AT THE PHILIPPINE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTER A Catholic Prayer Meeting of the LIGHT OF JESUS FAMILY July 8, 2012 Today, I receive all of God’s love for me. Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s universe. Today, I open myself to God’s blessings, healing, and miracles. Today, I open myself to God’s Word So I would become More like Jesus every day. Today, I proclaim that I am God’s beloved, I am God’s servant, I am God’s powerful champion. And because I am blessed, I am blessing the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen. Do You Know Your Starting in This Issue: ONE MORE MIRACLE See page 8 BESTSELLING Author ZigZiglar is 85 years old today. And he said he hasn’t stopped learning. Amazing! In an interview, he was asked, “What are you still learning at your age?” He answered, “The older I get, the more I realize that life is about relationships.” I’m only 46 years old, but I agree with 85-year-old Zig 100%. I’ve been trumpeting this truth everywhere I go— and the older I get, I bet I will preach this even more. When it comes to your happiness, there is nothing more important in this world than your relationships. Because the essence of life is relationships. Relationships affect your happiness and success. A massive survey among a thousand CEOs, the executives were asked, “What’s the number one thing you’re looking for when you hire people?” An incredible 85% of them said that the first thing they’re looking for is the person’s ability to work with others. That one skill beats intelligence and technical brilliance. Your people skills are more important than any other skill you have. Today, I’d like to welcome you to a powerful series titled TAGGEDGet Into a Soul Network. At the end of this series, I know that you’ll enjoy stronger, closer, tighter, happier relationships. Let’s start! May your dreams come true, BO SANCHEZ

The Feast - July 8, 2012 Issue

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July 8, 2012

Today, I receive all of God’s love for me.Today, I open myself to the unbounded, limitless, overflowing abundance of God’s universe.Today, I open myself to God’s blessings, healing, and miracles.Today, I open myself to God’s WordSo I would becomeMore like Jesus every day.Today, I proclaim that I am God’s beloved, I am God’s servant, I am God’s powerful champion.And because I am blessed,I am blessing the world.In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Do You

Know Your

Startingin This Issue:


See page 8

BESTSELLING Author ZigZiglar is 85 years old today. And he said he hasn’t stopped learning. Amazing!

In an interview, he was asked, “What are you still learning at your age?”

He answered, “The older I get, the more I realize that life is about relationships.”

I’m only 46 years old, but I agree with 85-year-old Zig 100%. I’ve been trumpeting this truth everywhere I go—and the older I get, I bet I will preach this even more. When it comes to your happiness, there is nothing more important in this world than your relationships.

Because the essence of life is relationships.

Relationships affect your happiness and success. A massive survey among a thousand CEOs, the executives were asked, “What’s the number one thing you’re looking for when you hire people?”

An incredible 85% of them said that the first thing they’re looking for is the person’s ability to work with others. That one skill beats intelligence and technical brilliance. Your people skills

are more important than any other skill you have.

Today, I’d like to welcome you to a powerful series titled TAGGED—Get Into a Soul Network. At the end of this series, I know that you’ll enjoy stronger, closer, tighter, happier relationships.

Let’s start!

May your dreams come true,



MOST REVEREND Honesto Ongtioco, DD, Bishop of Cubao and Bishop Spiritual Director of the Light of Jesus Family, said that the power of love can empower us to do wonderful things and experience miracles.

In the first reading from the Book of Wisdom, we see that God desires life, and never plans death. It is the devil, envious of God and His works, who desires death.

In the second reading from 2 Corinthians, Jesus generates life by emptying Himself and sacrificing for us.

In the Gospel, two persons from the crowd approached Jesus – Jairus asking that his daughter be raised from death and the woman with hemorrhage who wanted to be healed.

Jesus immediately raised Jairus’ daughter back to life. Bishop Ongtioco pointed out that God is always eager to preserve life, not only to create, but to nurture it.

The bleeding woman who touched Jesus’ cloak was isolated and considered impure. In Jewish culture, whoever touched a woman with hemorrhage would also be considered impure. But because of the woman’s faith in Jesus, she was healed.

These two miracles give hope that God is there to transform us and to help us promote life, not to destroy it.

