The Good News Christ Lutheran Church, 299 Haywood Lane, Nashville, TN 37211 www.clcnashville.org Office: 615-833-0476 [email protected] ~ We WORSHIP God ~ We COMFORT God’s People ~ We SERVE God’s World ~ Volume 34, Issue 6 June 2019 1 Upcoming visit from friends in Germany 2 In Memoriam, Note from Pastor 3 Care for Creation 4 Lessons, Worship, Jazz, Christian Formation, Black Abbey, PhD, AFFIRM 5 Congrats, Grads! 6 Congrats, Benja and Sarah! 7 Congrats, Grads! CLCW News, Dad’s BBQ 8 9 10 NOAH Listening Post, Community Share Table, Flowers Pictures Iftar dinner Serving Table, Birthdays and Anniversaries, Finances 11 Calendar , Upcoming in July Our friends from Emmaus Church in Kissing, Germany are coming June 9 th -18 th ! Here are some times to be together in community: June 9 10am Pentecost Worship and Dad’s BBQ then come back for Vespers at 6pm with Dinner to follow June 10 Hike Radnor Lake or go shopping with the group June 12 Go visit Marathon or the Frist with the group June 16 10am Worship and 6pm Dinner at Christ If you would like to join in, contact Dian Luffman or Pastor Gordy Dates to remember in June: June 8- 18 German delegation in Nashville June 10-14 VBS June 9 Dad’s Day Cook-out June 16-21 AFFIRM All God's children are welcome, wherever they are from, whatever their age, the contents of their wallet, how they speak, and whatever their abilities or disabilities. We welcome all because Jesus welcomes all: Individuals and families of any race or culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or relationship status. All are one, reconciled to God in Christ Jesus. You Are Welcome Here.

The Good News · CLCW News, Dad’s BBQ 8 9 10 NOAH Listening Post, Community Share Table, Flowers Pictures – Iftar dinner Serving Table, Birthdays and Anniversaries, Finances 11

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Page 1: The Good News · CLCW News, Dad’s BBQ 8 9 10 NOAH Listening Post, Community Share Table, Flowers Pictures – Iftar dinner Serving Table, Birthdays and Anniversaries, Finances 11


The Good News Christ Lutheran Church, 299 Haywood Lane, Nashville, TN 37211 www.clcnashville.org Office: 615-833-0476 [email protected]

~ We WORSHIP God ~ We COMFORT God’s People ~ We SERVE God’s World ~

Volume 34, Issue 6 June 2019


Upcoming visit from friends in Germany

2 In Memoriam, Note from Pastor

3 Care for Creation

4 Lessons, Worship, Jazz, Christian Formation, Black Abbey,


5 Congrats, Grads!

6 Congrats, Benja and Sarah!

7 Congrats, Grads! CLCW News, Dad’s BBQ




NOAH Listening Post, Community Share Table, Flowers

Pictures – Iftar dinner

Serving Table, Birthdays and Anniversaries, Finances

11 Calendar , Upcoming in July

Our friends from Emmaus

Church in Kissing, Germany

are coming June 9th -18th!

Here are some times to be together in


June 9

10am Pentecost Worship and Dad’s BBQ

then come back for

Vespers at 6pm with Dinner to follow

June 10

Hike Radnor Lake or go shopping with the


June 12

Go visit Marathon or the Frist with the


June 16

10am Worship and

6pm Dinner at Christ

If you would like to join in, contact Dian Luffman or

Pastor Gordy

Dates to remember in June:

June 8- 18 German delegation in Nashville

June 10-14 VBS

June 9 Dad’s Day Cook-out

June 16-21 AFFIRM

All God's children are welcome, wherever they

are from, whatever their age, the contents of their wallet,

how they speak, and whatever their abilities or disabilities.

We welcome all because Jesus welcomes all: Individuals

and families of any race or culture, sexual orientation,

gender identity, gender expression, or relationship status.

All are one, reconciled to God in Christ Jesus.

You Are Welcome Here.

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In Memoriam Thomas Krebs

Tommie died late on Tuesday, May 21st after a long battle with cancer. Prayers, please for Curt and the Krebs

family. His services were held at Hickory Chapel on Saturday, May 25th

followed by burial at Harpeth Hills.


