Page 44 r hnllsand. Tulsa entertained the two-week vacation in JIissouri. Mrs. A. D. Bivins, of Eonca City, Okla.. was a recent vlsltor in the superlntcndent's offlce. Mrs. Bivins was formerly Miss Alene Schall and was employed in' the superintendent's offlce. Miss Feirba Jean Justice, who left catlon the first half of June visl' friends and relatives in Oklaij~ Citv and Svrinrsfield. Dallas >I. Hower, car Carpenter. t been absent from duty for the I two weeks due to illness. Frank Zvhn and Bard L. ,\I -..- - .~~ bankers royally. The Barnsdall Oil Company gave a picnic for its employes in this district at Sand Springs Park recently. Sev- eral hundred were in attendance. It is reported that that company \\'ill give one at Scminole soon. After much hard work the Tulsa International. Special is going over big. Appror~mately 150 are making the trip. There have been several clianpes in the agcnt 1)ersonnel in this district recently I,. G. Denny going from Claremoi-e to Ada, C. W. A. Davis from Stroud to Claremore. C. N. Ellison from Clarcmore to Kieier. >I. M. Wal- ters to Chandler. and 4. R. AIcCans to nathv. locomotive ~ainterand b h last February to acccpt a ~)osition w~ththe Roxana Petroleum Company, at St. Louis. and Ray Danlel Goode were married reccntly at the home of Mr. Goode's hrother at Woodriver. 111. MI-. Goode is athletic illstructor at SIc,Kendree College at Lebanon where they will reside. sm~th. respectively, have been i turned to work after a lay OK of a' sir weeks. Their friends are gla! see then1 back on the job. Miss Ethel Stephens, comptorr opcretor in this office spent ueek-cnd of June 15 i i Henn visltlnc friends. She evhlentlv joyed her visit for slle returned'?' day morning all smiles. Henry J. Hill, formerly forems3 Okmulgee, has been retlred, due to 1 manent disability, and is nlakin~, home at Vinita. Okla. OFFICE SUPT. TERMINALS WEST TULSA, OKLA. Stroud. The bankers made a trip to Paw- nee Biil'n ranch antl enjoyed a buf- falo barbecue one day of their con- EDNA A. \VOODISN, Reporter The Sapulpa folk working at 1 ' Tulsa enjoyed a pleasant sup- when a new White Bus arrived I H. J. Dailey, yardmaster. and L. S. Kirkpatrick, yard clerk. have re- turned from the Oznrks where thev vention Miss ' Willle Lee Caglc and XisS Marjory O'Rrien were visitors in St. Louis recently \V. L. Pendieton has returned front his vacation spent on h ~ s farm. HI' says he had'glenty of everything ~ o o d that a farm has to eat. 13 to he used in tr~ns~ortine tl sur7r1 t several days fishing. Harry Wlgginx car tracer for thc Mid-Co"t1nent ~e'troleum Corporation. has returned to his duties after :I to and from work. It is a nice and does credit to the Frisco. Don B. Fellows, Frisco florist, r , E. W. Brown. eeneral foreman at 1- week's absence which he went in Kansas City. S. A. Crawford. yardmaster. is ab- point. many bulbs and sets of, ' kind of flowers. Everyone that nnv spnre time may be seen sp 111d glanting around the shop. I fall we should have some dz., flower beds. TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT OKLAHOMA CITY sent from his duties on account of illness. SIrs. G. G Ilarrison, who hds bectll ill. is reported much im~)rovetl. R. 13. Beatty. virrd clerk. is ill. Bernard Nulrenin, vard clerk. is ab- sent on account of illness. G. D. Smith, yard clerk, recently sn~nt a Pew days' vacatlon on \Vhitr W-~B. Gc~auah, car clerk. took : vacation the first week in June :. spent it a t Chaffee visitlng frirnrl Miss Emelia Kalt. Ale clerk. .: ride the trans to Monett in fuk Three times while drivin~ to YNI.I. the high water was on her heeh :<' VICTORIA WALKER Reportcr R. F. Hughes accompanied a partV fifty-four Chevrolet dealers to g$int. Nich.. and return, via St. Louis, river. J. R. Xeergaard. yard clerk. and family have returned from I!:lk Citv. where they visited Mr. Xeergaard's mother. J. T. Brant. swit.chman, and family. \-isiterl at Poteau recently. E. N. Hill, switchman. is I)ack on leaving here May 14. ;\I. \V. Dunkin. Memphis. Tenn.. was an office visitor May 29. Mr. Dunkill accom~anied a special car of Ward- Belmont students en route from Sash- ville. We enjoyed his visit. H. G. Snyder, traffic manager. ac- companied the Oklahoma City Cham- ber of Commerce Goodw~ll Tour Train. nIay 6 to 10. Dewey Hickos is sporting a Coat Of tan due to being on the golf Iink4. his first time this season. Since com- ing to Oklahoma City Prom 'I'ulsfl Dewey seems to think he has too mUCl1 work to do to flnd time to play golf. Mrs. L. W. Price recently returned from a visit to several eastern points. I . and Mrs. R. 0. Hopliins re- turned June 9 from the!r vacation. They went to Lou Angeles with the Sll~.iners Majesiic Radio dealers left here in two special cars June 2, enroute to Chic.?so to attend the national con- vention. R. F. Hughes accom~>a~~ied this party to St. Louis. hTiss Philomena Vnrderlandwehr spent the week-end of June 13 visit. ina at her home at Kingfisher. Jim Douglas 1s becomlng morv nrominent with his line of Italian dialcct. Jim helped. to entertain the gr:?in dealers during their convention here late in May. It is a Ereat pleasure to meet Mr. and Nrs. H. C. Conley at our Friscl; Club meetings. We hope thev wil. continuc to attend our meetir~gs. she barelv escaned beine maroontfl George - I. drxander.' bolierm?" foreman at this ~oint.was forrzin>r ennuah to be selected to attend I hoilermnkery convention held In A Ianta. Ga.. late in Xay. Hr, and 31; .\lexnnde~ had a wondertul time. the job after an injury. Dale Young. yard clcrlc, has re- turned from a trip to Nemphls. Tenn. 40th AND 43rd TRACK DlVlSlON SAPULPA, OKLA - - ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT SAPULPA, OKLA. \'. I.. THOMAS. Relwrter .J. A. MacSIILLAS, Reportcr The laying of the 110 wund rail f rm Tulsa to Afton hzs been completed. C:" rett Honey with his gang left this div~ - ion on May 31 for Stoutland, where I \\.ill lay rail on the eastern dlviaion. T surfwing work is being clone by G . AIcDowcll antl the ilressin~ by W'ni. !:.- XIr. and Mrs. \V. H. AIrI?onou~h have returned f~,~)m an en~oyahle two weeks' vi~cation which wn!+ spent at vnrio~~s 1,oints in Southenut Missouri. Curtis P. Hcnsley of Pt. Smlth. Al'k.. was a visitor in the office Junc 12. Mr. Henslry was formerly emploved in this office in various ':!pacities. L. A. \Vl.ight, on June 8, made a trir) to Walnut, K:kn.. where he visited his hrother whom he had not see11 for several years. Mr. \\'right's brother is an officer in the I:. S. NavY. Mr. and Mrs. \v. C. Henlte madc :I trin to Altus. Olcltr.. Xay I!). While there Mr. Henltc attended a meeting of 811 the sectiou forcmen on the Ciiickashn sub-cllvisio~~. Miss >laurine JIahan spent Nay 19 visiting friends and relatives at Semi- nole. Okla. Mr. and Alrs. W. C. Henke Ieft Junc 15 for a two weeks' vacation which ler antl their gangs. Xr. Wooldridge in charge of m,~r pars, from Xr. \irortnan's ortlce a::. visitor at the onlcev this week. \Tlrcil Jones is actinz as foreman ,,, thc ~ifest Afton scction; Tim weed burner is opel'atinc on rl division. and will soon be workin: , the Cherokee sub. .John Ikgnn, foreninn nt S~DIIIL~ I ' tmdetl the Vctel'ans rcunion nt Sv tleld. H e n a a accompanied b, '1. Eagan. ~\ntlrew Mach 14 back on East Vn, scction as forcnian, rrlievinfi fat Ilowell, who went to Oltlahorna Cit) tion. Steel brirlgc gang Is taking out I' 100 ft. tusntable at Sapulpn to be p1.1 xt Okluhoma City, the DRn departm~:' have construr.ted circle wall and pit I thc placing of this table. R&n department have 4 gangs en-,,: in placing concrete nipes at various 1' - tions on the division. B&B anng No. 10 has comDlet~,I t1 ciiumantling of the car sheds and rmm, house a t Sapulpa, and now mgncwl . dismantling other small buildings in i-. nc~tion with these facilities. The overheqd state highway cro-:i:. at Luther has been conlpleted by I1 Bridge Stcel gang. was snent in California. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT SAPULPA, OKLA. R. ~;--~i~)kin.-k<oe Mitchell and TA. A. Wright made a business trin to Oklahoma City .Tune 13. looking over v:wious new facilities at that point. JIr. and Mrs. L. A. Wright, accom- panied bv several Sapulpn employex, attended a meetinc' of the Frisco Eni- r)lovex C!lub a t Okmulgee, Okla., >Ion rlnv nirht Mav 20. JENNIE F. AITCHISOS, Reportel. Mihs &Tar), Josephine West, riausil- tcr o f AT . JC. JVest, playcd several violin solos at the recent musical en- t~rtainment at the high school. Miss West was accoml~nniod on the piano hv i\IiW Ella Thrasher of the SUPe,r- te ten dent's office. Several other chli- dren of Frisco emploves took part in thr mualcal at the high school. Miss West was a contestant in an inter- schol.istic contest in May. John ICnzland, of the engineering staff, has moved his family to Sa- pull~a from Mobile. Aia. Fred lrorzan enjoyed his nnnual vacation at Spavlnaw and other near- by fishing haunts. Fred biullins and family spent a ... ...-.. , Niss Flora Bolinger of the Ft. Smith office force was a visitor in the offlce June 12. Miss Holinaer wax formerlv employed in this office as stenographer. MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT WEST TULSA, OKLA. NEOSHO, MO. - L. A. 3I,\CK and J. N. PAISLEY. EAIBRY G. \VEST, Rcportcr Reporters - Chas A. Hutchison of Dlxon, Mo.. r . R. R. Holllngsworth. assistant car a recent visitor wit11 us 3fr. Hutihl. , foreman at this point. spent hls vn- was agent for the Frisco horn about lz '

