Page 1 The impacts of mining on the Glengonnar Water, Leadhills, South Lanarkshire. Scoping Study November 2011

The impacts of mining on the Glengonnar Water, Leadhills, South Lanarkshire

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Page 1: The impacts of mining on the Glengonnar Water, Leadhills, South Lanarkshire

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The impacts of mining on the Glengonnar Water, Leadhills, South Lanarkshire. Scoping Study November 2011

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The Coal Authority Impacts of Mining on the Glengonnar Water November 2011 This report has been prepared by the Coal Authority for SEPA as part of a co-funded project under the SEPA restoration funding to assess the impact of metal pollution on the Glengonnar Water. Any other party using this information should seek permission from SEPA and the Coal Authority. Any conclusions or recommendations made are those based on information obtained for the report and our current knowledge and practices. Data used within the report; either obtained by the Coal Authority or 3rd Party data has been cited within the report. Any limitations of the data are indentified within the report. The Coal Authority does not accept liability for the accuracy of any 3rd party data. Should new data or information become available these results, conclusions and recommendations may require amending. The report should only be used in the stated context.



Lee Wyatt

Alex Norton Stuart Rolley

Page 3: The impacts of mining on the Glengonnar Water, Leadhills, South Lanarkshire

The Coal Authority Impacts of Mining on the Glengonnar Water November 2011 Executive Summary Mining and its associated processes have long been a feature of the area surrounding the Glengonnar Water. Contaminants from this mining legacy have had a significant impact upon the quality of the watercourse and surrounding area. This pollution means that the Glengonnar Water does not accord with the quality requirements of the Water Framework Directive. The Coal Authority undertook a part funded scoping study lasting from November 2010 to end of March 2011 to determine the extent and magnitude of the contamination and provide potential options for the remediation of the area. The data collation during the study and from various 3rd party studies shows there is significant pollution of the Glengonnar Water from heavy metals including Lead, Zinc and Cadmium present as particulate and dissolved states within the water. The study highlighted a significant source of the Lead pollution is due to the presence of Lead in the alluvium and approximately half the Lead is as particulate Lead. Thus, it has been recommended that prior to any remediation of the mine water inputs the contamination in the floodplain and surrounding alluvium is assessed for remediation. Samples taken from the floodplain and surrounding alluvial material indicate there is significant contamination in the form of Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, and Copper. Measurements and observations of the flows from various mine water discharges indicate a seasonal pattern and occasionally the Glengonnar Water is made up predominantly of these mine water emissions. Water levels and observations of the mine water drainage levels indicate build up of approximately 20m of water within the Gripps level and a head of over 50m present in the mine workings giving a potential risk of ‘blow-outs’ of mine water from the Gripps Level. An initial study in to the upper parts of the Wanlock Water; an adjacent catchment suggest there is also significant contamination of heavy metals including Lead, Zinc and Cadmium; hence it has been advised a study is undertaken in to the Wanlock Water and an assessment made of the chemistry status of the waterbody.

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The Coal Authority Impacts of Mining on the Glengonnar Water November 2011 Contents 1. Background 2. Aim 3. Waterbody Status 4. Topography, Hydrology and Geology 5. Mining 6. Conceptual Model 7. Data Collation and Results 7.1 On site and datalogger results 7.2 Results from laboratory analyses 8. Data Analyses 9. Conclusions 10. Recommendation 11. References Appendices Appendix 1 Photographs of monitoring sites and mining features Appendix 2 Site visit sheets Appendix 3 Collated on site data Appendix 4 Collated laboratory data Figures Figure 1.1 Location map Figure 2.1 Photographs of the potential inputs to the Glengonnar Water Figure 2.2 Photograph of the Glengonnar Water (south of Leadhills) Figure 3.1 Water body information (water body information sheet 10116 (Glengonnar Water)) Figure 3.2 Extract from waterbody information sheet 10116 (Glengonnar Water) Figure 3.3 Pressures and Measures (waterbody information sheet 10116 (Glengonnar Water)) Figure 4.1 Topographic map of the area Figure 4.2 Principle mineral veins Figure 4.3 Geological plan Figure 5.1 Location map of mining features Figure 5.2 Diagram of mining methods Figure 5.3 Photograph of Gripps Level and air shafts Figure 5.4 Photograph of Straitsteps mine Figure 5.5 Photograph of Susanna Vein Figure 5.6 Photograph of Upper Glengonnar Water Figure 7.1 Glengonnar Water monitoring points Figure 7.2 Wanlock Water sample points Figure 7.3 Graph of mine water levels for Glengonnar Water (OS – On Site manual reading) Figure 7.4 Graph of mine water flow monitoring for the dataloggers Figure 7.5 Graph of mine water flow monitoring for the manual readings Figure 7.6 Graph of logger temperature Figure 7.7 Graph of logger conductivity for the mine water flows

