The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

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Page 1: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian EigenTransform (HGLET) and Its Relatives for Data

Analysis on Graphs and Networks

Naoki Saito & Je� Irion

Department of MathematicsUniversity of California, Davis

AMS Special Session on Applied Harmonic Analysis:Large Data Sets, Signal Processing, and Inverse Problems

Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, MD

January 15, 2014

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Page 2: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

1 Motivations & Aims

2 BackgroundBasic Graph Theory TerminologyGraph LaplaciansGraph Partitioning via Spectral Clustering

3 Multiscale TransformsHierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

4 Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT

5 Approximation Experiments

6 Summary and Future Work

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 2 / 46

Page 3: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Motivations & Aims

1 Motivations & Aims

2 BackgroundBasic Graph Theory TerminologyGraph LaplaciansGraph Partitioning via Spectral Clustering

3 Multiscale TransformsHierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

4 Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT

5 Approximation Experiments

6 Summary and Future Work

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 3 / 46

Page 4: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Motivations & Aims



Have been quite successful on regular domains

Have been extended to irregular domains ⇒ �2nd GenerationWavelets�

For example:

Hammond, Vandergheynst, and Gribonval (2011): wavelets viaspectral graph theory

Coifman and Maggioni (2006): di�usion waveletsBremer et al. (2006): di�usion wavelet packets

Key di�culty: The notion of frequency is ill-de�ned on graphs =⇒ TheFourier transform is not properly de�ned on graphs

Common strategy: Develop wavelet-like multiscale [email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 4 / 46

Page 5: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Motivations & Aims



Have been quite successful on regular domains

Have been extended to irregular domains ⇒ �2nd GenerationWavelets�

For example:

Hammond, Vandergheynst, and Gribonval (2011): wavelets viaspectral graph theory

Coifman and Maggioni (2006): di�usion waveletsBremer et al. (2006): di�usion wavelet packets

Key di�culty: The notion of frequency is ill-de�ned on graphs =⇒ TheFourier transform is not properly de�ned on graphs

Common strategy: Develop wavelet-like multiscale [email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 4 / 46

Page 6: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Motivations & Aims



Have been quite successful on regular domains

Have been extended to irregular domains ⇒ �2nd GenerationWavelets�

For example:

Hammond, Vandergheynst, and Gribonval (2011): wavelets viaspectral graph theory

Coifman and Maggioni (2006): di�usion waveletsBremer et al. (2006): di�usion wavelet packets

Key di�culty: The notion of frequency is ill-de�ned on graphs =⇒ TheFourier transform is not properly de�ned on graphs

Common strategy: Develop wavelet-like multiscale [email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 4 / 46

Page 7: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Motivations & Aims



Have been quite successful on regular domains

Have been extended to irregular domains ⇒ �2nd GenerationWavelets�

For example:

Hammond, Vandergheynst, and Gribonval (2011): wavelets viaspectral graph theory

Coifman and Maggioni (2006): di�usion waveletsBremer et al. (2006): di�usion wavelet packets

Key di�culty: The notion of frequency is ill-de�ned on graphs =⇒ TheFourier transform is not properly de�ned on graphs

Common strategy: Develop wavelet-like multiscale [email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 4 / 46

Page 8: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Motivations & Aims

Aims & Objectives

Develop and implement multiscale transforms for data on graphs andnetworks; in particular, build multiscale basis dictionaries on graphs.

Investigate their usefulness for a variety of applications includingapproximation, denoising, classi�cation, and regression on graphs.

In this talk, we will focus on how to construct such dictionaries ongraphs and demonstrate their usefulness for data approximation ongraphs.

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Page 9: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Motivations & Aims

Aims & Objectives

Develop and implement multiscale transforms for data on graphs andnetworks; in particular, build multiscale basis dictionaries on graphs.

Investigate their usefulness for a variety of applications includingapproximation, denoising, classi�cation, and regression on graphs.

In this talk, we will focus on how to construct such dictionaries ongraphs and demonstrate their usefulness for data approximation ongraphs.

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Page 10: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Motivations & Aims

Aims & Objectives

Develop and implement multiscale transforms for data on graphs andnetworks; in particular, build multiscale basis dictionaries on graphs.

Investigate their usefulness for a variety of applications includingapproximation, denoising, classi�cation, and regression on graphs.

In this talk, we will focus on how to construct such dictionaries ongraphs and demonstrate their usefulness for data approximation ongraphs.

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Page 11: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Basic Graph Theory Terminology

1 Motivations & Aims

2 BackgroundBasic Graph Theory TerminologyGraph LaplaciansGraph Partitioning via Spectral Clustering

3 Multiscale TransformsHierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

4 Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT

5 Approximation Experiments

6 Summary and Future Work

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Page 12: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Basic Graph Theory Terminology

De�nitions and Notation

Let G be a graph.

V =V (G) = {v1, . . . , vN } is the set of vertices.

E = E(G) = {e1, . . . ,eN ′} is the set of edges, where ek = (vi , v j )represents an edge (or line segment) connecting between adjacentvertices vi , v j for some 1 ≤ i , j ≤ N .

W =W (G) ∈RN×N is the weight matrix, where wi j denotes the edgeweight between vertices i and j .

1 2 3


w12 w23





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Page 13: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Basic Graph Theory Terminology

De�nitions and Notation

Let G be a graph.

V =V (G) = {v1, . . . , vN } is the set of vertices.

E = E(G) = {e1, . . . ,eN ′} is the set of edges, where ek = (vi , v j )represents an edge (or line segment) connecting between adjacentvertices vi , v j for some 1 ≤ i , j ≤ N .

W =W (G) ∈RN×N is the weight matrix, where wi j denotes the edgeweight between vertices i and j .

1 2 3


w12 w23





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Page 14: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Basic Graph Theory Terminology

De�nitions and Notation

Let G be a graph.

V =V (G) = {v1, . . . , vN } is the set of vertices.

E = E(G) = {e1, . . . ,eN ′} is the set of edges, where ek = (vi , v j )represents an edge (or line segment) connecting between adjacentvertices vi , v j for some 1 ≤ i , j ≤ N .

W =W (G) ∈RN×N is the weight matrix, where wi j denotes the edgeweight between vertices i and j .

1 2 3


w12 w23





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Page 15: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Basic Graph Theory Terminology

De�nitions and Notation

Let G be a graph.

V =V (G) = {v1, . . . , vN } is the set of vertices.

E = E(G) = {e1, . . . ,eN ′} is the set of edges, where ek = (vi , v j )represents an edge (or line segment) connecting between adjacentvertices vi , v j for some 1 ≤ i , j ≤ N .

W =W (G) ∈RN×N is the weight matrix, where wi j denotes the edgeweight between vertices i and j .

1 2 3


w12 w23





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Page 16: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Basic Graph Theory Terminology

De�nitions and Notation

Note that there are many ways to de�ne wi j .

For example, for unweighted graphs, we typically use

wi j :={

1 if vi ∼ v j (i.e., vi and v j are adjacent);

0 otherwise.

This is often referred to as the adjacency matrix and denoted by A(G).

For weighted graphs, wi j should re�ect the similarity (or a�nity) ofinformation at vi and v j , e.g., if vi ∼ v j , then

wi j := 1/dist(vi , v j ) or exp(−dist(vi , v j )2/ε2),

where dist(·, ·) is a certain measure of dissimilarity and ε> 0 is anappropriate scale parameter.

