Comp. by: NJayamalathiProof0000876237 Date:20/11/08 Time:10:08:14 Stage:First Proof File Path://spiina1001z/Womat/Production/PRODENV/0000000001/0000011393/0000000016/ 0000876237.3D Proof by: QC by: ProjectAcronym:BS:FINGER Volume:02133 Chapter 33 The history of movement disorders DOUGLAS J. LANSKA * Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Tomah, WI, USA, and University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI, USA THE BASAL GANGLIA AND DISORDERS OF MOVEMENT Distinction between cortex, white matter, and subcortical nuclei The distinction between cortex, white matter, and sub- cortical nuclei was appreciated by Andreas Vesalius (1514–1564) and Francisco Piccolomini (1520–1604) in the 16th century (Vesalius, 1542; Piccolomini, 1630; Goetz et al., 2001a), and a century later British physician Thomas Willis (1621–1675) implicated the corpus stria- tum in motor function: “When I opened a number of cadavers of patients who had died from a long paralysis ... I always found the striate bodies more softened than any other part; also discolored like the dregs in an olive press, and the striae much obliterated” (Willis, 1664 Au1 , as cited in Schiller, 1967, p. 526). Later Willis elaborated: “[When] the Animal Spirits ... direct themselves thence into the Corpora Striata, and origins of the Nerves, they actuate all the moving parts, and as often as there is occasion, convey to them the Instincts of setting upon motions” (Willis, 1685, p. 413). Willis’ concept that the corpus striatum is the seat of motor power was pre-eminent for approximately 200 years, and this misconception later formed the basis of mid-19th-century localizations of several movement dis- orders to the striatum. Thus, for example, striatal dys- function was implicated in chorea by British physician William Broadbent (1835–1907) (Broadbent, 1869) and British neurologist John Hughlings Jackson (1835–1911) (Jackson, 1868/1932/1996, p. 238), and in athetosis by American neurologist William Hammond (1828–1900) (Hammond, 1871)–localizations that would prove essentially correct, though somewhat seredipitously. It was only with electrophysiologic stimulation studies by German physiologists Gustav Fritsch (1838–1927) and Eduard Hitzig (1838–1907) on the cerebral cortex of dogs (Fritsch and Hitzig, 1870/1960), British physiologist David Ferrier’s (1843–1928) stimulation and ablation experiments on rabbits, cats, dogs and primates begun in 1873 (Ferrier, 1876), and Jackson’s careful clinical and clinical-pathologic studies in people (late 1860s and early 1870s) that the role of the motor cortex was appreciated, so that by 1876 Jackson could consider the “motor centers in Hitzig and Ferrier’s region ... higher in degree of evolution that the corpus striatum” (Jackson, 1876/1932/1996, vol. 1, pp. 150–151). By the late 19th century a number of movement dis- orders were fairly well described clinically, including several forms of tremor, Parkinson’s disease, Syden- ham’s chorea, Huntington’s chorea, post-hemiplegic choreoathetosis, several forms of dystonia (including writer’s cramp, torticollis, and dystonia musculorum deformans), and Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome. These disorders were puzzling, though, because in most cases pathologic studies had yet to identify a clear pathologic correlate of the clinical disease. In 1888, in his classic text, A Manual of Diseases of the Nervous System, British neurologist William Gowers (1845–1915) was not sure how to classify such movement disorders and lumped them under “general and functional diseases of the nervous system,” noting that in general there were no constant changes to be seen [in the brain] with the naked eye ... but microscopical changes have been discovered in some of them with sufficient frequency to make it certain that there is far more than a mere disturbance of function, and it cannot be doubted that most of these maladies depend upon alteration in the nutrition of the nerve-ele- ments, although these may not yet have been * Correspondence to: Douglas J. Lanska MD, VA Medical Center, 500 E Veterans St., Tomah, WI 54660, USA. E-mail: [email protected], Tel: +1-608-372-1772, Fax: +1-608-372-1240. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 95 (3rd series) History of Neurology S. Finger, F. Boller, K.L. Tyler, Editors # 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

The history of movement disorders...By the late 19th century a number of movement dis-orders were fairly well described clinically, including several forms of tremor, Parkinson’s

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Page 1: The history of movement disorders...By the late 19th century a number of movement dis-orders were fairly well described clinically, including several forms of tremor, Parkinson’s

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Chapter 33

The history of movement disorders


Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Tomah, WI, USA, andUniversity of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI, USA


Distinction between cortex, white matter,and subcortical nuclei

The distinction between cortex, white matter, and sub-cortical nuclei was appreciated by Andreas Vesalius(1514–1564) and Francisco Piccolomini (1520–1604) inthe 16th century (Vesalius, 1542; Piccolomini, 1630;Goetz et al., 2001a), and a century later British physicianThomas Willis (1621–1675) implicated the corpus stria-tum in motor function: “When I opened a number ofcadavers of patients who had died from a long paralysis. . . I always found the striate bodies more softened thanany other part; also discolored like the dregs in an olivepress, and the striae much obliterated” (Willis, 1664Au1 , ascited in Schiller, 1967, p. 526). Later Willis elaborated:“[When] the Animal Spirits . . . direct themselves thenceinto the Corpora Striata, and origins of the Nerves, theyactuate all the moving parts, and as often as there isoccasion, convey to them the Instincts of setting uponmotions” (Willis, 1685, p. 413).

Willis’ concept that the corpus striatum is the seat ofmotor power was pre-eminent for approximately 200years, and this misconception later formed the basis ofmid-19th-century localizations of several movement dis-orders to the striatum. Thus, for example, striatal dys-function was implicated in chorea by British physicianWilliam Broadbent (1835–1907) (Broadbent, 1869) andBritish neurologist John Hughlings Jackson (1835–1911)(Jackson, 1868/1932/1996, p. 238), and in athetosis byAmerican neurologist William Hammond (1828–1900)(Hammond, 1871)–localizations that would proveessentially correct, though somewhat seredipitously. Itwas only with electrophysiologic stimulation studies byGerman physiologists Gustav Fritsch (1838–1927) and

EduardHitzig (1838–1907) on the cerebral cortex of dogs(Fritsch and Hitzig, 1870/1960), British physiologistDavid Ferrier’s (1843–1928) stimulation and ablationexperiments on rabbits, cats, dogs and primates begunin 1873 (Ferrier, 1876), and Jackson’s careful clinicaland clinical-pathologic studies in people (late 1860sand early 1870s) that the role of the motor cortex wasappreciated, so that by 1876 Jackson could consider the“motor centers in Hitzig and Ferrier’s region . . . higherin degree of evolution that the corpus striatum”(Jackson, 1876/1932/1996, vol. 1, pp. 150–151).

By the late 19th century a number of movement dis-orders were fairly well described clinically, includingseveral forms of tremor, Parkinson’s disease, Syden-ham’s chorea, Huntington’s chorea, post-hemiplegicchoreoathetosis, several forms of dystonia (includingwriter’s cramp, torticollis, and dystonia musculorumdeformans), and Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome.These disorders were puzzling, though, because inmost cases pathologic studies had yet to identify aclear pathologic correlate of the clinical disease.

In 1888, in his classic text, A Manual of Diseases ofthe Nervous System, British neurologist WilliamGowers (1845–1915) was not sure how to classify suchmovement disorders and lumped them under “generaland functional diseases of the nervous system,” notingthat in general there were

no constant changes to be seen [in the brain] withthe naked eye . . . but microscopical changes havebeen discovered in some of them with sufficientfrequency to make it certain that there is far morethan a mere disturbance of function, and it cannotbe doubted that most of these maladies dependupon alteration in the nutrition of the nerve-ele-ments, although these may not yet have been

*Correspondence to: Douglas J. Lanska MD, VA Medical Center, 500 E Veterans St., Tomah, WI 54660, USA. E-mail:[email protected], Tel: +1-608-372-1772, Fax: +1-608-372-1240.

Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 95 (3rd series)History of NeurologyS. Finger, F. Boller, K.L. Tyler, Editors# 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Page 2: The history of movement disorders...By the late 19th century a number of movement dis-orders were fairly well described clinically, including several forms of tremor, Parkinson’s

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found, and perhaps cannot be detected withoutmore means of investigation that we at presentpossess. (Gowers, 1888, p. 547)

Seventy years later, Canadian neurologist Andre Bar-beau (1931–1986) noted progress and offered hope,but was frustrated with the limited understanding ofetiology and pathophysiology as well as the inadequa-cies of available treatments for movement disorders:

But what of the results? Many are improved thata few years ago would have been miserable,many are permitted a more active life and areforever grateful . . . but none are cured! Thecause and exact pathology of the various dis-eases grouped under the extra pyramidal systemremain mysteries almost as deep as in thedays of Sydenham and Parkinson. Many clinicalvarieties have been observed, many pathologicalstudies carried out, but the suffering humanitystill goes on twisting, shaking, writhing, jumpingand jerking when it does not want to. (Barbeau,1958, pp. 486–487)

Models of basal ganglia function

Dramatic and rapid progress is now being made inunderstanding how the basal ganglia function toinfluence movement; how various structural, neuro-chemical, and other derangements of basal gangliacircuits produce different movement disorders; andhow pharmacological and surgical treatments act tocorrect or improve some of the features of movementdisorders. In particular, since the late 1980s a series ofincreasingly sophisticated conceptual models of basalganglia function (e.g., Alexander and DeLong, 1986;Albin et al., 1989b; DeLong, 1990; Bergman et al.,1990; Wichmann and DeLong, 1998; Mink, 2003),supported and guided by experiments with animal modelsof disease and by clinical experience with human patients(e.g., Smith and Parent, 1988; Albin et al., 1989a; Bergmanet al., 1990, 1994), have provided sufficient insight intodisease mechanisms to guide the development of novelpharmacological and surgical therapies, particularlypallidotomy and deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’sdisease, but also somewhat for other forms of movementdisorders. They have also served to guide research effortswith animal models or with human subjects (with sophisti-cated neuroimaging or during surgery) that have helpedto elaborate or correct portions of these models.

These models of basal ganglia function initiallyfocused particularly on the balance of firing rates (ratherthan temporal or spatial pattern of firing) in various basalganglia nuclei or projection systems. By 1990, the motorportion of the basal ganglia-thalamocortical circuits was

felt to represent “a re-entrant pathway through whichinfluences emanating from specific areas of cortex arereturned to certain of those same areas after intermediateprocessing within the basal ganglia and thalamus”(DeLong, 1990, p. 281). Cortical and nigral projections(i.e., input) to the basal ganglia motor circuit terminateprimarily in the putamen, whereas motor output fromthe basal ganglia is directed primarily from the internalsegment of the globus pallidus to the thalamus (ventraltier and mediodorsal nuclei) and to the substantia nigrapars reticulate in the brainstem. Within the basal gangliaare two important projection systems: a “direct pathway”from the putamen directly to the motor portions of theinternal segment of the globus pallidus and the pars reti-culate of the substantia nigra; and an “indirect pathway”passing from the putamen through intermediate nuclei(i.e., sequentially the external segment of the globus palli-dus and then the subthalamic nucleus) before being direc-ted to the basal ganglia output nuclei (i.e., the internalsegment of the globus pallidus).

DeLong (1990, p. 281) and others proposed that “thedirect pathway effectively provides positive feedback tothe precentral motor fields, . . . [whereas] activity con-ducted along the indirect pathway appears to providenegative feedback to the precentral motor fields . . .Thus, in general it appears that enhanced conductionthrough the indirect pathway leads to hypokinesia (byincreasing pallidothalamic inhibition), whereas reducedconduction through the direct pathway results in hyper-kinesias (by reduction of pallidothalamic inhibition).” Ina later synthesis, Wichman and DeLong (1998, p. 225)concluded that “In general, hypokinetic disorders suchas Parkinson’s disease are associated with increasedbasal ganglia output, whereas hyperkinetic movementdisorders such as Huntington’s disease are associatedwith decreased output.”

While helpful, even the modelers themselves soonrecognized that “these models are only a first draftof basal ganglia function under normal and diseasedconditions” (Wichman and DeLong, 1998, p. 232), withsignificant residual discrepancies and inadequacies thatawait resolution (Wichman and DeLong, 1998; Obesoet al., 2000). For example, these models essentiallyconsidered all hyperkinetic movement disorders toresult from a reduction of inhibitory basal ganglia out-put, particularly to the thalamus, and as such wereunable to adequately explain how different forms ofhyperkinetic movements occur (Mink, 2003). Thesemodels also left many other observations unexplained,including the lack of dyskinesias after pallidotomy,lack of parkinsonism after thalamotomy, failure oflesions of the external segment of the globus pallidusto abolish drug-induced dyskinesias (Wichman andDeLong, 1998), and failure to explain why different


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clinical features of movements disorders (e.g., tremor,rigidity, bradykinesia, gait dysfunction, and posturalinstability in Parkinson’s disease) present to differentdegrees in some patients or respond differently topharmacological or surgical procedures (Obeso et al.,2000). More complex models that address some ofthe earlier model deficiencies have subsequently beenproposed (Mink, 2003), but remain largely untestedand have had limited application to treatment.


Distinction of rest and action tremors

In the second century, Galen (c. 130–200 AD) used theterm tremor to refer to “involuntary alternating up-and-down motion of the limbs,” occurring during action andresulting frompartial “weakness of the force that supportsand moves the body” (Sider and McVaugh, 1979; Koehlerand Keyser, 1997). Galen distringuished tremor from pal-pitation, an “unnatural expansion and collapse” occurringat rest (Sider and McVaugh, 1979; Koehler and Keyser,1997). Later, in the 17th and 18th centuries, Franciscus dela Boe (Sylvius; 1614–1672), Gerard van Sweiten (1700–1772), and others further distinguished involuntary move-ments during action and at rest (de la Boe, 1663; Molina-Negro and Hardy, 1975; Koehler and Keyser, 1997).

British physician James Parkinson (1755–1824) pro-vided the first clear clinical description of a specificrest tremor in his treatise on the “shaking palsy” in1817 (Parkinson, 1817). His report received some, albeitlimited, recognition (Schiller, 1986; Keppel Hesselink,1996; Louis, 1997) until later in the 19th century, whenFrench neurologist Jean Martin Charcot (1825–1893)labeled the condition “Parkinson’s disease”, and distin-guished the tremor of Parkinson’s disease from thekinetic “intentional” (intention) tremor seen in multiplesclerosis (Charcot and Vulpian, 1861; Charcot, 1877b,1887/1987, 1889; Goetz, 1986; Schiller, 1986; Goetzet al., 1995, 2001b, 2001f; Keppel Hesselink, 1996;Lanska, 2000b). Charcot noted that in patients withmultiple sclerosis tremor is not present at rest, but onlywith activity, and that the tremor amplitude increaseswith effort. In contrast, the tremor of Parkinson’s dis-ease is present both at rest and during activity, and theamplitude does not increase with action (Fig. 33.1).

The characteristics of different rest and actiontremors were more fully elaborated in the late-19thand 20th centuries by a number of authors using moresophisticated recording devices and other technologies(Fig. 33.2) (Lanska, 2000b). Although overlapping tremorfrequencies for different types of tremor precluded tre-mor recording devices from becoming a definitive

Fig. 33.1. Charcot’s semi-diagrammatic graphic representations of tremor based on tracings (Charcot, 1887, 1889): “No. 1 [topcurve] represents the intentional tremor of disseminated sclerosis (i.e., multiple sclerosis). The line AB indicates the state ofrepose. The point B represents the moment of commencing the voluntary movement; BC represents the duration of the movement,and the trembling is represented by the wavy line xyz, of which each oscillation is larger the farther we get from B . . . No. 2 in thefigure represents the tremors of paralysis agitans (i.e., Parkinson’s disease). You see at once on looking at this diagram how thetwo tracings differ in the portion BC. The segment under the line AB represents the time of repose. It is cut up by little wavescorresponding to the continuous trembling. At point B voluntary movement commences. From this point the components ofthe wavy line xyz are a little longer and more irregular than in the period of repose, but they are never so much so as in disse-minated sclerosis” (Charcot, 1889). Charcot’s graphical recording method, upon which this diagram was based, is not described,but in other circumstances he relied on various pneumatic tambour-like mechanisms (Charcot, 1877a, 1889).


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diagnostic tool, graphical recordings did allow 19th-century investigators to demonstrate: (1) tremor fre-quency varies as a function of weight and elastic prop-erties in different body parts; (2) tremor amplitude andfrequency are inversely related; and (3) the tremor ofParkinson’s disease is a relatively low frequency resttremor, suppressed by action, and generally synchro-nous in symmetric body parts, but varying in amplitudeand frequency over time (EschnerAu2 , 1897; Lanska,2000b; Lanska et al., 2001a). (Fig. 33.2)

Physiologic tremor

As early as 1610, Italian physicist and astronomer GalileoGalilei (1564–1642) recognized that cardioballistic andrespiratory movements contributed to the shaking of themagnified image in a hand-held telescope: “. . . the instru-mentmust be held firm, and hence it is good, to escape theshaking of the hand that arises frommotion in the arteriesand from breathing, to fix the tube in some stableplace . . .” (Galilei, 1610/1978, p. 147). In 1897, American

physician Augustus Eschner (1862–1949) offered severalways of demonstrating physiologic tremor in healthyindividuals, including holding a glass of water and view-ing the surface, or using a mechanical recording appara-tus. Eschner Au3(1897, p. 306) noted that: “[Small amplitudephysiologic tremors should be expected] . . . as everymuscular movement is made up of a series of alternatecontractions and relaxations, occurring ordinarily withsuch frequency as to escape detection with the unaidedeye.” Eschner considered uneven integration of individualmuscle twitches to be the basis of physiologic tremor, buthe ignored other possible components, including rhythmicbursts of discharges from central generators, oscillatoryfeedback systems, resonant properties of the movingparts, postural adjustments, and cardioballistic andrespiratory movements (Lanska, 2000b).

