The Metaphor Technique This technique can be used to get rid of addictions, fears, troubles, worries, etc. It can be used to attract goals and desires, and even help you get closer to people. It's called the Metaphor Technique. I'm going to explain it using it in those three situations - getting rid of something, attracting a goal, and improving relationships. The first way is the most popular way this technique is used. Let's say you want to eliminate your addiction to a drug. I'll say weed here. In your mind, you would see weed. You would imagine yourself smoking weed. You see your life as it is addicted to using weed (I know they say it's not addictive - but then it wouldn't be a problem!) Then, turn those mental images into an animal! Any animal! Turn it into a zebra, then morph it into a chimp, then turn it into a turtle. Change the colors of the turtle. Turn it into an ape, make it larger, fluffier, smaller, skinner, etc. Then, pick your final animal and make it silly in some way. Then, shrink it down until it's super tiny and in the palm of your hand. Then, BLOW it away. This is a very easy technique. Change it into several animals, change their colors, size, shape, etc., then shrink it down and blow it away. For some people, a few times will be enough to make a permanent change. Usually a month. Sometimes moon cycles affect people. When the moon is waxing, it is a good idea to release things - seeing the moon absorb them. Or, you can imagine that you're moving in the cycles of the moon and while it's waning, you too are also getting rid of things. Whatever makes the most sense to you is the way the moon cycle affects you. Keep this in mind with all other techniques. To manifest a goal, picture the goal in your mind. See scenes in your life as if you already had the goal. Then, turn it into an animal egg. You don't have to know what the egg is supposed to look like - just see it as an egg. See the egg being filled with powerful energy and growing in size. Then, suddenly, the egg pops open and out pops an animal! It can be a beautiful bird, a proud and noble lion - make the first animal a strong animal that symbolizes power, manifestation, or whatever you're trying to make happen. Parrots usually mate for life so a parrot would be a good symbol if you're trying to attract marriage. It's not that important so long as the animals in this situation look good, positive, or happy to you. Change it to a few other animals. Change their colors and maybe make them look funnier than usual (not sadder). If you can get yourself to laugh, that's great. Laughter is a great energy. Then, decide on an animal you feel happy cuddling with - perhaps a cat, or a parrot on your shoulder, or a hamster in your hand, or even a monkey in your lap, or dog or a lion at your feet. Snuggle that animal in your mind as best as you can, and acknowledge that the animal has come to you and is with you. To improve your relationship with a person, see the person in your mind and turn them into an animal. See yourself in your mind and turn yourself into an animal! (I'm not responsible if you suddenly discover you have the super power to change into animals and you are then let loose into the world!) At first, make yourselves two different animals with nothing in common, not even color. Then, change yourselves into animals similar shaped to each other. Make yourselves


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The Metaphor Technique

This technique can be used to get rid of addictions, fears, troubles, worries, etc. It can be used to attract goals and desires, and even help you get closer to people. It's called the Metaphor Technique. I'm going to explain it using it in those three situations - getting rid of something, attracting a goal, and improving relationships.

The first way is the most popular way this technique is used. Let's say you want to eliminate your addiction to a drug. I'll say weed here. In your mind, you would see weed. You would imagine yourself smoking weed. You see your life as it is addicted to using weed (I know they say it's not addictive - but then it wouldn't be a problem!) Then, turn those mental images into an animal! Any animal! Turn it into a zebra, then morph it into a chimp, then turn it into a turtle. Change the colors of the turtle. Turn it into an ape, make it larger, fluffier, smaller, skinner, etc. Then, pick your final animal and make it silly in some way. Then, shrink it down until it's super tiny and in the palm of your hand. Then, BLOW it away. This is a very easy technique. Change it into several animals, change their colors, size, shape, etc., then shrink it down and blow it away. For some people, a few times will be enough to make a permanent change. Usually a month. Sometimes moon cycles affect people. When the moon is waxing, it is a good idea to release things - seeing the moon absorb them. Or, you can imagine that you're moving in the cycles of the moon and while it's waning, you too are also getting rid of things. Whatever makes the most sense to you is the way the moon cycle affects you. Keep this in mind with all other techniques.

To manifest a goal, picture the goal in your mind. See scenes in your life as if you already had the goal. Then, turn it into an animal egg. You don't have to know what the egg is supposed to look like - just see it as an egg. See the egg being filled with powerful energy and growing in size. Then, suddenly, the egg pops open and out pops an animal! It can be a beautiful bird, a proud and noble lion - make the first animal a strong animal that symbolizes power, manifestation, or whatever you're trying to make happen. Parrots usually mate for life so a parrot would be a good symbol if you're trying to attract marriage. It's not that important so long as the animals in this situation look good, positive, or happy to you. Change it to a few other animals. Change their colors and maybe make them look funnier than usual (not sadder). If you can get yourself to laugh, that's great. Laughter is a great energy. Then, decide on an animal you feel happy cuddling with - perhaps a cat, or a parrot on your shoulder, or a hamster in your hand, or even a monkey in your lap, or dog or a lion at your feet. Snuggle that animal in your mind as best as you can, and acknowledge that the animal has come to you and is with you.

To improve your relationship with a person, see the person in your mind and turn them into an animal. See yourself in your mind and turn yourself into an animal! (I'm not responsible if you suddenly discover you have the super power to change into animals and you are then let loose into the world!) At first, make yourselves two different animals with nothing in common, not even color. Then, change yourselves into animals similar shaped to each other. Make yourselves

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similar size. Now change yourselves into animals of the same type. Make your colors similar (with slight differences). Then, see the animals getting along, playing together, even snuggling together if the relationship is a romantic one.