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Page 17: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Basic Graph Theory Terminology

De�nitions and Notation

Note that there are many ways to de�ne wi j .

For example, for unweighted graphs, we typically use

wi j :={

1 if vi ∼ v j (i.e., vi and v j are adjacent);

0 otherwise.

This is often referred to as the adjacency matrix and denoted by A(G).

For weighted graphs, wi j should re�ect the similarity (or a�nity) ofinformation at vi and v j , e.g., if vi ∼ v j , then

wi j := 1/dist(vi , v j ) or exp(−dist(vi , v j )2/ε2),

where dist(·, ·) is a certain measure of dissimilarity and ε> 0 is anappropriate scale parameter.

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Page 18: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Basic Graph Theory Terminology

Our Assumptions

In this talk, we assume that the graph is

connected. Otherwise, we would simply consider the componentsseparately.

undirected. Edges do not have direction, which means thatwi j = w j i and thus W is symmetric.

The graph may be weighted or unweighted.

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Page 19: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Basic Graph Theory Terminology

Our Assumptions

In this talk, we assume that the graph is

connected. Otherwise, we would simply consider the componentsseparately.

undirected. Edges do not have direction, which means thatwi j = w j i and thus W is symmetric.

The graph may be weighted or unweighted.

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Page 20: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Basic Graph Theory Terminology

Our Assumptions

In this talk, we assume that the graph is

connected. Otherwise, we would simply consider the componentsseparately.

undirected. Edges do not have direction, which means thatwi j = w j i and thus W is symmetric.

The graph may be weighted or unweighted.

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Page 21: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Basic Graph Theory Terminology

Our Assumptions

In this talk, we assume that the graph is

connected. Otherwise, we would simply consider the componentsseparately.

undirected. Edges do not have direction, which means thatwi j = w j i and thus W is symmetric.

The graph may be weighted or unweighted.

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Page 22: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Graph Laplacians

1 Motivations & Aims

2 BackgroundBasic Graph Theory TerminologyGraph LaplaciansGraph Partitioning via Spectral Clustering

3 Multiscale TransformsHierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

4 Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT

5 Approximation Experiments

6 Summary and Future Work

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Page 23: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Graph Laplacians

Graph Laplacians

W (G) = (wi j ) the weight matrix

D(G) := diag(dv1 , . . . ,dvn ) the degree matrix, where dvi :=N∑

j=1wi j .

L(G) := D(G)−W (G) the Laplacian matrix

We have:

sorted eigenvalues 0 =λ0 <λ1 ≤ ·· · ≤λN−1

associated eigenvectors φ0, φ1, . . . ,φN−1

The eigenvectors form a basis for RN . In particular:

since L is symmetric, the eigenvectors form an orthonormal basis

φ0 = 1/p


[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 11 / 46

Page 24: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Graph Laplacians

Graph Laplacians

W (G) = (wi j ) the weight matrix

D(G) := diag(dv1 , . . . ,dvn ) the degree matrix, where dvi :=N∑

j=1wi j .

L(G) := D(G)−W (G) the Laplacian matrix

We have:

sorted eigenvalues 0 =λ0 <λ1 ≤ ·· · ≤λN−1

associated eigenvectors φ0, φ1, . . . ,φN−1

The eigenvectors form a basis for RN . In particular:

since L is symmetric, the eigenvectors form an orthonormal basis

φ0 = 1/p


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Page 25: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Graph Laplacians

Graph Laplacians

W (G) = (wi j ) the weight matrix

D(G) := diag(dv1 , . . . ,dvn ) the degree matrix, where dvi :=N∑

j=1wi j .

L(G) := D(G)−W (G) the Laplacian matrix

We have:

sorted eigenvalues 0 =λ0 <λ1 ≤ ·· · ≤λN−1

associated eigenvectors φ0, φ1, . . . ,φN−1

The eigenvectors form a basis for RN . In particular:

since L is symmetric, the eigenvectors form an orthonormal basis

φ0 = 1/p


[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 11 / 46

Page 26: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Graph Laplacians

Why Graph Laplacians?

Let f ∈RN . Then

L f (vi ) = dvi f (vi )− ∑j 6=i

wi j f (v j ).

This is a generalization of the �nite di�erence approximation to the

Laplace operator.

After all, sines (cosines) are the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on therectangular domain with Dirichlet (Neumann) boundary conditions.

Hence, the expansion of data measured at the vertices using theeigenvectors of a graph Laplacian can be viewed as Fourier (orspectral) analysis of the data on that graph.

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Page 27: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Graph Laplacians

Why Graph Laplacians?

Let f ∈RN . Then

L f (vi ) = dvi f (vi )− ∑j 6=i

wi j f (v j ).

This is a generalization of the �nite di�erence approximation to the

Laplace operator.

After all, sines (cosines) are the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on therectangular domain with Dirichlet (Neumann) boundary conditions.

Hence, the expansion of data measured at the vertices using theeigenvectors of a graph Laplacian can be viewed as Fourier (orspectral) analysis of the data on that graph.

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Page 28: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Graph Laplacians

Why Graph Laplacians?

Let f ∈RN . Then

L f (vi ) = dvi f (vi )− ∑j 6=i

wi j f (v j ).

This is a generalization of the �nite di�erence approximation to the

Laplace operator.

After all, sines (cosines) are the eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on therectangular domain with Dirichlet (Neumann) boundary conditions.

Hence, the expansion of data measured at the vertices using theeigenvectors of a graph Laplacian can be viewed as Fourier (orspectral) analysis of the data on that graph.

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Page 29: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Graph Laplacians

A Simple Yet Important Example: A Path Graph

1 −1−1 2 −1

−1 2 −1

. . .. . .

. . .

−1 2 −1−1 1

︸ ︷︷ ︸





. . .


︸ ︷︷ ︸


0 11 0 1

1 0 1

. . .. . .

. . .

1 0 11 0

︸ ︷︷ ︸


The eigenvectors of this matrix are exactly the DCT Type II basis vectorsused for the JPEG image compression standard! (See e.g., Strang, SIAMReview, 1999).

λk = 2−2cos(πk/N ) = 4sin2(πk/2N ), k = 0,1, . . . , N −1.

φk (`) =p2/N cos

(πk(`+ 1

2 )/N), k,`= 0,1, . . . , N −1.

λ (eigenvalue) is a monotonic function w.r.t. k (frequency). However,for general graphs, λ does not have a simple relationship with k.

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Page 30: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Graph Laplacians

A Simple Yet Important Example: A Path Graph

1 −1−1 2 −1

−1 2 −1

. . .. . .

. . .

−1 2 −1−1 1

︸ ︷︷ ︸





. . .


︸ ︷︷ ︸


0 11 0 1

1 0 1

. . .. . .

. . .

1 0 11 0

︸ ︷︷ ︸


The eigenvectors of this matrix are exactly the DCT Type II basis vectorsused for the JPEG image compression standard! (See e.g., Strang, SIAMReview, 1999).

λk = 2−2cos(πk/N ) = 4sin2(πk/2N ), k = 0,1, . . . , N −1.

φk (`) =p2/N cos

(πk(`+ 1

2 )/N), k,`= 0,1, . . . , N −1.

λ (eigenvalue) is a monotonic function w.r.t. k (frequency). However,for general graphs, λ does not have a simple relationship with k.