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The Coal Authority Impacts of Mining on the Glengonnar Water November 2011 Figure 7.8 Graph of conductivity measurements throughout Glengonnar Water Figure 7.9 Graph of Lead concentrations for Glengonnar Water Figure 7.10 Graph of Zinc concentrations for Glengonnar Water Figure 7.11 Graph of Cadmium concentration for Glengonnar Water Figure 7.12 Map of Lead concentrations for Glengonnar Water Figure 7.13 Map of Zinc concentrations for Glengonnar Water Figure 7.14 Map of Cadmium concentrations for Glengonnar Water Tables Table 7.1 Summary table of on site measurements Table 7.2 Summary table of laboratory analyses Table 7.3 Summary table of soil sample analyses

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1. Background The village of Leadhills in South Lanarkshire (see figure 1.1) has long been acknowledged as the centre for Lead mining in Scotland. Mining is thought to have occurred as early as 1239, with the majority taking place between 1600 and the 1930s when metal mining took over this area of South Lanarkshire (e.g. SEPA, 2008). The remnants of this major industry can be seen throughout this part of the catchment with spoil heaps and mining features dominating the landscape. Whilst there is a visible reminder of the areas mining past there is also an unseen pressure on this catchment; water from the mining legacy. Mine water and mine wastes containing elevated quantities of Lead, Cadmium and Zinc discharge into the Glengonnar Water causing pollution of a 10km stretch from Leadhills to the River Clyde at Abington. SEPA has identified the Glengonnar Water as being under pressure from mining inputs and restoration targets have been set for the water body. The overall chemical status within the River Basin Management Plan is ‘Fail’. The water body fails to meet the standards set for the UK Specific Pollutant Zinc and the Priority Substances Lead and Cadmium. During mining in order to safeguard the mineral reserves and to ensure dry working conditions within the mine a series of drainage levels were installed. These carried water from the mine to local watercourses. This was long before the quality of local watercourses was monitored. Even though mining ceased some 80 years ago these drainage levels continue to discharge water from the mines to the present day. It is thought that roof collapses within these drainage levels has resulted in mine waters being forced to surface and discharging from abandoned shafts alongside the Glengonnar Water. There are numerous points at which mine waters enter the Glengonnar Water, either through the drainage levels or as the result of mine water resurgence from the numerous shafts (see section 5). Since 1994 the Coal Authority has been monitoring and treating water from coal mining sources. The Authority currently has 55 mine water schemes throughout the UK with 14 of these being in Scotland. The Authority has a longstanding and successful relationship with SEPA which is regulated by a formal Memorandum of Understanding. To date, the Coal Authority has carried out three major projects throughout England and Wales to investigate water from metal mines, working with the Environment Agency, DEFRA and the Welsh Government.

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Figure 1.1 Location map.

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2. Aim Currently, discharges from non coal sources have no responsible person and as a result attainment of WFD ‘Good’ status by 2027 will be difficult to achieve. The Coal Authority have been encouraged by SEPA, following a similar exercise for DEFRA and the Welsh Government, to investigate the problems associated with the mine water from the metal mines in the Leadhills area. This scoping study is a precursor to a more detailed feasibility study which would present treatment options which can be progressed in the future with a view to treating the Glengonnar Water and achieving an elevated status within the watercourse. Figure 2.1 – Photographs of the potential inputs to the Glengonnar Water

SEPA have monitored the Glengonnar Water for many years but due to a limited number of monitoring points, one upstream and one 5km downstream of the study area, it was not possible to pinpoint the sources and pathways of the pollution. This report will analyse the mine water inputs, the sediment and inputs from the extensive spoil heaps and any other sources which line the Glengonnar Water between Leadhills and Abington. It is assumed that the mine water drainage levels are one of the main contributors to the downgrading of the watercourse due to their direct connection to the mine workings which are now flooded, with the water carrying Lead, Zinc and Cadmium from the mine. But remobilisation of the already deposited sediment and the washout from spoil heaps and smelt mills could equally have as much of a role as the water in causing the failures for chemistry as stated in the overall WFD classification.

