. The growth, prosperity and national security of any country is critically dependent upon the adequacy of its electricity supply industry. Indeed the link between electricity supply and economic development is such that the health of the industry is a matter of deep and personal concern to all citizens. Nigeria is no exception. Over the past two decades, the stalled expansion of Nigeria's grid capacity, combined with the high cost of diesel and petrol generation, has crippled the growth of the country's productive and commercial industries. It has stifled the creation of the jobs which are urgently needed in a country with a large and rapidly growing population; and the erratic and unpredictable nature of electricity supply has engendered a deep and bitter sense of frustration that is felt across the country as a whole and in its urban centres in particular.” – The Roadmap for Power Sector Reform 2010 PRESIDENTIAL ROADMAP ON POWER – A short history 1) Pre - May 2010 i. The Electric Power Sector Reform Act enacted (EPSRA 2005). ii. NEPA unbundled into Successor companies with PHCN as the holding company iii. Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission NERC created & later suspended iv. A multi-billion dollar National Integrated Power Projects ( NIPP) started and later stalled v. Reform stalls until President Goodluck Jonathan assumes office in May 2010.

The growth, prosperity and national security of any country is critically dependent upon the

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“The growth, prosperity and national security of any country is

critically dependent upon the adequacy of its electricity supply

industry. Indeed the link between electricity supply and economic

development is such that the health of the industry is a matter of

deep and personal concern to all citizens. Nigeria is no exception.

Over the past two decades, the stalled expansion of Nigeria's grid

capacity, combined with the high cost of diesel and petrol

generation, has crippled the growth of the country's productive and

commercial industries. It has stifled the creation of the jobs which

are urgently needed in a country with a large and rapidly growing

population; and the erratic and unpredictable nature of electricity

supply has engendered a deep and bitter sense of frustration that is

felt across the country as a whole and in its

urban centres in particular.”

– The Roadmap for Power Sector Reform 2010


1) Pre - May 2010

i. The Electric Power Sector Reform Act enacted (EPSRA 2005).

ii. NEPA unbundled into Successor companies with PHCN as the holding company

iii. Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission NERC created & later suspended

iv. A multi-billion dollar National Integrated Power Projects ( NIPP) started and later stalled

v. Reform stalls until President Goodluck Jonathan assumes office in May 2010.


1) Post - May 2010

i. President Jonathan chooses Power as one of his cardinal programmes.

ii. The stalled NIPP program resumes in earnest.

iii. President Jonathan inaugurates the Presidential Task Force on Power & the Presidential Action Committee on Power to provide focused leadership of the Reform Agenda.

iv. President Jonathan launches the Nigeria Power Sector Reform Road map in August 2010.

v. NERC Board reconstituted


Since 2010 the change in power generated and delivered has been

positive and gradual. This has been purely based on government



To achieve the levels of performance that Nigerians are demanding

and expecting the baton of service-delivery has to change from

public to private hands. The Sector needs to be REFORMED.


Reform simply means deregulating the Power industry by moving the

sector from the position of government ownership/management of

the assets to a private-sector driven Nigerian Electricity Supply

Industry (NESI) in line with the EPSR Act 2005.


to ensure a system of generation, transmission, distribution and marketing that is efficient, safe, affordable and cost-reflective throughout the country;

to ensure that the power sector attracts private investment both from Nigeria and from overseas;

to develop a transparent and effective regulatory framework for the power sector;

to develop and enhance indigenous capacity in electric power sector technology;

to participate effectively in international power sector activities in order to promote electric power development in Nigeria, meet the country‟s international obligations and derive maximum benefit from international cooperation in these areas;

to ensure that the Government divests its interest in the state-owned entities and entrenches the key principles of restructuring and privatization in the electric power sector;

to promote competition to meet growing demand through the full liberalization of the electricity market; and

to review and update electricity laws in conformity with the

need to introduce private sector operation and competition

into the sector.


