The Final Ssc Report

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  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report






    A Study Of HR Systems At The Oberoi Udaivilas







    Shakti Singh Chauhan Dr.Dipin Mathur

    MBA III rd Sem (Program Coordinator PGDM )

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    Organization culture is a descriptive term. It is how employees see their organization. A

    common perception held by the members of the organization .A system of shared

    meaning. In other words it is a common description of the organization made by the

    individuals of different backgrounds and working at different levels of organizations

    have a dominant culture and numerous sub cultures.

    The effectiveness of the organization depends on the efficiency of its employees.

    Employee motivated from their salary also so wages & compensation policy also plays

    a vital role in achieving the goals.

    This report gives an understanding of human resource, their behaviors, the need for

    their development, how HRD is a separate field than the traditional personnel field,

    HRD & industrial relations, role of HRD department its activities, the various sub-

    system of HRD like manpower planning, performance appraisal, training &development,

    recruitment and selection, wages & compensation policies etc.

    So we feel the overall development of individual through the organizational culture that

    will lead to the organizational. The attitudinal life style &value system are changing in

    the society& organizations will have to change if want to require in the changing


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    I express my sincere thanks to my project guide Dr.N.S.Rao (Director) Advent Institute Of

    Management, Udaipur for guiding me right from the inception till the successful completion of the project. I sincerely acknowledge him for extending their valuable guidance, support for

    literature, critical reviews of project and the report and above all the moral support he had

    provided to me with all stages of this project.

    I would also like to thank Dr.Dipin Mathur,(Program Coordinator PGDM), Advent Institute Of

    Management, Udaipur for his help and cooperation throughout my project.


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    Introduction to HRD:

    Today most of countries promote tourism to promote foreign exchange, encourage

    developmental activities, improve local economies and generate employment. It must be

    noted that mere employment generation will not serve the purpose for sustained growth

    of a service sector. Infect it is the quality of service that determine the image of the

    hotel. When we talk about human resource development, we have in our mind a

    variety of things, these included:

    TrainingSkill development and up gradation of knowledge and skills of employees.

    Motivating the employees.

    Effective utilization of employees skills and capabilities.

    Attracting the personnel and their retention.

    Wages, salaries and rewards.

    Monitoring and controlling the employees performance.

    These aspects of HRD are essential for every sector but in the case of service

    and hospitality industry they have a special significance because hotel is a service

    industry and here the customer is not only buying a service or a product but they are

    also experiencing and consuming the quality of the service, which is reflected in the

    performance of the personnel involved in the delivery of the service, the importance of

    HR becomes vital for the success of the business. Generally in such service

    Operations are the emphasis is given on courtesy effective communication. Generally

    HRD has to be taken at both macros as well as micro levels. At the macro level one

    takes into account education training infrastructure available and at the micro level one

    takes into account how best an organization plan and manage their human resource.

    Mostly these organizations apply the principle of empowerment to all the employees.

    This empowerment is manifested in the way that companies are highly focused and

    consistent in everything they do and say in relation to employees, have managers who

    communicate with the employees, Facilitate, rather than regulate, their employees

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    response to the consumers, Solicit employees feedback about how they can do things

    better, Stress the importance of the team work at each level of the organization and

    Plan carefully the organizations requirement and training needs.

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    S.No. Contents Page No.

    1. Introduction to the Industry

    2. Introduction to the Organization

    3. Research Methodology

    3.1 Title of the Study

    3.2 Duration of the Project

    3.3 Objective of Study

    3.4 Type of Research

    3.5 Sample Size and method of selecting sample

    3.6 Scope of Study

    3.7 Limitation of Study

    4. Analysis and interpretation

    5. SWOT

    6. Conclusion

    7. Recommendation and Suggestions

    . Appendix :Questionnaire


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    Hotel Industry in India is witnessing tremendous boom in recent years and going through aninteresting phase. One of the major reasons for the increase in demand for hotel rooms in the

    country is the boom in the overall Economy and high growth in sectors like information

    technology, telecom, retail and real estate. Rising stock market and new business

    opportunities are also attracting hordes of foreign investors and international corporate

    travelers to look for business opportunities in the country particularly growth in tourism sector.

    As hotel industry is inextricably linked to the tourism industry and the growth in the Indian

    tourism industry has fuelled the growth of Indian hotel industry.

    Explosive economic growth in India ignites unquenchable demand for hotel rooms. With huge

    investments flowing into India for the development of infrastructure such as roads, highways,

    airports and convention centers, interest in hotel developments is hitting new highs as tourism,

    business and travel are on the rise.

    The booming tourism industry has had a cascading effect on the hospitality sector with an

    increase in the occupancy ratios and average room rates. And with the continuing surge in

    demand, many global hospitality majors have evinced a keen interest in the Indian hospitality

    sector. It is estimated that India is likely to have around 40 international hotel brands by 2011.

    Organization Culture is based on 7 Dimensions:




    Organizational Clarity

    Warmth and Support


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    Features of Udaivilas Hotel

    Well-disciplined employees.

    Sports and cultural evenings for employees.

    Excellence hospitality.

    People are highly co-operative and communicative.

    People work with team spirit.

    Rewards and punishments are considered part of game.

    Every new day is learning experience for people over there.

    Nepotism and favoritism does not exist.

    Positive approach.

    Hierarchy is not a hurdle in the personal relationships.

    People work on the principle of equality and justicee.g. food is common for

    each level employee (whether junior or senior).

    Friendly atmosphere for new entrants.

    Workers suggestions are welcomed.

    Training program is conducted.

    Workers problems are given a hearing and they are tried to be resolved.

    Consumer satisfaction is the motto of the organization.

    Supportive to the employees.Event management is given importance.


    Orientation and induction.

    Job rotation.

    Get together.

    Sport and cultural evening for employees.

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    The Oberoi Udaivilas Udaipur has been rated as the best city in the world by Travel + Leisure, USA in the 2009

    Readers' Poll.

    Udaipur, in the heart of Rajasthan, is a city of majestic palaces and beautiful lakes. Here,

    adorning the banks of Lake Pichola and standing witness to the historic City Palace, The

    Oberoi Udaivilas captures all the romance and splendour of a royal era.

