THE FUNCTIONS OF SLANG WORDS BY THE MAIN AND MINOR ... · The Function of Slang Words in Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan Comic Books. Yogyakarta: English Letters

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Page 1: THE FUNCTIONS OF SLANG WORDS BY THE MAIN AND MINOR ... · The Function of Slang Words in Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan Comic Books. Yogyakarta: English Letters





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 144214142







Page 2: THE FUNCTIONS OF SLANG WORDS BY THE MAIN AND MINOR ... · The Function of Slang Words in Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan Comic Books. Yogyakarta: English Letters






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters



Student Number: 144214142







Page 3: THE FUNCTIONS OF SLANG WORDS BY THE MAIN AND MINOR ... · The Function of Slang Words in Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan Comic Books. Yogyakarta: English Letters


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I would like to express my deep and earnest gratitude to my thesis advisor,

Arina Isti’anah, S.Pd., M.Hum, for always backing me up. She consistently

allowed me to finish my thesis as best I could. She is a mother to me. My biggest

gratitude also goes to my co-advisor, Dr. Fr. B. Alip., M.Pd., M.A. His advice and

time were really worth to make this thesis even better. I would also like to

acknowledge Harris Hermansyah Setiajid, M.Hum for his precious support and

encouragement during my study. I am also thankful to Mba Ninik for being so

friendly and helpful to help me deal and maintain the administration stuff.

This work would not have been possible without the support of my family,

my Papa, my beloved Madre, Dhyta Caturani, my very best friend and Ibu,

Hendriati Trianita, my endless love, Veronica Iswinahyu, my Bunda, Dian

Setyowati, Bapak Yando Zakaria, Uni Yetty, and also my little brothers and sister,

Elsy, Geri, Bugi, and Borgar. I pay my deep sense of gratitude to my duo best

friends, Intan Realista and Ika Septiyana, who stand strong for this together. My

gratefulness also goes to my long lost best friends, Davida, Gaby, Dian, Devina,

Intan, Cipuy, and Citta. I’m also highly indebted to my best sister, Alicia Sandra.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my chills squad.

Last but not least, I’m deeply indebted to my best support system for the

past 6 years and still counting, Handi Kamadjaja, S.Ars, who showers me with

lots of affections to make sure that I did my thesis as well I could.

Elsa Auliya R


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TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................. ii

APPROVAL PAGE ....................................................................................... iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE .................................................................................. iv


PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH ....................................................................... v

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY ............................................................. vi

MOTTO PAGE ............................................................................................. vii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................... viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... ix

LIST OF ABBREVIATION .......................................................................... xi

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... xiii

ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................ xiv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study ............................................................................ 1

B. Problem Formulation .................................................................................. 5

C. Objectives of the Study ............................................................................... 5

D. Definition of Terms ..................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ............................................. 7

A.Review of Related Studies ........................................................................... 7

B. Review of Related Theories ........................................................................ 9

1. Socioilinguistics ...................................................................................... 9

2. Slang ........................................................................................................ 10

3. The Function of Slang ............................................................................. 11

4. Comic books ............................................................................................ 13

C. Theoretical Framework ............................................................................... 14

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ............................................................. 16

A. Object of the Study ...................................................................................... 16

B. Approach of the Study ................................................................................. 17

C. Method of the Study .................................................................................... 18

1. Data Collection ........................................................................................ 18

2. Data Analysis .......................................................................................... 19


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A. The Contextual Meaning of Slang Words ................................................... 21

B. The Function of Slang Words ..................................................................... 44

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ..................................................................... 54

REFERENCES ............................................................................................... 57

APPENDICES ................................................................................................ 59

Appendix 1 .................................................................................................. 59

Appendix 2 .................................................................................................. 62


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LMD : Longman Dictionary


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No. Table Page

1. Table 1. The Summary of Slang Words in

Mad about Millie Vol.1 and Deadpool vs

Old Man Logan Comic Books 2. Table 2. Contextual Meaning of Mad about

Millie Vol. 1 comic book 3. Table 3. Contextual Meaning of Deadpool

vs Old Man Logan Comic Book





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RIZKY, ELSA AULIYA. The Function of Slang Words in Mad about Millie

Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan Comic Books. Yogyakarta: English

Letters Department, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2018.

Language is the foundation of the society that allows people to express

their feelings and as a system of communication among individuals. In a society,

there are some various languages, such as standard language and restricted

language used by every community. One of the various languages used in a

society is slang. Slang is widely known as an informal style of speech used by the

participants in some communities. Slang is also often used in some writings, such

as comic book. In this study, the researcher analyzes the contextual meaning and

the function of slang words found in two different genre comic books. The first

comic book is a humor genre comic book entitled Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and the

second comic book is a superhero genre comic book entitled Deadpool vs Old

Man Logan comic books.

There are two problems formulated in this study. The first problem focused

on the contextual meaning of the slang words that is presented through the

characters’ utterances in the Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man

Logan comic books. The second problem concerns on the functions of the slang

words presented from the characters’ utterances in the Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and

Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic books.

This study applied purposive sampling method to collect the data. There

are 16 slang words that taken from Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old

Man Logan comic books as the data of the study. In discussing the contextual

meaning and the function of the slang words in the two comic books, this study

employed sociolinguistic approach.

As a final point, this study has found two findings. The first finding is the

slang words in Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic

book have different contextual meanings determined by the social factors which

are topic and participant or social relation. The second finding is, there are two

functions found in the Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan

comic book, those two functions are to achieving politeness and emotive feeling.

In the Mad about Millie Vol. 1 comic book, there are five slang words that have a

function to achieving politeness and there are four slang words that have emotive

feeling has a function. On the other hand, in the Deadpool vs Old Man Logan,

there are two slang words that have function to achieving politeness and there are

four slang words that have a function as emotive feeling.


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Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2018.

Bahasa adalah fondasi di dalam satu lingkungan yang membantu

seseorang dalam mengekspresikan perasaan mereka dan sebagai sistem

komunikasi antar individu. Dalam masyarakat, ada beberapa bahasa yang

digunakan oleh setiap komunitas, seperti bahasa standar dan bahasa yang terbatas.

Salah satu dari berbagai bahasa yang digunakan dalam masyarakat adalah bahasa

gaul atau slang. Slang secara luas dikenal sebagai gaya bicara informal yang

digunakan oleh seseorang di beberapa komunitas. Slang juga sering digunakan di

dalam beberapa tulisan, salah satunya adalah komik. Dalam studi ini, peneliti

menganalisis makna kontekstual dan fungsi dari setiap kata slang yang ditemukan

dalam dua komik dengan genre yang berbeda. Komik pertama adalah komik

dengan genre humor, berjudul Mad about Millie Vol. 1 dan komik kedua adalah

komik dengan genre pahlawan super, berjudul Deadpool vs Old Man Logan. Terdapat dua rumusan masalah yang dirumuskan dalam studi ini. Masalah

pertama berfokus pada makna kontekstual dari setiap kata slang yang dianalisis

melalui kata-kata yang diucapkan setiap karakter di komik Mad about Millie Vol.

1 dan Deadpool vs Old Man Logan. Masalah yang kedua berkaitan dengan fungsi

dari setiap kata slang yang terdapat dari percakapan setiap karakter di komik Mad

about Millie Vol. 1 dan Deadpool vs Old Man Logan. Studi ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling dalam pengumpulan

data. Ada 16 kata slang yang diambil dari komik Mad about Millie Vol. 1 dan

Deadpool vs Old Man Logan sebagai data penelitian. Dalam membahas makna

kontekstual dan fungsi dari setiap kata slang dalam kedua komik, studi ini

menggunakan pendekatan sosiolinguistik. Sebagai hasil akhir, studi ini telah menemukan jawaban dari dua rumusan

masalah. Temuan pertama adalah kata-kata slang di komik Mad about Millie Vol.

1 dan Deadpool vs Old Man Logan memiliki makna kontekstual yang berbeda

yang ditentukan oleh faktor-faktor sosial, yaitu topik dan peserta atau hubungan

sosial. Temuan kedua adalah, ada dua fungsi dari setiap kata slang yang

ditemukan di komik Mad about Millie Vol. 1 dan Deadpool vs Old Man Logan,

dua fungsi tersebut adalah, membangun kesopanan dan perasaan emotif dari

setiap individu yang menggunakan kata slang tersebut. Di komik Mad about

Millie Vol. 1, terdapat lima kata slang yang memiliki fungsi dalam membangun

kesopanan dan ada empat kata slang yang memiliki perasaan emotif sebagai

fungsi. Di sisi lain, di komik Deadpool vs Old Man Logan, ada dua kata slang

yang berfungsi membangun kesopanan dan ada empat kata slang yang berfungsi

sebagai perasaan emotif.