Please let me know how this works for you! I learned the Metaphor Technique from Burt Goldman's MindBox program - and I expanded on it a bit for people who could benefit from using it, but wouldn't know how!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

The Tapping Technique

Category: Dreams and the Supernatural This technique has to be explained first. What it does is it changes your rhythm to change likes and dislikes, and can attract certain things to you. You can use it to make yourself dislike a food you love so you won't eat it if it's bad for your health - and help yourself to like a healthy food. If you use it while focusing on wealth, or love, or whatever, it'll come to you more easily. Use it in the morning every day - and you can even focus on sleep when you do it at night, but at least in the mornings focus on the things you want. Here's the technique:

What you do is you think of something, and then tap with your fingers or your palm against anything - your thigh, the table, your chest, whatever - and just let a natural rhythm come out. It can be a food you like. Then, tap a food you don't like. Let's say you want to like oatmeal more, and you LOVE steak. Tap out steak and memorize the rhythm as best as you can. Then, tap out oatmeal and while STILL THINKING OF OATMEAL, tap out the rhythm for steak that you memorized. The rhythm of what you like is being imprinted over what you don't like. It can change your brain - which controls your taste buds, your hunger/fullness, etc.

Focus on wealth and tap it out. Do it for health, for having energy, for having love, etc. FOR ALL OF THESE A GOOD AMOUNT OF TIME TO SPEND ON EACH TAPPING IS 30 SECONDS - I usually like to do longer, but about 30 seconds is solid enough.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Mind Techniques

In one of my previous blogs (The Full Bagha) I said that there were many small techniques that could be performed using the Bagha, or essentially any post-hypnotic suggestion programmed with the meditation technique I explained in “Easy Meditation and Manifestation.” Remember, the Bagha is about 4000 years old and is powerful in and of itself - programming it as a trigger in that meditation exercise would behoove anyone!Now, there are several techniques I’m going to explain here. They’re all very small, but for many people, they’ll be quite potent. Using all of them over a period of time will almost guarantee improvement for anyone - even if not at

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first. I say these things with doubt because not everyone’s mind is used to this kind of work - and will therefore struggle with it at first. After some practice, it will definitely start to work!The FIRST technique is the Bagha Duo Technique:This technique further uses the Bagha’s powers - and is mostly used for something you want RIGHT NOW. Ultimately, you could use it for large goals too - but immediate desires will come to pass much more easily, such as changing traffic lights, getting good parking spots, getting the best deals, waiters, restaurant seats, etc.To do it, focus on your intention. Perform the Bagha by at least placing the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth (and contracting your sphincter). Then, focus on the area around your right ear. Then shift to the left ear. Then back and forth for at least 3 or 4 quick successions. A few more doesn’t hurt. What this does (I believe, I’m not 100% sure) is stimulate both parts of your brain to work in sync on a goal - releasing powerful brainwaves that spread out a great distance, actually, to manifest the goal you were focusing on. When both hemispheres of the brain are focused on a goal, you’ve unleashed a powerful tool in making it happen.The SECOND technique is the Angelic Sight Glasses:Burt Goldman calls these the Majestic Sight or Positive Sight glasses. I call them the Angelic Sight Glasses because I believe angels see every person with unconditional love and acceptance - and the purpose of this technique is to begin to see other people and situations with unconditional love, acceptance, and begin to see the good and the best in everything (especially ourselves). This is really good if you’re a pessimist or just plain sad and need a new outlook on life. Don’t be surprised, however, if the people you look at and focus on the most with these glasses begin to act more loving, accepting, kind, and otherwise their best - because you’re drawing that out by focusing on it!I recommend the first time you ever program these little “clothing” techniques you go into a full, deep meditation as I taught in my previous blog and then program it. But, if you don’t want to, you can use the full Bagha. While holding the Bagha (with your eyes closed) visualize a pair of beautiful glasses. Intend, or even say in your mind, “These glasses see everyone and everything with unconditional love and acceptance. They see the best in everyone and everything.” Then, put them on! You do need to set your intention every time you put them on, however. And they only last for a few hours a day (maximum 12, even with practice).The THIRD technique is the Magnet Scarf:Burt Goldman teaches this as the Magnet Hat - but there’s several hats I thought I would change them to different articles of mental clothing. This scarf is for attracting your desires or “magnetizing” yourself to a goal.Go into a deep meditation or use the full Bagha and see a beautiful scarf wrapped around your neck, with the two ends hanging over your front like the arms of a magnet. You can even see little magnet images in the scarf - otherwise, it’s completely your design. Intend or say in your mind, “This Magnet Scarf will now magnetize me to my loving desires and intentions. It will pull towards me every good thing I intend for it to do!” Then, once you’ve set your intention, visualize your goal that you want it to attract. Lightly tense your head, neck, and shoulders (or your whole body but especially that area) and feel the magnetic energy building up while you focus on the goal being pulled to

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you. Hold that for about 5-10 seconds then let it go. You’re finished!The FOURTH technique is the ESP Hat:This hat will activate your extra-sensory perception and increase your intuition. This is especially helpful for people interested in developing psychic abilities or improving what they already have.Go into meditation or perform the Bagha while imagining a hat in your mind. Intend or mentally say, “This hat is an ESP Hat. When I put it on, it will activate all of my psychic and intuitive abilities, and amplify them to a comfortable level.” Put the hat on when you want to, and take it off when you’re finished!The FIFTH technique is the Invisibility Cloud:While this isn’t exactly clothing, I want to save the “cloak” for later. I developed this technique based upon the other objects Burt Goldman developed. This will make it harder for you to be noticed when you don’t want to be. One must remember to take this cloud off of yourself when you no longer wish to be hidden.Go into meditation or perform the Bagha and visualize a cloud forming around you. Then, the cloud begins to turn invisible with you invisible inside of it. Intend or say, “This is a cloud of invisibility. When I surround myself with it, I am camouflaged and invisible unless I need to be seen for my highest good. When I wish to be seen again, this cloud will vanish and I will be visible once more.” You’re now invisible (unless you run around naked screaming at the top of your lungs!)The SIXTH technique is the Goddess Cloak:This technique is for Wiccans and other people who believe in a Goddess. This cloak, when wrapped around you, will help you to connect to the symbolic womb of the Goddess and all of Her energy - whether it’s the ultimate Goddess or a specific goddess like Athena, Aphrodite, etc. This energy is strongest for healing, fertility, emotional support, menstrual balance, protection, cleansing, etc. To connect with a specific goddess, simply say which goddess you wish to connect to after you put the cloak on.Enter meditation or perform the Bagha and see yourself being completely enshrouded in a beautiful, warm cloak. Darker colors and/or silver are recommended because the Goddess is symbolic of the dark warmth of the womb - but whatever works for you. Say or intend, “This is a Goddess Cloak that connects me with the Divine Feminine of the Universe and all of Her magnificent power. I may also connect with any other goddess I intend to with this Goddess Cloak. So it is.”The SEVENTH technique is the God Mantle:Just like the Goddess Cloak, this God Mantle will connect you with the energy of the Divine Masculine - mostly for authority, power, confidence, energy, strength, protection, cleansing, healing, virility, etc. You can connect with the ultimate God or any specific god such as Apollo, Buddha, etc.Enter your meditation or use the Bagha and see a majestic, golden or warm-colored mantle around your shoulders. It can even come with a hood and shoulder pads. See yourself wearing it and standing tall and proud. Intend or say, “This is a God Mantle that connects me to the energy and power of the Divine Masculine. I may also connect with any male deity I choose to with this mantle. So it is.”The Goddess Cloak and the God Mantle were based off a teaching I read in one of Christopher Penczak’s books. I believe it was “The Witch’s Shield” but I

