REGD. NO. D.L.-33004/94 The Gazette of India EXTRAORDINARY PART I—Section 1 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 168] NEW DELHI, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1994/ASVINA 30, 1916 2418 GI/94 (1)

The Gazette of India · Zaire and Ethiopia or from Vietnam with the intention of permanently settl-ing in India. Provided that a candidate belonging to catego-ries (ii), (iii), (iv)

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Page 1: The Gazette of India · Zaire and Ethiopia or from Vietnam with the intention of permanently settl-ing in India. Provided that a candidate belonging to catego-ries (ii), (iii), (iv)

REGD. NO. D.L.-33004/94

The Gazette of IndiaEXTRAORDINARY

PART I—Section 1


No. 168] NEW DELHI, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1994/ASVINA 30, 1916

2418 GI/94 (1)

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(Department of Health)


New Delhi, the 22nd October, 1994


A 12011|2|94-CHS-L—The rules for a Com-petitive Examination—Combined Medical Ser-vices Examination—to be held by the UnionPublic Service Commission in 1995 for the pur-pose of rilling vacancies in the following services|posts are, with the concurrence of the Ministries!Departments concerned and the MunicipalCorporation of Delhi published for generalinformation :—

(i) Assistant Divisional Medical Officer inthe Railways,

(ii) Junior Scale Posts in Indian OrdnanceFactories Health Service,

(iii) Junior Scale posts in Central HealthServices,

(iv) Medical Officers in the Municipal Corpo-ration of Delhi.

1. The Examination will be conducted by theUnion Public Service Commission in the mannerprescribed in Appendix I to these Rules.

The date(s) on which and the placets) atwhich the examination will be held shall be fixedby the Commission.

2. A candidate may compete in respect of anyone or more of the serviccs|posts mentionedabove. A candidate who qualifies on the resultsof the written part of the examination will berequired to indicate clearly in the detailed appli-cation form the services]posts for which he wishesto be considered in the order of preferences. Thecandidate is advised to indicate as many prefe-rences as he wishes to so that having regard tohis rank in order of merit, due consideration canbe given to his preference when making appoint-ment.

N.B. (i) Candidates for the post of Asstt.Divisional Medical Officer in the Rail-ways will also be required to give theiroption in the detailed application formfor not more than five Zonal Railwaysin order of preference. While makingtheir allocation to the various ZonalRailways, these preference shall betaken into consideration but it does notmean that the candidate shall be alloca-ted to one of these Railways only, Asthe service is meant to cover the entire

country, a candidate is transfeiablr, toany Zone of the Indian Railways.

N.B. (ii) No request for addition|alteration inthe preferences already indicated by acandidate in his detailed applicationform will be entertained by the Com-mission.

3. The number of vacancies to be filled on Iheresults of the examination will be specified in theNotice issued by the Commission.

Reservation will be made for candidates belong-ing to the Scheduled Castes and the ScheduledTribes and the other Backward Classes in respectof vacancies as may be fixed by the Government.

4. A candidate must be either :

(i) Citizen of India, or

(ii) a subject of Nepal, or

(iii) a subject of Bhutan, or

(iv) a Tibetan refugee who came to Indiabefore the 1st January, 1962 with theintention of permanently settling inIndia, or

(v) a person of Indian origin who hasmigrated from Pakistan, Myanmar(Burma), Sri Lanka or East Africancountries of Kenya, Uganda, the UnitedRepublic of Tanzania (formerly Tan-ganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi,Zaire and Ethiopia or from Vietnamwith the intention of permanently settl-ing in India.

Provided that a candidate belonging to catego-ries (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) above shall be a personin whose favour a certificate of eligibility hasbeen issued by the Government of India.

A candidate in whose case a certificate ofeligibility is necessary, may be admitted to theexamination but the offer of appointment niaybe given only after the necessary eligibility certi-ficate has been issued to him by the Government,of India.

5. (a) A candidate for this examination mustnot have attained the age of 30 years as on 1stJanuary, 1995, i.e. he must have been bom notearlier than 2nd January, 1965.

(b) The upper age limit is relaxable asfollows :—

(i) upto a maximum of five years if acandidate belongs to a Scheduled Casteor a Scheduled Tribe.