The Frisco Employes' Magazine, July 1929 · 2006-12-12 · The Barnsdall Oil Company gave a picnic for its employes in this district at Sand Springs Park recently. Sev- eral hundred

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Page 1: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, July 1929 · 2006-12-12 · The Barnsdall Oil Company gave a picnic for its employes in this district at Sand Springs Park recently. Sev- eral hundred

Page 44

r hnllsand. T u l s a en te r ta ined the two-week vacation in JIissouri. Mrs. A. D. Bivins, of Eonca City,

Okla.. w a s a recent vlsl tor in the superlntcndent 's offlce. Mrs. Bivins w a s former ly Miss Alene Schall a n d w a s employed in' t h e super in tendent ' s offlce.

Miss F e i r b a J e a n Jus t ice , who l e f t

cat lon the first half of June visl' f r iends a n d relat ives in Oklaij~ Citv a n d Svrinrsfield.

Dallas >I. Hower , car Carpenter. t been a b s e n t f rom duty for the I t w o weeks due to illness.

F r a n k Zvhn a n d Bard L. ,\I

-..- - .~~ bankers royally.

T h e Barnsda l l Oil Company gave a picnic f o r i t s employes in th i s distr ict a t Sand Spr ings P a r k recently. Sev- e r a l hundred were in a t tendance . I t is reported t h a t t h a t company \\'ill give one a t Scminole soon.

A f t e r much hard work the Tulsa I n t e r n a t i o n a l . Special i s g o i n g over big. A p p r o r ~ m a t e l y 150 a r e m a k i n g t h e trip.

There have been severa l cl ianpes in the a g c n t 1)ersonnel in this distr ict recently I,. G. Denny g o i n g f r o m Claremoi-e to Ada, C. W. A. Davis f rom S t r o u d to Claremore. C. N. Ellison f rom Clarcmore to Kie ie r . >I. M. Wal- t e r s to Chandler . and 4. R. AIcCans to

na thv . locomotive ~ a i n t e r and b h l a s t F e b r u a r y to acccpt a ~)os i t ion w ~ t h the R o x a n a Pe t ro leum Company, a t St. Louis. a n d R a y Danlel Goode w e r e marr ied reccntly a t t h e home of Mr. Goode's h ro ther a t Woodriver . 111. MI-. Goode is a th le t ic i l ls tructor a t SIc,Kendree College a t Lebanon where they will reside.

s m ~ t h . respectively, have been i

tu rned to work a f t e r a lay OK of a' s i r weeks. The i r friends are gla! see then1 back on the job.

Miss E t h e l Stephens, comptorr opcre tor in this office spent u e e k - c n d of J u n e 1 5 i i Henn v is l t lnc friends. She evhlentlv joyed her visi t fo r slle returned'?' day morning a l l smiles.

H e n r y J. Hill, formerly forems3 Okmulgee, h a s been retlred, due to 1 manent disabil i ty, and is n l a k i n ~ , home a t Vinita. Okla.


Stroud. T h e b a n k e r s made a t r ip to P a w -

nee Biil'n ranch antl enjoyed a buf - fa lo barbecue one day of their con-

E D N A A. \VOODISN, Repor te r The Sapulpa folk working at 1'

T u l s a enjoyed a pleasant s u p - when a new Whi te Bus arrived I

H. J. Dailey, yardmas te r . a n d L. S. Ki rkpa t r ick , yard clerk. have re- tu rned f rom t h e Oznrks where thev

vent ion Miss ' Willle Lee Caglc a n d XisS

M a r j o r y O'Rrien w e r e v i s i to rs in St. Louis recently

\V. L. Pendieton h a s re turned front his vacation spent on h ~ s farm. HI' s a y s he h a d ' g l e n t y of every th ing ~ o o d t h a t a f a r m h a s t o ea t .

13 to he used in t r ~ n s ~ o r t i n e tl sur7r1 t several days fishing.

H a r r y Wlgginx c a r t racer for thc Mid-Co"t1nent ~ e ' t r o l e u m Corporat ion. h a s re turned to his duties a f t e r :I

to a n d f rom work. I t is a nice a n d does credit to the Frisco.