Essential tremor

In the late-19th century, physicians began to recognizefamilial forms of postural action tremors. In 1887,

Fig. 33.2. American physician Augustus Eshner used a tambour recording apparatus for some studies, including those requir-ing “simultaneous observations of the two sides of the body or of two or more different parts” (A) (EschnerAu87 , 1897). For exam-ple (B), the use of two tambours allowed simultaneous recording from both hands in a patient with Parkinson’s disease (uppercurve is the left hand, lower curve is the right hand, and middle line marks time in seconds); the tracings demonstrate a syn-chronous tremor in the two hands at about 5.5 hertz. Eschner was also able to demonstrate (C) suppression of a rest tremor withaction (i.e., finger extension) in a patient with Parkinson’s disease (left portion of the tracing shows a tremor at rest and the farright portion without tremor is during action). Prior to action, the tremor had a frequency of approximately 4.7 hertz. The tra-cings in B and C are the negatives of the originals made on smoked paper.


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American neurologist Charles Dana (1852–1935)described a familial postural tremor:

The affection in question consists of a fine tre-mor, constantly present in typical cases duringwaking hours, voluntarily controlled for a brieftime, affecting nearly all the voluntary muscles,chronic, beginning at very early life, not pro-gressive, not shortening life, not accompaniedwith paralysis or any other disturbances ofnervous function . . . It begins in infancy or child-hood, sometimes being brought out by an infec-tious fever . . . . The upper extremities are mostnoticeably affected, but it may involve the head,neck, eye, laryngeal, or, in fine, any of the volun-tary muscles. It ceases during sleep, and can beinhibited temporarily by the will. Everything thatproduces excitement or nervousness increasesthe tremor. It may be barely noticeable, exceptunder some excitement, or the influence of alco-hol or tobacco. It does not interfere with delicatecoordination. It neither stops nor increases onordinary voluntary movements. (Dana, 1887,pp. 386–387, 392)

Although Dana’s description of familial tremor hasgenerally been accepted as an early description of her-editary essential tremor, the condition (1) reportedlyincreased under the influence of alcohol; (2) did notinterfere with fine manual tasks; and (3) was not likelyhereditary given the large reported pedigree, withalmost all individuals affected (e.g., with 41 of 42 indi-viduals in two successive generations affected, andwith the sole exception an obligate carrier under anautosomal dominant mode of hereditary transmission)(Lanska, 2002).

There was considerable interest in hereditary neurolo-gic disorders in the late-19th century, especially follow-ing Friedreich’s (1863) work on hereditary ataxia, andHuntington’s (1872) report of hereditary chorea. Yetthere was no understanding at this time of Mendeliangenetics, and most investigators considered any familialdisorder as “hereditary.” Hereditary conditions were notunderstood in anything resembling the modern senseuntil Mendel’s laws were simultaneously rediscoveredand made known by DeVries, Correns, and Tschermakvon Seyenegg in 1900 (Mendel, 1865; Correns, 1900;De Vries, 1900; Tschermak von Seyenegg, 1900).

Multigenerational familial tremors having charac-teristics of autosomal dominant transmission wererecognized in the early-20th century (e.g., Mitchell,1903; Critchley, 1949), but clear recognition of autoso-mal dominant transmission of essential tremor did notoccur until the middle of the 20th century (Critchley,1949; Davis and Kunkle, 1951; Jager and King, 1955;

Larsson and Sjogren, 1960). Since the late 1990s, essen-tial tremor loci have been identified on several chromo-somes: 3q13 (familial essential tremor 1), 2p24.1(familial essential tremor 2), and 6p23. However, somepedigrees consistent with autosomal dominant essentialtremor have excluded known genetic loci as a cause,supporting genetic heterogeneity (Ma et al., 2006).Twin studies and segregation analysis have furthersuggested that essential tremor may require interactionof environmental and genetic factors (Louis et al.,2001; Au4Ma et al., 2006).

British neurologist MacDonald Critchley (1900–1997)noted that “Some patients find that a heavy dose of spir-its will temporarily check the tremor and this factor hasappeared only too often to have served as an excuse forhabits of intemperance” (Critchley, 1949, pp. 117–118).Davis and Kunkle (1951, p. 815) similarly reported,“Treatment with Phenobarbital apparently offers somesymptomatic benefit, but this may be largely nonspeci-fic, i.e., without altering the basic mechanism of the tre-mor. Although alcohol has been found beneficial bysome patients, its prescribed use is unwarranted, for thismay lead to excessive drinking.”

Beneficial effects of propranolol were documentedin the 1970s (Dupont et al., 1973; Winkler and Young,1974) and the utility of primidone was documented inthe 1980s (O’Brien et al., 1981; Findley et al., 1985).These two medications remain the best available drugs(Zesiewicz et al., 2005), but surgery is increasinglyrecognized as efficacious for tremor refractory todrug therapy (Hassler and Reichert, 1954). Thalamot-omy is associated with significant potential complica-tions, particularly if performed bilaterally (Goldmanet al., 1992; Shahzadi et al., 1994; Au5Jancovic et al.,1995), so thalamic stimulation has been increasinglyused (Limousin et al., 1999; Pahwa et al., 1999; Schuur-man et al., 2000).


Parkinson’s disease is of fundamental importance to thehistory of movement disorders, because of its commonoccurrence, the dramatic progress that has been madein understanding and treating the condition, and theinsights this progress has provided for understandingthe anatomy and function of the basal ganglia.

Clinical description

The first clear clinical description of Parkinson’s dis-ease was the monograph titled An Essay on the Shak-ing Palsy by British general practitioner JamesParkinson in 1817 (Parkinson, 1817). Parkinson gave ashort account of six subjects, some of whom he hadnever examined, but only saw on the neighborhood


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streets or when making his medical rounds. He notedthe tremulous involuntary shaking at rest, the asym-metric onset, the slowed movements, the flexedposture, and the festinating gait:

Involuntary tremulous motion, with lessened mus-cular power, in parts not in action and even whensupported; with a propensity to bend the trunkforward, and to pass from a walking to a runningpace: the senses and intellects being unimpair-ed . . . The first symptoms perceived are, a slightsense of weakness, with a proneness to tremblingin some particular part; sometimes in the head,but most commonly in one of the hands andarms . . . [As] the malady proceeds . . . [the] pro-pensity to lean forward becomes invincible, andthe patient is thereby forced to step on the toesand fore part of the feet, whilst the upper partof the body is thrown so far forward as to renderit difficult to avoid falling on the face. In somecases, when this state of the malady is attained,the patient . . . [is] irresistibly impelled to takemuch quicker and shorter steps, and thereby toadopt unwillingly a running pace . . . The powerof conveying the food to the mouth is at lengthso much impeded that he is obliged to consentto be fed by others . . . As the disease proceedstowards its last stage, the trunk is almost perma-nently bowed, the muscular power is more decid-edly diminished, and the tremulous agitationbecomes violent. The patient walks now withgreat difficulty, and unable any longer to supporthimself with his stick, he dares not venture on thisexercise, unless assisted by an attendant . . . Hiswords are now scarcely intelligible; and he isnot only no longer able to feed himself, . . . thefood is with difficulty retained in the mouth untilmasticated; and then as difficultly swallowed.Now also . . . another very unpleasant circum-stance occurs: the saliva fails of being directedto the back part of the fauces, and hence is conti-nually draining from the mouth . . . As the debilityincreases and the influence of the will over themuscles fades away, the tremulous agitationbecomes more vehement . . . The chin is almostimmoveably bent down upon the sternum. Theslops with which he is attempted to be fed, withthe saliva, are continually trickling from themouth. The power of articulation is lost . . . [At]the last, constant sleepiness, with slight delirium,and other marks of extreme exhaustion, announcethe wished-for release. (Parkinson, 1817, pp. 1–9)

In his classroom lectures at the Salpetriere over 50years later, Jean-Martin Charcot lauded Parkinson’s

clear and succinct clinical descriptions and suggestedthe eponym of “Parkinson’s disease.” Charcot rejectedthe earlier designation of “paralysis agitans,” correctlynoting that Parkinson’s disease patients are notparticularly weak and do not necessarily have tremor(Charcot and Vulpian, 1861; Charcot, 1877b; Goetz,1986; Schiller, 1986; Goetz et al., 1995, 2001b; KeppelHesselink, 1996). Charcot distinguished bradykinesiaas a cardinal feature of the illness, separate from rigid-ity. Charcot and his students described the clinicalspectrum of this disease, noting both tremorous andrigid/akinetic forms. Charcot believed strongly thatParkinson’s disease patients have no head tremor, andthat any apparent tremor is a secondary oscillationresulting from trunk or extremity tremors. He demon-strated this with the use of a simple device: a headband to which was attached a long rod with a featherat the end: when patients with Parkinson’s disease sator stood, the feather oscillated prominently, but if thetrunk or arm was supported or moved, the head tremorimmediately ceased.

One of the best 19th-century descriptions ofParkinson’s disease was given by Gowers (1888)(Fig. 33.3), although he incorrectly reported weaknessas a feature of the disease:

Fig. 33.3. In 1888, British neurologist William Gowerspublished one of the best neurology textbooks of the 19th cen-tury, a two-volume textbook titled A Manual of Diseases ofthe Nervous System. Among the many excellent illustrationsand meticulous and vivid descriptions were those concerningthe clinical features of paralysis agitans (Parkinson’s disease).


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The aspect of the patient is very characteristic.The head is bent forward, and the expression ofthe face is anxious and fixed, unchanged byany play of emotion. The arms are slightly flexedat all joints from muscular rigidity, and (thehands especially) are in constant rhythmicalmovement, which continues when the limbs areat rest so far as the will is concerned. The tre-mor is usually more marked on one side thanthe other. Voluntary movements are performedslowly and with little power. The patient oftenwalks with short quick steps, leaning forwardas if about to run . . . The tremor is an alternat-ing contraction in opposing muscles, causing arhythmical movement of the parts to which theyare attached. It is usually greatest in the handsand fingers, partly from the contraction of theforearm-muscles, partly from that in the interos-sei; the latter causes a movement of the fingersat the metacarpo-phalangeal joints similar tothat by which Orientals beat their small drums.This movement may be chiefly in the thumb andforefinger, which may move as in the act of roll-ing a small object between their tips . . . Usuallythe head is free from tremor except such as maybe communicated to it from the distant oscilla-tion. It does not, however, always escape, assome [e.g., Charcot] have asserted . . . The greatcharacteristic of the tremor of paralysis agitansis, as Parkinson pointed out, that it continuesduring rest. The hands go on moving when theyare resting on the patient’s knee, and the legswhen he is sitting. A voluntary movement maystop the tremor for a few seconds, sometimesfor many, but it recommences and accompaniesthe movement . . . The loss of power varies muchin degree. At first slight, it gradually increases,and is usually greatest in the part in which thetremor developed first and most. The patientmay ultimately be unable even to move the indexof the dynamometer, or to rise from his seat. Butthe paralysis is never absolute, – some poweralways persists. Voluntary movement is not onlyfeeble; it is also slow . . . This seems to be, inpart at least, the result of muscular rigidity,which causes a resistance to passive movement.Another effect of the rigidity is to impress cer-tain characteristic postures on the limbs. Theseare determined by the fact that the rigidity pre-ponderates in certain muscles, chiefly the flex-ors. The arms are flexed at the elbow-joints,sometimes slightly, sometimes almost at a rightangle. The wrists are usually slightly extended.The position of the fingers varies . . . often they

are flexed at the metacarpo-phalangeal jointsand extended at the others, from preponderantcontraction of the interossei . . . (Gowers, 1888,pp. 591–597)


In 1893, Blocq and Marinescu reported a 38-year-oldwoman with hemiparetic parkinonism who was foundat autopsy to have a tuberculoma of the right cerebralpeduncle that had destroyed the substantia nigra (Blocqand Marinescu, 1893).Brissaud (1895) relied heavily onthis case when suggesting that the substantia nigramight be the site of the lesion in Parkinson’s disease.In 1912 and 1913, Freiderich (or Fritz or later Frederic)Lewy (later spelled Lewey; 1885–1950) described ser-pentine or elongated eosinophilic intracytoplasmicKugeln (i.e., “balls”) in the dorsal motor nucleus ofthe vagus nerve and in the substantia innominata ofpatients with Parkinson’s disease (Lewy, 1913; Sweeneyet al., 1997; Schiller, 2000; Holdorff, 2002).

In 1919, Tretiakoff first described the presence ofthese corps de Lewy (i.e., “Lewy bodies”), as hereferred to them, in the substantia nigra, and proposedthat they represented a pathology specific to Parkin-son’s disease (Tretiakoff, 1919, 1921). Tretiakoff stu-died the substantia nigra in nine cases of Parkinson’sdisease, one case of hemiparkinsonism, and three casesof postencephalitic parkinsonism, and found patholo-gic changes (i.e., depigmentation, neuronal loss, andgliosis) in the substantia nigra in all of them. Subse-quently some investigators confirmed nigral pathologyin Parkinson’s disease, while the Vogts and otherauthorities instead emphasized pathological changesin the striatum (Vogt and Vogt, 1920). In 1938, Hasslerfound that some cell groups within the zona compactaof the substantia nigra were severely affected (Hassler,1938). In 1953, Greenfield and Bosanquet at theNational Hospital, Queen Square, London, providedthe most complete pathologic analysis of Parkinson’sdisease, confirmed the selective loss of the ventrolat-eral cell groups within the zona compacta of the sub-stantia nigra, and emphasized the nigral lesion andthe Lewy body as features of Parkinson’s disease(Greenfield and Bosanquet, 1953; Goetz et al., 2001b).

Empiric pharmacotherapy withanticholinergic alkaloids

Belladona alkaloids were empirically identified as help-ful in Parkinson’s disease in the latter half of the 19thcentury. Charcot noted that the anticholinergic alkaloidhyoscyamine (the levorotatory form of atropine) wasmodestly beneficial for the tremor of Parkinson’s


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disease, as reported in the doctoral thesis of hisGerman student Ordenstein in 1867 (Foley, 2003). In1887, Wilhelm Erb successfully introduced scopolamine(initially somewhat confusingly called “hyoscine”)(Foley, 2003). Similar preparations were used forgenerations with at best modest success. Syntheticcentrally-acting anticholinergic medications were intro-duced in the 1950s and were soon adopted because theywere associated with fewer systemic side effects(Corbin, 1949; Dorshay and Constable, 1949).

Surgical treatment

Because of the inadequacies of available pharma-cotherapies, various neurosurgical approaches werealso tried to address Parkinson’s disease and othermovement disorders, beginning very crudely at theend of the 19th century and expanding into a moremodern approach in the 1930s through the 1960s. Initi-ally neurosurgeons focused on lesioning the corticosp-inal pathways, but such efforts merely traded tremorand bradykinesia for paralysis.

Beginning around 1939, Meyers examined theeffects of lesions in the caudate nucleus, globus palli-dus, and ansa lenticularis, demonstrating that parkinso-nian tremor and rigidity could be improved surgicallywithout impairing consciousness or producing weak-ness or spasticity, although the surgical morbidity andmorbidityAu6 were prohibitively high (Meyers, 1940).Stereotactic techniques were introduced into humanneurosurgery in 1947 (Spiegel et al., 1947), and begin-ning in the 1950s stereotactic lesions to treat the symp-toms of Parkinson’s disease were made variously in theventrolateral thalamus, globus pallidus, and the emer-ging ansa lenticular fibers, although by the early1960s most surgeons were lesioning only the thalamus(Gildenberg, 1998). However, by the end of the 1960s,neurosurgical approaches to the treatment of Parkin-son’s disease were suddenly eclipsed and largely aban-doned with the general availability of L-DOPA.

With the general availability of computed tomogra-phy in the 1980s, and with growing recognition of thelimitations of medical treatments, earlier stereotacticneurosurgical ablation procedures were revisited andimproved, particularly stereotactic pallidotomy (Laitinenet al., 1992a, b; Gildenberg, 1998; Speelman and Bosch,1998).

Since the late 1980s, an important role of the subtha-lamic nucleus in Parkinson’s disease has been identified,allowing targeted therapies that modulate subthalamicnucleus activity to be effectively used for Parkinson’sdisease (Smith and Parent, 1988; Guridi and Obeso,2001; Hamani et al., 2003; Hameleers et al., 2006); initialbeneficial results in animal models (Bergman et al.,

1990; Aziz et al., 1991; Benazzous Au7et al., 1993) were sub-sequently confirmed in humans with Parkinson’s disease(Limousin et al., 1995, 1998; Krack et al., 2003).

In 1987, Alim Louis Benabid, Pierre Pollak, andcolleagues at the University of Grenoble in Francepioneered the use of non-destructive and reversiblehigh-frequency electrical stimulation of deep brainnuclei with implanted electrodes (Benabid et al.,1987). This deep brain stimulation approach wasapplied first to the Vim (ventralis intermedius) nucleusof the thalamus and was found to be effective in con-trolling disabling tremor (Benabid et al., 1991, 1994;Siegfried, 1994; Siegfried and Lippitz, 1994). Deepbrain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus or thepars interna of the globus pallidus has fewer reportedadverse effects that ablative procedures, and has beenfound to be more globally effective than thalamotomyor thalamic stimulation in addressing rigidity, tremor,bradykinesia, motor fluctuations, and dyskinesias inpatients with Parkinson’s disease; nevertheless, deepbrain stimulation cannot prevent the progression ofParkinson’s disease, nor does it alleviate associatedproblems with cognition, speech, or balance.

