Aquatic Microbiology, Editors Skinner & Shewan Academic Press 1978 The Identification, Cultivation and Control of Iron Bacteria in Ground Water D. R. Cullimore Regina Water Research Institute, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan. Canada AND ANNETTE E. McCann Canadian Water Resources Engineering Corporation, Saskatchewan Canada CONTENTS 1.Introduction (a) General introduction (b) The classification of iron bacteria (c) Studies on the major genera of iron bacteria 2.Problems caused by iron bacteria (a) General survey (b) Global distribution of iron bacteria (c) Local problems with iron bacteria in Saskatchewan 3.The grow th and enumeration of iron bacteria (a) Factors influencing the growth of iron bacteria (b) Cultural differentiation of iron bacteria (c) Qualitative examination of iron bacteria (d) Quantitative examination of iron bacteria 4.Control of iron bacteria in ground water supplies (a) Chemical control of iron bacteria (b) Physical control of iron bacteria (c) General discussion 5. Acknowledgements 6. References

The Identification, Cultivation and Control of Iron Bacteria in Ground

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Aquatic Microbiology, Editors Skinner & Shewan Academic Press 1978

The Identification, Cultivation and Control ofIron Bacteria in Ground Water

D. R. Cullimore

Regina Water Research Institute, University of Regina,Regina, Saskatchewan. Canada



Canadian Water Resources Engineering Corporation,Saskatchewan Canada


1.Introduction(a) General introduction(b) The classification of iron bacteria(c) Studies on the major genera of iron bacteria2.Problems caused by iron bacteria(a) General survey(b) Global distribution of iron bacteria(c) Local problems with iron bacteria in Saskatchewan3.The grow th and enumeration of iron bacteria(a) Factors influencing the growth of iron bacteria(b) Cultural differentiation of iron bacteria(c) Qualitative examination of iron bacteria(d) Quantitative examination of iron bacteria4.Control of iron bacteria in ground water supplies(a) Chemical control of iron bacteria(b) Physical control of iron bacteria(c) General discussion5. Acknowledgements6. References

1. Introduction

(a) General introduction

IRON BACTERIA may be defined as “that group of aerobic bacteria which appear to utilize theoxidation of ferrous and/or manganous ions as an essential component in their metabolic functioning.”The resultant production of ferric arid/or manganic salts (usually the hydroxide) within the cell or cellcoatings gives the bacteria their typical brown coloration. Studies of pyrite deposits laid down 300million years ago have shown them to contain a range of fossil bacteria including representatives oftwo major groups of iron bacteria, Gallionella and Sphaerotilus (Schopf et al. 1965).

Fossil iron bacteria were first reported by Ehrenberg (1836); while analysing ochre microscopi-cally he mistook them for diatoms but named them Gallionella ferrunginea. Other genera of ironbacteria were first described from living specimens such as Leptothrix ochracea which is mainly re-sponsible for tile formation of bog ore (Kutzing 1843) and Crenothrix polyspora discovered and de-scribed by Cohn (1870) while studying the brown flocculent precipitates which had rendered wellwaters undrinkable. In addition to a very detailed description, Colin stained the bacteria using thePrussian blue reaction in which potassium ferricyanide with hydrochloric acid stained with an intensityvarying with the concentration of ferric compounds present. Colin’s Studies also highlighted the nui-sance value of iron bacteria.

Throughout history, there are reports of water from wells, rivers and creeks being stained bloodred or brown and becoming undrinkable presumably due to the growths of iron bacteria. In Berlin in1877, the whole water main system had to be replaced because it was clogged with iron bacteria grow-ing within the system. Typical symptoms of iron bacterial growths in water supplies are: (a) discolora-tion of the waters (yellow to rust-red or brown); (b) reduction in flow rates through the system causedby coatings of iron bacteria inside the pipes, (c) development of thick red or brown coatings on thesides of reservoirs, tanks and cysterns; sometimes sloughing off to form either fluffy specks in thewater or gelatinous clumps of red to brown filamentous growths: (d) rapid clogging of filter screens: (e)heavy surface and sedimented growths of a red or brown color sometimes irridescent (ochre), in water.

Frequently, the heavy growths of’ iron bacteria form a substrate for other bacteria which maydegrade these materials anaerobically to form acidic products and hydrogen sulphide These in turn callcause taste, odour and corrosion problems. Controlling the growth of iron bacteria has always posed aproblem due to the heavy deposits of ferric and/or manganic salts around the cell and the cell coatingsthemselves, forming a natural barrier to any bacteriocidal agent. Stott (1973) summarized the difficultyof controlling iron bacteria by the statement “Iron bacteria are tenacious and continue to grow evenafter the severest kind of treatment . . . and if relief is to be had it is likely to be temporary.”

It was the nuisance nature of iron bacteria in water supplies that focussed attention upon theiractivities and led Winogradsky (1888) to postulate a biological grouping of the organisms character-ized by their relation to iron. He concluded from his cultural studies that the iron bacteria were chemoau-totrophic and derived energy from the transformation of iron from the ferrous to the ferric state.Winogradsky’s postulate of obligate chemoautotrophy was shown to be incorrect at least for sonic ironbacteria since they grew well heterotrophically (Molisch 1892). Two schools of thought generatedaround these two opposing postulates of chemoautotrophic and heterotrophic nutritional pathways forthe iron bacteria (Pringsheirn 1952). Mulder (1974 reviewed the literature with particular emphasis onthe chemolithotrophy of the sheath-forming iron bacteria. Confusion in determining their true nutri-tional status has been made more intense because these organisms grow only at pH values above 6, apH range in which ferrous ions will oxidize rapidly by purely chemical reaction. Mulder contends thatit is therefore very difficult to that the energy released from such a reaction can be utilized by the

bacteria. He postulates that “it is highly probable that in many cases the so-called biological iron oxida-tion by these bacteria is confined to absorption of chemically oxidised iron by the sheaths or slime layersurrounding the sheaths.” Mulder (1964) does, however, demonstrate that the organisms of the Leptothrixgroup are able to convert manganous ions readily to manganic oxide over the pH range of 6.0-7.5.There is evidence that this conversion is due to the presence of proteinaceous substances promotingmanganese oxidation on the outside of the sheaths.

Many attempts have been made to differentiate the iron bacteria into groups based upon differ-ences in nutritional requirements. Stott (1973) divided them into three groups. viz., group 1, those thatprecipitate ferric hydroxide from solutions of ferric bicarbonate, using the carbon dioxide set flee andthe available energy of the reaction for their life processes; group 2, those that do not require ferrousbicarbonate for their vital processes but which cause the deposition of ferric hydroxide when eitherinorganic or organic salts are present; group 3, those that attack iron salts of organic acids, utilizingheterotrophically the organic acid radical while eventually converting the basic salt to ferric hydroxide.In practice, the iron bacteria are almost always differentiated by their morphological characteristics.

(b) The classification of iron bacteria

(i) Based on Bergey’s Manual of Determinative BacteriologyConsiderable changes have occurred in the classification of the iron bacteria over the last de-

cade. In the 7th edition of Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, (Breed et al. 1957), the ironbacteria were listed in the Caulobacteriaceae, Siderocapsaceae, Chlamydobacteriaceae, andCrenotrichaceae, while in the 8th edition (Buchanan & Gibbons 1974), they were incorporated in 15genera listed in the following parts: part 2, Gliding bacteria, Toxothrix; part 3, Sheathed bacteria,Sphaerotilus, Leptothrix, Lieskeella, Crenothrix and Clonothrix part 4, Budding and/or appendagedbacteria, Pedomicrobium, Gallionella, Metallogenium and Kusnezovia and part 12, Grain negativechemolithotrophic bacteria, Thiobacillus (one species only, Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, Siderocapsa,Naumanniella, Ochrobium and Siderococcus.

Diagrammatic presentations of these genera are shown in Fig. 1, their dominant habitats inTable 1, and a proposed dichotomous key for their identification in Table 2.

(ii) Other genera reported to include iron bacteria

Although the 8th edition of Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology considerably re-duces the confusion in the classification of iron bacteria, species of iron bacteria have been reported inother bacterial genera.