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A. Background of the Study

In everyday life, language becomes so important since it is needed to build

a communication system among each other in this world and to establish and

maintain social relationship. Therefore, language becomes one of the most

powerful emblems of social behaviour (Wolfram, 2012, para.1). According to the

quotation above, it can be concluded that language has the most important role in

social behaviour as a function of sytem communication among individuals. For

instance, it is seen when a society uses language in order to tell message about

their identity, such as giving information about their name, family, where they

come from, etc.

Therefore, as what Wolfram states, from language, people are able to

guess or judge a person’s background, character, and intentions easily based on

how they send messages or give the information through their languages, dialects,

and their choices of words (Wolfram, 2012, para.1). In addition, according to

Holmes (2013), our language provides clues to people about who we are, where

we come from, and social experience we have had. Thus, when people want to

show a certain impression on someone else, the chosen language that will be used

becomes the most important, this because language is going to give some clues

about the speakers (Holmes, 2013, p. 4).


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In the study of language, it can be seen that there are some various

languages in society. Society could be the one who made those various languages

understood by the society members only. The relationship between language and

society can be observed through sociolinguistics. Trudgill (2000) examines that

there are two aspects of language behaviour which are very important from a

social point of view. The first aspect is the function of language in establishing

social relationship, and the second aspect is the role played by language in

conveying information about the speaker. It is clear that both aspects of linguistic

behaviour are reflections of the inter-relationship between language and society.

The role of language in conveying speaker's information has the meaning that

people from different social and geographical backgrounds are using different

kinds of language (Trudgill, 2000, p. 11). Therefore, as the explanation above, it

is concluded that there are so many societies that use or create different language

in this world.

Fayeye (2008) states that society is coming from a large group of people

who stay in one same area. “The people in a society share a common culture as a

result of interacting on regular, continuous basis, and as a result of interacting

according to patterns of behaviour on which all, more of less agree” (Fayeye,

2008, p.6). The quotation states that the people in a society who share a common

culture are having some languages with the patterns of behaviour and ideas on

more of less agree because of an interaction on regular and continuous basis that

they have. It is quite different when there are some people who communicate in

different languages. The people who communicate with different language tend to


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have different patterns of behaviour and ideas with the people who never hear the

language before (Fayeye, 2008, p. 6). The statement above gives the description

that society is a large group of people who use various languages to interact and


The use of various languages also can be found in writings such as comic

books. Reading comic books has become youngster’s hobby with its various

themes such as drama, teen humour, superheroes, romance, and horror. Comic is a

form of reading which contains a series of shorter stories or one story from cover

to cover and takes the form of textual devices such as bubble speech, captions,

narration, and other information. The way how comics express those ideas are by

combining the words and images (Eisner, 1985, p. 10). Comic books are different

from other readings as comic books are tendenly having less of the words and

another of the differences is seen on the use of its language. One of the varieties

languages that used in a comic book is slang.

Slang words are commonly used by the youth in a daily conversation.

Slang is described as “words or phrases that are used instead of more everyday

term among younger speakers and other groups with special interests” (Yule,

2006, p. 211). Moreover, as the quotation said above, Yule states that slang is

relatively used by those who are outside established higher-status groups. On the

other hand, Mattiello states that the speaker’s purpose of using slang is not always

to keep information secret, though, since of most slang wish to be understood and

want other people to recognize their age, lifestyle, or origin (2008, p. 212).


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Every slang word that appears in a comic book has different function and

it depends on what the comic’s theme is. The objects that the researcher studied

are slang words that appear in Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man

Logan comic books. Mad about Millie Vol. 1 is an American comic book which is

popular among the youngster. The theme of the comic book is a humour and its

story is about the adults’ life as the model who works as an entertainer. The

second comic is a superhero comic book entitled Deadpool vs Old Man Logan

whose story is about a superhero named Deadpool and a werewolf man, Logan

who tried to save a new mutant, Maddie. Maddie was the fugitive of Agent Hart

and his men, a group of people who work for an organisation which have humans

as their experimental material for the research.

The slang words which are produced by those two different themes are

different. On the one hand, the slang words used in Mad about Millie Vol. 1 with

humour theme are more related to the daily life things such as talking about

friends, romance, or career. On the other hand, Deadpool vs Old Man Logan as

superheroes comic contain slang words that related to criminal things. This study

of how society changes languages through different slang words is important to be

studied as slang is found in daily life and has different function.


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B. Problem Formulation

In order to devise the discussion of the study above, there are two

problems that are formulated as follows:

1. What are the contextual meanings of slang words found in Mad about Millie

Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic books?

2. What are the functions of those slang words found in the comic books?

C. Objectives of the Study

This study is conducted in order to answer two questions from problem

formulation. First of all, the researcher is going to find the contextual meaning of

slang words in Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic

books on paying attention to the topic and participants or social relation of the

conversation. The second, the researcher is going to find out the functions of those

slang words seen from the meaning of the slang word itself and relate it to the

theory of the slang words function.

D. Definition of Terms

In order to determine the findings of this research which are the

contextual meaning and the functions of slang words on the two comic books, the

writer would like to add certain information of the terms in this research. There

are two terms that used in this research: slang and comic book. According to

Yule (2006), slang is defined as words or phrases that relatively used by younger

speaker and other groups which have the special interests. Younger speaker and


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those other groups prefer to use slang as their language instead of using everyday

terms which known by most of people (2006, p. 211).

The next term is comic books. According to Will (1985), comic is a form

of reading that easy to recognize yet difficult to define. In his theory, Will used

the term of “sequential art” to describe comics. The definition of comic then

modified by Scott McCloud as a string of images that are read one after another to

produce meaning. Comics may or may not incorporate text, and differ from single

cartoons by producing a more complicated pattern (most often narrative) through

sequential spatial arrangement (McClou, 1993, p.9).


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In this chapter, there are three points explained by the researcher. First is

review of related studies, second is review of related theories, and third is

theoretical framework. In the review of related studies, the researcher uses an

undergraduate thesis by Setiawan and Widyanto and a journal article by Oktavia

as those studies are relevant with this study. In the second point, review of related

theories, the researcher uses three theories which are sociolinguistics, slang, and

comic book. The last point is theoretical framework. In the theoretical framework,

the researcher explains the contribution of each theory and review in solving the

problems of the study.

A. Review of Related Studies

The first study of slang words was conducted by Setiawan (2005). His

study is about the use of slang in daily communication among youth in 1950's

New York as seen in J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye. He studies the

meaning of slang words, the characteristic of slang words, and the functions of

slang words found in The Catcher in the Rye. This thesis is focusing on the

youngster as a group who uses slang as their language in communication.


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In the final of this study, the researcher found that there are five categories

of slang expressions classified according to the meaning attached in the

expressions. After that, the researcher also found six characteristics of slang,

which are showing emotion, abbreviation, exclamatory, arbitrary, based on idioms

and often exaggerated. The last is the purposes that make the youngster use slang

words as their daily communication. Moreover, the function of slang words in

communication is also identified, which is to speed up the communication process

and as emotive vocabularies. The similarity between Setiawan’s study and this

study is seen on finding the function of the slang words on its own object of the

study, while the differences seen on the other result of the study which is

determining categories of slang expression.

The other study about slang was conducted by Widyanto (2013). His study

is about an analysis on slang in the script of 8-Mile film used sociolinguistic

approach. His study is discussing the syntactic forms of slang expression, the kind

of meanings of slang expression, and the reasons of using slang expression in the

script of 8-Mile film. The researcher takes the data from dialogue and event found

in the script 8-Miles film. The object of the study is the script 8-Mile film. The

script of 8-Miles film portrays the reality and existences of slang expression in

society. At the end of this study, the researcher found 3 syntactic forms, 2 kinds of

meaning of using slang words, which are denotative and connotative, and 5

reasons of using slang words in 8-Miles film.