Don B. Fellows, Frisco florist, r ,

E. W. Brown. eeneral foreman at 1 - week's absence which h e w e n t in K a n s a s City.

S. A. Crawford. yardmas te r . is ab-

point. many bulbs and sets o f , ' kind of flowers. Everyone that n n v spnre t ime may be seen s p 111d g l a n t i n g around the shop. I fall we should have some dz., flower beds.


sen t from his du t ies on account of illness.

SIrs. G. G I la r r i son , who hds bectll ill. is reported much im~)rovetl.

R. 13. Beatty. virrd clerk. i s ill. Bernard Nulrenin, vard clerk. is a b -

s e n t on account of illness. G . D. Smith, yard clerk, recently

s n ~ n t a Pew days ' vacatlon on \Vhitr

W - ~ B . G c ~ a u a h , c a r clerk. took : vacation t h e first week in June :. s p e n t i t a t Chaffee visitlng frirnrl

Miss Emel ia Kalt . Ale clerk. .: ride t h e t r a n s to Monett in f u k Three t imes while d r i v i n ~ to YNI.I . the high w a t e r was on her heeh :<'

VICTORIA W A L K E R Repor tc r

R. F. H u g h e s accompanied a partV f i f ty - four Chevrolet dea le rs to

g$int. Nich.. and re turn , via St . Louis, r iver . J. R. Xeergaard. yard clerk. a n d

fami ly have re turned f r o m I!:lk Citv. where they visited Mr. Xeergaard 's mother.

J. T. Brant . swit.chman, and family. \-isiterl a t Po teau recently.

E. N. Hill , switchman. is I)ack on

leav ing here May 1 4 . ;\I. \V. Dunkin. Memphis. Tenn.. w a s

a n office v i s i to r May 29. Mr. Dunkil l a c c o m ~ a n i e d a special c a r of Ward- Belmont s t u d e n t s en rou te f rom S a s h - ville. W e enjoyed his visi t .

H. G. Snyder, t raff ic manager . ac- companied the Oklahoma City Cham- b e r of Commerce G o o d w ~ l l T o u r Tra in . nIay 6 to 10 .

Dewey H i c k o s is s p o r t i n g a Coat Of t a n due to being on the golf Iink4. his first t ime this season. Since com- i n g to Oklahoma City Prom 'I'ulsfl Dewey seems to think he has too mUCl1 w o r k t o do to flnd t ime to p lay golf.

Mrs. L. W. Pr ice recently re turned f rom a visi t to severa l eas te rn points.

I . a n d Mrs. R. 0. Hopliins re - tu rned J u n e 9 f r o m the!r vacation. They went to Lou Angeles w i t h the Sll~. iners

Majesi ic Radio dea le rs l e f t h e r e in t w o special c a r s J u n e 2, enroute to Chic.?so to a t t e n d t h e nat ional con- vention. R. F. H u g h e s a c c o m ~ > a ~ ~ i e d th i s par ty to St. Louis.

hTiss Philomena Vnrderlandwehr s p e n t t h e week-end of J u n e 13 v is i t . i n a a t h e r home at Kingfisher.

Jim Douglas 1s becomlng morv nrominent wi th h i s l ine of I ta l ian dialcct . J im helped. to en te r ta in the gr:?in dealers d u r i n g the i r convention here la te in May.

I t is a Ereat p leasure to meet Mr. a n d Nrs. H. C. Conley a t o u r Friscl; Club meetings. We hope thev wil. continuc to a t t e n d our meet i r~gs .

s h e barelv escaned beine maroontfl George - I. d r x a n d e r . ' bolierm?"

foreman a t this ~ o i n t . was forrzin>r ennuah to be selected to attend I hoilermnkery convention held In A Ianta. Ga.. l a t e in Xay. Hr, and 31; . \ l e x n n d e ~ had a wondertul time.

the job a f t e r a n injury. Dale Young. yard clcrlc, h a s re-

tu rned f rom a t r ip to Nemphls. Tenn. 40th A N D 43rd TRACK DlVlSlON SAPULPA, OKLA

- -


\'. I.. THOMAS. Relwr te r

.J. A. MacSIILLAS, Reportcr

The laying of the 110 wund rail frm Tulsa to Afton hzs been completed. C:" rett Honey with his gang left this div~ - ion on May 31 for Stoutland, where I \\.ill lay rail on the eastern dlviaion. T sur fwing work is being clone by G . AIcDowcll antl the i l ressin~ by W'ni. !:.-

XIr. and Mrs. \V. H. AIrI?onou~h have re turned f ~ , ~ ) m a n e n ~ o y a h l e two weeks ' v i~ca t ion which wn!+ spent a t v n r i o ~ ~ s 1,oints in Southenut Missouri.

Cur t i s P. Hcns ley of P t . Smlth. Al'k.. w a s a visi tor in t h e office J u n c 12. Mr. Hens l ry w a s former ly emploved in th i s office in various ':!pacities.

L. A. \Vl.ight, on J u n e 8, made a trir) to Walnut , K:kn.. where he visited his h ro ther whom he had not see11 f o r severa l years. Mr. \\'right's b ro ther is a n officer in the I:. S. NavY.

Mr. a n d Mrs. \v. C. Henlte madc :I t r in to Altus. Olcltr.. X a y I!). While there Mr. Henltc a t tended a meet ing of 8 1 1 the sectiou forcmen on the Ciiickashn sub-c l lv i s io~~.

Miss > laur ine JIahan s p e n t N a y 19 vis i t ing f r iends a n d re la t ives a t Semi- nole. Okla.

Mr. a n d Alrs. W. C. H e n k e Ieft Junc 15 for a t w o weeks ' vacation which

ler antl their gangs. Xr. Wooldridge in charge of m,~r

pars, from Xr. \irortnan's ortlce a::. visitor a t the onlcev this week.

\Tlrcil Jones is actinz as foreman ,,, thc ~ i f e s t Afton scction;

Tim weed burner is opel'atinc on r l division. and will soon be workin: , the Cherokee sub.

.John Ikgnn , foreninn nt S ~ D I I I L ~ I ' tmdetl the Vctel'ans rcunion nt S v tleld. H e n a a accompanied b, '1. Eagan.

~ \n t l rew Mach 14 back on East Vn, scction a s forcnian, rrlievinfi f a t Ilowell, who went to Oltlahorna Cit) tion.

Steel brirlgc gang Is taking out I' 1 0 0 ft. tusntable a t Sapulpn to be p1.1 xt Okluhoma City, the DRn departm~:' have construr.ted circle wall and pit I t hc placing of this table.

R&n department have 4 gangs en-,,: in placing concrete nipes a t various 1' - tions on the division.

B&B anng No. 1 0 has comDlet~,I t1 ciiumantling of the car sheds and rmm, house a t Sapulpa, and now mgncwl . dismantling other small buildings in i - .

n c ~ t i o n with these facilities. The overheqd state highway cro-:i:.

a t Luther has been conlpleted by I1 Bridge Stcel gang.

w a s snent in California. OFFICE O F S U P E R I N T E N D E N T

SAPULPA, OKLA. R. ~ ; - - ~ i ~ ) k i n . - k < o e Mitchell a n d TA.

A. W r i g h t m a d e a business t r in to Oklahoma City .Tune 13. looking over v:wious new faci l i t ies a t t h a t point.

JIr. a n d Mrs. L. A. W r i g h t , accom- panied bv several Sapulpn employex, a t tended a meetinc' o f the Fr i sco Eni- r)lovex C!lub a t Okmulgee, Okla., >Ion r lnv n i r h t Mav 20.