Mann & Quastel (1946) showed that the manganese oxide present in soil was mainly the resultof biological oxidations. Van Veen’s (1973) review showed in studies in vitro that several differenttypes of fungi and sonic bacterial genera, (Criyptococcus, Pseudomonas and Hyphomicrobium) wereall capable of oxidizing manganese independently of hydrocarboxylic compounds. Bacillus spores andthe chlamydospores of several fungi could become impregnated with manganic oxides after prolongedincubation in agar media enriched with MnSO

4 or MnCO

3. Arthrobacter (strain 216) and Coniothyrium

fuckelii were both found to oxidize manganese salts the most rapidly. Schweisfurth (1973) studied arange of manganese-oxidizing strains of Pseudomonas and proposed a species group, Ps.mangonoxudans. Clark et al. (1967) briefly reviewed the definition of the term iron bacteria and con-sidered that it included all organisms capable of precipitating iron biologically. Using synthetic mediacontaining ferric ammonium citrate, they found that isolates of Aerobacter aerogenes, Serratia indicaand Bacillus pumulis could all precipitate iron mainly through the utilization of the citrate. Ivarson &

Heringa (1972) in a study of the micro-organism oxidizing manganese in manganese deposits in soil,isolated sonic organisms resembling Hyphomicrobium and also a fungus belonging to the genus Cepha-losporium, both of which could actively oxidize manganese, but failed to detect any of the noted generaof soil iron bacteria. In similar studies of Illinois waters, A. aerogenes was most commonly isolated.All bacteria possessing the iron precipitating characteristic had two features in common, viz., the abil-ity to utilize citrate and the possession of capsular material. Clearly, in the presence of citrate and ironor manganese organic molecules, the degradation in total or in part of the organic fraction could lead toa biological precipitation of the iron or manganese. This is a pattern of precipitation different from thatassociated with the traditional grouping of iron bacteria.

Fig. 1. The principal morphological features of iron bacteria. (a) Sphaerotilus, upper: shows cells in sheath lower: singlecell. (b) Leptothrix, upper: shows cells in encrusted sheath; lower: single cell. (c) Crenothrix, upper: shows cells in sheath;lower: complete filament. (d) Lieskeella, upper: cells stained with methylene blue: lower: spirally wound filaments in cap-sule. (e) Siderocapsa, section of cells, embedded in common capsule encrusted with iron and manganic compounds. (f)Clonothrix, apical tips of filaments. (g) Metallogenium, upper: free cells; lower: microcolony, (h) Ochrobium, upper: singlecell; lower left: paired cell; lower right motile cell. (i) Kusnezovia, cells and interconnecting filaments heavily encrustedwith manganic deposits and oxalic acid. j) Siderococcus, cell arrangements showing encrustations of micro-colonies withferric hydroxides and oxides. (k) Naumanniella, single cells. (l) Toxothrix, upper: cells in filaments; lower: U-shaped tri-chome. (m) Gallionella, single cells. (n) Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, cells among precipitated iron. (o) Pedomicrobium,upper: swarmer cell; lower: stained preparation, mother cell encrusted with deposits giving off a hypha with bud at tip. Thescale number is in Fm. Thiobacillus refers only to the species, T. ferrooxidans.

Table 1Range of habitats in which iron bacteria occur and their ability to oxidize reduced iron and

manganese saltsHabitat Oxidizes

Genus Mud sediments Soil Fresh Bogs in lakes Well water and Acidic mine Fe Mn Fe and/

water and rivers piped systems drainings only only or Mn

Toxothrix - + + ± - - + - -Sphaerotilus - + - + + - - - +Leptothrix - + - + + + - - +Lieskeella - + - + - - + - -Crenothrix - + - - + - - - +Clonothrix - + - - + - - - +Pedomicrobium + + - - - - - - +Gallionella + + + + + - + - -Metallogenium + + - + - - - - +Kusnezovia - - - + - - - + ±Thiobacillus ferrooxidans + + + + + + + - -Siderocapsa - + - - + - - - +Naumanniella + + - - + - - - +Ochrobium - + - - + - + - -Siderococcus - - - + - - + - -

(c) Studies on the major genera of iron bacteria

(i) Gallionella

Although described first by Ehrenberg (1836), a very detailed morphological study of Gallionellawas reported by Cholodny (1924). Isolation techniques and some of the difficulties of obtaining purecultures were outlined by Nunley & Krieg (l968), who found that pure cultures of Gallionella ferrugineacould be obtained by incubating for 1 -2 days in Wolfe’s medium containing 0.5% of formalin toprevent contaminant heterotrophic growth. Enrichment of Gallionella cultures was reviewed byBasashova (1967) and excellent growth was obtained in an atmosphere of 6% 0

2. 59% N

2 and 35%

CO2. The ultrastructure (Balahova & Cherni 1970; Hanert 1970), and the form of iron in the filaments

(Maradanyan & Balashova 1971), have been subjected to intensive investigation. These studies re-vealed that Gallionella was a mycoplasmodial organism with a stalk consisting of helically coileduniquely mineralized oxidized fibres in a structure quite different from that of’ the common browncompounds of oxidized iron. The nature of the cell led Balashova (1969) to suggest that a relationshipcould be drawn between Gallionella, Metallogenium, and Mycoplasma since all three bacterial generalacked a cell wall. Extensive physiological studies of G. ferruginca were undertaken by Hanert (1968),who found that it grew well under low oxygen concentrations (0.1-0.2 mg.1-1 of O

2 ), while higher

levels (>2.75 mg.1-1 of O2) were inhibitory. It was also able to fix 14CO

2 in measurable quantities, and to

undertake autoxidation of ferrous iron stimulated by carbon dioxide in a medium containing ferroussulphide.

Table 2Dichotomous key to the genera of iron bacteria

1. Cells reproduce by budding, never possess tapering filaments 2 Cells do not reproduce by budding unless filaments are tapered 42. Cells possess cellular extensions resembling hyphae

Pedomicrobium Cells do not possess cellular extensions resembling hyphae 33. Do not possess rigid cell walls, buds are atypical ‘elementary bodies’

Metallogenium Possess rigid cell walls, buds resemble vegetative cells

Kusnezovia Possess rigid cell walls, cells become pear-shaped prior to budding

Siderococcus4. Cells occur in chains or filaments enclosed in a sheath and may also be present as

single cells or swarmers 5 Cells never enclosed in a sheath 85. Cells occur in chains when within a sheath 6 Cells occur in filaments when within a sheath 76. Motile cells possess a bundle of subpolar flagella, sheath not encrusted with ferric or manganic oxides Sphaerotilus Motile cells possess a single polar flagellum sheaths tend to be encrusted with ferric or manganic oxides Leptothrix7. Tapering filament enclosed in distinct sheath

Clonothrix Filament not tapering and may exhibit false branching, sheath thin and indistinct

Crenothrix8. Cells possess a torus or marginal thickenings, resembling a diatom 9 Cells do not possess torus or marginal thickenings 109. Torus resembles horseshoe, cells often in pairs

Ochrobium Torus does not resemble horseshoe, never in pairs

Naumanniella10. Cells occur in long filaments, frequently U shaped

Toxothrix Cells never in long filaments 1111. Cells possess a long spirally twisted stalk arising from centre of cell

Gallionella Cells do not possess stalks 1212. Cells embedded in common capsule

Siderocapsa Cells not embedded in common capsule 1313. Cells derive energy from oxidation of reduced sulphur compounds, cells never in

spiral arrangement Thiobacillus ferrooxidans

Cells do not derive energy front oxidation of reduced sulphur compounds, cellsoccur in double spiral arrangement


(ii) Sphaerotilus/Leptothrix group

The Sphaerotilus/Leptothrix group of sheathed bacteria has been extensively reviewed byDondero (1975) and earlier by Phaup (1968). A further role of Sphaerotilus as a component of ‘sewagefungus’ was discussed by Curtis (1969), and its ultrastructure described by Bissett & Brown (1969).These bacteria (in particular, Sphaerotilus natans are a major component of ‘sewage fungus’, definedby Curtis (1969) as “massive growth of slimy cotton-wool-like plumes (white, grey or brown) whichcan rapidly colonise surfaces.” Typically it is found in rivers below sources of organic pollution. Dondero(1975) indicated that members of this group could also grow in pipes and along with deposits of ironand manganese, reduce the rate of flow of water through the system. However, most reported occur-rences are of surface water infestations. the slimy growths interfering with the development of benthicanimals and consequently of fish (Avery 1970).

(iii) ToxothrixKrul et al. (1970) in a review and study of Toxothrix found it to be present in a large number of

the iron springs in and around Lansing East Michigan. They used a partially submerged microscopictechnique and also grew the organisms in the laboratory. It was noted that the trichomes would disinte-grate rapidly during laboratory observation, a feature of the genus which may have restricted its obser-vation in routine screening studies. Hasselbarth & Ludemann (1967) observed Toxothrix in well watersin districts of Germany.