The next study is a journal article by Okatvia (2017). The study discussed

and analysed slang words that appear in the literary work, a song titled “Far East


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Movement” using sociolinguistic approach. The data are collected from the lyrics

of “Far East Movement” song. The study tries to find the slang words in the song

and then analyse the characteristic of the slang words.

Reviewing those three studies, there are some similarities to this study.

Both this study and Setiawan's study are studying the function of slang words.

One that makes this study different with Setiawan's study is the object. This

study is having comic books as the object, while Setiawan uses a novel as the

object. However, if this study is compared to Widyanto’s study, this study

contains larger context since Widyanto studied about the form of slang words,

while this study is studying about the contextual meaning related to the social

factors and the function of the slang words that found in the comic books.

Meanwhile, the similarity between this study and Oktavia’s study on her journal

article is both study are using sociolinguistic approach and the difference seen on

the problem formulation. Okativa studies the characteristics of slang words, yet

this study studies the social factors of the slang words.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Sociolinguistics

Trudgill (2000) examines that there are two aspects of language behaviour

which are very important from a social point of view, first is the function of

language in establishing social relationship, and the second is the role played by

language in conveying information about the speaker. The statement above shows

that it is clear that there is a close inter-relationship between language and society.

The role of language in conveying speaker's information has a meaning that


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people from different social and geographical backgrounds are using different

kinds of language.

According to Holmes (2013), there are social factors which become the

basic components in sociolinguistics explanations of the reason why people speak

differently and why people do not speak in the same way all of the time. Those

social factors are belonging to these 3 points which the first is the participants, the

setting or social context of the interaction, and the last is the topic. The participant

has a function to see who is speaking and whom they are speaking to. While in the

setting or social context of the interaction people will find out where they are

speaking at. The last is the topic, in the topic, people are being able to see what is

being talked about.

2. Slang

Slang is considered as an informal language which used by various groups

in certain situations. Proper English is a common language used and understood

by all people while slang is understood by only a small group of people. Those

factors are some that make slang different from common language. The origin of

the word slang is unknown. Its resemblance in sound and figurative meaning to

the noun and verb sling and the occurrence of apparently the same root in

Scandinavian expressions referring to language suggest that the term slang is a

development of Germanic root from which the current English sling is derived

(Partidge, 1970, p. 2). In its earliest occurrences in the eighteenth century, the

word slang referred to the specialized vocabulary of underworld groups and was


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used fairly interchangeably with the terms cant, flash, and argot (McKnight 1923,

pp. 37-38).

According to Eble (1996) examines that Slang is an ever changing set of

colloquial words and phrases that speaker uses to establish or reinforce social

identity or cohesiveness within a group or with a trend or fashion in society at

large. The existence of vocabulary of this sort within a language is possibly as old

as language itself, for slang seems to be part of any language used in ordinary

interaction by a community large enough and diverse enough to have identifiable


3. The Function of Slang

According to Zhou and Fan (2013), when people talk about the social

functions of slang, then the most important point will be focused in that language

as a communication between people. However, there are 3 of the interpersonal

functions of slang which are pursuit of self-identity, emotive feeling of the slang

users, and achieving politeness.

The first function is Pursuit of Self-identity. The different social and

professional groups are having the different slang, thus slang is considered as the

symbol for dividing the professional groups in society. If somebody uses the

words and expressions within a certain social group or professional group, the

person will blend with the group members from mentality. For instance, if a

student says a sentence which contains the special college slang, that student must

want to get the result of showing and strengthening the emotion that she or he is


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belonging to the inside of the teenager group. The American scholar P. Roberts

once pointed out that the reason people constantly use slang is that they want to

show they are one of the qualified members among a certain distinct groups (Zhou

and Fan, 2013. para. 2).

The second function is Emotive Feeling of the Slang Users. The emotive

function reveals the speakers’ attitude towards their subject. The emotive function

is one of the most powerful uses of language since it is so crucial and important in

changing the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or

something. Psychologically, slang helps people to express their strong feeling,

like group identification and so on. When people use it, they want to show them

against the reality, and set them free psychologically. Moreover, slang is not only

has a function as stressing identity or group membership, but also for the

psychological need for expressing emotion, which it is the one of the basic

functions of language as well (Zhou and Fan, 2013. para. 3).

The third function is Achieving Politeness. To conduct this discussion, the

notion of register needs to be mentioned. Register refers to "manner of speaking

or writing specific to a certain function, that is characteristic of a certain domain

of communication" The choice of register is affected by three factors, occasions

(formal or informal), addressee (age, gender, occupation, the degree of

familiarity) and the content of the conversation. And the use of slang is restrained

by the three factors as well. Either the use of slang in improper occasions or the

use of slang not to the right addressee, or the improper content in one's speech

may ruin the friendship and good relationship with your interlocutors. Therefore,


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the proper use of slang facilitates setting up a certain atmosphere or maintaining

social contacts. Slang is often used in informal occasions and is of importance in

playing the phatic function. The use of slang can maintain the friendship and

intimacy between the speakers and people that close to them (Zhou and Fan,

2013, para. 4).

4. Comic Books

Chon (2005) states that comic is something that consist of image and text

and the most often with the images in sequence. However, for Chon, comics

utilize the forms in a variety of different ways, such as a sequence of images

clearly exists to define a narrative and integrating text throughout. Meanwhile,

Chon also states that there is a most popularly accepted definition of comic which

comes from Scot McCloud’s (1993) that comics are “juxtaposed pictorial and

other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or to

produce an aesthetic response in the viewer” (Chon, 2005, p. 9)

According to Rojas (2014), comic books have some characteristics, except

the combination between images and text. One of those characteristics is facial

expression. Rojas mentioned that facial expression in comic books is able to

represent the characters’ emotion or mood. The facial expression is needed in a

comic book since it helps the reader to understand the characters’ feeling and

emotion besides from the text (2014, para. 7).


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C. Theoretical Framework

The review of related studies that are provided in the point A of this

chapter is needed in order to give a deeper understanding about the study of slang.

Moreover, the review of related studies is also needed to add more information

about the analysis of slang by using sociolinguistic approach. The elaboration of

related theories and related studies help the writer to answer of problems

formulated easily.

The first problem formulation of this study is mainly talked about the

contextual meaning of the slang words found in the Mad about Millie Vol. 1

(1970) and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan (2018) comic books. In finding the

contextual meaning of each slang word, the researcher is using the theory of

sociolinguistics by Holmes (2013) that contains the theory of social factors which

can help the researcher to determine the meaning of the slang words that found in

the Dicitionary of American Slang (2007) and NTC’s Dictionary of American

Slang and Colloquial Expressions (2000) and answer the first question on the

problem formulation of the contextual meaning of the slang words.

After finding the contextual meaning of the slang words in Mad about

Millie Vol. 1 (1970) and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan (2018), the researcher is

using the theory of slang function by Zhou & Fan (2013). The theory of function

of slang by Zhou & Fan (2013) is needed in order to find the definition and the

functions of slang words which can help the researcher to answer the second

question on the problem formulation about the functions of the slang words. The

last, theory of comic books is needed in order to help the reader understands the


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characteristics of the comic book so that the researcher is easy to find the slang

words in the comic book.


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The method on how the analysis was done is described into three parts.

First is object of the study that describes the object or data of the study, second is

approach of the study that presents the approaches used in analysing the study,

and the last is the method of the study that describes the procedure in analysing

the study.

A. Object of the Study

The objects of this study were the slang words in the two comic books.

The slang words used as the objects of the study were the slang words that are

spoken by the main characters and the minor characters which appear more than

once in the two comic books. The data were taken from two comic books with

different theme and authors. The first comic book, Mad about Millie Vol. 1 has a

humour as the theme and 67 pages with on average 11 - 15 bubbles on each page.

Mad about Millie Vol. 1 was written by Stan Lee (1970). The characters on the

Mad about Millie Vol. 1 are the models and the youth who work in one of the

famous agencies in New York, Hanover Modelling Agency. The second comic

book was written by Declan Shalvey (2018) entitled Deadpool vs Old Man Logan.