    Conceived as a traditional Indian palace, The Oberoi Udaivilas showcases the rich heritage of

    the Mewar region of Rajasthan with its rambling courtyards, gentle rippling fountains, reflecting

    pools and verdant gardens. Grand architecture inspired by the palaces of Rajasthan present a

    picture of majesty resplendent with pavilions and domes that lead you to a journey of

    discovery. Interiors embellished with decorative domes, hand painted frescoes, intricate mirror

    work and beautifully

    An enchanting boat ride across Lake Pichola transports you to the ceremonial welcome that

    awaits you at resort. Rooms with terraces that open on to semi-private swimming poolspresent exquisite views and are a unique feature of Udaivilas. Magnificently decorated suites

    with private swimming pools and outdoor dining pavilions are exclusive retreats.

    Fine international cuisine, authentic flavours of Rajasthan or a quiet drink are all presented

    with views of the City Palace and Lake Pichola.

    The luxurious spa with its own swimming pool overlooks the lake and is a haven of serenity.

    Trained therapists pamper body and soul with rejuvenating treatments. The resort also offersthe opportunity to undertake private Yoga, meditations and Pranayam sessions with the

    resident Yoga teacher or explore the city steeped in the romance of the oldest living dynasty in

    the world.

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    At The Oberoi Udaivilas, the magnificent setting combines with royal service to make your

    holiday a journey into the romance and grandeur of another century. This resort offers an

    experience created exclusively for those who know there is nothing like too much luxury


    About organization culture and wages and compensation Policy

    Every organization has some accepted culture that defines standard of acceptable and

    unacceptable behavior of its employees. The employees realize this culture in due

    course of time and they realize the likes and dislikes of organization, role of conduct,

    discipline and importance of honesty and integrity in the organization. The employees

    get acquainted with the culture of their organization that conveys the values, theorganization holds dearest. Members of work groups have to accept these standards

    implied in the organizational culture. If they are to remain in the employment they

    have to shape their behavior to suit the requirement of the organization.

    We are more concerned with the smooth and prosperous working of organization and

    motivating the employees to march towards this good. We have to deal with group of

    peoples as well as individuals. They come from the different sections of the society.

    They have different social and family backgrounds and different cultures. However all

    organizations have common as well as separate sets of rules and regulations to be

    followed by their workers and managements.

    The organizational culture has two essential qualities. Firstly it is learned and secondly

    it is shared. Culture determines how members of the organization should think and

    feel. It directs their actions and defines their outlook. The norms which direct action are

    not merely isolated standards for behavior, they are integrated and patterned by the

    values and beliefs provided by the organization.

    There appear to be seven characteristics that when mixed and matched, tap the

    essence of an organizations culture.

    1. Individual autonomy: The degree of responsibility, independence and opportunity

    for exercising initiative that individuals in the organization have.

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    2. Structure: The degree of rules and regulations and the amount of direct

    supervision that is used to control employee behavior.

    3. Support: The degree of assistance and warmth provided by managers to their


    4. Identity: The degree to which members identify with the organization as a whole

    rather than with their particular work group or field of professional experience.

    5. Performance reward: The degree of which reward allocations in the

    organizational (i.e. salary increase, promotions) are based on employee

    performance criteria.

    6. Conflict tolerance: The degree of conflict present in relationship between peers and

    workgroups as well as the willingness to be honest and open about differences.

    7. Risk tolerance: The degree to which employees are encouraged to be aggressive,innovative and risk seeking.

    By appraising the organization on these seven characteristics, then a composite

    picture of the organizations culture is formed. This picture becomes the basis for

    feelings of shared understanding that members have about the organization, how things

    are done in it and the way members are supposed to behave.


    Culture performs number of functions within an organization:

    It creates distinctions between one organization and others.

    It conveys a sense of identity for organization members.

    Culture facilitates the generation of commitment to something larger than ones

    individual self-interest.

    It enhances social system stability.

    It is the social glue that helps to hold the organization together by providing

    appropriate standards for what employees should say & do.

    Culture guide and shapes the attitude and behavior of employees.

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    1 2

    The last function is that it defines the rules of the game-rules that govern the

    day-to-day behavior in the work place.

    Culture is a liability where the shared values are not in agreement with those that

    will further the organizations effectiveness.


    Wages of labor are determined by the cost of subsistence. Remuneration paid to

    workers, engaged by the day, week, fortnight or month is usually referred to as

    wages. The term wages includes any non-pecuniary benefits attached to money

    payment. From the point of view of industry, wages constitute that share of the total

    cost of production, which can be attributed to labour. For the worker, however, wages

    constitute the income by which he lives. Man does work for his bread though he does

    not live by bread alone. Since the standard of living of the worker & his family

    depends upon the wages he earns, he is rightly concerned about them. His attitude

    towards his employers will usually be determined by the extent to which he is satisfied

    with the wages he is getting though that is not the sole factor in a workers



    Bargaining capacity

    Cost of living

    Condition of product market

    State regulation

    Major components of Indian wage packet

    The monthly wage packet of an industrial worker in India consists of 4 principalelements, viz.,

    Basic wage,

    Dearness allowance,

    Annual statuary bonus, and

    Incentive bonus

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    3.1 Title of Study:

    The study of H.R.Systems at Oberoi Udaivilas.


    With the rapidly changing socio-economic environment & the trend towards

    globalization of business & industries, effective management of human resources has

    become very challenging job. There is no denying the fact that human element is at

    the center stage in all-economic activities. Modern management has been increasingly

    aware of the fact that human factor is the most important of all factor of production

    and that creates the organization culture.

    Many managers would agree that the effectiveness of their organization would agree

    that the effectiveness of their organization would at least be doubled if they could

    discover how to tap the unrealized potential presents in their human resources.

    Every manager is expected to instruct & guide the workforce, influence their behavior

    & motivate them to contribute maximum towards the organizational objectives.