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Page 31: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Graph Partitioning via Spectral Clustering

1 Motivations & Aims

2 BackgroundBasic Graph Theory TerminologyGraph LaplaciansGraph Partitioning via Spectral Clustering

3 Multiscale TransformsHierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

4 Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT

5 Approximation Experiments

6 Summary and Future Work

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Page 32: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Graph Partitioning via Spectral Clustering

Goal: split the vertices V into two �good� subsets, X and X c

Plan: use the signs of the entries in φ1, which is known as the Fiedlervector

Why? Using φ1 to generate X and X c yields an approximate minimizer ofthe RatioCut function1,2:

RatioCut(X , X c ) := cut(X , X c )

|X | + cut(X , X c )

|X c | ,

wherecut(X , X c ) := ∑

vi∈Xv j∈X c

Wi j

1L. Hagen and A. B. Kahng: �New spectral methods for ratio cut partitioning andclustering,� IEEE Trans. Comput.-Aided Des., vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 1074-1085, 1992.

2We could also use the signs of φ1 for Lrw (equivalently, Lsym), which yield anapproximate minimizer of the Normalized Cut function.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 15 / 46

Page 33: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Graph Partitioning via Spectral Clustering

Goal: split the vertices V into two �good� subsets, X and X c

Plan: use the signs of the entries in φ1, which is known as the Fiedlervector

Why? Using φ1 to generate X and X c yields an approximate minimizer ofthe RatioCut function1,2:

RatioCut(X , X c ) := cut(X , X c )

|X | + cut(X , X c )

|X c | ,

wherecut(X , X c ) := ∑

vi∈Xv j∈X c

Wi j

1L. Hagen and A. B. Kahng: �New spectral methods for ratio cut partitioning andclustering,� IEEE Trans. Comput.-Aided Des., vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 1074-1085, 1992.

2We could also use the signs of φ1 for Lrw (equivalently, Lsym), which yield anapproximate minimizer of the Normalized Cut function.

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Page 34: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Graph Partitioning via Spectral Clustering

Goal: split the vertices V into two �good� subsets, X and X c

Plan: use the signs of the entries in φ1, which is known as the Fiedlervector

Why? Using φ1 to generate X and X c yields an approximate minimizer ofthe RatioCut function1,2:

RatioCut(X , X c ) := cut(X , X c )

|X | + cut(X , X c )

|X c | ,

wherecut(X , X c ) := ∑

vi∈Xv j∈X c

Wi j

1L. Hagen and A. B. Kahng: �New spectral methods for ratio cut partitioning andclustering,� IEEE Trans. Comput.-Aided Des., vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 1074-1085, 1992.

2We could also use the signs of φ1 for Lrw (equivalently, Lsym), which yield anapproximate minimizer of the Normalized Cut function.

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Page 35: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Graph Partitioning via Spectral Clustering

Example of Graph Partitioning

Figure: The MN road network

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Page 36: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Background Graph Partitioning via Spectral Clustering

Example of Graph Partitioning

Figure: The MN road network partitioned via the Fiedler vector of L

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Page 37: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms

1 Motivations & Aims

2 BackgroundBasic Graph Theory TerminologyGraph LaplaciansGraph Partitioning via Spectral Clustering

3 Multiscale TransformsHierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

4 Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT

5 Approximation Experiments

6 Summary and Future Work

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Page 38: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms

Our transforms involve 2 main steps:

1 Recursively partition the graph

m These steps can be performed concurrently, or we can fully partitionthe graph and then generate a set of bases

2 Using the regions on each level of the graph partitioning, generate aset of orthonormal bases for the graph

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Page 39: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms

Our transforms involve 2 main steps:

1 Recursively partition the graph

m These steps can be performed concurrently, or we can fully partitionthe graph and then generate a set of bases

2 Using the regions on each level of the graph partitioning, generate aset of orthonormal bases for the graph

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 18 / 46

Page 40: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)

1 Motivations & Aims

2 BackgroundBasic Graph Theory TerminologyGraph LaplaciansGraph Partitioning via Spectral Clustering

3 Multiscale TransformsHierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

4 Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT

5 Approximation Experiments

6 Summary and Future Work

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Page 41: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)

Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)

Now we present a novel transform that can be viewed as a generalization ofthe block Discrete Cosine Transform. We refer to this transform as theHierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET).

The algorithm proceeds as follows...

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Page 42: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)

1 Generate an orthonormal basis for the entire graph ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors (Notation is φ

jk,l with j = 0)

2 Partition the graph using the Fiedler vector φjk,1

3 Generate an orthonormal basis for each of the partitions ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors

4 Repeat...5 Select an orthonormal basis from this collection of orthonormal bases


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0




0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1




0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 21 / 46

Page 43: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)

1 Generate an orthonormal basis for the entire graph ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors (Notation is φ

jk,l with j = 0)

2 Partition the graph using the Fiedler vector φjk,1

3 Generate an orthonormal basis for each of the partitions ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors

4 Repeat...5 Select an orthonormal basis from this collection of orthonormal bases


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0




0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1




0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 21 / 46

Page 44: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)

1 Generate an orthonormal basis for the entire graph ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors (Notation is φ

jk,l with j = 0)

2 Partition the graph using the Fiedler vector φjk,1

3 Generate an orthonormal basis for each of the partitions ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors

4 Repeat...5 Select an orthonormal basis from this collection of orthonormal bases


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0




0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1




0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 21 / 46

Page 45: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)

1 Generate an orthonormal basis for the entire graph ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors (Notation is φ

jk,l with j = 0)

2 Partition the graph using the Fiedler vector φjk,1

3 Generate an orthonormal basis for each of the partitions ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors

4 Repeat...5 Select an orthonormal basis from this collection of orthonormal bases


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0




0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1




0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 21 / 46

Page 46: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)

1 Generate an orthonormal basis for the entire graph ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors (Notation is φ

jk,l with j = 0)

2 Partition the graph using the Fiedler vector φjk,1

3 Generate an orthonormal basis for each of the partitions ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors

4 Repeat...5 Select an orthonormal basis from this collection of orthonormal bases


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0




0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1




0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 21 / 46

Page 47: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)

1 Generate an orthonormal basis for the entire graph ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors (Notation is φ

jk,l with j = 0)

2 Partition the graph using the Fiedler vector φjk,1

3 Generate an orthonormal basis for each of the partitions ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors

4 Repeat...5 Select an orthonormal basis from this collection of orthonormal bases


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0




0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1




0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 21 / 46

Page 48: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)

1 Generate an orthonormal basis for the entire graph ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors (Notation is φ

jk,l with j = 0)

2 Partition the graph using the Fiedler vector φjk,1

3 Generate an orthonormal basis for each of the partitions ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors

4 Repeat...5 Select an orthonormal basis from this collection of orthonormal bases


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0




0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1




0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 21 / 46

Page 49: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)

1 Generate an orthonormal basis for the entire graph ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors (Notation is φ

jk,l with j = 0)

2 Partition the graph using the Fiedler vector φjk,1

3 Generate an orthonormal basis for each of the partitions ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors

4 Repeat...5 Select an orthonormal basis from this collection of orthonormal bases


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0




0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1




0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 21 / 46

Page 50: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)

1 Generate an orthonormal basis for the entire graph ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors (Notation is φ

jk,l with j = 0)

2 Partition the graph using the Fiedler vector φjk,1

3 Generate an orthonormal basis for each of the partitions ⇒ Laplacianeigenvectors

4 Repeat...5 Select an orthonormal basis from this collection of orthonormal bases


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0




0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1




0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 21 / 46

Page 51: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)


For an unweighted path graph, this yields a dictionary of the blockDCT-II

Similar to wavelet packet or local cosine dictionaries in that itgenerates an overcomplete basis from which we can select a basisuseful for the task at hand ⇒ best-basis algorithm, local discriminantbasis algorithm, . . .