(iv) Thiobacillus ferrooxidansThiobacillus ferrooxidans is a unique species obtaining energy simultaneously from the oxida-

tion of inorganic sulphur compounds and iron (Temple & Colmer 1951), a feature which led to itsimplication as a causative factor in corrosion problems involving acidic mine waters. The difficulties inculturing and enumerating T. ferrooxidans were overcome by Tuovinen & Kelly (1973) using a me-dium with a pH of 1.3 and FeSO

4 - 7H

2O, (NH



4 . MgSO

4 - 7H

2O and H


4 as the sources of

sulphur and iron. Enumeration was performed using selected non-inhibitory membrane filters (Tuovinenet al. 1971a) and agar base. The mechanisms of sulphur and iron oxidation have been studied (Temple& Colmer 1951 ; Vestal & Lundgren 1971). High tolerances to sonic metals (Zn, Ni, Cu, Co, Mn andAl) have been reported (Tuovinen et al. 1971b); the organism was resistant to these at concentrations ofmore than 10 g.1-1 Other metals, for example Ag, Te, As and Se were more toxic, and could not betolerated at concentrations above 50-100 mg.1-1. Increased tolerance was noted during oxidation ofsulphur and iron. This may be a significant ecological feature favouring the growth of T. ferrooxidansin heavy metal solutions toxic to other potential microbial competitors.

2. Problems Caused by Iron Bacteria

(a) General survey

The occurrence of iron in geological strata is already well established (Lepp 1975), but littleattention has been paid to the role of iron bacteria in the strata or aquafers, mainly because of thedifficulty of monitoring the organisms. The biological cycling of manganese and iron in water has beenreviewed (Mulder 1972) and the chemical factors affecting the equilibria and availability of iron andmanganese have been discussed (Hem 1972). For soils, minerological aspects of the biological iron andmanganese cycles have been given by lwasa (1970), all of which clearly illustrates a diverse potentialhabitat for the iron bacteria. It is not therefore surprising that problems have been reported in well and

mining operations, piped water and sewage systems and in open bodies of water.Iron bacteria have caused problems in water supplies since the dawn of civilization and there

are many references in history to ‘red’ water, undrinkable water covered in slime, and plugged wells.In wells, the major problems are (a) growths plugging the screens; (b) coating of the piped

systems, impellars and motors, thereby reducing flow rates; (c) reduced potability of the water andfinally; (d) total plugging of the well. Hasselbarth & Ludemann (1972) reported encrustations of wellswhich caused rapid decreases in yields particularly at times of maximum demand. The encrustationswere considered by Hasselbarth & Ludemann (1972) to be caused by: (a) iron and manganese bacteria,various species of which exist in the soil and could presumably enter a well during the initial boringoperations or by seepage into the aquafer feeding the well; (b) sulphate-reducing bacteria which reducesulphates to sulphides to meet their respiratory needs (the sulphides when excreted react with the ironto form iron sulphide deposits): (c) corrosion of metallic tubing and extension pipes.

Mogg (1972) elaborated on the remedial aspects of encrustations in wells, and recommendedthat the reduction or elimination of this problem could be achieved by providing an increase in screenopen area in newly designed wells, reduced draw down in wells through lower pumping from thescreened area of the well by the use of packers and vacuum seals and periodic chemical treatment(sulphamic or hydrochloric acids) to reduce microbial numbers. Mogg (1972) considered the dominantiron bacterial genera in well encrustations to be Gallionella, Crenothrix and Leprothrix and postulatedthat cells of iron bacteria may be transported easily from one well to another on well repair tools andequipment. He cites an example of a North Carolina well which became rapidly infected after undergo-ing minor repairs, Grainge & Lund (1969) indicated that “iron bacteria cause serious uncontrolledfouling in a high proportion of the wells throughout the world” and further indicated that “there is aproliferation of recommended controls, many of which we have found to be ineffective. . .” There isconsiderable evidence to support this (see Section 4).

Rao (1970) reported that in the Howrah district of India, iron bacteria occurred widely in thewells and water supply system, causing serious clogging or corrosion of the pipes. The iron content ofthe wells was between 0.2 and 0.8 mg.1-1 and the dominant genus was Clonothrix. Other genera alsofrequently encountered were Crenothrix, Leptothrix and Siderocapsa. The occurrence of iron bacteriain water supplies was described (Anon. 1939) in which the major problems were stated to be the limi-tation of hydraulic efficiency owing to thepresence of growths up to 1.5 cm thick on the inside of pipes, impaired water quality (taste, odour andcolour), and potential plugging of filters and pipes. Some of these aspects were further described byOmerod (1974). Considerable problems have been generated in mines and mine drainage which is richin dissolved reduced sulphur compounds and iron. In the presence of air, T. ferrooxidans, in conjunc-tion with other sulphide-oxidizing bacteria, generates a very acidic product due to the release of’ sulphuricacid as a terminal metabolic product. The factors involved have been extensively studied (Lorenz &Stephan 1967; Baker & Wilshire 1970), and ill particular the rate at which it occurs (Singer & Stumm1970). Methods for reducing the acidity in drainage waterwere proposed by Walsh & Mitchell (1972) and included (a) the partial neutralization of the water to apH value above 4.3 to inhibit stalked bacteria and T. ferrooxidans, (b) the use of surface active agents todetach stalks (holdfasts) at the site of pyrite degradation and (c) the introduction of heterotrophic bac-teria capable directly or indirectly of parasiting upon the stalked bacteria. Most treatments currentlyemployed utilize (a).

(b) Global distribution of iron bacteria

Apart from frequent statements indicating that the problems involving iron bacteria in ground

water are worldwide, there has been no attempt to determine the true extent of the problem. Cullimore& McCann (1974) carried out a survey of 150 countries by correspondence with the respective Depart-ments of Environment or equivalent bodies. The global distribution of iron bacterial problems in groundwater was drafted on the basis of the governmental replies Fig. 2). Some countries elaborated exten-sively on the nature of the problems (summarized in Table 3).

From this survey based on responsive countries only, it is clear that iron bacteria occur on allcontinents (except Antartica for which no data is available) and other countries including China, Ger-many, Yugoslavia and Holland presumably also experience problems since papers on the subject haveoriginated from them. Indeed, it seems likely that iron bacteria are present in the ground water andsurface waters throughout the temperate and tropical zones of the world.

(c) Local problems with iron bacteria in Saskatchewan

The southern half of Saskatchewan is prairie, with an annual rainfall of 20-40 cm, and is fed by onemajor river system and several large aquafers running from the northern half of the province which is apart of the Canadian Shield. In the south, the dominant industry is agriculture (grain crops). The lowrainfall restricts the source of water to spring run-off and well supplies. Problems with iron bacterialgrowth in wells occur across the southern part of the province (Fig. 3) to a varying degree (Anon. 1972).. . Meneley (pers. comm.) has calculated that the approximate annual cost of remedial measures to theprovincial economy is four to six million dollars. The principal effects of iron bacterial growths werelisted (Anon 1972) as being the corrosion of water pumps pressure tanks, galvanized pipes and fittings;the clogging of metal and plastic pipes; the reduction of water flow and water pressure and the coatingof the resin beds of water softeners with slime, reducing efficiency and imparting unpleasant tastes andodours to the water. Dominant iron bacteria listed were Gallionella and Sphaerotilus. The authors, in asurvey of well water samples from across the southern half of Saskatchewan, found that over 90% ofthe wells contained iron bacteria (see Section 3c) and that the dominant genera were, in decreasingorder of percentage occurrence: Crenothrix, Leptothrix, Gallionella, Sphaerotilus and occasionally T.ferrooxidans and Siderocapsa. Control methods used include treatment with hypochlorite (‘shock’chlorination); sulphamic or sulphuric acids and a number of proprietary products, but there is a highincidence in the reoccurrence of problems after all types of treatment. Some attempts are made toenforce higher hygienic standards during construction and maintenance operations in an effort to pre-vent cross-contamination of wells.

3. The Growth and Enumeration of Iron Bacteria

(a) Factors influencing the growth of iron bacteria

The impact of iron bacterial growths on the quantity and quality of water supplies has focussedsome attention on the factors controlling their growth. Each chemical and physical factor will be dis-cussed separately.

(i) IronAs suggested by the name iron bacteria, iron can perform a key role in controlling the growth of

the organisms. Wolfe (1960) isolated a strain of Clonothrix growing in waters devoid of manganeseand containing only 0.02 mg.1-1 of iron, but in general, growths occur only at substantially higherconcentrations of iron. Hasselbarth & Ludemann (1972) in their review of the large iron and manga-nese bacteria (Gallionella, Leptothrix) found that in static water conditions growth occurred at between

1.6 and 12 mg.1-1 iron, and was prevented at l4 mg.1-1 iron. In flowing water, such as a pumping well,encrustrations of iron bacteria could be expected if the iron concentration exceeded 0.2-0.5 mg.l-1 be-cause of the continuous flow of nutrients. Similar concentrations of iron (mg.l-1) are reported elsewherein the literature, for example, 0.2-0.8 (Rao 1970); 0.3 (Luthy 1964) and 1 (Mogg 1972). Starkey (1945)and Stephenson (1950) calculated the reaction dynamics assuming that the oxidation of ferrous ionsgenerated the sole source of energy for the synthesis of cell material. The ratios calculated were 500:1and 448:1 (for iron to cell material) respectively, clearly indicating that very large deposits andencrustration of iron bacteria occur relative to cell mass.