Deadpool vs Old Man Logan is a comic book with a superhero theme and 112

pages with on average 8 - 11 bubbles on each page. The story is about the two

superheroes, Logan and Deadpool who were trying to save a new mutant, a


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human who possesses a genetic trait that allows the mutant to naturally develop

his/her abilities and superhuman power, named Maddie. Maddie was tried to

escape from Agent Hart and his men who were trying to arrest her and make her

as an experiment. Thus, the characters that appear in the Deadpool vs Old Man

Logan are the superheroes and the criminals.

B. Approach of the Study

This study used sociolinguistic approach to analyse the object of the

study. Sociolinguistic approach was used to find out the answer of the three

problems of the slang words that found in Mad about Millie Vol.1 and Deadpool

vs Old Man Logan comic books, contextual meanings of the slang words in Mad

about Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic books and the

functions of those slang words are in the comic books.

According to Herk (2012), sociolinguistics is the study about the

relationship of society and language. However, the study of sociolinguistics also

can take different forms depending on who is doing it and the interest of what

they want to find (2012, p.6). Therefore, throughout sociolinguistic approach, it

helped the researcher to find out what the contextual meaning of slang words in

Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic books that are

analysed from the social factors. Moreover, since the two comic books were

related to youngster speaker in the society, then this study also related to the

language and society.


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C. Method of the Study

This part can be divided into smaller sections which are data collection

and data analysis.

1. Data Collection

The data of this study were taken from two comic books which have

different theme which are humor and superhero. Therefore, the researcher used

text analysis in collecting the data. Textual analysis was defined as a method that

used to describe and interpret the characteristics of a recorded or visual message

(Lawrence R et al, 1991, p.259). Since there are a lot of slang words that appear in

the two comic books, then the researcher only analyzed the slang words that

appear and used by the main and minor characters more than once in each comic

books. Under this circumstance, purposive sampling was applied in this study.

Purposive sampling technique is completed by choosing specific samples from the

whole population to be used as the data of the study for a particular purpose

(Leedy and Ormord, 2005, p. 206).

Slang words that the researcher analyzed were those spoken by the main

characters and the minor characters in their conversation. The slang words by the

main characters and minor characters are chosen since the slang words that

spoken by the main characters only were not enough to show the differences

between the slang words in the two comic books. Thus, the researcher was not

only using slang words that spoken by the main characters only in order to

strengthen the differences between the two comics.


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2. Data Analysis

In order to answer the first question of problem of what slang words that

found in Mas about Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic books,

the researcher read the two comic books and listed the slang words that appeared

and spoken by main and minor characters in each comic book. After finding and

listing the slang words, the researcher analyzed the slang words about the

identification why those words could be said as slang words, and in analyzing

those slang words, the researcher used the theory by Pratridge (1970), Matiello

(2011), and Eble (1996). The second thing that the researcher did after finding the

slang words in the two comic books and analyzed those words, the researcher

found the contextual meanings of slang words found in Mad about Millie Vol. 1

and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic books. In analyzing the contextual

meaning of the slang words, the researcher analyzed the topic and the social

relation between the main characters and the other characters in the conversation.

After that, the researcher identified each contextual meaning of the slang words

that were analyzed from Holmes (2013). Each social factor was analyzed by

identifying the topic of the conversation and the participants involved in the

conversation. After the social factors were analyzed, the researcher continued to

find one of the meanings of the slang words based on the topic of the conversation

in the Dictionary of American Slang (2007) and NCT’s Dictionary of American

Slang and Colloquial Expressions (2000). Then, after the result of the slang

words’ meanings were found, thus the study continued to find the functions of

those slang words that were analyzed from Eble (1996) and Zhou & Fan (2013).


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In analyzing the data, the researcher used certain codes which referred to

the slang words analyzed. The codes were divided into 16 codes which consisted

of 9 codes of slang words in the Mad about Millie Vol. 1 comic book and 7 codes

of slang words in Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic book. The researcher used

code C.B.1.A in the Mad about Millie Vol. 1 comic book. C.B.1 which stands for

Comic Book 1 and A was stand for Slang number 1. In the Deadpool vs Old Man

Logan comic book, the researcher used the code C.B.2 which stands for Comic

Book 2 and A stands for Slang number 1. Therefore, the code were continuing

into C.B.1.B, C.B.1.C which stands for Comic Book 1 Slang 2, Comic Book 1

Slang 3, and so on.


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There are two main discussions in this study. The first is the contextual

meaning based on the social factor(s) which define the meaning of slang words in

the comic books. The second is the functions of the slang words in the comic


A. The Contextual Meanings of Slang Words

In finding the meaning of the slang words, the researcher used the

contextual meaning, which means the researcher is finding the meaning from the

social factor analyzed from Holmes (2013). The social factors refer to the topic of

the conversation and the participants involved in the conversation. After the social

factors were analyzed, the researcher continued to find one of the meanings of the

slang words based on the topic of the conversation in the Dictionary of American

Slang (2007) and NCT’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial

Expressions (2000). There are social factors which trigger the contextual meaning

of slang words in Archie’s Story and Game and Night of the Living Deadpool

comic books. The social factors that trigger the contextual meaning of slang word

are the topic and the social relation or participants. The social factor is examined

through theory from the previous explanation from Holmes (2012, p. 9-28).

In the table below, the researcher informed the slang words that spoken by

the main and minor characters in Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old

Man Logan comic books.


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Table 1. The Summary of Slang Words in Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and

Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic books

Mad about Millie Vol. 1 Deadpool vs Old Man Logan

Sweetie Dammit

Pumpkin Bub

Gal Punk

Creep Suck

Groovy Zapped

Gosh Crud

Glitzy Fools



In the table of summary of slang words above, the researcher explained the

slang words that spoken by the main and minor characters in the two comic

books. In the first comic, Mad about Millie Vol. 1, there are 9 slang words that

spoken by the main and minor characters in the comic book which are sweetie,

pumpkin, gal, creep, groovy, gosh, glitzy, chick, and honey. Then, in the second

comic book, Deadpool vs Old Man Logan, there are 7 slang words that spoken by

the main and minor characters in the comic book. Those 7 slang words are

dammit, bub, punk, suck, zapped, crud, and fools.

According to Partridge (1970), slang is an informal language that is used by

various group in certain situations (1970, p. 2). Slang word is different from

Standard Language since slang word is a restricted language that can be

understood and used by certain community only. In addition, Eble (1996)

mentions that slang is an ever changing set of colloquial words and phrases that

used to establish social identity or cohesiveness within a group with a trend or

fashion in society at large. Those explanations about slang word helped the


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researcher to identify those 16 words that appear on the two comic books as slang

words. In identifying the slang words, the researcher found two categories that

make a word identified as slang word, which are newly interpreted and newly

created. Newly interpreted has a meaning when the word exist and already has a

meaning in standard language, but then it has a new meaning in the comic book.

While newly created has a meaning when a word does not exist in standard

language before.

In the Mad about Millie Vol. 1 comic book there are 7 words which identified

as slang words since those 7 words have newly interpreted. First is the word

sweetie, the word sweetie in standard language is a sweet (LMD, 2003). While in

the Mad about Millie Vol. 1 comic book, the word sweetie has a new meaning as

a dear friend. In the other word, the word sweetie has a new meaning in a

community of teenager which also used in establishing social Identity or

cohesiveness within a group with a trend or fashion in society at large. It also

happened with the words pumpkin, creep, groovy, honey, and chick. The word

pumpkin in standard language is considered as a very large orange fruit that

grows on the ground (LMD, 2003), yet in the comic book, the word pumpkin

turned to be a girlfriend. Next, the word creep in standard language is understood

as gives somebody the creeps (LMD, 2003), while in the comic book, it is

understood as a weird person. After that, the word groovy in standard language is

understood as old-fashioned (LMD, 2003) and in the comic book, it has a new

meaning as cool. Next word is honey which in standard language, it has a

meaning as a sweet sticky substance produced by bees, used as food (LMD, 2003)


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and in the comic book, it turned out to be a sweetheart. The last word is chick

which in standard language, it has a meaning as a baby bird (LMD, 2003) while

in the comic book it has a meaning as a young woman. Therefore, the other

community might be not understood that pumpkin, creep, groovy, honey, and

chick have the other meaning. Thus, only a certain community will understand

that pumpkin might be said as a fruit and not a girlfriend, and so on. It also

happened because some communities are the people who gave the new meaning

itself. Those statements that give the explanation why those words could be

considered as slang words.

