The Parksville Qualicum Beach News Friday, February 24, 2012 www.pqbnews.com A15 Honouring outstanding individuals, businesses and organizations that have made a significant contribution to the community of Parksville. PARKSVILLE & DISTRICT C HAMBER OF C OMMERCE COMMUNITY AWARDS 2011 Proud Sponsor of the Proud Host of the The Glassies Friday, March 2nd 5:30 pm Parksville Community & Conference Centre

The Glassies - Parksville 2012

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Parksville and District Chamber of Commerce 2011 Community Awards nominees.

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The Parksville Qualicum Beach News Friday, February 24, 2012 www.pqbnews.com A15

Honouring outstanding individuals, businesses and organizations that have made a signifi cant contribution to the community of Parksville.




Proud Sponsor of theProud Host of the

The GlassiesFriday, March 2nd

5:30 pmParksville Community& Conference Centre

A16 www.pqbnews.com Friday, February 24, 2012 The Parksville Qualicum Beach News

NOMINEE presented by Society of Organized Services

Ginny BruckerGinny Brucker was a schoolteacher for over 30 years,

more than 20 of them at Nanoose Bay Elementary School.

Becoming aware of the poverty of some of the children and their families, she quietly supported them in many ways. Over 20 years ago, Ginny and her husband, Char-lie, started a Christmas Elf project, providing extra food, clothing and gifts to families in need, which was increas-ingly supported by other teachers, the school and their friends. Their efforts have evolved and Nanoose Com-munity Services, with Ginny as Executive Director, was formed. Nanoose Community Services, through its food bank, provides, each week, a week’s worth of food for up to 100 local residents; last December, their Elf Project made Christmas possible for 182 children and their fami-lies. They provide bike helmets for children, gift cards for new shoes or boots, work with local dentists to provide emergency dental care for adults without dental coverage, and much more.

Ginny and Charlie’s efforts have motivated many others to become involved, and united the whole Nanoose area in a common purpose.

Edie HoughEdie has volunteered at the SOS for the past eleven years,

starting as a tax preparer. She served on the SOS Board of Di-rectors for 8 years, and is currently co-chair of the SOS Caring for Kids at Christmas program, a post she has held for the past three Christmases. She also has regular, year-round shifts as a volunteer thrift shop cashier and assists with special events and presentations. She has also volunteered for the Parkin-son’s Society of B.C., the Ovarian Cancer Canada Walk of Hope (and raised over $12,000 to support a neighbour battling can-cer), and Habitat for Humanity. She is a Canadian Blood Ser-vices “Donor for Life”, and is also on the Board of the Friends of French Creek Conservation Society. When Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, she spent fi ve straight days helping to fi ll two shipping containers full of clothes and housewares for victims of the disaster.

Susan MostynSusan has been a volunteer Visitor Counsellor at the

Parksville Visitor Centre since 2007.She is a great ambassador for our area and her enthusi-

astic attitude leaves visitors with a great impression of our ommunity. She also volunteers at the Summer-by-the-Sea StreetMarket, and with fundraising at our local branch of the BC SPCA.

The Canadian Cancer Society and Heart and Stroke Foun-dation are also grateful recipients of Susan’s time and effortsand her concern for the environment and care for ourcommunity has also led to her volunteer with the Parksville Downtown Business Association’s “Pitch In” cleanup.

NOMINEE presented by Society of Organized Services NOMINEE presented by Society of Organized Services

VOLUNTEERof the Year

It is indeed my honour to recognize those in our community whoachieve great things. The Glassies celebrate outstanding members ofour community for their determination and heart and because theyhave bettered our community.

The level of achievement of Glassies winners is always most impressive.These community members improve the lives of their fellow citizens, not forpersonal gain, but for the pure satisfaction of a job well done and they deserveto be recognized for their achievements. "Excellence is to do a common thingin an uncommon way" and each award winner will inspire others to do better.May we all demonstrate the passion and the enthusiasm that these outstandingcitizens exemplify.

