The Fruit of the Spirit is Joy

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  • 7/29/2019 The Fruit of the Spirit is Joy


    The fruit of the spirit is joy.

    Rejoice in the Lord always. Philippians 4:4

    Sunny, Sunny dont eat that food Please dont eat that food. Dannys motherwas

    shouting with traumatized feeling.

    Whos this Danny?

    Danny is the only son to his mother. Though he was born in a very pitiable family he

    excelled in his studies and joined in a reputed company. While he was working in that company

    he enjoyed his work and worked happily. All co-workers were surprised on seeing Danny,

    working cheerily. They all mingled and loved him. The days passed by. Other workers couldnt

    work cheerily like Danny. They were jealous on him. They planned to destroy his happiness.

    They gave wrong acquisition about him. They troubled him. But Danny did everything happily

    and did not consider others. He worked cheerily as usual.

    One day Danny left his lunch box in the usual place where all others kept. Once the lunch

    bell rung everyone took their lunch box and sat for lunch. Danny too rushed for lunch and came

    to the place where others are seated. When he opened his box slowly, he found saw-dust tightly

    stuffed instead of food. He thought for a second. He understood that his friends only did this

    thing. His friends also noticed it and were waiting for Dannys reaction. They expected that he

    would get angry and yell at them in bad words. But the Holy Spirit kept him as witness in front

    of them. Danny did not get angry, he was not irritated, he was not upset and he was not annoyed.

    He praised God for no food. He thanked God for others who have food but do not have the

    appetite. But he had the appetite and do not have food. Death is nearing the people who have had

    but not eating it. But one who is not eating will not die. At the end of his prayer, his mother

    rushed to him, shouting Danny. . .Dannyplease do not eat this food. This food is rotten. So I

    have brought newly cooked food. Eat it before it gets dry and cold. On seeing this, the co -

    workers whoplanned to destroy Dannys happiness and took away his food and stuffed with saw

    - dust came to him to ask for forgiveness for their shameful act.

    Dear kids,

    Jesus Christ wants you to be happy in Him all the time. But Satan will do all harmful

    things to destroy your happiness. We should happily accept all this earthly sadness, suffering,

    sorrowfulness, sickness. When Apostle Paul was thrown into prison, he wrote to his church

    people to be happy in Jesus Christ and to rejoice in the Lord always.

    When Jesus Christ carried the cross, he carried it happily even though he was disgraced,

    teased, given wrong acquisition, trampled heavily. Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith,

  • 7/29/2019 The Fruit of the Spirit is Joy