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Figure 2.2 – Photograph of the Glengonnar Water (south of Leadhills)

This scoping phase of the project will determine and assess all of the major inputs to the Glengonnar Water via monitoring and conceptual models. This is the first report of its kind on the Glengonnar Water and as such there is a requirement to set up a robust monitoring strategy, collecting both flow and chemistry data from significant points along the watercourse. Once the data has been collected and analysed work can then begin on ascertaining the appropriate ways to treat the sources of pollution. Secondary aim is to take a brief look at the adjacent Wanlock Water catchment.

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3. Waterbody Status Under the current Water Framework Directive (WFD) classification scheme the Glengonnar Water is regarded as being at ‘Moderate’ status although the overall chemical status is ‘Fail’ (Figure 3.1). The waterbody fails to meet the standards set for the UK Specific Pollutant (Annex 8) Zinc and the Priority Substances (Annex 10) Lead and Cadmium.

Figure 3.1 - Water body information (water body information sheet 10116 (Glengonnar Water)) The River Basin Management Planning (RBMP) process, required under WFD, provides a mechanism for identifying significant impacts on waterbodies and ensuring that public sector bodies, businesses and individuals work together to protect the water environment and address these significant impacts. The RBMP for the Scotland River Basin District has indicated that the aim is to get the Glengonnar Water to ‘Good’ status by 2027 (Figure.3.2) although earlier attainment would obviously be an achievement.

Figure 3.2 - Extract from waterbody information sheet 10116 (Glengonnar Water)

As part of the Water Framework Directive and the Scotland RBMP a series of Area Advisory Groups (AAG’s) were set up. Work carried out by these AAG’s highlighted known pressures on all watercourses throughout Scotland. The Glengonnar Water has two such pressures recorded as point source pollution on information sheet 10116 (Figure 3.3). The waterbody fails to meet the standards set for the UK Specific Pollutant (Annex 8) Zinc and the Priority Substances (Annex 10) Lead and Cadmium and treatment is prescribed to cause an uplift in status of the watercourse.

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Figure 3.3 - Pressures and Measures (waterbody information sheet 10116 (Glengonnar Water))

The report Towers et al, 2006 states: In the Leadhills area of Southern Scotland, near the site of former smelting and mining (Schön and Paterson, in preparation), the metal contents of the soils are considerably enhanced compared with those obtained for similar soils outwith the immediate area of mining and smelting. The levels of contamination with lead, zinc and copper are extremely high in the alluvial soils in the floodplain of the Glengonnar Water (up to 22,000 mg kg-1) but high levels, particularly of lead, are also observed in soils from higher ground around a local smelter. These high levels of lead in the environment have been linked to a number of biological impacts. This would suggest the pressures on the Glengonnar Water should be taken very seriously, with the measures being considered and put in place long before 2027. It was suggested by SEPA that the Coal Authority, using its extensive experience in the treatment of coal mine water discharges, were the best placed organisation to undertake the initial study in to the surface water The area also includes the Upper Clyde Groundwater Body (150157) which is made up of bedrock and localised sand and gravels. The groundwater body is classified as being ‘poor’ (http://apps.sepa.org.uk/rbmp/pdf/150157.pdf). This classification is believed to be due to the surface water and related mine water inputs. The Wanlock Water forms part of the Nith catchment and the Wanlock Water (u/s of Crawick) currently has ‘good’ status based of biology; however it is noted that there is no chemistry status given as part of the assessment (from http://www.sepa.org.uk/science_and_research/data_and_reports/water.aspx). The upper parts of the Wanlock Water are similar to that for the Glengonnar with a number of point source mine water inputs and diffuse inputs in to the Wanlock Water.

