada need do to to "Look Oat than the rail- Nothing ia ever la the The Department very good i continually they are o goodbuetoaofc If fc pay* to ran a Imr about Chrietmae ri tainly Wfll p«y yoe H'»Ja«tlMtoMs(iWi«,» ADVERTISE In THIS PAPER T % i <SrKgZ* Mrs. Lela Love, wife of Wiley Love, a farmer living neat Covena, Ga., says: "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and find them to be all you claim for them. They gave me almost in- stant relief wheu my kidneys were sluggish and inactive. 1 can cheer fully recommend them to all sufferers from kidney troubles." Sold by SHERMAN & ROCHE. Notice. Between the hours of 10:00 o'clock a. m. and 2:00 o'clock p. m. on Tues- day, June 11. 1912,at the Commission- ers room of the Auditor's office in the Court House in Canton, the County Board of Education of Lincoln County will receive sealed bids for furnishing school books to the pupils of all public schools in the county as provided in Article XVI of chapter 135 Laws of 1907 for a term of five years. Said bids to be delivered to the County Auditor, secretary of the County Board of Education. County Board of Education Attest Dilla E. Wimple, T. O. Torberson Chairman Secretary They Put An End To It. Charles Sable, 30 Cook St., Roches- ter, N. Y., says he recommends Foley Kidney Pills at every opportunity be- cause they gave him prompt relief from a bad case of kidney trouble that had long bothered him. Such a re- commendation, coming from Mr. Sable, is direct and convincing evid- ence of the great curative qualities of Foley Kidney Pills. j Sold by SHBRMAN & ROCHB. Advertised Letters. The following letters remain un- called for in the Canton post office for the weekending June 1, 1912. Miller, Thos ,, ,/v Osness, Ellas Rasmusen, Miss Christine Simonson, Msss N In calling for any of the aoove please say advertised. ' ^ Mrs. M. A. McLaughlin, 512 Jay St. La Cross, Wis., writes that she suf- fered all kinds of pains in her- back and hips on account of kidney trouble and rheumatism. "I got some of Foley Kidney Pills and after taking them for a few days there was a wonderful change in my case, for the pain entirely left my back and hips and I am thankful there Is such a medicine as Foley Kidney Pills." HIP Sold by SHBRMAN & ROCHB LEGAL NOTICES F P May 31 LP June 21 NOTICE TO CRBD1T0RS. State of South Dakota. County of Lincoln In County Court within and for said County. In the Matter of the Estate of Catherine Hunter. Deceased. Notice is hereby riven by the undersigned Administrator of the eBtate of Catherine Hunter deceased, to the creditors of. and all persons having claims aganlst the said de ceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Admin- istrator at his home in Pleasant Township In the Connty of Lincoln. State of South Dak- ota. Dated at Canton, S. D. tbis 27th day of May 1912. JAMBS A. HUNTER. Administrator of the estate of Catherine Hunter Deceased. WANTS F. P. May 24 L. P. June 7 Notice of Application for Letters of Ad- ministration. State of South Dakota. County of Lincoln In County Court within and for said County. In the matter of the estate of Peter Folhl- berg Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Mary Fohlberg has filed with the Clerk of this Court a peti- tion. praying that Letters of Admlnstratlon of the Estate of Peter Fohlberg deceased Issue to Mary Fohlberg and that the 10th day of June 1912, at One o'clock p. in-, of said day. being a day of a regular term of this Court, at the Court Room thereof, at the Court House. In the City of Canton. In the County of Lincoln. State aforesaid, has been set for hearing said petition, when and where any person interested may appear and show cause why said petition should not be grant- ed. Dated May 2lst 1912. Attest: HARRISON J. BROWN, a so. OWN, Judge. Clerk. Cream! Cream! Cream! Cream! Cream! Farmers remem- ber that no creamery can continue in business unless they get cream enough to make it pay. The high price paid by the Canton creamery the past four years is proof that it will pay you to continue patronizing it and by so doing keep it an independent creamery. Its up to you. 41tf. When Buying, Buy Only The Best. COST NO MOBB BUT GIVES THE BEST KESTJLTS H. L. Blomqulst, Esdaile, Wis., says his wife considers Foley's Honey and Tar Compouad the best cough cure on the market. "She has tried various kinds but Foley's gives the best resuit of all." Sold by SHERMAN & ROCHE. The new Ice Cream Factory operat- ed by the Farmers Produce Co., is putting out a high grade of Ice Cream. 