The head and neck form the upper part of the body which consists from the cranium Face the neck

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The head and neck form the upper part of the body which consists from the cranium Face the neck

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The head and neck form the upper part of the body which consists from the cranium Face the neck The bones of head and neck consist from Skull hyoid bone cervical vertebra the skull can be divided into cranial facial the mandible, hyoid bone ossicles and cervical vertebrae are movable sutures which are not movable. The fibrous tissue in the sutures line called sutural ligament The upper part of the cranium called the vault The lower part called the base of the skull external and internal hard compact tables the spongy cancellous bone called diploe periosteum Endosteum The skull consist from 22 bone and with ossicles bones formed 28 bones The cranium consist of following:- Fiontal bone 1 Parietal bone 2 Occipital bone 1 Temporal bone 2 Sphenoid bone 1 Ethmoid bone 1 The facial bones consist of the following Maxillae 2 Mandible 1 Zygomatic bone 2 Nasal bone 2 Lacrimal bone 2 Vomer 1 Palatine bones 2 Inferior conchae 2 It forms a cranial vault and base, providing protection and support for the brain. It form the skeletal framework of the face. Many special organs and tissues of the region (e.g., the eyes, suspended within a protective orbit; the organs of hearing and balance; the nasal and oral apertures; and the masticatory (chewing) structures, including the jaws, tongue, pharynx, and facial muscles) arc anchored in the bones of the skull. The strength and rigidity of the skull help to protect the complex pattern of arteries and veins through which the brain receives the continuous blood supply on which it is particularly dependent. The fossae The suture The foramina Canal or duct The air sinuses Process Tubercle Fissure Condyle Line Protuberance Groove Notch Spine Border Crest Tuberosity Head and neck