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4. Topography, Hydrology and Geology Topography & Hydrology The current point for the start of Glengonnar Water is located at NS883141 at an elevation of approximately 425mAOD and flows for about 12km in a northerly-northeasterly direction to join the River Clyde at NS930222 at an elevation of approximately 230mAOD. The study area encompasses the first 4km of Glengonnar Water between the start of the river to the road bridge at NS887177 at an elevation of approximately 320mAOD. Within the study area, Glengonnar Water includes the tributaries of Dead Burn, Big Wool Gill, Roan Burn and a number of hillside gullies and springs. Within the study area the catchment for Glengonnar Water (see figure 4.1) comprises of upper moorland with steep sided slopes rising up to approximately 550mAOD. The valley floor comprises a narrow stream only a few metres wide to a floodplain of up to 100m wide. Throughout the study period rainfall measurements were not taken; although previous studies suggest annual precipitation exceeding 1500 mm/yr (i.e. Rowan et al, 1995) with greatest amounts of precipitation being throughout the winter months. Geology Locally Leadhills is situated in the Southern Upland Terrane (see figure 4.3) comprising rocks of Ordovician in age (Floyd, 2003). The mineral veins within the Leadhills orefield generally lie between the Leadhills Fault to the northwest and the Fardingmullach Fault to the southeast. The principle faulting in the area trends northeast-southwest, with the main mineral veins (see figure 4.2 and 4.3) trending north-northwest to south-southeast. The primary ore mineralisation is related to the Caledonian Orogeny resulting in minerals veins with ores consisting mainly of Galena (PbS), Chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and other minor ore minerals. In the study area the Southern Uplands Terrane comprises the primarily of Crawford Group, Moffat Shale Group, Kirkcolm Formation and Portpatrick Formation. The Crawford Group consists of chert, mudstone and lava; the Moffat Shale Group consists of dark mudstone; the Kirkcolm Formation consists of sandstone and siltstone; the Portpatrick Formation consists of volcanilclastic wacke sandstone which forms the host country rock for the lead-zinc mineral veins (Floyd, 2003).

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Figure 4.1 Topographic map of the area

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Figure 4.2 Principle mineral veins (from Floyd, 2003)

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Figure 4.3 Geological plan

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5. Mining The earliest notable mining in the orefield (c13 century) was localised and for alluvial gold deposits. Lead mining on a wider scale probably started in the 17th century with the larger scale lead mining commencing during the late 18th century and working until the 1930s (i.e. Rowan, 1995; Harvey, 2000 & SEPA, 2008). The early mines were likely to be small scale isolated mines which worked the upper reaches of the veins either by shallow shafts and adits or by hushing the hillside to expose lead ore. Later mine workings became deeper and involved mining by ‘stoping’ methods (see figure 5.2); this resulted in the mines to go to the deeper parts of the orefield. As the mining went deeper water would have been encountered; in order to allow mining to take place the mines needed to be drained. Original drainage is likely to be in the form of simple rope and bucket pumps; and or drainage levels (see figure 5.1 & figure 5.3) driven in to the workings to dewater the workings by gravity. Further developments required water to be pumped (see figure 5.4) and often pumps would be installed underground and water pumped up to drainage adits. After abandonment of the mines and mining in the area the mines flooded and ‘excess’ water discharged to surface; often via the old drainage adits. Within the study area three low-lying adits were indentified and include Gripps Drainage Level, Poutshiel Drainage Level and Horse Level. The Gripps Level has the lowest outlet elevation of these three and is widely extensive throughout the mine workings with numerous side branches. However, the Gripps Level is partially blocked along its route between airshafts 4 and 5 (e.g. Schmolke, 1998) and mine water emergences from airshafts 5 and 6. The next lowest adit is the Horse Level which is a fairly short level linked the the mine workings to the north and east of Leadhills Village, however due to other types of mining connections the Horse Level is linked (as per the Gripps Level) to the majority of the mine workings. The Poutshiel Level is the highest of the three and is similar to the Gripps Level albeit older and also covers the majority of the workings with numerous side branches. The outlet from Poutshiel is believed to be buried below the Susanna Vein area and its exact position is uncertain Mining the ore, shaft sinking and ore processing resulted in large amounts of unusable rock spoil which often contains vast quantities of unusable and unprocessed of ore. These processes resulted in the large areas of spoil tip material (see figure 5.5 & figure 5.6) along with large areas of land affected by pollutants from airbourne particles (from lead smelting processes); and land affected by pollutants from other processes such as ore washing.

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Figure 5.1 – Location map of mining features

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Figure 5.2 – Diagram of mining methods (from Younger & Adams, 1999)

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Figure 5.3 – Photograph of Gripps Level and air shafts

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Figure 5.4 – Photograph of Straitsteps mine, Wanlockhead

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Figure 5.5 – Photograph of Susanna Vein

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Figure 5.6 – Photograph of Upper Glengonnar Water area

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6. Conceptual model Prior to undertaking the study background research in to relevant papers and reports along with a walkover study aided the development of a conceptual model to test the potential sources for pollution from mining impacting the Glengonnar Water. In summary the potential inputs to the Glengonnar Water are as follows:

Water coming out of the mines and drainage levels – “mine water”

Hillside runoff washing down prior airbourne pollutants from former smelting mills

Surface run-off and infiltration of the mine spoil heaps

Surface run-off and infiltration of mining related made ground from former ore

processing areas All these pollutant pathways have potential to convey metals in either particulate or dissolved forms into the Glengonnar Water.