A union of bases on disjoint subsets is obviously orthonormal[φ0

0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1



1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 · · · φ20,N 2



1,0 · · · φ21,N 2



2,0 · · · φ22,N 2



3,0 · · · φ23,N 2



[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 22 / 46

Page 52: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)


For an unweighted path graph, this yields a dictionary of the blockDCT-II

Similar to wavelet packet or local cosine dictionaries in that itgenerates an overcomplete basis from which we can select a basisuseful for the task at hand ⇒ best-basis algorithm, local discriminantbasis algorithm, . . .

A union of bases on disjoint subsets is obviously orthonormal[φ0

0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1



1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 · · · φ20,N 2



1,0 · · · φ21,N 2



2,0 · · · φ22,N 2



3,0 · · · φ23,N 2



[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 22 / 46

Page 53: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)


For an unweighted path graph, this yields a dictionary of the blockDCT-II

Similar to wavelet packet or local cosine dictionaries in that itgenerates an overcomplete basis from which we can select a basisuseful for the task at hand ⇒ best-basis algorithm, local discriminantbasis algorithm, . . .

A union of bases on disjoint subsets is obviously orthonormal[φ0

0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1



1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 · · · φ20,N 2



1,0 · · · φ21,N 2



2,0 · · · φ22,N 2



3,0 · · · φ23,N 2



[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 22 / 46

Page 54: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)


For an unweighted path graph, this yields a dictionary of the blockDCT-II

Similar to wavelet packet or local cosine dictionaries in that itgenerates an overcomplete basis from which we can select a basisuseful for the task at hand ⇒ best-basis algorithm, local discriminantbasis algorithm, . . .

A union of bases on disjoint subsets is obviously orthonormal[φ0

0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1



1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 · · · φ20,N 2



1,0 · · · φ21,N 2



2,0 · · · φ22,N 2



3,0 · · · φ23,N 2



[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 22 / 46

Page 55: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)


For an unweighted path graph, this yields a dictionary of the blockDCT-II

Similar to wavelet packet or local cosine dictionaries in that itgenerates an overcomplete basis from which we can select a basisuseful for the task at hand ⇒ best-basis algorithm, local discriminantbasis algorithm, . . .

A union of bases on disjoint subsets is obviously orthonormal[φ0

0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1



1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 · · · φ20,N 2



1,0 · · · φ21,N 2



2,0 · · · φ22,N 2



3,0 · · · φ23,N 2



[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 22 / 46

Page 56: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)


For an unweighted path graph, this yields a dictionary of the blockDCT-II

Similar to wavelet packet or local cosine dictionaries in that itgenerates an overcomplete basis from which we can select a basisuseful for the task at hand ⇒ best-basis algorithm, local discriminantbasis algorithm, . . .

A union of bases on disjoint subsets is obviously orthonormal[φ0

0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1



1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 · · · φ20,N 2



1,0 · · · φ21,N 2



2,0 · · · φ22,N 2



3,0 · · · φ23,N 2



[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 22 / 46

Page 57: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)


For an unweighted path graph, this yields a dictionary of the blockDCT-II

Similar to wavelet packet or local cosine dictionaries in that itgenerates an overcomplete basis from which we can select a basisuseful for the task at hand ⇒ best-basis algorithm, local discriminantbasis algorithm, . . .

A union of bases on disjoint subsets is obviously orthonormal[φ0

0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1



1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 · · · φ20,N 2



1,0 · · · φ21,N 2



2,0 · · · φ22,N 2



3,0 · · · φ23,N 2



[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 22 / 46

Page 58: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)


For an unweighted path graph, this yields a dictionary of the blockDCT-II

Similar to wavelet packet or local cosine dictionaries in that itgenerates an overcomplete basis from which we can select a basisuseful for the task at hand ⇒ best-basis algorithm, local discriminantbasis algorithm, . . .

A union of bases on disjoint subsets is obviously orthonormal[φ0

0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1



1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 · · · φ20,N 2



1,0 · · · φ21,N 2



2,0 · · · φ22,N 2



3,0 · · · φ23,N 2



[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 22 / 46

Page 59: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)


For an unweighted path graph, this yields a dictionary of the blockDCT-II

Similar to wavelet packet or local cosine dictionaries in that itgenerates an overcomplete basis from which we can select a basisuseful for the task at hand ⇒ best-basis algorithm, local discriminantbasis algorithm, . . .

A union of bases on disjoint subsets is obviously orthonormal[φ0

0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1



1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 · · · φ20,N 2



1,0 · · · φ21,N 2



2,0 · · · φ22,N 2



3,0 · · · φ23,N 2



[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 22 / 46

Page 60: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)

Related Work

The following work also proposed the similar strategy to construct amultiscale basis dictionary, i.e., local cosine dictionary on a graph:

1 A. D. Szlam, M. Maggioni, R. R. Coifman, and J. C. Bremer, Jr.,�Di�usion-driven multiscale analysis on manifolds and graphs:top-down and bottom-up constructions,� in Wavelets XI (M.Papadakis et al. eds.), Proc. SPIE 5914, Paper # 59141D, 2005.

However, in our opinion, the generalization of the folding/unfoldingoperations (originally used in the construction of the local cosine transformson a regular domain) to the graph setting may be harmful. We believe thatsuch operations are not necessary for the most tasks in practice. If oneneeds smoother and overlapping basis vectors, then a better partitioningscheme other than the folding/unfolding operations is called for.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 23 / 46

Page 61: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)

Related Work

The following work also proposed the similar strategy to construct amultiscale basis dictionary, i.e., local cosine dictionary on a graph:

1 A. D. Szlam, M. Maggioni, R. R. Coifman, and J. C. Bremer, Jr.,�Di�usion-driven multiscale analysis on manifolds and graphs:top-down and bottom-up constructions,� in Wavelets XI (M.Papadakis et al. eds.), Proc. SPIE 5914, Paper # 59141D, 2005.

However, in our opinion, the generalization of the folding/unfoldingoperations (originally used in the construction of the local cosine transformson a regular domain) to the graph setting may be harmful. We believe thatsuch operations are not necessary for the most tasks in practice. If oneneeds smoother and overlapping basis vectors, then a better partitioningscheme other than the folding/unfolding operations is called for.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 23 / 46

Page 62: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)

Computational Complexity: HGLET

Computational Run Time

Complexity for MN1

HGLET (redundant) O(N 3) 67 sec

1Computations performed on a personal laptop (4.00 GB RAM, 2.26 GHz), N = 2640 and

nnz(W)= [email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 24 / 46

Page 63: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

1 Motivations & Aims

2 BackgroundBasic Graph Theory TerminologyGraph LaplaciansGraph Partitioning via Spectral Clustering

3 Multiscale TransformsHierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

4 Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT

5 Approximation Experiments

6 Summary and Future Work

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 25 / 46

Page 64: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

HGLET is a generalization of the block DCT, and it generates basis vectorsthat are smooth on their support.

The Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT) is a generalization of theclassical Haar and Walsh-Hadamard Transforms, and it generates basisvectors that are piecewise-constant on their support.