    Thus, the organizational culture depends on the efficiency of its employees. While

    every other resource such as material, machine& even finance can be bought if one

    pays the right price, the only resource that cannot be bought are motivated human

    resources.Motivated people have to be developed and nurtured be developed and

    nurtured by the managerial competence. It is through systematic & effective human

    resource development system that ordinary people can be converted into extra

    ordinary performance.In general any human resource development program must

    enable the companies people to acquire & sharpen their capabilities to perform well on

    their respective jobs, develop an organizational culture of team spirit, cordial

    relationship & human values of management and its people. From this view of point,

    HRD enables an executive to gain a job that provides variety and challenges to ones

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    1 4

    ability and competence, opportunities to learn and develop skill, social support and

    recognition at work place, opportunities to relate what an individual performs and

    produce to his social life and feelings that work would lead to a desirable future.

    Hence a well-planned HRD system is an important part in creating an organizational

    culture.Human resource development in the organizational context is a process, by

    which the employees of an organization are helped, in continuous, planned way to:

    Acquire or sharpen capabilities required to perform various functions associated with

    their present or expected future roles.

    Develop their general capabilities as individuals & discover & exploit their own inner

    potential for their own & organizational development purpose.

    Develop an organizational culture in which supervisor, subordinate relationship,

    teamwork & collaboration among subordinates.Units are strong & contribute to the professional well -being, motivation & pride of


    3.2 Duration of Project:

    2 Months.

    3.3 Objective of Study:The main objective of study was to analyse and learn about the different H.R Systems and

    practices undertaken by Oberoi group of hotels.



    y To find out the roles played by HRD systems &their working in the organization.

    SECONDARY:y To find out the kind of culture developed between top management & middle


    y To know how far HRD has developed an effective communication system.

    y To find out the employees perception of training &development program & impact of

    these programs on employees as well as organization.

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    1 5

    y To know the views of employees about HRD philosophy

    3.4 Types of Research:

    The type of research design used for this project is Exploratory as it intends to find out insights

    into the chosen topic. It also facilitates to expand the knowledge frontiers.


    The research was carried out at Udaivilas hotel, Udaipur. The total strength of organization

    divided in two groups i.e. Executives & staff persons.

    3.5 Sample size:

    60% employees means 246 in numbers of the total employees (from all units of

    Udaipur) selected from the population as sample.

    Sampling technique

    The sampling technique used is stratified Purposive & convenience sampling method.

    Stratas were made of different departments of organization and respondents were

    purposely chosen as per the convenience of the Researcher.

    3.6 Scope of Study:

    The scope of H.R.Systems is very wide,though the study was restricted to only single

    organization,i have incorporated all the information procured from the Udaivilas which gives an

    insight about the various practices and systems of H.R undertaken at the Udaivilas.The

    demand for young and talented people has increased to the greater extent. The scope of HR is

    great because of existence of many new HR related demands such as advanced Performance

    appraisal systems, Human Resource Information System, job satisfaction, employeeinvolvement, corporate governance etc.

    3.7 Limitations of Study:

    Will have to rely on the collected data.

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    1 6

    Some employees might not express their feelings freely because they might

    think this may have effect on their impression/ position.

    It is assumed that samples selected will truly represent the population/


    The present study is severely handicapped by the low number of respondents

    on the given measures; future investigation may be taken up on large sample

    for organizational culture.

    The sample was chosen based on convenience & availability of employees.

    Results of study are recorded only as observation because of limited sample


    Will have to rely on the collected data.

    Some employees might not express their feelings freely because they mightthink this may have effect on their impression/ position.

    It is assumed that samples selected will truly represent the population/


    Sources of Data Collection

    1. Data Collection

    The data for this project was collected from the following sources:



    The basic means of collecting primary data are communication and questionnaires.\

    The secondary data is the data which is not being collected for the first time.

    (a) Primary Data:

    A questionnaire cum interview was used to collect data on organizational culture

    at UDAIVILAS Udaipur which was developed. It was based on the seven dimensions of

    the organizational culture viz.

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    1 7

    Conformity(feeling that there are many externally imposed constraints in the


    Responsibility (emphasis given on personal responsibility in the organization)

    Standards(emphasis which the organization places on equality performance)

    Rewards (the degree to which members feel that they are being recognized and

    rewarded for good work.)

    Organizational clarity (the feeling among members that things are well organized

    and that goals are clearly defined).

    Warmth and support


    Due to time and linguistic constraint of the respondents, the questionnaire was

    administered individually and instructions which were very simple were conveyed to thesubjects verbally with the assurance that their names and their information given by

    them would be completely anonymous.

    This was particularly needed as the study was restricted to only one particular

    organization and there was always apprehension of the responses being leaked to the

    top management, hence it was necessary to give personal touch for the data


    (b) Secondary Data

    Secondary data have been collected from various records available in the HR dept.

    some books, reports and other sources like internet etc. relating to HR dept.


    The responses were tabulated and analyzed item wise.

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    1 8


    ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATIONWhile analyzing the personal information of the respondent the following fact are found:

    Age group

    It was found that majority of the respondent ie. 70 % Belongs to age group of 25 to 35

    and above whereas only 30 %are of age group above 35 years.

    Marital Status

    It was found that 100 respondent were married.


    Manpower planning is the process including forecasting, developing and controlling by

    which a firm knows that it has the right number of people and the right kind of

    people at the right place at the right time doing work for which they are economically

    most useful. Thus

    Manpower planning aims at ascertaining the manpower needs of the organization

    both in number and kind.

    It presents an inventory of existing manpower of the organization. Analysis of

    the inventory of manpower helps in ascertaining the status of the available

    person and to discover untapped talent presently available with both the


    It helps in projecting future manpower needs. It helps in determining the shortfall

    or surplus of manpower by comparing the total manpower needs of the present

    supply of manpower.

    It is concerned with the initiation of various organi9zational programs depending

    upon the demand and supply of human resources. if the future need exceed

    presently available talent, this gap becomes the basis for the program of

    recruitment and training and if the presently available talent exceeds the future

    need the difference may become the basis for a program of retirements,

    discharge etc.