Neurochemistry and the L-DOPA story

Important biochemical developments began in the1950s that paved the way for rational therapeutics,including the recognition by Montagu Au8(1957) that dopa-mine is present in the mammalian brain, the report byArvid Carlsson and colleagues that racemic DOPA(D,L 3-4 dihydroxyphenylalanine), a dopamine precur-sor, antagonizes the sedative and bradykinetic effectsof reserpine in rabbits and mice (Carlsson et al.,1957), and the demonstration that dopamine is loca-lized primarily within the neostriaum (Bertler andRosenberg Au9, 1959; Carlsson, 1959; Sano et al., 1959;Foley, 2000). Based on the distribution of dopaminein the brain with concentration in the basal ganglia,the production of parkinsonism and brain catechola-mine depletion by reserpine, and restoration of normalfunction by administration of the dopamine precursorDOPA, Carlsson and colleagues proposed that deple-tion of dopamine will induce parkinsonism and thattreatment with L-DOPA will reverse the syndrome byrestoring brain dopamine levels (Carlsson et al., 1959;Carlsson, 2003), work for which Carlsson Au10was laterawarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in2000 (Carlsson, 2003). In 1960, Degwitz and colleaguesdemonstrated that L-DOPA reversed the sedation ofreserpine in humans (Degwitz et al., 1960), confirmingCarlsson and colleagues’ earlier report in animals.In 1961, Ehringer and Hornykiewicz documented thedramatic loss of dopamine in the striatum of brains


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from patients dying with post-encephalitic and idio-pathic Parkinson’s disease (Ehringer and Hornykie-wicz, 1961Au11 ).

In 1962, following this series of neurochemical dis-coveries and especially with the understanding thatdopamine is depleted in the striatum, Birkmayer andHornykiewicz (1962Au12 ) reported dramatic reduction ofakinesia and improvement in speech and gait in Parkin-son’s disease patients using intravenous L-DOPA,and Barbeau et al. (1962) reported similar results withsmall oral doses of racemic DOPA. Birkmayer andHornykiewicz’s description of what they called the“L-DOPA-Effekt” still vividly conveys the dramaticimprovement observed:

The effect of a single i.v. administration ofL-DOPA was, in short, a complete abolition orsubstantial relief of akinesia. Bed-riddenpatients who were unable to sit up; patientswho could not stand up when seated; andpatients who when standing could not start walk-ing, performed after L-DOPA all these activitieswith ease. They walked around with normalassociated movements and they even could runand jump. The voiceless, aphonic speech,blurred by pallilalia and unclear articulation,became forceful and clear as in a normal per-son. For short periods of time the patients wereable to perform motor activities which couldnot be prompted to any comparable degree byany other drug. (Birkmayer and Hornykiewicz,1962Au13 ; Horniekiewicz, 2001, p. 859)

Unfortunately, subsequent reports of the efficacy ofDOPA were at best inconsistent—a small placebo-controlled trial demonstrated no convincing benefitfor L-DOPA treatment (McGreerAu14 and Zeldowitz,1964), and a double-blind trial found no significantdifference between L-DOPA and placebo (Fehling,1966) – so in short order the initially reported benefi-cial effects of DOPA were largely discounted. Withhindsight these negative results reflected a combina-tion of small doses of medication and problems ofstudy design (including very small sample sizes andinadequate controls).

Cotzias and colleagues nevertheless persevered withDOPA as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease and, in1967, reported the successful use of high-dose oral race-mic DOPA in an open trial (Cotzias et al., 1967). Usingdoses from 4 to 16 grams of racemicDOPAdaily, Cotziaset al. (1967, p. 375) noted “complete sustained disappear-ance or marked amelioration” of symptoms in half oftheir 16 patients, with a clear dose-response relationship,and with manageable side effects (transient nausea, faint-ness, occasional vomiting, and dyskinesias). Cotzias et al.

(1969) later showed that the benefits of L-DOPA are sus-tainable for extended periods, and side effects could bemanaged or prevented by slow dose escalation or withco-administration of a peripheral dopa-decarboxylaseinhibitor. These findings were later confirmed in double-blind trials with L-DOPA alone (Yahr et al., 1969) or incombination with a dopa-decarboxylase inhibitor (Calneet al., 1971). In 1975, Lloyd and colleagues showed thatdopamine levels in the striatum are an order ofmagnitudehigher in the striatum of Parkinson’s disease patients trea-tedwith L-DOPA than in untreated patients, are greater ingood responders than poor responders, and are related tothe time before death of the last dose (Lloyd et al., 1975).Subsequent progress has included development of long-acting levodopa preparations and inhibitors of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), the enzyme responsiblefor most of the peripheral degradation of L-DOPA.

Beginning in the mid-1960s, a previously unsus-pected nigrostriatal dopaminergic neuronal projectionwas demonstrated first in the rat (Anden et al., 1964,1965), and shortly thereafter unilateral lesions of thesubstantia nigra were shown to deplete striatal dopa-mine ipsilaterally in monkeys (Poirer and Sourkes,1965; Goldstein et al., 1966). The nigrostriatal projec-tion had escaped previous notice because the fiberswere too small and thinly myelinated to be shown byclassic histologic techniques. Degeneration of neuronsin the pars compacta of the substantia nigra in Parkin-son’s disease was then understood to cause depletionof striatal dopamine as a result of degeneration ofthe nigrostriatal projections, neatly explaining variouspathologic and neurochemical observations, and finallysettling the lingering controversy of whether it isthe substantia nigra or the striatum that is affected inParkinson’s disease (they both were!).

Dopamine agonists

Shortly after the advent of L-DOPA therapy for Par-kinson’s disease, it became apparent that chronic ther-apy was associated with development of motorfluctuations, dyskinesias, and loss of efficacy in somepatients. These changes were thought to be due in partto loss of the presynaptic pigmented neurons in thesubstantia nigra, which normally function to convertL-DOPA to dopamine, which is then transported andreleased onto post-synaptic receptors in the striatum.It was hoped that the limitations of L-DOPA mightbe overcome by development of dopamine agoniststhat could directly stimulate striatal neurons.

Apomorphine was the first dopamine agonist,synthesized from morphine in the 19th century. In1951, Schwab and colleagues noted that apomorphineinjection could cause a marked temporary improvement


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in Parkinson’s disease patients (Schwab et al., 1951), andin 1965 Ernst recognized the structural similarity of apo-morphine and dopamine (Ernst, 1965). In 1970, in lightof the side effects increasingly recognized withL-DOPA, Cotzias and colleagues re-evaluated apomor-phine in Parkinson’s disease and reported significantanti-parkinsonian effects (Cotzias et al., 1970), but toxi-city and the need for parenteral administration limitedits usefulness. Later attempts with oral apomorphine(Cotzias et al., 1976) were also abandoned, because ofthe development of dose-dependent azotemia withlong-term therapy. Only recently has apomorphine beenrevisited in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

Most subsequent dopamine agonists were syntheticderivatives of ergot, the first of which was bromocrip-tine. In the late 1960s, bromocriptine was originallytested in humans as a potential prolactin inhibitor. Sub-sequently, dopamine was found to be an inhibitor ofprolactin release, and bromocriptine was found to havedopaminergic properties in rats (Corrodi et al., 1973).In 1974, Calne and colleagues reported the beneficialeffects of bromocriptine in Parkinson’s disease in adouble-blind trial (Calne et al., 1974). Patients with severedyskinesia or motor fluctuations benefited from addingbromocriptine while reducing the dose of L-DOPA.

Kebabian and Calne (1979) later used the pharmacolo-gic properties of bromocriptine to propose that there areat least two kinds of dopamine receptors, termed D1andD2, and that parkinsonism results at least in part frominadequate transmission at D2 receptors. These two typesof receptors are now known to exert their biologicalactions by coupling to and activating different molecularswitches called G-protein complexes, so named becausethey react with GTP in order to transduce extracellular“first messenger” signals identified by a specific extracel-lular receptor to amplified intracellular “second messen-ger” signals (Gilman, 1997; Rodbell, 1997): specificallyextracellular dopamine (the first messenger) acts on D1receptors (the discriminator) through aG-protein complex(the transducer) to activate adenylyl cyclase (the ampli-fier) and increase production of intracellular cAMP (thesecond messenger), whereas extracellular dopamine actson D2 receptors through a G-protein complex to inhibitadenylyl cyclase and decrease cAMP production.

Five types of dopamine receptors are now recog-nized: D1 and D5 receptors are members of the D1-likefamily of receptors, whereas D2, D3, and D4 receptorsare members of the D2-like family. These receptortypes have overlapping but distinct localizations withinthe central nervous system, but the D1 and D2 recep-tors are the predominant receptor types within thenigrostriatal system, and both are highly expressed inthe striatum (Lahti et al., 1995). The human genes forall of these receptor types have been cloned.

Genetics and molecular biology

Throughout much of the 20th century, Parkinson’s dis-ease was suspected to be a “non-genetic” disorder, in partbecause extended pedigrees of familial Parkinson’sdisease were not available, in part because exogenousfactors (e.g., neuroleptic medications and later MPTP)were identified that produced forms of parkinsonismclinically similar to that of Parkinson’s disease, and in parton the basis of twin studies that were interpreted asexcluding a significant genetic etiology for Parkinson’sdisease. However, by 1990 a re-evaluation, including ameta-analysis of twin studies, suggested that genetic fac-tors could be important to the pathogenesis of at leastsome forms of Parkinson’s disease (Johnson et al., 1990).

In 1990, Lawrence Golbe, Roger Duvoisin, andcolleagues reported an autosomal dominant form ofParkinson’s disease in two large kindreds originatingin the village of Contursi in the Salerno province ofItaly (Golbe et al., 1990); the disease in this kindredwas characterized by often early onset and rapid pro-gression, a lower frequency of tremor, responsivenessto L-DOPA, and pathologic findings typical of Parkin-son’s disease with Lewy bodies. In 1996, Mihael Poly-meropoulos and colleagues at the US NationalInstitutes of Health established linkage of Parkinson’sdisease in the Contursi kindred to chromosome 4q21-23 (Polymeropoulos et al., 1996), an area to which thealpha-synuclein gene had been mapped (Chen et al.,1995). Shortly thereafter, Polymeropoulos et al. (1997)showed that disease in this family and several Greekkindreds resulted from a mutation in the alpha-synu-clein gene (PARK1). Alpha-synuclein—a small proteinonly 144 amino acids long—had been recognized inhuman brains in the mid 1990s (Ueda et al., 1993; Cam-pion et al., 1995), and was known to be concentrated inpresynaptic nerve terminals (Jakes et al., 1994).

Following recognition that familial Parkinson’s dis-ease could result from mutations in the alpha-synucleingene, synuclein was rapidly shown to be the major fibril-lar component of Lewy bodies and Lewy neuritis in bothsporadic Parkinson’s disease and dementia with Lewybodies (Spillantini et al., 1997; Giasson et al., 2000). Sub-sequent studies have shown that mutated alpha-synu-clein does not fold properly, resists proteasomedegradation, and tends to form insoluble aggregates.Although mutations in the alpha-synuclein gene are veryrare and represent less than 1% of the worldwide burdenof Parkinson’s disease, these developments triggeredintense interest and rapid progress in understandingthe pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease.

In 1998, only a year after the discovery of the alpha-synuclein mutation, Japanese researches reportedmutations in a separate gene (PARK2) on chromosome


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6q25.2-q27, whose protein product was designated“parkin” (Kitada et al., 1998), in Japanese families withearly-onset parkinsonism segregating as an autosomalrecessive trait (Matsumine et al., 1997). Other pre-viously reported families with juvenile-onset parkin-sonism (Ishikawa and Miyatake, 1995), were also thenreported to have mutations in the PARK2 gene (Haya-shi et al., 2000). Patients affected by mutations inPARK2 were found to have a wide range in age ofonset, with slow progression, generally symmetricinvolvement, dystonia at onset, hyperreflexia, a goodresponse to L-DOPA, and dyskinesias during treatment(Lucking et al., 2000; Kann et al., 2002; Pramstalleret al., 2005). Some patients were later found to presentat an older age with clinical features indistinguishablefrom idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (Pramstaller et al.,2005). Although initially reported to lack Lewy bodies,subsequent studies have shown that alpha-synucleinpositive Lewy bodies can be present in the substantianigra and locus ceruleus of patients dying with parkin-associated parkinsonism (Pramstaller et al., 2005).Mutations in the PARK2 gene are now the mostfrequent known genetic cause of parkinsonism.

In 1998, Kitada and colleagues suggested that par-kin may interfere with ubiquitin-mediated proteindegradation and cause the death of nigral neurons(Kitada et al., 1998).

The ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic system had beenelucidated, beginning in the late 1970s, largely through theefforts of Aaron Ciechanover and Avram Hershko ofTechnion-Israel Institute of Technology and Irwin Roseof the University of California-Irvine, work for whichthe three received the 2004 Nobel Prize in chemistry (Cie-chanover, 2005; Hershko, 2005; Rose, 2005). In this “gar-bage disposal” system, a very small (76 amino acids long),highly evolutionarily conserved protein called ubiquitin isactivated by the ubiquitin-activating enzyme (E1), thentransferred to a ubiquitin-carrier protein called ubiqui-tin-conjugating enzyme (E2), which transfers the acti-vated ubiquitin to a ubiquitin-protein ligase (E3), whichin turn attaches the ubiquitin to a protein to be degraded.Repetitive conjugation of ubiquitin moieties produces apoly-ubiquitin chain, a tagging process dramaticallytermed “the kiss of death,” which marks the protein forrecognition by the proteasome, a molecular complex thatdigests proteins into short peptides and finally into aminoacids that are recycled for further protein synthesis.

In 2000, Shimura and colleagues reported that par-kin is indeed involved in protein degradation as an ubi-quitin-protein ligase (E3), a function lost in autosomalrecessive juvenile-onset parkinsonism (Shimura et al.,2000). The following year, Shimura et al. (2001)reported that a particular form of alpha-synuclein isa protein substrate for parkin, an important finding

linking these two Parkinson’s disease genes by the ubi-quitin-proteasome proteolytic system. Mutant parkinfails to attach ubiquitin to misfolded proteins, whichthen accumulate and cause cell death. Subsequentidentification of other genetic forms of parkinsonismhave reinforced the importance of this pathway in thepathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease.


In 1917 and 1918, Constantin von Economo (1876–1931)described the clinical and pathological findings of 13cases with an unusual encephalitic condition that hadoccurred during the winter of 1916–1917, often withprofound lethargy or stupor (von Economo, 1917, 1918 Au15):

It seems strange when sleep appears as a symp-tom of an illness. “Sleeping sickness” where thephenomenon of people falling asleep while eat-ing or working was first described in two casesin our clinic in Vienna in 1916. Usually head-ache, nausea, and fever were followed, oftenthe next day, by sleeping, frequently in a mostuncomfortable position. One can wake them,but in severe cases, coma can rapidly lead todeath. Malfunction of eye muscles, especiallyoculomotor dysfunction, and ptosis, was com-mon. (von Economo, 1918/2001 Au16, as translatedby Dickman, 2001, p. 1696)

He named the condition “encephalitis lethargic” andidentified three overlapping clinical subsets of theacute illness: somnolent-ophthalmoplegic, hyperkinetic,and amyostatic-akinetic. He documented the highlyvariable acute manifestations, which included sleep dis-turbances, lethargy, neuropsychiatric disorders (e.g.,catatonia, obsessive-compulsive disorder), oculomotorabnormalities, and various associated hypo- andhyper-kinetic movement disorders, including rigidity,akinesia, generalized and hemi-chorea, myoclonus,dystonia, opisthotonus, akathisia, and variably super-imposed oculogyric crises. Von Economo subsequentlystudied the evolution, natural history, and sequelae ofencephalitis lethargica over several years. He notedthat post-encephalitic parkinsonism could develop earlywith the amyostatic form, or up to several years afterapparently complete recovery from other forms ofacute encephalitis lethargica (von Economo, 1931). Inaddition, he emphasized the neuropathological fea-tures, including microscopic inflammatory changes,particularly in the grey matter of the midbrain tegmen-tum and the basal ganglia.

Encephalitis lethargica became a global pandemicaffecting more than one million people between


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approximately 1916 and 1925. As the epidemic of acuteencephalitis waned in the mid-1920s, numerous casesof post-encephalitic parkinsonism were identified, typi-cally with bradyphrenia, generalized rigidity, bent pos-ture, and unsteady gait, but usually without a pill-rolling tremor. Post-encephalitic parkinsonism caseswere identified even into the 1930s, but by that timethe nosologic distinction between idiopathic Parkin-son’s disease and post-encephalitic parkinsonism hadbecome confused. There have been no further epi-demics of encephalitis lethargica, although rare spora-dic cases continue to be reported.

The etiology of encephalitis lethargica remainsunknown. Although encephalitis lethargica and influ-enza both occurred in epidemics between 1918 and1923, the timing and extent of the outbreaks were dis-similar (Reid et al., 2001). Furthermore, recent studiesfailed to identify influenza RNA in archived encephali-tis lethargica brain specimens, and suggested that the1918 influenza virus was genetically incapable of neu-rotropic disease (McCall et al., 2001; Reid et al.,2001). Despite considerable effort, no neurotropicvirus has yet been implicated, and some have sug-gested that encephalitis lethargica was a post-infectiousautoimmune disorder similar to Sydenham’s chorea(Dale et al., 2003Au17 ).


Neuroleptic-induced parkinsonism andassociated movement disorders

In the 1950s and 1960s, shortly after the introductionof chlorpromazine and other related tranquilizers(“neuroleptics”) (Delay et al., 1952; Hamon et al.,1952; Lehman and Hanrahan, 1954), a variety ofimmediate and late (tardive) drug effects were recog-nized that included various abnormal involuntarymovements, including akathisia, tremor, akinesia, par-kinsonism, choreoathetosis, dystonia, and dyskinesias(Hall et al., 1956; Schonecker, 1957; Ayd, 1961; Faurbyeet al., 1964). Acute dystonia, akathisia, and drug-inducedparkinsonism – with prominent bradykinesia, and alsorigidity, postural instability, and tremor – were recog-nized in as many as 10–20% of patients (Freyhan, 1957;Ayd, 1961). Akathisia – a term coined by Haskovec(1901) to refer to individuals unable to remain seated asa result of hysteria or neurasthenia – was adopted tolabel features of motor restlessness occurring as aside effect of antipsychotic drugs (Steck, 1954; Kruse,1960; Ayd, 1961); although early descriptions describedmotor restlessness, later accounts emphasized a subjec-tive internal discomfort and a need to move to relievethis uncomfortable sensation (Chien et al., 1967; VanPutten, 1975).