-- Bella Estrella

God Desires Life


10% and More!LEA BERMUDEZ has been a member of the Light of Jesus for 15 years now.

She shared that her first tithes were only in small amounts, as she was afraid she might not have enough left for her needs. But she said she has seen what tithing can do. Through the tithes, the Feast has been able to support

beneficiaries such as Anawim, our Home for Abandoned Elderly and He Cares, which sends street children to school.

Lea said now her tithe is more than10% of her income. She added, “I thought I was the one blessing others because of my tithe. But I realized that I am being blessed more!”

She shared three major blessings. In October 2001, her

tourist visa to the United States was approved. And recently, she was granted a Green Card for American citizenship. In 2003, her father was diagnosed with kidney cancer. She said Bro. Bo prayed over her father, and in God’s grace, her father is still very strong today. And in 2008, she was blessed with a business -- digital signage-- which provides our new LED screen onstage.


IN the Impossible series, we learned that God cannot lie, God cannot change, and God cannot fail. In the BreakFeast last Sunday, Bro. Bo Sanchez capped the Impossible series with a special message centering on how to encourage yourself in the midst of an impossible situation.

To illustrate, Bro. Bo related the story of David in 1 Samuel 30. David and his 600 men, after fighting a battle, arrive in Ziklag, their village, and find that in their absence, their sworn enemy, the Amalekites, had attacked Ziklag and burned it, and had taken captive the women and everyone else in it to serve as their slaves.

Distressed, the men blame David for the tragedy and talk of stoning him. With no one to turn to for help, David encourages himself in the Lord. He regains his strength and leads his men to attack the Amalekites. The Israelites are able to take back their loved ones,

their possessions, plus the spoils of war—the wealth of their enemy.

Bro. Bo pointed out that at one time or another, we may reach our Ziklag-- a hopeless situation where there’s no one we can turn to for relief. During our Ziklag, we have two options: mope and find someone to blame, or be like David who found strength in God.

Usually, encouragement comes from the people around us-- our loved ones. But there will be times when they cannot be there for us. We grope in the dark, looking for someone to hold on to.

Bro. Bo said when you’re in Ziklag, do not wait for someone else to encourage you. Encourage yourself in the Lord like what David did. Come before the Lord and look back on the numerous times He has been there for you. Reminisce the little miracles He has done in your life and know that He will never leave you alone.

Jesus himself arrived at His own Ziklag—His crucifixion. During His agony, He had no one else to turn to but God, and when He did, He was able to emerge victorious from His trial.

When David saw Ziklag, he looked for enlightenment. He didn’t look for blame. When we are in trouble, let us look for blessings instead of blame. Because as God promised in Proverbs 6:30,31, “Men do not despise a thief, if he steals to satisfy his soul when he is hungry; But if he be found, HE SHALL RESTORE SEVENFOLD; he shall give all the substance of his house.”

Did you lose something or someone valuable to you? Bro. Bo said God will return to you whatever you lost-- sevenfold!

– Kristine MutucPhotos by Edmundo L. Santiago

2 THE FEAST July 8, 2012

TODAYTalk 1: FriendLife Is Relationships1 Corinthians 13:1-3If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

John 13:34A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

Personal Reflection and Group Discussion:Do you believe that relationships are the essence of life? Do your actions express this belief?_______________________________________________________________________

























90-DAY TITHE CHALLENGEBRO. Bo Sanchez presented to everyone who has not tithed yet a 90-Day Tithe Challenge: try giving tithes for 90 days and if you do not receive an overflow of blessings, the Feast will give back the sum you have given. Bro. Bo said he is brave enough to pose the challenge because he has well experienced that God fulfills His promise in Malachi 3:10 “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”









FOR THE CHILDREN. Joe Dean Sola, longtime partner of Bro. Bo in his mercy missions, graced the Feast last Sunday to give an update on the He Cares Balik-Aral Program for street children, a Feast partner beneficiary.

ENCOURAGED. Feast attendees get message pasted on leaves of God’s Promise Tree mounted by the Creatives and Events Group.