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    1 9

    Effective manpower planning must encompass the acquisition, utilization,

    improvement, and preservation of the organizations human resources.

    Needs and Significance of manpower planning

    Manpower helps in the selection and developmental activities as it ensures the

    adequate are selected well in advance so that there may be developed for

    anticipated openings. This would ensure growth of the organization.

    Manpower helps in procuring personal with the necessary qualification, skills,

    knowledge, work experience and aptitude for work.

    It helps in formulating managerial succession plans as a part of replacement

    planning process. It provides enough opportunity for identifying and developing

    managers to move up the corporate ladder.

    It may also help in identifying areas of surplus personnel. If there is surplus

    manpower in a dept it can be redeployed by transfer to other departments.

    It enables through performance appraisal identification of the gates of the

    existing manpower sol that corrected training could be provided. Thus training

    programs becomes more effective.

    Steps in manpower planning

    (a) Analyzing current skill inventory

    (b) Analyzing factors that will ask for more manpower.

    (c) Drawing up an employment plan for a period of 5 years or so on.

    (d) Designing training and development programs.

    Q uantitative aspects of manpower planning

    The quantitative aspects of manpower planning consist of six interrelated areas of


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    a) Demand Forecasting

    Estimating future manpower needs by reference to corporate and functional plans

    and forecast of future activity levels.

    b) Supply Forecasting

    Estimating the supply of manpower by reference to analysis to current resources

    and future availability after allowing fore wastage.

    c) Determining manpower requirements

    Analyzing the demand and supply forecast to identify future deficits or surplus.

    d) Productivity and cost analysis

    Analyzing manpower productivity, capacity utilization and cost and order to

    identify the needs to improvements in productivity or reduction in cost.

    e) Action planningpreparing plans to deal with forecast deficits or surplus of manpower to improve

    utilization and productivity to reduce manpower cost.

    f) Manpower budgeting and control

    Setting manpower budget and standards and monitoring the implantation of

    manpower plans against them. Demand forecast are estimates of future

    requirement and these can only be prepared on the basis of assumptions about

    the productivity of employees but the supply forecast will also have to consider

    productivity trends.

    Q ualitative aspects of manpower planning

    It is necessary to determine the precise nature of the job in terms of the functions,

    duties and responsibilities. This determination of the nature of the job would help

    determining the minimum acceptable qualities on the art of person required for

    adequate performance of the job in question. This aspect is referred to as the

    qualitative aspect of manpower planning. The phenomenon of determining the nature of

    the job together with the minimum acceptable qualities on the part of personal required

    for adequate performance of the job is termed as job analysis.

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    2 1

    Table no.1

    I-Career System

    Manpower Planning

    The following table shows about the manpower planning according to the views of



    1= Not at all true.

    2=Somewhat true

    3=Mostly true

    4=No response

    S. No. ResponseScale

    Total1 2 3 4

    1 Your department plans for manpower requirement 8.33 18.06 70.83 2.78 100%

    2Planning is done according tothe changing needs in your organization

    6.94 26.39 63.89 2.78 100%


    Your dept takes into account

    planning for qualitative &quantitative requirements

    8.33 31.94 59.73 0 100%

    4Plans are made according to theperformance & results of employee

    22.22 58.33 19.45 0 100%

    5Your department plans for increasing productivity andefficiency of employees

    52.78 33.33 13.89 0 100%

    Mean percentage 19.72 33.61 45.56 1.11 100%

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    The above graph shows the responses of the participants towards Manpower planning of the

    hotel. The data states that 19.72% people point that the hotel has no planning or very poor

    planning, 33.61% say that it is average while 45.56 % respondents find it effective.












    1 2 3 4 5





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    2 3


    According to Rogger H.Hawk, the purpose of a recruitment function are primarily

    straight forward, to seek out, to evaluate, obtain commitment from, place and orient

    the employees to fill positions, required for the successful conduct of the work of an


    Sources of Recruitment

    Employment exchange/agencies


    Campus recruitment


    Professional associationWord of month

    Casual applications

    Recommendation of existing employees

    Labour contractors


    Screening is a process of reducing the number of applicants to a few who have better

    chances of selection than those screened out. Screening is generally done on two


    Eligibility & Suitability.

    Methods of screening:-

    Preliminary application

    Tests of The-selection

    Screening interviews


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    The selection process leads to a creation of a contractual; relation between the

    employer and the employee. It involves steps leading to employment of persons who

    possess the ability and qualification to perform the jobs, which have fallen vacant in

    the organization. It divides the candidates for employment and those who will not be.

    This process could be called rejection since more candidates can be turned away than

    hired. That is why, selection is frequently described as a negative process in contrast

    with positive nature of recruitment.

    TABLE NO. 2

    Potential Appraisal and Promotion

    The table below shows the opinion of respondents about potential appraisal and promotions.

    S. No. Response Scale Total1 2 3 4


    Promotions done on the

    basis of your potential andperformance.

    9.56 35.95 47.83 6.66 100


    You are guided andmotivated by senior personsabout your potentialities &thus helping you in going tohigher levels.

    68.70 18.70 12.6 0.00 100

    3Your department follows asound and fair promotionpolicy

    13.91 33.92 47.82 4.35 100


    Periodic assessment of

    potential of employees isdone in your department

    44.44 19.45 36.11 0.00 100

    5Your department plans for increasing productivity andefficiency of employees

    23.61 58.33 18.06 0.00 100

    6Promotions in your departments are fair and inaccordance with promotion

    74.70 13.89 10.18 1.23 100

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    Mean Percentage 39.15 30.04 28.77 2.04 100

    Potential Appraisal & Promotion:

    Human resource planning takes into consideration existing human resources, theprobability and the possibility of their development. In this process, crucial promotion

    decisions have to be made. To take these decisions & ensure a healthy climate in the

    organization, a potential appraisal system becomes necessary.

    Some organizations follow promotion policies based on seniority & merit. Promotion

    policy that reorganizes only seniority is probably not a healthy practice. Seniority need

    not always be an indicator of competence to handle high level jobs. Some

    organizations have promotion policies that encourage merit or competence. The mainproblem arises in defining Merit. These organization identify merit by using

    performance appraisal ratings. Unfortunately performance appraisals at the most are

    indicators of how well the employee has performed in the past job & need not

    indicate his merit for performing future tasks in promoted roles.