(ii) upto a maximum of three years if acandidate is a bona fide repatriate ofIndian origin from Kuwait or Iraq and

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has migrated to India from any of Ihcsecountries after 15th May, 1990 butbefore 22nd November, 1991.

(iii) upto a maximum of eight years if acandidate belongs ta a Scheduled Casteor a Scheduled Tribe and is also abona fide repatriate of Indian originfrom Kuwait or Iraq and has migratedto Tndia from any of these countriesafter 15th May, 1990 but before 22ndNovember, 1991.

(iv) uptd a maximum of three years in theof Defence Services Personnel, disabledin operations during hostilities with anyforeign country or in a disturbed areaand released as a consequence thereof.

(v) upto a maximum of eight years in thecase of Defence Services Personnel,disabled in operations during hostilitieswith any foreign country or in a dis-turbed area and released as a conse-quence thereof who belongs to theScheduled Caste or the ScheduledTribe.

(vi) upto a maximum of five years in thecase af Ex-servicemen including Com-missioned Officers and ECOs|SSCOswho have rendered at least 5 years'Military Service as on 1st January,1995 and have been released (i) oncompletion of assignment (includingthose whose assignment is due to becompleted within one year from 1stJanuary, 1995 otherwise than by wayof dismissal or discharge on account ofmisconduct or inefficiency, or (ii) onaccount of physical disability attribut-able to Military Service or fiii) on in-validment.

(vii) upto a maximum of ten years in the caseof Ex-servicemen including Commis-sioned Officers and ECOs[SSCOs whohave rendered at least five years' Mili-tary Service as on 1st January, 1995and have been released (i) on comple-tion of assignment (including thosewhose assignment is due to be comple-ted within one year from 1st January,1995) otherwise than by way of dis-missal or discharge on account of mis-conduct or inefficiency, or (ii) onaccount of physical disability attribu-table to Military Service or 'iii) oninvalidment and who belong to theScheduled Castes or the ScheduledTribes.

(viii) upto a maximum of 5 years in theh caseof ECOs|SSCOs who have completedan initial-period of assignment of 5years of Military Service as on 1stJanuary, 1995 and whose assignmenthas been extended beyond 5 years andin whose case the Ministry of Defenceissues a certificate that they can applyfor Civil employment and that they willbe released on 3 months' notice onselection from the date of receipt ofoffer of appointment.

(ix) upto a maximum of 10 years in the caseof ECOsjSSCOs who have completedan initial-period of assignment of 5years of Military Service as on 1stJanuary, 1995 and whose assignmenthas been extended beyond 5 years andin whose case the Ministry of Defenceissues a certificate that they apply forCivil employment and that they will bereleased on 3 months' notice on selec-tion from the date of receipt of offer ofappointment who belongs to the Sche-duled Tribes.

(x) The ad-hoc Doctors appointed after1-10-1984 in the Ministry of Railwayswill be granted relaxation in age to theextent of the period of service renderedby them as ad-hoc Doctors in Railways,in the light of the Supreme Court'sorders dated the 24th September, 1987on the Writ Petitions (Nos. 822, 875,180 & 200 of 1987 with Nos 370, 298& 73 of 1987 with Nos. 1165, 1328,1619, 1735, 1275, 1457, 1087.1034, 1263, 1294, 1327, 1349, 1370,1353, 1400, 1451, 1504, 1564. 1650and 1609 of 1986 and with Nos. 845 of1986) filed by some ad-hoc Doctors ofthe Railways. The ad-hoc Doctors claiming the relaxation in upper age limitunder this provision should submittheir applications for admission to theexamination through the Ministry ofRailways who will certify that theapplicants are covered by the orders ofthe Supreme Court.

NOTE I. The term Ex-servicemen will apply tothe persons, who are defined as Ex-servicemen in the Ex-servicemen (Re-employment in Civil Services and Posts)Rules, 1979, as amended from time totime.

NOTE II. Candidates falling under Rule 5(b)('H)to (ix) who do not belong to ScheduledCaMe and Scheduled Tribe are not eli-gible for age concession if they have

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already joined any Government job oncivil side after availing of the age con-cession.