Tardive dyskinesia – a term introduced by Faurbyeand colleagues in 1964 – was recognized as an involun-tary, repetitive, and choreic or stereotypic movementdisorder that persisted even after the offending drugwas stopped (Schonecker, 1957; Uhrbrand and Faurbye,1960; Faurbye et al., 1964); most prominent were invo-luntary patterned buccolingual masticatory movementswith lip smacking, puckering, chewing, tongue move-ments, grimacing, and other facial movements.


In 1982, Langston and colleagues identified a groupof drug addicts who had developed parkinsonismafter mistakenly self-injecting a toxin called MPTP(1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine), a reactionproduct of the illicit synthesis of a meperidine analogue(Langston et al., 1983; Langston and Palfeman Au18, 1995).The addicts rapidly developed permanent parkinsoniansigns, including tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity, andpostural instability. A similar case had been reportedin 1979, but the role of MPTP was not clarified at thattime, in part because administration of MPTP torats, rabbits, and guinea pigs failed to produce a motordeficit (Davis et al., 1979).

In 1983, Burns and colleagues demonstrated thatMPTP could induce parkinsonism in monkeys (Burnset al., 1983), with stooped posture, tremor, rigidity,and bradykinesia, which were reversed temporarily byadministration of L-DOPA. When the brains of thesemonkeys were examined they were found to have his-tologic similarity to Parkinson’s disease, with destruc-tion of neurons in the pars compacta of thesubstantia nigra and marked depletion of dopaminein the striatum (Mitchell et al., 1985; Forno et al.,1986). It was soon discovered that MPTP is convertedin vivo to MPP + (1-methyl-4-phenylpyridium) bymonoamine oxidase type B (Markey et al., 1984), aconversion that is necessary (although not sufficient)for manifestation of the toxic effects of MPTP in ani-mals. Pretreatment with monoamine oxidase inhibitorsprevented both the accumulation of MPP + and thetoxic effects of MPTP (Heikkila et al., 1984; Langstonet al., 1984; Markey et al., 1984). The discovery of theselective neurotoxic properties of MPTP established auseful animal model, greatly accelerated basicresearch, and supported theories that an environmentaltoxin could contribute to the multifactorial causes ofParkinson’s disease.


In addition to Parkinson’s disease, a number of otherneurodegenerative conditions have hypokinesia as amajor clinical feature. Separation of these conditions


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from Parkinson’s disease ultimately led to importantanatomical and physiological discoveries concerningbasal ganglia function (Goetz et al., 2001g).

Wilson’s disease

In 1911, British neurologist Kinnier Wilson (1878–1937)of the National Hospital, Queen Square, London, pre-sented a thesis entitled, “Progressive lenticular degen-eration: a familial nervous disease associated withcirrhosis of the liver” (Wilson, 1911). Wilson reviewedthe clinical and pathologic features of 12 cases, includ-ing four he had seen and studied himself, two from therecords of the National Hospital, and six previouslypublished. Wilson concluded:

Progressive lenticular degeneration may bedefined as a disease which occurs apparentlyonly in young people, which is often familial,but not congenital or hereditary; it is essentiallyand chiefly a disease of the extra-pyramidalmotor sysem, and is characterized by involun-tary movements, usually of the nature of tremor,dysarthria or anarthria, dysphagia, muscularweakness, spasticity or hypertonicity, and con-tractures, with progressive emaciation; withthese may be associated emotionalism and cer-tain symptoms of a mental nature. It is progres-sive and, after a longer or shorter period, fatal.Pathologically it is characterized predominantlyby bilateral degeneration of the lenticularnucleus, and in addition cirrhosis of the liver isconstantly found, the latter morbid conditionnot giving rise to symptoms during the lifetimeof the patient. (Wilson, 1912b, p. 1116)

Wilson’s thesis was awarded a gold medal by the Uni-versity of Edinburgh in 1911 (Wilson, 1911), and hisdefinitive publication of 213 pages in Brain in 1912occupied the entire issue (Wilson, 1912a). His findingswere also published in shorter accounts in several lan-guages (Wilson, 1912b, c, 1914). Though the first todescribe the condition in detail, Wilson acknowledgedearlier works by Westphal (1883) and Strumpel (1898)on “pseudosclerosis” (a 19th-century label for a clinicalcondition with tremor resembling that seen in multiplesclerosis but distinguished by the lack of ocular signs),and Gowers on familial “tetanoid chorea” (Gowers,1888), associated ultimately with cirrhosis of the liver(Gowers, 1906).

The full clinical spectrum of Wilson’s disease wasnot appreciated for many years. Unappreciated by Wil-son, in 1902 Bernard Kayser (1869–1954) had describedring-like deposition of greenish pigment in a patient suf-fering from pseudosclerosis (Kayser, 1902), a finding

reinforced by Bruno Fleischer (1874–1965) in 1903, whorecognized the ring as a marker for a neuropsychiatricdisorder associated with cirrhosis (Fleischer, 1903;Dening and Berrios, 1990). 1n 1916, Bramwell suggestedthat Wilson’s disease could present with liver pathology(Bramwell, 1916), a finding ultimately confirmed byUzman et al. (1956). By the early 1960s, it was clear thatwhile other tissues, including kidney and bone, couldalso be affected (Bearn, 1957), before puberty Wilson’sdisease generally presents with liver disease, whereasafter puberty neurological presentations are typical(Walshe, 1962).

Understanding that Wilson’s disease involveddeposition of copper in tissues developed over severaldecades in the early-20th century. In 1913, Rumpelreported excess hepatic copper in a patient dying ofWilson’s disease (Rumpel, 1913), and, in 1922, Siemer-ling and Oloff described the association of corneal pig-mentation (“Kayser-Fleischer rings”) with sunflowercataracts and noted the similarity of the cataracts tothose developing with a copper-containing foreignbody in the eye (Siemerling and Oloff, 1922), butunfortunately these findings were apparently over-looked (Walshe, 2006). Later, Vogt (1929), Haurowitz(1930), Glazebrook (1945), and others reported excesscopper in the brain or liver of patients dying of Wil-son’s disease. In 1948, in an influential paper, Cumings(1948) demonstrated excess copper in both the brainand the liver of patients with Wilson’s disease. In thelate 1940s, Holmberg and Laurell (1947, 1948) purifiedand characterized a blue copper-containing plasma gly-coprotein they called “caeruloplasmin” (from the Latincaeruleus, dark blue), which was demonstrated tohave reduced plasma concentrations in patients withWilson’s disease in the early 1950s (Bearn and Kunkel,1952; Scheinberg and Gitlin, 1952).

A genetic basis for Wilson’s disease was suggestedby Bramwell (1916) and by Hall (1921) (who also coinedthe term “hepatolenticular degeneration”), but theautosomal recessive mode of transmission was notestablished unequivocally until 1960 by Bearn (1960).The gene responsible for Wilson’s disease was mappedto chromosome 13 in 1985 (Frydman et al., 1985), and inthe early 1990s Wilson’s disease was found to be due tomutations in the ATP7B gene on the long arm of chro-mosome 13 (13q14.3), which codes for a 140-kD copper-transporting P-type ATPase (Bull et al., 1993; Petrukhinet al., 1993; Tanzi et al., 1993).

TheWilson’s disease gene has close homologywith theMenke’s disease geneATP7A, and is distinct from the locifor ceruloplasmin on chromosome 3 and the metallothio-nein cluster on chromosome 16. Loss of function ofthe Wilson’s disease gene product results in excessiveintracellular deposition of copper in hepatocytes, hepatic


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cellular necrosis, and leakage of copper into the plasma,from whence it is transported to and deposited in othertissues, including brain.

In 1948, Cumings suggested that British anti-lewisite(BAL) might be of value in removing copper from thebody and thereby in improving the prognosis of Wil-son’s disease (Cumings, 1948). BAL is a chelating agentdesigned during World War II as an antidote to thearsenical vesicant gas “lewisite,” which had been devel-oped during World War I (Vilensky et al., 2002;Walshe, 2006). By 1951, Cumings (1951) and DennyBrown and Porter (1951) reported clinical benefit fromBAL in patients with Wilson’s disease, even though thetreatment required repeated painful intramuscularinjections and was highly toxic.

Several therapies have superceded BAL in the treat-ment of Wilson’s disease. In 1956, Walshe suggestedthat penicillamine could be an effective orally adminis-tered chelator for copper (Walshe, 1956), a suggestionconfirmed by 1960 (Scheinberg and Sternlieb, 1960;Walshe, 1960). Penicillamine rapidly replaced BAL, butwithin a decade penicillamine was also found to produceseveral significant immunologically-induced side effects(Walshe, 1968), which led to continued efforts to findsafer alternatives (Walshe, 1982, 2003, 2006). In 1961,Schouwink demonstrated that orally-administered zinccould significantly reduce the absorption of copperfrom the gut (Schouwink, 1961), a finding which wasunpublished and initially largely unknown.

Zinc was later shown to be helpful in the long-termmanagement of Wilson’s disease patients (Hoogenraadet al., 1979, 1987; Brewer et al., 1983, 1998), although itmay not be adequate for initial therapy (Walshe, 2006).Zinc induces the synthesis of intestinal metallothionein,a metal-binding protein in the intestinal mucosa, whicheffectively binds copper in a complex that cannot besystemically absorbed, and is ultimately excreted inthe stool with desquamated intestinal epithelial cells.In 1982, Walshe introduced triethylene tetramine (Tri-entine) as a substitute chelator for patients intolerantof penicillamine (Walshe, 1982); triethylene tetramineis much safer than penicillamine and does not exhibitthe frequent hypersensitivity reactions seen with peni-cillamine. In the 1970s and 1980s, liver transplantationwas introduced and increasingly used for patients withhepatic failure (Groth et al., 1973; Sokol et al., 1985;Rothfus et al., 1988).

Multisystem atrophy(olivo-ponto-cerebellar degeneration)

For decades, the overlapping clinical features and patholo-gies in individual cases with sporadic olivopontocerebellaratrophy, striatonigral degeneration, and Shy-Drager

syndrome have been sources of confusion, burgeoning ter-minology, and competing nosologies. These disorders arenow recognized as forms of multiple system atrophy, anadult-onset sporatic neurodegenerative disease character-ized clinically by varying degrees of parkinsonism, cerebel-lar ataxia, pyramidal signs, and autonomic dysfunction,and characterized pathologically by degeneration in thesubstantia nigra, putamen, olivary nucleus, pontine nuclei,and cerebellum.

The term “olivo-ponto-cerebellar atrophy” wascoined by French neurologists Joseph Jules Dejerine(1849–1917) and Andre Thomas in 1900, in their reportof a 53-year-old patient who developed progressive cer-ebellar ataxia, masked face, dysarthria, hypertonia,hyperreflexia, and urinary incontinence (Dejerine andThomas, 1900, 1900/1977). Autopsy at age 55 showedsevere degeneration of the basis pontis, inferior olivarynuclei, middle cerebellar peduncles, and less so theinferior cerebellar peduncles, with loss of Purkinje cellsparticularly in the cerebellar hemispheres.

In 1933, Scherer gave the first clear description ofstriatonigral degeneration in clinicopathologic studiesof four cases, two of whom had severe parkinsonismmasking cerebellar signs, and two of whom had predo-minant cerebellar ataxia (Scherer, 1933a, 1933b; Ber-ciano et al., 1999); in these cases, the severity ofparkinsonism correlated with degenerative changes inthe substantia nigra and striatum, rather than with thedegree of cerebellar degeneration, as had been pre-viously thought (Berciano et al., 1999). In 1964, Amer-ican neurologist Raymond Adams and Belgianneuropathologist Ludo van Bogaert (1897–1989) intro-duced the term “striatonigral degeneration” for asporadic neurodegenerative disorder characterized byparkinsonism plus other neurological findings (e.g.,cerebellar dysfunction, choreoathetosis, dystonia, pyra-midal, or pseudobulbar signs, etc.) (Adams and vanBogaert, 1964).

In 1960, Shy and Drager described a primary neurode-generative condition in which autonomic failure occurredin association with other neurological manifestations:

The full syndrome comprises the following fea-tures: orthostatic hypotension, urinary and rec-tal incontinence, loss of sweating, iris atrophy,external ocular palsies, rigidity, tremor, loss ofassociated movements, impotence, the findingsof an atonic bladder and loss of the rectalsphincter tone, fasciculations, wasting of distalmuscles, evidence of a neuropathic lesion inthe electromyogram that suggests involvementof the anterior horn cells, and the finding of aneuropathic lesion in the muscle biopsy. Theage of onset is usually in the fifth to the seventh


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decade of life. The disorder appears to be morefrequent in the male. Any of the above signs orsymptoms may be the presenting ones, and thehypotension may be a relatively late finding.The duration of the illness . . . shows the disorderto be of relatively slow progression (Shy andDrager, 1960, p. 511–512).

Variability in presentation, with components of auto-nomic, extrapyramidal, and cerebellar features led Gra-ham and Oppenheimer to introduce the term “multiplesystematrophy,”whichwas intended to “cover this collec-tion of overlapping progressive, presenile multisystemdegenerations” (Graham and Oppenheimer, 1969):

There is a group of progressive neurologicalconditions, most often arising during middle life,with symptoms and signs of lesions affecting sev-eral central nervous structures, more or lesssymmetrically. These cases are usually sporadic,but sometimes familial. The pathological find-ings are of cell loss and gliosis in a selectionof well-defined structures (including both anato-mical “nuclei” such as the putamen, and exten-sive cellular layers, such as the Purkinje cellsof the cerebellum). In different cases, differentselections of structures are affected. Some com-binations of lesions are commoner than others:thus, familiar names, such as OPCA, have comeinto use. Nevertheless combinations are encoun-tered which do not correspond with any familiarsyndrome. In such cases, unnecessary confusionis caused by inventing new names, of the type“pallido-subthalamico-vestibular atrophy,” forunusual syndromes . . . What is needed is a gen-eral term to cover this collection of overlappingprogressive presenile multisystem degenerations.As the causes of this group of conditions are stillunknown, such a general term would merely be atemporary practical convenience . . . What wewish to avoid is the multiplication of names for“disease entities” which in fact are merely theexpressions of neuronal atrophy in a variety ofoverlapping combinations. We therefore proposeto use the term multiple system atrophy to coverthe whole group. Among the structures at risk inthis disease we must include the preganglioniccells of the autonomic system. These may beattacked apparently in isolation . . . or in combi-nation with other structures . . . (Graham andOppenheimer, 1969, pp. 32–33)

In 1989, Papp and colleagues reported that oligodendro-glia in multiple system atrophy contain argyrophilic,tubulofilamentous inclusions in the cytoplasm, which

were called “glial cytoplasmic inclusions” (Papp et al.,1989). Glial cytoplasmic inclusions are not membranebound and are composed ultrastructurally of filamentsand granular material. This important discovery helpedto define multiple system atrophy as a clinicopathologicalentity and drew attention to the prominent role of theoligodendrocyte in the pathogenesis of the disorder(Papp and Lantos, 1992; Lantos, 1998). Glial cytoplasmicinclusions were subsequently shown to be highly immu-noreactive for ubiquitin and alpha-synuclein (Arimaet al., 1998; Spillantini et al., 1998; Tu et al., 1998; Waka-bayashi et al., 1998). The recognition that multiple systematrophy has inclusions composed of alpha-synucleinprovided an unexpected molecular link between multiplesystem atrophy and Lewy body diseases, such as Parkin-son’s disease and Lewy body dementia. Collectively thesedisorders are now considered “synucleinopathies.”

Progressive supranuclear palsy

“Progressive supranuclear palsy” is the descriptivename applied by neurologist J. Clifford Richardson(1909–1986) for an unusual condition he first encoun-tered in the 1950s and later reported in detail in1963 and 1964 with neurologist John C. Steele (1934–)and neuropathologist Jerzy Olszewski (1913–1964)(Richardson et al., 1963; Olszewski et al., 1964; Steeleet al., 1964; Steele, 1994).

As reported by Steele and colleagues, theirpatients had

. . . an unusual progressive neurological disorderwith ocular, motor, and mental features. Theclinical picture was characterized by supranuc-lear ophthalmoplegia, particularly of downwardgaze, pseudobulbar palsy, dysarthria, dystonicrigidity of the neck and upper trunk, anddementia . . . Commonly the disease started inthe sixth decade and led to death within severalyears . . . Pathological investigation showed thepresence of cell loss, gliosis, neurofibrillarytangles, granulovacuolar degeneration anddemyelination in various regions of the basalganglia, brain stem, and cerebellum . . . (Steeleet al., 1964, p. 357)

The original appellation “heterogeneous system degenera-tion” (Richardson et al., 1963; Olszewski et al., 1964) wassoon abandoned because the authors were not certain thatit was a primary degenerative disease (Steele, 1994). Theeponymic designation of “Steele-Richardson-Olszewskisyndrome” was first used by Andre Barbeau in 1965(Barbeau, 1965).

The initial speculation that progressive supranuc-lear palsy might be a post-infectious disease (based


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on similarities with postencephalitic parkinsonism)(Steele et al., 1964) has been discounted (Kristensen,1985). Likely cases of progressive supranuclear palsyhave been retrospectively identified from the erabefore the occurrence of encephalitis lethargica(Brusa et al., 2004), although one early suspected case(Steele, 1994), reported in 1904 by Posey and in 1905by Spiller, has since been shown to have had a mid-brain neoplasm (Posey, 1904; Spiller, 1905; Siderowfet al., 1998). Attempts to transmit progressive supra-nuclearAu19 to animals by intracerebral inoculation havebeen unsuccessful (Steele, 1972).