Fig. 2. Global distribution of iron bacteria problems acknowledged by government agencies. The shaded areas representdistricts where governments have indicated problems from iron bacteria. Documented information and locally severe occur-rences are shown in the dark shade. The light shade indicates that these problems are suspected to be caused by iron bacteria.Unshaded areas represent the countries which failed to respond to the survey and about which there is no specific mention inthe literature concerning the distribution of the bacteria or which reported ignorance of the occurrence of iron bacteria. Themap does not therefore give a complete distribution.

(ii) ManganeseThis may fulfil the same role as iron in the metabolism of iron bacteria, but has been ignored to

some extent in earlier well monitoring programmes. Luthy (1964) considered 0.05 mg.1-1 of manga-nese to be undesirable since it would cause staining but stated that the problem became more severe atmanganous ion concentrations >0.15 mg.1-1 . Studies carried out by the authors appeared to indicatethat for most strains of iron bacteria, the uptake of iron and manganese did not interact with each otherin any fixed ratio. In bioassays of freshly isolated iron bacteria (mainly Crenothrix sp.), most displayeda preferential growth in media containing higher concentrations of ferrous ions than in media contain-ing the equivalent molar concentrations of manganous ions. However, for one strain of Crenothrixsubjected to intensive uptake studies, it was noted that: (a) the rate of reduction of dissolved manganesewas affected by the concentration of iron present; (b) when iron was in excess of’ manganese (>5:1)

then the rite of utilization of manganese was accelerated (c) when the total concentration of iron andmanganese was low (<10 mg.1-1 combined iron and manganese), then the excess of iron necessary tostimulate manganese uptake was more extreme (>100:1). In these bioassays, few strains grew moreefficiently on manganese than on iron. Clearly, the alternate use of manganous ions by iron bacteriarequires more study, and the name iron bacteria may be a poor one since it focusses attention on thatelement rather than on manganese and perhaps some other metallic elements.

Fig. 3. Intensity of iron bacterial contamination of wells in the agricultural region of Saskatchewan. Severity of the contami-nation problem is riven in a sliding shade scale displayed to the left of the map. The scale is in miles. The clear zone to thenorth is outside the agricultural region of Saskatchewan.

(iii) pHIron bacteria. except T. ferrooxidans, generally grow well over the pH range of 5.4 to 7.2

(Hasselbarth & Ludemann 1972). The pH of individual culture media are within this range: Prevot’smedium, pH 16.0, iron bacteria medium, pH 6.5: Leptothrix medium pH 5.9-6.8; Lieske’s medium, pH6.6; van Niel’s medium pH 6-7 (Rodina 1965 ). Under more alkaline conditions (that is, pH of 7.5-9.0).ferrous and manganous ions lend to oxidize rapidly by normal physicochemical processes and becomeless available as a potential energy source.

(iv) OxygenAll iron bacteria are either aerobic or microaerophilic and massive growths of iron bacteria

have been reported in wells containing less than 5 mg.1-1 O: (Hasselbarth & Ludemann 1972). Growthmay be suppressed tinder saturated oxygen conditions. In addition, Weart & Margrave (1957) notedthat the growth of some species of iron bacteria was restricted to a defined oxidation-reduction range.

(v) TemperatureThere has been no direct study of the growth range of iron bacteria directly isolated from wells

but some ranges are listed in Bergey’s Manual of’ Determinative Bacteriology (Buchanan & Gibbons1974) and are presented in Table 4. Studies on the growth of iron bacteria in the wells of southernSaskatchewan would suggest that all the strains are obligate or facultative psychrophiles, since thewater temperature varies between 3 and 14EC. Although only limited thermal gradient growth studies

have been undertaken, evidence from field studies suggests that temperature elevation in well watermay trigger off iron bacterial growths. For example, in one refinery well (#6 Consumers Co-operativeRefinery, Regina), significant increases in iron bacterial numbers followed a rise in the water tempera-ture above 5.5-5.8EC. When the temperature returned to a value below this level the bacterial numbersdeclined

Table 3Information received from various governmental agencies concerning the occurrence of iron bacterial

infestationsCountry Area Problem-specified Causative agentAustralia Victoria and Queensland Irrigation jets plugged, Gallionella dominant in

plugged pipes ground water(Queensland)

Canada Most provinces Extensive growth in wells Gallionella, Crenothrix.L e p t o t h r i x , C l o n o t h r i x ,Sphaerotilus andSiderocapsa (rare)

El Salvador Apopa and Soyapango Clogging well screens Iron bacteria, not specified

Guyana - Water supplies Not specified

India Widespread Reduction in flow rates Clonothrix predominant inand potability Calcutta area

Malaya - Contamination of wells and Not specifiedirrigation water for rice culture

Nigeria Bomore Plugging of screens Not specified

Norway Widespread Growths in systems of Gallionellahydroelectric power plants

Singapore City Deterioration in water supply Not specified

South Africa Widespread Pipe scaling Not specified

Sri Lanka Widespread Plugging through water Crenothrixsupply systems

Sweden Widespread Discoloured water, plugged Gallionella, Crenothrix. andpipes Leptothrix

United Kingdom - Discolouration of water Gallionella (less organic matsupplies ter present) or Leptothrix/

Crenothrix (organic matterrelatively high)

United States Alabama 5% wells discoloured, Gallionella and Sphaerotilusof America 62% wells contain iron bacteria

Table 3, continuedIndiana, New England, Problems with iron bacteria Not specifiedNew Jersey, Ohio particularly common

California, Colorado, 969 communities surveyed Not specifiedIndiana, Kansas, Kentucky, and 10% of water examinedLouisiana, Missouri, New exceeded 0.3 mg.1-1 iron andYork, Ohio, South Carolina, could support iron bacterialVermont, West Virginia infestations

Union of the Widespread Not specified Not specified Socialist States of Russia

(vi) CarbonMost wells contain sufficient dissolved carbon dioxide/bicarbonate (Hasselbarth & Ludemann

1972) to meet the growth requirements for the chemoautotrophic iron bacteria (Gallionella) so thatcarbon is not likely to be restrictive for this genus. The other genera requiring organic carbon may berestricted by the availability (qualitative and quantitative of these compounds. In Rodina’s (1965) listedmedia, organic carbon is provided in a variety of forms - citrate, acetate, glucose, peptone, asparagineand infusates of various leaves (for example, lettuce and willow). Comparative studies indicate that themost universal source of carbon is citrate (as ferric ammonium citrate). It is difficult to predict a thresh-old concentration below which iron bacterial growth would be restricted or totally inhibited since thetotal available organic carbon would be a function of flow rate as well as concentration.

The range of cultural procedures which have been used for the iron bacteria are shown in Table5.

Table 4Growth temperature ranges for iron bacteria

Growth temperature range (EC)Genus minimal optimal Maximal

Sphaerotilus 15 25 - 30 37Leptothrix 10 20 - 25 35*Crenothrix 6 26 - 28 34Thiobacillus ferrooxidans ? 15 - 20 25

Cullimore & McCann (unpublished).

(b) Cultural differentiation of iron bacteria

Although there has been a considerable level of activity in determining the types arid physi-ological grouping of the traditional iron bacteria, they remain a poorly defined group (Macrae & Edwards1972). This stems from the fact that many bacteria can become encrusted with iron precipitated from asol, as demonstrated by Macrae & Edwards (1972) for K. pneumoniae, Micrococcus, E. coli, Coryne-bacterium pseudodiphtheriticum, Ps. fluorescens, Mycobacterium phlei and Caulobacter. Macrae etal. (1973) cast further doubt on the delineation of iron bacteria by reporting that isolates of Pseudomo-nas, Alcaligenes and Moraxella were able to utilize organic iron complexes (as ferric ammonium cit-rate and in some cases, as ferric malonate arid/or ferric galate). In all cases iron was precipitated, oftenas a heavy red precipitate. Clearly, the definition of iron bacteria needs resolving if an accurate determi-nation is to be conducted into the relative importance of iron bacteria in well waters.