The algorithm proceeds as follows...

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 26 / 46

Page 65: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

HGLET is a generalization of the block DCT, and it generates basis vectorsthat are smooth on their support.

The Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT) is a generalization of theclassical Haar and Walsh-Hadamard Transforms, and it generates basisvectors that are piecewise-constant on their support.

The algorithm proceeds as follows...

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 26 / 46

Page 66: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

1 Generate a full recursive partitioning of the graph ⇒ Fiedler vectors2 Generate an orthonormal basis for level jmax (the �nest level) ⇒

scaling vectors on the single-node regionsAs with HGLET, the notation is ψ


3 Using the basis for level jmax, generate an orthonormal basis for leveljmax−1 ⇒ scaling and Haar-like vectors

4 Repeat... Using the basis for level j , generate an orthonormal basis forlevel j −1 ⇒ scaling , Haar-like, and Walsh-like vectors

5 Select an orthonormal basis from this collection of orthonormal bases


0,0 ψ00,1 ψ0

0,2 ψ00,3 · · · ψ0

0,N−2 ψ00,N−1


ψjmax−10,0 ψ


] [ψ

jmax−11,0 ψ


]· · ·


K jmax−1−1,0ψ


K jmax−1−1,1



] [ψ


] [ψ


] [ψ


]· · ·


K jmax−2,0

] [ψ


K jmax−1,0


[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 27 / 46

Page 67: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

1 Generate a full recursive partitioning of the graph ⇒ Fiedler vectors2 Generate an orthonormal basis for level jmax (the �nest level) ⇒

scaling vectors on the single-node regionsAs with HGLET, the notation is ψ


3 Using the basis for level jmax, generate an orthonormal basis for leveljmax−1 ⇒ scaling and Haar-like vectors

4 Repeat... Using the basis for level j , generate an orthonormal basis forlevel j −1 ⇒ scaling , Haar-like, and Walsh-like vectors

5 Select an orthonormal basis from this collection of orthonormal bases


0,0 ψ00,1 ψ0

0,2 ψ00,3 · · · ψ0

0,N−2 ψ00,N−1


ψjmax−10,0 ψ


] [ψ

jmax−11,0 ψ


]· · ·


K jmax−1−1,0ψ


K jmax−1−1,1



] [ψ


] [ψ


] [ψ


]· · ·


K jmax−2,0

] [ψ


K jmax−1,0


[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 27 / 46

Page 68: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

1 Generate a full recursive partitioning of the graph ⇒ Fiedler vectors2 Generate an orthonormal basis for level jmax (the �nest level) ⇒

scaling vectors on the single-node regionsAs with HGLET, the notation is ψ


3 Using the basis for level jmax, generate an orthonormal basis for leveljmax−1 ⇒ scaling and Haar-like vectors

4 Repeat... Using the basis for level j , generate an orthonormal basis forlevel j −1 ⇒ scaling , Haar-like, and Walsh-like vectors

5 Select an orthonormal basis from this collection of orthonormal bases


0,0 ψ00,1 ψ0

0,2 ψ00,3 · · · ψ0

0,N−2 ψ00,N−1


ψjmax−10,0 ψ


] [ψ

jmax−11,0 ψ


]· · ·


K jmax−1−1,0ψ


K jmax−1−1,1



] [ψ


] [ψ


] [ψ


]· · ·


K jmax−2,0

] [ψ


K jmax−1,0


[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 27 / 46

Page 69: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

1 Generate a full recursive partitioning of the graph ⇒ Fiedler vectors2 Generate an orthonormal basis for level jmax (the �nest level) ⇒

scaling vectors on the single-node regionsAs with HGLET, the notation is ψ


3 Using the basis for level jmax, generate an orthonormal basis for leveljmax−1 ⇒ scaling and Haar-like vectors

4 Repeat... Using the basis for level j , generate an orthonormal basis forlevel j −1 ⇒ scaling , Haar-like, and Walsh-like vectors

5 Select an orthonormal basis from this collection of orthonormal bases


0,0 ψ00,1 ψ0

0,2 ψ00,3 · · · ψ0

0,N−2 ψ00,N−1


ψjmax−10,0 ψ


] [ψ

jmax−11,0 ψ


]· · ·


K jmax−1−1,0ψ


K jmax−1−1,1



] [ψ


] [ψ


] [ψ


]· · ·


K jmax−2,0

] [ψ


K jmax−1,0


[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 27 / 46

Page 70: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

1 Generate a full recursive partitioning of the graph ⇒ Fiedler vectors2 Generate an orthonormal basis for level jmax (the �nest level) ⇒

scaling vectors on the single-node regionsAs with HGLET, the notation is ψ


3 Using the basis for level jmax, generate an orthonormal basis for leveljmax−1 ⇒ scaling and Haar-like vectors

4 Repeat... Using the basis for level j , generate an orthonormal basis forlevel j −1 ⇒ scaling , Haar-like, and Walsh-like vectors

5 Select an orthonormal basis from this collection of orthonormal bases


0,0 ψ00,1 ψ0

0,2 ψ00,3 · · · ψ0

0,N−2 ψ00,N−1


ψjmax−10,0 ψ


] [ψ

jmax−11,0 ψ


]· · ·


K jmax−1−1,0ψ


K jmax−1−1,1



] [ψ


] [ψ


] [ψ


]· · ·


K jmax−2,0

] [ψ


K jmax−1,0


[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 27 / 46

Page 71: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


For an unweighted path graph, this yields a dictionary of Haar-WalshfunctionsAs with the HGLET, we can select an orthonormal basis for the entiregraph by taking the union of orthonormal bases on disjoint regions

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 28 / 46

Page 72: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


For an unweighted path graph, this yields a dictionary of Haar-Walshfunctions

As with the HGLET, we can select an orthonormal basis for the entiregraph by taking the union of orthonormal bases on disjoint regions

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 28 / 46

Page 73: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


We can also reorder and regroup the vectors on each level of the GHWTdictionary according to their type (scaling, Haar-like, or Walsh-like)1


This reorganization gives us more options for choosing a good basis

1Full details will be presented in a forthcoming [email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 29 / 46

Page 74: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


We can also reorder and regroup the vectors on each level of the GHWTdictionary according to their type (scaling, Haar-like, or Walsh-like)1

Figure: Default dictionary; i.e., coarse-to-�ne

This reorganization gives us more options for choosing a good basis

1Full details will be presented in a forthcoming [email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 29 / 46

Page 75: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


We can also reorder and regroup the vectors on each level of the GHWTdictionary according to their type (scaling, Haar-like, or Walsh-like)1

Figure: Reordered & regrouped dictionary; i.e., �ne-to-coarse

This reorganization gives us more options for choosing a good basis

1Full details will be presented in a forthcoming [email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 29 / 46

Page 76: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


We can also reorder and regroup the vectors on each level of the GHWTdictionary according to their type (scaling, Haar-like, or Walsh-like)1

Figure: Reordered & regrouped dictionary; i.e., �ne-to-coarse

This reorganization gives us more options for choosing a good basis

1Full details will be presented in a forthcoming [email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 29 / 46

Page 77: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 0, Region k = 0, l = 1

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 78: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 0, Region k = 0, l = 1

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 79: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 0, Region k = 0, l = 2

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 80: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 0, Region k = 0, l = 3

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 81: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 0, Region k = 0, l = 4

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 82: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 0, Region k = 0, l = 5

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 83: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 0, Region k = 0, l = 6

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 84: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 0, Region k = 0, l = 7

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 85: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 0, Region k = 0, l = 8

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 86: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 0, Region k = 0, l = 9

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 87: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 1, Region k = 0, l = 1

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 88: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 1, Region k = 0, l = 2

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 89: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 1, Region k = 0, l = 3

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 90: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 2, Region k = 0, l = 1

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 91: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 2, Region k = 0, l = 2

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 92: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 2, Region k = 1, l = 1

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 93: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 2, Region k = 1, l = 2

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 94: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 3, Region k = 0, l = 1

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 95: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 3, Region k = 0, l = 2

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 96: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 3, Region k = 2, l = 1

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 97: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)


Here we display some of the basis vectors generated by our HGLET (left) andGHWT (right) schemes on the MN road network. (Note: j = 0 is the coarsestscale, j = 14 is the �nest.)