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7. Data collation and results During this scoping study monitoring was undertaken between November 2010 and March 2011. Ideally a time period of at least one year would be used to enable comparisons of data throughout the year and to allow appropriate correlation with EQS vales based on annual average (i.e. Lead, Cadmium and Zinc). Hence throughout this report and where appropriate these data collected are used and compared against EQS values to highlight any potential or causes for concern. Using the conceptual model (see section 6) an early indication of initial sampling and monitoring points (see figure 7.1, figure 7.2 & Appendix 3 & 4) resulted in 31 sites monitored including:

• Gripps Level outlet weir: Routine chemical sampling and flow monitoring including the installation of a datalogger

• Horse Level: Routine chemical sampling and flow monitoring including the installation of a datalogger to the outlet weir

• Shaft 5 discharge(s): Routine chemical sampling and flow estimation and installation of a datalogger to determine relative water level changes

• Shaft 6 discharge: Routine chemical sampling and flow estimation and installation of a datalogger to determine relative water level changes

• Hamilton Shaft: Routine monitoring and installation of a datalogger to determine water levels associated with Horse Level

• Landles Shaft: Routine monitoring and installation of a datalogger to determine water levels associated with Gripps Level

• Broadlaw Discharge: Routine chemical sampling and flow estimation • Glengonnar Shaft: Routine monitoring and installation of a datalogger to

determine water levels associated with Gripps Level and general mine workings. However, the hole was needed in the shaft cap to undertake monitoring

• Glengonnar Water downstream of the Glendorch smelter mill: Routine chemical sampling to determine chemical impact on the watercourse

• Downstream of the Leadhills sewage works. Routine chemical sampling to determine baseline comparison of the sample downstream of Glendorch smelter mill

• Dead Burn upstream of confluence with Glengonnar Water: To determine baseline for comparison of all downstream samples

• Glengonnar Water upstream of Broad Law. To determine an upstream baseline, however no or very little flow was present in Glengonnar Water, hence only sampled once

• Wanlock Water downstream of Meadowfoot smelter mill: To determine any impacts on Wanlock Water from Wanlockhead mining

• Bay Mine Discharge: To determine the chemistry of the discharge and any impacts on Wanlock Water

• Glencrieff (Glenglass) Water Level Discharge: To determine the chemistry of the discharge and any impacts on Wanlock Water

• Sediment and soil samples within Glengonnar Water and its floodplain: To determine non mine water sources of pollution. Specific site to be determined during the study

During site visits and following on from sample results the initial set of site locations became more dynamic with additional ad-hoc and routine monitoring being undertaken at the following (see figure 7.1, figure 7.2 and Appendix 2 & 3):

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• Horse Level Overflow Pipe Discharge: An extra mine water input and sampled for mine water chemistry and estimated flow rates.

• Upwelling associated with the Gripps Level: Possible tension crack or air shaft. An extra mine water input and sampled for mine water chemistry and estimated flow rates

• Upwelling in to Glengonnar Water opposite Big Wool Gill. Uncertain source of water and chemical sample taken

• Leadhills Sewage Works: To determine any input for the sewage works • Upstream of Leadhills sewage Works: To assess any impact from the

sewage works and to aid assessment of downstream samples • Harrisons Level: A small discharge which possible related to Harrisons

Level and discharges in to Dead Burn. Chemical sample taken • Poutshiel Level: A small discharge which may relate to the buried mouth of

the level. Chemical sample taken • Glengonnar Water downstream of Susanna Vein. To aid assessment of any

impacts from the Susanna Vein tips and old landfill and ore processing area. Chemical sample taken

Sediment and soil sample locations were determined after receiving initial laboratory results and further alterations made after initial soil sample results. The sites include:

• Below the landfill and Susanna Vein area tips on an area of floodplain and overland flow

• A sand / silt bar within the river located downstream of Susanna Vein and upstream of the confluence with Horse Level overflow

• Upstream of the discharge from Shaft 6 located on the floodplain • Alluvial sediment from a silt bar opposite shaft 3 • Soil/sediment floodplain adjacent to Gripps Level • Glendorch smelter mill are adjacent the Glengonnar Water which is

occasionally waterlogged • River sediment opposite the upwelling between shaft 4 and shaft 5 • Upstream of smelter mill with the soil floodplain • Downstream of shaft 4 area situated on a sand and gravel bar in the river.