My sincere thank you to the Glassies sponsors, the judges, the organizingcommittee and volunteers, who together contribute to the success of this greatParksville event.

The Council and staff of the City of Parksville extend a sincere congratulationsand thank you to the 2011 Glassies winners.

Mayor Chris Burger City of Parksville


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On behalf of the City of Parksville, Mayor Burger congratulates the nominees, sponsors, judges, organizing committee and volunteers for their contributions to our great City.

MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR ~ City of Parksville

Chris Burger, Mayor, City of Parksville

It is with pleasure that I represent the Parksville & District Chamber of Commerce and have this opportunity to congratulate all of the nominees for the 2011 Glassies. I am humbled by the level of commitment the nominees have to our area. We truly do live in a wonderful generous

community and the nominees are certainly a great representation of our residents that make it such a fantastic community and wonderful place to do business and live.

It is with pride that the Chamber of Commerce hosts The Glassies. We along with the community at large, are so privileged to have our businesses, employees, volunteers and residents. What is so fantastic is that this year’s nominees are but a small sample of our community, there are so many that contribute to the betterment of our wonderful area..

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff, the Glassies coordination and decorating Committees, and the Selection Committee for their hard work and diligence in making this event possible. The selection process must be diffi cult, given the volume of exceptional people we have here.

Also a special thank you to our sponsors, without your generosity this evening is not possible.

“Few people take objectives really seriously. They put average effort into too many things, rather than superior thought and effort into a few important things. People who achieve the most are selective as well as determined.” — Richard Koch

Thanks to all for a wonderful community, congratulations, and thank you especially to the nominees – you do us proud.

Rudi Widdershoven, President


The Parksville Qualicum Beach News Friday, February 24, 2012 www.pqbnews.com A17

NOMINEE presented by Parksville Qualicum Beach News

Building Learning TogetherBuilding Learning Together is a coalition of

community partners that have joined together to support early learning for children 0-6 years and their families.

Currently, over twenty BLT projects reach into every corner of the community, affecting people from birth to beyond retirement.

Since 1999, the BLT Steering Committee has grown to represent and work with over 180 busi-nesses, service clubs and schools, over 20 agencies and ministries and well over 200 individual volun-teers.

The ongoing involvement of these community partners is the reason BLT has been able to con-tinue to provide free programs for children and families for over nine years.

All of BLT’s programs emphasize the innate abil-ities of children to learn, the strength of families learning together, and the rich resources we have within our own communities to help each other.

Manna MinistryRobin Campbell began to notice marginalized people not searching out the help they needed to survive, and felt that somehow he could help them by going out into their environ-ment. There were more people than he had anticipated who were living behind dumpsters, in the bush, abandoned vehicles and buildings, tents, and sheds, in all types of weather condi-tions. Robin realized they needed everything from food and shelter to basic clothing and personals. One man lived on the streets for 10 years. He said, “I knew you were coming to help me”. Robin made a video “Day in the Life of a Manna Volun-teer”. The video reached the mayors of Qualicum Beach and Parksville, whereupon a task force was developed. The Parks-ville Baptist Church also became involved. Manna Ministry purchased a cheap camper van where they give out basic needs and direct people to where they can get more help.

Parksville Historical SocietyThe Parksville Historical Society was offi cially named and

registered in 1976, and is a member of the B.C. Historical Fed-eration, B.C. Museums Association and Archives Association of B.C. In 1975, through the concern of a few families, the Knox Heritage Church was saved from demolition, and the City of Parksville provided land on which to put the church; the Craig Heritage Park was established in 1983. Buddy Williams was hired as Museum Manager two years ago, and has done much to raise awareness of the Craig Heritage Park & Museum. Build-ings have had new roofs installed, grounds and trees have been cleared to increase visibility and improve the appearance of the park, artifacts have been updated and properly preserved and displayed. Increased accessibility is the next project. The museum was a stop on the Royal B.C. Museum’s travelling exhibit last summer, adding to the already increased visitor numbers.