46 tf. Camera an Italian Invention. The 'first camera-obscura was In- vented by one Glambattista Delia Por- ta, an Italian philosopher, during the latter half of the sixteenth century. The Farmers produce Co., are in the market for your wool. Phone 264 49tf They Should Be Reasonable. Three chorus girls are said to have resigned from the staff of a musical comedy because they would not wear "horrid tights." Dear, dear, a girl must wear a little something on the stase even In these emancipated daya. —Louisville Courier-Journal. Ice Cream 25c a quart at our Fac- tory packed with ice in a neat little packer weight 15 lbs all packed. We will have a lot of them packed all ready for you Sunday. Factory will be open all day. Farmers Produce Co. Phone 264 49tf. Helped To Keep Down Expenses Mrs. I. E. Henry, Akron, Mich., tells bow she did so: "I was bothered with my kidneys and had to go nearly double. I tried a sample of Foley Kidney Pills and they did me so much good that I bought a bottle and feel that they saved me a big doctor's bill." SOLD BY SHERMAN & ROCHE Lost:—A telescope grip between Canton and C. B. Strand's. Finder will please leave at the Leader office. 51 tf. LOST—A gray woolen sweater be- tween Frank Larson's place and Dean place. Finder please leave at LEAD ER office. 51 For Sale. A nine room house close In with good cellar and furnace both city and cistern water with barn, woodhouse, cobb house and shop with four lots and orchard all fenced In Will sell cheap. Call and see the owner Mrs. Shields 214 4st. Second door west from Cedar st. 51 Wanted to sell or trade, tract, of land near Jamestown, N. D., for stock of goods or other property. Address The Lenz Land & Loan Company, Jamestown, N. D. 40tf Notice. Any parties wanting sand for plastering or concrete work may call at George Thlnglums two miles south and two miles west of Canton. 49-52 When you have that social, or pic nlc or party get your Ice Cream of the Farmers Produce Co., then every body will have a good time and be wellsatistied. Phone 264. 49tf For Sale- S. E. £ of sec. 11-99-49. In- quire of Johu Ceaderstrum of Canton, S. D. or J. E. Wells of Mitchell. 47-50 Lost—A gray woolen sweater be- tween Frank Larson's place and Beloit. Finder please leave at LEAD- ER office. Good seed and eating potatoes for sale. Carl Christopherson, Canton S. D. For Sale—Favoiite Range with water front. Used four months. Tel. 383 48tf. Pasturing For Horses On the Killiam farm across the river from Fairview. Running water in pasture. Address C. D. Killiam, Fairview. For Sale. Young mares and young mules on Killiam farm across the river from Fairview. Address C. D. Killiam, Fairview. For Kent Twelve rooms over Wallace Bros, hardware store. Mrs. L. Fowler. For Sale:-Some Rural New York seed potatoes, $1.25 per bushel Geo. Pulver. 43tf. Dr. Jennings dentist over Farmers State Bank. Phone No. 6 call 2. 39tf. Encourage home industry by selling your cream to Heckmaster & Reynolds. 41tf. For Sale. We have some choice city lots for sale at right prices. Inquire of WENDT & STRAW, Canton, S. D. 42tf. Seren Room House For Sale. As I am soon to leave the city, I wish to sell my seven room modern house on North Main st. Inquire of Mrs. C. L. Kundert. 39tf. Keen your eyes open for our cream wagon it will be around soon and the price will be there also. Farmers Produce Co. 39tf. Ice Cream in any size package you want 1 Qt. 2 Qt. 4 Qts. 8 Qts. 12 Qts and 20 Qts. Packed with ice in a neat package. Farmers produce Co. Phone 264 ; 49 tf. N5 CANNOT QUIT THE HABIT WITHOUT MEDICAL AID NEAL TREATMENT IS SAFE, SURE, THORO; no dangerous drugs or hypo- dermic injections, only harm- less vegetable medicines. If you are a drink victim, or have a.relative or friend who is, in- vestigate this treatment to- day. Full information, or ad- vice free. Call in person, write or phone. The Neal Institute 651 South Summit Avenue N.W.Phone 901K; N. S. 6271 SIOUX FALLS, S. D 7 A Card This is to certify that Foley's Honey and-Tar Compound does not contain any opiates, any habit form tag drugs, or any Ingredients that could possibly harm its users. On the contrary, its great healing and sooth- ing qualities make it a real remedy for coughs, colds and Irritations of the throat, chest and lungs. The genuine is in a yellow package. