The Horsley School Bag Friday 18th May, 2018 Newsleer 22 from Mr Price, Head Teacher Our value this term is: Trust Dear Parents, For lots of excing news and updates, please see the next page of this newsleer. Read on, though, to find out more about Year 5’s trip to Skill Zone in Gloucester, expertly depicted by Coco… ‘I learnt many things about keeping safe in fires and that if there is one you must save yourself first. I also learnt about being arrested and that you must never go into a dark alleyway by yourself. I think that it has taught me a lot about safety in everyday life.’

The Horsley School Bag · Forema& ˙ill be ˙orki&g i& a job share role from Se'tember, so ˙e ˙ill kee' you u'dated about her ... Bar&aby, Iris, Coco, Eddy, El˙ood, Isaac a&d Marcello

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The Horsley School Bag Friday 18th May, 2018 Newsle�er 22 from Mr Price, Head Teacher

Our value this term is: Trust

Dear Parents,

For lots of exci%ng news and updates, please see the next page of this newsle�er. Read on, though, to find out

more about Year 5’s trip to Skill Zone in Gloucester, expertly depicted by Coco…

‘I learnt many things about keeping safe in fires and that if there is one you must save yourself first. I also learnt

about being arrested and that you must never go into a dark alleyway by yourself. I think that it has taught me a

lot about safety in everyday life.’

Bowled over…

Thanks to All Stars cricket, who spent a whole morning with the children

at the end of last month, teaching them a variety of cricke%ng skills. Lots

of the children said it had inspired them to take up the sport for them-



Staffing update

We are delighted to announce that, following a very successful interview, Tilya Kibble will be joining

the team at Horsley in September as our new permanent EYFS teacher.

Sadly, at the end of the term we will be losing Miss Aldred, who has very kindly stepped in for the

Spring and Summer terms. Mrs Williment, our 1:1 TA will also be moving on to pastures new. Mrs

Foreman will be working in a job share role from September, so we will keep you updated about her

partner to be in due course.

Further informa%on about staffing for each class will be announced next term. Thank you for your on-

going support. As always, if you have any concerns, do come and chat.

Mr Price

Year 4 travelled to Nailsworth School last week to watch a produc%on addressing the issues of cyber-


'In the Net' was developed by the team behind the hugely successful CSE awareness-raising play

'Chelsea's Choice'. It is a fantas%cally fun piece of children's theatre that was created out of a growing

need to make young people aware of internet safety and the real-world effects of cyber bullying.

It’s Do�y’s birthday and she’s just got a shiny new ipad. But there’s a problem. She’s not being too

safe online. She’s pos%ng personal informa%on, chaDng to strangers and making rude comments

about school friends. When her behaviour results in her being pulled into the computer Do�y finds

herself caught 'In the Net’. The clock is %cking and in order to get home she must go on a quest – a

quest to find out how to be safer online. Along the way she’s helped by a whole host of colour-

ful characters.

The play has been seen by hundreds of children around the UK has proven highly effec%ve at covering

Safe Internet Use.

The children came away feeling be�er informed and reassured about how to stay safe on-line.

Archie reported:

“I have learnt that if you see a website that doesn’t look very nice, press the off bu�on or close down

the lid”

Chloe commented:

“I liked that you learnt lots of facts about the net”

Barnaby said:

“I liked the lessons that they taught us because I know what to


And Eddy wrote:

“I will not go on websites that are not secure”.


Well done to the children who took part in this athle%cs event at Archway School this week. The children all gave

their all, and came a valiant 17th out of 21 local schools.

The whole world in our school by Martha Packer

On Friday the 27th of April Luke Jerram came to our school. Luke is a famous interna%onal ar%st whose work is

oLen to do with science and percep%on (how we see things). Most of his work is fun and involves the public.

Luke showed us some interes%ng films of his projects. One was called Park and Slide - it’s where he put a giant

water slide down Park street in Bristol. Another is called Museum of the Moon - a giant balloon that’s got the real

surface of the moon taken by a satellite printed onto it. It’s so big it wouldn’t fit in Horsley church. He brought

with him a mini version of a brand new piece of art - the earth. It was s%ll very large (3.8m diameter). The recep-

%on class got to see Luke inflate it. It was already blown up and hanging in the church when o�ers and owls came

in. As we came flooding in mouths opened and jaws dropped and children were going “wow” and

“look at that!” at the sight of a giant earth in the church. It was awesome R . This is what An%gone Woodhead

(from recep%on class) said about the Earth:

‘First it was small then it went up, up, up, up,

up, up! I thought it was going to be bigger

than the church! It was sooooooooo BIG!

He's going to make an even bigger one! It

was beau%ful... all the pa�erns on the

earth... bright blue.Then he showed us a

massive slippy slide with people zooming

down so, so fast and geDng all wet! I want

him to come back with another thing.'

Ed Lentle ( from O�ers year 4) said,

‘Luke’s talk was very interes%ng and when

we all came in and saw the globe everyone

said wow.’

Ezme Brown ( Badgers Year 2) said,

“It was amazing to see the Earth in our

church hall. It was massive and Luke is very talented.”

To find out more about Luke Jerram you can visit his website www.lukejerram.com

School Diary Dates 2017-2018


14-18 SATS week

22 Life Educa%on Bus Visit

23-25 Owls class residen%al

25 End of Term 5 3:15pm


4 Term 6 starts 8:55am

Geography Week

6 Y6 Leavers’ Service Gloucester Cathedral

12 Y6 Leavers’ photos

13 Art Extravaganza– whole school day of art, fancy

dress and special ac%vi%es—more details to fol-


20 Cluster Sports R-Y2

28 Sports Day


2 Computa%on Day at SWR—Y5/6

3 Reserve Sports Day

Recep%on Cheese & Wine Evening 6-7:00pm

6 Cool Aero trip Y3/4

FHS Summer Fete 6-9pm

9 Junior Summer Produc%on week

25 Leavers Assembly 1:30pm

End of term 2:15pm

Horsley Primary School

2018-19 Academic Year Dates

Term 1: Weds 5th Sept - Thurs 18th Oct 2018

Term 2: Tues 30th Oct - Fri 21st Dec 2018

Term 3: Tues 8th Jan - Fri 15th Feb 2019

Term 4: Mon 25th Feb – Fri 5th April 2019

Term 5: Tues 23rd April - Fri 24th May 2019

Term 6: Mon 3rd June – Tues 23rd July 2019

Inset Days 2018-2019

Monday 3rd September 2018

Tuesday 4th September 2018

Friday 19th October 2018

Monday 29th October 2018

Monday 7th January 2019

Congratula+ons to our Special Awards winners:

Barnaby, Iris, Coco, Eddy, Elwood, Isaac and Marcello


Lucien recently discovered a patch of ‘Lords-and-Ladies’ in the woods near Horsley park.

He kindly came and informed us, as he explaining, ‘it’s poisonous...it’s a�rac%ve to young

children because of its berries...they’re quite colourful looking. It doesn’t kill you but it

could send you to hospital’.

Thank you Lucien