    1 2 3 4 5 6





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    It is because of these inadequacies a potential appraisal is thought of. The objective

    of potential appraisal is to find out the potential of a given employee to occupy a

    higher position in organizational hierarchies & undertake higher responsibilities. A good

    potential appraisal system attempts to generate data about employees & helps the top

    management to make decisions about the suitable persons for a given job.

    Since the organization also has the responsibility for developing the managerial talent,

    a good potential appraisal system also helps the management in identifying employees

    who although at that point of time, may not have the capability of handling higher

    jobs, but those whose capabilities could be developed through job rotation, training etc.

    Steps to be followed for a good potential appraisal system:-

    The following are some steps:-

    Role description

    A good potential appraisal system would be based on clarity of roles & functions

    associated with the different roles in an organization. This requires extensive job

    descriptions to be made available for each job. These would spell out the various

    functions involved in performing the job.

    Q ualities required to perform these roles:-

    Besides job description, it is necessary to have a detailed list of qualities required to

    perform each of these functions:

    a) Technical knowledge & skills

    b) Managerial capabilities & qualities

    c) Behavioral capabilities

    d) Conceptual capabilities

    Indicator of quality:-

    A good potential appraisal system should judge these qualities by some mechanisms

    such as-

    a) Rating by others

    b) Psychological tests

    c) Simulation games and exercises

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    d) Potential appraisal records

    Organizing the system:-

    Once the functions, the qualities required to perform these functions, indicator of these

    qualities & mechanisms for generating these indicators are clear, the organization is in

    a sound position to establish & operate potential appraisal system. Such establishment

    requires clarity in organizational policies & systemization of its efforts.

    Feedback on potential appraisal for career development:-

    A good potential appraisal system should provide an opportunity for every employee to

    know the result of this assessment. He should be able to understand the qualities

    actually required for performing the role for which he thinks he has the potential, themechanisms used by the organization to appraise hi8s potential & the result of such

    an appraisal.

    Potential appraisal & promotion system at UDAIVILAS department, Udaipur

    The company appraises the potential of its employee by describing the responsibilities

    for employees, their roles. The company gives job description for everyone in detail.

    The company follows their fair promotional policies. Promotions are based o seniority &

    merit. It encourages the employees for going to higher level position.

    TABLE NO. 3

    Career Planning and Development

    The table below shows the opinion of respondents about Career Planning and Development.

    S. No. ResponseScale

    Total1 2 3 4

  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report




    In your organization information

    regarding career & opportunities are

    made available to you.

    48.61 22.22 29.17 0.00 100

    2Major changes are discusses at alllevels to increase employee's

    understanding and commitment.

    62.50 19.45 6.94 11.11 100


    Your organization follows such schemes

    in which capabilities of employees could

    be enhanced & thus helping in his

    career development.

    43.06 37.50 11.11 8.33 100


    Managers & supervisors transmit

    information to their subordinates about

    the growth plan of their company

    18.05 19.45 62.50 0.00 100

    Mean Percentage 43.06 24.65 27.43 4.86 100

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    TABLE NO. 4

    II W ork Planning:

    Performance appraisal system:

    S. No. ResponseScale

    Total1 2 3 4


    There is a performance appraisal

    system to review the performance of

    each individual staff member.

    15.28 11.11 73.61 0.00 100


    In your organization a written

    assessment in which contribution of

    each employee towards achieving

    0.00 2.78 97.22 0.00 100











    1 2 3 4





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    organizational objectives are



    Senior persons understand the

    difficulties of their subordinates &

    help to overcome these difficulties.

    13.89 11.11 75.00 0.00 100


    An interview between the manager

    and subordinates is carried out in

    which subordinate's strengths &

    weaknesses are discussed.

    11.11 18.06 69.44 1.39 100

    5Performance appraisal is linked to

    developmental activities.75.00 12.50 12.50 0.00 100


    Performance appraisals help

    subordinates to acquire new


    15.28 11.11 73.61 0.00 100

    Mean Percentage 21.76 11.11 66.90 0.23 100







    1 2 3 4 5 6





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    Work Planning:

    Performance Appraisal System

    Performance appraisal is an indispensable aspect of human resource development,

    which enables the management to understand where their people stand, what is

    expected of them, what they actually do, where they lack, how they can be updated

    and so on.

    As a part of appraisal many companies follow a confidential reporting system. The

    confidential information and the remarks of the reporting and the reviewing officers are

    kept secret. Such confidential reports are not communicated to the concerned

    individual, but used as the basis for decisions concerning them. This is not a policy

    conductive to the HRD policy.

    Appraisal system must, on the contrary, be in built as a sub system of the wholeHRD system. Appraisal must be communicated normal aspect of human resources

    management and appraisal interviews must be held at regular intervals, not to find

    faults of the employees, but to understand the strengths, weaknesses, need for further

    development, potentials, performance, contribution to the organizational goals,

    capabilities, organizational commitment, knowledge levels, expectations, aspirations,

    drawbacks, needs a human being, abilities and so on. Both positive and negative

    aspects concerning each individual must be communicated to the respective person

    confidentially and the individuals weaknesses and drawbacks must never be given


    Programs must be planned for developing every individual in terms of his capabilities,

    updating technical, human and behavioral capabilities, overcoming weakness, improving

    productivity of his strengths and so on. It is the appraisals that determine the worth of

    every employee. One who is capable to take up challenges and responsibilities can be

    given greater responsibility. One who has the potentials to accept challenges and

    responsibilities can be trained to be effective. Thus, effective delegations must be

    based on proper appraisal.

    A general weakness of the appraisal practices in many organizations is that subordinate

    is evaluated by his superior by virtue of his position, though he does not possess the

    necessary capabilities and expertise for the same. There is possibility for bias in such

    appraisals. Hence, an appraisal system, consisting of the appraisal by the immediate

  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report


    3 2

    boss on the one hand and a periodical appraisal by an expert appraisers group

    established for the specific purpose of conducting evolution and appraisal on the other

    would be more effective. The ability of an employee to accomplish the targets must be

    given priority and evaluation, though other resources are not unimportant.

