The Fault in our Stars By: John Green By : Liam Sweeney

The Fault in our Stars By: John Green By : Liam Sweeney

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The Fault in our StarsBy: John Green

By : Liam Sweeney

A is for Augustus Waters

• He is a main character in the book, he lost his leg to osteosarcoma he meets Hazel in a support group. They immediately have a bond together.

B is for book

Hazel and Augustus trade each other books to read.

C is for cigarettes

• Augustus puts the cigarette in his mouth but does not light it, because, “put death between your teeth but do not let it kill you.”

D is for depression

• Hazels mom was saying she's depressed because she is reading the same book. They said It was a side affect of cancer, but hazel knows it’s a side affect of dying.

E is for eulogies

• Isaac and Hazel both made eulogies for Augustus because he wanted to be at his “pre funeral”

F is for funeral

• Augustus had a pre funeral so he could attend it and hear Isaac and Hazels eulogies..

G is for Games

• Isaac is usually playing video games when he felt stressed after his breakup.

H is for Hazel

• Hazel Grace Lancaster is a main character, she is suffering thyroid cancer and she found her true love at a support group.

I is for Isaac

• Isaac is Augustus best friend and Isaac has a cancer in his eyes which is why he has to get them removed.

J is for journal

• Augustus had written a journal to the book imperial affliction and hid it.

K is for Killing

Killing because Hazel and Augustus are both being killed by cancer.

L is for lidewij

• Houtons assistant who takes them on a tour to the Anne Frank house.

M is for metaphor

• That is what Augustus speaks in, well not really but he has a lot of metaphors.

N is for never giving up

Even though Hazel knew Augustus was dying after he told her she still stayed with him.

O is for okay

• This is what they say to show that they love eachother.

P is for Peter Von Houton

• This is Hazels author of her favorite book “Imperial infliction” her and Augustus go to see him in Amsterdam but he turns out to be really rude.

Q is for quiet

• Hazel was very quiet when she first saw Augustus she was probably shy or nervous about meeting him in a support group!

R is for risk

• Hazel took a risk when she went to Amsterdam because not to long ago she had a severe breathing incident. But she wanted to see Peter Von Houton so much.

S is for same book

Hazel reads the same novel. “imperial affliction.” her mother thinks she is depressed because of reading it over and over again.

T is for thyroid cancer

• Hazel has this cancer but it spreads to her lungs to make it more Sevier.

U is for understanding

• Hazel had to understand that she may not be alive long, but then she had to understand that her first love isn't going to make it either.

V is for vandalism

• When Isaacs girlfriend broke up with him he was really depressed so to take off a little bit of that, Augustus, Hazel, and Isaac went to her house and threw eggs at it.

W is for wheelchair

• Augustus was in a wheelchair until he got better.

X is for X-ray

• Hazel had to go for x-rays to see if the cancer was spreading.

Y is for young

• Augustus and Hazel are very young and they have cancer. They are battling it at such a young age only to be 17 and 18.

Z is for zombies

• Augustus’ book had zombies in it.