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and accept no substitute. Sold by SHERMAN & ROCHE. Job St u. Before Gone Else, where. Printing W^e are here to serve you with anything in the line of printed stationery for your business and personal use. Letter Heads Bill , Envelopes v Cards - Weddintf Invitations Posters or -of AII KUI The best quality of work at prices that are RIGHT House and Two Lots For Sale. The Mrs. G. W. Williams four room house and two lots is offered for sale. Seven hundred dollars will take the house and lots. MRS. JAMKS TBUE 34-tf. Hill City, Minnesota. Notice. ) I will stand my horse Ridgely, a registered French Draught horse, from Saturday night until Tuesday noon at home, fromTuesday evening at Charley Anderson's from Thursday morning until Friday morning at Joseph Gates 4 miles east of Canton, and Friday and Saturday at the Col- lins livery barn in Canton. Terms 315 to insure standing colt. M. M. HUNTER, owner. For Sale. Eggs for hatching from pure bred White Wyandottes. $1.00 a setting. Dr. Jennings, Canton. 42tf. Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! Eggsl Eggs! Heckmaster and Reynolds pay cash for eggs. 41tf. - Choice Virginia Bargains. Splendid Virginia Stock and grain farm 640 acres rich, smooth, level land, grows 50 bushels of shelled corn, 3 tons bay per acre. 400 in cultivation, 240 valuable timber, 150 in wheat and grass all fenced, 9 room dwelling 2 tenant houses, abundant out build- lng&, A1 condition, 3 M. R. R. station near church, school, P. O. Can't be duplicated at price $12,000 in Virginia, terms easy. Also valuable dairy farm 250 acres, 175 in cultivation 75 One timber, 6 fields, combines upland and 2nd river well drained, very fertile, low grounds. 7 room dwelling 4 room tenant bouse, abundant out buildings, Lovely situa- tion i m. from town 800 population, 5 churches Female Institute, R. R. station on farm, 7 acres choice assort- ed fruit, price 86000, 82000 cash, ba- lance to suit. . , , W. L. Jones, Box 5. •, Williamsburg, Virginia, Professional Cards. GAGulbraiM PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office over Olsen Hros. Store. OUice Phone 244 Call 2. House Phone 244 Call 3. Canton, South Dakota. liiTEisoT PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Over Lybarger's Store. PHONE: Ollice, 350 call 2. Phone: Resi- dence, 350 call 3. CANTON, S. D. G W MORRISON PHYSICI AN & SURGEON Office in Syndicate Block. Tele, phone: Office 123. :-: J. F. TURNER PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office east end of Syndicate fclock. House Phone 371. Office Phone 41. Gurus L wendt PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office Phone 92. House Phone 45. Office in Wendt Block, 5th Street. Dr Mara woe Osteopathic Physician Half the trouble of the body can be cured by Osteopathic Treat- ment. Over Farmers State! Bank. A. R. Brown. H. J. Brown. Brown & Brown OFFICE: Cor. Broadway & 5th St G B KENNEDY ATTORNEY AT LAW. Canton, South Dakota. State and United States Coui-t PRACTICE. flsa Forrest ir, 206 East 5th Street. Pbone No. 17. Canton, So. Dak. Ghas o Knudson ^\."fc"toDr»n©37" eit. X—iorw" Office Over A. Toblasen's Store. ft R Jamieson Practice in all Courts. OFFICE: Over BERRY BROS. STORE. 0. L. GampDeil Licensed Embalmer and X_J" n.ci©x v bQll«i©3r» Calls answered day or night T>|j)or Pliri)H)ir« Co. Phone 243. J Anderson'Son T-Tn.d©r»teul-s.i g ^ , J. J. ANDERSON , Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. Phone 76 WD BYRNES TJ" rxci©r v bQ.l«i©ar' and Fijneral DIRECTOR, licensed Embalmer. Tele- shone 131. Canton, S. D. » iSSj K£2: : : ^ 3SI