Save as provided above the Age-Limit prescrib-ed tan in no case be relaxed.

6. A candidate must have passed the writtenand practical parts of the final M.B.B.S. Exami-nation.

NOTE 1. A candidate who has appearedlor hasyet to appear at the final M.B.B.S. Ex-amination may also apply. Such candi-dates will be admitted to the examina-tion if otherwise eligible but the admis-sion would be deemed to be provisionaland subject to cancellation, if they donot produce proof of having passed thewritten and practical parts of the finalM.B.B.S. Examination alongwith thedetailed application which will be re-quired to be submitted to the Commis-sion by the candidates who qualify onthe result of the written part of the ex-amination.

NOTE 2. A candidate who has yet to completethe compulsory rotating internship is edu-cationally eligible for admission to theexamlination but on selection he will beappointed only after he has completedthe compulsory rotating internship.

7. Candidates must pay the fee prescribed inthe Commission's Notice.

8. All candidates in Government services, whe-ther in permanent or temporary capacity or aswork charged employees other than casual oidaily rated employees or those serving under thePublic Enterprises are however, required to submitan undertaking that they have informed in writingtheir Head of Office|Department that they haveapplied for the Examination.

Candidates should note that in case a commu-nication iis received from their employer by theCommission withholding permission to the candi-dates applying forjappearing at the examination,their application shall be rejectedjeandidatureshall be cancelled.

9. The decision of the Commission with regardto the acceptance of the application of a candidateand his eligibility or of otherwise of a candidatefor admission to the examination shall be final.

10. No candidate shall be admitted to the exa-mination unless he holds a certificate of admissionfrom the Commission,

11. A candidate who is or has been declaredby the Commission to be guilty of :- -

(i) obtaining support for his candidature byany means, or

Oii) impersonating or(iii) procuring impersonation by any person,

or(iv) submitting fabricated documents or docu-

ments which have been tampered with,or

(v) making statements which are incorrector false or suppressing material informa-tion, or

(vi) resorting to any other irregular or im-proper means in connection with hiscandidature for the examination, or

(vtii) using unfair means during the examina-tion, or

(viii) writing irrelevant matter includingobscene language or pornographic matterin the script(s), or

(ix) misbehaving in any other manner in theexamination hall, or

(x) harassing or doing bodily harm to theStaff employed by the Commission forthe conduct of their examination, or

(xi) violating any of the instructions issued tocandidates alongwith their AdmissionCertificates permitting them to take theexamination, or

(xii) attempting to commit or as the case maybe abetting the commission of all orany of the acts specified in the forego-ing clauses,

may in addition to rendering himself liable to cri-minal prosecution be liable:—

fa) to be disqualified by the Commissionfrom the examination for which he isa candidate and]or

(b) to be debarred either permanently or fora specified period;

fi) by the Cornmission from any examina-tion or selection held by them;

(ii) by the Central Government from anyemployment under them; and;

(c) if he is already in service under Govern-ment to disciplinary action under theappropriate rules;

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Provided that no penally under this rule shallbe imposed except after:—

(i) giving the candidate an apportunity ofmaking such representation in writingas he may wish to make in that behalf;and

(ii) taking the' representation, if any, sub-mitted by tlit; candidate within theperiod allowed to him into considera-tion.

12. Candidates who obtain such minimum quali-fying marks in the written examination as may befixed by the Commission in their discretion shallbe summoned by them for an interview for a per-sonality test.

Provided that candidates belonging to the Sche-duled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or the OtherBackward Classes may be summoned for an inter-view for a personality test by the Commissions byapplying relaxed standards if the Commission areof the opinion that sufficient number of candidatesfrom these communities arc not likely to be sum-moned for interview for a personality test on thebasis of the general standard in order to fill upthe vacancies reserved for them.

13. (i) After the interviews the candidates willbe arranged by the Commission in the order ofmerit as disclosed by the aggregate marks finallyawarded to each candidate in the written examina-tion as well as interview and in that roder somany candidates as are found by the Commissionto be qualified at the examination shall be re-commended for appointment upto the number ofunreserved vacancies decided to be filled on theresults of the examination.