Water samples collected in the field for laboratory analysis comprised of a 1 litre sample for a mineral suite; an unfiltered 250 millilitre acidified sample (using Hydrochloric Acid); an unfiltered 250 millilitre acidified sample (using Nitric Acid) and a 250 millilitre filtered (using a 0.45µm filter) acidified sample (using Nitric Acid). Sediment and soil samples comprised of a 1 litre tub of the material which was sent to the laboratory for analyses. No screening or sieving for specific sizes was undertaken, however large clasts (approx >10mm) were not included in the samples. The British National Grid coordinates of all the monitoring points are specified in Appendix 1

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Figure 7.1 – Glengonnar Water monitoring points

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Figure 7.2 – Wanlock Water sample points

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7.1 On site and datalogger results The results from the routine monitoring are shown in figure 7.3 to figure 7.14 and the on site measurements and laboratory results from all samples are given in table 7.1; table 7.2 and appendix 3 & 4. Mine water level monitoring Within the Glengonnar Water, mine water levels were monitored at five shafts by means of dataloggers and On Site manual readings. Figure 7.3 shows the mine water levels from these sites expressed in metres above Ordnance Datum (mAOD). The water levels show rainfall and seasonally related trends with water levels ranging from approx 352mAOD and 357mAOD at Hamilton and Landles shafts and approx 371mAOD at Glengonnar Shaft. These mine water levels compare to a river elevation of approximately 340 to 350mAOD. Mine water flow monitoring Regular mine water flow monitoring was undertaken at six sites of which the results are shown in figure 7.4 and 7.5. As per the water levels the flows show similar trends relating to rainfall and seasonal trends with specific flow ranging between 0 l/s and approx 50 l/s and a total mine water flow of between approx 30 and 150 l/s which compares to reported historical maximum flows of approx 260l/s and average values of approx 167 l/s (Babbtie, 1991)

Mean Min Max SD Mean Min Max SD Mean Min Max SD Mean Min Max SD Mean Min Max SDGripps Level 13.6 5 20 5.1 6.99 6.5 7.8 0.5 141 124 156 14.9 91 80 101 9.7 7.04 6.79 7.37 0.23 7Issue between shaft 4 and 5 10 7 178 115 6.89 1Shaft 5 16.4 5 25 6.3 7.15 7 7.3 0.11 176 174 179 2.2 114 112 116 1.6 7.04 6.65 7.31 0.26 7Shaft 6 28.6 20 35 4.8 7.21 7.15 7.3 0.05 176 173 180 2.7 114 112 116 1.6 6.78 6.44 7.09 0.23 7Horse Level 10.5 0 17.4 6 7.33 7 7.7 0.25 196 181 207 10.6 127 118 133 5.9 6.81 6.25 7.29 0.39 7Horse Level Overflow 14.3 0 35 15.4 7.12 7 7.2 0.11 190 188 192 2.1 123 122 124 1.2 7.33 7.25 7.38 0.07 5Poutshiel Issue 1 5.6 246 161 6.94 1Broadlaw 2.4 0 4 1.3 7.11 6.9 7.7 0.34 163 139 180 18.6 105 90 116 12.1 7.12 7.02 7.24 0.08 7Harrisons Level 2 7 158 101 6.93 1Upwelling opp Big Wool Gill 10 10 10 0 6 5.7 6.3 0.42 182 182 182 0 119 118 119 0.47 6.97 6.64 7.3 0.47 2

D/S of Glendorch Smelter 6.69 5.8 8.7 1.3 175 167 189 9.9 113 108 123 6.9 7.3 7.15 7.5 0.16 6D/S Susanna Vein 5.6 197 128 7.14 1D/S Sewage Works 6.23 5.4 8.8 1.4 199 178 240 24.9 129 117 156 15.9 7.29 7.19 7.35 0.06 6Sewage Works Outfall 5.4 367 245 7.14 1U/S Sewage Works 5.4 172 111 7.15 1Dead Burn 6.55 5.3 9.3 1.6 177 147 209 20.8 115 95 136 13.6 7.34 7.15 7.51 0.12 6-

Minimum (Min), Maximum (Max) and Standard Deviation (SD) calculated for sample where N>1





Conductivity (µs/cm 25 °C)

TDS (mg/l) pH Sample (N)

Site Flow Rate (l/s) Temperature (°C)