Progressive supranuclear palsy is characterizedpathologically by predominant brain stem, diencepha-lon, and basal ganglia pathology, with neuronal loss,gliosis, and the presence of globose neurofibrillary tan-gles (i.e., filamentous neuronal inclusions composed ofdense aggregates of neurofilaments and associatedproteins). The neurofibrillary tangles are composedpredominantly of 15-nm straight filaments (TomonogaAu20 ,1977), which have strong immunoreactivity to themicrotubular associated protein tau. The recognitionthat progressive supranuclear palsy has inclusions com-posed of tau provided a molecular link between var-ious neurodegenerative disorders with predominantparkinsonism (including corticobasal ganglionic degen-eration and frontotemporal dementia and parkinson-ism linked to chromosome 17), which are collectivelyconsidered among the “tauopathies.”

Cortico-basal ganglionic degeneration

In 1967, Rabeiz and colleagues described three cases ofwhat is now called cortico-basal ganglionic degenera-tion under the appellation of “corticodentatonigraldegeneration with neuronal achromasia” – a labelwhich summarized the distribution of neuropathologi-cal changes and highlighted one of the microscopicfeatures (Rabeiz et al., 1967). The patients demon-strated progressive neurological deficits in middleage, with manifestations including unilateral or mark-edly asymmetric motor impairment, with dystonicarm postures, tremulous or jerking movements, dys-praxia, and gait dysfunction. What were later labeledas “alien limb” phenomena were recognized in theinitial cases, including “uncontrollable elevation andabduction of the limbs that came on during attemptedmotor activity. Thus, when the patient attempted towalk, the leg hovered in the air instead of being placedon the ground, causing the patient to fall. Alterna-tively, when the unaffected right arm was beingused in purposive activity, the left arm rose up in itsway, greatly hampering the right arm’s performance”(Rebeiz et al., 1967, p. 23). Further cases were

subsequently described under various labels includingcorticobasal degeneration (Gibb et al., 1989) and cor-tico-basal ganglionic degeneration (Riley et al., 1990).

It is now recognized that a variety of movement disor-ders occur commonly in association with cortico-basalganglionic degeneration, including parkinsonism (withakinesia, rigidity, postural instability, and falls), limb dys-tonia, action tremor, and focal reflex myoclonus. Othercommon clinical features include apraxia, alien limb phe-nomenon, eyelid and oculomotor abnormalities, dysar-thria, and dysphagia, so-called “frontal lobe reflexes” (e.g., grasp), pyramidal tract signs, and cortical sensory loss.

Pathologically, there is asymmetrical cortical atrophymost pronounced in the medial fronto-temporal cortexcontralateral to the side of the body most severelyaffected, with associated marked neuronal loss, exten-sive fibrillary gliosis, and achromatic ballooned neurons(Rebeiz Au21et al., 1967, 1968; Gibb et al., 1989; Riley et al.,1990). Many surviving neurons are “ballooned” withcytoplasmic swelling, displacement of the nucleus toan eccentric location, cytoplasmic vacuoles of varyingsizes, and loss of typical staining of the cytoplasm(“neuronal achromasia”). The substantia nigra pars com-pacta shows a marked loss of neurons with pigmentaryincontinence, melanin-containing macrophages, markedgliosis, and occasional ballooned neurons. Ultrastructu-rally the ballooned neurons are filled with cytoplasmicaggregates of 10-nm filaments that stain immunohisto-chemically with phosphorylated neurofilament proteins.Although Rebeitz Au22et al. (1968) emphasized involvementof cerebellar nuclei, these nuclei have not been promi-nently affected in subsequent cases.


Since the Middle Ages, the term chorea (from theGreek word ???e?a Au23for “dance”) has been used todescribe both organic and psychological disorders ofmotor control. In the Middle Ages, epidemics of a psy-chosomatic “dancing mania” erupted in central Europecoincident with the Black Plague, with St. Vitus amongthe various saints called upon to intercede, leading tothe term “chorea Sancti Viti” (Krack, 1999; Goetzet al., 2001c). Paracelcus (1493–1541) introduced theconcept of chorea as an organic medical condition withhis tri-part categorization: chorea imaginativa (arisingfrom the imagination), chorea lasciva (arising fromsexual desires), and chorea naturalis (organic chorea)(Goetz et al., 2001c).

Sydenham’s chorea

In 1686, British physician Thomas Sydenham (1624–1689) applied the term Saint Vitus’ dance to hisdescription of childhood chorea (Sydenham, 1686;


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Goetz et al., 2001f). However, in so doing he alsoadded confusion, because after Sydenham the termSt. Vitus dance could mean either organic chorea (akaSydenham’s chorea, chorea minor, or choreaanglorum) or psychogenic chorea (aka chorea majoror chorea germanorum).

There is a kind of convulsion, which attacks boyand girls from the tenth year to the time of pub-erty. It first shows itself by limping or unsteadi-ness in one of the legs, which the patient drags.The hand cannot be steady for a moment. Itpasses from one position to another by a convul-sive movement, however much the patient maystrive to the contrary. Before he can raise acup to his lips, he makes as many gesticulationsas a mountebank; since he does not move it in astraight line, but has his hand drawn aside byspasms, until by some good fortune he brings itat last to his mouth. He then gulps it off at once,so suddenly and so greedily as to look as if hewere trying to amuse the lookers-on. (Sydenham,1686, 1848/1979, vol. 2, pp. 257–258)

Subsequently, a number of observers suggested a rela-tionship between childhood chorea, rheumatic arthritis,and valvular heart disease [e.g., BouteilleAu24 (1810), Bright(1831), See (1850), Roger (1866)] (reviewed by Jummaniand Okun, 2001).

In 1887, William Osler (1849–1919) reviewed andreported clinical and pathologic data on 410 cases ofSydenham’s chorea treated at the Infirmary for Ner-vous Diseases in Philadelphia since 1876 (Osler, 1887).In 1894, while at Johns Hopkins, Osler published amonograph based largely on his earlier studies in Phila-delphia, titled On Chorea and Choreiform Affections(Osler, 1894), which continues to be among the mostwidely cited 19th-century American contributions toneurology (Lanska, 2001).

The bulk of Osler’s treatise focused on Sydenham’schorea, which he described as “an acute disease ofchildhood . . . characterized by irregular, involuntarymovements, a variable amount of psychical distur-bance, and associated very often with arthritis andendocarditis” (Osler, 1894. p. 2). Osler carefullyreviewed both the literature and the Philadelphiaexperience to marshall evidence that Sydenham’schorea is an infectious disorder, which is frequentlyassociated with endocarditis, particularly affecting themitral valve.

By 1899, a diplococcus had been isolated from thecerebrospinal and pericardial fluids of a child who diedwith chorea and carditis, and from 1901 to 1903 Poyntonand Paine produced irregular movements, arthritis, andcarditis in rabbits intravenously injected with diplococci

from affected patients (Poynton and Payne, 1913).Development of the antistreptolysin O titer as a markerof antecedent streptococcal pharyngitis in the early1930s allowed definite proof that all manifestations ofrheumatic fever, including Sydenham’s chorea, are asequel to group A streptococcal pharyngitis (Coburn,1931; Todd, 1932; Taranta and Stollerman, 1956).

By the late 1930s, sulfonamides were demonstratedto prevent recurrences of rheumatic fever (Coburnand Moore, 1939), and in the 1940s prompt administra-tion of penicillin for group A streptococcal pharyngitiswas shown to prevent primary (initial) attacks of rheu-matic fever (Rammelkamp et al., 1952; Stollerman,1997). The use of antibiotic prophylaxis for preventionof rheumatic fever led to a marked drop in the inci-dence of rheumatic fever and its major manifestations,including Sydenham’s chorea (Nausieda et al., 1980;Special Writing Group . . ., 1993; Au25Stollerman, 1997).

As early as the 1860s, striatal dysfunction was impli-cated in childhood chorea by British physiciansJohn Hughlings Jackson and W. H. Broadbent. Jacksonconcluded that: “It has long seemed to me that embo-lism . . . of parts in the region of the corpus striatum givesa most satisfactory explanation of the physiology andpathology of cases of chorea” (Jackson, 1868/1932/1996,p. 238). Broadbent claimed that chorea is “a delirium ofthe sensori-motor ganglia,” which (in agreement withJackson) is caused typically by embolism but which insome cases may be caused by “a morbid condition ofthe blood” (Broadbent, 1869; Greenfield and Wolfsohn,1922).

In the early 20th century the embolic theory was dis-carded because of the “diffuse nature of the encephali-tis,” the absence of pathology of the cardiac valves inmany cases of childhood chorea, and the relative absenceof chorea in cases of adult bacterial endocarditis (Green-field and Wolfsohn, 1922). Instead, several authoritiesproposed that Sydenham’s chorea was a bacterial menin-goencephalitis (Poynton and Paine, 1913; Greenfield andWolfsohn, 1922). However, bacteria were not consistentlycultured from brain tissue or cerebrospinal fluid ofaffected cases, and the process by which an infectionwould selectively target the corpus striatum was neversatisfactorily explained. Sydenham’s chorea is nowunderstood to result from an antibody cross-reaction tobasal ganglia epitopes following infection with group Ab-hemolytic streptococci (Husby et al., 1976).

Huntington’s disease

George Huntington’s (1850–1916) classic description ofadult-onset hereditary chorea in 1872 was preceded byearlier clinical descriptions by Waters in 1841, Lund inthe 1860s, and Lyon in 1863 (Waters, 1841; Au26Lyon, 1863;


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Browning, 1908a, b; !rbeck, 1959; reviewed inLanska, 2000a). Huntington first encountered victimsof hereditary chorea at age 8, while accompanying hisphysician father around East Hampton at the extremeeastern end of Long Island, New York. After his ownmedical school graduation in 1871, George Huntingtonincorporated the clinical notes of cases treated pre-viously by his father and grandfather in an essay titled“On chorea,” which was edited by his father. Hunting-ton noted the hereditary transmission, the gradual onsetof chorea in adulthood, the progressive course, a ten-dency to insanity and suicide, and lack of response totreatment:

The hereditary chorea . . . is confined to certainand fortunately a few families, and has beentransmitted to them, an heirloom from genera-tions away back in the dim past. It is spoken ofby those in whose veins the seeds of the diseaseare known to exist, with a kind of horror, andnot at all alluded to except through dire neces-sity, when it is mentioned as “that disorder.” Itis attended generally by all the symptoms ofcommon chorea, only in an aggravated degree,hardly ever manifesting itself until adult or mid-dle life, and then coming on gradually butsurely, increasing by degrees, and often occupy-ing years in its development, until the haplesssufferer is but a quivering wreck of his formerself . . . There are three marked peculiarities inthis disease: 1. It’s hereditary nature. 2. A ten-dency to insanity and suicide. 3. Its manifest-ing itself as a grave disease only in adultlife . . . When either or both the parents haveshown manifestations of the disease, and moreespecially when these manifestations have beenof a serious nature, one or more of the offspringalmost invariably suffer from the disease, ifthey live to adult age. But if by any chance thesechildren go through life without it, the thread isbroken and the grandchildren and great-grand-children of the original shakers may rest assuredthat they are free from the disease . . . The ten-dency to insanity, and sometimes that form ofinsanity which leads to suicide, is marked . . .As the disease progresses the mind becomesmore or less impaired, in many amounting toinsanity, while in others mind and body bothgradually fail until death relieves them of theirsufferings . . . Its third peculiarity is its comingon, at least as a grave disease, only in adultlife . . . It begins as an ordinary chorea mightbegin, by the irregular and spasmodic action ofcertain muscles, as of the face, arms, etc. These

movements gradually increase, when muscleshitherto unaffected take on the spasmodic action,until every muscle in the body becomes affected(excepting the involuntary ones), and the poorpatient presents a spectacle which is anythingbut pleasing to witness. I have never known arecovery or even an amelioration of symptomsin this form of chorea; when once it begins itclings to the bitter end. No treatment seems tobe of any avail, and indeed nowadays its end isso well known to the sufferer and his friends,that medical advice is seldom sought. It seemsat least to be one of the incurables . . . (Hunting-ton, 1872, pp. 320–321).

Huntington’s description of hereditary chorea was con-sidered particularly important, because of his clear andconcise wording, and because it demonstrated that her-editary conditions could have their clinical onset inadulthood (Lanska, 2000a). William Osler noted that,“In the history of medicine there are few instances inwhich a disease has been more accurately, more gra-phically, or more briefly described” (Osler, 1908,p. 115). By the late 1880s, authors began referring tohereditary chorea as “Huntington’s chorea,” as didHuntington himself after about 1895 (Lanska, 2000a).

Early neuropathological studies, particularly in theearly-20th century, revealed atrophy, neuronal loss,and fibrillary astrocytosis, particularly in the basalganglia and less consistently in adjacent areas and theneocortex. The gross pathology of Huntington’s dis-ease with marked atrophy of the striatum (particularlythe head of the caudate and putamen with accompany-ing dilation of the frontal horns of the lateral ventri-cles) was recognized by Alzheimer (Alzheimer, 1911).Later studies demonstrated selective loss of gaba-ergicmedium-sized spiny projection neurons in the striatum(Vonsattel et al., 1985) with relative sparing of themuch smaller population of striatal interneurons,including medium and large aspiny neurons (Dawbarnet al., 1985; Ferrante et al., 1985, 1987). Indirect projec-tions to the external globus pallidus are the first todegenerate (Reiner et al., 1988; Albin et al., 1990,1992). The degree of clinical disability generallyreflects the degree of loss of striatal neurons (Myerset al., 1988 Au27).

The distinct clinical profile, midlife onset, and auto-somal dominant inheritance pattern made Huntington’sdisease ideal for investigation by genetic linkage analy-sis a century after Huntington’s description. The initialapproach used by Gusella and colleagues was based onthe detection of variations (polymorphisms) in thelength of DNA fragments resulting from digestionwith restriction endonuclease enzymes which recognize


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specific nucleotide base sequences (Gusella et al.,1983); the resulting “restriction-fragment length poly-morphisms” (RFLPs) from individuals in large Hunting-ton’s disease kindreds were hybridized with arbitrarysegments of labeled DNA derived from normal genomicDNA. In the decade from 1983 to 1993, Huntington’sdisease was sequentially linked to an anonymous poly-morphic DNA marker, associated with a mutation inthe IT15 (“interesting transcript 15”) gene on the tip ofthe short arm of chromosome 4 (in 4p16.3), and withthe combined effort of a consortium of researchersfrom laboratories around the world it was ultimatelyattributed to an unstable expanded CAG trinucleotiderepeat in a gene coding for a large (350-kilodalton)multi-domain protein with multiple functions labeledhuntingtin (Gusella et al., 1983, 1985; Zabel et al., 1986;Gilliam et al., 1987; Wasmuth et al., 1988; Hoogeveenet al., 1993; Huntington’s Disease CollaborativeResearch Group, 1993).

As a result of these developments, Huntington’s dis-ease was found to be the most common member of afamily of neurodegenerative diseases caused by muta-tions in which a CAG trinucleotide repeat expansion inthe protein coding region of a gene produces long seg-ments of polyglutamine (or “polyQ,” where “Q” is thesingle letter code for glutamine) in the encoded protein.PolyQ diseases—including Huntington’s disease, denta-torubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA), spinal and bul-bar muscular atrophy (Kennedy’s disease), and severalspinocerebellar ataxias—are all dominantly transmitted,typically adult-onset neurodegenerative disorders affect-ing selected neuronal populations.

Identification of the Huntington’s disease gene andthe huntingtin protein product triggered a remarkablesurge in research and numerous important discoveriesof cell function and disease pathogenesis. Within sev-eral years, disease course and degree of pathologicalseverity was clearly associated with the magnitude ofthe trinucleotide repeat expansion (Furtado et al.,1996; Penny et al., 1997). The CAG triplet is normallyrepeated about 20 times (with non-expanded allelesconsidered to include less than 27 CAG repeats).Alleles with 27 to 35 CAG repeats are considered“mutable normal alleles,” because they are not asso-ciated with clinical disease but have potential meioticinstability and so could possibly transmit disease insome offspring (ACMG/ASHG statement, 1998).Pathological effects occur when the length of polyQexceeds a threshold of 36–40 glutamines (Duyaoet al., 1993; Snell et al., 1993; Rubinsztein et al., 1996;ACMG/ASHG statement, 1998). A single copy of themutant gene invariably causes disease when the num-ber of repeats is 40 or more (complete penetrance),while some but not all individuals develop disease

when the number of repeats is between 36 and 39(reduced penetrance) (Rubinsztein et al., 1996; ACMG/ASHG statement, 1998).

The length of the CAG trinucleotide repeat (andhence of polyQ) is inversely related to the age of onsetand directly related to the severity of symptoms: dis-ease onset typically occurs in the fourth or fifth decadeof life for CAG repeat expansions of 40–50, but juve-nile-onset cases occur in those with more than 60repeats, and juvenile onset is invariably present inthose with more than 100 repeats (Duyao et al., 1993;Stine et al., 1993; Trottier et al., 1994; Brandt et al.,1996; Penny et al., 1997).

Huntington’s disease had long been reported tohave progressively earlier onset in successive genera-tions, but the cause of this “anticipation” phenomenonwas unclear and was suspected by some authors torepresent a form of observation or selection bias (e.g., because persons of early onset in previous genera-tions could be “selectively nonreproductive” becauseof manifestation of the disorder; see Myers et al.,1982), although a variety of genetic mechanismsincluding imprinting with DNA methylation were alsoconsidered (Reik, 1988; Ridley et al., 1988, 1991; Farreret al., 1992). It was also recognized by the late 1960sthat a disproportionate number of cases with earlyonset (before age 21 years) had inherited the Hunting-ton’s disease gene from their fathers (Merritt et al.,1969; Barbeau, 1970).