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cannot be sure.The EIGHTH technique is the Power Gloves:For healers or people who use the Wave of Goodness, these gloves will be very beneficial. They magnify healing energy - or any energy you choose to send out of your hands. I was originally going to call them the Healing Gloves, but your hands can send out so many different kinds of energy for different purposes, I changed the name to the Power Gloves. However, you must remember to only use this power for good - the consequences for doing otherwise will be dire.Enter meditation or perform the Bagha while visualizing a beautiful pair of gloves slipping onto your hands. Intend or say, “These are a pair of Power Gloves. They magnify all energy coming out of my hands - especially healing energy and energy used to manifest my goals and intentions, without draining my own personal energy. So it is.”The NINTH technique is the Thinking Cap:Yes, a Thinking Cap. This is easily used for anytime you need to contemplate your options, study, memorize information, take a test, etc. This is not great for meditation - because the intention is slightly different. You can make a Meditation Cap if you wish to help with meditation, chanting, manifestation, Quantum Jumping, Flowdreaming, self-hypnosis and all meditation-related things. The Thinking Cap is for information-related stuff.Enter meditation or use the Bagha. Visualize a small little cap on your head with the words “Thinking Cap” on it or the picture of a brain on it. Intend or say, “This is a Thinking Cap that will now make it easy to learn and memorize information, recall any information, contemplate my options, decide on a wise choice of action, increase my IQ, develop my mental ability, and balance my brainwaves. When I put it on, I am a literal genius! So it is.”The TENTH Technique is the Painted Smile:This is going to help create an inner vibration of happiness. Science has proven that smiling is a very powerful and healing thing. Smiling releases good hormones, and focusing on specific people or parts of your body while smiling and seeing them smiling all has helpful benefits - even if the person is not present. The Painted Smile will create an inner smile that will make your own physical smiles more energetic, more real, and more powerful - especially if you just aren’t in the mood for smiling when you need to! For example, you may be nervous about meeting a new boss or going on a blind date - paint a smile on your face with this technique and let a real, empowered smile come out!Enter meditation or use the Bagha. In your mind’s eye, see a small bottle of ink and a small brush. The bottle has a label that says, “Magical Smiling Ink” and the brush has a label that says, “Magical Smiling Brush.” Say or intend, “This bottle and brush have the power to paint a powerful, magical smile on my face. When I paint a smile on my face using these tools, I am filled with the energy and emotions of a true smile - attracting more smiles to me and giving power to my own smiles! So it is.” Then, imagine the brush dunking into the ink and coming out, painting a smile on your face - either very simple or a big goofy clown-faced smile. Say or intend, “I have painted a smile on my face! So it is.” Then, let a real smile come out! Smile at yourself, smile at different parts of your body, and smile at other people! Use this just before using some of your other techniques, such as the Wave of Goodness, to add the power of a real smile to it!The ELEVENTH technique is the Mystic Robe:

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This is the final miniature technique for now. This is a robe that will amplify any spiritual practice - such as prayer, healing, angel therapy, ritual work, spell work, meditation, worship, spiritual communication, spiritual contemplation, mediumship, etc. Regardless of your spiritual path, this is for all of you who do have some kind of spiritual belief - though it’s fine if you do not have one and find no use for this technique. I chose a robe for this technique, because in almost every religious belief, wearing a robe is symbolic of dressing for a special rite - something beyond this world but not quite in the next. But, use any kind of spiritual garb that works for you (though I’m not familiar with the names of any specific spiritual dress).Enter meditation or use the Bagha. See a beautiful but simple (or ornate and fancy) robe that is perfect for you. Normally, I would imagine a simple but elegant flowing white robe - with colored trim symbolic of whatever I wanted to do, such as green for healing and working with Archangel Raphael, or a swirling rainbow of colors for Flowdreaming, etc. See any symbols you may like - change the symbols if you wish at a later date. Say or intend, “This is my Mystic Robe. When I visualize putting this robe on, all of my spiritual, magickal, and meditation-work is amplified and empowered. So it is.” Put it on whenever you please!THAT IS ALL OF THE TECHNIQUES - but you can create your own. Several of these here I just made up on the spot, such as the Mystic Robe. For example, you can create your Grounding Shoes when you’re feeling too hyper or energetic - these shoes will ground you to the earth and release all of your excess or foreign energies. This is helpful for those familiar with Grounding and want something to help with it. You can create some Work-Out Bracers, seeing some cloth bracers on your wrists to help your exercise work. You can make a Writer’s Ring whenever you need to write something and need some motivation, inspiration, or creativity. You can make more than one type of object for different things. You can use rings for everything! You can use just shoes, just hats, etc. YOU can make and do anything!FINAL TIPS:Once you’ve “made” the object have given it a name, you can use the Bagha and say “Angelic Glasses On” and see them getting put on. Then, when you’re finished, just say, “Angelic Glasses Off” and see them being taken off. You don’t have to put them anywhere. They’ll always exist - if you don’t think so, just create it again.I EXTREMELY recommend you read my meditation blog and use that to create the object first in that one - because the meditation programs the object in your subconscious mind. The Bagha then makes it easier to use afterwards, but it will take longer to start to see the effect if you ONLY ever use the Bagha for these objects.Have a great time having fun with these techniques! Combine them for similar purposes! For example, use the Painted Smile, the Power Gloves, the Angelic Glasses, and the God Mantle/Goddess Cloak before using the Wave of Goodness to REALLY amplify it’s tremendous power to spread goodness through the world. Create a Goodness Fan or Goodness Belt or Goodness Bracelet JUST for amplifying the Wave of Goodness! You CAN have mystical powers that help improve your life if you commit to practicing them on a regular basis!Please leave comments on how this is working for you. Thank you!