J E N N I E F. AITCHISOS, Reportel.

Mihs &Tar), Josephine West , riausil- tcr o f AT. JC. JVest, playcd several violin solos a t t h e recent musical en- t ~ r t a i n m e n t a t t h e h i g h school. Miss W e s t w a s accoml~nniod on t h e piano h v i\IiW E l l a T h r a s h e r of t h e SUPe,r- te ten dent's office. Several o ther chli- d ren of Frisco emploves took par t in t h r mualcal a t t h e h i g h school. Miss West w a s a contes tan t in a n in te r - schol.istic contes t in May.

J o h n ICnzland, of the engineer ing staff, has moved h is fami ly to Sa- p u l l ~ a f r o m Mobile. Aia.

F r e d l r o r z a n enjoyed h is nnnual vacation a t Spavlnaw a n d o ther near - b y f ishing haunts .

F r e d biullins a n d fami ly spent a

... ...-.. , N i s s F l o r a Bolinger of t h e Ft.

Smith office force w a s a v is i to r in the offlce J u n e 1 2 . Miss Holinaer wax former lv employed in th i s office a s s tenographer .


L. A. 3I,\CK a n d J . N. PAISLEY. EAIBRY G. \VEST, Rcportcr Repor te rs -

Chas A. Hutchison of Dlxon, Mo.. r . R. R. Holllngsworth. a s s i s t a n t c a r a recent visitor wit11 u s 3fr. Hutihl. ,

foreman a t t h i s point. s p e n t h l s vn- was agent for the Frisco horn about l z '

Page 2: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, July 1929 · 2006-12-12 · The Barnsdall Oil Company gave a picnic for its employes in this district at Sand Springs Park recently. Sev- eral hundred

Page 45

, . - , , during whlch time Agent \V. G. -:' father was section foreman a t

-1y. Yr. Hutchlson lost his eye s ight Ulirty years ago. H e visited in

.tr about a week with his friends '!hlens and family. Agent W. G.

-7, took him to Seneca where he ! with oId friends for several days.

miter had the plcasurc of reading 3 - from Mr. Hutchison since his rc- l,i,rnp nnd he seems to have enloyell - -

,131t.in-the ~ z a i k s immensely. nnd Jim. George Adams paid a

;.YI visit to his Son Lloyd and f a m - r mtly. '-;. A. G. PhHIIps, daughter Ruby and Fmnie, tarntlp of fll'st trick tower

-.!or A. G. Phillips have returned - a yislt in Oklahoma where they .. sevcral days with Mrs. Phillips'


-,4h - , tb 17. A. E. XlcCans and children of I,! and Mlrs Grace AIcCans of Tulsa.

:..I with W. G . Mullens and family. : T. Martin Kormer ngent a t Neosho.

.- #on rctired Frisco list a t Pierce City

., us a visit last week and renewed , Inlancc with friends a t xeosho.

.I Cushman and family and E. G. ' ,..r "the hkljor':, spent a most enjoy- ,! rwening at \\,lid Bros. Nursery antl - 1:; Flelds recently and while therc . : n!sny pointers on the cul ture of ' =in nnd shrubs. i,~ wently received a small shipment : *'mhs from BlcGregor. Texas, con- ,:. :: of flowerlnx Pomegranitcs, Crepe i,-:'. ;lnd Cilacs which the wri ter pre- - - ' I ro Mr. E. J . Cushman. Thesc , . p i ere of interest to us fo r two rcas- -., flat, bccause they a r e rn re sh rubs : I:? Ozarks and because they Eame :. -t the town In Texas where the Ma- ,. TW born and got Ills flrst schooling L. !~n' tile farm wherc he caught his

"8: :lsh. :',.: Leach, cap Inspector, is t rying to

-, :.. what to do with al l thc ~ r o c e e d s :. one acre of strawberries.

\.P A. E. Xlabe, wife of Night Ticket --,,, m~dc a trip to Tulsa recently vis- :r r,.i*itives and friends. I C. Phillips conteml~lutes a t r ip to *.I) Carolina about Ju ly 20 to visit ,.:irts and old friends in his home

" . w s . J. B. Hilton antl \V. L. English tlr a 'Isit Junc 11 In the interest of

. I i IF0. . J. Adams, ticket rlcrk, has b w n ! - I in charEe of the work be in r done

:r Frisco Park and the work is l?ro- .;:'n;: rapidly and Lloyd promlses ':IF flowers in mid-summer nionths. 71.- window boxrs have ',been turned ' to A. E. Mabe antl the Major". : are now In bloom and a r c being


'IIRGARET STEWART. R e l ~ o r t e r

;a).! Have you been s e e i n g o u r b i g mmes out a t t h e f a i r g r o u n d s

,;fly? The score s h e e t s h o w s t h r e c w e s nnd no defeats . T h e cha l - u?s are corning in f r o m a l l over

$?stem and if t h e t e a m k e e p s !-jog the same b r a n d of bal l t h e ~ t s O K these opposing t e a m s will be vmphis. By the way , w e a r e go-

to Irnboden. Ark.. o n t h e F o u r t h :uiy to play Thayer . !. C. Barnett snen t Ma1 IS a n d 19 Yansas City. H e w a s accompanied 1. bv Mrs. B a r n e t t w h o h a d been :~ng. relatlves. !a're heard the express ion "Evcry- r has his day." \Vcll, Dutch ,(?I say8 he's r e a d y to back u p : statement. H e g o t to be chief , 4 one whole d a y recen t ly w h e n 311'. nvtt was absen t f r o m t h e office. Dutch seems to be pe r fec t ly s a t - 1. We haven't hea rd h i m s a y a n - .,r word abou t w l s h i n g he could #.hiel clerk jus t fo r one day! . D. McGuire, s u p e r i n t e n d e n t of nlnals, put one over on us t h i s

m o n t h . H e s l ipped off a n d w e n t t o s o u t h end o f t h e ya rd . T h i s c h a n g e St. Lou is to t h e h o s l ~ i t a l a n d had ,,an w a s m a d e in o rder to g e t t h e e n t i r e 01)eration w i t h o u t anybody k n o w ~ n g y a r d office force toge ther . a n y t h i n g a b o u t it . H e r e t u r n e d to ?+I. XI. Sisson, a s s i s t a n t g e n e r a l w o r k t h e n e s t d a y l o o k i n g fit a s ever . "Tanager , a n d h i s chlef c le rk . Mr.

B. B. Nett les ' l i t t l e s o n w a s ill re- King , o f Springfield, Mo.. m a d e u s a cent ly. s h o r t vis i t .June 6. Come back a g a i n ,

T h e y a r d office force, r ecen t ly occu- Air. Sisson, w h e n you have l o n g e r to p y i n g t h e offlce on t h e f l rs t floor un- s t ay . d e r n e a t h t h e offlce of t h e s u p e r i n t e n d - R u b y R l t t o n . s t e n o a t t h e s to re - e n t o f t e r m i n a l s h a s been moved to room, s p e n t May 30th in B i r m i n g h a m . t h e n e w y a r d offlce bu i ld lng a t t h e W e a l l welcome Rose Ross bxek wi th

AN EDUCATIONAL FORCE that has Earned the Confidence

of Modern Business THE present widespread interest in adult education has brought forcibly to the atten- tion of business men and educators the problem of the g rown worker , denied voca- tional t raining in his school da!s, who wishes to extend his knowledge and increase his eficiency.