These curious observations were inexplicable by tra-ditional mechanisms, but after the Huntington’s diseasegene was identified, both genetic anticipation and thetendency for early-onset cases to be associated withpaternal transmission were understood to result frommeiotic instability of the Huntington’s disease trinucleo-tide repeat expansion, particularly during spermatogen-esis. Indeed, by the 1990s it was recognized thatanticipation was a common phenomenon of trinucleo-tide repeat diseases. The trinucleotide repeat numberwas found to change in more than 70% of transmissionsfrom parent to offspring, with a tendency towardexpansion (Andrew et al., 1993), apparently because theCAG repeats form-stable, hairpin-like structures, whichproduce mistakes with replication and consequentlyfurther expansion of the trinucleotide repeat. Thisinstability of the CAG repeats during meiosis was foundmore often to result in expansions (and sometimes quitelarge expansions) during paternal transmission, so thatjuvenile-onset cases typically inherit the disease fromtheir fathers (Duyao et al., 1993; Snell et al., 1993; Tele-nius et al., 1993; Zuhlke et al., 1993; Ranen et al., 1995).Thus, anticipation was found to result from a novelmutation process and not from selective gene activationor suppression mechanisms.


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The molecular mechanisms responsible for thetrinucleotide repeat expansion mutation have not beenfully clarified: DNA replication slippage, homolygousrecombination, and slippage during dysfunctional DNAdamage repair are among the mechanisms proposed.Initial studies suggested that trinucleotide repeat expan-sion mutations occurred during meiosis, particularlyduring spermatogenesis (Duyao et al., 1993), but bothsomatic tissues and gametes were subsequently foundto experience trinucleotide repeat mosaicism (Teleniuset al., 1994, 1995; Furtado et al., 1996), with the greatestlevels of repeat mosaicism detected in brain and sperm(Telenius et al., 1994, 1995). Analysis of sperm fromaffected patients showed that both the mutation fre-quency and the mean change in allele size increase withincreasing somatic repeat number (Leeflang et al.,1999); the extraordinarily high mutation frequency(82%) was felt consistent with a mutation process occur-ring throughout germline mitotic divisions, rather thanoccurring during just a single point in meiosis (Leeflanget al., 1999). Analysis of testicular germ cells subse-quently demonstrated that human germ-line trinucleotiderepeat expansions could occur before meiosis begins, butsome expansions continue to occur during meiosis (Yoonet al., 2003). The expansion mechanism may be augmen-ted in the male germline because of continuous celldivision of spermatogonia throughout adult life, whichcould explain the tendency of trinucleotide repeat lengthin offsping to increase as a function of the age of theparent (Farrer et al., 1992). It is now believed thatgermline expansion accounts for the phenomenon ofanticipation, and that tissue-specific somatic expansionmay contribute to the tissue specificity of pathologicinvolvement.

Most efforts to understand the pathophysiology ofHuntington’s disease have been driven by the “gain-of-function” hypothesis in which a novel toxic propertyof mutated huntingtin is assumed to cause dominantlytransmitted neurodegeneration. By 1997 it wasrecognized that mutant huntingtin with its expandedpolyglutamine segment misfolds and aggregates,possibly as self-associating antiparallel b strands(“polar zippers”) (Perutz et al., 1994), to form insolubleintranuclear inclusions (Davies et al., 1997; DiFigliaet al., 1997). The discovery of intracellular aggregatesof mutant huntingtin supported the concept that neuro-degenerative diseases are generally associated withprotein misfolding, and suggested further that polyglu-tamine toxicity might result from its ability to formaggregates (Davies et al., 1997; DiFiglia et al., 1997).It was subsequently demonstrated that nuclear localiza-tion is necessary for toxicity (Yang et al., 2002), but itis still not clear (and is indeed contentious) whethernuclear aggregates are themselves toxic, are benign

biomarkers, or are effectively neuroprotective (e.g.,perhaps representing the cell’s attempts to inactivatethe toxic expanded protein) (Zoghbi and Orr, 2000).

Several studies using animal models now suggestthat soluble protein fragments, rather than insolubleaggregates, are the toxic factors involved. One problemfor the gain-of-function hypothesis had been that raredisease homozygotes (i.e., with two mutant alleles)had been identified prior to identification of theHuntington’s disease gene, and were found to have asimilar age of onset to disease heterozygotes, suggest-ing that Huntington’s disease is a rare “pure dominant”disorder (Wexler et al., 1987); however, because patientshomozygous for Huntington’s disease receive a“double dose” of any gain-of-function mutation, agreater toxic effect would be anticipated for homozyo-gotes—an expectation ultimately confirmed in 2003with a preliminary demonstration that homozygoteshave a more severe clinical course (Squitieri et al.,2003).

The pathophysiology of neurodegeneration inHuntington’s disease is still not fully understood, butapoptosis (i.e., inappropriate activation of programmedcell death, for example from direct activation of anapoptotic enzymatic cascade, or through loss or lackof transport of anti-apoptotic neurotropic factors,including brain-derived neurotropic factor), transcrip-tional dysregulation (e.g., due to sequestration of poly-glutamine-containing nuclear transcription factors),excitotoxicity (i.e., death of neurons resulting fromexcess glutamate neurotransmission) (Coyle et al. Au28,1976; McGeer and McGeer, 1976; Olney and de Gubar-eff, 1978; Beal et al., 1986), and mitochondrial dysfunc-tion (possibly linked to excitotoxicity) are among themechanisms implicated. Indeed, these putative neuro-degenerative processes were either initially investigatedor elaborated substantially in models of Huntington’sdisease, and have since been applied to a range ofneurologic disorders.

The recent developments of transgenic mouse, fly,worm, and cellular models of Huntington’s disease havecontributed greatly to understanding of cellular pro-cesses and potential pathogenic mechanisms. Becauseof such models, there is now increasing evidence thatmultiple possibly overlapping pathologic mechanismsare involved in Huntington’s disease, and in particularboth toxic gain-of-function properties of mutated hun-tingtin and loss of function of wild-type huntingtin arenow thought to contribute to neural degeneration.

More than a century after Huntington recognizedthe futility of treatment for hereditary chorea(Huntington, 1872), there are still no effective therapiesto delay onset or slow progression in Huntington’sdisease.


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Athetosis and post-hemiplegic hemichorea

In the first American textbook of neurology, publishedin 1871, neurologist William Hammond described acondition that he called “athetosis” (from the Greekterm for “without fixed position”), “characterized byan inability to retain the fingers and toes in any posi-tion in which they may be placed, and by their contin-ual motion” (Hammond, 1871; Lanska et al., 2001b).There were associated “pains in the spasmodically-affected muscles, and especially complex movementsof the fingers and toes, with a tendency to distortion,”with a slower, sinuous quality compared with chorea,and without any associated weakness (Fig. 33.4).

Hammond speculated that “one probable seat of themorbid process is the corpus striatum,” a supposition ulti-mately supported by the autopsy on the original case thatwas reported by his son GraemeHammond in 1890 (Ham-mond, 1890). There was a lesion involving the posteriorthalamus, part of the internal capsule, and the lenticularnucleus (Fig. 33.4). Graeme Hammond “called attentionto the fact that the motor tract was not implicated in thelesion, and claimed that this case was further evidenceof his theory that athetosis was caused by irritation ofthe thalamus, the striatum, or the cortex, and not by alesion of the motor tract” (Hammond, 1890, p. 555).

Despite the confirmation of a proposed clinico-pathological association, athetosis was, and remains,

Fig. 33.4. Athetosis. Woodcut of athetosis taken from a photograph as illustrated in William Hammond’s Text-book of Ner-vous Diseases in 1871. Hammond proposed that the responsible lesion would be found in the basal ganglia. The autopsy in1890 confirmed Hammond’s prediction. Hammond’s prediction and the subsequent confirmation are often regarded as a land-mark in the clinicopathologic correlation of movement disorders, and specifically in the linkage of abnormal movements topathology of the basal ganglia. However, at the time of Hammonds prediction, the motor centers were thought to be locatedin the corpus striatum.


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controversial, being considered by many late-19th- and20th-century neurologists as a form of post-hemiplegicchorea or part of a continuum between chorea and dys-tonia. Silas Weir Mitchell described similar cases underthe term “post-paralytic chorea,” noting “as there is apost-choreal paralysis, so, also, is there a post-paralyticchorea . . . [In] adults who have had hemiplegia and haveentirely recovered power, there is often to be found achoreal disorder, sometimes of the leg and the arm,usually of the hand alone” (Mitchell, 1874, p. 343).

Gowers felt there was considerable clinical overlapbetween Hammond’s athetosis and “post-hemiplegicdisorders of movement,” and described similar patientsin whom the movement disorder followed a suddenhemiplegia with some degree of recovery (Fig. 33.5)(Gowers, 1876, 1888). He argued for athetosis to beplaced in a spectrum of “post-hemiplegic disorders ofmovement,” between the irregular “quick, clonicspasm” of chorea and the “slow, cramp-like incoordi-nation” and tonic spasms associated with “spastic con-tracture” (Gowers, 1876, p. 291). As a result, Gowers

was willing to accept athetosis with the proviso thathemiparesis could be associated, depending on theextent of the lesion.

Charcot, on the other hand, dismissed Hammond’sathetosis as “simply choreiform movements” (Charcot,1881, p. 390) or as “only a variety of post-hemiplegichemichorea” (Charcot, 1881, p. 394), to which Ham-mond retorted, “I have only to say that the distinctionbetween the two conditions is as well marked asbetween chorea and disseminated cerebro-spinal sclero-sis. In athetosis the movements are slow, apparentlydeterminate, systematic, and uniform; in post-hemiple-gic chorea they are irregular, jerking, variable, andquick. Moreover, athetosis is not by any means neces-sarily post-hemiplegic” (Hammond and Hammond,1893, p. 324).

Even modern authors have erroneously indicatedthat Hammond’s original cases were examples of apost-hemiplegic movement disorder (Dooling andAdams, 1975; Sharp et al., 1994), but, as emphasizedby Hammond, “In the original case there had never

Fig. 33.5. Post-paralytic choreoathetosis was recognized by many eminent late 19th-century neurologists, including Charcot,Gowers, and Mitchell. The left-most column of illustrations from Gowers’ textbook show “continuous mobile spasm (athetosis)after slight hemiparesis” in a 24-year-old syphilitic patient who developed left hemiparesis at age 23 and abnormal involuntarymovements 4 months later; “The hand was in continuous movement between the two positions shown” (Gowers, 1888, p. 80).The center column of illustrations, also from Gowers’ textbook, are some of the postures of the left hand of a 23-year-old manwith “post-hemiplegic mobile spasm”; the abnormal movements began 1 year after onset at the time of some improvement involitional movement (Gowers, 1876, Plate 12; 1888, p. 80). The right-most column of illustrations are other “examples of theposition of the fingers in the movements of athetosis (Strumpel)” as shown in the late-19th-century multi-authored Americantextbook of neurology edited by Francis Dercum (Sinkler, 1895, p. 265).


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been hemiplegia, nor was there such a state in the sec-ond case, on which [Hammond’s] description of thedisease was based” (Hammond and Hammond, 1893,p. 324). Hammond’s cases both occurred after convul-sions and loss of consciousness, and both were asso-ciated with some sensory loss. Hammond acceptedthat hemiplegia could be an antecedent in some cases,but “Where the motor tract is implicated there will behemiplegia, spastic spasm, and exaggerated reflexesin addition to the athetosis” (Hammond andHammond, 1893, p. 324).

Many preferred to incorporate athetosis into abroader conceptualization of chorea, noting that somecases included features of both types of abnormalmovement, and that both could occur after hemiparesis(Wilson, 1925). However, in 1950, Malcolm Carpenterreviewed the literature and concluded that:

Athetosis is a pattern of involuntary dyskinesiawhich can be distinguished from chorea and ischaracterized by increases and decreases of tonein irregular sequence in antagonistic musclegroups and slow involuntary movements invol-ving chiefly, but not exclusively, the distalappendicular musculature such that vermicularactivity results . . . Hemiathetosis usually devel-ops after hemiparesis, or in association with it,as a consequence of necrotizing cerebrovascularlesions which destroy part of the internal cap-sule and striatum on the side opposite that ofthe activity (Carpenter, 1950, p. 900).

Ballism and the subthalamic nucleus(nucleus luysii)

In 1865, Jules Luys (1828–1897) named the subthalamicnucleus the “accessory band of the superior olives”(bandelette accessoire des olives superieures), termi-nology that was anatomically incorrect, as noted byAuguste Forel (1848–1931), who instead proposed torename it Luy’s body (or corpus Luysii) (Luys, 1865;Forel, 1877; Parent, 2002; Hameleers et al., 2006).

Several authors in the late-19th century and early-20thcentury reported cases of hemiballismus—characterizedby continuous, non-patterned, vigorous, or even violent,large amplitude, proximally generated involuntary limbmovements—but none of these early authors clearlyestablished the subthalamic nucleus as the locus of pathol-ogy in hemiballismus. In 1884, Ralph Canfield and JamesJ. Putnam presented one of the earliest such reports intheir case of a 59-year-old man with “acute hemiplegicchorea”: “The right arm and leg were found to be in vio-lent and constant motion of a distinctly choreic type, butinvolving the muscles of the larger joints—hip, shoulder,

etc.—even more than those of the smaller” (Canfield andPutnam, 1884, p. 220). In describing the location of areasof infracted brain at autopsy, Canfield and Putnam (1884,p. 222) noted that “The only ganglionic matter involvedbesides the substantia nigra was (probably) the so-calledganglion of Luys,” but other brain areas were alsoinvolved, and no supportive body of evidence or theoreti-cal framework were available to make a clear clinical-pathologic correlation.

The relationship between a lesion of the subthalamicnucleus and contralateral hemiballismus was first con-vincingly demonstrated by J. P. Martin in 1927 (Martin,1927): Martin reviewed the world’s literature and notedthat 11 of 12 previously reported patients with hemibal-lismus and available pathology had lesions in the areaof the contralateral subthalamic nucleus, includingtwo with lesions restricted to the subthalamic nucleus,plus an additional case reported by Martin had a smallhemorrhage nearly limited to the subthalamic nucleus.In 1947, Whittier noted that lesions of the connectionsof the subthalamic nucleus could also produce contral-ateral hemichorea or hemiballismus in man, a findingreinforced by Martin a decade later when he reporteda patient with post-hemiplegic hemichorea-hemiballis-mus associated with degeneration of efferent connec-tions of the subthalamic nucleus as they passedacross the internal capsule in the subthalamic fascicu-lus en route to the internal segment of the globuspallidus (Whittier, 1947; Martin, 1957).

In 1949, Whittier and Mettler produced experimen-tal hemichorea-hemiballismus in monkeys by lesioningthe contralateral subthalamic nucleus (Whittier andMettler, 1949a, b), an animal model subsequently uti-lized extensively by Carpenter (Carpenter et al., 1950;Carpenter and Carpenter, 1951; Carpenter, 1955). Thesestudies demonstrated profuse interconnections betweenthe subthalamic nucleus and the pallidum, but no cleardescending connections from the subthalamic nucleus,suggesting that the subthalamic nucleus served tomodulate the output of the pallidum (Whittier andMettler, 1949a). Whittier and Mettler (1949b) foundthat at least 20% of the subthalamic nucleus had tobe damaged to produce hemichorea-hemiballismus,although smaller lesions could produce hyperkineticmovements, if the efferent fibers in the subthalamicfasciculus were also involved. Subsequent lesions ofthe internal segment of the globus pallidus abolished orameliorated the hemichorea-hemiballismus, a findingwhich was interpreted (erroneously) as suggesting thatthe subthalamus normally exerts an inhibitory influenceon the pallidum (Whittier andMettler, 1949b), and whichin any case provided an experimental basis for whatwould later be a useful surgical therapy (Suarez et al.,1997; Slavin et al., 2004).


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Throughout the first half of the 20th century, hemi-ballismus was generally thought to have a poor prog-nosis, often with progression to death within weeksor months (Whittier and Mettler, 1949Au29 ), but morerecent studies have shown that hemiballismus can havea relatively benign course with spontaneous recovery,or can respond to various pharmacological or surgicaltherapies (Klawans et al., 1976; Dewey and Jankovic,1989; Ristic et al., 2002). In addition, with the adventof computed tomography and magnetic resonance ima-ging, the recognition of both non-stroke causes (parti-cularly for patients under age 55 years) and caseswith lesions outside of the subthalamic nucleus hasexpanded markedly (Dewey and Jankovic, 1989).

As late as the 1980s, the subthalamic nucleus wasthought to modulate basal ganglia output via primarilyinhibitory (and presumably GABA-ergic) efferents tothe pallidum, a seemingly straightforward conclusiongenerally consistent with previous experimental findingsand with the clinical observation that lesions of thesubthalamic nucleus seem to release the dramatic move-ments of hemichorea-hemiballismus. However, since thelate 1980s, the neurochemistry and neurophysiology ofthe subthalamic nucleus have been substantially revised(Smith and Parent, 1988; Albin et al., 1989; Guridiand Obeso, 2001; Hamani et al., 2003; Hameleerset al., 2006).

In 1988, using immunohistochemical methods,Smith and Parent (1988) found that virtually all cellbodies in the subthalamic nucleus of monkeys are, infact, intensely immunoreactive to glutamate, but notto gamma-aminobutyric acid, as had been expected.This finding, which implied an excitatory rather thaninhibitory function for subthalamic nucleus efferents,was soon independently confirmed in cats (Albinet al., 1989Au30 ). Subsequently, in 1992, Hamada andDeLong demonstrated directly that discharge rates ofneurons in both segments of the globus pallidus ofmonkeys decreased substantially following lesions ofthe subthalamic nucleus, confirming that the subthala-mic nucleus provides excitatory input to both segmentsof the globus pallidus (Hamada and DeLong, 1992Au31 ).Since then, the subthalamic nucleus has been increas-ingly recognized to play an important role in the patho-physiology of both hyperkinetic and hypokineticmovement disorders (Crossman, 1989).