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Saturday, October 03, 2009

The Wave of Goodness

This is a technique I've learned from The American Monk MindBox program. Here is the technique before I say what you can do with it:

Put your dominant hand (hand you write with) on your opposite shoulder. I'm right handed, so I put my right hand on my left shoulder. I then touch the roof of my mouth with the tip of my tounge (this is called the Bagha) and I think to myself, "Wave of Goodness" and set my intention. Then, I extend my hand and arm in a slow arc all the way to the right as space allows. Then, I bring the hand back in that slow arc back to my shoulder. Three waves is generally what is recommended. You can do one, two, nine, eleven, or three waves three times a day.

Now, first, let's talk about setting the intention. Usually, the intention is to heal someone or yourself. If someone you know has a headache, an illness, an injury, then your intent is for the Goodness to HEAL them. Does it always work? No. But when it does - it's a miracle. Sometimes, the intention is to just send Goodness to yourself while standing in front of a mirror or to anyone. Let that be your intention! Or, close your eyes and see a timeline of your day in front of you. Send Waves of Goodness into it so that Goodness energy is filling your present and future moments, waiting for you as you reach those moments. I like to put at least six for a full day. Or, before you start to drive, imagine in your mind the "path" you are taking to your destination. You don't have to visualize the whole thing - just know it's in front of you. Send Waves of Goodness into it so that good energy is along your path of travel. This is multiplied by the energy you've send forward into your day (or even into the past to heal the trauma and energy of that moment).

Also, you can imagine a situation, quality, or relationship in your life. Imagine your finances in your mind - probably as a rosebush because I like that metaphor. Maybe it's doing well or not. Send Waves of Goodness into it and watch it flourish, improve, grow, etc. Do the same thing for your love life, your health, your emotions, etc. The rosebush, tree, or SOMETHING that changes and grows can symbolize anything. If you want, see a sign next to it in your mind telling you what it represents. It could represent a relationship you have with someone that needs to improve. Send Goodness to it and watch it heal. Let it represent a goal or desire, and send Goodness to it. Burt Goldman, the man who made the MindBox collection, calls this his "crowning" technique but doesn't give a lot of ways to use it. Here are a bunch I've just given you!

Why is this so important to me? Because the world NEEDS Goodness to change our lives. Our present is seen as horrible by many - let's send Goodness to it to heal it as best as we can! Let's improve our futures - seen as armageddon by a decent number of people. Whether or not we can change such things is something we'll never know if we never try to heal or help it. If nothing else, the Wave of Goodness will be able to help you with SOMETHING in your life.

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If you don't have the space to do it or are surrounded by people you don't feel comfortable physically doing it in front of, you can do it in your mind. For most people, there's not much difference. For me, I feel it's more successful if I can do it with my body too - because then the energy is moving through the physical AND mental planes of existance. If it's just the mental plane, it may not be as effective - but the Goodness energy ALWAYS appears if that is your INTENTION.

You can also send this energy to people who are not physically present to heal them. You can use the "Theatre of Healing" for distant healing but it's ultimately the same thing with a different visualization.

For self healing when you don't have a mirror, you can close your eyes and imagine your Higher Self, Guardian Angel, Spirit Guide, departed loved one, fictional character, or even yourself or ANYONE standing in front of you (or many people around you) and they are doing the Wave of Goodness on you with the intention to heal and send Goodness. I like this one because I get a different sensation than when I do it for myself in front of a mirror.

You can infuse items with Goodness if you place them before you and use it. Taste some water in a glass without the energy. Send three waves into it and taste it again. Send another three and taste it again. Most people will taste, feel, or sense a difference. Put it in food as you're cooking, or as you're saying grace, and let goodness fill you through food.

I hope this helps you all. It's my hope this technique helps many people. Please, do this for the world, do this for me, and do this for yourself, if only a few times for fun and please let me know what happens for you!!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Easy Meditation Technique & Manifestion Trigger

This is a technique I learned from Christopher Penczak. If there is anyone in the world of the New Age who is honest, straightforward, serious, and filled with REAL techniques and rituals and things you can DO to use the material - THIS is the person to look to. He provides great information usually in easy-to-understand ways. His book "Instant Magick" is one of my all-time favorites I recommend to everyone and anyone interested in meditation, magick, manifesting their desires, improving their life, spiritual contact, etc. This book provides a very good groundwork for all of that using a highly important premise: an easy method to entering meditation, and a simple technique to access a light brainwave state when you cannot fully meditate.

The first is meditation. Find a place you're comfortable, relaxed, and aren't wearing anything constricting. You can close your eyes, or focus on a mandala, candle, etc. Closing your eyes is better, because you need to visualize a screen in your mind. This could be a chalkboard, movie screen, canvas, etc. See the

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number 12 on it, then erase or delete it. Move down from 12 to 1. Then, just let the darkness consume you. Listen to your inner voice count down from 13 to 1. You're in a deep level of meditation - deep alpha or light theta. You can focus on your body and tell any parts to relax that may not be relaxed or still tense.