Table 7.1 – Summary table of the on site data

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Mine water temperature monitoring Temperature monitoring was undertaken at eight sites including six at mine water sampling sites and two sited within Hamilton (c2mBGL) and Landles (c15mBGL) shafts. The results are shown on figure 7.6. The temperatures of the mine water are generally between 6.5 and 7.5 °C however the absolute temperature at each site is dependant upon the individual site and depth that the datalogger is installed. All the mine water samples show colder inflections in temperature of between 0.2 and 2 °C which are likely to correspond to rainfall events. Temperature measurements from the air in Hamilton and Landles shafts are approx 3 to 4 °C and 5 to 6 °C respectively; however absolute values are determined by depths at which the loggers are installed. Conductivity monitoring Measurements of electrical conductivity (EC) were taken at all sites where laboratory samples were taken; additionally conductivity loggers were installed at the Shaft 6 discharge and Horse Level overflow. The datalogger readings and corresponding manual measurements are shown in figure 7.7. The data from the Horse Level monitoring shows conductivity generally of approx 180 to 190µs/cm with spikes ranging up to approx 270µs/cm. The nature of these spikes is uncertain, however may be related to rainfall events; albeit should be noted rainfall was not collected during this study. The data from Shaft 6 shows values varying between 100 and 180µs/cm with a step in January 2011 probably relating to the logger being installed to a different depth. Shaft 6 manual readings range between approx 170 to 180 µs/cm. Manual readings of conductivity taken throughout the study area are shown in figure 7.8. Manual measurements from the mine water testing range from approx 120 to 200µs/cm with stream measurements ranging from approx 150 to 250µs/cm. Throughout the study the lowest mine water conductivity readings are from Gripps Level; follow by Broad Law; then shaft 5/6 with the highest values being for the Horse Level overflow and Horse Level outlet. Figure 7.8 illustrates that EC in the river samples have a different trend to the mine waters. It appears that higher flows in January and February 2011 resulted in increased EC in the rivers, but decreased, or steady EC in the mine waters. Since EC generally correlates directly with Total Dissolved Solids, it may tentatively be inferred that in high flow conditions the dissolved solid loading is coming from another source. This tends to suggest that, in high flow conditions at least, the mine water discharges are unlikely to be the primary contribution to the total dissolved solids loading in the Glengonnar Water.

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Water levels for dataloggers against manual readings










08-Dec-10 28-Dec-10 17-Jan-11 06-Feb-11 26-Feb-11 18-Mar-11 07-Apr-11



er L

















er L



D) (


al p





Hamilton Shaft mAOD Landles Shaft mAOD Glengonnar Shaft Hamilton OSLandles OS Glengonnar OS No5 Shaft mAD No6 Shaft mAD

Figure 7.3 – Graph of mine water levels for Glengonnar Water (OS – On Site manual reading)

Flow rates for dataloggers against manual readings










08-Dec-10 28-Dec-10 17-Jan-11 06-Feb-11 26-Feb-11 18-Mar-11 07-Apr-11




e (l/


Gripps Level Flow Horse Level Flow Gripps OS Horse Level OS

Figure 7.4 – Graph of mine water flow monitoring for the Gripps Level and Horse level weirs, showing datalogger and On Site (OS) results

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Manual flow rates (estimated and calculated)












11-Jun-10 31-Jul-10 19-Sep-10 08-Nov-10 28-Dec-10 16-Feb-11 07-Apr-11




e (l/


Gripps Level Pipe Outlet Shaft 5 (Combined Flows) Gripps Level Shaft 6 Horse LevelHorse Level Overflow Broad Law Mine Water Flow

Figure 7.5 – Graph of mine water flow monitoring for the manual readings (measured and visual estimates)

Temperature monitoring










08-Dec-10 28-Dec-10 17-Jan-11 06-Feb-11 26-Feb-11 18-Mar-11 07-Apr-11



er T



re (D

eg C












t Air






Gripps Weir Temp No5 Shaft Temp No6 Shaft Temp Horse Level Weir TempHamilton Water Temp Landles Water Temp Landles Air temp Hamilton Air Temp

Lone baro in Hamilton shaft flooded

Figure 7.6 – Graph of logger temperature

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Electrical Conductivity for dataloggers and manual readings








08-Dec-10 28-Dec-10 17-Jan-11 06-Feb-11 26-Feb-11 18-Mar-11 07-Apr-11


EC (m












EC (u


@ 2

5 D

eg C


Shaft 6 Horse Level Shaft 6 OS Horse Level OS Figure 7.7 - Graph of logger conductivity for the mine water flows