THE FEAST July 8, 2012 3


Sunrise in Sagada By LA FUNELAS

THICK fog floated around us we could hardly see the road. Then gradually, the sun’s golden rays sliced through the cloud, revealing waterfalls cascading down green mountains, and then there they were... the rows and rows of rice terraces.

We left Manila in the evening of April 28 and we arrived in the world famous Sagada of the Mountain Province in the morning of April 29, for an exhilarating adventure up to May 1.

The beauty of this blessed place was breathtaking enough. But the company was even better. I was with my Caring Group headed by Sis. Tess Magtibay. We were 19, plus a Canadian lady hitchhiker we met along the way, enjoying without letup a time of bonding with Mother Nature and with one another.

DAY 1. We first visited the interconnecting caves of Lumiang and Sumaguing.

Goose bumps crawled down my spine as we entered Lumiang where wooden coffins, believed to be hundreds of years old, piled one on top of the other. All the

coffins are small. Our guide explained that according to tradition, in this place, the dead are buried in fetal position—yes, like the position of a baby in its mother’s womb – to indicate that one is returning back to nature.

Sumaguing Cave, meanwhile, boasts of rock formations shaped by nature for thousands of years. The locals gave names to some of the formations-- like King and Queen’s Curtain, Rice Granary, Turtle, Snake, Frog, and some naughty descriptions like The King, The Queen, and The Prince for formations that look like human genitals. But the group’s favourite was the Giant Chocolate Fudge Cake—because at about the time, we were all already starving.

Exploring the caves is not for the fainthearted. The caves are dark, with barriers here and there. I would have not gone there alone. But with my Caring Group brothers and sisters, I did not feel afraid at all. We spent hours rappelling, crawling, sliding, walking through freezing waters, passing through narrow openings, wall climbing like Spiderman—the coolest!

Yes, you feel so safe, knowing that there’s always someone looking out for you, helping you along the way, encouraging you, making you feel better, and so you can even brag: “Saan pa? Hanggang dito na lang ba? Kayang-kaya!”

DAY 2. We woke up real early to watch the sunrise in Kiltepan Viewpoint. I’d seen so many sunrise pictures, but nothing’s like standing on a mountain, watching the break of dawn. It starts with a tiny bright dot amid the dark horizon. Then slowly, the sun peeks from behind the mountains blending its golden light with the frosty white clouds just below us. The spectacle alone attests to God’s majestic power, a preview of the grandeur that awaits us in Heaven. How great is our God to have created such wonder!

After breakfast, we walked, again for seemingly endless hours, to Bomod-ok Falls. We negotiated steep pathways under the sun, now no longer just a glow but already searing. But no one was complaining. Actually we were singing all the way. You can’t be too tired when you’re travelling with friends. We passed by rice fields, high mountain cliffs overlooking small villages, more rice fields, and great mountain views. We made several stops, not only to catch our breath but also to marvel at the awesome scenery.

Then finally, there it was, Bomod-ok— a crystal water curtain flowing down from a

4 THE FEAST July 8, 2012

giant rock more than 200 feet high, casting refreshing mists all over the place. What a treat, after our long walk under the sun! At the foot of the falls, cold water splashed from what seems to be an in-ground natural pool. Defying the freezing water, we all went swimming!

In the afternoon, we went around the peaceful town of Sagada, learning more about its people mainly through a museum named Ganduyan, the traditional name of Sagada.We also learned about the Sagada’s weaving tradition.

And as if we hadn’t seen and heard enough, Eco-valley treated us to, yes, echoes. The place is actually popular for its hanging coffins. To see them, you start from a church, pass through a graveyard, until you get to one side of a hill where the coffins are perched. The place may be gloomy, but you don’t mind the eerie feeling because you’re more interested in hearing the echoes. Along the hillside walk, we were already shouting to test if we would hear our own echo. And boy, did our voices boom back! That was really fun!

DAY 3. We spent our third and last day in Sagada buying pasalubong and last-minute strolling in this place you cannot get enough of. The journey back home was as exciting as the first day, even as already we were starting to miss Sagada. We drove up -- higher and higher until we reached the highest point in Atok, Benguet – 7,400 feet above sea level.

We had a late lunch in La Trinidad, Benguet, bought more pasalubong, and then headed back on the road to Manila.