Besides the newly interpreted, certain communities also have some words that

newly created which could be considered as slang word. In the Mad about Millie

Vol. 1 comic book, the new words that are not part of the standard language are

gal, gosh, and glitzy. The word gal could not be found in the standard language,

but certain community will be easily understood that the word gal has a meaning

as girl since it is close with the original word of girl and has the similar

pronunciation. The other words such as gosh and glitzy also have a little bit

similar issue as the word gal. Those words are considered as slang words since it

understood by some people and certain community in certain situations.

Moreover, in the second comic book, Deadpool vs Old Man Logan also have

some words which newly interpreted and newly created. The words that have

newly interpreted are the words punk, suck, zapped, crud, and fools. The word

punk in the standard language is a type of loud music popular in the late 1970s

and 1980s (LMD, 2003). On the other hand, in the comic book, the word punk


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has a new meaning as a petty hoodlum. The other word is suck, the word suck in

standard language is understood as to take air, liquid etc into your mouth by

making your lips form a small hole and using the muscles of your mouth to pull it

in (LMD, 2003), while in the comic book, it is understood as derogatory word,

which is a repellent person. It also happened with the word zapped, crud, and

fool which the understanding in the standard language is different with the

meaning that understood by certain community. Moreover, besides the new

meaning, there is also the new word that made by certain community. There are

two newly created words that considered as slang words which are dammit and

damn. The word dammit is generally understood as blending word of dumb it,

yet some of communities change the word as blended it into dammit. It also

happened with the word bub, the word bub is not common in standard language,

yet some communities are understood what the word bub is. Those reasons which

make those words in the Deadpool vs Old Man Logan considered as slang words.

1. Contextual Meaning of Slang Words in Mad about Millie Comic Book

Mad about Millie (1970) comic book is a teen humor comic book that

mostly has the teenagers as the participants. There are 3 main characters in the

comic book, which are Millie Collins, Chili Storm, and Clicker. Below is the

summary of the contextual meaning of slang words in Mad about Millie Vol. 1

comic book.

The table below is showing the summary of contextual meaning of slang

words that appear in the Mad about Millie Vol. 1 comic book.


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Table 2. Contextual Meaning of Mad about Millie Vol. 1 comic book





Part of




Topic Meaning

C.B.1.A Sweetie Noun Intimate Photo


Dear friend

C.B.1.B Pumpkin Noun Intimate Asking for

taking to

home and



C.B.1.C Gal Noun Intimate Appearance A woman

C.B.1.D Creep Noun Intimate Getting


Weird man

C.B.1.E Groovy Adjective Intimate The




C.B.1.F Gosh Adjective Intimate Startled


A mild


of surprise

C.B.1.G Glitzy Adjective Formal Giving a



C.B.1.H Chick Noun Formal Making a


A young


C.B.1.I Honey Noun Intimate Experience Sweetheart

In this part, the first slang word that the researcher analyzed is slang word

sweetie that appears in the conversation between Chili and Millie. Millie is the

famous model in one of the most popular agencies in New York, Hanover

Modeling Agency. Millie and Chili have an intimate relationship since they are the

models in Hanover Modeling Agency. The conversation between Chili and Millie

happened in their modeling room while Mr. Hanover announced their photo shoot

schedule in Texas.


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The word sweetie in the conversation C.B.1.A between Chili and Millie has a

meaning as dear child, husband, wife, lover, etc. (A, Richard 2000, pp. 430) and

according to the conversation, the contextual meaning of sweetie is dear friend

because the relation between Chili and Millie is a friend. Millie and Chili has an

intimate social relationship since they both are close-friends since the beginning

they joined in the same agency as the models. In the picture C.B.1.A above also

shown that Millie and Chili were in the same make-up room which proves that

they were friend in the agency model.

The second slang word is the word pumpkin that appears in the

conversation between Clicker and Millie. Millie has an intimate relationship with

the photographer in her agency named Clicker. The conversation between Millie

and Clicker was taken in their agency office, after Millie offered to a modeling job

in Texas. Clicker asked Millie to help her packing and take her home.


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The word pumpkin in the conversation C.B.1.B has a meaning in the dictionary

as someone or something great or special (A, Richard. 2000. p. 405). Thus,

according to the conversation, the contextual meaning of pumpkin is a girlfriend.

Millie and Clicker are dating, so that they have an intimate social relationship.

Moreover, the intimate relationship between Millie and Clicker also can be seen

from the Clicker’s gesture in the picture C.B.1.B above, it is seen that Clicker

hugged Millie, thus it shows the intimate relationship that the two characters have.

The third slang word is gal. The word gal appeared in the conversation

between Millie’s cousin Lilybelle who visited Millie with 2 other cousins, Tulip

and Cornpone. Lilybelle and Tulip were shocked when they saw Millie’s who

looked so thin at that moment.


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The word gal in the conversation C.B.1.C has a meaning as a woman in the

dictionary (Chapman 2007, pp. 322) and as the contextual meaning, gal also has a

meaning as a woman since the word gal was referred to a woman, Millie. Tulip

and Lilybelle has an intimate relationship since they are Millie’s cousins who live

outside the town. The social relationship also seen when both Lilybelle and Tulip

were comfortable and dare talking about Millie’s appearance in front of Millie as

the picture C.B.1.C above shows.

The fourth slang word is creep. The word creep appeared in conversation

between Clicker and Millie. Clicker was angry when he heard that Curtis called

Millie as his girlfriend and Millie was trying to explain the situation to Clicker.


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The word creep in the conversation C.B.1.D between Clicker and Millie above

has a dictionary meaning as a weird person (Richard 2000, pp. 111) and as the

contextual meaning, the word creep has a meaning as a weird man since the word

creep was addressed to Curtis by Clicker. Millie and Clicker are dating, so they

have an intimate social relationship. The social relationship between Clicker and

Millie also seen in the picture C.B.1.D above when Millie was trying to hold

Clicker back and asked Clicker to calm down by holding his hand.

The fifth slang word is groovy. The word groovy appeared in the

conversation between Millie and Chili at the party. Chili is a model who works in

the same agency, Hanover Model Agency, as Millie. Chili and Milli were at the

party with some friends and they seemed enjoying the music and dance there.


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The word groovy in the conversation C.B.1.E has a meaning as cool; pleasant in

the dictionary (A, Richard. 2000. Pp. 200) and as the contextual meaning, the

word groovy has a meaning as cool. Millie and Chili have an intimate social

relationship, it is seen from the topic of the conversation, Millie and Chili were

talking about the music and Millie was comfortable in expressing her enjoyment


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of listening the music and dance. The enjoyment also seen from the picture

C.B.1.E above when Millie looked so energetic on her dancing.

The sixth slang word is the word gosh which is spoken by Daisy while

having a conversation with Millie. Daisy is Millie’s personal assistant. The

conversation happened in Millie’s house when Millie was about to wake up late

and Daisy was helped her to prepare.


The word gosh in the conversation C.B.1.F has a dictionary meaning as a mild

exclamation of pleasure, disbelief, surprise, etc and as the contextual meaning, the

word gosh has a meaning as a mild exclamation of surprise. Daisy and Millie are

having an intimate relationship. Daisy is Millie’s personal assistant who always

stay and stick with Millie every day. In the picture C.B.1.F above also shown that

Millie and Daisy were living in the same flat. Therefore, it proves that they are

having a really close relationship.


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The seventh slang word is glitzy that is found in the conversation between

Millie and Curtis, a cousin of Cynthia. Millie was talking about someone that she

thought was going to be perfect to be Curtis’ date, but then she got surprised by

Curtis’ answer.


The word glitzy in the conversation C.B.1.G has a dictionary meaning as

fashionable; glamorous (Richard, 2000. pp. 186) and a contextual meaning as

fashionable. Curtis and Millie had not known each other before Curtis’ cousin,

Cynthia, introduced her to Millie. Therefore, Millie and Clicker have a formal

social relationship. The formal relationship between Curtis and Millie also can be

seen from the expression that Millie had towards flattery words that Curtis said.

Millie prefers to show her shocked expression rather than showing a happy or

flattering expression.

The eighth slang word is chick that appeared in the conversation between

Curtis and Millie while Curtis was trying to flirt Millie.


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The word chick in the conversation C.B.1.H between Curtis and Millie has a

dictionary meaning as a woman, especially a young woman (Chapman 2007, pp.