(ii) Candidates belonging to the SCs or theSTs or the other Backward Classes may, to theextent the number of vacancies reserved for SCs,STs and the other Backward Classes be recom-mended by the Commission by a relaxed standard,subject to the fitness of these candidates for ap-pointment to the Services[posts.

Provided that the candidates belonging to theSCs, the STs and the other Backward Classes whohave been recommended by the Commission with-out resorting to the relaxed standard referred toin this sub-rule, shall not be adjusted against thevacancies reserved for the SCs, the STs and theother Backward Classes.

14. The form and manner of communicationof the result of the examination to individual can-didates shall be decided by the Commission intheir discretion and the Commission will not enterinto correspondence with them regarding the re-sult.

15. Subject to other provisions contained inthese rules, successful candidates will be consider-ed for II " * i i on the basis of the order of

merit assigned to them by the Commission andpreferences expressed by them for various posts.

16. Success in the examination confers noright to appointment unless Government are satis-fied after such enquiry as may be considered neces-sary that the candidate having regard to his char-acter and antecedents is suitable in all respects torappointment to the service. The appointment willIv, further subject to the candidate, satisfying theappointing authority of his having satisfactorilycompleted the compulsory rotating internship.

17. A candidate must be in good mental andbodily health and free from any physical defectslikely to interfere with the discharge of his dutiesas an officer of the Service. A candidate who aftersuch physical examination, as Government or theappointing authority, as the case may be, mayprescribe, is found not to satisfy these require-ments, will not be appointed.

Candidates called for the Personality Test bythe Commission shall be required to undergo Me-dical Examination. For this purpose, arrangementswill be made by the Ministry of Health and Fami-ly Welfare (CHS. I Section), Nirrnan Bhawan,New Delhi and intimation shall be given by thatMinistry to the concerned. The Medical Examina-tion of the concerned candidate will normally befixed on the next working day immediately afterthe day of interview)personality test of the concern-ed candidate. In case a candidate does not receiveany intimation about the arrangements made forhis|her Medical Examination before helshc leavestor hisjher interview (personality test, hcjshe shouldcontact personally the concerned authority in Minis-try of Heal til and Family Welfare immediatelyafter his|her interview|personality test is over. Theconcerned candidate may have to stay in Delhiuntil his|hcr Medical Examination is over. There-fore, the candidate should take care of this factand make his [her own arrangements for stay inDelhi for the purpose of completion of MedicalExamination formality. No extensionlpostponementof the date fixed for the Medical Examinationshall be allowed under any circumstances. Also,no TA[DA shall be admissible for the purpose ofcompletion of the formality of Medical Examina-tion of the concerned candidate.

18. No person,—•

(a) who has entered into or contracted amarriage with a person having a spouseliving, or

(b) who having a spouse living, has enteredinto or contracted a marriage with anyperson shall be eligible for appoint-ment to service :

Provided that the Central Government may ifsatisfied that such marriage is permissible under thepersonal law applicable to such person and the

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other party to the iTumiiige and there arc othergrounds for so doing exempt any person from theoperation of this rule.

19. Brief particulars relating to' the .Services]posts to which recruitment is being made I hroughthis examination are given in Appendix JI.

G. K. CHANANA, Under Secy.


1. The Scheme of Examination.—The exami-nation will comprise :

(a) Written Examination : The candidatewill take the examination in tiic follow-ing two papers each of two hours dura-tion carrying a maximum ol 200marks. The questions in both thepapers will be so1 designed as to givethe following Weightage 1o differentsubjects.

Paper I (Code No. 1) \

(i) General Medicine includingCardiology, Neurology,Dermatology and Psychiatry

Cii) Surgery including E.N.T.Ophthalmology. Traumatologyand Orthopaedics.

Paper II (Code No. 2)

(i) Paediatrics

(ii) Gynaecology and Obstetrics(iii) Preventive, Social and

Community Medicine







(b) Personality Test of candidates whoqualify in the written examination

200 Marks

II. The examination in both the papers will becompletely of objective (multiple choice answer)type. The question paper (Test Booklets) willbe set in English only.