1. MYTO2 tariff successfully launched & operational on 01 June 2012

2. Establishment/operationalizing the Nigerian Bulk Trader 3. Provision of FGN Credit Enhancement to the Bulk Trader 4. Operationalizing of Nigerian Electricity Liability Management

Company NELMCO 5. Reconstitution of NERC to strengthen regulatory regime 6. Ensure that power is steady and predictable 7. Execute privatization of generation & distribution assets 8. Implement a framework to guarantee increase gas supply 9. Implement the Emergency Gas Plan (short term) 10. Significant progress in Power Sector Reform. 11. Significant reduction in the number of partial and total system

collapses 12. Transmission network being expanded with provision made for

redundancy; continuous loop 13. Peak Generation of 4,517.6MW (Highest generation ever in the

history of the country) 14. Successful bidders for 10 DisCos & 5 GenCos & payment of 25% of

share sale amounts – fulfilling all conditions prior to the commencement of negotiations

15. Investors‟ confidence evidenced by increased investment & signing of MOUs

16. Manpower development is being pursued aggressively 17. Ratification of Manitoba Hydro/TCN management contract &

announcement of TCN Board 18. Signing of Labour Agreement 19. Over 1500MW in additional capacity added by NIPP generating



20. Zungeru Hydro Electricity Power Plant contract finally awarded after 30 years on the drawing board


On the 5th of September 2012, Mr. President reconstituted the

Presidential Action Committee on Power (PACP) and the Presidential

Task Force on Power (PTFP). The original terms of reference of the

2010 PTFP which was essentially to support the Power Sector in

driving the Reform Roadmap targets. PTFP operates from the

synergy philosophy of “One Leadership, One Sector, One Mission”

Milestones delivered

Removing obstacles to private sector investment Finalising a cost-reflective tariff Establishing government/sovereign credit guarantees Enabling a functional bulk trader Finalising the settlement system for the market operator Simplifying approach for private sector investment

Divestiture of the PHCN successor companies

Finalising privatisation initiatives in generation and distribution

Resolving labour issues associated with divestiture Improving service delivery

Attaining set targets for generation, gas supply, transmission and distribution


The transactions presented today testify to promises made and kept when the Roadmap was presented by Mr President in 2010. Evidence of the following will now be presented:

1. The divestiture of all Government owned generation and distribution companies;

2. The transfer to the private sector of managerial control over the Transmission Company of Nigeria;

3. The strengthening of the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC);

4. The establishment of a credible and appropriate pricing regime with tariffs set at levels that allow investors to recover their costs;

5. The establishment of the Bulk Trader (NBET) capable of executing bankable Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) with Independent Power Producers (IPPs);

6. The provision by the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) of the credit enhancement required to ensure the bankability of the first wave of IPP PPAs;

7. The reform of the fuel-to-power sector;

8. Receipt of privatization proceeds, for the payment or settlement of labour costs.


Nigeria represents over 65% of the effective West Africa market and remains the most competitive destination for the establishment of medium and large manufacturing industries.

• 10 medium-sized generation plants from the National Integrated

Power Project are being scheduled for divestment;

• Major opportunities exist throughout the power value-chain: in gas

production, gas transportation infrastructure, power generation,

transmission and distribution;


• Opportunities are being developed for the arrival of a private-

sector led market: in training, technical services, consulting,

metering and collection services etc.

• Government is presently and actively engaging with off-grid

generation solutions to provide power to rural and remote areas –

a „power map of the country is being developed‟;

Nigeria’s Power Sector is open for business!!!



INTRODUCTION The Power sector of any nation is the key driver of overall social and economic development. This is due to the straddling and cross-cutting importance of power especially electricity to every facet of human activity. Its relevance as a fulcrum on which all and other activities revolves around is better appreciated especially in an emerging economy such as Nigeria where abundance of natural resources and human resources remain largely latent vis. a vis. the existing potentials.