151) and according to the conversation, the contextual meaning of the word chick

is a young woman. The social relationship between Curtis and Millie is a formal

relationship as from the picture C.B.1.H above shown that Millie was shocked to

hear about Clicker’s words.

The ninth slang word is honey. The word honey appeared in the

conversation between Clicker and Millie on their way back to home after joined

the dancing practice at the restaurant. Millie was gained weight for 2 kilos, she

was so worried, since she was not allowed to gain her weight in her agency as a

professional mode. So, she found a way to reduce her weight, then Clicker gave

an idea to reduce Millie’s weight. Clicker suggested Millie to reduce her weight

by dancing. Thus, Millie and Clicker decided to go to the restaurant that had a

dance floor, so that they can dancing in the restaurant as long as they wanted.


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The word honey in the conversation C.B.1.I has a dictionary meaning as a

sweetheart (Richard 2000, pp. 225) and the contextual meaning also a sweetheart.

Clicker and Millie have an intimate relationship as seen from the topic of their

conversation, they were talking about something that Clicker loved and so Millie.

The social relationship of intimate also seen from the picture C.B.1.I above when

Clicker and Millie were embraced and kissing.

2. The Contextual Meaning of Slang Words in Deadpool vs Old Man Logan

Comic Book

The second object study analyzed by the researcher is Deadpool vs Old

Man Logan (2018) comic book. Deadpool vs Old Man Logan is a superhero

comic book and its story is about the superhero named Deadpool and Logan who

were trying to save a new mutant, Maddie. Maddie tried to escape from Agent

Hart and his men since Agent Hart wanted to make her as an experimental object.

Since Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic book is a superhero comic book then

the contains so many conflicts in the story and most of the characters that appear


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in the comic book are the criminals. The table below is the summary of

contextual meaning of slang words in Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic book.

Table 3. Contextual Meaning of Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic book





Part of




Topic Contextual


C.B.2.A Punk Noun Formal Getting


A petty hoodlum

C.B.2.B Bub Noun Formal Getting


A fool person

C.B.2.C Suck Noun Intimate Complaining


Someone bad

C.B.2.D Crud Noun Intimate Speaking




A repellent


C.B.2.E Dammit Adjective Formal Getting



C.B.2.F Zapped Verb Intimate An



To shock


The first slang word in Deadpool vs Old Man Logan is punk. The word

punk appeared in the conversation between Logan, Agent Hart, and Agent Hart’s

men. Agent Hart and Agent Hart’s men caught Logan and were trying to attack

Logan. Before it, Deadpool and Agent Hart met a new mutant named Maddie and

they knew if there was something happened with Maddie and they were trying to

save Maddie and asked Maddie to come with them. Maddie was a hostage of

Agent Hart, so Agent Hart tried to caught Logan and Deadpool to ask about

Maddie and asked Logan to give Maddie back to him. Then, Logan successfully

caught by Agent Hart’s men and attacked by Agent Hart’s men. After that, Agent

Hart asked his men to find Deadpool and Maddie.


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The word punk in the conversation C.B.2.A between Logan and Agent Hart’s

men has a dictionary meaning as an inexperienced boy or youth and a petty (male)

hoodlum; a (male) juvenile delinquent (Richard 2000, pp. 343). As the

conversation above, the contextual meaning of punk is a petty hoodlum. Logan

and Agent Hart had not known each other before, they just met at the day when

Logan was trying to save a girl from Agent Hart. The social relationship between

Agent Hart and Logan is a formal social relationship since they had not met and

interaction before and from the topic of the conversation, it is seen that Agent

Hart was trying to kill Logan by attacking him with guns.

The second slang word is bub. The conversation happened between

Agent Hart and Logan while Logan was caught by Agent Hart.


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The word bub in the conversation C.B.2.B has a dictionary meaning as a fool; a

giddy person (Richard 2000, pp. 71) and as the conversation above, the contextual

meaning of bub is a fool person. Agent Hart and Logan have a formal social

relationship since they had not met and interaction before. It also seen from the

picture C.B.2.B above when Agent Hart was talking to Logan who was detained

by Agent Hart’s men. Agent Hart is a high-ranking employee of the weapons

manufacturer GenForm. Agent Hart was having a mission to capture a new

mutant, Maddie. While Logan is a superhero, usually called as werewolf man that

trying to save Maddie from Agent Hart and take her to the Xavier Institute for

Mutant Education and Outreach, a special institute to train young mutants in

controlling their powers and shaping a friendly relationship. The social


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relationship also is seen from the topic of the conversation, when Agent Hart only

knew about Logan by the files that he read and never expected that Logan was

older than he thought.

The third slang word in the comic book is suck. The word suck was

found in the conversation between Maddie and Deadpool.


The word suck in the conversation C.B.2.C between Maddie and Deadpool has a

dictionary meaning as to be bad or undesirable (Richard 2000, pp. 457) and has a

contextual meaning as someone bad. Deadpool and Maddie has an intimate

relationship though they just met. It is because Deadpool knew that Agent Hart

was trying to use Maddie as an experiment of GenForm. Deadpool also against

the GenForm movement, thus both Maddie and Deadpool can talk everything and

make a plan as a team that have known each other well before.


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The fourth slang word is crud. The word crud was found in the

conversation between Deadpool and Maddie while trying to find a way out from

Agent Hart’s basecamp


The word crud in the conversation C.B.2.D has a dictionary meaning as a

repellent person (Rude and derogatory) (Richard 2000, 113) and has a contextual

meaning as a repellent person. Deadpool and Maddie have an intimate

relationship, it is seen from the topic of the conversation and the picture C.B.2.D

above, when Deadpool and Maddie were trying to find a way to escape.


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The fifth slang word that found in Deadpool vs Old Man Logan (2018)

was damn. The word damn appeared in the conversation between Logan and

Agent Hart while Agent Hart was asking Logan about the new mutant, Maddie.


The word damn of the conversations C.B.2.E has a dictionary meaning as cursed;

accursed; wretched. As the conversation above, the contextual meaning of damn

is accursed. Agent Hart and Logan have a formal social relationship. It is seen

from the topic of the conversation between Logan and Agent Hart. In the

conversation, Logan was trying to give a useless clue and answer to Agent Hart

when he asked about Maddie. The topic of conversation between Logan and

Agent Hart is showing the formal relationship between Agent Hart and Deadpool

when Agent Hart was only asking and talking about his business; found out about


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Maddie, and didn’t care about other things. The social relationship also seen in the

picture C.B.2.E above when Agent Hart was trying to attack Logan.

The sixth slang word is zapped. The word zapped found in the

conversation between Maddie and Deadpool. Deadppol and Maddie were in the

same prison since they got caught by Agent Hart. Deadpool told Maddie that she

was trying to save and rescue her, but Maddie felt that it was not going to be

happened since Deadpool was in the same prison as her. Maddie also told

Deadpool about her terrible and miserable experiences that Agent Hart’s and his

men did during her time in the prison. After hearing Maddie’s story, Deadpool

tried to make Maddie realize that she was not alone in having bad experiences,

since Deadpool also had been in the same position as Maddie. He had been an

object study for the organization too and made him as mutant like now.



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The slang word zapped in the conversation C.B.2.F between Deadpool and

Maddie has a dictionary meaning as (1) to shock someone, (2) to kill someone, (3)

to impress someone, (4) to stun someone with an imaginary ray gun. According to

the conversation above, the word zapped has a meaning as to shock someone.

Deadpool and Maddie has an intimate relationship. The intimate relationship is

seen in the topic of the conversation. In the conversation, Maddie was telling

about everything that the GenForm people did to her. She was willing to share

about the story that caused her depressed to Deadpool, so it also shows that they

have a close relationship, when someone is willing to share something private

about her or him. It also seen from the picture C.B.2.F above when Maddie told

everything about her bad experience, the Deadpool took his mask off which he

never did it before.

The slang words that appear in the Mad about Millie and Deadpool vs Old

Man Logan comic books are different. The differences of the slang words are seen

from the social factors which are the topic and the social relationship or

participant. In Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic book, the participants are the

superheroes and criminals who used some slang words with a derogation

meaning. The topic of the conversation is related to a team who were trying to

escape and against someone. While in the Mad about Millie comic book, the

participants are the adults who work in entertainment and all the characters have

an intimate relationship with each character, such as best friend, boyfriend and

girlfriend. The topic of the conversation is about the romance, friendship, and


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compliment. Thus, the slang words that used by the characters are different with

the slang words that used in the Deadpool vs Old Man Logan.

