The Future is Here! Exploring the Cold War, the 50s, the 60s,advanced technology and beyond!

The Future is Here! Exploring the Cold War, the 50s, the 60s,advanced technology and beyond!

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Page 1: The Future is Here! Exploring the Cold War, the 50s, the 60s,advanced technology and beyond!

The Future is Here!

Exploring the Cold War,

the 50s, the 60s,advanced technology and beyond!

Page 2: The Future is Here! Exploring the Cold War, the 50s, the 60s,advanced technology and beyond!

The Cold War started . . .

Russia and the US were in a race to space. Russia won by launching Sputnik I (the first

satellite) into space on October 4, 1957.On January 31, 1958 the US launched Explorer

I, our first satellite.On October 1, 1958 - NASA was formed.

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Russia was winning . . .

On April 4, 1961 Yuri Gargarin became the first man in space. He was 26 years old and became the first man to orbit the Earth and it only took a total of 89 minutes.

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Then, the U.S. Raced Ahead . . .

On July 20, 1969 at 10:56pm Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong were watched by 1/5 of the world’s population while they walked on the moon.

Buzz Aldrin: First Moon Landing

Fun Space Race Video

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There were 6 missions to the moon between the late 60’s and early 70’sApollo 11 Astronauts

Neil A. ArmstrongBuzz Aldrin

Apollo 12 AstronautsCharles (Pete) Conrad, Jr. Alan L. Bean

Apollo 14 AstronautEdgar D. Mitchell

Apollo 15 AstronautsDavid R. ScottJames B. Irwin

Apollo 16 AstronautCharles M. Duke

Apollo 17 AstronautsEugene A. CernanHarrison H. (Jack) Schmitt

Lunar Rover

Another Lunar Rover Video

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What happened to the first selected astronauts to go to the moon?

On January 27, 1967, tragedy struck the Apollo program when a flash fire occurred in command module 012 during a launch pad test of the Apollo/Saturn space vehicle being prepared for the first piloted flight, the AS-204 mission.

Three astronauts died in this TRAGIC ACCIDENT.

A seven-member board conducted a comprehensive investigation to pinpoint the cause of the fire. The final report, completed in April 1967 was subsequently submitted to the NASA Administrator. The report presented the results of the investigation and made specific recommendations that led to major design and engineering modifications, and revisions to test planning, test discipline, manufacturing processes and procedures, and quality control.

With these changes, the overall safety of the command and service module and the lunar module was increased substantially. The AS-204 mission was redesignated Apollo I in honor of the crew.

Apollo 1 & Apollo 13 Disasters

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Some facts about the moon . . .

An average days’ temperature ranges from 260 – 280 degrees.

20 miles from Earth is the Van Allen radiation belt that puts out 300+ rads of radiation.

Millions of micro-meteors travel at speeds up to 6000mph surround the moon.

The moon has no atmosphere so many stars can be seen from the moon’s surface.

The Moon is the only natural satellite of Earth. The Moon, of course, has been known since

prehistoric times. It is the second brightest object in the sky after the Sun.

Due to its size and composition, the Moon is sometimes classified as a terrestrial "planet" along with Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

The Moon was first visited by the Soviet spacecraft Luna 2 in 1959.

It is the only extraterrestrial body to have been visited by humans.

The first landing was on July 20, 1969, the last was in December 1972.

Buzz Aldrin: Difficulties of a Moon Landing

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After this, Americans became obsessed with space!

People’s houses, furniture, cars and more became very space-aged looking in the 50s and 60s.

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Accessories too . . .

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Houses Became Smarter

Houses became very modern looking.Smart houses were developed for the

future. Home Depot Smart Home Bill Gates' House

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Let’s move to the future!

NASA's twin robot geologists, the Mars Exploration Rovers, launched toward Mars on June 10 and July 7, 2003, in search of answers about the history of water on Mars. They landed on Mars January 3 and January 24 .

Mars Pathfinder

Mars Missions

Spirit and Opportunity

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Water on Mars? In June, 2008, NASA found proof of water ice on Mars away from the polar ice caps, a discovery made by

NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander. The findings provide evidence of water seeping to Mars' surface in recently cut gullies -- bridge a gap in

the beliefs of astrobiologists, taking them from strong suspicion to near certainty about the existence of liquid water on Mars.

The question remains, however, as to whether the presence of all of those ingredients under similar conditions would lead to life on Mars or any other planet.

That water apparently exists or existed in the recent geological past near the Martian surface relieves a burden on NASA, which has struggled for decades with a shrinking budget and Congressional skepticism. The water finding gives the space agency a strong justification for future funding requests for Mars missions and the search for life. Water on the surface of Mars could be analyzed on site or returned to Earth, not to mention examined for the presence of microbes or other life.

But NASA may still have to struggle with landing on Mars. Not only has the agency recently failed in an effort to land a craft on Mars (the Polar Lander apparently was destroyed in its landing attempt in 1999), but landing in the areas pointed out by the recent announcement as possible water sources -- on slopes between latitudes of 30 and 70 degrees north and south of the equator -- could add a degree of complexity.

First Photos From MarsWater on Mars

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Could there be Martian Colonies?

In the future we could be living on mars. Explore the planet Mars with realistic Mars habitats, rockets, ground cars and robots

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Are we going to have flying cars?

This is the Moller M400 Skycar. It can cruise at 20,000 feet and reach up to 275mph at that height. It costs $995,000 and requires a reserve with a $100,000 deposit.

Sky Car Flying Car Paris Auto Show Terrafugia Regular Flying Car

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Or robots?

These are the Sony QRIO robots. They measure 2 feet tall and will soon be in homes playing with kids!

Robots Kicking Real Life Robots QRIO Robots Robots Singing Roller-skating Kids

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Will there be private rockets available?

On June 21, 2004 the first private rocket ship launched into space. SpaceShipOne rocketed 62 miles out of the Mohave desert in California and soared at 328,000 feet with Mike Melvill in the ship. Space Ship One

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Want to buy land on the Moon? How about Mars?

Moon land starting at $20.00 an acre!Earth's Leading Lunar Real Estate Agency - Buy Moon Property

Purchase Moon Land - Authorized Lunar Embassy Agent

Martian land starting at $30.00 and acre!Buy Land on the Moon, Mars or Venus...

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Can copy machines make 3D copies?

It may sound like science fiction, but the printer you buy in the future could be able to produce a real-life object from images on your

computer. Several companies are working on developing low-cost three-dimensional printers which could eventually find their way into

the home. The machines work by placing layers of a powdery material on top of each

other to create a real-life model of a digital image. With hundreds and sometimes thousands of layers, we can develop a

prototype that works, from coffee cups to car parts, in a variety of textures and colors.

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Think teleporting is not possible? Think again!

In June of 2002 - Australian researchers teleported a laser beam of light from one place to another in a split second.

In the experiment, physicists at the Australian National University disassembled a laser light in one part of their laboratory and then reconstructed it a meter away.

Teleporting an object involves gathering detailed information about its subatomic particles and transmitting this information to recreate

the object perfectly. The original is dissolved in the process.

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What about you?

Can you think of any other futuristic technolgies that you have heard about? What? When? Why?