ITI. Candidates must write the papers in theirown hand. In no circumstances will they beallowed the help of a scribe to write answers forthem.

IV. The Commission have discretion to fixqualifying marks for the examination.

V. Candidates are not permitted to use calcu-lators for answering objective type papers (TaxBooklets). They should not. therefore, brinethe same inside the Examination Hall.

VI. The interview for Personality Tost will beintended to serve as a supplement to the writtenexamination for testing the General Knowledge

and ability of the candidates in the fields of theiracademic study and also in the nature of apersonality test to assess the candidate's intellec-tual curiosity, critical powers of assimilation,balance of judgment and altertness of mind,ability for social cohesion, integrity of character,initiative and capability for leadership.

APPENDIX IIBrief particulars relating to the Services to

which recruitment is being made through thisexamination are given below :

I. Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in theRailways :—

fa) The post is in Group A. The Scale ofthe post is Rs. 2200-75-2800-HB-100-4000. (Revised Scale) plus restrictednon-practising allowance as per ordersin force from time-to-time. The ratesat present are :—

Pay :Below Rs. 3000

Rs. 3000-3699Rs, 3700 and above

NPARs. 600 p.m.

Rs. 850 p.m.Rs. 950 p.m

The candidates will be bound to observethe orders which the Ministry of Railways or anyHigher authority may issuj from time to timerestricting or prohibiting private practice by him.The candidates in Government service • will begiven initial pay in the above mentioned scaleaccording to rules others will be given the mini-mum of the pay scale mentioned above :

(b) A candidate will be appointed on pro-bation for a period of 2 years w hichmay be extended by the Government ifconsidered necessary. On satisfactorycompletion of the probation, candi-dates will be eligible for confirmationin the junior scale of the Indian Rail-way Medical Service.

(c) The appointment of probationers canbe terminated bv one month's notice inwriting on either side during theperiod of probation in terms on Rule301 f3) of the Indian Railway Estab-lishment Code, Volume-J, Such noticeis not, however, reciuircd in cases ofdismissal or removal as a disciplinarymeasure after compliance with theprovisions of Clause (2) of Article 311of the Constitution and compulsory re-tirement due to mentnl or physical incapacity.

(d) A candidate will haw to un<Wfjo train-ing as prescribed by the Ministry of

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Railways and pass all the Departmen-tal Examinations.

(e) A candidate will be governed by theRailway Pension Rules and shall subs-cribe to the State Railway ProvidentFund (Non-contributory) under therules of that Fund as in force from timeto time.

(f) A candidate will be eligible tor leave inaccordance with the leave rules as inforce from time to time and applicableto officers of his status.

(g) A candidate will be eligible for freeRailway Passes and Privilege TicketOrders in accordance with the rules infarce from time to time.

(h) A candidate will be required to pass theexamination in Hindi of an approvedstandard within the period of probationand failure to do so shall involve liabi-lity to termination of service,

(i) Under the rules every person appointedto the above post shall, if so requiredbe liable to serve in any Defence Ser-vice or post connected with the Defenceof India for a period of not less thanfour years including the period spenton training if any.

Provided that such person,

(a) shall not be required to serve as afore-said after the expiry of ten years fromthe date of such appointment.

(b) shall not ordinarily be required to serveas aforesaid after attaining the age of45 years.

(]) Reckoning Service : The persons whoare recruited under these rules to poststo which the conditions prescribed inRule 2423A (C.S.R. 404-B) of theIndian Railway Establishment Codeare applicable shall be eligible to thebenefit of the provisions contained inthe rule.

(k) A candidate will be governed in respectof matters specifically referred to aboveas well as other matters by the provi-sions of the Indian Railway Establish-ment Code and the extant orders asamended |issue from time to time.

(1) In the first instance a candidate will beposted to the Railway Health Units!Dispensaries at wav side Stations,ADMOs are also liable to transfer toany Railway.

U"n) Prospects of promotion including payscales and allowances attached tohigher grades.

(i) Assistant Divisional Medical Officerswith rive years service in the graderendered after appointment theretoon a regular basis are eligible forpromotion to the post of DivisionalMedical Officers (senior scale o'fRs. 3000-4500) plus restricted non-practising allowances as given in (a)above.