I will never forget our Sagada trip. Life is really wonderful. God has created all these wonders of the Earth for us to be glad in it. And God has given us friends to love and to love us even more in return.

Breathtaking beauty, clockwise from top, opposite page: nature’s spectacle at the break of dawn; man’s amazing feat, the rice terraces; basking under the mists of Bomod-ok Falls; discovering more wonders in an enchanting cave; and the best-- the Caring Group brothers and sisters bonding up the mountains.

THE FEAST July 8, 2012 5



ON August 1, 2009, I was diagnosed to have multiple myoma uteri-- fibroids or tumors growing in my uterus. Some tumors may be benign but may cause painful menstruation. Other tumors may be malignant or cancerous.

I felt as if the world fell down on me, and I simply went through

various levels of fear. Let me share…Fear Level 9. I couldn’t help shaking

with fear as my doctor explained to me the nature of my illness. Refusing to accept reality, I sought for a second opinion from another doctor. Alas, I got the same diagnosis and was advised to undergo surgery to remove the tumors.

Fear Level 8. Afraid of going under the knife, I resorted to natural healing. I went to see a healing priest. I went to an herbal doctor who prescribed roots and tablets that smelled so bad I could hardly swallow them.

Fear Level 7. The tumors remained in my uterus. So I coaxed myself to go back to the scientific way. I didn’t have much money so I first went to a government hospital where consultation and some procedures were free. But the line of patients was so long I had to wait for a number of agonizing days before I could be accommodated. The doctor told me that instead of surgery, I could first try an injectable medicine—which appealed to me because it was less expensive than surgery.

Fear Level 6. But the doctor said that having the injection would just reduce the size of the myomas but definitely would not remove them. So I went back to natural healing, seeing the healing priest and the herbal doctor. Still, the tumors adamantly stayed with me.

Fear Level 5. One day, I felt pain crawling to my side and my back. The pain was so severe I had to go to the emergency room of a hospital near our place. First aid procedures did not ease the pain, so I decided to check in at another hospital.

Fear Level 4. The doctor, like the previous ones I had consulted, recommended operation. It had been two years since my first diagnosis. I’d gone through various treatments, in and out of hospital—to no avail. And I’d been absent from work. I knew then there was no other way for me but to undergo surgery.

Fear Level 3. I went through a roller-coaster of trials as I prepared for the operation. For one, I had to raise the money for the expenses. For another, I had to go through multiple, nerve-wracking laboratory tests. It was, to say the least, so harrowing, I wouldn’t wish it to happen to anyone.

My fears intensified —as I realized there was nothing else I could do but to

have the operation--- and then diminished when the lab tests showed my vital signs were all normal.

Fear Level 2. On the day before my operation, still hoping against hope, I went for an ultrasound test once more. But the result showed the tumors were still inside of me.

That was the time I finally had a heart-to-heart talk with God. I went to the Adoration Chapel in our village in Las Pinas to surrender everything to Him. Then I went home to gather the things I would need during my confinement.

At home, I took time to read the Scriptures and the Didache, the daily Bible guide published by Shepherd’s Voice Publications, the publishing company founded by Bro. Bo Sanchez. It happened that the day’s reflection was written by Beth Coral, an SVP staff and long-time member of the Light of Jesus Family. Beth’s reflection, titled Only Believe, was about her fear of undergoing an operation—which was erased when she believed God would see her through the operation. Indeed, she survived.

Was it a coincidence that I should read Beth’s story just a day before I would also go under the knife? I didn’t think so. At the moment, I couldn’t help marveling at the timing, and I knew then the message came from God, manifesting His Presence, His comforting grace to me.

In the late afternoon, I went to the hospital for admission and final

preparations for the surgery. That night, I slept soundly on my hospital bed, for there was nothing more I could do except to only believe.

Fear Level 1. And so it happened. On February 1, 2012, a Wednesday, early at the break of dawn, I woke up to the gentle touch of a nurse who told me it was time for the surgery. I got up and whispered my morning prayer. Then I took a shower. It took a while for the attendants who would bring me to the operating room to arrive, so I had a chance to pray the Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help—my usual Wednesday ritual. Afterwards, I continued reading the Bible-- in between glancing at my mobile phone which was already filled with text messages from my friends assuring me of prayers for the success of my operation.