In 1944, Herz provided detailed cinematographic andelectromyographic analyses of 15 personal cases ofgeneralized dystonia, as well as an extensive reviewof more than 100 literature cases, and concluded thatdystonic movements are best described as slow,

sustained, powerful, and non-patterned contortions ofthe axial and appendicular muscles, with simultaneouscontractions of agonist and antagonist muscles (Herz,1944a, b, c). Dystonia is now defined as “a syndromeof sustained muscle contractions, frequently causingtwisting and repetitive movements, or abnormal pos-tures” (Fahn, 1988). Current classification schemescategorize dystonias by age of onset, parts of the bodyaffected (focal, segmental, multifocal, or generalized),and etiology (primary or secondary) (Fahn, 1988).

Since the original descriptions in the 19th and early-20th centuries, dystonias have repeatedly been inter-preted in psychological or psychiatric terms, becauseof the bizarre contortions exacerbated by voluntarymovement, the relief by certain movements or gestures(geste antagonists), and failure to identify a neuro-pathological substrate, particularly for generalizeddystonias (Zeman and Dyken, 1967; Zeman, 1970). Onlyin the late-20th century was an organic frameworkestablished with identification of genetic mutations insome families with dystonia (Ozelius et al., 1989,1997a, b) and with demonstration that the putamen,caudate, and posterior ventral thalamus were oftendamaged contralateral to hemidystonia (Narbona et al.,1984; Marsen Au32et al., 1985; Pettigrew and Jancovic, 1985).

Therapies for dystonia have focused on both centraland peripheral pharmacology, with anti-cholinergicagents long employed with variable and at best modestbenefit for neuroleptic-induced dystonia (Winslowet al., 1986; Goff et al., 1991), cranial dystonia (Langet al., 1982; Nutt et al., 1984), and generalilzed dystonia(Fahn, 1983), and, since the 1980s, with botulinum toxinincreasingly used as a treatment for focal dystonia(Elston and Russell, 1985; Mauriello, 1985; Tsui et al.,1985, 1986, 1987; Brin et al., 1987).

Generalized primary tortion dystonia

In 1897, Spanish neurologist Lluis Barraquer i Rovir-alta (1855–1928) described a patient with generalizeddystonia, although he labeled it “athetosis” (Barra-quer-Roviralta, 1897; Barraquer-Bordas and Gimenez-Roldan, 1988). In 1908, Gustav Schwalbe (1844–1911),under the tutelage of Theodore Ziehen (1862–1950),presented his thesis on dystonic spasms in three sib-lings with onset between ages 12 to 14 years, which heattributed to a combination of hysteria and a varietyof tics—hence his label “tonic cramps with hystericalsymptoms” (Schwalbe, 1908; Truong and Fahn, 1988),a designation apparently influenced by Ziehen (1991),who later called this “torsion neurosis”. Schwalbenoted the “chronic course, characterized predominantlywith tonic, not painful, asymmetrical cramps of vari-able intensity and duration spreading over the muscles


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of the whole body” (Schwalbe, 1908/1988Au33 , as translatedby Truong and Fahn, 1988, p. 657).

In his 1911 treatise, Hermann Oppenheim (1858–1919)described four Jewish children with a progressive formof generalized dystonia, which he termed “dystonia mus-culorum deformans” (Oppenheim, 1911; Goetz et al.,2001i). Oppenheim insisted that dystonia is an organic dis-ease and therefore rejected Ziehen’s term “torsion neuro-sis.”Oppenheim introduced the term “dystonia” to reflecthis conclusion that the disorder is associated with a gener-alized abnormality of tone with coexistent hypo- andhyper-tonia: “in addition to an increased tonus of somemuscles, one finds hypotonia of most of the others”(Oppenheim, 1911/2005Au34 , as translated by Grundmann,2005, p. 682). Oppenheim also suggested an alternativename, “dysbasia lordotica progressive,” emphasizing pos-tural deformity and the bizarre gait, which he termed“monkey gait” or “dromedary gait.”

Flatau and Sterling (1911) instead emphasized tor-sion spasms as the major clinical feature: “Since thenature of the disease is still unknown to us we shouldretain its most outstanding characteristic in the desig-nation. In our opinion this consists in the drawing,twisting spasm which is progressive in these affectedchildren, so we select the designation ‘progressive tor-sion spasm’” (Flatau and Sterling, 1911/2005Au35 , as trans-lated by Grundmann, 2005, p. 683). Because this isnot a primary disease of muscles, and because not allpatients develop fixed postural deformities, “dystonia”or “torsion dystonia” are now generally preferred overprevious designations (Fahn, 1988).

In the late 1950s and 1960s, Wolfgang Zeman andcolleagues demonstrated that primary torsion dystoniais a heritable disease (Zeman et al., 1959), and recog-nized formes frustes in families with autosomal domi-nant transmission (Zeman et al., 1960; Zeman andDyken, 1967). Roswell Eldridge at the US NationalInstitutes of Health subsequently emphasized autoso-mal recessive patterns among Ashkenazi Jews(Eldridge, 1970). In the 1980s and 1990s, it becameclear that the disorder, though genetically heteroge-neous, is usually transmitted as an autosomal domi-nant trait with reduced penetrance. The first primarydystonia locus, DTY1, was localized to chromosome9q32-34 in 1989, and in 1997 the genetic mutation wasidentified as a three-base pair (GAG) deletion in thecoding region of the Torsin A gene (Ozelius et al.,1989, 1997a, b). This mutation is responsible for mostpatients with early-onset primary torsion dystonia.Many other loci have now been identified with differ-ent modes of inheritance.

Treatment of primary generalized dystonia is stilllimited. Some benefits have been demonstrated withhigh doses of anticholinergic drugs (Burke et al.,

1986), sometimes combined with baclofen or otherdrugs, and with bilateral deep-brain stimulation of theglobus pallidus (Vidailhet et al., 2005).

Writer’s cramp and other occupationaldystonias

Several authors described writer’s cramp in the 1830s,including Scottish neuroanatomist and surgeon CharlesBell (1774–1842) and J. H. Kopp (Bell, 1830; Kopp,1836; Goetz et al., 2001d), and these are often citedas the earliest reports, although reports as early asthe mid-18th century have also been recognized (Lewis1885–1886). In 1864 and 1865, British surgeon SamuelSolly (1805–1871) presented a series of clinical lectureson “scrivener’s palsy, or the paralysis of writers” thathas been credited with increasing medical recognitionof this condition (Solly, 1864, 1865a, b):

The disease, as the name implies, shows itselfoutwardly in a palsy of the writing powers. Themuscles cease to obey the mandates of the will.It comes on very insidiously, the first indicationoften being only a painful feeling in the thumbor forefinger of the writing hand, accompaniedwith some stiffness; these unnatural sensationssubsiding during the hours of rest and sleep, toreturn with the writer’s work on the next day.The loss of power is not sudden, as in a paralyticstroke nor is it a complete paralysis of any groupof muscles. The paralysed [sic] scrivener,though he cannot write, can amuse himself inhis garden, can shoot, and cut his meat like aChristian at the dinner-table; indeed he can doalmost anything he likes, except earn his dailybread as a scribbler . . . When scriveners’ palsyfirst commences, the victim of it only feels itsdireful influence after a hard day’s work. Heregards it only as a sign of fatigue, and, as hestarts fresh the next morning, attaches no impor-tance to it as the first attack of a serious enemy;but in a short time he is obliged to rest earlier inthe day, and hails his early dinner hour with joy,as giving him some respite from the fangs of histormentor. He tries to overcome his difficulty byholding the pen firmer, but this really onlyincreases the evil. Suddenly he finds his pendash off at a tan gent, and the work that heintended to write in the proper line is, to his hor-ror, commenced in the left-hand corner of thepage. Not unfrequently [sic] the act of writingis arrested, not by such sudden diversion, butby trembling, and a shaking palsy limited to theright hand. (Solly, 1864, p. 709)


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Writer’s cramp became a fairly common disablingproblem in the 19th century, in part because of thelarge amount of writing performed, and in partbecause the available writing instruments requiredgreater force to move across the page (Fig. 33.6)(Gowers, 1888). Case series of writer’s cramp in the19th century were often very large, including manydozens or even hundreds of patients (Poore, 1878). In1864, Solly noted that “the greatest part of the middleclasses of London get their bread by the use of thepen, either as the exponent of their own thoughts orthe thoughts of others, or in recording the sum gained,lost, or spent in this great emporium of commerce—this vast Babylon [i.e., London]” (Solly, 1864). As notedby Sheehy and Marsden (1982, p. 462): “The frequencyof the disorder in [the] late Victorian era must standas a tribute to the success of the British Empire,the enormous office staff required to run it, and thedifficulties of manipulating the quill pen”.

There was a general recognition in the late-19th cen-tury that writer’s cramp is analogous to other conditionsthat would later be recognized as forms of focal dysto-nia, including other occupational dystonias and torticol-lis (Solly, 1864; Beard and Rockwell, 1871; Lewis, 1885–1886; Burr, 1895). For example, Solly noted that, “Scrive-ners’ palsy is not the only instance of a set of musclesbeing cramped and paralyzed [sic] by long-continuedexertion. There is, as has been observed by Virchow,showmakers’ cramp, milking cramp, the musicians’cramp, compositors’ and the sempstresses cramp”(Solly, 1864, p. 709). Similarly, George Beard andAlphonso Rockwell noted in 1871 that writer’s cramp“seems to differ but little from certain other spasmodicconditions, such as wry neck [torticollis] and histrionicspasm” (Beard and Rockwell, 1871).

Instruments used in the treatment of writer’s crampevolved over time, and most were largely abandonedwhen the development of better writing instrumentsand alternative means of written communications(e.g., the typewriter) decreased the frequency of and dis-ability associated with writer’s cramp. Patients initiallydevised a number of simple but cumbersome methodsof minimizing the muscle contractions associated withwriting, including enlarging the dimensions of their pens(e.g., with a piece of cork, potato, or apple). A largenumber of simple mechanical writing aids were subse-quently devised and reported in the 19th-century medicalliterature. Most of these instruments limited thumb andfinger flexion, and instead utilized unaffected fingerextensors or more proximal muscles moving the wrist,elbow, or shoulder (Fig. 33.7).

Nevertheless, many authorities considered any bene-fit of such aids to be limited, temporary, and in no waycurative (Lewis, 1885–1886; Robins, 1885a; Burr, 1895),and some argued that use of such instruments ulti-mately resulted in clinical involvement of the entirearm and even greater disability. With improvementsin writing instruments, there was “no temptation toexert pressure” while writing (Putnam, 1879); thesechanges followed replacement of quills and dip pensupon the development of workable stylographic pensin the 1870s and fountain pens ca. 1883 and after. Afterthe development of the typewriter in the late-19th cen-tury, the use of such mechanical aids decreased mark-edly (Gowers, 1888; Blackwood, 1889).

Nineteenth-century authorities on writer’s crampalso frequently advocated varying degrees of rest(Gowers, 1888), and sometimes applied splints or slingsto ensure that the limb would not be used: e.g., somephysicians enforced rest by fastening the hand upon asplint (Buzzard, 1872), while others similarly orderedthe “arm to be carried in a sling for a week or so, toremind the patient that all writing is to be shunned”(Robbins, 1885b).


Myoclonus is a sudden, non-suppressible, shock-likemuscular contraction triggered within the central ner-vous system. Myoclonic movements can be “positive”or “negative”: positive myoclonus results in the con-traction of a muscle or muscles, whereas negativemyoclonus (e.g., asterixis) is instead associated with abrief loss of muscle tone (Shahani and Young, 1976;Young and Shahani, 1986). By 1903, Lundborg pro-posed a classification system that remains largely inuse today, with primary (essential), secondary, and epi-lepsy-associated categories (Lundborg, 1903; Goetzet al., 2001h).

Fig. 33.6. Writer’s cramp or “scrivener’s palsy” was preva-lent in the 19th century, before the advent of typewriters orwriting instruments (e.g., ballpoint pens) that movedsmoothly across the paper. The figure illustrates the“cramped method of holding pen, habitual to a patient whosuffered from writer’s cramp” (Gowers, 1888, p. 662).


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Fig. 33.7. In the 19th century, numerous writing aids were invented to facilitate writing for those with writer’s cramp. Shownare a range of aids distributed by George Tiemann and Company of New York (Tiemann, 1899). All of the instruments serve toredirect the type of hand and finger muscle contractions used to grip or move the writing instrument. The top row shows var-ious loop attachments for the fingers (to minimize the need to pinch the writing instrument), the second row shows grip devices(with a similar intent), and the bottom rows show devices that allow a sliding motion along the writing surface (in some casesresembling a modern “mouse” for a personal computer). With permission.


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Essential myoclonus

In 1881, Nikolaus Friedreich (1825–1882) reported a 50-year-old man with a 5-year history of multifocal mus-cle jerking, occurring at a rate of 10 to 50 per minute,and affecting both sides of the body symmetrically butasynchronously. The rapid muscle jerks affected thebulk of a full muscle, without marked limb or jointmovement, except in the most powerful contractions.Friedreich called the syndrome “paramyoclonus multi-plex” to indicate quick movements, distinct from epi-lepsy, symmetrically affecting multiple sites of thebody (Friedreich, 1881; Goetz et al., 2001h). AlthoughFriedreich suspected the problem was caused by aspinal cord disorder, no pathology of the spinal cordwas later identified at autopsy (Hallett, 1986).

Friedreich’s term was adopted in shortened form as“myoclonus” and in modern terminology his casewould be classified as essential or idiopathic myoclo-nus. Lindemulder (1933) later reported a family withessential myoclonus, which helped demonstrate thatsuch generalized myoclonus could occur in the absenceof neurodegenerative disorders, epilepsy, or obviousmetabolic derangement.

Myoclonic epilepsy

Throughout the 19th century, myoclonic jerks in asso-ciation with epilepsy were recognized by variousauthors, including as part of what would now be calledinfantile spasms (West, 1861). In 1891, Unverrichtreviewed the literature on myoclonus, dismissed themajority of cases reported to that point as incorrectlydesignated, and also described patients with progres-sive multifocal myoclonus and epilepsy (Unverricht,1891). In 1903, Lundborg described additional patientswith familial progressive myoclonic epilepsy, distinctfrom “paramyoclonus multiplex” or essential myoclo-nus. In the 1990s, progressive myoclonic epilepsy ofUnverricht-Lundborg was linked to mutations in thecystatin B gene on chromosome 21q.22, which codesfor a small protein in the superfamily of cysteine pro-tease inhibitors. Other forms of progressive myoclonicepilepsy were also recognized, including lysosomal sto-rage diseases (e.g., neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis),mitochondrial disorders (e.g., myoclonic epilepsy withragged red fibers or MERRF), and glycogen storagediseases (e.g., Lafora’s disease).

Secondary or symptomatic myoclonus

In the 1920s and 1930s, multifocal myoclonus wasrecognized as a feature of encephalitis lethargica(Walshe, 1920; von Economo, 1929), Creutzfeldt-Jakobdisease (Creutzfeldt, 1920; JakobAu36 , 1921), and subacute

sclerosing panencephalitis (Dawson, 1934). Secondarymyoclonus is now recognized in a wide variety of dis-orders, including infections, metabolic derangements,hypoxia, and neurodegenerative diseases (Goetz et al.,2001h).

Asterixis and metabolic tremor

Asterixis is characterized by brief, arrhythmic interrup-tions of sustained (tonic) voluntary muscle contractionwith associated brief lapses of posture, causing bilateralasynchronous flapping movements associated with inter-mittent pauses of electrical activity of from 50–200 milli-seconds on EMG tracings (Adams and Foley, 1949, 1953;Leavitt and Tyler, 1964; Young and Shahani, 1986).

In 1949, Raymond Adams and Joe Foley first notedan “almost rhythmical” tremor during maintenance ofposture in patients with advanced hepatic encephalopa-thy (Adams and Foley, 1949). In 1953, Adams and Foleyexpanded on their clinical description, correctly recog-nized that the flapping tremor is due to pauses in elec-tromyographic activity and not to intermittentincreases in electrical activity as had been supposed,and proposed the term “asterixis” for the “intermit-tency of the sustained contraction of groups ofmucles” that characterized the abnormal movements:

A practical clinical test by which it may be eli-cited is having the patient hold the arms out-stretched with wrists and fingers dorsiflexed.With the extremities in this position there occurs,in addition to a fine tremor of the fingers, a sud-den lapse of the assumed posture, lasting a frac-tion of a second, in the fingers, wrist, andsometimes the elbow and shoulder. It is irregularin frequency and variable in amplitude; usuallythe rate is about once every one to five seconds.When the limb is in repose it disappears andduring strong muscle contraction it is tempora-rily suppressed . . . Inasmuch as this movementdisorder is essentially an inability to maintaina fixed posture the term asterixis (a—privative,sterixis—maintenance of posture) is suggested.Electromyographic analysis of the disorderreveals that the tremor has a frequency of 6–8per second and that with the lapse of posturethere is a reduction or cessation of electricalactivity in both the muscles sustaining the pos-ture and in their antagonists . . . Although pre-sent in the majority of cases of hepatic coma,we have seen it in three cases of polycythemiawith mental confusion and in three cases of ure-mia. Therefore, it may be regarded as a charac-teristic but not specific clinical sign of hepaticcoma. (Adams and Foley, 1953, p. 51)


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Others soon recognized that asterixis occurred withvarious metabolic encephalopathies, including uremia,respiratory failure, drug intoxications, and electrolyteimbalances (Conn, 1960; Leavitt and Tyler, 1964), orunilaterally with various focal brain lesions located inthe cerebral hemisphere contralateral to the asterixis(Leavitt and Tyler, 1964; Young and Shahani, 1976Au37 ).