    Similarly, any adverse entry in an individuals appraisal record must be neutralized

    when the individual improves himself through training and further behaviors, attitudes

    and actions.

    This motivates every individual to improve himself and he gets an opportunity to

    improve and make behavior modification. Every appraisal system must include a

    potential appraisal too, so that the organization can identify talents for tomorrows

    operations today. Appraisal must be followed by appropriate compensation and reward


    Performance Appraisal at UDAIVILAS, Udaipur

    The company follows the good performance appraisal system. The reporting officer who

    is the immediate superior assesses the performance of a person, evaluates his past

    performance and gives rating for such performance. Then the evaluation form is

    forwarded to the reviewing officer who is the head of department. All forms after

    completion of the review are forwarded to a review committee consisting of one

    representative from HR department & two technical experts. Then discussions are held

    on his success or failure.

    TABLE NO. 5

    IIIDevelopment System:


    The table below shows the opinion of respondents about training.

    S. No. ResponseScale

    Total1 2 3 4

  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report




    Employees generally are trained on

    the job or through special in house

    training program.

    6.94 11.11 80.56 1.39 100


    Out training may be utilized in your

    organization to enhance, update or

    develop specific skills.

    44.44 27.78 27.78 0.00 100


    Induction training may be given

    adequate weightage in your


    6.94 20.84 72.22. 0.00 100


    HRD department follows plans,

    definite policies & programs

    regarding training.

    18.06 30.56 51.38 0.00 100


    Managerial level person takes

    interest in the training & induction

    programs & also devote their time for


    25.00 22.22 48.61 4.17 100


    In your organization training

    programs are in accordance with

    changing needs of the organization.

    6.94 11.11 80.56 1.39 100

    Mean Percentage 18.05 20.60 60.19 1.16 100

  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report


    3 4


    Training is useful not only to the organization, but also to the workers. The workers may derive

    following benefits from training:

    Increased Skills & Knowledge

    High Productivity

    Opportunity for Promotion

    High Morale

    Less Accident

    Essentials Of good Training: -

    An effective training Programme should possess the following characteristics:











    1 2 3 4 5 6





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    3 5

    Training programme should be checked out after identifying the training needs or goals.

    It should have relevance to the job requirements.

    An effective training programme should be flexible. It should make due allowance for

    the difference among the individuals in regard to ability, aptitude, learning capacity,

    emotions etc.

    A good training programme should prepare the trainees mentally before they are

    imparted any job knowledge o skill.

    Well- qualified and experienced trainers should conduct an effective training


    An effective programme should emphasize both theory & practice. It should help in

    acquiring knowledge and its application.An Effective training programme should have the top managements support. The top

    management can greatly influence the quality of training in the orgaization by the

    policies it adopts and the extent to which support the training programme.

    An effective training programme should be supported by a system of critical appraisal of

    the outcome of the training efforts.

    TABLE NO. 6

    Self-Renewal System:

    The table below shows the opinion of respondents regarding the Role efficiency.

    Please assess your importance or your role in the organization according to the following-


    No. ResponseScale

    Total1 2 3 4

    1Your suggestion in tackling with

    problems is considered.73.61 18.06 6.94 1.39 100

    2 Experimenting new things, programs. 18.06 15.28 63.88 2.78 100

  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report


    3 6

    3Giving guidance to subordinates &

    others.0.00 88.89 11.11 0.00 100

    4 Freedom to take decision. 62.50 33.33 4.17 0.00 100

    5 Acquiring skills and knowledge. 13.89 48.61 36.11 1.39 100

    Mean Percentage 33.61 40.83 24.45 1.11 100












    1 2 3 4 5





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  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report


    3 8

    TABLE NO. 8

    HRD Climate (2)

    The table below shows the opinion of respondents regarding relationship, training, HRD

    climate as whole.

    S. No. ResponseScale

    Total1 2 3 4

    1You have cordial relationship with your

    boss.0.00 4.16 95.84 0.00 100


    There are mechanisms in this

    organization to reward any good work

    done or any contribution made by


    48.61 33.33 18.06 0.00 100







    1 2 3 4 5





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    3 9


    Employees are sponsored for training

    programs on the basis of genuine

    training needs.

    6.95 18.05 75.00 0.00 100


    Employees are encouraged to take

    initiative and do things on their own

    without having to wait for instructional

    from supervisors.

    81.95 13.89 4.16 0.00 100


    When behavior feedback is given to

    employees they take it seriously & use

    it for development.

    6.95 15.27 77.78 0.00 100

    6Team spirit is of high order in this

    organization.8.33 26.39 62.50 2.78 100

    Mean Percentage 25.47 18.51 55.56 .46 100












    1 2 3 4 5 6





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    4 0

    HRD Climate:








    Organization become dynamic and growth oriented if their people are dynamic

    and proactive. Every organization can do a lot to make their people become dynamicand proactive through proper selection of such people and nurturing theyre dynamism

    and other competencies. Organizations cannot survive beyond a point unless they are

    continuously alert to the changing environment and continuously prepare their

    employees to meet the challenges and have an impact on the environment.

    Thus HRD is an essential process for organizational survival & growth.An optimal

    level of Developmental climate is essential for facilitating HRD. Such a developmental

    climate can be characterized as consisting of following tendencies on the part of


    Supportive HRD practices including performance appraisal, training, reward

    management, potential development and career planning.

    A general climate of trust.

    Team spirit.

    Supportive personnel policies

    A tendency on the part of employees to be generally helpful to each other &

    collaborate with each other.

    Faith in the capabilities of employees to change & acquire new competencies at

    any stage of life.