Once in this state, you are meditating. You can say a mantra like "Aum/Om" "Happiness" "Peace" "Health" "Wealth" etc. You can try and empty your thoughts and become thought-less, if that interests you. I'm not good at it. Doing those mantras will keep you FOCUSED, and it will help manifest those things.

You can perform wonderful things! You can visualize your goals in a movie theatre, seeing scenes of your life after the goal is realized. Then, fill the image with white light. Make the scene more colorful, alive, and filled with energy. That will activate a lot of manifestational energy.

Now, you can program a post-hypnotic suggestion, or an Instant Magick Trigger. You can program a hand movement, like crossing your fingers. You can program a phrase, like saying a number three times. You can program an image. You can even program the Bagha (touching the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue) which is already a powerful technique, this will only amplify it. Perform your trigger, or say it, or visualize it. Say, "I program this as my instant magick trigger. When I perform this trigger, I instantly access a light meditative state and all of my magickal, spiritual, and psychic abilities, for the highest good of all. So it is." Say that three times. Every time you meditate, program your trigger again to really imprint it into your subconscious. Then, perform your trigger at any time you want to manifest something and perform your manifestational technique. You can say affirmations with it while visualizing your goal, or use it to amplify the Wave of Goodness.

I hope this further helps you all!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

The Full Bagha

The Bagha is an ancient technique that stimulates your mystical energy, your prana/chi/ki/etc. Burt Goldman teaches to just touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth while thinking about what you want right now - usually with small, simple, or fun things before trying larger goals. Things to start with are getting parking spots, turning lights green, good seats and waiters at a restaurant, etc.

But there's a little more to it to get the full, proper effect. You not only have to touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue, but you have to lightly tense your sphincter. It's even better if you can imagine energy running up your spine, down your front, and up your spine in a full circle.

This is because your frontal energy and your back energy are connected at the roof of your mouth and the base of your spine (which the sphincter is very close

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to). When the tongue connects the top line and the sphincter contracts to connect the lower line, this completes a circuit in your energy system. Your energy is stimulated, flowing all over you. This energy will also flow into anything you are focused on manifesting, such as getting a parking place. I know it's harder to hold focus on something while holding your tongue to the roof your mouth and holding your sphincter contracted, but it's worth it if you try it for a while.

Now that you know the Bagha, here's an ultra simple technique to use it even more fully. Fill your lungs with breath, focus on your intention while doing the Bagha then release the breath slowly. The energy of the breath will be added to the intention. This is called the Lucid Breath Release. This also gives you something for larger goals, because you can keep doing the Lucid Breath Release to add more power to a goal.

I hope this helps you, because there are many mind tricks that can be performed by using the Bagha and a simple visualization, such as the Angelic Signt Glasses, the ESP Hat, the Magnet Scarf, the Healing Gloves, the Power Shield, the Energy Longevity Aura (aka the Reiki Longevity Shield), etc.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Spiritual Beings & My Spiritual Views

This blog is intended to BRIEFLY outline my personal spiritual feelings and to reiterate that ANYONE can benefit from receiving psychic and Reiki healing and readings from me. There is no one who can be denied regardless if you are: Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Zoroastrianistic, Wiccan, Satanic, Neopagan, Zoroastrian, Taoist, Spiritualist, Buddhist, atheist, agnostic, Gnostic, Hermeticist, gay, straight, bisexual, old, young, male, female, Caucasian, Irish, Indian, Black, Native American, etc. The ONLY people who may have difficulty receiving my help are those who INTENTIONALLY do not want to receive effective healing or accurate psychic guidance from me, such as those who enter a session with me to "test the psychic" or "defame the psychic" in any way. If I discover this is what you are doing, the reading/healing will be terminated, you will DEFINITELY not receive a refund, and I will add blocks to you from posting on my profile, emailing me, or calling me if I have your number. I am a professional and I deserve respect - and I have a no-tolerance policy against anyone who is attempting to "prove me wrong." If this is what you're going to do, you can contact the Better Business Bureau and I will work with one of their representatives to prove the legality of my business. Also, someone who may have a spiritual contract in this lifetime to have some sort of experience may have a hard time healing an issue at that current time. If this is a possibility, I will do my best to ascertain if that is actually the case, why you are in this contract, how long you may have to be in it, and any options you may have.

Now that we have taken care of the technicalities, let me discuss my personal beliefs. First of all, I have an eclectic collection of beliefs that resonate deeply

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with me mostly because of a sense of logic that rings true both in my mind and in my heart. Furthermore, I tend to find a lot of truth in spiritual systems that are more than 2000 years old - especially modernized interpretations of them that we can understand. My primary spiritual belief system is the Science of Mind, or Religious Science as it is sometimes called. My oldest spiritual curiosity involved magick and witchcraft, and to this day everything I believe in is tempered with that belief in magick, witchcraft, and a support for the Wiccan religion (though I am not Wiccan myself). I am deeply supportive of Unitarian Universalists. Unity, Christian Science, and Gnostic Christianity have my support - their views of Jesus are usually the ones I ascribe to. Please note that I am not a Christian. Also, I truly love the spiritual laws and logic of the Hermetic Laws and Mentalism - I believe in these practices as well and use them personally. Taoism as described in Wayne Dyer's book "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life" has a certain sense of a Source/Creator that is truly BEYOND all things we can describe from being a man or woman, capricious or loving, etc. This Source, I believe, created the possibility of pain, evil, sadness, etc., so that we could tell the difference between that and what is Good and what is Neutral/Oneness. Oneness contains the dual things - light/dark, man/woman, positive/negative. It contains the balance. Good/Evil are within Oneness - saying that neither Good nor Evil is good or bad. It's a paradox, yes, but that is the nature of Taoism. I support Buddhism, but I am not Buddhist nor knowingly practice any of its teachings. Spiritualism is the last of the spiritual belief systems that I knowingly support and practice. I believe I shall one day study to become a minister in the Science of Mind and Spiritualist practices. I also support the spiritualities of shamanism, druidry, and other magickal spiritual practices.