T o t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o r r e s p o n d e n c e Schools this is not a new subject. Adult education has been their business for thirty- eight years. I t was in 1891 that the I.C.S. undertook, virtually single-handed, to solvr the wage-earner's study problem on a prac- tical basis. A t tha t time a n ambitious worker who felt the need of fur ther education along the line of his employment had only one place to turn-the ne\v school of home instruction that mas growing up in Scran- ton. H e was carefully and conscientiously taught , and if he had the character to match his t raining, he invariably became more valuable to his company.

I t w a s uot long before far-seeing execu- tives began to appreciate the possibilities in this new idea. T h e y recommended students fo r instruction and proved for themselves the benefits of the I. C. S. system. Since that time the vast growth ol the International Correspondence Schools has been paralleled by the development of a well-founded confi- dence on the part of employers everywhere.

T h e I. C. S. has become the right a rm of Industry. Thousands of its students, past and present, occupy responsible positions as foremen, superintendents and managers in the organizations where they work. And as new conditions demanrl a n increasingly high proportion of trained men in nearly

every field, industrial and business leaders are depending more and more strongly upon the International Correspondence Schools to give their workers this training. Even executives with college degrees find in I. C. S. courses the specific knowledge which their work demands and for which a gen- eral education has not fitted them. More than eight pe r cent of a l l I. C. S. students a r e college men.

Modern business has a right to expect four things from a n institution tha t offers educational service to its employees:

1. Appreciation of the employer's point of view and willingness to co-operate with him in helping the student select the courses that will be moat useful in his work.

2. Sound, competent instruction and the best possible texts.

3. T h e financial abiiity to fulfill every obligation.

4. A sincere interest in every student's progrees and the encouragemerlt that will keep him studying until he has acquired the t raining he needs.

T h e s e a r e matters of principle with the I. C. S., antl have been for a generation. IJpon their x rupu lous observance has bee11 reared a structure of business confidence such as few enterprises have been privi- leged to enjoy.




Page 3: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, July 1929 · 2006-12-12 · The Barnsdall Oil Company gave a picnic for its employes in this district at Sand Springs Park recently. Sev- eral hundred

us. Rose is comptometer opera tor a t t h e storeroom. She came o u t a n d w o r k - ed a s h o r t while. quit , a n d then decid- ed s h e l iked us b e t t e r t h a n s h e had thought she did, so she came back to s tav .

W o r k on the new indus t ry t rack l ine C , being constructed between Yale and the I. C. ( a b o u t two miles) is nrogressing.

The lma Drashman took one day of h e r vacation J u n e 11.

The w r i t e r a n d h e r m o t h e r s p e n t severa l d a y s in K a n s a s City recently visitinrr relat ives.



H a r r y ?Jartin, t imekeeper, spent a week's vacation a t Thayer , 310.. re - cently.

J o h n Evans. B&B clerk. s p e n t his v a - ca t ion in Texas a n d s a y s h e had a v e r y enjuyable time, just rest ing.

R. E. Flcming and family have the s y m p a t h y of t h e office force in the d e a t h of Mr. Fleming's mother in Den- ver. J u ~ e 9. E d had planned to visit his mother. l eav ing Nemphis J u n c 8 . a n d on J u n e 9 word was received t h a t h i s m o t h e r passed a w a y before h i s a r - r ival in Denver.

F a y e Barbee of t h e local office, h a s bid in the poxition of s teno-c le rk made vacant hy Mary Buhler 's marr iage . We a r e g l a d to have F a y e wi th us.

F r a n k J. Walsh , h i s wifc a n & l l t t l e d a u g h t e r will spend the i r vacation a t Springfield and St. Louis, wi th rela- tives.

S. L. Will iams. AT. of W. t imekeeper. is spor t ing a new Essex.


F. XI. Packard , chief clerk. h a s bought a new F o r d sedan, m a k i n g the q u o t a of a ~ t o m o h i l e ~ for the f re igh t house force K dozen.

Miss E l v i n a Smith. s tenographer , re- c e n t l y completed h e r lessons in dr iv ing a n automobile a n d made h e r ini t ial t r i p th rough the ci ty traffic wi thout n scra tch to t h e car .

Mrs. J. E. Peregoy. wi fe of t h e r a t e clerk. is v i s i t ing home fo lks a n d f r iends in the old home town. Corlnth. Miss., for several weeks and will visi t Memphis before r e t u r n i n g to Bi rming- ham. J. C. XIcBride. messenger. h a s re-

tu rned from a vacation in nor th a n d wes te rn s ta tes , v i s i t ing Chat tanooga . St. Louis. Oklahoma a n d K a n s a s City.

L. T. Hatcher . bel t clerk. is v i s i t ing relat ives in Tennessee.

Char les Samuels, Charl ie \Velsh a n d Bill Benton, former ly messengers, have been promoted to yard c le rks a t t h e E a s t Thomas. Ala., yards.

Messrs. Packard . Thomas, Silleman a n d Gillian a t tended t h e formal open- ing of t h e Cudahy P a c k i n g company's new plant , a Fr i sco industry. T h e y reported a wonderful affair.



Our baseball t eam i s do ing fine a n d w e a r e proud of it. On ,May 17, H. 4. Flanigan . OSBD c le rk , this office, w a s made business m a n a g e r : A. G. hletsger. machine shop foreman, coach, and Tommie Scruggs, chief c le rk to t h e genera l c a r foreman, captain. So f a r we have played the fol lowing teams a n d a r e yet undefeated: F o r d Motor Company. Clover F a r m D a i r y Com- pany, Nash-Echoff Motor Company a n d Pe t ro leum Products S torage Company.

S. L. Oliver spent May 26 in St. Louis. meet ing h is niece. of Los An- geles, there.

F r e d W. Kieffer. 3lcBee binder op- e ra tor , a t tended the recent a u t o races in Indianagolis.

Char les Penny. expense clerk. a n d wife s p e n t severa l d a y s a t Black Rock. Ark. . mith relat ives la te In ;\lay.

Flovd Foster . receivinrr a n d check clerk.' lef t XIay '35 to t a k e the pos i t ion of yard clerk a t S e w Albany.

Gordon Robertson. cashier . w a s un- ab le to work from May 23 to J u n e 1 4 on account of illness. One week of the t ime h e w a s confined to St. Joseph's hospital.

Pnul Durff , m e s s e n ~ e r , a n d F r a n k O'Neil, of the telegraph depar tment , spent the first week of J u n e in Chicago a n d a t Hammond. Ind.

XIiss F a y e Barbee. typlst , rev is ing hureau. w a s appointed s tenographer in Y. J . Frnoier's office J u n e 3. and X i s s Mary Guidi w a s given the position va- ca ted by Miss Rarbee.

A. 1'. Fos te r . chief clerk. revisinrr bureau, who hakn't been wi th us very long, moved his family f rom St. Louis e a r l y in June .

L. W. Tankersley. c l d m clerk. w a s conflned to h i s home several d a y s re- cently due to illness.

George I<. H u m p h r e y w a s assigned thc position of ut i l i ty c le rk in th i s o f - fice J u n e S. H e w a s in the genera l office. St. Louis. for several months.

Mrs. T. E. Bryant , wife of the cash- ier's clerk. ha4 re turned from a visit in Chattanooga. Tenn.

