The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support on Commitment to Change

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  • 8/9/2019 The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support on Commitment to Change


    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change

  • 8/9/2019 The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support on Commitment to Change


  • 8/9/2019 The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support on Commitment to Change


    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 


    1.1 Introduction

    The purpose of this stud0 is to e3amine different factors that affect a compan0,

    organization or even an individual4s commitment to change' These varia)les, when

    carefull0 controlled can )e the determining factors for success' 5irst we will anal0ze the

    effects of Charismatic Leadership on an organization4s level of commitment'

    The effect of good leadership on initiatives ta6en for change have since long )een

    ignored )0 the Academia' At the same time, studies done on organizational )ehavior 

    during times of change within an organization have failed to lin6 with more e3tensive

    theories a)out leadership 7Ps0cholog0 Toda0, (8!19 In order to understand the impact of 

    change and how successful emplo0ees can cope to said change initiative, we will loo6 at

    the emplo0ee4s )ehavior from two different angles: one is rooted in Leadership literature

    and the other has its )asis in $rganizational literature' 5or now we shall onl0 discuss the

    former: what leadership st0le is )est suited in a changing environment; How does it ma6e

    an organization )etter understand the change, imposed on it; According to wide level' Ta6e the e3ample of /artin Luther ?ing @r'

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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 

    Through his intense rhetoric and charismatic personalit0, he was a)le to hold great

    influence over the population of the &SA, )lac6 and white' Ta6e the e3ample of andhi

    and /r' @innah from the su)>continent' Through their charismatic personalities: andhi

    with his calm personalit0 and @innah with his sharp and cunning tactics were a)le to end

    almost a centur0 of colonialism in India and more importantl0, the0 were a)le to

    influence and reason with an impulsive nation li6e the Indians' The0 were a)le to defeat


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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 

    add real value to the tas6 at hand, in order to further encourage his followers to e3cel )0

     providing them with recognition, this has the added )enefit of encouraging the rest of the

    emplo0ees, who do not have the will to e3cel' Another important 2ualit0 of a

    transformational leader is his a)ilit0 to stir the emotions of his followers, to trul0 ignite

    their emotions and motivate them to do the tas6 at hand with great passion and

    enthusiasm' .hile doing this he compels his followers to loo6 )e0ond their self>interest

    and loo6 at the )roader picture, to thin6 of the )enefit of people other than his own'

    Lastl0, )ut most importantl0, it is imperative for a transformational leader to set unreal

    goals for his followers, this ma0 sound weird )ut this is as a matter of fact the onl0 wa0

    for one4s emplo0ee4s to actuall0 improve and )uild hisBher s6ills'

    5rom this we conclude that in order to commit one4s emplo0ees to change, one

    must )ecome a charismatic leader and in order to )ecome a charismatic leader one must

    hone the s6ills of a transformational leader' However li6e all theories there are certain

    downsides: if we an organization is dependent on a leader4s a)ilit0 to lead then so will the

    emplo0ees a)ilit0 to wor6 )e dependent on said leader' If for some unforeseen reason the

    leader decides to leave the organization or is a)sent from wor6 for a few da0s then the

    organization and the wor6ers will )ecome handicapped and their productivit0 will

    drasticall0 decrease, the wor6ers will get demotivated and the organization in turn will


    Another factor which determines an individual4s commitment to change is the

    reward he will get from it' It is natural for human )eings to )e selfish, whenever an

    emplo0ee does something for the organization he does so e3pecting some reward in some