Level j = 3, Region k = 2, l = 2

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 30 / 46

Page 98: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

Computational Complexity: GHWT

Computational Run Time

Complexity for MN1

HGLET (redundant) O(N 3) 67 sec

GHWT (redundant) O(N 2) 10 sec

1Computations performed on a personal laptop (4.00 GB RAM, 2.26 GHz), N = 2640 and

nnz(W)= [email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 31 / 46

Page 99: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Multiscale Transforms Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

Related Work

The following articles also discussed the Haar-like transform on graphs andtrees, but not the Walsh-Hadamard transform on them:

1 A. D. Szlam, M. Maggioni, R. R. Coifman, and J. C. Bremer, Jr.,�Di�usion-driven multiscale analysis on manifolds and graphs:top-down and bottom-up constructions,� in Wavelets XI (M.Papadakis et al. eds.), Proc. SPIE 5914, Paper # 59141D, 2005.

2 F. Murtagh, �The Haar wavelet transform of a dendrogram,� J.Classi�cation, vol. 24, pp. 3�32, 2007.

3 A. Lee, B. Nadler, and L. Wasserman, �Treelets�an adaptivemulti-scale basis for sparse unordered data,� Ann. Appl. Stat., vol. 2,pp. 435�471, 2008.

4 M. Gavish, B. Nadler, and R. Coifman, �Multiscale wavelets on trees,graphs and high dimensional data: Theory and applications to semisupervised learning,� in Proc. 27th Intern. Conf. Machine Learning (J.Fürnkranz et al. eds.), pp. 367�374, Omnipress, Haifa, 2010.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 32 / 46

Page 100: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT

1 Motivations & Aims

2 BackgroundBasic Graph Theory TerminologyGraph LaplaciansGraph Partitioning via Spectral Clustering

3 Multiscale TransformsHierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

4 Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT

5 Approximation Experiments

6 Summary and Future Work

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 33 / 46

Page 101: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT

Coifman and Wickerhauser (1992) developed the best-basis algorithm as ameans of selecting the basis from a dictionary of wavelet packets that is�best� for approximation/compression.

We generalize this approach, developing and implementing an algorithm forselecting the basis from the dictionary of HGLET / GHWT bases that is�best� for approximation.

As before, we require a cost functional J . For example:

J (x) =(


|xi |p)1/p

= norm(x,p) 0 < p ≤ 1

For our approximation experiments in the following pages, we usedp = 0.1.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 34 / 46

Page 102: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT

Coifman and Wickerhauser (1992) developed the best-basis algorithm as ameans of selecting the basis from a dictionary of wavelet packets that is�best� for approximation/compression.

We generalize this approach, developing and implementing an algorithm forselecting the basis from the dictionary of HGLET / GHWT bases that is�best� for approximation.

As before, we require a cost functional J . For example:

J (x) =(


|xi |p)1/p

= norm(x,p) 0 < p ≤ 1

For our approximation experiments in the following pages, we usedp = 0.1.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 34 / 46

Page 103: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT

Coifman and Wickerhauser (1992) developed the best-basis algorithm as ameans of selecting the basis from a dictionary of wavelet packets that is�best� for approximation/compression.

We generalize this approach, developing and implementing an algorithm forselecting the basis from the dictionary of HGLET / GHWT bases that is�best� for approximation.

As before, we require a cost functional J . For example:

J (x) =(


|xi |p)1/p

= norm(x,p) 0 < p ≤ 1

For our approximation experiments in the following pages, we usedp = 0.1.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 34 / 46

Page 104: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 d00,1 d0

0,2 · · · d00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 d10,1 d1

0,2 · · · d10,N 1


1,0 d11,1 d1

1,2 · · · d11,N 1



0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


0,0 d20,1 · · · d2

0,N 20−1

d21,0 d2

1,1 · · · d21,N 2


2,0 d22,1 · · · d2

2,N 22−1

d23,0 d2

3,1 · · · d23,N 2


According to cost functional J , this is the best basis for approximation.

With the GHWT bases, we run the best-basis algorithm on both thedefault (coarse-to-�ne) dictionary and the reorganized (�ne-to-coarse)dictionary and then compare the cost of the 2 bases to determine thebest-basis.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 35 / 46

Page 105: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 d00,1 d0

0,2 · · · d00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 d10,1 d1

0,2 · · · d10,N 1


1,0 d11,1 d1

1,2 · · · d11,N 1



0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


0,0 d20,1 · · · d2

0,N 20−1

d21,0 d2

1,1 · · · d21,N 2


2,0 d22,1 · · · d2

2,N 22−1

d23,0 d2

3,1 · · · d23,N 2


According to cost functional J , this is the best basis for approximation.

With the GHWT bases, we run the best-basis algorithm on both thedefault (coarse-to-�ne) dictionary and the reorganized (�ne-to-coarse)dictionary and then compare the cost of the 2 bases to determine thebest-basis.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 35 / 46

Page 106: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 d00,1 d0

0,2 · · · d00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 d10,1 d1

0,2 · · · d10,N 1


1,0 d11,1 d1

1,2 · · · d11,N 1



0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


0,0 d20,1 · · · d2

0,N 20−1

d21,0 d2

1,1 · · · d21,N 2


2,0 d22,1 · · · d2

2,N 22−1

d23,0 d2

3,1 · · · d23,N 2


According to cost functional J , this is the best basis for approximation.

With the GHWT bases, we run the best-basis algorithm on both thedefault (coarse-to-�ne) dictionary and the reorganized (�ne-to-coarse)dictionary and then compare the cost of the 2 bases to determine thebest-basis.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 35 / 46

Page 107: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 d00,1 d0

0,2 · · · d00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 d10,1 d1

0,2 · · · d10,N 1


1,0 d11,1 d1

1,2 · · · d11,N 1



0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


0,0 d20,1 · · · d2

0,N 20−1

d21,0 d2

1,1 · · · d21,N 2


2,0 d22,1 · · · d2

2,N 22−1

d23,0 d2

3,1 · · · d23,N 2


According to cost functional J , this is the best basis for approximation.

With the GHWT bases, we run the best-basis algorithm on both thedefault (coarse-to-�ne) dictionary and the reorganized (�ne-to-coarse)dictionary and then compare the cost of the 2 bases to determine thebest-basis.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 35 / 46

Page 108: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 d00,1 d0

0,2 · · · d00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 d10,1 d1

0,2 · · · d10,N 1


1,0 d11,1 d1

1,2 · · · d11,N 1



0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


0,0 d20,1 · · · d2

0,N 20−1

d21,0 d2

1,1 · · · d21,N 2


2,0 d22,1 · · · d2

2,N 22−1

d23,0 d2

3,1 · · · d23,N 2


According to cost functional J , this is the best basis for approximation.