Mrs. Lelia Lenihan, s tenographer . xpent her vacation, in Junc, wi th her s is ter , of Jonesboro. Ark. , and h e r hrother , of L i t t l e Rock. Ark.

S. L. Oliver a t tended t h e Veterans Reunion in Springfield g u n e 17, a n d \V. F. Corkery , the eighterhnth.

F. L. Aikin, cashier 's clerk, Ief t on his vacation J u n e 18.


ILX COOIC. Repor te r

Chaffee. Mo.. J u n e 2. Mrs. F. P. F.. e r t y a n d XIiss Ida Richards were t g u e s t s for t h e week-end.

I rene a n d E s t h e r Rigdon and Lair. Bollinger. of the superintendent'r flce. Chaffee, were shopping vllitora Memphis on May 80. The Misses 1.1 don a r e prepar ing for a vacatior, California.

Memphis w a s the sccnn of many ;tctivit.ies J u n e 1 4 and 15 when : m u n i c ~ p a l a i r por t w a s opened.

Ralph Williams, hill clerk, f Smith, w a s a visi tor J u n e 17.

The Fr i sco ball team is stru!l i t s baseballs these days, having - all t h e g a m e s this season.

Laurence ("Tommy") Thorny. JIaurice Roush a n d Steve 1Villi~- motored to Li t t l e Rock. Ark., J u w . Knick-knnrkw Hrom the Englneerln:

Depnriment 311'. and 3Irs. C. ;\I. Scott and dau?

tc r spent the week-end of June 14 n relat ives in Springfield.

The Pensacola line has been a1 f o r some t ime hut Otis Haman 1

reached Penskrcol:~ on June 9. Miss Crea ta Sicitles rccently p

chased ;I Pont iac sedan and moIW to h e r home a t Willow Slwings. I'

Tubby Gilbreath is the fishermnn this depar tment . H e was In a FA. t h a t went to LePanto, Ark.. rccm!' 1)on't a s k him how many fish c a u g h t or he will say : "If I had w been on Jones Creek o r the Casri r iver &round Carthage---"

George Koontz spent the past wm, with h i s parents . Mr. and Mrs. G. . . Koontz. o f th i s city. George returr to S. AI. I:., Dallas, for a sum7 course in coach in^ and ~)hysical rml - ~ ~

cation. J o h n n y Sickles spent Jane I?

Li t t l e Rock. Ark. J. W. XIer'rill krnd C. L. Gilbrr;

we1.e a m o n g those who SRW SIeni:.: f r o m t h e a i r d u r i n g the dedleatinn

These a r e t h e clays of Ye Ole Swim- m i n g Hole. J u s t a s k W. J . Kelley and F . C. H u g h e t t . T h e y rode a motor c a r a l l clay May 2 9 a n d the result w a s rosy complexions which caused loss of sleep.

Maurice Roush is t h e o w n e r of a S e w F o r d coupe which h e drove f r o m St. Louis J u n e 2. H c was accompanied home by his mother, o f Eldon, JIo., who remained in Memphis for a shor t

t h e a i r port. C. 11. Scott w a s justly proud 01

l i t t l e daughter , Re t ty Frances, 7, June 12, when she participated in ' dancing reci tal given by Alrs. B. helmina Noss a t the Glenview Om:

visit. J a c k ICelley, eldest son of W. J.

Kelles,, construct ion accountan t , re-

~ < - .~ -~ .. J la r t in Casey resigned an r 0 h

in this office J u n e 1. W. R. Wall $1:

ceeded him. JIr. Wall wan form: mith t h e s t a t e highway departmenr.

E n. Ferguson , transitman, s l ~ e n d i n g par t o f his vacation v i homefolks in Pontotoc. Miss.



centlv s p e n t a week in t h e Bapt i s t R. T, H ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , n i g h t trainmaster, hospital h a v i n ~ h is tonsi ls a n d ade- t he ,reterans~ reunion, noids removed.

O t ~ s Hard in .;pent Uune 16 In s t . Mrs F A. Walden, w l f ~ of Louis with old friends. b r n k e m ~ r n , a n d daughter , Gladys, SP

Afr. a n d Alrs. J. T. Connellv spent a several days In 31elnphls recentl!. week-end la te ly v i s i t ing Springfield. F. A. Smith. dispatcher, has I J lo t ransfer red to Sar)uloa, Okla, a. - F. C. H u g h e t t , division accountant . Cook has been hssigned the s* re ren t lv moved to a new ne izhbor- t r i ck a t Amorv. hood. - ~ e i n ~ : awakened in t h e wee XIrs. B. H. Thompson, wife of I

hours b y some one in t h e ad jo in ing brakeman, daughter , Pauline, an31 room. A b u r g l a r took Mr. H u g h e t t ' s F;arl, spend111g several wer<. wallet. So now t h c screens a r e nailed B I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ k l a . , and ~ t . Sm~th, 1;

down. Bob Stevenson, yard clerk from I El ton Taylor had r a t h e r a mixed va- Term., spent several days ln .4r

cation. The first four d a v s he snent in bed with the flu. W e 'are glad to Fay he recuperated enough to spend t w o clays in Xlayfield. Ky.

AIiss M a r g a r e t Carlisle. s tenog- ( CLASSIFIED ADS

ranher. decided she w a s wise e n o u r h so' s h e had a v i s d o m tooth e x t ~ a c t c d . ClasnlAed advertising under thls hesdlnt 1

A. E . Biggers w a s off du ty recently GET THE LATEST! -ALL ~ ~ ( j j l : ' f o r n week on account of h a v i n g a n FRISCO", a song in waltz time. 4c .1 . operat ion on h is nose. R o b e r t D. Ruben, Gen. Del., Pen%

Ye scribe motored to h e r home in Florida.

Page 4: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, July 1929 · 2006-12-12 · The Barnsdall Oil Company gave a picnic for its employes in this district at Sand Springs Park recently. Sev- eral hundred

-[Is, visiting his mother. Xrs . H. ::twenson. "-i Y. D. Ross, wi fe of the dis-

krr, has her sister. Mrs. T. E. Cole- - af Jackson. Miss.. here for a visit. ' ',*< Velma Lea, daughter of W. E.

dispatcher, is a t tending s u m m e r 4 in Sashrille.

-7nnk Dogprell, engineer, is spend- . several days in Springfield. Mo.. , ' , his brother. 3. H. Doggrell. "r. and Mrs. George Downs, d a u ~ h -

E~elyn, a n d son, George, a n d Mrs. ' . ) Robinson, of Birmingham, h a v e

n visiting Nr. a n d Mrs. F. G. ;schien at Amory.

i V. Rumsey, special officer. h a s re- -ned from the hospital in St. Louis. 'shn L. Godrey. reporter f rom E a s t m r . Ala.. and wife recently visi t - , t Amory.


F, hI. SCOTT, Repor te r -

XI1h)- Corkren and .J. 31. Xobley. ~n foremen, have been p lay ing - p out. Mobley to Eld'ridge a n d ICil- b.!ck to Dora. Mobley drove to

-1:idya in R Paige au to while Cork- .r came to Dora on the train. Which ..-'nds us that just a b o u t a y e a r a g o I- rnrkren went to Elclridge f rom

:A and he too drove to Eldr idge new nutomobile.

', n- Stanford, c:trpenter, mncle us a . , recently. Lew is well known ., having been in t h e employ of

,mnpanrr here in several different ,.ities.