The Farmers Lumber Co

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President. Vice-Pres. Cashier.

PAID UP CAPITAL $25,000. INDIVIDUAL Responsibility of Stockholders $40C,000.

' Short Time Loans - A Farm Loans.

Farmers and Merchants Business Respectfully Solicited; Careful and Personal Attention Given to Every Detail.


The Farmers Lumber Co. When in need of an estimate or prices

k. on any kind o f Building Material

. v;::i: , ' * * * " . . • • • • • Universal Portland Cement, American Woven Wire

Fence, Prepared Roofing, Farm Gates, Drain Tile or Sewer Pipe. If Call at the Farmers Lumber

; Co.'s office where you will find the best of everything usually carried by a first-

class lumber yard. - v. ^ . •'

E D G A R D E A N , M a n a g e r .



t W i • • " H A . v

'X "i

Everything in i N H» *. , t

1 " •&"


Partto»owiiig us, for Twine" will please call at once

•*' 7 •V •

V i f

r , ,

SioM Valley Hardware & Implement Company

Mil lard Be nnet t , Pres ident .

Old Reliable. Established in 1871'


REAL ESTATE DEALER Make farm loahs on the most favorable terms. Write in­surance in the best Companies, against Fire, Lightning,

Tornado and Hail. Rftjl 0C6AH StC&IHSllip

Tickets by all the LEADING LINES

Shorthorn Cattle. * GfSKflRTVEDT, Canton,

5. D.


• r f

* - -v • g

- j M «• ~f. isi

. ,"*• *


can be suited here in the latest .t. styles or tablets with envelopes to match. • We have papers from Eaton & Hulbut, Cranes Linen Lawn and the popular Autocrat line of box paper, 10 different

_ EWi • • H .. i to have your prescription filled at our the best tttudardiied drugs used. ^

nto-datb pharmacy D. r. DKXTER, Ph. (


The Lincoln County Bank


A. R. BROWN, President, O. A. RUDOLPH, Vice Pres.

O. K. BROWN, Cashier. J.:H. ROWK, Asst. Cashier

Oldest Baik in the Coonti. Eettbllsbed In 1880 Incorporated In 1887

Corporate Exlstenoe Kitendod to 1997

Interest allowed on time deposits, and short time loans a specialty

O. A. Rudolph, E. Wendt,

A. R. Brown Directors.

Original Unit­ed Doctors

Will be in Canton at

'the Rudolph Hotel

Monday June 24


Hours: 11 a. m. to 8 p. m.

Consultation and Examination

. Free on this Trip.

The great and good work of these Doctors in the northwest during the past three years has gained for them a standing that places them in the high ranks of Specialism and merits them the most implicit confidence in every vicinity they have visited in the state.

The United Doctors with Labora torles Boston Block, Minneapolis Minnesota, are the doctors who be gan in South Dakota over two years ago; you no doubt have heard of them possibly know them personally through treating you, or some of your family if not, ask your neighbors about them.

They rely upon the recommenda tions of their patients treated to bring them their practice, which -has grown to be very extensive.

According to their system no more operations for appendicitis, gall stones tumors, goiter or certain forms of cancer. Tubercular glands, piles and diseases peculiar to both men and women, diseases of the stomach, in testines, liver, blood, skin, granulated eyelids, nerves, heart, spleen, kidneys or bladder, rheumatism, dropsy, ul cers, weak lungs and those afflicted with long-standing deep-seated, chro­nic diseases that have baffled the skill of the family physician, should not fall to call. ; v;,.

Married ladies must come with their husbands and minors with their fathers. * i: '

Call For Bids. Sealed bids for the complete con

structton of nine blocks of Water Mains, and also separate bids for just the digging and tilling of the nine blocks of Water Mains, from the intersection of Fifth and Dakota streets east four blocks to the inter­section of fifth and Kimball street, three blocks on Elder street from the intersection or Grant and Elder street west three blocks to the inter section of Dakota and Elder streets and two blocks commencing at the intersection of Eighth and Johnson streets south one block thence west one block to the intersection of ninth and Pleasant streets. All material to be furnished by the City of Canton, S. D., is hereby called for to be tiled with the city auditor before the date set for opening same.

The Board of City Commissioners of said City will meet at 8 o'clock p m. on the 11th, day of June 1912, for the purpose of opening and consider­ing said bids. The Commissioners of said City reserve the right to reject any and all bids.

Dated May 29th, 1912. Attest: CARL F. TANK,

GJSO. HOKKNSTAD, „ Mayofc City Auditor.