I was praying when the attendants arrived. I held my rosary beads tight as they helped me transfer from my bed to the gurney— you know, the type of stretcher used to transport patients from their room to the operating room.

My heart thumped -- much louder than the creaking, eerie sound of the gurney-- as the attendants rolled me out of the room, down the corridor—until they stopped at the nurses’ station.

“We will inject some medicine to relax you,” the nurse told me.

Softly, I began to sing the song Through Christ, specifically telling God the line, I will trust in you, again and again,

FEARLESS. Rhenna at the left side of Bro. Bo Sanchez during photo-op with members of the Intercessory Ministry.

6 THE FEAST July 8, 2012

as I waited for the nurse to administer the injection.

Then, I heard voices singing another line in the song, I can do all things through Christ.

I looked around. A sister from my prayer community who came to support me was also softly singing a praise song-- but not the song I was singing.

So, who were singing with me?I couldn’t be hallucinating because

I still didn’t have the injection. So at the moment, I knew those were voices of angels God had sent to calm me down.

The nurse finally administered the medicine to me and the attendants continued to roll me toward the operating room. Near the room, my family and friends gathered to cheer me up.

“Do not be afraid,” my brother said.Holding back my tears, I smiled

and nodded. And then I was finally wheeled into

the operating room.Fear Level 0. I made the sign of the

cross as I entered the operating room. A nurse took my rosary and put it on one side of the hospital gown I was wearing. Then the anesthesiologist told me to turn to my side, facing away from him, and bend my knees up almost to my chin. And then I felt a needle piercing my back—once, twice, maybe up to five times—as the doctor administered anesthesia to deaden my nerves.

The next thing I knew I was already lying with my back flat on the operating table. The doctors then came in. The consultant said a prayer and I was like, “Thank You, God, we’re starting with a prayer. ”

Then I heard another doctor ask for the scalpel.

I began to feel dizzy. I tried to fight the woozy feeling, but as a result, I threw up twice. Eventually, I knew the anesthesia was already taking effect as my legs began to feel heavy. In my mind, I said my Our Fathers and Hail Marys and then dozed off.

When I woke up, it was already 11:30 a.m., and I was being rolled down to the recovery room. In the recovery room, I fell asleep again.

Then I woke up as I heard a nurse waking up a man on a bed next to mine. The nurse said, “Bishop, time to wake up.”

Would you believe, this man who underwent surgery the same time I did was a bishop. And we both survived! I felt so privileged that I should be with a man of God in that recovery room. I surmised God must have sent the bishop to again manifest His Loving Presence in my darkest hours. I knew then I would be all right.

And I was. The next day, my doctor told me the tumors turned out to be benign.

That very moment, my fear dipped way down to Level 0.

AS the eldest of a brood of four, I tried hard to live up to the high expectations of my parents that I should be a good role model to my siblings. I toed the line but for me, it seemed that in my father’s eyes, my achievements never amounted to anything.

Thus, I was angry, mainly at myself. I felt like a failure. And I really was. I didn’t pass the Certified Public Accountant board exam. And I couldn’t get a job.

Through it all, I blamed God for all my troubles. I accused Him of playing favorites, of not listening to my pleas. I protested by not going to church starting in 2005. Prior to this, I was active in Church. Since 2001, while in my second year college, I was a lector/commentator at our parish. But when I couldn’t get what I wanted out of life, I rebelled, not only against God but also against my parents. I started spending more time with my friends, went on drinking sprees, and came home late at night. I also did what I had never done in my life—I answered back at my parents at every chance I got, blaming them for the hurt I had kept in my heart.

Soon, I finally got a job. Since I’d turned away from God, I didn’t think He had anything to do with my getting the job. I thought I got it by myself.

In 2007, I fell in love with Patrick (not his real name), my colleague. Finally, here was a guy who appreciated me for who I was. We became a couple and my life had never been so rosy. I showered Patrick with love, cared for him, bought him stuff. I gave him everything he asked for. I did these things just so he’d stay with me. But then one day, I found out he had another girlfriend. Again, I felt like a failure because I chose the wrong person to love. Yet, not knowing any better, I held on to him.