Of primary concern must be the name iron bacteria which in itself does not accurately definetheir function since many bacteria in this group can alternatively use manganese or even use manga-nese exclusively. Furthermore, there is no evidence which would exclude the use of other metallicelements from performing the same function, albeit in a minor role. Therefore, the group could be moreprecisely defined by the term metallo-oxidizing bacteria (MOB). This would eliminate from the groupthe heterotrophic bacteria capable of utilizing the organic component of iron or manganese organiccomplexes leading to the precipitation of iron or manganese (i.e. the metallo-precipitating non-oxidiz-ing bacteria, MPNB). While the MOB group would oxidize specifically either manganous or ferrouscompounds, with encrustation and/or precipitation of the metal as the oxides or hydroxides, the MPNBwould cause only precipitation of the metal. with encrustation only when iron is present in a colloidalform (Table 6). In most instances, however, the MOB group would be encrusted with the metallicoxides or hydroxides while the MPNB group would cause precipitation. Confirmation of the types ofbacteria present in any primary isolation/enumeration would therefore have to include at least micro-scopic examination for the types of bacteria present. Many of the media recommended for isolatingMOB will allow the growth of the MPNB. Rodina (1965) has listed a range of media suitable forculturing iron bacteria (that is, MOB). Cullimore & McCann (1975), using a range of these media at pHvalues of 6.0 and 7.4 to culture MOB from 15 water samples taken from Saskatchewan wells, found bymeans of a microscopic examination of pellicular growths of the liquid media that MOB had grown todiffering extents in all media (Table 7). Genera recovered included Crenothrix, Leptothrix, Sphaerotilus.Gallionella and Siderocapsa. with Gallionella and Crenothrix being the most commonly isolated. TheWinogradsky and the iron peptone media gave the best recovery rates. Gallionella could not, however,be reliably subcultured on these media but Crenothrix. Leptothrix and Sphaerotilus grew well.

Table 5Cultural procedures for iron bacteria

Method Specific notes ReferencesThiobacillus Ferrooxidans9K medium 9000 mg.1-1 Fe, pH 3.3 developed by Silverman & Lundgren (1959)9K medium used by Margalith et al. (1966),

Remsen & Lundgren (1966),Korezynski et al. (1967)Wang, et al.(1970). Howard &Lundgren (1970), Vestal &Lundgren (1971), Lapteva etal.(1971),Niemela & Tuovinen(1972)

9K medium Added 0.5M solution FeSO4.7H2O Vestal & Lundgren (197 1)9K medium Omitted chloride salts Howard & Lundgren (1970)Medium for use in acid FeSO4.7H2O, 2000 mg.l-1:MgS04.7H20,0.1%; Temple & Colmer (1951)bituminous coal mine effluents (NH4)2SO4, 0.05%, pH adjusted using H2SO4

to 2-2.5Medium for coal mine (NH4)2SO4, 0.015%; KCl, 0.0005%, Leathen et al. (1956)effluents MgSO4.7H2O, 0.05%; KH2PO4, 0.005%;

Ca(NO3)2, 0.001%- FeSO4.7H2O added tofinal strength of 0.1%

Solid agar medium 2% agar added to basal medium Temple & Colmer (1951)Solid agar medium Enumeration using agar media fails due to Bryner & Jameson (1958),

inhibition of organisms Unz & Lundgren(1961)Continued

Table 5 - ContinuedMethod Specific notes References

Silica gel as gelling agent Variable success Leathen et al.(1951), Leathenin media et al.(1956) Bryner & Jameson

(1958), Beck (1960), Laptevaet al. (1971)

Enumeration of viable K2HPO4, 0.08% MgSO4.7H2O, 0.08%, Tuovinen & Kelly (1973)organisms (NH4)2SO4, 0.08%, FeSO4, 7H2O,.

6.66% pH 1.55. Prewashed membrane filters.Agarose at 0.3-0.5%, (w/v)

Incorporation of organic Reported T. ferrooxidans inhibited by Kelly (1971). Tuovinen et al.compounds in medium specific compounds (1971b),Usami Sugitani

(1971)Incorporation of organic Only some strains inhibited Shafia & Wilkinson (1969),

compounds in medium Tabita & Lundgren (1971)Medium containing glucose, Transition from chemolithotrophy to Shafia et. al. (1972)

basal salts, p-amino organotrophybenzoic acid

Sphaerotilus/Leptothrix Autotrophically on thiamin. biotin, Ali & Stokes (1971)Cultured cyanocobalamin-supplemented medium

Methionine synthesis Cyanocobalamin shown to be essential Johnson & Stokes (1965)Growth on manganous ions Sphaerotilus discophorus could exclusively Ali & Stokes (1971)

utilize manganous rather than ferrous ionsHeterotrophic media Recommended for group Mulder & Van Veen (1963).

Petitprez et . al . (1969),Stokes& Powers (1965 and1967). Bisset & Brown (1969)

Carbon substrate utilization Wide range of sugars could be metabolized Lackey & Wattie (1940),by strains of Sphaeroitilus Stokes (1954). Scheuring &

Hohnl (1956)Carbon substrate utilization Fructose utilized Hohnl(1955). Mulder & Van

by strains of Sphaerotilus Veen (1963)

Fructose utilized by some strains Lackey & Wattie (1940),Scheuring & Hohnl (1956).Razumov (1961)

Lactose not utilized Stokes (1954)Xylose and ribose utilized Curtis (1969)Glucose suppressed the oxidation of other Stokes & Powers (1967)organic compoundsOrganic alcohols could be utilized but not Stokes (1954)methanolGlycerol utilization confirmed Hohnl(1955), Mulder & Van

Veen (1963)Succinic, fumaric, butyric, lactic, pyruvic Stokes(1954)and acetic acids utilizedAdditional acids including malic, propionic, Scheuring & Hohnl (1956)Citric, glucolic, amlonic and tartaric all utilized

Simple medium Gelatin supplemented with mineral salts Pringshiem (1942), Zikes(1915)


Table 5 - ContinuedMethod Specific notes References

Amino acid utilization 0.1 mg.1-1 methionine stimulates uptake Wilson (1960)Asparagine, aspartic acid, glutamine and Scheuring & Hohnl (1956)glutamic acid could serve as carbon andnitrogen sources onlyMethionine, threonine, tyrosine glycine and Scheuring & Hohnl (1955)cystine could serve as nitrogen sources onlyDisparity in results postulated to be due to Harrison & Heukelekiandifferent isomers or concentrations (1958), Hohnl (1955)

Inorganic nitrogen Nitrate utilized Linde (1913)Grew with ammonium or nitrate ions Cataldi (1939), Lackey &

Wattie (1940)Ammonium ion utilized only when carbon Stokes (1954)source was sucrose, glycerol or succinateNitrate proved superior source of nitrogen Hohnl (1955), Razumov

(1961), Phaup(1968)Cyanocobalamin (B12) stimulated uptake Dias & Heukelekian (1967),of NH4, NO2 and NO3 Mulder & VanVeen (1962),

Okrend &Dondero (1964)B12 stimulation of uptake could be duplicated Wuhrmann & Koestler(1950)using higher concentrations of’ methionineThiamine and biotin also essential for uptake Stokes & Johnson (1965)in some strains Johnson & Stokes (1965)

Mineral salt requirements Basic medium suggested Lackey & Wattie (1940)FeCl3 could cause inhibition Johnson & Stokes (1966)Filament formation calcium dependent Dias & Dondero (1967)Strontium could not be used as a substitute Dias et al. (1968)for calcium dependencyPhosphate inhibitory at

0.15 M Hohnl (1955)0.05 M Gaudy & Wolfe (1961)

Sphaerotilus dominant component of sewage Wuhrmann et al. (1966)fungus’ at 150 Fg.1-1 phosphorus Ornerod et al. (1906)

Basic medium Enrichment medium using ferrous sulphide Kucera & Wolfe (1957)at pH 6.0Modified above medium to monitor pH Wolfe (1960)changes with indicatorsEliminated contaminants by 0.5% formalin Nunley & Krieg (1969)pretreatment for 2 days

Preservation of viable cultures 15% glycerol at -80EC Nunley & Kreig (1969)Optimization of growth Maximal at 0.1-0.2 mg.1-1 Hanert (1968)

1% C02 enrichment Van Iterson (1958)Recommended medium Lieske’s medium containing 3% (w/v) iron Rodina (1965)

filings or flat plates

(c) Qualitative examination of ‘iron’ bacteria

Many techniques have been developed for the rapid screening of water samples for the detectionof iron bacteria. Direct microscopic examination. the original preferred technique (Biswas 1937; Anon.1939), is still widely used (Barbic & Bracilovic 1974). The most successful stain in the author’s exper-