NOMINEE presented by Parksville Qualicum Beach News NOMINEE presented by Parksville Qualicum Beach News

Congratulations to the nominees and winners of the

2011 Glassies Community Awards

Thrifty Foods ParksvilleOpen daily 7am to 10pm280 East Island Highway



Proud to be nominated for Entrepreneur of the Year

Grooming • Daycare • Accessories • All Natural Dog Food & TreatsGrooming • Daycare • Accessories • All Natural Dog Food & Treats

Congratulations to all of this year’s Nominees.

647 East Island Hwy, Parksville • 250-586-7727

A18 www.pqbnews.com Friday, February 24, 2012 The Parksville Qualicum Beach News

NOMINEE presented by Coastal Community Credit Union

Ashley Henry & Andy Lankester

Dogfather’s Dog SpawDogfather’s Dog-S-Paw Ltd began its life on April 1,

2011 as a new start up business in Parksville, across the street from Parksville Chrysler. Both Ashley and I felt strongly that there was a need in the community to serve the local dog population with its grooming needs and to create something a little different than what the normal grooming facility might feel like.

We have two capable groomers on staff, we offer doggy day care, Ashley bakes fresh homemade dog treats that are nourishing and wholesome and we have a boutique that we are trying to build up that carries local artisan made, dog related items. The idea to keep the grooming room away from the boutique has been a success. Dogs don’t feel the fear associated with them being taken to a groomer and they usually don’t want to leave after they are fi nished their pampering!

After working through a partnership in the beginning, Dogfather’s is fi nding its way. We have been active in the Parksville Chamber and supporting many different worth-while charitable causes, most notably the Parksville food bank.

Louise BeatonParksville Bottle & Recycling Depot

Owner and President Louise Beaton, is passionate about her business and the environment. Parksville Bottle andRecycling Depot Ltd, established in 1995, is a licensed waste facility for the recovery of recyclable materials. Teamwork, quality employees and training are the key points to theon-going success of the company.

Louise was a past Founder and member of the British Columbia Bottle Depot Association. She has served on the Committee of Depot Operators, member of the Recycling Council of British Columbia, the Coast Waste Management Association and the Parksville & District Chamber of Commerce.

In 2009, Louise was the recipient of Encorp Pacifi c (Canada) Leadership Award and the 5 Star Award for the depot’s exemplary service, cleanliness, design and comfort.

Alexis Jennings & Shirra Wall

Wilde & SparrowAlexis Jennings and Shirra Wall started Wilde and Spar-

row, and opened their doors in the fantastic location of the old Parksville Jewellers store, on May 1, 2011. The idea of the boutique was to bring something a little different to our town that both locals and tourists would enjoy. With a modern, current style, fantastic customer service and great prices, they’ve been embraced by the commu-nity in a huge way. Using primarily social media to speak directly to their customers, they’ve connected in a way that’s very new and cutting edge. Posting favourite looks of the day on Facebook, using their customers as models and showing what’s new as it comes in has meant that customers feel like they’re ‘in the loop’ and truly connected to the store. There’s buzz around Wilde and Sparrow. They’ve taken it upon themselves to ‘dress Parksville’ and Parksville is indeed looking more chic than ever!

NOMINEE presented by Coastal Community Credit Union NOMINEE presented by Coastal Community Credit Union

Congratulationsto all nominees.

Thank you for making our community a better place.

The Parksville Downtown Business Association is a volunteer-based non-profi t society dedicated to the enhancement and promotion of Parksville’s downtown core, and to supporting the more than 250 shops and services it contains. Its programs include: façade

improvement, and safety and security grants; litter and graffi ti removal; free summer shoppers’ shuttle bus; and group marketing initiatives.