The development of the power sector is therefore critical to the agricultural & food –processing sector, manufacturing, employment generation, health, water resources, education, ICT etc. The optimal development of Nigeria‟s power sector as conceived by the present administration of His Excellency, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathon will therefore unleash Nigeria into a super highway of rapid and sustainable industrial growth and social wellbeing of our population. This will ensure not just the realization of the Vision 20:20 but enable Nigerians to maintain one of the highest standards of living in the world. NEW POWER EMPLOYEES The electric power supply chain through generation, transmission and distribution creates great opportunities for employment of labour and these opportunities are projected to increase with more private sector investment for efficient, safe and reliable power supply. Such opportunities will come directly from the utilities and indirectly from companies that will be involved with maintenance and servicing of utilities‟ facilities. At present, maintenance and servicing of utilities‟ facilities is usually through direct labour but with demand on the private driven power sector, there will be need to engage competent companies who will be employers of labour in all categories.


Company Name Additional Technical Manpower

Required To Sustain Present


Additional Technical Manpower

Required Due To Increase In Next

5 Years (NIPP Projects)

Total Additional Manpower Required

All Host Generation Companies

909 - 909

All NIPP Generation Stations

- 400 400

Transmission Company (TCN)

1,486 1,672 3,158

All Distribution Companies

5,944 7,030 12,974

TOTAL 8,339 9,102 17,441

Additional technical manpower required for distribution, transmission & generation at present and in next 5 years based on expected expansion in the system – source National Power Training Institute of Nigeria (NAPTIN) 20121 Alongside the utilities and the service companies, the oil and gas sectors which supply the fuel for power generation will be expected to expand to accommodate the growing power demand. In its development, new job opportunities will be created.

1 This is the manpower deficit arising solely from new capacity added by the Federal

Government and does not include any new capacities planned by the expected new owners and IPP developers.

With the present reforms at the minimum the following category of staff will be needed to infuse new skills and capacities in the sector. Most of these persons will be gauged in the private sector through the successor companies of the PHCN (NDPHC) and NIPP. This is without consideration of new IPP projects and potential investors in other segments of the sector in the years ahead.


With a liberalized power sector, and an enabling environment, private investors will seek competitive means of providing power supply. Independent Power Producers may resolve power generation from renewable energy sources where and when there is a comparative advantage. It is becoming increasingly cost-effective to supply remote areas, rural areas with difficult terrain, and areas far from the grid with distributed generation from renewable energy sources and off-grids solutions. Recent examples include: Gembu plateau in Taraba State – about 300km from the grid across very difficult terrain, Obudu hills and Eburutu Communities in Cross River State, and Ibedu Ibiakot Communities in Akwa Ibom. Renewable energies especially biomass, or waste-to-energy usually have a long chain of activities that cuts across several sectors making them more labour-intensive than conventional energy generation methods. Being multi-sectorial, renewable energy promises greater job opportunities when compared to the conventional sources, it incentivizes agriculture through the re-use of agricultural waste for power, and enhances municipal solid waste management. Other renewables such as small hydropower and solar photo-voltaic (PV) power will create jobs at the communities where they are deployed. It is estimated that during the construction of a 1-2MW solar PV nearly 40 persons are employed. This number increases by approximately 15 persons for every additional 1MW capacity. In the case of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) systems, up


to 500 personnel would be typically employed in the construction of a 20MW capacity project. POWER & INDUSTRIES The industrial sector which is one of the engines for economic development completely relies on the availability of adequate power supply. Economic indicators have shown a declining contribution from the productive sector to the Nigerian‟s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for decades,

aside from crude oil export. Manufacturing which should ordinarily form the bedrock of industrialization contributed less than five percent to the pool while crude oil and gas contributed 95%.