Summer greetings!

We are fast approaching the arrival of our dear friends from our companion congregation, Emmaus in Kissing,

Germany! This year we will have 10 members including Pastor Steffen and Vicar Michelle with us at Christ.

As you see from the cover, we have lots of activities planned and would love for you all to join us when you can

to get to know our friends from Emmaus better. Pastor Steffen will be preaching on Pentecost so don’t miss

worship! A special note of thanks to all of you helping with this visit. It has a lot of moving parts and taking

many hands to pull it together. Thank you!

The summer schedule, especially this month, is full! Lots of activities for youth with AFFIRM and VBS. I hope

that you all take advantage of these events for your children as they are powerful in helping our young ones’

faith form.

I invite all of you to take this summer time break as a time of refreshment. Find ways to experience God in

nature as well as in fellowship with others. Breathe deeply of God’s love for you and for this world. And come

and share what you discover around table here at Christ on Sundays.

God’s love,


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April 30-May 2nd

John Boettner, chair of the Disaster Ministry Committee and Pastor Morgan Gordy joined

Bishop Gordy and leaders across the ELCA including Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and Pastor Amy

Reumann Director of Advocacy in the ELCA to advocate for policies to care for this good earth and curb global

warming as well as provide funding for disaster response in the wake of this climate crisis.

52 Ways to Care for Creation Continued from last month from creationjustice.org

28. Make Your Next Shopping Trip Green Patronize second hand or fair trade stores. You can buy clothes, jewelry, shoes, furniture, books, movies, and toys conscientiously. If you cannot find what you need at a second hand store, try a fair trade store for ethically sourced products.

29. Pick Up the Trash in Your Community Go outside and pick up trash. You can invite a friend or small group from church to join you. You can enjoy fellowship and increase the amount of garbage collected.

30. Read a Book Concerning Creation Care We recommend titles like Women Healing the Earth by Rosemary Radford Ruether, Gardening Eden by Michael Abbot, and Earth Democracy by Vandana Shiva.

31. Use Green Transportation How do you get from place to place? Make a plan for how you can reduce your footprint. Does your city/town have public transportation? Are there places where you can walk or bike instead of drive? Are there places you can carpool? School, work, church, and small group meetings are great places to carpool. Make a commitment and plan to improve your carbon footprint.

32. Calculate Your Water Footprint Find out what your water footprint is and how you can reduce your impact. This calculator will show you how your lifestyle impacts the rest of the world and how you can make a positive difference. Share with us ways you plan to reduce your footprint!

33. Use Gray Water Gray water is water that has been used but is not necessarily contaminated. You can use dish washing water, hand washing water, and cooking water to water plants. There are even systems you can install now that allow you to make use of gray water more effectively.

Caring for our



Caring for our


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LESSONS FOR JUNE June 2 June 9 Pentecost June 16 June 23 June 30

Acts 16:16-34

Psalm 97

Rev22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21

John 17:20-26

Acts 2:1-21

Ps104:24-34, 35b

Romans 8:14-17

John 14:8-17 [25-27]

Prov 8:1-4, 22-31 Psalm 8 Romans 5:1-5 John 16:12-15

Isaiah 65:1-9

Psalm 22:19-28

Galatians 3:23-29

Luke 8:26-39

1 Kings 19:15-16, 19-21

Psalm 16

Galatians 5:1, 13-25

Luke 9:51-62


EVERY SUNDAY Service of Holy Communion at 10am. We have moved to our summer liturgy

“Now the Feast” by Marty Haugen.

SECOND SUNDAY JAZZ VESPERS June 9th at 6pm Join us for Jazz Vespers at Christ! The readings and music will be from the lessons and hymns for Pentecost.

The hymnody is arranged by the talented Ted Wilson! If you missed last month, you surely do not want to miss

this month! Check out Second Sunday Jazz Vespers Channel on YouTube for a glimpse of what you might

miss! This month we will also have a Red beans and Rice dinner after the service!

Nashville JAZZ JAM

ADULT BIBLE STUDY – EVERY SUNDAY We meet at 9am on Sundays to reflect

on the Gospel for that day. Hope to see you there!

Ph.D Club and Black Abbey are taking the summer off! See you all again in October!