(ii) Divisional Medical Officers)ScniorMedical Officers with five yearsservice in the grade rendered afterappointment thereto on a regularbasis are eligible for promotion tothe posts of Medical Superintendentsin the scale of Rs. 3700-5000 plusnon-practising allowance of Rs. 950p.m.

(iiij Depending upon the number of yearsservice in the grade of Rs. 3700-5000 as prescribed from time totime. Medical Superintendentsbecome eligible for promotion to thepost of Chief Medical Officers in thescale of Rs. 5900-6700 plus non-practising allowance at the followingrates :

PayUp to Rs. 5999Rs. 6000 and above

NPARs. 950 P.M.

Rs. 1000 P.M.

(n) Duties and Responsibilities :Assistant Divisional Medical Officers :

(i) He will attend the indoor wards and outpatient department daily and as re-quired.

(ii) He will carry out physical examinationof candidates and of employees in ser-vice in accordance with the regulationsin force.

(iii) He will look after family planning,public health and sanitation in his juris-diction.

(iv) He will carry out examination ofvendors.

(v) He will be responsible for discipline andproper discharge of duties of theHospital Staff.

(vi) He will carry out duties assigned to hisspecially if any and will prepare returnsand indents connected with his spe-ciality.

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(v) He will maintain and upkeep all equip-ments in his charge.

Note : (1) When an ADMO is posted at theHeadquarters of a division under the charge of aDivisional Medical Officer he will assist theDivisional Medical Officer in all his duties butmay be specially assigned with certain duties andresponsibilities.

Note : ADMOs will also be required to per-form such other duties as may be assigned tothem from time to time.

II. Post of Assistant Medical Officer in theIndian Ordnance Factories Health Service underthe Ministry of Defence.

(a) The posts are temporary in Group Abut likely to be made permanent in duecourse. The scale of pay is Rs. 2200-75-28 00-EB-100-4000 plus non-prac-tising allowance (NPA) as per ordersin force from time to time. The ratesat present are :

PayRs. 2200-2999

Rs. 3000-3699Rs. 3700-4000

NPARs. 600 p.m.Rs. 850 p.m.Rs. 950 p.m.

(b) The candidates will be cm probation fora period of 2 years from the date ofappointment which may be curtailedor extended at the discretion of thecompetent authority. On satisfactorycompletion of the probation period hewill continue in the temporary post tillconfirmed against the permanentvacancy.

(c) The candidate can be posted anywherein India in any one of the OrdnanceFactory Hospital or Dispensaries.

(d) Private practice of any kind whotsoeveris prohibited.

(e) The appointment can be terminated onone month's notice on either side duringthe period of probation and thereafterwhile employed in temporary capacity.The Government reserves the right togive one month's pay in lieu of notice.

(f) Prospects of promotion including payscale and allowances attached to thehigher grades.

(i) Senior Scale.—Senior Medical Officer|Assistant Director of Health Servi-ces.—Officers who have put in atleast5 years service in the junior scale will

2418 GI/94—3

become eligible to senior scale—Se-nior Medical Officer, Assistant Direc-tor of Health Services. The scale ofpay is Rs. 3000-100-3500-125-4500plus NPA at the following rates :—


Rs. 3000-3699Rs. 3700-4500


Rs. 850 p.m.

Rs. 950 p.m.

(ii) Principal Medical Officer[DeputyDirector of Health Services.—Officerswho have put in 5 years of regularservice in the senior scale (SeniorMedical Officer; Assistant Director ofHealth Services) can be consideredfor promotion to Principal MedicalOfficer|Deputy Director of HealthServices. The scale of pay is Rs. 3700-125-4700-150-5000 plus Rs. 950 p.m.as N.P.A.

(iii) Principal Medical Officer|Deputy Dir-ector of Health Services (Selectiongrade.—The scale of pay is Rs.4500-5700 plus Rs. 950 p.m. asN.P.A.

Principal Medical Officer | Deputy Director ofHealth Services with 5 years regular service in thegrade or 14 years regular Group 'A' Service shouldbecome eligible for promotion to the post of Princi-pal Medical OfficerlDDHS (NFSG).