B. The Function of Slang Words

In analyzing the functions of Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs

Old Man Logan comic books, the researcher is examined through theory from the

previous explanation from Eble (1996) and Zhou & Fan (2013). There are two

functions of slang that found in Mad about Millie Vol.1 and Deadpool vs Old Man

Logan comic books. Those functions are to establish rapport and emotive feeling.

1. The Function of Slang Words in Mad about Millie Vol. 1 Comic Book

There are two functions of the slang words as found in the Mad about

Millie Vol. 1 comic book. Those functions are achieving politeness and emotive

feeling. The two functions of the slang words are examined through the theory

from the previous explanation from Zhou & Fan (2013).

a. Achieving Politeness

The first function of the slang words is achieving politeness. According to

Zhou & Fan (2013), in making a conversation, the speaker has a manner of

speaking or writing and the choice of the manner of speaking or writing is

affected by 3 factors which are occasions (formal or informal), addressee (age,

gender, occupation, the degree of familiarity) and the content of the conversation.

Moreover, those 3 factors also used in the use of slang words. Either the use of

slang in improper occasions or the use of slang not to the right addressee, or the


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improper content in one's speech may ruin the friendship and good relationship

with your interlocutors. Zhou & Fan (2013) explained that the proper used of

slang words will created the close social relationship.

The first slang word that has achieving politeness as the function is the

word honey.


In the conversation C.B.1.A the slang word honey has a function as achieving

politeness. The slang word honey used by the character Clicker in addressing her

girlfriend, Millie, in order to show their close relationship and affectionate term

by calling Millie with a nickname of honey.

The second slang word that has a function as achieving politeness is the

word sweetie. The word sweetie is appeared in the conversation between Millie

and Chili. Millie and Chili were in the make-up room of their model agency and

their boss came to them and told them that they were going to have a photo shoot

session in Texas. Millie was so excited since she liked to have a photo shoot in a

wide-open space.


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In the conversation C.B.1.B, Chili used the slang word sweetie and it has a

function as achieving politeness. The word sweetie used by the character Chili in

order to address her best friend, Millie. Chili used a nickname when addressing

Millie as showing their close relationship. Their close relationship also seen in the

picture C.B.1.B above.

The third slang word that has a function as achieving politeness is the

word pumpkin. The word pumpkin is appeared in the conversation between

Millie and Clicker in the agency. Clicker was asking to take Millie home and help

her to pack her things because Millie was going a photo shoot session in Texas

with her other model friends.


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In the conversation C.B.1.C, the word pumpkin was used by the character Clicker

as its function in achieving politeness. The character Clicker used the word

pumpkin in affectionate term, he used a nickname to his girlfriend to show that

they have an intimate relationship. The function also seen from the picture

C.B.1.C above when Clicker used the word pumpkin followed by his gesture in

embraced Millie.

b. Emotive Feeling

The second function of slang word is emotive feeling. According to Zhou

& Fan (2013), the emotive function reveals the speakers’ attitude towards their

subject. Thus, slang does not only have a function as stressing identity or group


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membership, but also for the psychological need for expressing emotion. The first

slang word that has an emotive feeling as a function is the word gosh.


In the conversation C.B.1.B, the word gosh was used by Millie in her

conversation with Clicker when Clicker explained that Chili might ruin the boss’

business. The function of emotive feeling is seen when Millie used the word gosh

as showing her emotion, shocking, as the picture C.B.1.B above shown.

The second slang word that has an emotive feeling as the function is the

word groovy. The word groovy was spoken by Chili when Clicker asked her to

see the new show at the Copa.



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The word groovy in the conversation C.B.1.E spoken by Cynthia has a function as

an emotive feeling. Cynthia is a close friend of Millie and she was a model in the

same agency as Millie. Cynthia was asking Millie to find a date for her cousin,

Clicker. Then, the word groovy used by Cynthia in order to show her happiness

towards Millie’s answer when she said that she had someone to be Clicker’s date.

The expression of happiness also shown in the picture C.B.1.E above.

The third slang word that has an emotive feeling as its function is glitzy.

The word glitzy is appeared in the conversation between Curtis and Millie.


The word glitzy in the conversation C.B.1.F spoken by Curtis has a function as an

emotive feeling, since the word glitzy was used by Curtis to show his admiration

feeling of Millie.

2. The Function of Slang Words in Deadpool vs Old Man Logan Comic Book

In Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic book, there are two functions of

the slang words. Those functions are to establish rapport and emotive feeling. The


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two functions of the slang words are examined through the theory from the

previous explanation from Eble (1996) and Zhou & Fan (2013).

a. Achieving Politeness

The first function of the slang words is achieving politeness. According to

Zhou & Fan (2013), the function of achieving politeness is seen when the

speakers are using the proper slang words which can maintain the friendship and

intimacy between the speakers and people that close to them, such as addressing

someone. The first slang word that has a function as achieving politeness in the

Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic book is the word suck. The word suck is

appeared in the conversation between Deadpool and Maddie.


The word suck in the conversation between C.B.2.A was used by Maddie in order

to address Deadpool. The word suck itself has a meaning as someone bad and

when the word suck is used to call someone that the speaker does not know or to

call a stranger, the word suck is understood as an offensive word, but when it is


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used to call someone that speaker know, it is quite acceptable. Since Maddie and

Deadpool has an intimate relationship, then the word suck as addressing someone

is acceptable as showing that they are a good friend.

b. Emotive Feeling

The second function of slang word is emotive feeling. According to Zhou

& Fan (2013), the emotive function reveals the speakers’ attitude towards their

subject. Thus, slang does not only have a function as stressing identity or group

membership, but also for the psychological need for expressing emotion. The

slang word that appeared in the Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic book and has

an emotive feeling as the function is the word dammit. The word dammit has the

same meaning as the word damn.


In the conversation C.B.2.A was happened when Logan and Deadpool asked

Maddie to teleport them to somewhere else so that they can escape from the


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prison, but Maddie told them that she could not affect anything living, unless

object. However, Deadpool kept asked Maddie to transport anything small and

alive there. Thus, Maddie tried to transport something small and alive which is a

cactus, and when the cactus appeared, Deadpool found out that the cactus was

fake. The word dammit in the conversation C.B.2.A is used by Deadpool in order

to show his emotion which is disappointed since he was expecting that the cactus

was real and in fact, the reality was just different from his expectation.

The second slang word that has an emotive feeling as the function is the

word bub. The second slang word is appeared in the conversation between Agent

Hart and Logan. Agent Hart was trying to shoot Logan and Logan was about to

ready to hit him.


The word bub in the conversation C.B.2.B has a function as an emotive feeling, it

is seen when Logan used it to express his emotion of anger as Agent Hart was


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getting ready to shoot him. The emotion that expressed by Logan also seen in the

picture C.B.2.B above.


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In this part, the researcher would like to give the conclusion of this study

and the two problems based on the previous chapter. In this study, the researcher

analyses the contextual meaning and the function of the slang words in Mad about

Maddie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic books. The data of this

study are selected from the conversation of main characters and minor characters,

and also the picture of the conversations from the two comic books.

There are two problems examined in this study. First is the contextual

meaning of Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic

books. The second problem is the function of the slang words that appear in the

Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic books.

In analyzing the contextual meaning of Mad about Millie Vol. 1 and

Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic books, the researcher identified the social

factors of the conversation in each comic book first. There are two social factors

used to determine the contextual meaning on the two comic books, which are the

topic and the participant or social relations. In the Mad about Millie Vol. 1 comic

book, there are nine slang words that spoken by main characters and the minor

characters. There are seven slang words that spoken by the characters who have

intimate relationship and two slang words that spoken by the characters with

formal relationship. The topic of the conversation that found in the Mad about

Millie Vol. 1 comic book are photo schedule, asking for taking to home and


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packing, appearance, getting annoyed, the enjoyment of music, startled moment,

giving a compliment, making a promise, and dancing. After the social factors were

found, the researcher determined the slang words’ contextual meaning from the

dictionary meaning.