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  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report



    Rewards and Recognition:

    By the term reward, we mean recompense in return to a specific service

    rendered by a person to the organization. It is a reward or a return in addition to

    wages, allowances, remuneration, and bonus etc. that are considered to be a part of


    Any valuable contribution, suggestion, behavior, skills, achievement, service

    innovation, invention, capability etc. deserve recognition, appreciation. Certificates of

    appreciation, advance increment, promotion and so on can be used as rewards to

    motivate employees to make extra ordinary contribution to organization. Awards &

    rewards not only recognized & motivate people but also communicate organizations

    values to its people. They also convince the members of the organization about their

    worth & values in their organization & hence they will make greater efforts to achievethem. Acquisition of positive attitude and skills etc. must be specially rewarded and

    recognized. Sufficient publicity and media coverage may also be given for such


    A reward system may consist of giving merit certificates, increments, cash

    awards, recognition, promotion, outside tour programs, foreign travels etc. in accordance

    with the importance of the contribution. Due recognition and publicity must also be

    given for such awards. Their names and photographs can be published in the

    companys house journal and in extra ordinary cases even in the national newspaper.

    Once or twice a year public meeting may be arranged in which the awards can be


    TABLE NO 10


    The table shows the views of respondents about communication system in the organization.

    S. Response Scale Total

  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report


    4 3

    No. 1 2 3 4

    1In your organization a sound and good

    communication system exists.4.17 22.22 73.61 0.00 100


    You and your department receive timely

    and precise information so that effective

    planning could be done.

    12.50 26.38 61.12 0.00 100

    3Inter departmental communication is a

    feature of your communication system.2.33 26.78 70.89 0.00 100

    4The communication system change with

    the needs and technology.0.00 17.89 82.11 0.00 100


    Communication between managers,

    assistant managers & their subordinates

    is free & they mutually exchange their


    12.50 26.38 61.12 0.00 100

    Mean Percentage 6.30 23.93 69.77 0.00 100












    1 2 3 4 5





  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report




    Communication facilitates exchanges of information and perception. According to

    Vardman and Halterman, By communication we mean the flow of material information,

    perception and understanding between various parts and members of an organization,

    all the channels, networks and system of communication, up, down, lateral, speaking

    writing, listening, reading, methods, media, modes, channels, network, flow,

    interpersonal, intra organizational and inter organizational.

    Communication contains all interpersonal, inter-organizational, intra-organizational, mutual,

    vertical and horizontal information passing and interaction.The management decisions

    are always based on knowledge, information, intelligence and data. Infect effective

    management worked by many factors: comprehension, experience, insight, perception

    as well as substantial talent for communication. It is the most essential link betweenmeans and ends, which are of great concern to management.

    TABLE NO. 11


    The table below shows the opinion of respondents about W AGES AND COMPENSIATION


    S. No. ResponseScale

    Total1 2 3 4

    1There is a biased system in your

    organization while paying wages.100 0.00 0.00 0.00 100

    2This system in your organization

    promotes.80.56 6.94 1.39 11.11 100

    3 Wages policy is fair in your organization.

    2.78 1.39 84.72 11.11 100


    Performance analysis is done for

    self-review and reflection in your

    organization and according that

    wages increases.

    19.44 19.44 59.73 1.39 100

  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report




    There are regular performance

    review discussions in your

    organization and that affects at the

    time of retirement.

    47.22 26.39 22.22 4.17 100

    Mean Percentage 50.00 10.83 33.61 5.56 100


    In every society, there is waste in the form of unemployed and underemployed resources and

    resources used in nonessential consumption. We may point out that to the extent to which

    direct utilization of surplus manpower for increasing the supply of wage-goods or for capital

    formation is possible, the conflict between various

    Objectives of wage policy will be reduced.

    Wage policy in an underdeveloped or developing economy have been summarized as








    1 2 3 4 5





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    To abolish malpractices and abuses in wage payment.

    To set minimum wages for workers whose bargaining position is weak because they are

    either un-organized or inefficiently organized, accompanied by separate measures to

    promote the growth of trade unions and collective bargaining.

    To obtain for the workers a just share in the fruits of economic development,

    supplemented by appropriate measures to keep the works expenditure on consumption

    goods in step with available supplies so as to minimize inflationary pressure.

    To bring about a more efficient allocation and utilization of manpower through wage

    differentials and appropriate systems of payments by results.


    According to wage employees are divided in three categories. Which are as follows:1. Pay roll employees

    2. Contract employees

    3. Retainers.

  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report




    S W OT


    y The group has enormous power and strength which makes it best and competitive

    somewhere, some of these are as follows

    y Its brand equity.

    y Its location. The hotel is covered with lake Pichola from three sides which gives a

    better view

    y Its effective and efficient management techniques and staff.

    y Tourist coming from abroad is much fascinated towards the Indian Heritage rather than modern building, and Udaivilas here is providing a perfect blend of Indian

    heritage and modern amenities.

    W eakness

    y Udaivilas being such a big name, has lot of advantages but every big organisations

    faces some odds and so does Udaivilas. Some of its weaknesses are


    Its huge competitors like Leela Kempenski, Shivniwas, Lake Palace are alsoproviding same facilities and thus it becomes the weakness of Udaivilas.

    y They need a lot of Investment.


    y The group is poised strategically to take advantage of the following situation

    y In the backdrop of health economy having its positive fallouts on the tourism sector

    leading to rapid growths in the market in India, South Asia and the key gateway

    cities in source market destinations.

    y Rapid expansion in both International and domestic destination, with top of the line

    luxury, Leisure and Business property.

    y Extending the product portfolio into related offerings viz. luxury residencies, wildlife

    lodges and health spas.

  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report




    y The threats identified are mainly related to the markets in which the group operates

    and general factors related to tourism Industry. Significant among these are:

    y Growing presence of international hospitality chains competing in the luxury and

    business segment, to meet excess demand situation.

    y Appreciating Indian rupee viz- a-viz the US dollar, resulting in lower realisation on

    foreign exchange earnings.

    y Slowdown of international demand resulting in reduction in revenues

  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report




    CONCLUSIONThe following conclusions have been drawn from the data collected from the

    UDAIVILAS Hotel by interpreting the systematically arranged data.