Government has further demonstrated its commitment to quickly revitalize the industrial base by providing proper and adequate laws to enhance investment strategies policies for private sector to participate in the Nigerian power sector. These will provide employment opportunities, reduce costs and prices, increase skills

development, help in the utilization of resources and provide more foreign earnings into the country. According to the United Nations statistics, Nigeria is the 7th largest country in the world. With a population of 160 Million – half the population of West Africa, 15% of the population of the African

continent – she is expected to reach 230 million people in 20 years. With adequate provision of power supply she will be the hub of industrialization within the ECOWAS region. The unique human resources, vast amount of natural resources, untapped solid mineral resources amongst other great potentials have convinced the government to transform the power sector and to re-position Nigeria into one of the top 20 economies by 2020.


Inadequate power supply which leads to high cost of maintenance of generators and fueling is one of the problem facing

telecommunication operators. Government is determined to reduce the operation cost of the

ICT/Telecommunication providers by tackling power problems in order to have

improved and quality telecommunication Services to allow the country and her citizens to benefit from the productivity gains in a world driven increasingly by data and information.

POWER AND AGRICULTURE Agriculture has a dual role as a major energy consumer and as an energy supplier in the form of bioenergy. Agriculture offers important rural development opportunities; it assists climate change mitigation by substituting bioenergy for fossil fuels. The World Bank




has proposed a greater focus on rural energy in its lending portfolios for the energy sector, and is planning to bring renewable energy considerations more prominently into non-power sector lending, such as in the agriculture sector (World Bank, 1999) Any efforts to increase access to power and generation will assist Nigeria in meeting its energy requirements for agriculture, forestry and fisheries and thereby achieve sustainable development. A transition from the present energy mix of mainly wood fuel, animal and human work, to a more diversified supply utilising modern energy technologies will be key to improving the living conditions of rural populations. One major benefit of providing electricity to the agriculture sector is

that it can achieve a lower cost of fertilizer

production. Other benefits are:

An increase

in the number

of fertilizer production companies in Nigeria (both foreign and domestic).

Further incentives to engage in fertilizer production in all states of Nigeria.

Significant reduction in price of fertilizer; thereby ensuring availability to even the lowest income farmers and availability of food for all.

Job creation as a result of increase in fertilizer production companies in Nigeria.

Solve the age long problem of fertilizer importation in Nigeria by reducing significantly the cost of domestic production.

Improving energy services for rural people will also increase the energy used for agriculture providing productivity gains, enhanced food security and rural economic development. The agriculture sector‟s capacity for production of biomass, agriculture is also a potential source of renewable energy supply, creating a major opportunity for agriculture to play an important role in sustainable energy development. POWER AND EDUCATION Apart from providing necessary technical back-stopping and increased scholarship for continuous sustenance of the energy sector, education plays other vital roles. Knowledge gaps which exist within the energy sector could be bridged through education. Specifically the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to achieve this can never be overemphasized. Energy sources (like electricity) play a crucial role in the development and use of ICT in striving to achieve sustainable development in emerging economies. The volume of information available as a result of ICT for all to harness seems endless. Although electrical energy is intrinsically linked to economic, environment and social dimensions of sustainable development, this has been reduced due to current challenges within countries with electricity generation. Researchers perceive strategies for promoting solar power generation for increased access to ICT by people will be beneficial to the education sector. In Nigeria, as part of a government initiative to promote ICT scholarship in schools and other education centers, the number of computers (without access to internet) has increased significantly while inability to access the internet has been blamed on power sources. Additionally an investment in the power sector will



inevitably create a better learning environment for students and lower the costs institutions spend on its operations. POWER AND SME’S According to the World Bank Enterprise Survey, electricity is considered by far the most importance hindrance to businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa. Small and medium businesses play a key role in driving the economy of Nigeria and stable power supply is very critical to the survival of such businesses.