(iv) Additional Director of Health Servi-ces.—The scale of pay Rs. 5900-6700 plus NPA at following rates:—


upto Rs. 5999

Rs. 6000 and above


Rs. 950 p.m.

Rs. 1000 p.m.

Officer holding posts in the Grade of PMO|DDHS(SG) with 3 years regular service in theGrade or 17 years total service in Group 'A' postwith 4 years in the Grade of PMO',DDHS andPMO|DDHS (SG) taken together will become eli-gible for promotion in the Grade of Addl. DHS.

(g) Nature of Duties.—(1) Assistant Medi-cal Officer.

(i) They will attend to indoor patients inwards [departments of hospitals andout patients|dispensaries | out-patientdepartments daily and as required.

(ii) They will carry out medical examina-tion of employees and candidates foremployment in accordance with theregulation in force.

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(iii) They wil] main tan the upkeep of allequipment in their charge.

(iv) They will be responsible for trainingdiscipline and proper discharge ofduties of the hospital and dispensarystaff.

(v) They will perform such other duties asare allotted to them by the MedicalOfficer-in-Charge as per rules.

(2) Assistant Directors of Health Services andSenior Medical Officer.

(a) ADHS posted at the Hqrs. will assist theDHSIAddl. DHSIDDHS in the dischargeof their duties on all medical matters asdirected by them.

(b) He will assist the DHS|Addl. D1IS|DDHSin the day to day work of the MedicalSection as the Section Officer.

(c) He will psrform such other duties as maybe assigned to him by the DHS|Addl.DHS[DDHS from time to time.

(d) Hs will assist the DHS in dealing with allquestion relating to Medical Stores andEquipments.

(e) SMO-SMOs incharge will be incharge ofany factory hospital with less than 50beds and Medical Estt. there.

(f) As M.O. Incharge they will be advisersto the GMi of Fys, on all medical mattersand make recommendation as considerednecessary.

(g) They will arrange medical attention tothe employees and their families as perrules.

(h) SMOs will attend Indoor Wards, FactoryHealth Clinic, Estate Clinic, OPD andwill be required to perform such otherduties as may be assigned by PMO andSMO incharge of the hospital.

(3) Dy. Director of Health Services & PrincipalMedical Officer.

(a) DDHS posted at the Hqrs. will assist theDHSIAddl. DHS in the discharge of thelatter's duties in matters as directed byhim.

(b) PMO—PMO will be M.O. incharge ofany factory hospital with 50 beds orabove and the Medical Estt. there.

(c) As M.O. Incharge they will be advisersto the GM of Fys. on all medical mat-ters and make recommendation as con-sidered necessary.

(d) They will arrange medical attention tothe employees and their families as perrules.

(e) They will perform such other duties asmay be laid down under any statute orGovt. orders or delegated to him by theDHS.

(4) Additional Director of Health Services.

(a) Addl. DHS will assist the DHS in dis-charge of the latter's duties in the mat-ter as directed by him.

(b) He will act as DHS under order ofDGOF in latter's absence on leave,tour etc.

(5) Director of Health Services.

(a) Medical Adviser to DGOF on all Medi-cal and health matters. Controlling au-thority of the Medical Establishment inDGOF organisation on all professionaland Technical matters. He will exercisethe administrative powers as delegatedto him by the DGOF.

(b) He will work out the plans for implemen-tation of the reports|recommendationsaccepted by the Govt.

*(c) As the Controlling Authority he will

distribute the personnel according to therequirement of factories.

(d) He will normally represent the DGOFon the UPSC.

(a) He will normally once a year make orcause to be made inspection of all fac-tories and report to the DGOF on theworking of Medical installation there onall matters connected with MedicalEstt.

(f) He will initiate ACR's of Addl. DHS|DDHS and ADHS and will review thereports of all PMOs, SMOs and AMOs.