;+e extra gang of Lee Smothers h a s some work on the 33 mine t rack ,

:.lug some rail and fixing up t h e ,. c

':'l;liam Ancey Gilliland h a s bumped rn the Sipsey run. Been qui te a r while since 4nce). h a s been on

- 1 ra job. I ~ T Lowery Is spending h is evenings ,-r repair work on h is automobile. T V warm weather h a s b r o u g h t o u t

the old fishermen, and there a r e . V a lot of them here. too: W h e n

a11 get away a t t h e s a m e t ime t h e . r Is so thick with hooks t h a t t h e

. ' - . c sprain their backs go ing be- n md around them.

:I U'. Hughes bridge g a n g h a s been - w d here and w a s just presented

7 "1 a new set of camp cars. l'*P this is o b the press C:. L. Nerren ! l,?rnliy, and J, A. Maize a n d wife.

- be on a trip th rough the i r old - , v townn In Missouri. T h e y a r e

: r- to drive through in the i r cars . ''x I\'. J. XcMurron i s in a Bi rm- .-:im hospltal a f te r undergoing a n

tion. on. "Judge" Thomas. f a t h e r of ..itor 4. S. Thomas. is in t h e hos- l lor treatment. W e hope t h a t

,: hoth will soon be en joying good ' l h again. ''.!ude Patrlck's mother , f r o m - v y , vislted him recently. 'Yrs just wondering I f t h e boa t w e

- ~'avinp built is ~ o l n g to be a good Wan just wondering if t h a t

.',,r of Lbuies is go ing t o w o r k a l - , .


LAUXA > I . CHEW, Repor te r

- F. Slender, t rave l ing f re igh t a n d +nger agent. Jacksonvil le , Fla. .

a recent visitor. Mr. Stend'er's . - T friends a r e a l w a y s glad to see

3 r lralflc department i s v e r y proud 'he fact two of o u r "boys" won

.dr at the annual plcnic given by Birmingham Trnffic a n d Transpor - :a Club. Pine View Beach. J u n e 11. ! Cross, chief clerk, won f irst

a carton of c igare t tes , for t h e diving. Edwin Chenoweth. office won the swimming contest prize,

~htlght .

"Rummy! You pay me!"

Here's a Winning Tobacco! E N a railroader has a pack of cards and his favorite

pipe-life seems pretty good. Especially when his w pipe is filled with his favorite pipe-tobacco.

The men above were snapped in the midst of a game of rummy a t the Rock Island shops in Chicago. They are all seasoned pipe-smokers and say that when it comes to relaxing after a long hard run, there's nothing quite as good as a few deep whiffs of Edgeworth!

What a blend! Mild, surely; yet with a full-bodied character to its Burley mixture that has won friends in almost every quarter of the world. So much more satisfy- ing and enjoyable in a pipe, too, than the usual run of tobaccos men smoke in some other form.

Just try a tin-you'll see why i t is that a railroad man speaks of Edgeworth as "one of my best pals."

On sale everywhere, including Commissary Stores and camps, railroad depots and stations. Two forms: Edgeworth Ready-Rubbed, all ready for your pipe; and Edgeworth Plug Slice, for those who like to "rub up" a pipe-load a t a time. Both come in various sizes, from handy pocket

packages to pound humidor tins.

Free Offer to Railroad Men

I f y o u have never smoked Edgewor th Ready-Rubbed smoking tobacco, l e t us send y o u a free tr ial helping, so t h a t you m a y p u t i t to t h e pipe-test. Send your name a n d address t o L a r u s & Brother Company, 27 S. 21st Street , Richmond, Va.

On your radio- tune i n on WRVA, Richnwnd, Vn. - t h e Edgclmrth Station. Wace length 170 meters. Frcqucncy 1 1 1 0 kilocyc1eu.- Special feature: TIM " Edge~orth Club" Hour e o q Wedncndmy mening from 8:30 to 9:30

o'clock Eaxtmn Standard Time.

Page 5: The Frisco Employes' Magazine, July 1929 · 2006-12-12 · The Barnsdall Oil Company gave a picnic for its employes in this district at Sand Springs Park recently. Sev- eral hundred

Mrs. F. C. Gow. wife of the former ass i s tan t super in tendent of the Birin- ingham Sub. now of Tulsa, w a s a re- c e n t visi tor i n Bi rmingham.

4 new traffic organizat ion h a s been added to o u r list, the Women's Traffic Club of Bi rmingham, which w a s re - cen t ly organized, wi th t h e fol lowing officers: Mrs. L a u n a 31. Chew, secre- t a r y to t h e Fr i sco Traffic Afanager here, president; Miss Els ie Alverson. s e c r e t a r y to the traffic m a n a g e r of t h e American Cas t Iron Pipe CO., vice- ]>resident: Mrs. E u l a Christie, secrc- t a r y to t h e traff ic m a n a g e r of the U. S. Cast I ron P&F Co.. secre ta ry , a n d Mrs. Louise Sull ivan, secre ta ry to t h e g e n e r a l a g e n t , Southern Paciflc Lines, t reasurer . T h e club has had severa l v e r y enjoyable luncheons a n d d inners a n d hopes to increase i t s membership rapidly.

T h e w r i t e r wishes t o express s incere appreciat ion and t h a n k s f o r t h e m a n y expressions of s y m p a t h y a n d heaut i - f u l floral offerings in t h e recent loss of h e r mother.


L. S. BROPHY, Rcporter

S. T. Mcek installed permanent. oper- ator-cashier. Aliceville, May 17, vicc T. C. Urquhart hid in second trick.

T. C. Adnms worked second trick Aliceville few days during May while waiting for transfer.

We moved 948 loads to nnd from AT LN Railroad. Aliceville, during month of Nay.

B u s h e s good with us for this perlod of vear. Cotton cron rathcr late but vcrv prdmising.

Superintendent Frazier stopped with us few minutes Junc 3 enroute to Magnolia.

M. C. Baker our third trick operator was quietly married to Miss Elizabeth (:autney of Alicevilic on May 24. The Pang extends to them congratulattons and b e s t wishes for a long and happy union.


NELLIE h1cGOWES. Reporter

Vacation is the topic of conversation now- "where a r e you going ancl when a r e you going" a r e among the important questions being asked a t this time. Those who a r e taking vacations a t the present time a r e W. A. Drago, general yard- master and famll):, who arc visiting In St. Louis and Syr~ngfleld.

.Mrs. J. R. Eddings, wife of crossing fiagnian was called to Chattanooga, Tenn.. {ecently account of illness of her daughter.

L. 0. Bcllinger, switchman, is in St. Louis hospital for treatment. Mr. Bell- inxer was aceompanic(1 to St. Louis by hls wife.


Bluff City Delivery Co ICE and COAL

H . S. Gann, clerk, is able to be back on the job again after a n absence of two weeks account of illnesi, part of which time wns spent in St. Vincent hos- pital.

Mrs. Rose Badgeley Decker of Boston. Jlass.. is visitinc her father. Mr. D. H. ~ a d g e l e y , retired engineer.

J . H. D. Smith, agent a t Bessemcr, spent several days the past week a t Columbus. Miss.

Our sympathy is extended to B. C. Andrews, conductor, in the death of hls hi~othcr who was instantly killed when struck by a n autonlobile truck in Mont- gomery. >\la.. on May 24 .

E. T. Boone. clerk, attendcd the Ken- tucky Derby a t Louisville lat ter part of JIay.

Mrs. Saliie Morton. mother of J. A. Morton, clerk. is visiting 11er daughter in A-ashvilie. Tenn.

