The Feather Quilt 1 Challenge No. 1: Fusion. To be set post series, indicating in some way of a V/H relationship or intention of it occurring. 1,000 words.

The Feather Quilt, A The Vision of Escaflowne Fanfiction Story

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Mamoru Kanzaki thought his elder sister was ordinary and well, a little boring. Then he met her boyfriend.

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Page 1: The Feather Quilt, A The Vision of Escaflowne Fanfiction Story

       The Feather Quilt                                   1  

Challenge No. 1: Fusion. To be set post series, indicating in some way  of  a  V/H  relationship  or  intention  of  it  occurring.  1,000 words. 

Page 2: The Feather Quilt, A The Vision of Escaflowne Fanfiction Story

2                                       A. KARSWYLL  

Challenge No. 1: Fusion. To be set post series, indicating in some way  of  a  V/H  relationship  or  intention  of  it  occurring.  1,000 words. 

The Feather Quilt by A. Karswyll

Mamoru Kanzaki thought his elder sister was ordinary and well, a little boring. Then he met her boyfriend.

“MAMORU, COULD YOU wake your sister?” the matron of the Kanzaki family addressed her youngest child from the kitchen.

“Yes, mother,” I drawled out the term, indicating my displeasure at the request that drew me away from my video game. Grumbling under my breath I made sure to stomp particularly loudly up the stairs and down the hall before stopping in front of my sister’s closed door.

It was a weekend. Why did I need to wake her? For house cleaning that could be done later? Maybe it was because Hitomi was visiting from university for the weekend and Mom actually wanted to get some visiting in.

Visiting family wasn’t something Hitomi did much of nowadays. Starting sophomore year in high school, her interest had switched from track to business of all things. Currently she was ploughing though her Bachelor of Business like the oni of Hell were on her heels by cramming the sensible four year program into two by attending school year round.

Raising my fist I thumped on the door saying loudly, “Hitomi! It’s time to get up!”

Page 3: The Feather Quilt, A The Vision of Escaflowne Fanfiction Story

       The Feather Quilt                                   3  

Challenge No. 1: Fusion. To be set post series, indicating in some way  of  a  V/H  relationship  or  intention  of  it  occurring.  1,000 words. 

I listened for a minute but getting no response, not even a grunt or shout to ‘Go away,’ I thumped on the door again.

“Hitomi, it’s ten in the morning. Mom wants you up.” When there was still no answer to my knocking and

calling, I warned, “Hitomi, no shrieking. I’m opening the door.”

Turning the doorknob I pushed the door open to reveal the immaculately clean bedroom compared to mine. Noting her school bag sitting on the desk under the window I switched my attention to the bed.

My sister was sound asleep, curled up underneath a feather quilt. But she was not alone.

On the other side of the bed a guy lay asleep. Holy—when’d she start dating? No, hold that thought.

How the heck had he gotten in here without Mom or Dad knowing?

I could feel the maniacal grin start on my face. As icky as it was to discover a guy spooning against my sister while sleeping, the blackmailing potential was just too good a chance to pass up!

I studied what I could see of the guy. Messy black haired and coppery skin covered by the feather quilt… Hitomi didn’t have a feather quilt. She didn’t even have a duvet stuffed with feathers. All she had were regular cotton blankets like myself.

Looking at the feathers more closely I realised with amazement that they weren’t just feathers, but feathers.

Page 4: The Feather Quilt, A The Vision of Escaflowne Fanfiction Story

4                                       A. KARSWYLL  

Challenge No. 1: Fusion. To be set post series, indicating in some way  of  a  V/H  relationship  or  intention  of  it  occurring.  1,000 words. 

As in a feathered wing. My eyes tracked the white feathers covering Hitomi to find them originating from the guy’s back.

As in, his back. Sprouting from his shoulder blades. Feathers emerging from the skin. I flailed for support as my knees buckled and half

collapsed against the doorjamb. Blackness nibbled at the edges of my vision. My fingers dug into the wooden doorframe as I struggled to stay upright and conscious.

The wing covering Hitomi stirred and my eyes snapped up to look at the guy’s face. The angel was awake. Inhuman red eyes locked with my own green ones.

I didn’t even see the angel move, but suddenly he held a wicked looking sword. Posed protectively over my sleeping sister, the morning light danced on the deadly edge.

My last coherent thought as the blackness won and rushed in was, ‘Holy shit!’

VAN WATCHED THE boy in the doorway collapse to the floor.

That had been unexpected, Van acknowledged as he sheathed and set aside his sword. Both the disturbance and the boy’s reaction. He’d thought people of the Mystic Moon were made of sterner stuff, or at least those whose

Page 5: The Feather Quilt, A The Vision of Escaflowne Fanfiction Story

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Challenge No. 1: Fusion. To be set post series, indicating in some way  of  a  V/H  relationship  or  intention  of  it  occurring.  1,000 words. 

green eyes that so clearly marked then as related to Hitomi, had more backbone.

Folding his wings that had been sprawled out—over Hitomi’s still slumbering form and draping over the bed on his side onto the floor—Van sat up. A quick glance at the boy showed he was still in his faint so Van turned his eyes to admiring Hitomi.

In particular the faint traces of last night’s passion that still marked her fair skin.

Leaning over Hitomi and regretting he wouldn’t get to play with her this morning, he shook her awake.

Grumbling Hitomi stirred to blink sleepily up at the winged man leaning over her. She did love his wings and relished every chance she got to see them.

“Good morning,” Hitomi greeted throatily as she rolled her body towards Van, reaching out to stroke the wing that minutes ago had been her blanket.

Van shuddered at the touch and jerked the feathered limb away. Ignoring Hitomi’s pout, he folded his wings back into his body. She knew his wings were sexually sensitive with her. The most casual touch from her fingers turning him into a lust filled fiend intent on fusing their bodies together.

Something he had a growing suspicion his betrothed exploited at every possible opportunity.

“We have company,” his voice still gravely from the sudden flush of lust as he nodded at the open door.

Page 6: The Feather Quilt, A The Vision of Escaflowne Fanfiction Story

6                                       A. KARSWYLL  

Challenge No. 1: Fusion. To be set post series, indicating in some way  of  a  V/H  relationship  or  intention  of  it  occurring.  1,000 words. 

Turning her head Hitomi was surprised to find her brother sprawled out in her doorway. From all appearances in the middle of a faint.

“What in the world?” Hitomi said with amazement as she scrambled for clothing, not knowing how long Mamoru had been unconscious or how much longer he would remain so. Shrugging on an oversize shirt she demanded, “You didn’t do anything to him, did you?”

“No,” Van answered shortly, neglecting to mention that he might have shown a bit of blade, having been unexpectedly woken from a sound sleep.

If Hitomi had been looking at him she would have seen the too innocent expression on his face, but all her attention was on Mamoru as she knelt beside him. Her attempts to rouse him worked and soon enough her brother’s green eyes were looking dazedly up at hers.

“Holy hell!” Mamoru blurted once he was coherent enough to speak. “You’re sleeping with an angel!”