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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 

    form, it can either )e material or something as simple as a pat on the )ac6 )ut a reward

    must )e there for the ta6ing 7.ilson, (88*9

     #ow, each compan0 strives to develop a culture and it is in the compan04s )est

    interest to develop such a culture which will increase the output of said compan0, if such

    a culture is to )e developed then a proper rewards and recognition s0stem is a

    compulsion' .h0 is it important to tailor a compan04s culture as such; The answer to that

    lies in the fact that in toda04s e3tremel0 competitive environment it is )ecoming

    increasingl0 necessar0 to have emplo0ees who can asses and manage ris6, the0

    organizations need their wor6ers to )e proactive and wor6>centric and )e a)le to produce

    results that show' $r if we consider a )roader e3ample, li6e that of a political part0 then

    in this case a part0 needs its emplo0ees to )e motivated and dedicated to the cause, then

    the0 must give their wor6er some reward in an0 form, something heBshe can cherish and

    value' Thus it is imperative for an0 organization, not matter how )ig or small to reward

    its emplo0ees, to show them that their wor6 is valued and the0 as a dedicated mem)er of 

    the organization add value to the compan0 and help in enhancing the output' If a certain

    compan0 wants its emplo0ees to em)race change and welcome it with open arms then

    the0 must offer some incentives, these offerings on )ehalf of the compan0 can help the

    can help said compan0 enforce its changes at a more faster pace'

    However, with this too there are certain pitfalls and draw)ac6s' 5or e3ample, if 

    we offer cash )onuses to hard>wor6ing emplo0ees then this is the onl0 a temporar0 short

    term solution, this will not )u0 his long term lo0alt0 and will onl0 ma6e his wor6 

    dependent on that reward' 5urthermore, if an organization rewards a selected few and not

    the rest then this can create enmit0 or hatred amongst colleagues' Also one must ta6e into

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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 

    account the fact that in large organization this practice can )ecome ver0 tedious as

    loo6ing for sa0 a dozen individuals in a thousand can prove to )e a ver0 tedious tas6 

    7/c/ahon, (8!89'

    The last factor or varia)le that shall )e discussed is the effect of an individual4s

    attention on the performance of an emplo0ee and his willingness to accept and commit to

    change' As mentioned a)ove, a charismaticBtransformational leader is he who gives

    individual attention to his follower, which in turn motivates him to strive for e3cellence

    which indefinitel0 will help him to commit to a change' 5urthermore, when an

    organization is going through changes then it is imperative to engage the emplo0ees with

    individual support' .hat this does )asicall0 is solve the issues of an organization from

    the grass root level, which in turns strengthens the organization altogether providing a

    more concrete platform for the emplo0ee to commit to change' This strateg0 helps us

    implement the change from a )ottom up approach' Gou change the individual, his

    mindset, his thin6ing in order to change the organization and ma6e it grow' To this too

    there are certain draw)ac6s, individual support is not a ver0 practical idea for large

    organizations which emplo0ee thousands, one would have to esta)lish a proper portfolio

    for the cause which can prove to )e a ver0 costl0 venture'

    .e have discussed * 6e0 independent varia)les which determine a dependent

    varia)le, namel0 Commitment change' .hat we4ve concluded is that in order for a

    wor6er to full0 em)race the idea of change, all three factors i'e' Charismatic Leadership,

    Rewards and Individual support are ver0 important' .hat we4ve concluded is that a

    change can never )e full0 implemented in an organization if one of these 6e0 factors is

    missing' Rewards will not )e appreciated if the person who rewards 0ou is not

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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 

    charismatic, individual support is of no use if there are no rewards to )oost morale and

    the chain goes on and on 7Steinhardt'n0u'edu, (8!19'


     #ow the 2uestion arises, how do these varia)les affect the automo)ile industr0;

    And when we tal6 a)out change in the automo)ile industr0, what is it e3actl0 that we4re

    tal6ing a)out; In the past *8 0ears the automo)ile industr0 has transformed rapidl0, with

    the demand rising one must rethin6 the entire )usiness modal on which the industr0

    operates, although the old tried and tested methods have their significance )ut it is those

    companies who thin6 out of the )o3, who persist and stand the test of times' Here is

    where true leaders come in, charismatic leaders who )elieve in transformation and who

    can ma6e their wor6ers )elieve, so are the ones who can trul0 commit to the success of a

    compan0' 5or e3ample, in the (8 th centur0, cars were )uilt as high performance machines

    with high tor2ue and acceleration, the demand for such vehicles was high'

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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 