CHILDREN and YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL Regular Sunday School is off for

the summer. Special thanks, to Andie Regg and Lindsey Calderon for teaching our youth this year! We

encourage parents to bring children and youth to our VBS, AFFIRM, and NIGHT’S ALIVE events Hope to see

you there!

CONFIRMATION CLASS Confirmation class will not meet in June or July in lieu of AFFIRM

and NIGHT’s ALIVE. We will gather again for regular class in August.

AFFIRM is coming up! If you can help our young members get ready for AFFIRM and/ or help with

transportation to and from AFFIRM June 16th

and June 21st.

We are also in need of donations to help with the

expenses for the youth. Your gifts will be much appreciated!


Come on out!

WHEN: Every Saturday 2-4 pm in the Multi-

Purpose Room

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Michael Burns graduated

from McGavock High School


Shalyn Rawden graduated

with a Masters in Education

from Vanderbilt University

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th in the Nation in Math in the International Math Kangaroo Competition! Benja will receive

a Certificate of Excellence and National Winner Magnet. Benja was honored with a scholarship for a camp at

John Hopkins for Intellectually Gifted and Talented Youth! Sarah ranked 7th

in the state! Congratulations, Benja

and Sarah!

Benja '28 with each of his USN teachers from left to right: Jan Honsberger (kindergarten), Barbara Voehler (third), Melissa Sherman (second), and Betsy Hoffman (first)

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Congratulations, Audrey Calderon! She graduated from preschool this year. And

congratulations, Keith Wozencraft! Keith graduated with his Bachelors in Nursing

from University of Texas in Arlington!


We celebrated Mother’s Day with a lovely luncheon for our Mom’s and our congregation!

Now, it’s time to celebrate our Dad’s this month. We’re having our annual Dad’s Day Cookout on June 9th

after worship. We will have the cookout in the Pavilion, weather permitting.

CLCW is providing hamburgers, hotdogs, buns, chips and condiments.

Please plan to attend and bring a side dish or dessert to share.

DAD’S DAY BBQ! Sunday, June 9th

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On May 11th

Kiswahili Lutheran Mission and Christ Lutheran participated in a listening gathering with NOAH.

The process revealed that of the three areas of concern that each group arrived at independently, we had two in

common. It was helpful for us to discover this so that we can work together toward an even fuller sense of

community at Christ and in our neighborhood. Look for happenings to come in the future as we address

growing in community with one another!


This month our community share table will be held on Sunday, June 30th

. Please bring your items no earlier

than Sunday, June 23rd

. Items most needed: canned meats, veges and pasta sauce, pasta and boxed milk. We

support two food banks! One that serves Antioch and the other that serves our neighbors in Smyrna and

LaVergne. So give generously, please.


The new 2019 Flower Chart is up in the Multi-purpose room. Please select the Sundays that you would like to

have flowers in honor of, or memory of, family members or friends. Cost is still $20 and you may take your

flowers home to enjoy after the 10:00 am service.

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Itfar Dinner

Thursday, May 23rd

Thank you,

Atlantic Institute!

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June 2019 Serving Table, Anniversaries, Birthdays

June 2 June 9 June16 June 23 June 30



Mark Miller Clara Chesebro Alex Rawden Come’


Marci Wilsons-


Crucifer Ekenda Tchalumba


Mwamba Ekenda Tchalumba


Mwamba Ekenda Tchalumba

Lector Marleen Finney Catherine White Andie Regg Kris Rabon Gary Glass


Mark Elson Robert Mushi

Pete Anderson

Michael Burns

Bob Behnke

Kris Rabon

Ron Regan

Alex Rawden

Gary Glass



Semi Birk Andala Moyo Lisbeth Paulos Henri Mwamba Devine Ekenda

Chalice Bearer Ekenda Tchalumba


Mwamba Ekenda Tchalumba


Mwamba Ekenda Tchalumba

Greeter Marleen Finney Thorun Olsen Kay Culver Dian Luffman Billie Goepfert

Altar Set-up >

Clean-up >

Wilma Prince

Mary Behnke

Wilma Prince

Wilma Prince

Wilma Prince

Andie Regg

Wilma Prince

Kay Culver

Wilma Prince

Shaylin Rawden


Mark Elson

Billie Goepfert

Pete Anderson

Marci Wilson-


Mark Elson

Ted Wilson, Sr.