The second problem in this study is the slang words’ function. In this

study, the researcher has found two functions of the slang words in the two comic

books, they are achieving politeness and emotive feeling. The function of the

slang words is examined by identifying the theory of Zhou & Fan (2013). In the

Mad about Millie Vol. 1 comic book, from nine slang words, there are five slang

words that have a function as achieving politeness. While the rest two slang words

are have a function as an emotive feeling. In the Deadpool vs Old Man Logan

comic book, the researcher has found two slang words that have a function as

achieving politeness and four slang words that have an emotive feeling as the


At the end, this study examines that the slang words in Mad about Millie

Vol. 1 and Deadpool vs Old Man Logan comic books are identified as slang word

since that word have newly interpreted and newly created which could be

understood and used by certain communities only. Moreover, the contextual

meanings of the slang words are determined by the social factors of the

conversation, such as a topic of the conversation and with whom that the speaker

used the slang word or participant. In this part, it is concluded that the slang words

that have a function as achieving politeness are used by the participants with an

intimate relationship in addressing someone in order to show affectionate and


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close-relationship. While the slang words with an emotive feeling as the function

is tend to use in showing the emotion of the speaker and expressing the feeling of

the speaker, such as anger, happiness, sadness, and annoyed.

In the first comic book, Mad about Millie Vol. 1, the slang words that

appear are the slang words that related to affection and friendship. It can be seen

from the almost participants in the Mad about Millie Vol. 1 comic book are the

people who work in the same place and in the same circle of friends. However, in

the second comic book, Deadool vs Old Man Logan, almost all the slang words

used by the participants are the slang words that have a derogatory meaning and

situation. In the Deadpool vs Old Man Logan, the characters shown in the story

were superheroes, mutant, and the Agent.

To enrich the slang analysis, the researcher suggested the future

researchers to conduct similar analysis in different genre of the comic books as the

object of the research. This will enrich that every comic book has different slang

words not only in its contextual meaning, but also in its function as used in the

conversation. Second, the researcher also advised to other researchers to conduct

the research by using different approach, such as semantics approach. The

semantics perspective serves to spotlight the pragmatic functions of slang. As the

result, the deepest result of the slang function(s) will be achieved.


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Appendix 1: Slang Words in Mad about Millie Vol. 1 Comic Book



Utterance Social Factor Contextual






C.B.1.A Millie and Chili were in their modelling room while Mr. Hanover

announced their schedule to Texas

Mr. Hanover: Now, hear this! We’re all groovin’ out West—to take

some Cowboy and Indian fashion photos.

Millie: That’s Fab! I always loved the wide-open spaces!”

Chili: You should, sweetie! (p. 3)

Intimate Photo Schedule Dear friend Achieving


C.B.1.B Clicker asked Millie to take her home and to help her packing.

Clicker: “C’mon pumpkin, I’ll drive you home to pack!”

Millie: “Then, let’s go, man!” (p. 3)

Intimate Offer a help for packing

and taking to home

Girlfriend Achieving


C.B.1.C Millie’s cousins were visiting her after years and they shocked by

the Millie’s appearance.

Tulip: “How come you’re so thin, cousin Millie?”

Lilybelle: “Maybe the gal is been sick” (p. 28)

Intimate Appearance A woman Achieving



Millie and Curtis, a cousin of her friend that she just knew and met,

went to the office and met Clicker that Curtis have not known


Intimate Getting annoyed Weird man Emotive



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Curtis: “Sorry, stupid, I don’t know your name!”

“But, don’t worry, my girlfriend, Millie, will tell me!”

Clicker: *shocked* *talked to Millie* “HIS GIRLFRIEND


Millie: “Cool it, Clicker! I’ll explain it later! I hope!”

Clicker: “Let me at him! I;ll pulverize the creep!” (p. 22)

C.B.1.F Millie was about to late to her photoshoot schedule and Daisy

helped her to prepare.

Daisy: “Gosh! I never saw anyone shower so fast!”

Millie: “No time now!”

Daisy: “But, how about your hair?”

Daisy: “I’ll brush it in the elevator!” (p. 19)

Intimate Startled moment A mild

exclamation of





Millie talked about a model that she wanted to introduce to Curtis

as his date. However, Curtis thought that Millie was the one who

will be his date.

Millie: “The girl I have for you is a gorgeous model and she’s loads

of fun!”

Curtis: “You can say that again!”

Millie: “huh?”

Curtis: “I never thought I’d met anyone as glitzy as you”

Formal Giving a compliment Fashionable Emotive




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Millie: “ME??????” (pp. 21-22)

C.B.1.H Curtis was trying to flirt Millie

Curtis: Y’know, with a chick like you up for grabs--”

“I may decide to stay in New York!”

“I wouldn’t wanna break your heart by leaving!”

Millie: “Curtis—I-I think it’s time we had a little understanding!”

(p. 23)

Formal Making a promise A young woman Achieving


C.B.1.I Millie was gaining weight for 2 kilos and Clicker helped Millie to

reduce and asked her to have a dancing session at the restaurant.

After that, Millie and Clicker were talking about the dance practice

that they had at the restaurant on their way back to home.

Clicker: “Y’know honey I could learn to like this kind of


Millie: “Mmmm mee too!”

“Goodnight Clicker dear!”

“Thanks for helping me reduce! ”

Clicker: “The pleasure’s mine, dollface!!”

Intimate Dance Sweetheart Achieving




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Appendix 2: Slang Words in Deadpool vs Old Man Logan Comic Book


Code Utterance

Social Factor Contextual

Meaning Function


Relation Topic

C.B.2.A Logan was attacked by the Agent Hart and his men

Agent Hart: “Target located! Acquire the weapon!”

Logan: “You’re

welcome to try, bub”

*one of Agent Hart men was grabbed Logan’s hand*

A: “I have him”

*Logan cuts his


Logan: “That all you got, punks?” (pp. 23-24)

Formal Getting attacked A petty




C.B.2.B Logan was caught by Agent Hart

A. Hart: “Yes, I know you, “weapon x.” I have read your files.

Though, to be honest, I thought you will be in better ondition

than this. Not quite so.....Old”

Logan: “Yeah, well....ain’t the years, it’s the miles, bub” (p.


Formal Getting attacked A fool person Emotive


C.B.2.C Deadpool was hitted by the stone after saving Maddie’s life

and fainted. When he awoke, he suddenly remembered his

daughter, Elleanor and known as Ellie, and called Maddie by

his daughter’s name

Intimate Complaining over


Someone bad Achieving




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Deadpool: “This is my fault....please don’t let Eleanor be here,


Deadpool: “I killed them...Ellie...Ellie?”

Maddie: “Not Ellie. Maddie. Man, you suck” (pp. 60-61)

C.B.2.D Deadpool and Maddie were trying to escape.

Maddie: “C’mon this way”

Deadpool: “So...you’ve never even tried teleporting a


Maddie: *talking to Deadpool who handed a tablet* “Will you

drop it?”

Deadpool: *Dropped his tablet* “Dropped Consider it

teleported away! Unlike your obvious hang-ups”

Maddie: “The exit tunnel should be through....here”

Deadpool: “Crud” *Comes a group of Agent Hart’s men*

Deadpool: “Double crud. What I wouldn’t give for some

swords right now” (p. 78)

Intimate Talking about

someone else

A repellent




C.B.2.E Logan was talking to Agent Hart, the man who caught him and

tried to find Maddie who’s Logan met before

Agent Hart: “You know which girl. The one you were

speaking to just we arrived”

Logan: “Oh, you mean the one gettin’ away while I’ve been

Formal Getting annoyed accursed Emotive




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distracting your boys?”

Logan: “I know fer a fact she don’t like talkin’ to strange men”

Agent Hart:

“Damn! Forget him! He is a waste of our time...rendezvous

with the other team. Find the girl!” (pp. 27-28)

C.B.2.F Deadpool was trying to rescue Maddie.

Deadpool: “Hey, relax! We’re here to rescue you”

Maddie: “And how are you gonna “rescue” me exactly?

You’re stuck in the same prison as me!”

“I’ve been poked, and prodded for over a day, they’ve

squeezed me, zapped me.....you’ve no idea what it’s like to be

treated like some rat lab” (p. 61)

Intimate An apprehensive


To shock