In short, the spiritual practices that I practice actually support all other religions. My personal feelings of each religion isn't important - because I acknowledge the justification and legitimancy in each belief system, so long as it adheres to the legal law and to the Law of Freedom. The Law of Freedom, as I believe it, is that we all have free will. It can be summarized in this sentence, "The freedom and free will of the majority must never overrule the freedom and free will of the minority." While I dislike talking about politics, I am homosexual. Therefore, I am pro-gay rights and I support the Human Rights Campeign. I believe that even if there was one homosexual, he or she must be given equal rights as everyone else. Just because YOU may believe they are inferior, or that there is something "wrong" with them or that they are religiously damned - they deserve the freedom to live life in the same way you do. If you believe differently, then when your spiritual/religious/political opponents gain power and they think you should not have equal rights, you will have gotten everything you deserve. Think on that.

Okay, now that the harsh politics is out of the way, let me talk about the spiritual beings I believe in and enjoy working with.

Firstly, the Higher Self. Also known as the Divine Self, the True Self, the Soul Self, your Spirit, etc. This is the part of you that has already perfected. It cannot grow, change, develop, or improve itself in any way. It is the part of you that "animates" the rest of you and gives you life. It is the part of you that comes

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directly from Source - and this fragment is already perfect. The rest of you is, essentially, perfect - but only the "rest of you" can experience pain, joy, happiness, sadness, anger, death, life, light, dark, etc. The Higher Self is beyond all of this - its only use for you is to know the difference between It and All Else. It unconditionally loves you and all beings and has an infinite amount of potential, knowledge, wisdom, etc. You never NEED to work with any other guide, totem, ascended master, angel, or saint if you work entirely with the Higher Self. In fact, one of the entire purposes of ALL LIFE is to become merged with the Higher Self once again. Great affirmations you can use to bring the Higher Self more into your life are:"Subconscious mind - obey only my Higher Self!""My Higher Self rules!""I surrender to my Higher Self.""I see, hear, feel, and understand the Divine Guidance of my Higher Self.""I allow my Higher Self to lead.""I feel the love and energy of my Higher Self flowing through me.""My Higher Self, I ask that you attune me to your powerful healing, uplifting energies and frequencies."Name your Higher Self and talk with it. James is the name I gave my Higher Self.

Secondly, Spirit Guides. Spirit guides are almost always a being who has had some kind of physical life. Sometimes, however, they are not human. Sometimes someone may have an extra spirit guide that is a Fairy, Leprechaun, alien, or other entity. This being will have had a lifetime as that being (whether or not Fairies, etc. die, I don't know - but either way, they have had a Fairy lifetime or currently are having it). Human spirit guides usually have had at least one lifetime as a human. Your primary guides are spirit guides that exist as another part of YOU - they are a part of your soul that is/was/will be living a different physical life as you. For example, the part of your soul that will have a physical life 200 years from now already has the knowledge and experience from that lifetime (and it may be altered under proper circumstances since time is relative and it's in the future) and this spirit guide will benefit you. There are often many extra spirit guides that come into our lives for various purposes, such as Joy Guides, Creativity Guides, Prosperity Guides, Healer Guides, Protector Guides, Runner Guides, Nature Guides, etc. Sonia Choquette's book "Ask Your Guides" is a MAGNIFICENT book to learn more about your guides and how to work with them. Also, your primary spirit guides are never people you knew in your present physical life. In fact, people you knew in your present physical life may be able to help you, and they may guide you from time to time, but they are not your spirit guides.

Ascended Masters are often spiritual leaders who, instead of enjoying their afterlife or continuing their spiritual progression, they are continuing to lead and help the entire human race - not just the people who practiced their religion, but everyone. Sometimes, they are the gods and goddesses of other religions who will help most people who call on them. However, all Ascended Masters have free will and may choose not to help you for whatever reasons. If you go around saying that all Wiccans who work with the Greek and Roman gods and goddesses are damned to Hell, I highly doubt that Aphrodite, Zeus, or Athena will be willing to help you - they may even try and teach you humility and

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kindess through a life lesson. Many known Ascended Masters are: Jesus, Buddha, White Tara, Green Tara, Mohammed, Babaji, Apollo, Athena, Diana, Ixchel, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Mary Magdelene, Anandamayi Ma, Saint Germain/Le Comte de Saint Germain, Vywamus, etc. Call upon whatever Ascended Masters you feel comfortable with - or none at all.

Angels are the final spiritual beings I am going to discuss here. I believe in the angelic realm, and I believe angelic beings are not portrayed entirely correctly in the Bible - though they have captured part of it. Firstly, I believe Angels are nondenominational because the Source/Creator is nondenominational - you can cress It up in Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, or Buddhism, but it is still Source and Angels are perfect spiritual beings who act as mediators between the Infinity and the Finite-Minded. We are completely incapable of understanding the ALLNESS of Source - and Source can only create Finity, it can never truly be IN it. Therefore, Source created Angels that can be identified by the Finite and can understand the Infinite. They are messengers and protectors most of all. They also serve virtually every function of a spirit guide, except an angel works more directly with Source. It all depends upon which one you feel more comfortable with. I support virtually every book by Doreen Virtue and Richard Webster on topics of angels and spirit guides (I recommend Richard Webster more than Doreen Virtue for you practical or ritual-based people). For an almost thorough overview of both, I recommend "Spirit Guides and Angel Guardians" by Richard Webster.

I feel a great love for the Archangels as well - especially Archangel Raphael, the "Divine Physician" and Archangel Michael for his cleansing and healing abilities. I believe in the following archangels at minimum: Raphael, Michael, Uriel, Gabriel, Jophiel, Zadkiel, Sandalphon, Metatron, Chamuel, Ariel, Azrael, Remiel, Sariel, Raguel, Jeremiel, Raziel, and Haniel. I believe if you can establish a clear connection with an Archangel - your life is DEFINITELY going to change quickly and dramatically.

I hope this helps everyone understand me better - perhaps even understand themselves a little better!