With the GHWT bases, we run the best-basis algorithm on both thedefault (coarse-to-�ne) dictionary and the reorganized (�ne-to-coarse)dictionary and then compare the cost of the 2 bases to determine thebest-basis.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 35 / 46

Page 109: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 d00,1 d0

0,2 · · · d00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 d10,1 d1

0,2 · · · d10,N 1


1,0 d11,1 d1

1,2 · · · d11,N 1



0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


0,0 d20,1 · · · d2

0,N 20−1

d21,0 d2

1,1 · · · d21,N 2


2,0 d22,1 · · · d2

2,N 22−1

d23,0 d2

3,1 · · · d23,N 2


According to cost functional J , this is the best basis for approximation.

With the GHWT bases, we run the best-basis algorithm on both thedefault (coarse-to-�ne) dictionary and the reorganized (�ne-to-coarse)dictionary and then compare the cost of the 2 bases to determine thebest-basis.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 35 / 46

Page 110: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 d00,1 d0

0,2 · · · d00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 d10,1 d1

0,2 · · · d10,N 1


1,0 d11,1 d1

1,2 · · · d11,N 1



0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


0,0 d20,1 · · · d2

0,N 20−1

d21,0 d2

1,1 · · · d21,N 2


2,0 d22,1 · · · d2

2,N 22−1

d23,0 d2

3,1 · · · d23,N 2


According to cost functional J , this is the best basis for approximation.

With the GHWT bases, we run the best-basis algorithm on both thedefault (coarse-to-�ne) dictionary and the reorganized (�ne-to-coarse)dictionary and then compare the cost of the 2 bases to determine thebest-basis.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 35 / 46

Page 111: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 d00,1 d0

0,2 · · · d00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 d10,1 d1

0,2 · · · d10,N 1


1,0 d11,1 d1

1,2 · · · d11,N 1



0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


0,0 d20,1 · · · d2

0,N 20−1

d21,0 d2

1,1 · · · d21,N 2


2,0 d22,1 · · · d2

2,N 22−1

d23,0 d2

3,1 · · · d23,N 2


According to cost functional J , this is the best basis for approximation.

With the GHWT bases, we run the best-basis algorithm on both thedefault (coarse-to-�ne) dictionary and the reorganized (�ne-to-coarse)dictionary and then compare the cost of the 2 bases to determine thebest-basis.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 35 / 46

Page 112: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 d00,1 d0

0,2 · · · d00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 d10,1 d1

0,2 · · · d10,N 1


1,0 d11,1 d1

1,2 · · · d11,N 1



0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


0,0 d20,1 · · · d2

0,N 20−1

d21,0 d2

1,1 · · · d21,N 2


2,0 d22,1 · · · d2

2,N 22−1

d23,0 d2

3,1 · · · d23,N 2


According to cost functional J , this is the best basis for approximation.

With the GHWT bases, we run the best-basis algorithm on both thedefault (coarse-to-�ne) dictionary and the reorganized (�ne-to-coarse)dictionary and then compare the cost of the 2 bases to determine thebest-basis.

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Page 113: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT


0,0 φ00,1 φ0

0,2 · · · φ00,N 0



0,0 d00,1 d0

0,2 · · · d00,N 0



0,0 φ10,1 φ1

0,2 · · · φ10,N 1


] [φ1

1,0 φ11,1 φ1

1,2 · · · φ11,N 1



0,0 d10,1 d1

0,2 · · · d10,N 1


1,0 d11,1 d1

1,2 · · · d11,N 1



0,0φ20,1 · · ·φ2

0,N 20−1

] [φ2

1,0φ21,1 · · ·φ2

1,N 21−1

] [φ2

2,0φ22,1 · · ·φ2

2,N 22−1

] [φ2

3,0φ23,1 · · ·φ2

3,N 23−1


0,0 d20,1 · · · d2

0,N 20−1

d21,0 d2

1,1 · · · d21,N 2


2,0 d22,1 · · · d2

2,N 22−1

d23,0 d2

3,1 · · · d23,N 2


According to cost functional J , this is the best basis for approximation.

With the GHWT bases, we run the best-basis algorithm on both thedefault (coarse-to-�ne) dictionary and the reorganized (�ne-to-coarse)dictionary and then compare the cost of the 2 bases to determine thebest-basis.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 35 / 46

Page 114: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Approximation Experiments

1 Motivations & Aims

2 BackgroundBasic Graph Theory TerminologyGraph LaplaciansGraph Partitioning via Spectral Clustering

3 Multiscale TransformsHierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

4 Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT

5 Approximation Experiments

6 Summary and Future Work

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 36 / 46

Page 115: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Approximation Experiments

(a) Thickness data on a dendritictree

(b) A mutilated Gaussian on the MNroad network

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Page 116: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Approximation Experiments

(a) Thickness data on a dendritictree

(b) A mutilated Gaussian on the MNroad network

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Page 117: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Approximation Experiments

HGLET on Dendrite (weights = inv. Euclidean dist.)

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Page 118: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Approximation Experiments

HGLET on MN Mutilated Gaussian (weights = inv.Euclidean dist.)

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Page 119: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Approximation Experiments

GHWT vs. HGLET on Dendrite

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Page 120: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Approximation Experiments

GHWT vs. HGLET on MN Mutilated Gaussian

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Page 121: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Approximation Experiments

Discussion of Approximation Results

From the HGLET plots, we see that HGLET best-basis > HGLETLevel 5 > HGLET Level 3 > Laplacian eigenvectors (HGLET Level 0)

The HGLET best-basis performs the best on the MN MultilatedGaussian dataset while the GHWT best-basis outperformed the otherson the Dendrite dataset

These performances make a strong case for using localized basisvectors on multiple scales

Also, these indicate that the smoothness of the basis vectors mattersdepending on the smoothness inherent in data

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 42 / 46

Page 122: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Approximation Experiments

Discussion of Approximation Results

From the HGLET plots, we see that HGLET best-basis > HGLETLevel 5 > HGLET Level 3 > Laplacian eigenvectors (HGLET Level 0)

The HGLET best-basis performs the best on the MN MultilatedGaussian dataset while the GHWT best-basis outperformed the otherson the Dendrite dataset

These performances make a strong case for using localized basisvectors on multiple scales

Also, these indicate that the smoothness of the basis vectors mattersdepending on the smoothness inherent in data

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Page 123: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Approximation Experiments

Discussion of Approximation Results

From the HGLET plots, we see that HGLET best-basis > HGLETLevel 5 > HGLET Level 3 > Laplacian eigenvectors (HGLET Level 0)

The HGLET best-basis performs the best on the MN MultilatedGaussian dataset while the GHWT best-basis outperformed the otherson the Dendrite dataset

These performances make a strong case for using localized basisvectors on multiple scales

Also, these indicate that the smoothness of the basis vectors mattersdepending on the smoothness inherent in data

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Page 124: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Approximation Experiments

Discussion of Approximation Results

From the HGLET plots, we see that HGLET best-basis > HGLETLevel 5 > HGLET Level 3 > Laplacian eigenvectors (HGLET Level 0)

The HGLET best-basis performs the best on the MN MultilatedGaussian dataset while the GHWT best-basis outperformed the otherson the Dendrite dataset

These performances make a strong case for using localized basisvectors on multiple scales