Dean Thomas Sterling of Vermil lion, aspiring for the nomination on the republican ticket to the position of United States Senator arrived from the west and spoke Saturday evening in the court house to a fair sized audience. Mr. Sterling's talk was very impressive along progressive lines in the interest of his candidacy and was well received by his hearers. Mr. Sterling is closing his campaign in this part of the state and departed Monday for Beresford. , ,

Notice. " We the under signed will close our

dental offices commencing with the first Wednesday in June every Wed­nesday afternoon through June, July, and August. Dr. H. N. Syverud

A. M. Anderson ' '* ,, J. M. Eveleth

A. E.'Jennings



DO YOU knot of anyone who is old enough to

re«d, who has not seen that sign at a railroad erasing? If everyone haa aaaa k m mt

time or other, tbaa wfaj doesn't the railroad, let tba ripi rot away? Why do—the mflroed company coatinM to keep those iliiii at nay caoMfc^r

Maybe you think; Ha Merchant "Moat everybody know my store, I don't hant»«diallw

Yonr atore and ya more adTertWag roada need do to to "Look Oat

than the rail-

Nothing ia ever la the

The Department very good i continually they are o goodbuetoaofc

If fc pay* to ran a Imr about Chrietmae ri tainly Wfll p«y yoe


T % i


Mrs. Lela Love, wife of Wiley Love, a farmer living neat Covena, Ga., says: "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills and find them to be all you claim for them. They gave me almost in­stant relief wheu my kidneys were sluggish and inactive. 1 can cheer fully recommend them to all sufferers from kidney troubles."


Notice. Between the hours of 10:00 o'clock

a. m. and 2:00 o'clock p. m. on Tues­day, June 11. 1912,at the Commission­ers room of the Auditor's office in the Court House in Canton, the County Board of Education of Lincoln County will receive sealed bids for furnishing school books to the pupils of all public schools in the county as provided in Article XVI of chapter 135 Laws of 1907 for a term of five years. Said bids to be delivered to the County Auditor, secretary of the County Board of Education.

County Board of Education Attest Dilla E. Wimple, T. O. Torberson Chairman


They Put An End To It. Charles Sable, 30 Cook St., Roches­

ter, N. Y., says he recommends Foley Kidney Pills at every opportunity be­cause they gave him prompt relief from a bad case of kidney trouble that had long bothered him. Such a re­commendation, coming from Mr. Sable, is direct and convincing evid­ence of the great curative qualities of Foley Kidney Pills.

j Sold by SHBRMAN & ROCHB.

Advertised Letters. The following letters remain un­

called for in the Canton post office for the weekending June 1, 1912.

Miller, Thos ,, ,/v Osness, Ellas Rasmusen, Miss Christine Simonson, Msss N

In calling for any of the aoove please say advertised. ' ^

Mrs. M. A. McLaughlin, 512 Jay St. La Cross, Wis., writes that she suf­fered all kinds of pains in her- back and hips on account of kidney trouble and rheumatism. "I got some of Foley Kidney Pills and after taking them for a few days there was a wonderful change in my case, for the pain entirely left my back and hips and I am thankful there Is such a medicine as Foley Kidney Pills." HIP Sold by SHBRMAN & ROCHB


F P May 31 LP June 21

NOTICE TO CRBD1T0RS. State of South Dakota. County of Lincoln In County Court within and for said County. In the Matter of the Estate of Catherine

Hunter. Deceased. Notice is hereby riven by the undersigned

Administrator of the eBtate of Catherine Hunter deceased, to the creditors of. and all persons having claims aganlst the said de ceased, to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to the said Admin­istrator at his home in Pleasant Township In the Connty of Lincoln. State of South Dak­ota.

Dated at Canton, S. D. tbis 27th day of May 1912.

JAMBS A. HUNTER. Administrator of the estate of Catherine Hunter Deceased.


F. P. May 24 L. P. June 7 Notice of Application for Letters of Ad­


State of South Dakota. County of Lincoln In County Court within and for said County. In the matter of the estate of Peter Folhl-

berg Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Mary Fohlberg

has filed with the Clerk of this Court a peti­tion. praying that Letters of Admlnstratlon of the Estate of Peter Fohlberg deceased Issue to Mary Fohlberg and that the 10th day of June 1912, at One o'clock p. in-, of said day. being a day of a regular term of this Court, at the Court Room thereof, at the Court House. In the City of Canton. In the County of Lincoln. State aforesaid, has been set for hearing said petition, when and where any person interested may appear and show cause why said petition should not be grant­ed.

Dated May 2lst 1912. Attest: HARRISON J. BROWN, a so. OWN, Judge.