Blessed be!- Blake

Monday, July 06, 2009

Healing Meditation

Find a comfortable place to sit with your spine relatively straight. A couch or soft chair is recommended. If you are physically capable, avoid lying down on a bed or reclining in a plushy recliner because this may easily put you to sleep.

Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths and exhale slowly. A healthy breathing goal is to be able to breathe like this and make a maximum of 8 cycles in a minute or less. This will bring you into an extremely deep state of

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meditation and will begin to activate healing biological reactions in your body. If you can breathe slowly and deeply and gain enough oxygen and eventually (over several weeks or months) reach NO MORE than 4 breath cycles a minute, you will stimulate powerful chemical reactions, stimulate either the pituitary or pineal gland (I don't remember which - but those glands activate your psychic and spiritual abilities). This is just a healthy fact to know and is a known yoga practice that I am working towards myself.

Just scan your body from head to toe or toe to head and bless everything and tell it to relax. Say, "I bless my toes and feet. Relax." Or just mentally say to your feet and toes, "Bless you. Relax."

Then, see a powerful Violet Flame descend from the Cosmos or Heaven or Saint Germain (the being who rules the Violet Flame) or God Itself and begin to wash over your body. It dances all over you, around you, and it feels like whatever you imagine being bathed in magical, tingling energy feels like. Imagine the Fairy Godmother from Cinderella has just waved her wand at you and sparkling magic has just washed over you - and that's how the Violet Flame feels.

Then, it begins to ENTER your body through your pores, your breathing, your mouth, ears, etc. It goes into the cells of your body and heals them all and fills them with vitalizing energy. Any painful, limiting, or harmful energies, entities, feelings, and thoughts are being scrubbed out of your body, mind, emotions, and spirit.

Once you are all clean and just shining with the Violet Flame - imagine that this flame has begun to swirl and dance around you in a cocoon of purple energy. It then crystalizes into a rubbery, shiny, violet shield at the edge of your aura around your entire body. Know that this energy will protect you from harmful energy coming into your aura - it will reflect it back to the sender with love and blessings.

Open your eyes when you're ready. Stretch, move around. Drink plenty of water and eat a little something natural - like bread or a fruit to get you feeling back to normal. Doing this on a regular basis will clear your energy, heal your body and cells, clear and protect your aura, and even heal and balance Karma issues. The Violet Flame is powerful and can be used by anyone - however there are attunements and Reiki systems out there that can help create a much more powerful and direct connection to the Violet Flame or Saint Germain and if you feel called to seek them out and use them, please do.

I hope this helps anyone who cannot afford my healing work or does not have the time to get it.

Blessed Be,

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Psychic, Reiki, Spiritual, & Energy HEALING

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This blog is meant to be a very simplified overview of the different types of healing metaphysical healing techniques in the world today - at least the ones I know of, especially the ones I practice. First off, the word "metaphysical" must be defined here to be clear: metaphysical, as I know it, means anything beyond the physical world. There is a heavy overtone of all things New Age that covers this word - and with me, that tone rings true. I am a very New Age aka metaphysical person. I'm not a fruity cream puff - what I do is serious work, accented by my love of peace, happiness, joy, creativity (and all the other creamy puff stuff, hehe!).


I had to say that disclaimer because of our Federal nanny. Now, as I was saying, there are many ways healing can occur in this world. The first is physical work done by a physical doctor of medicine. It is a very intriguing practice, but even Western science is beginning to show more and more the benefit of metaphysical and/or homeopathic medicine. Meditation and hypnosis has proven to be very good for your overall health, your heart, your stress levels, blood pressure, and your peace of mind. Prayer has proven to be an effective means of increasing the quantity and quality of healing success. Energy healing modalities like Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Quantum Touch, & Chi Kung have become increasingly tested and proven very beneficial in the healing process. But what is it all?

The entire universe is not physical by any means. Physicality is an illusion brought on by the speed and compact nature of atoms and molecules. The particles that compose atoms themselves are being debated as to whether or not they are physical. Science seems to show that these particles change depending upon how they are observed. When observed as a wave (a non-physical frequency) then they appear as a wave. When observed as a particle (a physical component) then they appear as particles. Also, you can separate the particles of an atom to great distances and they will still move and react as if connected. I do not remember where I read this information - it's in one of my books and some really good Googling should reveal it. What this is saying is that the world is made up of energy. Metaphysicians and ancient mystical traditions have known this for years - there are different levels of existance from the physical, emotional, mental, astral, spiritual, and various other planes of existance. Disease often begins when something is damaged on one of the other planes and then manifests on the physical one. What you do on one plane affects the other (this is the secret of real magick, witchcraft, shamanism, druidry, etc.)

Well, if you can DAMAGE something on the physical world by using the non-physical ones, then can you not HEAL and CHANGE things using the non-physical realms? YES YOU CAN! Essentially, if you can focus your mind on the goal (mental), create the feeling of already having it (emotional) then you can

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begin to cause a shift in the astral and other planes - ultimately creating it on the physical with enough effort. The spiritual plane is the one that most often causes difficulty (or greater success) with this process. For example, if on the SPIRITUAL plane it is not someone's highest good to recieve a certain healing, or if they came into this life to experience the disease and learn from it, then the healing will not be able to occur by using SPIRITUAL healing practices such as Reiki. However, some people cannot take "no" for an answer and try to force the healing with unrestricted magick, forced psychic healing, or special hypnosis, yoga, herbalist or other healing methodologies. The results of this could be as simple as the person does not learn the lesson they came to learn in this life - or as devastating as causing an even worse disaster. That is why, when I work magick or psychic healing, I often program it with the affirmation, "For the highest good of all" and flow Reiki energy into it, so that spiritual energy may guide it. If it is not for the highest good or was going to cause harm, the spell would be neutralized or the psychic healing would be ineffective. However, that is usually not the case as far as healing goes - and even if you are one of the few people who won't be able to be healed, I guarantee there is a spiritual healing technique that will at least bring you more peace and comfort, or even some kind of pain relief when you need it. I have never heard of anyone who couldn't get SOME kind of benefit from Reiki or psychic healing.