III. Junior Scale posts in the Central HealthService:—

(a) The posts are temporary but likely tocontinue indefinitely. Candidates will beappointed to Junior Group 'A' scaleand they will be on probation for aperiod of 2 years from the date of ap-pointment which may be curtailed orextended at the discretion of the compe-tent authority. They will be confirmed

Page 19: The Gazette of India · Zaire and Ethiopia or from Vietnam with the intention of permanently settl-ing in India. Provided that a candidate belonging to catego-ries (ii), (iii), (iv)


in Junior scale (Rs. 2200-4000) afterthe satisfactory completion of proba-tion.

(b) The candidates can be posted anywherein India in any dispensary or hospitalunder any organisation participating inthe Central Health Services viz. C.G.H.Soperating at Delhi, Bangalore, Bombay,Meerut etc. Labour Welfare Organisa-tions, Assam Rifles, JLakshadweep, And-aman and Nicobar Islands, P&T Depart-ment etc. Private Practice of any kindwhatsoever including lab and consultantPractices prohibited.

(c) The scale of pay admissible to JuniorGroup 'A' Scale (Medical Officer) isScale : Rs. 2200-75-2800-EB-100-4000 plus N.P.A.

(d) Prospects of promotion including PayScale and allowances attached to thehigher grades. Medical Officers in Gene-ral Duty cadre who have put in atleast4 years regular service in the Grade willbecome eligible for promotion to SeniorScale.

Senior Scale (Senior Medical Officer).Scale : Rs. 3000-100-3500-125-4500 plus


Senior Medical Officer in the General DutySub-cadre with six years regular service in theGrade or on completion of ten years as MedicalOfficer and Senior Medical Officer of which twoyears shall be as Senior Medical Officer, shall be-come eligible for promotion to the post of ChiefMedical Officer.

Scale : Rs. 3700-125-4700-150-5000 plusN.P.A.

Chief Medical Officer (Rs. 3700-5000) withfive years regular service in the grade or with 14years regular service in Group 'A' post shall be-come eligible for promotion to the post of ChiefMedical Officer (NFSG).

Chief Medical Officer (NFSG).Scale : Rs. 4500-150-5700 plus N.P.A.Officers holding posts in the Grade of CMO

(NFSG) with three years' regular service in theGrade or with 17 years total regular service in

Group 'A' post will become eligible for promotionto Supertime Grade.

Supertime Grade Add. DHS.

Scale : Rs. 5900-200-6700 plus N.P.A.

The rates of N.P.A. at present :—

upto Rs. 2999Rs. 3000 and abovebut upto 3699Rs. 3700 and abovebut upto Rs. 5999

Rs. 6000 and above

Rs. 600 p.m.

Rs. 850 p.m.

Rs. 950 p.m.

Rs. 1000 p.m.

IV. Medical Officer in the Municipal Corpora-tion of Delhi :—

(i) The posts are temporary in category 'A'but likely to be made permanent in duecourse. The scale of pay is Rs. 2200-75-2800-EB-l 00-4000 plus restricted non-practising allowance (NPA) as per or-ders in force from time to time.

(ii) The candidate will be on probation fora period of one year from the date ofappointment which may be curtailed orextended at the discretion of competentauthority. On satisfactory completion ofthe probation period, he will continuein the temporary post till confirmed aga-inst the permanent vacancy.

(iii) The candidate can be posted anywherewithin the jurisdiction of the MunicipalCorporation of Delhi in any one of theHospitals|Dispensaries|M&CW and fami-ly Welfare Centres|Primary Health Cen-tres etc.

(iv) Private practice of any kind whatsoeveris prohibited.

(v) The appointment can be terminated onone month's notice on either side dur-ing the period of probation and there-after while employed in temporary capa-city. The Municipal Corporation ofDehli reserve the right to pay one mon-th's pay in lieu of notice.

Prospects of promotion including pay scales andallowances attached to the higher grades shall beaccording to the provision of the RecruitmentRegulations.

G. K. CHANNA, Under Secy.

Printed by the Manager, Govt. of India Press, Ring Road, Maya Puri, New Delhi-110064and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110034, 1994

Page 20: The Gazette of India · Zaire and Ethiopia or from Vietnam with the intention of permanently settl-ing in India. Provided that a candidate belonging to catego-ries (ii), (iii), (iv)