In 1964, Leavitt and Tyler added several importantclinical observations concerning asterixis and the asso-ciated tremor:

The characteristic tremulousness and asterixisoccurred only after a latent period of 2–30 sec-onds, tremulousness appearing first . . . [In] thecontext of increasing tremulousness, yet clearlyinterrupting the pattern of tremulousness, thehand, almost as a unit, but with fingers leading,lapsed forward anywhere from 2 to 5 cm only tobe jerked back to its original position. The back-ward movement was often more violent than thelapse forward. The patients had no control overthe lapse and no warning of its occurrence.Positional lapses were unassociated with anylapse in attention or consciousness . . . Nopatient was able to prevent himself from jerkinghis hand back once the lapse had occurred. Thelapse occurred at similar rates in both hands,but asynchronously. Although commonly evokedwith the dorsiflexed hand in pronation, asterixisagainstAu38 gravity occurred when the dorsiflexedhand was supinated. (Leavitt and Tyler, 1964,p. 361)

Leavitt and Tyler found that the average duration ofelectrically silent periods associated with asterixis onelectromyography was 50–70 milliseconds. Althoughlapses in electrical activity were initiated simulta-neously in different muscles within the same limb,the degree of electrical silence varied between musclesand even across locations within the same muscle. TheEMG correlate of a flapping movement was found tobe “a triple pattern of silence, discharge, and silence,”with the initial period of electrical silence occurringapproximately 70 milliseconds before the movementartifact, followed by an “asymmetrical burst of electri-cal activity” corresponding to “a braking and withdra-wal of the forward loss of position,” and thenterminating with a 20–30 millisecond period of electri-cal silence which represented a “terminal pause inhibi-tion of the’braking-withdrawal’ discharge to preventan overshoot” (Leavitt and Tyler, 1964, p. 364).

Leavitt and Tyler’s electrophysiological studies alsoshowed that much of the tremulousness seen withasterixis was in fact due to shorter pauses or suddenbrief decrements in voluntary electromyographic

activity occurring asynchronously in different musclegroups of the same limb (Leavitt and Tyler, 1964).They labeled this tremulousness “metabolic tremble”or “metabolic tremor,” and felt this was “a manifesta-tion of the same phenomena that underlie asterixis”(Leavitt and Tyler, 1964).

Shahani and Young later labeled as “negative myo-clonus” the postural lapses associated with reductionsin EMG activity: “Because these synchronous briefpauses, which occur at irregular intervals in theongoing voluntary EMG activity, produce movementsthat appear clinically to be myoclonic, one may charac-terize this as ‘negative myoclonus’” (Shahani andYoung, 1976, p. 780; Young and Shahani, 1986). Youngand Shahani considered negative myoclonus to be “amore inclusive term encompassing asterixis and tremorin patients with metabolic encephalopathy and othercircumstances in which brief periods of EMG silenceproduce an abnormal movement” (Young and Shahani,1986, p. 154).

Lance–Adams syndrome (posthypoxicaction myoclonus)

Acute posthypoxic myoclonus is characterized by gen-eralized, often massive, muscle jerks, associated withgeneralized spike and polyspike activity on electroence-phalography. In 1963, James Lance and RaymondAdams described intention or action myoclonus inpatients who had post-hypoxic encephalopathy (Lanceand Adams, 1963). Chronic posthypoxic myoclonuswas often restricted to the limbs, increased markedlyin frequency and intensity with attempts to move alimb, particularly for precise motor tasks, and was alsotriggered by sensory stimulation, startle, or strongemotions. In addition to the “positive” spontaneous,action, and stimulus-sensitive forms of myoclonus,affected patients also had “negative myoclonus,” withpostural lapses in their legs while standing or walking,causing leg buckling and falls, with associated periodsof electrical silence in the leg muscles (Frucht andFahn, 2000; Lance and Adams, 2001). “Positive myo-clonus” often followed spike discharges on EEG witha latency of from 7 to 32 msec, whereas “negativemyoclonus” was associated with post-spike slow wavesor occurred in isolation. Additional associated neurolo-gic findings included dysarthria, cerebellar dysfunction(i.e., dysmetria, intention tremor, and ataxia), gaitdisturbance, and grand mal seizures.


Startle is a universal and phylogenetically ancientstereotyped reflex response to sudden, intense stimula-tion, which can be exaggerated in a wide variety of


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neuropsychiatric disorders, including various culture-bound syndromes (e.g., jumping, myriachit, and latah),hyperekplexia, startle epilepsy, benzodiazepine andalcohol withdrawal syndromes, post-traumatic stressdisorder, and general anxiety disorder (Howard andFord, 1992).


In 1878, American neurologist George Beard (1839–1883) described the “Jumpers, or jumping Frenchmen”found among the French Canadians of northern Maine(Beard, 1878, 1880a, b). His initial report was based onconversations and correspondence (Beard, 1878), buthe subsequently investigated the cases personally(Beard, 1880a, b). He noted excessive reactivity tosounds, automatic obedience, and echolalia. The term“jumping” encompassed all of the associated abnormalstartle manifestations, including “lifting the shoulders,raising the hands, striking, throwing, crying, and tum-bling” (Beard, 1880b, p. 174). Jumpers were physicallyhealthy and active, and clearly distinguishable fromthe state of nervous exhaustion which he had pre-viously described and labeled as “neurasthenia”(Beard, 1869). Symptoms persist throughout life, or inBeard’s (1880b, p. 176) words: “once a jumper, alwaysa jumper.”

Beard felt jumping could only be practically studiedby psychological means:

Far out of the range of the aided senses, far beyondthe reach of the microscope, or perhaps thespectroscope, there may be molecular changes ordisturbances which manifest themselves in thesejumpings and strikings and throwings as a resultand correlative. But for the present, possibly forall time, we can only study this subject psy-chologically . . . (Beard, 1880b, p. 175)

The cause of jumping remains unknown. Beard notedthat jumping was familial, and believed that jumpingwas therefore necessarily “hereditary”; however, jump-ing is rarely seen in women and no detailed pedigreessupporting Mendelian inheritance have been published.Clinical authorities who have examined jumpers havemost commonly interpreted jumping to be a culturallystandardized startle response or an operant-conditionedresponse (Saint-Hilaire et al., 1986).

Jumping was largely forgotten until further caseswere described in the mid-1960s and afterwards(Kunkle, 1965, 1967; RabinovitchAu39 , 1965). These laterdescriptions include a somewhat expanded clinicalspectrum, which includes pathologic startle reaction,automatic obedience, echolalia, and rarely echopraxiaand coprolalia.


In 1884, New York neurologist and former Surgeon Gen-eral William Hammond (1828–1900) noted similaritiesbetween Beard’s description of “jumping” and a recentlypublished description of Siberian “miryachit” (meaning“to act foolishly”) (Hammond, 1884). Several US Navyofficers had observed an affected Siberian ship’s stewardwhile on the Ussuri River in southeastern Siberia in 1882.The steward was afflicted by echopraxia, echolalia, andexcessive startle, but without reported automatic obedi-ence or actual jumping; he was unable to resist imitatingthe grunts, shouts, or pounding on the bulkhead intention-ally produced by the crew and passengers to provoke hisbehavior. Unlike Beard, who had personally examinedjumpers, Hammond did notmake his own personal obser-vations of miryachit.


Hyperekplexia or “startle disease” was described in thelate 1950s and early 1960s, and is characterized by gen-eralized hypertonia and hypokinesia in infancy, fol-lowed by an exaggerated startle response tounexpected stimuli, gait difficulties, frequent fallswithout loss of consciousness, nocturnal myoclonus,and increased frequency of hip dislocations and ingu-inal hernias (Suhren et al., 1966; Anderman Au40et al.,1980; Kurczynski, 1983). An autosomal dominant pat-tern of transmission was recognized in a pedigreespanning five generations by Suhren et al. (1966). Inthe 1990s, mutations in the a1 subunit of the glycinereceptor were identified (Shiang et al., 1993). Subse-quently, both autosomal dominant and autosomalrecessive forms were recognized, with mutationsaffecting the presynaptic glycine transporter-2, the a1and b subunits of the glycine receptor, and other post-synaptic glycinergic proteins including gephyrin andRhoGEF collybistin.


Tics are involuntary, rapid, non-rhythmic, stereotypedmovements that are episodically present and occur ona background of normal movements. Tics can be cate-gorized as motor (e.g., brief movements) or vocal (e.g.,abnormal sounds produced by moving air through thenose, mouth, or throat) (The Tourette Syndrome Clas-sification Study Group, 1993). French physician JeanItard (1775–1838) offered the first clear description oftic disorders in 1825 (Itard, 1825), a report later citedby Gilles de la Tourette (1885), who included Itard’scase in his larger series of nine cases. Tics were alsorecognized by French physician Armand Trousseau(1801–1867), who wrote:


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Non-dolorous tic consists of abrupt momentarymuscular contractions more or less limited as ageneral rule, involving preferably the face, butaffecting also neck, trunk, and limbs. Their exhi-bition is a matter of everyday experience. In onecase it may be blinking of the eyelids, a spasmo-dic twitch of cheek, nose, or lip; in another, it isa toss of the head, a sudden, transient, yet ever-recurring contortion of the neck; in a third, it isa shrug of the shoulder, a convulsive movementof diaphragm or abdominal muscles, – in fine,the term embodies an infinite variety of bizarreactions that defy analysis. These tics are notinfrequently associated with a highly character-istic cry or ejaculation—a sort of laryngeal ordiaphragmatic chorea—which may of itself con-stitute the condition; or there may be a more ela-borate symptom in the form of a curious impulseto repeat the same word or the same exclama-tion. Sometimes the patient is driven to utteraloud what he would fain conceal. (Trousseau,1873Au41 , p. 267 quoted by Meige and Feindel,1907, p. 27).

Tics gained wider recognition late in the 19th century,after Charcot presented cases before his classroomaudience (Charcot, 1887/1987). Tics occur as a requireddiagnostic feature of Tourette syndrome (see below),but can also occur in a wide variety of neurologicdisorders.

Gilles de la Tourette syndrome

In 1881, French neurologist Georges Gilles de la Tour-ette (1857–1904), house physician at the Salpetriereunder Jean-Martin Charcot (1825–1893), translatedBeard’s report of “jumping Frenchmen” (Gilles de laTourette, 1881). In 1884, Gilles de la Tourette con-trasted American jumping, Siberian miryachit, and asimilar Malaysian condition called latah (Gilles de laTourette, 1884; Lajonchere et al., 1996). He concludedthat the three disorders were identical, and reportedseeing similar cases on Charcot’s service with hyperex-citability, motor tics, echolalia, and coprolalia.

Gilles de la Tourette’s classic description of whatCharcot later called maladie des tics de Gilles de laTourette was written “with the help of ProfessorCharcot” and based upon a series of nine patients:

The condition which we will describe generallystarts at a young age . . . Although the move-ments can vary in their form from one individualto another, they still maintain general character-istics which are the same in all subjects. One ofthese characteristics is the abruptness with

which the movements appear and another istheir rapidity. Suddenly, and without warning,a grimace or contortion appears once, twice orseveral times. Then all is quiet. But soon after-wards (for generally the intervals between move-ments are quite close) new jerks appear.Importantly, most of these movements are lim-ited either to the face, an extremity, or a combi-nation of these two . . . Emotional upset causedby internal conflict or physical discomfort willaggravate both the frequency and the intensityof the abnormal movements. These patients areparticularly sensitive to external stimuli: theleast surprise will exaggerate the tics, as willstrong emotional encounters . . . On the otherhand, tics may be diminished and in fact comple-tely suppressed by various factors . . . The move-ments completely cease during sleep . . . Patientscan experience spontaneous periods of remissionwhere incoordination becomes minimal, althoughnever disappearing completely . . . These patients’mental state is perfectly normal . . . During a per-iod of excitement, when the patient has an incoor-dinated movement, he will begin to shout aninarticulated sound—usually when the movementis at its height. It is often difficult to translate thissound—“hem,” “ouh,” “ouah,” or “ah” . . . Ourpatients are echolalics, and this marks one oftheir major symptoms . . . Echolalia should notbe considered in its most restricted sense, sincethese people also will imitate a gesture or anact . . . Not only do these patients say obscenewords, but it seems that there can be a combina-tion of echolalia and coprolalia . . . The progres-sion of this condition, as much as we can tell, isslow and insidious . . . Could a patient eventuallyovercome the problem altogether, after manyepisodes of remission? We cannot be absolutelycertain, but from our case histories, we wouldconclude that the condition never completelydisappears . . . Let us recall first some of the fun-damental symptoms: (1) this illness is hereditary;it is characterized by motor incoordination in theform of abrupt muscular jerks that are oftensevere enough to make the patient jump; (2) theincoordination can be accompanied by articu-lated or inarticulated sounds. When articulated,the words are often repetitions of words whichthe patient may have just heard. Such vocal imita-tion (echolalia) may have a physical corollarywhereby the subject imitates an act or gesturethat he has just seen; (3) among the expressionswhich the patient may repeatedly utter duringone of his convulsions, some have the special


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character of being obscene (coprolalia); (4) thephysical and mental health of these patients isotherwise basically normal. The condition seemsincurable and life long, with onset in childhood.(Gilles de la Tourette, 1885/1982Au42 ; as translatedby Goetz and Klawans, 1982, pp. 4–10)

Despite clinical overlap between “jumping” and Gillesde la Tourette syndrome, these entities are now recog-nized as distinct. In “jumping,” the key feature is anabnormal startle response, the abnormal reaction isalways provoked, and tics are absent; whereas, in Gillesde la Tourette syndrome, the key feature is sponta-neous motor and vocal tics, although patients withGilles de la Tourette syndrome may also have an exag-gerated startle response.

Gilles de la Tourette did not emphasize spontaneoustics as the essential feature of this syndrome, in partbecause of his attempt to establish a close relationshipbetween the patients he reported and those with jump-ing, myriachit, and latah. Echolalia is no longer consid-ered a major clinical feature, and a strict concordancebetween vocal tics and simultaneous motor tics is nolonger accepted. Nevertheless, the modern definitionof Gilles de la Tourette syndrome incorporates all theoriginal diagnostic criteria proposed by Gilles de laTourette (1885) with Charcot’s input (KuschnerAu43 et al.,1999): childhood onset, motor and vocal tics, naturalwaxing and waning, and chronicity.

Freudian psychodynamic and psychological theoriesof the etiology Gilles de la Tourette syndromewere domi-nant in the early-20th century. In the 1960s, the discoverythat neuroleptic medications, particularly haloperidol,were useful in treating tic disorders provided supportfor a biological origin for tic disorders, and further sup-ported an important role for dopamine in the pathophy-siology (Seignot, 1961; Shapiro et al., 1973). Apathophysiologic role for dopamine has been further sug-gested by later findings in the 1970s and 1980s that (1)levodopa and dopamine agonists can induce or exacer-bate tic disorders; (2) tardive tic disorders can occur afterlong-term neuroleptic treatment (suggesting facilitationby dopamine receptor hypersensitivity); (3) cerebrospinalfluid metabolites of dopamine (i.e., homovanillic acid)are selectively reduced (suggesting decreased dopamineturnover); and clinical improvement with haloperidol isassociated with an increase in cerebrospinal fluidmetabo-lites of dopamine (Klempel, 1974; Klawans et al., 1978;Butler et al., 1979; Cohen et al., 1979; Mitchell and Mat-thews, 1980; Singer et al., 1982).

Gilles de la Tourette syndrome has been recognizedas familial since Gilles de la Tourette’s original report(Gilles de la Tourette, 1885). However, no clear patternof inheritance and no specific gene defect have been

documented, although an autosomal dominant patternwith incomplete penetrance and variable expression ismost widely accepted. Modern genetic studies of Gillesde la Tourette syndrome have been frustrating becauseof difficulties in defining phenotypes, and determiningwhether subjects with obsessive-compulsive symptomsor elements of attention deficit disorder should be con-sidered as affected cases (Goetz et al., 2001e).


At the beginning of the 21st century, clinicians andneuroscientists can look with some satisfaction at theprogress made in the field of movement disorders, par-ticularly in the half century since Barbeau’s historicalreview in 1958 (Barbeau, 1958) – for example,improved understanding of how the basal ganglia mod-ulate cortical motor function, improved understandingof the pathophysiology of several diseases (e.g., par-kinsonism, Wilson’s disease, and Huntington’s dis-ease), development of effective therapies (e.g., forParkinson’s disease and Wilson’s disease), and effec-tive prevention (e.g., for rheumatic fever and itseffects, including Sydenham’s chorea), developmentof useful animal models (e.g., the MPTP model of Par-kinson’s disease, and transgenic mouse, fly, worm, andcellular models of Huntington’s disease), and identifi-cation of genes for several disorders (e.g., Hunting-ton’s disease, Wilson’s disease, some familial formsof torsion dystonia, essential tremor, and Parkinson’sdisease). Still, much more work remains to be doneto understand these disorders and treat them effec-tively. The rapid pace of increasing knowledge in thisarea, and the recent development of powerful newtechnologies (e.g., in the fields of neuroimaging, genet-ics, molecular biology, among others), suggest stronglythat further significant progress can be anticipated.


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AU7 Benazzouz in refs.

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AU23 Formatting lost here – please reinstate word.

AU24 Boutielle in refs.

AU25 1992 in refs.

AU26 1842 in refs.

AU27 1982 in refs.

AU28 Coyle and Schwarcz in refs.

AU29 1949a or 1949b?

AU30 1989a or 1989b?

AU31 Not in ref list; pls. supply

AU32 Marsden in refs.

AU33 Not in ref list; pls. supply

AU34 Not in ref list; pls. supply

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AU36 Jacob in refs.

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AU67 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK?

AU68 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK?

AU69 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK?

AU70 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK?

AU71 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK?

AU72 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK?

AU73 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK?

AU74 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK?

AU75 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK?

AU76 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK?

AU77 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK?

AU78 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK?

AU79 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK?

AU80 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK?

AU81 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK?

AU82 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK?

AU83 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK?

AU84 Chapter title? Page span

AU85 Pls. supply vol no.

AU86 Journal title not listed in Index Medicus is abbreviation OK? Is this meant to be NeurologischesZentralblatt?

AU87 Eshner in refs.