In order to improve access to electricity, large investments have to be made in electricity production and transmission. Better regulation and public purchase agreements must be put in place in order to boost investment. When such regulations are in place, investments in electricity production in Nigeria would improve the business environment significantly since access to electricity is considered their most important obstacle to business activities.

The local barbers, welders, milling workers and many more industries would be instantly and positively affected by a boost to electricity supply. Where there is no power supply, these workers currently operate on a generator which inevitably consumes a significant portion of their income. The domestic rice industry offers huge potential to Nigeria, yet rice is currently imported cheaper as electricity costs have increased the price of the good. Increased power can re-vitalise this and other industries.

Poor power quality and reliability have their own costs. In addition to high prices from self-generation, unpredictable outages represent a serious problem for businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa. According to a Youpes et al (2008) study on Sub-Saharan Africa estimates indicate that annual GDP growth would have been 1-2 percentage points higher if access to electricity had been more stable. It is necessary to maintain the momentum of reform to guarantee success.


The National Integrated Power Project (NIPP) was conceived in 2004

as a fast-track government funded initiative to stabilize Nigeria’s

electricity supply system while the private sector led structure of

the Electric Power Reform Act (EPRSA) of 2005 took effect.

NIPP was originally designed around seven medium sized gas fired

power stations in the gas producing states and the critical

transmission infrastructure needed to evacuate the added power

into the national grid. A commitment to electrify host communities

in the vicinity of the power stations and major substations gave rise

to the distribution component of the project.

In August 2005, the National Council of State and National Assembly

approved an initial funding of US$2.5 billion for NIPP from the

“Excess Crude Oil Account” (ECOA) which statutorily belongs to the

Federal, state, and local governments. The Federal Government

therefore incorporated Niger Delta Holding Company Limited

(NDPHC) as a limited liability company to serve as the legal vehicle

to hold the NIPP assets using private sector-oriented best business


In January 2009, the National Economic Council (NEC) inaugurated

the NIPP Steering Council chaired by the then Vice President Dr.

Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, with six state governors and four Federal

ministers as members.

The NIPP Steering Council is now the Board of Directors of NDPHC

chaired by Vice President Mohammed Namadi Sambo.



The NDPHC is a corporation registered by law as a Special

Intervention Vehicle (SIV) designed to inject massive and

accelerated investments in the power sector along efficient private

sector models under the aegis of National Integrated Power Projects

(NIPP) to fast-track capacity improvement in the power sector.

Accordingly the NIPP originally conceptualized to undertake mostly

generation (gas-fired) projects, had to stretch its ambit to include a

wide range of transmission and distribution upgrade projects in

order to address years of under-investment and the resultant

capacity gaps in the sector. Its mission can be summarized as

follows: to increase generation, ensure proper alignment between

the three segments – Generation, Transmission and Distribution – to

avoid stranded generation, and improve grid efficiency and


The NDPHC is jointly owned by the three tiers of Government and

its board is chaired by the Vice President of the Federal Republic of


In terms of planned contribution to the national grid, the NIPP

generation projects have been targeted to add a total of 4774 MW

from 10 generation plants each set up as wholly-owned subsidiaries

of NDPHC. These plants are now to be divested.


1. The transaction to be structured as a sale of shares with NDPHC

retaining 20% equity stake in project companies.

2. The transaction to be undertaken through a single process,

completing the sale of each asset after it has been commissioned.

3. A limit will be placed on the amount of the installed generating

capacity any one bidder/ consortium can own. Amount is to be

determined by NERC.