    0 - 40 % Not Effective

    40 - 60 % Less Effective

    60 - 70% Generally Effective

    70 - 90% Mostly Effective90 - 100% Very much Effective


    Manpower Planning: - Mostly Effective, 79.17 %

    Recruitment: - Mostly Effective, 81.74 %

    Potential Appraisal and Promotion: - Less Effective, 58.81 %

    Career planning and Development: - Less Effective, 52.08%


    Performance Appraisal System: - Mostly Effective, 78.01lll:- DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM

    Training: - Mostly Effective, 80.79 %

    Performance Guidance and Development: - Not Effective, 28.05%

    Self Renewal System: - Generally Effective, 65.12%

    HRD Climate (1): - Mostly Effective, 87.22%

    HRD Climate (2): - Mostly Effective, 74.07%

    Rewards and Recognition: - Less Effective, 59.26%

    Communication: - Very Much Effective, 93.70

  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report


    5 0



    While going through the analysis of the questionnaire it was assessed that therole of HRD system in the organizations for organizational culture and wages &

    compensation policy is mostly effective, but some more attention is required on the

    following aspects to make the HRD system more effective.

    1. Top management people should become positive role models, setting the tone

    through their behavior.

    2. Creation of new stories, symbols and rituals to replace those currently in vogue.3. Selection, promote and support to employees who espouse the new values that

    are sought.

    4. Redesigning socialization processes to align with the new values.

    5. Changing the reward system to encourage acceptance of a new

    6. set of values.

    7. Replacing of unwritten norms with formed rules and regulations that are tightly


    8. Shake up current subcultures through transfer, job rotation and /or terminations.

    9. Working to get peer group consensus through utilization of employee participation

    and creation of a climate with a high level of trust.

    10. Job rotation should be given more importance because it increases the efficiency

    of employees and thus helps in their development.

    11. The company should provide more information regarding employees career and

    future opportunities.

    12. Major changes in planning and developmental activities should be discussedopenly with will categories of employees that will increase understanding and

    commitments towards the organization.

    13. Periodic orientation programmes should be conducted frequently to enhance

    employees capabilities.

  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report


    5 1

    14. More efforts should be made to utilize outside training in the organization to

    update, enhance or develop the specific skills amongst other employees in the

    related field.

    15. The company should introduce specific reward policy. Sometimes monetary

    rewards also increase the efficiency and productivity.

    16. For planning and organizing the training programmes and other related activities

    more suggestions and participation of the employees should be appreciated.

    17. The company should provide more on the job and off the job training to the

    employees of all categories.

    18. Regular performance review discussions should be done to give continuous

    feedback for improving the performance of employees.

    19. Potential of employees should be assessed periodically to know and utilize their capabilities for future tasks & responsibilities.

    20. The top management should communicate plans, policies and business goals to

    staff below that will result in building morale and trust of the employees towards

    the organization, and thus efficiency will result.

    21. More information regarding changes in companys plans, policies and changes in

    market trends, technology should be provided to the employees.

    22. HRD department should generate more awareness about its activities to make a

    positive climate.



  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report



    Q .1. Please rank accordingly the manpower planning process in your views?


    1= Not at all true.

    2=Somewhat true

    3=Mostly true

    4=No response



    Q .2. What is your opinion regarding potential appraisal and promotion policy in Udaivilas?

    S. No. Response Scale Total1 2 3 4

    S. No. ResponseScale

    Total1 2 3 4

    1 Your department plans for manpower requirement

    2Planning is done according tothe changing needs in your organization

    3Your dept takes into accountplanning for qualitative &quantitative requirements

    4Plans are made according to theperformance & results of employee

    5Your department plans for increasing productivity and

    efficiency of employees

  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report


    5 3

    1Promotions done on thebasis of your potential andperformance.


    You are guided andmotivated by senior persons

    about your potentialities &thus helping you in going tohigher levels.

    3Your department follows asound and fair promotionpolicy

    4Periodic assessment of potential of employees isdone in your department

    5Your department plans for increasing productivity and

    efficiency of employees


    Promotions in your departments are fair and inaccordance with promotionpolicy.


    Q .3 .What is your opinion regarding the training at Udaivilas?

    S. No. ResponseScale

    Total1 2 3 4

    1Employees generally are trained on

    the job or through special in house

  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report



    training program.


    Out training may be utilized in your

    organization to enhance, update or

    develop specific skills.


    Induction training may be given

    adequate weightage in your



    HRD department follows plans,

    definite policies & programs

    regarding training.


    Managerial level person takesinterest in the training & induction

    programs & also devote their time for



    In your organization training

    programs are in accordance with

    changing needs of the organization.


    Q .4 .What is your opinion regarding role efficiency in Udaivilas and the importance

    of your role in the organization?

    S. Response Scale Total

  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report



    No. 1 2 3 4

    1Your suggestion in tackling with

    problems is considered.

    2 Experimenting new things, programs.

    3Giving guidance to subordinates &


    4 Freedom to take decision.

    5 Acquiring skills and knowledge.


    Q .5 .What are your views regarding rewards and recognition, undertaken

    by the hotel?.




    1 2 3 4


    Innovation and capabilities are

    rewarded in order to encourage the


    2 Rewards are given to attainproductivity in your organization.


    Rewards are given to create a healthy

    atmosphere & developing a positive


  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report



    Q .6 .What are your views regarding the policies related to wage and compensation?

    S. No. ResponseScale

    Total1 2 3 4

    1There is a biased system in your

    organization while paying wages.

    2This system in your organization


    3Wages policy is fair in your



    Performance analysis is done for

    self-review and reflection in your

    organization and according that

    wages increases.


    There are regular performance

    review discussions in your

    organization and that affects at the

    time of retirement.


  • 8/8/2019 The Final Ssc Report





    Keith davis, Human behavior at work, Oxford Publishing House,New Delhi.

    Kothari C.R., Research Methodology, Wishwa Prakashan, New Delhi 2004

    Mamoria C.B., Personnel Management, Himalayas Publishing House, New Delhi

    Ashwattapa,Organizational behavior, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi


    Booklet of THE OBEROI HOTELS


    www.the oberoi