Table 6Genera comprising the metallo-oxidizing bacteria and the metallo-precipitating

non-oxidizing bacteria Non-colloidal metal Metal

Group Genus Autotrophic Heterotrophic encrusted on precipitated cell only

MOB Gallionella + - + -MOB Toxothrix - + K ±MOB Sphaerotilus - + - +MOB Leptothrix - + + -MOB Lieskeella - + + -MOB Crenothrix - + + -MOB Clonothrix - + + -MOB Pedomicrobium - + + -MOB Metallogenium - + + -MOB Kusnezovia - + + -MOB Thiobacillus - + ± KMOB Siderocapsa - + + -MOB Naumanneilla - + + -MOB Ochrobium - + + -MOB Siderococcus - + ± K*MPNB/MOB Pseudomonas - + K +*MPNB/MOB Hyphomicrobium - + K +*MPNB/MOB Arthrobacter - + K +MPNB Aerobacter - + - +MPNB Serratia - + - +MPNB Bacillus - + (K) +MPNB Klebsiella - + - +MPNB Alcaligenes - + - +MPNB Moraxella - + - +MPNB Corynebacterium - + - +MPNB Caulobacter - + - +MPNB Mycobacterium - + - +MPNB Escherichia - + - +* Individual strains capable of oxidizing ferrous and/or manganous inorganic salts have been reported.

rience is that of Meyers (1958) in which the cells stain red and the iron deposits blue. The techniqueconsists of: (a) separating the cells by centrifugation (if water is to be examined): (b) smearing thecentrifuged pellet onto a slide (if a culture is to be examined then direct smear of the pellicle may bemade ); (c) air drying slide: (d) placing it in methanol for 15 min; (C) heating to boiling point a 1:1mixture of potassium ferricyanide and 5% acetic acid (both solutions in distilled water); (f) immersingslide in boiling mixture for 2 min; (g) washing it gently with distilled water after cooling: (h) stainingfor 5 to 10 min with 2% aqueous safranin; (i) rinse, dry and examine. Alternatively, wet mounts ofwater samples rich in iron bacteria can be efficiently examined using phase contrast microscopy (V. G.Collins, pers. comm.). For samples low in bacterial numbers, Leuschow & Mackenthun (1962) used

filtration through a 0.45 Fm pore size membrane filter, followed by drying at 100EC and saturating thefilter with immersion oil having the same refractive index as the filter material. The filter is examinedunder an oil immersion and the types of iron bacteria observed and enumerated. Leuschow & Mackenthun(1962) applied the technique to wells in Wisconsin and found that using 100 ml samples, 55% werepositive for iron bacteria.. Dominant bacteria were Gallionella and Leptothrix and the highest counts>107 cells. mL-1 in reddish and turbid waters

Table 7Percentage occurrence of different genera of metallo-oxidising bacteria on twelve

media using, well water samplesMedium pH Crenothrix Gallionella Leptothrix Sphaerotilus SiderocapsaWinogradsky 6 60 27 0 7 0Winogradsky 7.4 80 33 7 0 0Prévot 6 40 20 13 13 0Prévot 7.4 27 13 7 0 0Iron peptone 6 87 20 13 0 0Iron peptone 7.4 87 13 7 7 0Leptothrix 6 33 13 7 0 7Leptothrix 7.4 27 20 0 7 7Ferric ammonium citrate 6 20 13 0 7 0Ferric ammonium citrate 7.4 73 27 0 0 0Lieske’s 6 20 13 13 7 0Lieske.s 7.4 20 13 0 0 0Formulae as listed in Rodina (1965).

Several very simple cultural techniques have been developed to indicate presence or absence ofiron bacteria in water samples. These include the following:1. Water is placed in a wide-necked sample bottle and left overnight. The appearance of flakes resem-bling cotton wool indicates the of iron bacteria and is confirmed by microscopic examination of theflakes (Rodina 1965)2. Water is placed in an aquarium jar together with sediment. A cork with several cover glasses insertedvertically into its lower side is floated on the water. The appearance of rust spots and/or cotton-likeaccumulates above the precipitated sediment indicates the presence of iron bacteria and examination ofthe cover glasses (air dried and stained ) after 24 h incubation will reveal the types of any iron bacteriawhich have become attached to the glass (Cholodny 1953).3. The simple is placed in a conical flask to which a chemically cleaned soft steel washer is added. Anextruded plastic rod is now placed vertically in the water. After two days a translucent filamentousgrowth occurs at and below the water line on the rod and develops a brown tint indicative of thepresence of iron bacteria (Grainge & Lund 1969). The authors recommended tile use of this techniqueto ascertain the potential effectiveness of control programmes.4. Cullimore & McCann (1975) have developed a three-day Field test for detection of both the MOBand MPNB in water, based on a modification of Winogradsky’s medium with nutrient levels estab-lished at the minimal concentration of each element to achieve optimal growth assuming an adequatesupply of all other nutrients. using a strain of Crenothrix (Table 8). The test is performed in a 25 mLcapacity screw-capped tube containing 0.75 mL of concentrated medium (X20) evaporated to dryness

at 65EC under aseptic conditions. The water sample is placed directly into the tube whereupon themedium is rehydrated and returns to its normal concentration; and incubated in the dark at room tem-perature (22 ±3EC) for three days. In Saskatchewan, this period has been found to be sufficiently longfor growth to occur. In general. the iron bacteria develop a thick pellicle or flaky deposit on the surfaceof the medium which itself becomes yellow or brown. If no bacteria are present then the medium willslowly auto-oxidize to a green colour. Several alternative reactions can occur in this test (Table 9).Reaction patterns A to D all indicate the presence of iron bacteria but no clear categorization of thegenera can thereby be ascertained. Reaction patterns D and E are both the result of the presence ofhydrogen sulphide-producing micro-organisms since the black deposits are iron sulphides. In patternE, no iron bacteria have been recovered and the test indicates the presence of sulph ide -producing-micro-organisms only.

Table 8Critical minimal concentrations for maintenance of

optimal growth of a strain of CrenothrixConcentration (mg.1-l)

ElementOriginal medium* Modified medium

Fe 1000 600N 750 450C 2500 1500Na 140 0K 220 220P 90 90Mg 50 50S 67 67Ca 90 0Cl 16 0

pH adjusted to 7.4.*Winogradsky’s medium.

Table 9Alternative reactions occurring in the field test

Visible changes in mediumColour of medium Brown Brown

Reaction pellicle flakes White Black type colourless yellow brown or plug. on surface effervescense deposit

A - K ± + K - -B - K ± - + - -C - + - - - - -D K K ± + K - +E + - - - - + +

Cullimore & McCann (1975).

The test therefore indicates not only the presence of iron bacteria but also of the corrosive hydrogensulphide producers. Tests on ground waters in Saskatchewan have been 95% positive for the presenceof iron bacteria and microscopic examination of the surface growths has revealed the dominant types tobe Crenothrix, Lcptothrix, Sphaerotilus and Gallionella.

(d) Quantitative examination of ‘iron ‘ bacteria

Modifications of several of the qualitative procedures can be used to achieve quantitative re-sults by the application of a serial dilution technique prior to the test procedure, or by the use of themembrane filtration method of Leuschow & Mackenthun (1962). Another MF technique has beendeveloped by Cullimore & McCann (1975) in which the water sample (100 mL, 10 mL equiv.; 0.1 mLequiv.) is membrane filtered using a 0.22 Fm pore size filter, and subsequently cultured on the modifiedWinogradsky’s medium containing 2% agar and incubated at 28EC for 3 days. The iron bacteria growas brown colonies, sometimes irridescent. with irregular edges, such colonies being counted as ironbacteria. A typical pattern of iron bacterial populations in well waters northeast of Pilot Butte (east ofRegina) is given in Fig. 4 and Table 10. This clearly shows that the numbers present are subject toconsiderable variation depending upon factors such as the water temperature, level of pumping activityand quality of the water.

Table 10Distribution of iron bacteria in wells north east of

Pilot Butte, SaskatchewanIron bacterial numbers (organisms.mL-1)

Well site(see Fig. 4) Before run-off After run-off

1 88 132 25 >30003 85 14 50 3365 100 >30006 300 277 >3000 18 30 3769 10 >300010 >3000 >300011 300 40012 200 -13 300 >300014 0 44615 50 70

Run-off is the period of snow melt which occurs each spring.

Fig.4. Distribution of wells tested for iron bacteria north cast of Pilot Butte, Saskatchewan. The grid pattern divides the landinto square miles sections.