Plant Location Gas Turbines

Steam Turbines


Alaoji Abia State 4 2 961

Calabar Cross River State

5 0 561

Egbema Imo State 3 0 338

Gbarain Bayelsa State 2 0 225

Geregu Kogi State 3 0 434

Ihovbor Edo State 4 0 451

Olorunsogo Ogun State 4 2 676

Omoku Rivers State 2 0 225

Omotosho Ondo State 4 0 451

Sapele Delta State 4 0 451

Totals 35 4 4,774


Task Proposed Date

Invitation of Expression of Interest April 8, 2013

Investor Road Shows May 8- June 4, 2013

Submission of Expression of Interest June 28, 2013

Short Listing of Bidders July 19, 2013

Availability of RFP and Transaction Documents for Short Listed Bidders July 26,2013

Opening of Data Rooms July 26, 2013

Bidder Due Diligence July 26 - November 1, 2013

Final Comments on Industry Agreements and Preliminary Comments on Transaction Agreements and RfP August 23, 2013

Transaction Review Conference September 9-10 2013

Distribution of Final Industry Agreements September 20, 2013

Final Bidder Comments on Transaction Agreements and RfP September 27, 2013

Distribution of Final Bid Documents October 11, 2013

Deadline for Submission of Proposals November 8, 2013

Completion of Evaluation of Technical Bids November 29, 2013

Financial Bid Opening December 6, 2013

Announcement of Preferred Bidders January 17, 2014

Submission of Preferred Bidders' Guarantee February 7, 2014

Commencement of Negotiations March 3, 2014

Execution of Agreements April 18, 2014

Handover of Assets June 16, 2014


For more details and to register, please go to


1. Expression of Interest

The purpose of the Expression of Interest stage is for bidders to

prequalify to progress to the second stage of the process, at the end

of which they will submit their bids to acquire the majority stakes in

the generation companies.

Parties interested in submitting Expressions of Interest should

register on the Registration for Expression of Interest page, following

which they will be issued with an Information Memorandum providing

further details of the transaction and the NIPP power generation

assets, together with Pre-Qualification Instructions and Criteria.

In the Expression of Interest phase, bidders will be asked to indicate

which companies they are interested in and to describe and provide

documentary evidence on their competencies.

Bidders that are approved by NDPHC based on their Expression of

Interest submissions will be considered as pre-qualified bidders.

2. Roadshow Events

A Roadshow Event will be held in Lagos, London, New York and Hong

Kong throughout May and in early June 2013, during the Expression

of Interest stage of the process. The purpose of this Roadshow Event

is to introduce the transaction to interested parties and answer

questions about the assets and the transaction process.

Please refer to the Roadshow Events Registration page to register

online to attend the Roadshow Events in one or more locations.

3. Bid Documents

Bid documents will be issued to the pre-qualified bidders. These

documents will include a Request for Proposals and agreements,

including transaction agreements and industry agreements to be

entered into by the generation companies, for, inter alia, the supply

of natural gas and the purchase of electricity generated.

4. Data Rooms

An online data room will be established and managed where

information including bid documents and background materials will

be uploaded for review and download by pre-qualified bidders. A

physical data room will also be established in Abuja for pre-qualified

bidders that wish to use it.

5. Site Visits

Pre-qualified bidders will be offered the opportunity to visit the sites

of the power plants in which they are interested.

6. Transaction Review Conference

A Transaction Review Conference will be held in Abuja in September

2013, the purpose of which is to answer pre-qualified bidders‟

questions on the assets, the process and the agreements, and

address any other outstanding issues.

7. Bid Evaluation Process

The process for the bid evaluation will contain two steps:

Technical Bid Evaluation – Bidders‟ technical capabilities will be

evaluated against criteria advised at the start of the Request for

Proposals stage of the process. The financial/commercial bids of


bidders who do not pass the technical bid evaluation phase will

be returned unopened.

Financial/Commercial Bid Evaluation – The financial/commercial

bids of those bidders passing the technical bid evaluation phase

will then be opened for evaluation against criteria advised to

pre-qualified bidders at the start of the Request for Proposals

stage of the process.

8. Execution of Agreements

NDPHC and the successful bidders will execute the transaction

agreements as a part of the closing process for the transactions.

NIPP Olorunsogo – 675 MW

NIPP Calabar – 561 MW

NIPP Omotosho – 675 MW