The Parksville Qualicum Beach News Friday, February 24, 2012 www.pqbnews.com A19

NOMINEE presented by Thrifty Foods

Henry Beadle

Shar KareWhen you visit a Shar-Kare Feeds & Pet Supplies

store, you can expect great prices and old-fashioned customer service in a friendly atmosphere, and that is especially true in the Parksville store. Henry Beadle greets every customer with a smile, every time, the minute you walk into the store, and will assist you right to your vehicle, if necessary, making it apleasure to shop there.

Leanne Nahanee

Thrifty FoodsIt’s a pleasure to watch Leanne process grocery orders at Thrifty

Foods, because she engages each customer in conversation, all while effi ciently doing her job. She is energetic and makes her cus-tomers feel special. She has been known to drive seniors home with their grocery order, rather than waiting for the bus or taxi, if she was almost fi nished her shift. Her customers feel important and recognized, and in this age of increasing “busy-ness”, that’s very valuable.

In addition to Mikhayla’s school projects, she was a member of The Hand, a group of Oceanside youths making a difference forlocal youth. She also greatly enjoys volunteering at Trillium Lodge twice a week, visiting with the residents.

Dan LaRocque

Up Your MediaDan LaRocque is an Apple Certifi ed Support Professional and

technician, providing repair, upgrade, setup and training servic-es for all Apple computers and mobile devices. He has an expert knowledge of the Apple product line and an uncanny ability to troubleshoot and implement individual solutions. He uses his skills and experience in social media and search engine optimization to help small and medium sized local businesses build and effectively market their websites. He’s active in the Oceanside community as a minor hockey coach, executive member of the PQ Mac Users Group and member of the local social media network

NOMINEE presented by Thrifty Foods NOMINEE presented by Thrifty Foods

Each offi ce independently owned and operated

Congratulationsto all the Nominees

for the 2012 Glassies.You are a true testament to the

wonderful community we live in.

[email protected]

“Building Relationships, Fulfi lling Dreams”

Rudi Widdershoven

of teamWa Trusted Real Estate Advisor

with 29 years of local knowledge


SERVICEof the Year

A20 www.pqbnews.com Friday, February 24, 2012 The Parksville Qualicum Beach News

NOMINEE presented by Vancouver Island University

Mikayla CanningMikhayla participated in the Ballenas Secondary Lead-

ership programme from grade nine to eleven, only with-drawing in her senior year to undertake the role of Grad Council vice-president.

She has been responsible for the success of entire school dances where she led thirty students. She has organized and implemented the annual 29 Hour Famine, fi nding chaperones, collecting participants’ donations and dona-tions for breakfast, and ensuring all proceeds went to our local food bank. Mikhayla leads using a gentle and kind style that allows others to feel safe in fi nding their own con-fi dence. Mikhayla volunteered, through Leadership, with the school’s breakfast programme, arriving at the school at 7:30 am to help make and serve the breakfasts. She also volunteered her time to help host a school-wide Christmas dinner two years in a row, and is a member of the school choir.

In addition to Mikhayla’s school projects, she was a member of The Hand, a group of Oceanside youths making a difference for local youth. She also greatly enjoys volunteering at Trillium Lodge twice a week, visiting with the residents.

Jessica KellyJessie Kelly has been representing Parksville all over BC and

Washington State for the last four years, singing the Canadian na-tional anthem at various events. She is currently the Offi cial An-them Singer for the Oceanside Generals, and averages two or three anthems a month for the Nanaimo Clippers.

She does not get paid for any of this, and when she does get paid, she donates the money - over $1,000 in the last three years to her school for the music program and to the SOS Children’s Christmas fund.

Her commitment to the Royal Canadian Legion is amazing.Seeing her out in the cold November weather every November 11th for the last four years is truly inspirational. Her haunting version of the Road Home last Nov 11th at the Parksville Cenotaph lefthundreds of spectators and veterans in tears.

Andrew (A.J.) SimonsAndrew has participated actively as a youth volunteer

in all aspects of Regional District of Nanaimo children’s summer camps and currently assists as youth advisor to the RDN Youth Recreation Strategic Plan; his work exceeds expectation of the roles.