TABLE 11Recommended chemical treatments for the control of iron bacteria in ground water,

Treatment* Site Reference110 lb oxalic acid, 50 lb sulphamic acid, Wells Grainge & Lund (1969)50 lb wetting agent, 0.25 lb inhibitorElimination of dissolved CO

2 by elevation of pH Wells Ellis (1932)

to above 8.3Residual Chlorine. 0.2 mg.1-1 Lab tests Grainge & Lund (1969)Hydrogen peroxide, 100 mg.1-1 and phosphate Lab tests Grainge & Lund (1969) inhibitorHypochlorite, 0.438% Wells Machmeier (1971)Residual chlorine, 50- 100 mg.1-1 for 2 h Wells Machmeier (1971)Shock chlorination with 5.25% hypochlorite Wells Machmeier (1971)Hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid), 14-21% Screened wells Schafer (1974)Sulphamic acid, 7.5 -107, (several hours contact Screened wells Schafer (1974) time)Hydroxyacetic acid, 4.7-7% (contact time related Screened wells Schafer (1974) to pH of water)Chlorine gas to give 500 mg.1-1 Wells Schafer (1974)LBA(Liquid Antibacterial Acid, USA Patent Wells Luthy (1964) 3085929), 5% (treat for 36 h)Recycling of hypochlorite solutions Water supplies Rao (1970)Hydrochloric acid treatment followed by Wells Mogg (1972) 300 mg.1-1 chlorine, 18 h contactCalcium hypochlorite, 715 mg.1-1 Wells Schafer (1974)Lithium hypochlorite, 0.14% Wells Schafer (1974)Sodium hypochlorite, 0. 14% Wells Schafer (1974)Chlorine dioxide gas (limited use) Wells Schafer (1974)Potassium permanganate 0.1-0.2% Wells Schafer (1974)Conyinuous chlorination Wells Woods(1973)Acrolcin, 0.1 - 30 mg.1-1 (restricted use) Water systems Woods (1973)*All concentrations mentioned refer to final concentrations in ground water

4. Control of Iron Bacteria in Ground Water Supplies

(a) Chemical control of iron bacteria

Many chemical treatments have been suggested for the control of iron bacteria in ground watersupplies including bacteriocidal compounds, halogens and halogenated compounds, organic and inor-ganic acids, copper and copper salts. Many of the individual treatments recommended are summarizedin Table 11; most frequently used are calcium or sodium hypochlorite, hydrochloric acid, sulphamicacid and some proprietary preparations. Cullimore & McCann (1975), using an automatically record-ing densitometer examined the ability of some of these compounds to inhibit the growth of strains ofCrenothrix and Gallionella in Winogradsky’s medium (pH 7.4). The effectiveness of each compounddiffered very significantly with the number of cells present in the 15 mL culture (Table 12). Javex (acommercial preparation of sodium hypochlorite prevented growth at 250 mg.1-1 for up to 100 cells.15mL-1 while 1% was necessary to prevent the growth of 7 x 105 to 1 x 106 cells.15 mL-1 . Clearly, the

selection of concentration for the chemical control must reflect the number of cells present within thetreated system The most effective of the tested compounds was an iodine plymer synthesized by Levine,Chemistry Department, University of Regina. the structural formula of which (Fig. 5) is similar to thatof crystal violet. Field trials have yet to be conducted on the polymer since little is known of its poten-tial environmental effect. Potassium permanganate was also highly effective but is perhaps potentiallydangerous since it contains manganese which could become a substrate for iron bacterial regrowths.

Table 12Extrapolated effective control concentration (mg.1-1 ) for five disinfecant

against a range of cell concentrations of iron bacteriaCell concentration of iron bacteria

(cells. 15 ml-’)Disinfectant

+30 to 300 to +3000 to 70,000 to +700,000 to 100 1000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000

Javex* 250 750 850 10,000 10,000HTH* 2000 5000 7500 100,000 100,000IP (iodine polymer) 10 20 30 NC NCCuSO

4 500 1000 5000 10,000 10,000

LBA 50,000 50,000 50,000 ND N DKMnO

4 10-20 100 250 5000 500

All data for pH of 7.4.+ Extrapolated data.NC, no control since the solubility of IP in water is very low; ND, not determinable from data.* Both based on hypochlorite concentration.

Fig. 5. Molecular structure of iodine polymer.

In Saskatchewan, recommended chemical treatments are widely applied but there is a history ofrecolonization, of the treated wells over even short periods of time; this has led to some doubt as to theeffectiveness of control by chemical means. A summary of some of the data for limited field studies onthe efficiency of recommended treatments applied to wells in Saskatchewan is shown in Fig. 6. It willbe seen that inadequate control practices frequently lead to a post-treatment surge in the iron bacterialpopulations after a few days. The mechanisms which could influence this may be postulated to be asfollows.

1. The chemical control agent may have a differential effect on the iron bacteria growing inclumps or as a slime coating. Inhibition may first occur in the outermost cells; penetration of the inner

(protected) cells might be more a function of the ability of the agent to become transported through thecell and the copious slime coatings than upon its toxic potential. Thus, as a result of poor penetration,very high concentrations of an agent (for example, sodium hypochlorite) could be employed withoutachieving adequate control.

2. Iron bacteria may be growing extensively outside of the treatment zone, and be pulled backinto the treatment zone upon the resumption of pumping.

3. The control agent may become neutralized by dead organic material and non-target bacteria,thus reducing its effectiveness.

Fig. 6. Effect of two treatments of sodium hypochlorite (a) and copper sulphate (b) on the iron bacterial population in ashallow bore well in Saskatchewan. Arrows represent termination of treatment.

4. Water temperature may be a critical factor affecting the metabolic activity of the iron bacte-ria. Well water temperatures in Saskatchewan vary between 4 and 12EC and there is some evidence(unpublished) that the iron bacteria are by and large facultative psychrophiles with growth initiationbetween 5 and 9EC. In one industrial well which was closely monitored, the population of iron bacteriaincreased rapidly when the well water temperature rose between 5.4 and 6.0EC. Laboratory studies ona strain of Crenothrix indicated that its minimum growth temperature was 7.5EC. The optimum growthtemperature was found to be 26 to 29EC, and inhibition occurred at 34EC. Further studies are underwayto determine the temperature growth range of a number of iron bacteria. The temperature. by influenc-ing the rate of metabolic activity, would affect the rate at which chemical control agents would be takentip and transported into the cell (when an active transport system is necessary).

These factors Undoubtedly contribute to the sometimes ineffective chemical treatment of wells andhave led to the search for alternate systems for achieving control.

(b) Physical control of iron bacteria

Comparatively little attention has been paid to the physical control of iron bacteria using ultra-sonics, heat, cathodic protection and u.v. irradiation. Mogg (1972) discussed some of the physicalfactors involved in the construction of a well which could influence subsequent growths of iron bacte-ria, and suggested that metal or plastic parts should be resistant to hydrochloric or sulphamic acids andrecommended (in decreasing order of resistance and suitability) most plastics and fibreglass, stainlesssteel types 304 and 316, silicon manganese bronze, silicon red brass, armco iron, low carbon steel andconcrete. He disputed the beliefs that non-conductors such as plastics, fibreglass, concrete and transitewould not be subject to encrustations by iron bacteria. Mogg also recommended that problems could bereduced by provision of a greater screen open area in the well; by reduction of draw-down throughmore efficient design and lower pumping rates; by provision of regular chemical treatment at recom-mended rates regardless of the appearance of symptoms; and by keeping oxygen away from the screenedareas with vacuum seals and packets. Mogg (1972) also commented that “there seem to be more casesor iron bacteria today, and we believe that iron bacterial spores (cells) can be transported from one wellto another.” He illustrated this by citing a trouble-free well which had been in service for a number ofyears and became plagued with iron bacterial problems after the pump had been removed for minorrepair. Indeed, it is now recommended practice in many parts of the world to disinfect all tools, equip-ment and drilling materials prior to drilling a new well, in order to reduce the risk of contamination byiron bacteria from another site. In some instances, a new well is treated immediately with hydrochloricor sulphamic acid.

The direct physical treatment of well water has received little attention. but an initial labora-tory-based study was undertaken by Cullimore & McCann (1975). Since sonication (at between 500and 900 kHz) is a well-documented method of disintegrating microbial cells (Carpenter 1972) it wasthought that sonication of wells contaminated with iron bacteria might control the growth of the organ-isms. Several experiments were conducted on cultures of’ Crenothrix and Gallionella but no signifi-cant reductions in cell numbers were observed even after 60 min of exposure to a tissue sonicatoroperating at maximum power (800 kHz). This abnormal survival capability is at least in part due to theextensive mucoid and gelatinous coatings of the cell which serve to dampen the effects of the sonica-tion. Sonication is therefore an unsatisfactory method for the control of iron bacterial growth. Simi-larly, no real control of iron bacteria was achieved by providing cathodic protection.