Cream! Cream! Cream! Cream! Cream! Farmers remem­

ber that no creamery can continue in business unless they get cream enough to make it pay. The high price paid by the Canton creamery the past four years is proof that it will pay you to continue patronizing it and by so doing keep it an independent creamery. Its up to you. 41tf.

When Buying, Buy Only The Best.


H. L. Blomqulst, Esdaile, Wis., says his wife considers Foley's Honey and Tar Compouad the best cough cure on the market. "She has tried various kinds but Foley's gives the best resuit of all."


The new Ice Cream Factory operat­ed by the Farmers Produce Co., is putting out a high grade of Ice Cream. 46 tf.

Camera an Italian Invention. The 'first camera-obscura was In­

vented by one Glambattista Delia Por­ta, an Italian philosopher, during the latter half of the sixteenth century.

• The Farmers produce Co., are in the market for your wool. Phone 264

49tf They Should Be Reasonable.

Three chorus girls are said to have resigned from the staff of a musical comedy because they would not wear "horrid tights." Dear, dear, a girl must wear a little something on the stase even In these emancipated daya. —Louisville Courier-Journal.

Ice Cream 25c a quart at our Fac­tory packed with ice in a neat little packer weight 15 lbs all packed. We will have a lot of them packed all ready for you Sunday. Factory will be open all day. Farmers Produce Co. Phone 264 49tf.

Helped To Keep Down Expenses Mrs. I. E. Henry, Akron, Mich.,

tells bow she did so: "I was bothered with my kidneys and had to go nearly double. I tried a sample of Foley Kidney Pills and they did me so much good that I bought a bottle and feel that they saved me a big doctor's bill."


Lost:—A telescope grip between Canton and C. B. Strand's. Finder will please leave at the Leader office. 51 tf.

LOST—A gray woolen sweater be­tween Frank Larson's place and Dean place. Finder please leave at LEAD ER office. 51

For Sale. A nine room house close In with

good cellar and furnace both city and cistern water with barn, woodhouse, cobb house and shop with four lots and orchard all fenced In Will sell cheap. Call and see the owner Mrs. Shields 214 4st. Second door west from Cedar st. 51

Wanted to sell or trade, tract, of land near Jamestown, N. D., for stock of goods or other property. Address The Lenz Land & Loan Company, Jamestown, N. D. 40tf

Notice. Any parties wanting sand for

plastering or concrete work may call at George Thlnglums two miles south and two miles west of Canton. 49-52

When you have that social, or pic nlc or party get your Ice Cream of the Farmers Produce Co., then every body will have a good time and be wellsatistied. Phone 264. 49tf

For Sale- S. E. £ of sec. 11-99-49. In­quire of Johu Ceaderstrum of Canton, S. D. or J. E. Wells of Mitchell. 47-50

Lost—A gray woolen sweater be­tween Frank Larson's place and Beloit. Finder please leave at LEAD­ER office.

Good seed and eating potatoes for sale. Carl Christopherson, Canton S. D.

For Sale—Favoiite Range with water front. Used four months. Tel. 383


Pasturing For Horses On the Killiam farm across the

river from Fairview. Running water in pasture. Address C. D. Killiam, Fairview.

For Sale. Young mares and young mules on

Killiam farm across the river from Fairview. Address C. D. Killiam, Fairview.

For Kent Twelve rooms over Wallace Bros, hardware store.

Mrs. L. Fowler.

For Sale:-Some Rural New York seed potatoes, $1.25 per bushel

Geo. Pulver. 43tf.

Dr. Jennings dentist over Farmers State Bank. Phone No. 6 call 2. 39tf.

Encourage home industry by selling your cream to Heckmaster & Reynolds. 41tf.

For Sale. We have some choice city lots for

sale at right prices. Inquire of WENDT & STRAW, Canton, S. D. 42tf.

Seren Room House For Sale. As I am soon to leave the city, I

wish to sell my seven room modern house on North Main st. Inquire of Mrs. C. L. Kundert. 39tf.

Keen your eyes open for our cream wagon it will be around soon and the price will be there also. Farmers Produce Co. 39tf.

Ice Cream in any size package you want 1 Qt. 2 Qt. 4 Qts. 8 Qts. 12 Qts and 20 Qts. Packed with ice in a neat package. Farmers produce Co. Phone 264 ; 49 tf.