Andrew is an active member of Ballenas Secondary School and is regarded as a role model among his peers, where he excels in academics and basketball.

A.J. wants to “be a positive infl uence on today’s youth and to create a safe environment”.

NOMINEE presented by Vancouver Island University NOMINEE presented by Vancouver Island University

611A Alberni Hwy.,Parksville, BC(250) 248-0224We are conveniently open 7 days a week, 8am to 6pm. (Closed on stat holidays)

PLEASE NOTE: FOR FASTER SERVICEPlease sort your recyclables by item type

before visiting us. Roll-off containers available for site clean ups.

Return These and Earn Cash:✔ Aluminum Cans: Pop, Juice, Beer✔ Plastics: Water, Pop, Juice, Wine, Spirits

(labels on; lids off)✔ Glass Bottles: Water, Juice, Liquor, Beer

(labels on, lids off)✔ Tetra Paks: Juice only (empty; fl attened)✔ Gabletops: Juice only✔ Bi-Metals: Juice (empty; labels on)✔ Non-Ferrous Metals: Aluminum, Copper,

Brass✔ Automotive Batteries

✔ Small Appliances✔ All Milk & Milk Substitute Beverage

Containers (capless, cleaned & crushed)

✔ Plastic Bags✔ Cardboard (clean; fl attened)

✔ Paint, Aerosol Cans, Pesticides & Gas

✔ Electronics eg. Computers, TVs, Stereos, etc.

✔ Free Metal Drop Off✔ Household Glass

Return These and Save the Environment:

Parksville Bottle & Parksville Bottle & Recycling Depot Ltd.Recycling Depot Ltd.

1200 Franklin’s Gull, Parksville Industrial Park

250-248-1261250-248-1261Mon.-Fri. 9-5:30; Sat. 9-5; Sun. 10-5

We’re pleased to We’re pleased to serve the local serve the local

community for over community for over 25 years.25 years.

Proudly 100% local family-owned and

operated. See us for pet foods, fencing and more. Visit our Garden Center.

YOUTHof the Year

The Parksville Qualicum Beach News Friday, February 24, 2012 www.pqbnews.com A21

NOMINEE presented by Parksville & District Chamber of Commerce

Aquila Cedar ProductsAquila Cedar Products Ltd has been

a Western Red Cedar Remanufac-turer in Parksville for over 30 years. Since 1995, Aquila has been employee owned and operated, and currently has 45 employees, many for nearly 30 years.

Aquila’s primary product is fenc-ing including pre-fab fence panels in several styles, and also fence boards . Locally, almost every street has Aquila products on it, be it fencing, decking, siding or fence panels and gates. Aquila’s product is sold by virtually every lumber yard on Vancouver Island. In addition, fencing product is sold by the car load to customers in Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma who consider the “Aquila Picket” to be the gold standard in cedar fencing.

A key component of the company is its own thriving retail operation, known as “Weath-erwise Cedar Products” serving the local Oceanside community. The company is always happy to support local charities and fund raising efforts.

Tigh-Na-MaraTigh-Na-Mara is a Parksville business with near-

ly 60 years of excellence in the hospitality industry. It is the largest resort property on Vancouver Island,employing more than 250 team members year round.

Customer satisfaction remains high, awardedExpedia’s Top 1% of Hotels Worldwide in both Spring 2009 & 2010, based on guest ratings and comments. They have spent nearly $2m updating the property in the last 18 months, with another $800k forecast in the coming year.

Their community involvement and contributions have increased despite the economic downturn and they have made a signifi cant commitment to sustainability in their business practices, earning Four Green Key certifi cation in 2010.