Three years into this unhappy relationship, I attended the Feast at Valle Verde Country Club in Pasig City. I finally

agreed to go with my sister Charice who had been inviting me to the gathering for almost a year already.

I vividly remember that day in April 2009 when I heard Bro. Bo Sanchez talk about failures. He said failures are not God’s rejection but redirection. That very moment, I felt God was talking to me through Bro. Bo.

Monday after the first time I attended the Feast, my boyfriend resigned from work because he was going to Singapore – with yet another girlfriend. I didn’t know about this one. Until that very moment, I didn’t know my boyfriend was leaving me—for good.

Had I not attended the Feast the day before, I would have completely lost my mind. Bro. Bo’s preaching prepared me for my worst ordeal ever. And I overcame that trial through the succeeding series of talks.

The next Sunday, I attended the Feast again and this time, after years of not talking to Him, I spoke to God again. I asked Him to take me back and I felt overwhelmed when I sensed God telling me that despite my turning back at Him, He never left my side.

That was three years ago. Now, 28 and working as a property accountant, I am not just a regular Feast attendee. I am also a Caring Group member and a happy servant at the Feast Caring Group Secretariat for almost a year now.

What’s more, the Feast has made me understand my Catholic faith better. I’ve began to appreciate the Holy Mass again. During times when I cannot attend the Feast, I hear Mass at our parish or at the nearest church. I never miss a Mass now and I regularly go to Confession.


Failures Drove Me Away from the Church

BACK TO GOD. Shaine (center, front row) with her co-members in the Feast PICC Caring Group Secretariat.

Editor’s Note: Have you a similar story on how you found God through the Feast? Share! and let the world know miracles still do happen today to give hope especially to the lost. For details, email [email protected], or call 09399044065.

THE FEAST July 8, 2012 7

LOST and FOUND If you lost or found an item, please approach any of the ushers who will guide you to our Lost and Found section.

The FEAST, published by the Light of Jesus Family, is distributed during The Feast by the Manila Bay, a weekly prayer gathering of the Light of Jesus held at the Philippine International Convention Center, CCP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Manila, every Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.,10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and 3:45 PM p.m. to 5:45 p.m.

The FEAST holds office at The Lighthouse, 60 Chicago St., Quezon City, with telephone numbers 725-9999, and email address [email protected].




EDMUNDO SANTIAGOChief Photographer

CRIS LEGASPIAssistant Chief Photographer








CHICHI BARBAAssistant Head



JOY NACURAYAssistant Head



In the DarkTWENTY-FIVE years ago, I attended a graduation in PICC. Not as a preacher but as a photographer. My cousin was graduating and I volunteered to take his pictures. To do that, I borrowed a friend’s expensive camera, complete with a long lens that the paparazzi use. I went up in the balcony and took lots of photos.

It was a long graduation ceremony.By the time it was over, it was evening.After the ceremony, I congratulated my

cousin and walked back to my borrowed car. (Borrowed camera, borrowed car… You get the picture how poor I was then?) But when I rode the car, I noticed that my bag was light. I looked inside it. To my horror, I saw that the long lens was gone!

I knew that long lens was expensive—more expensive than the camera itself. And I was a poor missionary. I stepped out of the car and looked back at gigantic PICC. Where will I look?

I remember praying, “Oh God, you’ve got to help me!” Immediately, I felt peace. I knew God was in charge.

I walked back to the building, taking a shortcut through the lawn. Picture this: I was walking on grass in the dark. And that was when I felt an inner nudge to stop walking.

And I did. At that exact spot, I felt the same nudge to bend over and reach down. In that darkness, I stooped down and held something round. I picked it up—it was the camera lens!

With the grounds of PICC so massive and covered with darkness, chancing upon that lens was like finding a pin in a haystack.

I remember that day and tell myself, “If God guides me for a something as small as a camera lens, I believe God will guide me for the bigger things in my life.”

Got One More Miracle? A mysterious, inexplicable experience—a miracle God has allowed to happen to let you know He loves you? Share! Email your article with your picture to [email protected].

8 THE FEAST July 8, 2012