NEAL TREATMENT IS SAFE, SURE, THORO; no dangerous drugs or hypo­dermic injections, only harm­less vegetable medicines. If you are a drink victim, or have a.relative or friend who is, in­vestigate this treatment to­day. Full information, or ad­vice free. Call in person, write or phone.

The Neal Institute 651 South Summit Avenue

N.W.Phone 901K; N. S. 6271 SIOUX FALLS, S. D7

A Card This is to certify that Foley's

Honey and-Tar Compound does not contain any opiates, any habit form tag drugs, or any Ingredients that could possibly harm its users. On the contrary, its great healing and sooth­ing qualities make it a real remedy for coughs, colds and Irritations of the throat, chest and lungs. The genuine is in a yellow package. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and accept no substitute.



S t u. Before Gone Else, where.

Printing W e are here to serve you with anything in the line of printed stationery for your business and personal use. • • • •

Letter Heads Bill , Envelopesv Cards

- Weddintf Invitations Posters or


The best quality of work at prices that are RIGHT

House and Two Lots For Sale. The Mrs. G. W. Williams four room

house and two lots is offered for sale. Seven hundred dollars will take the house and lots. MRS. JAMKS TBUE 34-tf. Hill City, Minnesota.

Notice. ) I will stand my horse Ridgely, a

registered French Draught horse, from Saturday night until Tuesday noon at home, fromTuesday evening at Charley Anderson's from Thursday morning until Friday morning at Joseph Gates 4 miles east of Canton, and Friday and Saturday at the Col­lins livery barn in Canton.

Terms 315 to insure standing colt. M. M. HUNTER, owner.

For Sale. Eggs for hatching from pure bred

White Wyandottes. $1.00 a setting. Dr. Jennings, Canton. 42tf.

Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! Eggsl Eggs! Heckmaster

and Reynolds pay cash for eggs. 41tf.

- Choice Virginia Bargains. Splendid Virginia Stock and grain

farm 640 acres rich, smooth, level land, grows 50 bushels of shelled corn, 3 tons bay per acre. 400 in cultivation, 240 valuable timber, 150 in wheat and grass all fenced, 9 room dwelling 2 tenant houses, abundant out build-lng&, A1 condition, 3 M. R. R. station near church, school, P. O. Can't be duplicated at price $12,000 in Virginia, terms easy.

Also valuable dairy farm 250 acres, 175 in cultivation 75 One timber, 6 fields, combines upland and 2nd river well drained, very fertile, low grounds. 7 room dwelling 4 room tenant bouse, abundant out buildings, Lovely situa­tion i m. from town 800 population, 5 churches Female Institute, R. R. station on farm, 7 acres choice assort­ed fruit, price 86000, 82000 cash, ba­lance to suit. . , ,

W. L. Jones, Box 5. •, Williamsburg,


Professional Cards.

GAGulbraiM PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office over Olsen Hros. Store. OUice Phone 244 Call 2. House Phone 244

Call 3. Canton, South Dakota.

liiTEisoT PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Over Lybarger's Store. PHONE: Ollice, 350 call 2. Phone: Resi­dence, 350 call 3. CANTON, S. D.


Office in Syndicate Block. Tele, phone: Office 123. :-:


Office east end of Syndicate fclock.

House Phone 371. Office Phone 41.


Office Phone 92. House Phone 45. Office in Wendt Block, 5th Street.

Dr Mara woe Osteopathic Physician

Half the trouble of the body can be cured by Osteopathic Treat­

ment. Over Farmers State! Bank.

A. R. Brown. H. J. Brown.

Brown & Brown OFFICE: Cor. Broadway & 5th St


Canton, South Dakota. State and United States Coui-t PRACTICE.

flsa Forrest ir, 206 East 5th Street. Pbone

No. 17. Canton, So. Dak.

Ghas o Knudson ^\."fc"toDr»n©37" eit.


Office Over A. Toblasen's Store.

ft R Jamieson

Practice in all Courts. OFFICE: Over BERRY BROS. STORE.

0. L. GampDeil Licensed Embalmer and

X_J" n.ci©xvbQll«i©3r» Calls answered day or night

T>|j)or Pliri)H)ir« Co. Phone 243.

J Anderson'Son T-Tn.d©r»teul-s.i g


Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director. Phone 76

WD BYRNES TJ" rxci©rvbQ.l«i©ar'

and Fijneral DIRECTOR, licensed Embalmer. Tele-

shone 131. Canton, S. D.


iSSj K£2::: 3SI