Now, to explain psychic healing. Remember how I said that atomic particles change from particles to waves just by being looked at? Well, that's the same thing with psychic healing. Psychics who can use clairvoyance (or just simply visualize) can call up the energy in their mind's eye and just by looking at it, it will begin to move and shift - either to reveal more information or try to hide it. Psychic HEALING is when the psychic intentionall visualizes things occuring to the energy to heal it. This can be grounding any foreign or harmful energies and entities into the center of the earth to be cleansed. This can be seeing rips and tears in someone's aura and sewing them back together and giving them beneficial healing energy to repair it. This can be seeing the daggers and knives of psychic attack being pulled away from someone's body, mind, aura, and spirit and being cleansed by spiritual energy so that they can be freed from the pain - or cutting the harmful psychic cords we have to people, events, situations, or goals that are draining us (or we are draining and harming THEM). These are all not as horrible as they seem - we live with a lot of them without even knowing, but some people can be really hurt badly by them. Some chronic pains that have no explaination may be a psychic attack/curse (the knives and daggers) or a psychic cord embedded in that area. Or, there may be a blockage or imbalance in your chakras. Chakras are like the organs of your spiritual, mental, emotional, astral, and aura bodies. They are disks or spheres of energy that go up along the spine - and in your arms and legs, but the major ones are on the spine. Most people have at least heard of the Third Eye - this is one of those chakras. Taking care of your chakras on a regular basis will DRAMATICALLY improve your life on every level - because not only do your chakras regulate your body's energy, but they also regulate the balance and flow of energy in all areas of your life, from physical ones, to emotional, mental, and spiritual ones as you go "higher" up your spine to more spiritual chakras. To learn more about Chakras and all of these psychic issues, I recommend the

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books "Chakra Clearing" and "Angel Medicine" by Dr. Doreen Virtue.

Reiki is a spiritual healing technique that originates from Tibet thousands of years ago. However, those methods were lost - then "rediscovered" by a man named Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan a little more than 100 years ago. His story has been retold a rediculous number of times to even include aliens. Regardless, after spending many years researching alternative and ancient healing methods, he went on a spiritual journey on a sacred mountain where he was going to fast until he either found the answers he sought or would perish. On the final night when he would have certainly died, a beam of light shined on the horizon and began to head straight for him. It struck him on the head and knocked him unconscious, and when he awoke in the morning, he saw symbols in bubbles similar to the ones he had been researching. As he reoriented himself, he realized he was alive and not hungry at all - and filled with energy. He began a fast trek down the mountain, injuring his toe and then healing it. When he reached the base of the mountain, he visited a restaurant that specialized on a very light soup for people who had been fasting and demanded a huge meal - which he ate without getting sick. He even laid his hands on the owners's daughters jaw where she was having a lot of tooth problems that cleared up in minutes. He returned to his monastery to the elderly abbot who was bedridden with arthritis. He laid his hands on the abbot and the pain subsided greatly. From then on, he helped as many people as he could - even though the effects of the healing were temporary on many people who were only looking for a solution to all of their problems instead of being given the ability to work and thrive on their own. He "attuned" at least two other people to the source of his healing energy - one of them was a woman who brought it to the United States and over the years, it has come from a very, VERY secretive sect with very few Masters to an ever-evolving network of many people, some of them including young teenagers such as myself and my even younger friends! Lol. Reiki uses its symbols to "plug in" someone to the Reiki Source - which I think is an infinite "lake" of energy on the Spiritual Plane that is intelligent and helpful. Reiki energy can never be used for harm - however, sometimes when the healing energy is flowing, it has to force out all of the foreign, harmful energies and that can manifest as very light, temporary pain, a brief but abnormal cold or flu, crying or other emotional outbursts, etc. But the healing effect afterwards can be astounding. Angela McGerr (if I remember her name right) was a woman who was recieving a Reiki healing when she began to spontaneously communicate with angels and now she is a successful author and oracle card creator centered around angels. There are now hundreds of different types of Reiki healing traditions. The basic Reiki tradition is Usui Reiki - mine is Usui Shiki Ryoho, but there are several other Usui Reiki traditions out there. The other famous, powerful, and popular forms of Reiki are Karuna Reiki (to be taken after Usui Reiki), Tera Mai Reiki, Lightarian Reiki, Shamballa Reiki, Tibetan Reiki, and Seichim Reiki. I wouldn't seek attunements to any other Reiki systems before these first. I am seeking to be attuned and certified in all of these systems.


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I will also have a blog up soon posting a sample meditation you can do for yourself if you are desperately in need of healing and either cannot afford my help or you do not have the time.

Sincerely,Psychic Mind Blake

Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Loving-Myself Affirmation

Deep at the center of my being, there is an infinite well of love. I now allow this love to flow to the surface. It fills my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness, my very being, and radiates out from me in all directions and returns to me multiplied.The more love I use and give, the more I have to give. The supply is endless. The use of love makes me feel good, it is an expression of my inner joy, I love myself; therefore, I take loving care of my body.I lovingly feed it nourishing foods and beverages, I lovingly groom it and dress it, and my body lovingly responds to me with vibrant health and energy. I love myself; therefore provide for myself a comfortable home, one that fills all my needs and is a pleasure to be in. I fill the rooms with the vibration of love so that all who enter, myself included, will feel this love and be nourished by it. I love myself; therefore I work at a job I truly enjoy doing, one that uses my creative talents and abilities, working with and for people I love and who love me, and earning a good income.

I love myself; therefore, I behave and think in a loving way to all people for I

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know that that which I give out returns to me multiplied.I only attract loving people in my world, for they are a mirror of what I am. I love myself; therefore I forgive and totally release the past and all past experiences and I am free. I love myself; therefore I live totally in the now, experiencing each moment as good and knowing that my future is bright and joyous and secure, for I am a beloved child of the Universe and the Universe lovingly takes care of me now and forever more.

And so it is.~Louise Hay

Read more: http://blogs.myspace.com/psychicmind0#ixzz0vMRL21gA