    1.2 Problem t!tement

    $rganizational changes are planned and organized to ensure the growth and

    development of organizations' Changes are meant to happen, which will help in )ringing

     positivit0 in the organizations 7?lein ?night, (8819' Commitment to change refers to

    the desire to provide support to the organizational changes, which can promote growth,

    development, and success of the organization' Innovation and creativit0 are the two 6e0

    factors that influence changes in an organization 7Teare Ra0ner, (88(9' It is not

    necessar0 that changes alwa0s lead to success, at times, the implementation of plans

    result in failure, )ut that does not mean that changes are avoided at different stages'

    Changes are important part of the organization, which pla0 an important role in preparing

    the organization to achieve the strategic goals and targets 7Choi Price, (8819'

    According to commitment theor0 which was developed )0 Richard .alton: emplo0ees

     perform )est when the0 are given )roader responsi)ilities, encourage contri)uting and

    helped to ta6e satisfaction in their wor6' uest 7!DD9 in support of commitment theor0

    descri)e the significance of )inding of emplo0ees to the organization and o)tain their 

     )ehavior outcome of increased efforts and cooperation'

     $rganizational undergo different processes to )ring changes in their functions,

    operations, s0stems, hierarch0, culture, and policies 7/e0er Allen, !DD!9' The process

    of change includes the steps that help in converting an organization from the current state

    to the desired state 7Sinclair et al', (8819' There are some prominent organizational

    change models that are used )0 the managers and leaders to achieve the desira)le changes

    and developments in the organization' Commitment towards change can help in )ringing

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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 

    relevant changes, and it is the responsi)ilit0 of the leaders and managers to )ring

    effective changes in the organization 7arvin, (8889' 7Herscovitch and /e0er (88(9:

     present a practical solution that affective commitment to change refers to a desire to

    support a change, continuance commitment to change is )ased on a recognition that there

    are costs associated with resisting change, and normative commitment to change reflects

    a sense of o)ligation to )e supportive' Contingent reward offer tangi)le and intangi)le

    support to their followers, set directions, and determine the reward for goal achievement

    7.alum)wa et al', (88E9 and it impact will directl0 influence emplo0ees to perform his

     )est effort to achieve organizational goals and organizational commitment level' /ost of 

    emplo0ee are not commitment to their +o) and the reason )ehind is lac6 of Leadership

    and reward whereas there are various studies which consider that the leaders emphasize

    on providing emplo0ees with a satisfactor0 and challenging environment, which helps

    motivating emplo0ees and motivated emplo0ees will perform )etter as compared to

    others, which results in )etter performance and organizational commitment

    The individual4s perspective towards change might differ from the organization4s

     point of view' mplo0ees are important part of the organization, and it is essential that

    the0 accept the changes and show their commitment towards it 7Henning>Thurauet'al,

    (88(9' The leaders use different leadership st0les to motivate individuals to focus towards

     )ringing changes' The process of change is highl0 affected and influenced )0 the

    leadership st0le and planning process, which depends on the goals and o)+ectives of the

    organization' Charismatic leadership is one of the commonl0 used leadership st0le, which

    helps the leaders in influencing their own )eliefs, ideas, values, thoughts, and perceptions

    on others 7Paton /cCalman, (8889' Toda0, leaders are tr0ing new models and

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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 

    innovative st0les to lead their organizations, unli6e implementing the traditional

    leadership st0les and models' The charismatic leaders transform the needs and desires of 

    their team mem)ers and emplo0ees, and ma6e them understand the importance of 

    change, innovation, creativit0, and development 7Lehesvirta, (889'

    ffects of commitment to change var0 across career stages' The importance of 

    attention for commitment towards change is represented )0 its relation to contingent

    reward and Leadership 7

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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 

    Thus the o)+ectives are esta)lished as"

     !' To e3amine the relationship among Charismatic leadership, Reward,

    Individualized support and Commitment to Change

    (' To anal0ze the impact of Charismatic leadership, Reward, Individualized

    support on Commitment to Change

    Rese!rc" %uestions:

    So as to accomplish previous research o)+ectives, this stud0 will answer the

    2uestion stated )elow"