Also, these indicate that the smoothness of the basis vectors mattersdepending on the smoothness inherent in data

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 42 / 46

Page 125: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Summary and Future Work

1 Motivations & Aims

2 BackgroundBasic Graph Theory TerminologyGraph LaplaciansGraph Partitioning via Spectral Clustering

3 Multiscale TransformsHierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform (HGLET)Generalized Haar-Walsh Transform (GHWT)

4 Best-Basis Algorithm for HGLET & GHWT

5 Approximation Experiments

6 Summary and Future Work

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Page 126: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Summary and Future Work


We developed multiscale basis dictionaries on graphs and networks:HGLET and GHWT. We also developed a corresponding best-basisalgorithm.The HGLET is a direct generalization of Hierarchical Block Discrete

Cosine Transforms originally developed for regularly-sampled signalsand images.The GHWT is a generalization of the Haar Transform and theWalsh-Hadamard Transform.Both of these transforms allow us to choose an orthonormal basismost suitable for the task at hand, e.g., approximation, classi�cation,regression, . . .They may also be useful for regularly-sampled signals, e.g., can dealwith signals of non-dyadic length; adaptive segmentation, . . .Developing a true generalization of smoother wavelet and waveletpacket transforms is more challenging due to the di�culty of thenotion of the frequency domain of a given graph.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 44 / 46

Page 127: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Summary and Future Work


We developed multiscale basis dictionaries on graphs and networks:HGLET and GHWT. We also developed a corresponding best-basisalgorithm.The HGLET is a direct generalization of Hierarchical Block Discrete

Cosine Transforms originally developed for regularly-sampled signalsand images.The GHWT is a generalization of the Haar Transform and theWalsh-Hadamard Transform.Both of these transforms allow us to choose an orthonormal basismost suitable for the task at hand, e.g., approximation, classi�cation,regression, . . .They may also be useful for regularly-sampled signals, e.g., can dealwith signals of non-dyadic length; adaptive segmentation, . . .Developing a true generalization of smoother wavelet and waveletpacket transforms is more challenging due to the di�culty of thenotion of the frequency domain of a given graph.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 44 / 46

Page 128: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Summary and Future Work


We developed multiscale basis dictionaries on graphs and networks:HGLET and GHWT. We also developed a corresponding best-basisalgorithm.The HGLET is a direct generalization of Hierarchical Block Discrete

Cosine Transforms originally developed for regularly-sampled signalsand images.The GHWT is a generalization of the Haar Transform and theWalsh-Hadamard Transform.Both of these transforms allow us to choose an orthonormal basismost suitable for the task at hand, e.g., approximation, classi�cation,regression, . . .They may also be useful for regularly-sampled signals, e.g., can dealwith signals of non-dyadic length; adaptive segmentation, . . .Developing a true generalization of smoother wavelet and waveletpacket transforms is more challenging due to the di�culty of thenotion of the frequency domain of a given graph.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 44 / 46

Page 129: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Summary and Future Work


We developed multiscale basis dictionaries on graphs and networks:HGLET and GHWT. We also developed a corresponding best-basisalgorithm.The HGLET is a direct generalization of Hierarchical Block Discrete

Cosine Transforms originally developed for regularly-sampled signalsand images.The GHWT is a generalization of the Haar Transform and theWalsh-Hadamard Transform.Both of these transforms allow us to choose an orthonormal basismost suitable for the task at hand, e.g., approximation, classi�cation,regression, . . .They may also be useful for regularly-sampled signals, e.g., can dealwith signals of non-dyadic length; adaptive segmentation, . . .Developing a true generalization of smoother wavelet and waveletpacket transforms is more challenging due to the di�culty of thenotion of the frequency domain of a given graph.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 44 / 46

Page 130: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Summary and Future Work


We developed multiscale basis dictionaries on graphs and networks:HGLET and GHWT. We also developed a corresponding best-basisalgorithm.The HGLET is a direct generalization of Hierarchical Block Discrete

Cosine Transforms originally developed for regularly-sampled signalsand images.The GHWT is a generalization of the Haar Transform and theWalsh-Hadamard Transform.Both of these transforms allow us to choose an orthonormal basismost suitable for the task at hand, e.g., approximation, classi�cation,regression, . . .They may also be useful for regularly-sampled signals, e.g., can dealwith signals of non-dyadic length; adaptive segmentation, . . .Developing a true generalization of smoother wavelet and waveletpacket transforms is more challenging due to the di�culty of thenotion of the frequency domain of a given graph.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 44 / 46

Page 131: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Summary and Future Work


We developed multiscale basis dictionaries on graphs and networks:HGLET and GHWT. We also developed a corresponding best-basisalgorithm.The HGLET is a direct generalization of Hierarchical Block Discrete

Cosine Transforms originally developed for regularly-sampled signalsand images.The GHWT is a generalization of the Haar Transform and theWalsh-Hadamard Transform.Both of these transforms allow us to choose an orthonormal basismost suitable for the task at hand, e.g., approximation, classi�cation,regression, . . .They may also be useful for regularly-sampled signals, e.g., can dealwith signals of non-dyadic length; adaptive segmentation, . . .Developing a true generalization of smoother wavelet and waveletpacket transforms is more challenging due to the di�culty of thenotion of the frequency domain of a given graph.

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Page 132: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Summary and Future Work

Future Work

Perform classi�cation experiments and compare the results usingHGLET and GHWT.

Explore other methods for graph partitioning:

Allow for splitting of a region into an arbitrary number of subregions;Consider a bottom-up clustering method, rather than a top-downpartitioning method;Incorporate the di�use interface model and the minimization of theGinsburg-Landau functional proposed by Bertozzi and Flenner (2012).

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 45 / 46

Page 133: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

Summary and Future Work

Future Work

Perform classi�cation experiments and compare the results usingHGLET and GHWT.

Explore other methods for graph partitioning:

Allow for splitting of a region into an arbitrary number of subregions;Consider a bottom-up clustering method, rather than a top-downpartitioning method;Incorporate the di�use interface model and the minimization of theGinsburg-Landau functional proposed by Bertozzi and Flenner (2012).

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Page 134: The Hierarchical Graph Laplacian Eigen Transform

References & Acknowledgments

References & Acknowledgmentshttp://www.math.ucdavis.edu/�saito/courses/HarmGraph/ contains my course

slides and useful information on �Harmonic Analysis on Graphs and Networks�

Also visit http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/�saito/publications/ for various related

publications including:

N. Saito: �Data analysis and representation using eigenfunctions of Laplacianon a general domain,� Applied & Computational Harmonic Analysis, vol. 25,no. 1, pp. 68�97, 2008.N. Saito & E. Woei: �Analysis of neuronal dendrite patterns using eigenvaluesof graph Laplacians,� Japan SIAM Letters, vol. 1, pp. 13�16, 2009.Y. Nakatsukasa, N. Saito, & E. Woei: �Mysteries around graph Laplacianeigenvalue 4,� Linear Algebra & Its Applications, vol. 438, no. 8, pp.3231�3246, 2013.

J. Irion & N. Saito: �Hierarchical graph Laplacian eigen transforms,� Japan

SIAM Letters, to appear, 2014.

This research was partially supported by the grants receivedfrom the O�ce of Naval Research and the National DefenseScience and Engineering Graduate Fellowship.

[email protected] (UC Davis) Graph Laplacian Eigen Transforms Jan. 15, 2014 46 / 46