On the other hand, studies on the heat sensitivity of 22 cultures of iron bacteria (Fig. 7) revealedthat all were fairly sensitive to temperatures close to the pasteurization range used for milk (Table 13).Laboratory trials in a simulated well (a 3.1 m length of 10 cm plastic casing) gave complete eliminationof all iron bacteria (3000 cells.mL1-1) in a 2 m head of water within 20 min of reaching holding tem-peratures of 52, 55, 60 or 70EC. This indicates that pasteurization should eliminate completey, all ironbacteria from the system by the end of the holding temperature phase. The initial field trials wereconducted on Well #24, Imperial Oil Refinery, Regina, using high pressure steam injected down thewell as the heat source for pasteurization. The temperature was raised to 65EC and held for 40 minbefore being lowered by pumping out the treated water. This water was turbid and dark, brown incolour. Two pasteurization treatments (Fig. 8) had the composite effect of elevating the hourly flow ratefrom 3000 to 7000 imperial gallons.h-1. Previous to this treatment, the well had been subjected to anumber of chemical treatments (HTH, A9 bactericide and sulphamic acid), some of which gave in-creased flow rates which were however of short duration as the iron bacterial level in the well built upagain. This also occurred after the two steam pasteurizations but did not reach a level which wouldaffect refinery operations. No further Studies were conducted at this well since the refinery was closeddown and operations moved to Edmonton Alberta.

Table 13Time-temperature combinations necessarilyto kill 100% of the cells in 9 nil amounts of

22 cultures of iron bacteriaHolding time (min) Temperature (EC)

100 56 50 57.5 30 58 20 59 10 59.5 5 62. 5 3 64 2 65 1 660.1 7.5

Fig. 7. Influence of holding time (min) and temperature on the survival of cells of 22 strains of iron bacteria. (a) Crenothrix,(b) Sphaerotilus, (c) Gallionella, (d) C + G. The individual graphs indicate time-temperature combinations just sufficient tokill all cells.

Fig. 8. Influence of treatments to eliminate iron bacteria on the flow rate of well #24, Imperial Oil Refineries, Regina. HTH,commercial preparation of sodium hypochlorite; A9, disinfectant; Sulp. a., sulphamic acid; Past., pasteurized by steam to65EC for 40 min. Arrows represent termination of treatment. Iron bacterial growths will reduce flow rates. Flow rate is inimp. gall x 103 -1.

During the spring of 1975, a pilot pasteurization system was installed in Well #6. ConsumersCo-operative Refineries Ltd (Fig. 9). Despite several technical difficulties in providing the steam sup-ply, three pasteurization runs were performed and the influence of these on the iron bacterial populationwas recorded (Fig. 9). In each case. steam was applied gradually until the well water and pump-outwater registered between 60 and 70EC. The system was left for 40 min and then the contents werepumped out. This water was dark brown and contained very high numbers of iron bacteria. As pump-out continued the water became clear. In Well #6, the pump-out water after pasteurization continued tocontain iron bacteria at populations of between 30 and 300 cells mL-1 . If the well had been pasteurizedeffectively (and all indications are that it was), then the recurrence of a low level population wouldindicate that iron bacteria were growing or surviving in the sand and aquafer outside of the screen andwere being pulled into the well with the pumping activity. From this it can be deduced that a secondarybuild-up in iron bacterial numbers will occur in the well on the screen, casings and pumping equip-ment, so that maintenance of high flow rates would be dependent upon regular pasteurization depend-ing on the rapidity of the secondary build-up. Further trials are now being planned to develop all auto-matic well pasteurization unit and also to investigate its potential for the treatment of farm wells.

(c) General discussion

From all this, it is clear that the iron bacteria are in general very resistant to chemical methodsof control, perhaps due to the protective slime layers and other coatings which surround the cells,together with the tendency for the cells to clump and/or form thick layers. Furthermore, these coatingsare often heavily impregnated with ferric and manganic oxides and hydroxide deposits which couldrestrict the diffusion of the chemical agents and perhaps enter into some direct chemical reaction withthem. Clearly the lack of success of chemical treatments is in part due to insufficient concentration and/

or contact time to allow total penetration of the iron bacteria in the wells, or is “too little, too late”. Toovercome this, more attention needs to be paid to the accurate categorization of wells to determine thenecessary level of treatment if chemical methods are to be used. One possible scheme is given below.

Category A. No iron bacteria present: iron bacteria test negative.Category B. Iron bacteria present in low numbers but no surface colonial growth present; iron bacteria

test positive. Iron bacteria numbers: 1 to 300 cells.mL-1 (In isolated cases, there could be asmany as 5000 cells.mL-1

Category C. Iron bacteria present in moderate numbers with some surface colonial growth present; ironbacteria test positive. Iron bacteria numbers: 300-5000 cells.mL -1.

Category D. Iron bacteria present in high numbers with extensive surface colonial growth but no ‘plug-ging’, iron bacteria test positive (may also show sulphide reduction, i.e. a black precipi-tate). Iron bacteria numbers: 5000 to 50.000 cells.mL-1.

Category E. Iron bacteria present in excessive numbers with such extensive surface colonial growththat ‘plugging’ occurs; iron bacteria test positive (frequently accompanied by heavy sul-phide reduction, (i.e. a black precipitate). Iron bacteria numbers: 50,000-10,000,000 cell,mL-1.

Fig. 9. Impact of steam pasteurization of Well #6, Consumers Cooperative Refineries Lid, Regina. Bacterial numbers peakedduring the steaming period of 8 h due to the slime breaking up on screen and internal walls and fixtures prior to temperaturebecoming lethal. Recurrence of iron bacteria after treatment due to bacteria being drawn into well through screen afterpasteurization.

Note that screens could become plugged in any of categories B to E but that the rate of pluggingwould increase dramatically with the severity of the problem.

Three category groups may be established using the simple field test system developed byCullimore & McCann (1975). These are: category A wells, no reaction: category B and C, reaction typeA, B or C (see Table 9); category D and E, reaction type D, E or occasionally A, B or C.

In Saskatchewan, the vast majority of wells (80% of those tested) fit into the middle group(category B, 60%; category C, 20%). Less than 5% of the wells are in category A and the remaining15% of those tested are in category D or E, many of which have been abandoned. A possible relation-ship between chemical treatment and the effective control of iron bacteria may be achieved, at least intheory, for category B, C and D wells (Table 14), but not for category E wells, since the iron bacterialcoatings would probably be too thick to allow complete penetration of the chemical even over a pro-longed period. The frequency of treatment would depend upon the rate at which the quality of the wellwater degenerated. In some instances, very rapid growth of iron bacteria have been observed to appearon screens in a matter of hours (Oliver 1975). Steam pasteurization offers a more rapid (total operationtime 1 1/2 to 6 h) and complete destruction of the iron bacteria. It is therefore ideally suited to thetreatment of high capacity wells such as those employed in industry and by water authorities, where itcan be installed as a permanent facility. For small wells, treatment by steam pasteurization can beachieved using portable steam generators. In conclusion. some reduction in the level of iron bacterialinfections could be achieved by steam pasteurization of: (a) all newly installed wells: (b) all wellsundergoing major repairs: (c) all category C, D, and E wells, on a routine basis until the wells return toa stable category B or A stage whereupon chemical treatment should suffice.

(a) and (b) would reduce the risk of a well unaffected by iron bacteria from becoming infectedwith contaminants from the soil, drilling equipment, or repair and replacement materials. (c) wouldreduce the population of iron bacteria dramatically within the well and keep the population down tomanageable levels by subsequent regular treatments.

Table 14Potential treatment time-chemical concentration for the control of iron

bacteria in wells in categories B to DChemical treatment

Well category Sodium hypochlorite Sulphamic acid Hydrochloric acid

Cone (%) 0.5 7.5 14Time (h) 6 12 6Cone (%) 1 10 18Time (h) 24 24 12Cone (%) 10 10 21Time (h) 48 48 24

5. Acknowledgements

The authors wish to express their sincerest gratitude to the following agencies for their sponsor-ship of sections of the Study discussed in this chapter: Family Farm Improvement Branch, Departmentof Agriculture, Provincial Government of Saskatchewan (Section 4), Saskatchewan Research Council(Section 3), National Research Council of Canada (monitoring equipment), and the Consumers Co-operative Refineries Ltd, Regina (steam pasteurization studies of Well #6). Also the following indi-




viduals for their invaluable aid: Mrs. Frances Bright, Mrs. Jean Hudey (manuscript preparation); Mr.Stephen Yang, Miss Jane Anweiler, Mr. Michael Riley, Mr. Lewis Cocks, Miss Denise Bean (technicalassistance); Dr. W. Meneley, Mr. F. Snell, Mr. W. Franko, Mr. W. Protz, and Mr. R. Torrie (helpfuladvice and enthusiastic support) and finally Dr. E. Tward for his invaluable aid in developing thesystems for pasteurization.

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