    !' Is there an0 relationship among Charismatic leadership, Reward, Individualized

    support and Commitment to Change;

    (' %oes Charismatic leadership, Reward, Individualized support have a significant

    impact on Commitment to Change;

    1.& O'er!tion!l De(initions:

     #ow we will tr0 to define the a)ove stated varia)le in terms of Pa6istan and how

    the0 affect the local demographic'

    A charismatic leader in the Pa6istani societ0 is one who trul0 )elieves in his

    wor6ers B followers B emplo0ees, who will loo6 onto him without )iasness, irrespective of 

    his caste, color, creed and religion' Adding to that our societ0 accepts one to )e a man of 

    charisma if he possesses high morals and has e3cellent wor6 ethic' A manager at an

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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 

    automo)ile factor0 should )e highl0 motivated, positive and down to earth, in order to

    connect to his emplo0ees, most of which are from decent )ac6grounds 7Hairston, !D=19

    .hen we tal6 a)out rewards, Pa6istan as a nation is not as materialistic as the

    .est, 0et, as mentioned earlier, most of the local la)or )elongs to the poor )ac6grounds'

    5or them, mone0 is motivation' Thus, the most effective wa0 to reward an emplo0ee,

    especiall0 in the automo)ile factor0 is to give him a cash )onus, this ma0 include an e3tra

    id )onus or an0thing appropriate'

     #ow a)out individual support, this I )elieve is the 6e0 factor when considering

    the Pa6istani demographic' It is an intrinsic propert0 of human nature to 0earn for 

     personal attention, to )e felt special' If an emplo0er in Pa6istan can do that, sa0 an

    automo)ile factor0 reall0 wants his emplo0ees to commit to a change then this is the onl0

    wa0 to go a)out it'

    Let4s conclude with the last most important varia)le, Fcommitment to change4'

    People in Pa6istan are not ver0 receptive to an0thing out of the norm: the0 li6e to stic6 to

    their conservative traditions and lifest0les' Same is the case with an emplo0ee' 5or 

    e3ample if an automo)ile upgrades, an emplo0ee might feel his s6ills have )ecome

    irrelevant' In order to overcome this reluctance of the emplo0ee, the factors a)ove are of 

    critical importance'

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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 


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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 


    3.1 Pro'osed T"eoretic!l +r!me,or- 

     Richard Walton (1985) Theory of commitment is considered as a

    relevant tool to model the commitment towards change by providing

    worers broader responsibilities! enco"rage contrib"ting and helped to

    tae satisfaction in their wor# The theory contends with high evidence

    that employee attit"de and behavior towards organi$ational change

    shows a most important factor for s"ccess (%rmenais! 199&)#

     Transformational leadership behavior ('erold! 8*+eo! 1, -"

    et#al! ) and .ndivid"ali$ed +"pport (%rmenais and 'arris! 9!

    /edor! 0, +mollan et!al! 0) has been fo"nd to positively aect

    employees2 commitment to change moreover the leader sets rewards

    in res"lt for best performance for which contingent reward plays a

    main role in oering tangible and intangible s"pport to their followers!

    set r"les! and determine the reward for goal achievement (3ass! 1998

    * Wal"mbwa! 8)# Commitment to change has attracted many

    researchers in the past! giving rise to vario"s de4nitions and models of 

    change# Coetsee (1999) describes commitment to change as the 4nal

    phase of acceptance of change# 'e believes it to be a prod"ct of 

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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 

    nowledge abo"t change! information abo"t change! empowerment!

    rewards and recognition for changing and shared visions#

     The theory of commitment to change (CTC) proposes three

    concept"ally independent variables! these variables incl"des

    charismatic leadership! contingent reward * individ"ali$ed s"pport# %s

    a general r"le! the more transformational leadership style and s"pport!

    the more perceived o"tcomes of an individ"al in a shape of reward

    which as a res"lt directs an individ"al intention to "nderstand the

    importance of change (ehesvirta! 6)# +ee /ig

    Figure 3.1

    Proposed Theoretical Framework 

    ).2 Hy'ot"eses

    'a17 Contingent Reward has a signi4cance relationship with

    commitment to change#

    Contingent Reward

    Commitment to





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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 