Horne Lake Caves and CampgroundsHorne Lake Caves and Campground started opera-

tions in 1989 and has grown to become one of the premiere attractions on Vancouver Island. The appeal of high quality outdoor and eco-adventures has risen steadily and this business has followed that trend, guiding over 160,000 park visitors on unforgettable adventures. The organization has attracted more than tourists to the area; the spectacular caverns have fo-cussed great media attention on the region: from Knowledge Network and Discovery Channel to doz-ens of major newspapers and magazines.

Using the parks as a classroom, over 23,000 school children have come to Horne Lake from as far away as the Yukon and as a result of their positive experiences, may help to pre-serve and protect the incredible natural heritage that supports all of us.

NOMINEE presented by Parksville & District Chamber of Commerce NOMINEE presented by Parksville & District Chamber of Commerce


Credit Union | Insurance | Investments | Business Services

Coastal Community is proud to support the

Parksville & District Chamber of Commerce

as they recognize outstanding community

commitment. Congratulations!

Coastal Community congratulatesthe 2012 Glassies nomineesand recipients!

Parksville Community Branch, 250.248.3275 | Nanoose Bay Community Branch, 250.468.7624

BUSINESSof the Year

A22 www.pqbnews.com Friday, February 24, 2012 The Parksville Qualicum Beach News

NOMINEE presented by City of Parksville

Zak KozackThank you for this nomination for citizen of the year

award for Parksville. I am accepting this as a big honour. There are many other citizens just as deserving. Having lived in Parksville for ten years now, it was very easy to feel the passion and the commitment that the people have for the community that they live in. The people of Parksville are a very giving group of people, so there is no shortage of groups or organizations to get involved with that like to give back to the community.

In getting out and meeting new people and seeing the volunteering that they do, I knew that I could do more.

Donating my time and skills are not hard to do when working along side dedicated people who have so much pride and love for a place where they live. Everybody I have met in Parksville has given there time in some way or another to help out a person or an event. That is what makes Parksville such a great place to live, the people. It gives me a good feeling living along side these people and I hope and try to give back to them, as we all live here together. I am proud to be a part of this community and will do my best to make it a better place for everyone.

Carrie Powell DavidsonCarrie Powell-Davidson loves where she lives and she has made

it her mission to let everyone know it. Whether she is represent-ing the City of Parksville in her position as Councillor or writing about the wonders of Oceanside, Carrie takes every opportunity to promote Parksville. A disciple of collaboration, Carrie has been instrumental in bringing community partners together to success-fully promote and market local events, businesses and the area as a whole. Examples of Carrie’s work with youth include, Mayor for a Day and the Ballenas Music Program PAC. Examples of her pas-sion for promoting local food security include, ‘Let’s Eat Local’, an event designed to bring Chefs and farmers together. She is one of the coordinators of the Oceanside Media Club and the founder of the Oceanside Diva Club and is helping to re-create the Brant Festi-val. Carrie is often referred to as, ‘The busiest person I know’ but when she refers to herself, Carrie says she is Passionate for Parksville, Crazy for Christmas and Fanatic for (local) Food.

Janet SmukowichIt is a privilege to be a fi nalist and an honour that’s a surprise.It’s never been about me. It’s always been about a vision, plan,

ultimate target – making things happen, supporting a cause, delivering results and helping a community, candidate, or in-stitution. It’s my passion to be active, committed and focused on projects, organizations and themes that make a difference in how we live and help one another achieve goals that are lasting.

Through my involvement in the SOS, Rotary, Canada Day, Parksville Elementary and Beachfest, I’ve become part of a change process that’s delivered sustainable and rewarding outcomes – tan-gible ones that have led to successes that makes us all winners.

I look at where we are and envision where we are going. I view tomorrow with optimism, ideas and opportunities for friends, family and community and believe – it’s all about being part of something big-ger than the smallest thing you can imagine.

NOMINEE presented by City of Parksville NOMINEE presented by City of Parksville

CITIZENof the Year

Congratulations to the nominees for Citizen of the Year:

Zack KozackJanet Smukowich

Carrie Powell Davidson

Council and Staff of theCity of Parksville

congratulate all 2011