Mrs. I<, A. 'I'retl has rcbturned from a :-hort visit to Springfleid. ,\lo.

Xr. and Mrs. (', H. Goldsmith and daughter, Violet. of .2mory. Miss.. canw over for the dinner-dance a t Holly\vood Country Club N a y 23rtl. which was designated a s "Frisco Night." They were zucsts of Mr. and Mrs. E. JL Tccd while in the city.

W. A. Keith. fireman: was callcd to I\nosville. Tenn.. June a account dcatli of his brother.

J . I",. White, yard clerk, who had the misfortune to fall under a cut of cars and ~ o t his foot cu t off a few weeks a m , paid us a short visit y?stertlay. Glad to see 1\11'. White out agaln.

Mrs. S. I,. Smith. widow of dcccascd pensioned engineer, is visitlng relatives in .\Iempllis.

Dudley Connelly, son of former train- master J. J . Connelly. and Miss JIary Jo Wallace were married on J u n e 1. Mr. nnd Mrs. Connelly will ~.esiile in Little Kock, Ark. W e estend to the h a p w couple our best wishes.

JIiss hfac Dudley, clerk in the mechan- ical depaitment. has rcbturned from a va- I ation spent with relatives and fricnds in JIontC'oniery. Ala.

Miss 1,eila Huffman who graduated a t tl1~5 Selma, .%la., high school, arrived Junc 6 Pol a visit of several wccks with hcr aunt , Xrs. Ncllie McGowen.

The entire night force a t East Thomas )art1 office enjoyed a day's outing re- r ~ n t l y on Warrlor River fishing. Up to this t i p ~ e have been unable to find out what luck" they had.

T. P. hIealey, Leo Record, clerks and J . R. Morgan, car nrent , for the CofGa R v stationed a t Eas t Thomas. spent the &.4'i week-end a t the Right Way Fish- ina Club on Lake Martin.

The broad smile worn by R. nr. James. terminal accountant, morning of June 5. was ocrasloncd bv the arrlval of a ver- manent rues t a t h i s house-a flne baby bov. Congratulations.

I?. J. Thompson. assistant to superfn- tendcnt terminals, with Mrs. Thompson and somr friends motored to Chatta- nooga, Tenn. r,ecently.

J. H. ~ e y ~ o l t l s . switchman. was called to Kissimmee. Fla.. recentlv on account of the illncss of his brother.

Jessie McBride, messenger. Is away on :+ two wwlcs' vacation which he is spend- ina in Memnhis. Joolin. 1\10.. and Chat- tanooga, ~ e n n .


W. A. SANDERS,' Reporter

Dixie Foe. warehouseman, epent F vacation In Shawnee, Okia.. and Soot-- ern Illinois. H e was accompanied > his wife. Thev renort a oleasant trip. .. .-

H. L. Lo&- exira clerk, made a ! to thc springfield hospital recently. ' fering with tonsolitis. We underWr hr was accommodated by the w t there.

H. J . Hawley, traveling inapw' \Vestcrn Weighing and Inspection T: reau. has bcen In .Joncsboro mnklne monthly inspection reports.

C. E. Flntcher. pumper. Potb Or Jliss., was vlsiting relatives in JonetV lattcr part of May.

Carson Hcfner,,, traveling ~ s W IVestwn Ivnion lelegraph Co., t Jonesboro a visit recentlv.

H. C. Coke. general ca'r foreman, r vsiting in West Plains, with friends I ter part of May. IJ. J. Bcjot, switch~nan, la back

Jonesboro and has reported for v d Lee ~ a & o b s . engineer, Jonesboro )-:

is back Prom a vacation spent at ! Vernon. Ill.. with relatives.

Ralph Pierce, brakeman, south 11~- has becn laying off rccently acco-' sickness. R. R. Reed. fuel supervkor, Birnlir:

ham, spent a few days in Jonesboro. C. E. Ishmael chief clerk to the P.F..'

spent N a y 30 'squirrel hunting in l vicinity of Ottwell. Ishmael re?:': many squirrels was killed.

Brakeman I-.ouis Thorn who waq !- jurcd in tlc,railnlent DP i 3 1 near B" recently has greatly improved and i3.1- pected to fully recovcr.

~t is with sorrow we learn of death of A. hf. Struble, agent Oh?" .hlo.. and ail the Jonesboro boys. n: used to 'work with hlm, feel the i w Z ' a good friend.

J. 1'. Hackett, baggageman How, v, in Jonesboro fcw days early ~ 3 r t June.

IGd Mobcrly agent Xanila, Ark.. ' 1 . ited the bunch' >,round here Snnda: b'; 3 and was entertained a7ith a few ' of tennis.

Mlss Worlein Weaver. daughter ' telegrapher. Xrs. Bertha Weaver. J m boro arrived home from Little R p i

whcie shc has been attcndlng schod *' will enter the Jonesboro college her+ I ' for the summer course.

J. L. JIearlor boiler Innpeetor, rl= ' Jonesboro Snndky. June 5 on Inspr~-r~- trip.

I'roctor Lamb englneer, r n r k r r l ' Jonesboro yard in the nbsence o l 7 Jacobs, reaular engineer.

Cai.1 \V. Yarbrough, telegraph n7 ator, who has been OR several mr; on leave of absence, was in the lately shaking hands with the bo)', 1'

was looltinq flne and all consratul+ hlnl on his in~provernent.

I r a Hictt telegrapher, Is workln? . oncl trick kettleton, until this l ~ l t l ~ ~ ' bid In.

Arther :\nderson, englneer, Ti b r

hlo., was in .Jonesboro recently \i-':l' relatives.

.H. W. Dcaux. agent Grubbs. h - s ~ c n t a few weeks visiting I'clatlV,!- doodway. Ala., recently.

W. A. Sanders, first trick opp- ' ' spent a few days in Pensacola. F14 ter part of May. H e reports a f i1~11l t - and cspects to make another trw

Thc Frlsco have completed a nls +

tension to thc West Belt passing 111 Jonesboro and now we can acconln two miles of trains on this one tv which e s t m d s from Aggie Road r-' ' to Culberhouse Street crosslng Jan. 1

I ROAD CONTRACTORS Grading, Graveling nnd Asphalt Surfacing

Subdivision Work nnd Private Jobs

Genera l Office, 651 Beale A v e n u e M E M P H I S , T E N N .

I a Specialty Office and Yard. 971 Jamas Street

Memphis. Tennasaee Graders of Tnle Yards

T. H. Grady, extra operator, has been relieving \V. A. Sanders for a period of flvc clays, while Sanders was visiting in


been assigned posltion a s -night expense - clerk a t Jonesboro. W. H. hIillinclcr, switchman, spent IRENE WOESTNAN. Report '

Sunday, X a y 18, in Thayer, hfo., visiting P r i m + +


Mrs. J. \V. Letlbetter. ,wifc of agent, attended Frisco Emoloyes Club meeting MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT I HUGHEY BROS. I a t Willow Springs. May 15.

C. H. Howell. clerk f re ia l~ t house. h a s FT. SMITH, ARK.

- - . -. . -- J. H. Harrington switchman has re- L a s t month referred to thp t l ' ,

ported for work a f te r being off two husiness w h a t we had, esperiall. months sick, we a r e all glad to see Jack handl ing strawberries. At thi. ' - hack on the job. business is still better OR acr'w'