    'a7 Charismatic eadership has a signi4cance relationship with

    commitment to change#

    'a&7 .ndivid"ali$ed +"pport has signi4cance relationship with

    commitment to change#

    'a67 Contingent Reward! Charismatic eadership * .ndivid"ali$ed

    +"pport have a signi4cant impact on commitment to change#

    ).) Rese!rc" Desin

     The research is eplanatory research# Researchers foc"s on

    identifying and eamining factors that aect employee commitment

    towards change by providing charismatic leadership! contingent

    reward and s"pport#

    ).).1 Ty'e !nd N!ture o( tudy

    .n this st"dy "antitative method has been "sed to "antify the

    relationship and to eamine the impact of contingent reward!

    individ"ali$ed s"pport and charismatic leadership on Commitment to


    3.3.2!m'lin !nd Desin

    /or this st"dy we will collect data thro"gh a 4eld s"rvey method

    whereas all "estionnaires will be self:administrated# The respondent

    of this st"dy will be the employees woring in an a"tomobile ind"stry

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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 

    acc"racy and relevancy of information gathered as the responses are

    obective! standardi$ed and comparable (Dim"nd! 3abin! Carr! *

    @riBn! 1, +earan * 3o"gie! 1)# This framewor is an

    appropriate tool to model the commitment towards changes thro"gh

    leadership! reward and individ"ali$ed s"pport# Therefore Walton!

    (1985) theory has been "sed in this st"dy#

    %n adaption of commitment to change E"estionnaire (CCE) has

    been "tili$ed for the st"dy taen by dierent so"rces as mentioned in

    /ig # The "estionnaire is divided into two sections % * 3# +ection %

    consist of "estions of three independent variables i#e# Charismatic

    leadership! .ndivid"ali$ed s"pport * Contingent Rewards whereas

    +ection 3 consist of one dependent variable i#e# Commitment to

    change# %ll scales in this st"dy were meas"red by "sing 4ve points

    iert scale ranging from 1 with strongly %gree to F strongly disagree

    (%llen * ?eyer! 199)#

     The constr"ct! sections! n"mber of items and so"rces are listed in /ig

    Figure 3.2

    Variables  Sectio



    Items  Source

    eadership % 10 Wal"mbwa ! 8

    Reward % 5 +ims and +$ilagyi2s! 19F5

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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 


    +"pport% 8 Wal"mbwa ! 8

    Commitment to


    3 1 %llen * ?eyer! 199

    ).).& Procedure o( D!t! Collection

    .nitially! the "estionnaire will distrib"te to 6 employees of 

    a"tomobile ind"stries in ;arachi# A"ring the data collection process!

    self:administered "estionnaire! incl"ding a covering letter will deliver

    to respondent# /"rthermore the instr"ment m"st be converting in a

    soft copy by "sing @oogle Aocs and then will be circ"lated to all

    concern respondents# .n addition to data collection hard copy of 

    "estionnaires will be circ"lated to related organi$ations in ;arachi

    after getting permission by the respective manager in organi$ations#

     The "estionnaires incl"des "estions abo"t fo"r factors, Charismatic

    eadership! Contingent Reward! .ndivid"ali$ed +"pport and

    Commitment to Change)#

    ).)./ t!tistic!l Tec"ni0ues

    %ll statistical analysis were performed by "sing +=++ 19##

    Aescriptive analysis of ?ean * +tandard deviation! Correlation analysis

    * ?"ltiple Regression analysis will be applied on data! overall 6 data

    will be analy$ed# 'ypothesis 1! and & will be analy$e by "sing

    correlation analysis and hypothesis 6 will be analy$e by "sing

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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change 

    regression analysis! hence all data will be analy$e on signi4cance level

    of 95G#

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    The Impact of Contingent Reward, Charismatic Leadership and Individualized Support

    on Commitment to Change