Pete Anderson

Billie Goepfert

Wilma Prince

Kay Culver

Breakfast Robert Mushi Robert Mushi

After Service Dad’s Day


Kris Rabon &

Andie Regg


0624 Shaylin & Alex Rawden


06/02 Nancy Malone 06/10 Zac Graves 06/23 Gary Glass

06/02 Esperanze Nahinmana 06/12 Wilma Prince 06/27 Paulos Ezekiel

06/05 Bob Behnke 06/16 Esther Lambert 06/27 Susan Primm

06/05 Destine Manikakiza 06/18 Roy Olsen 06/30 Michael Myers

06/06 Kris Rabon 06/20 Allen Luffman

06/08 Mark Miller 06/20 Audrey


Offerings may be made online at www.clcnashville.org or by scanning this QR code…

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June 2019

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


1 9:00 AM CLCW

Board Meeting

2:00 PM Saturday

Jazz Jam

2 9:00 AM Bible Study

10:00 AM CLC Worship

11:15 AM CLC After Worship


12:00 PM San Matias Worship


1:45 PM Disciples of Christ


3 6:30 PM Square

Dancers (MPR,K)

7:00 PM

Counseling session

4 7:30 AM Tuesday

Group - (CR)

8:30 AM Quilting

6:30 PM Square

Dancers (MPR,K)

5 10:00 AM ESL

6 7 10:00 AM ESL

7:30 PM Youth


8 German delegation


2:00 PM Saturday

Jazz Jam

9 German delegation here

8:00 AM CLC Council Mtg

9:00 AM Bible Study

10:00 AM CLC Worship

11:15 AM CLC After Worship


12:00 PM San Matias Worship


1:45 PM Disciples of Christ


6:00 PM Jazz Vespers

10 German delegation


7:30 AM VBS

7:00 PM

Counseling session

11 German delegation


7:30 AM Tuesday

Group - (CR)

7:30 AM VBS

8:30 AM Quilting

6:00 PM Rosary


6:30 PM Square

Dancers (MPR,K)

12 German delegation


7:30 AM VBS

10:00 AM ESL

13 German delegation


7:30 AM VBS

14 German delegation


7:30 AM VBS

10:00 AM ESL

7:00 PM Parents

mtg w/Haywood

School Principal

15 German delegation


2:00 PM Saturday

Jazz Jam


German delegation here

9:00 AM Bible Study

10:00 AM CLC Worship

11:15 AM CLC After Worship


12:00 PM San Matias Worship


1:45 PM Disciples of Christ


4:00 PM Kiswahili Worship


German delegation



German delegation


7:30 AM Tuesday

Group - (CR)

8:30 AM Quilting

6:30 PM Square

Dancers (MPR,K)


10:00 AM ESL



22 2:00 PM Saturday

Jazz Jam



23 9:00 AM Bible Study

10:00 AM CLC Worship

11:15 AM CLC After Worship


12:00 PM San Matias Worship


1:45 PM Disciples of Christ



25 7:30 AM Tuesday

Group - (CR)

8:30 AM Quilting

6:00 PM Rosary


6:30 PM Square

Dancers (MPR,K)

26 10:00 AM ESL

27 28 10:00 AM ESL

12:00 PM Dinner &


29 2:00 PM Saturday

Jazz Jam

30 9:00 AM Bible Study

10:00 AM CLC Worship

11:15 AM CLC After Worship


12:00 PM San Matias Worship


1:45 PM Disciples of Christ


4:00 PM Kiswahili Worship


2 7:30 AM Tuesday

Group - (CR)

8:30 AM Quilting

6:30 PM Square

Dancers (MPR,K)

3 10:00 AM ESL

4 7:00 PM San

Matias Vestry


5 10:00 AM ESL

7:30 PM Youth


6 2:00 PM Saturday

Jazz Jam

Coming up in July:

Nights Alive! July 22-24

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299 Haywood Lane

Nashville, TN 37211

Remembering our baptismal

promises to:

Live among God’s faithful people…. Hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s Supper…Proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed….Serve all people following the example of Jesus….Strive for justice and peace in all the earth…