On site conductivity








08-Dec-10 28-Dec-10 17-Jan-11 06-Feb-11 26-Feb-11 18-Mar-11 07-Apr-11


EC (u




Gripps Level Outlet Shaft 5 Top Shaft 6 Horse Level Horse Level OverflowBroad law D/S Smelter D/S Sewage Works Dead Burn

Figure 7.8 – Graph of conductivity measurements throughout Glengonnar Water

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7.2 Results from laboratory analyses Throughout the study regular samples were taken at nine sites within the Glengonnar Water and associated mine water inputs. Additional ad-hoc samples were also taken to aid assessment of water chemistry and various inputs to Glengonnar Water. Along with these water samples a further fifteen soil / sediment samples were taken throughout sites situated on the floodplain. The results from the laboratory analyses are summarised in table 7.2 and table 7.3.

Ave Flow Ave LoadingAverage Maximum Minimum Average Maximum Minimum l/s ug/s

D/S Smelter 109.2 174.0 83.0 51.4 83.0 41.0 7.2 NA 2.12Gripps Level 38.3 90.0 12.0 12.0 20.0 7.0 7.2 NA 3.19 13.8 166Shaft 5 7.8 9.0 7.0 7.3 8.0 7.0 7.2 NA 1.07 16 117Shaft 6 9.2 12.0 8.0 8.0 9.0 7.0 7.2 NA 1.15 30 240Horse Level 6.0 7.0 5.0 5.4 6.0 5.0 7.2 NA 1.11 10.8 58Horse Level Overflow 7.0 9.0 6.0 8.3 13.0 5.0 7.2 NA 0.84 14.3 119Broad law 3.4 6.0 2.0 2.8 4.0 2.0 7.2 NA 1.21 2.4 7D/S Sewage 45.6 84.0 22.0 30.2 78.0 16.0 7.2 NA 1.51Dead Burn 25 (est) 137.0 5.0 4.4 6.0 3.0 7.2 NA 5.7 (est)

Ave Flow Ave LoadingAverage Maximum Minimum Average Maximum Minimum l/s ug/s

D/S Smelter 113.0 126.0 106.0 110.4 125.0 103.0 50 NA 1.02Gripps Level 35.5 38.0 31.0 34.5 38.0 30.0 50 NA 1.03 13.8 490Shaft 5 54.5 88.0 42.0 43.0 46.0 41.0 50 NA 1.27 16 872Shaft 6 50.0 58.0 44.0 43.8 46.0 42.0 50 NA 1.14 30 1500Horse Level 78.8 104.0 67.0 71.4 76.0 65.0 50 NA 1.10 10.8 851Horse Level Overflow 47.0 58.0 38.0 44.7 57.0 38.0 50 NA 1.05 14.3 672Broad law 426.2 489.0 346.0 419.2 488.0 341.0 50 NA 1.02 2.4 1023D/S Sewage 122.4 143.0 94.0 118.4 141.0 103.0 50 NA 1.03Dead Burn 68.0 77.0 61.0 61.2 76.0 52.0 50 NA 1.11

Ave Flow Ave LoadingAverage Maximum Minimum Average Maximum Minimum l/s ug/s

D/S Smelter 0.9 1 0.9 0.9 1 0.9 0.08 0.45 1.00Gripps Level 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.08 0.45 1.33 13.8 4Shaft 5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.08 0.45 1.00 16 8Shaft 6 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.08 0.45 1.00 30 15Horse Level 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.08 0.45 1.00 10.8 5Horse Level Overflow 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.08 0.45 1.00 14.3 4Broad law 4 4.6 3.2 4 4.6 3.3 0.08 0.45 1.00 2.4 10D/S Sewage 1.2 1.5 0.9 1.1 1.3 0.9 0.08 0.45 1.09Dead Burn 0.6 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.3 0.08 0.45 1.20

EQS values taken from SEPA 2008 & SEPA 2011

MAC-EQS (Diss)

AA-EQS = Annual average EQS as µg/l; MAC-EQS =- Maxium Allowable Concentration EQS as µg/lMAC-EQS for Cadmium based on AA-EQS and are hardness related

Total Lead (µg/l) Dissolved Lead (µg/l)Site

Total Zinc (µg/l)

AA-EQS (Diss)

Total:Diss Ratio

MAC-EQS (Diss)

MAC-EQS (Total)

Total Cadmium (µg/l) Dissolved Cadmium (µg/l)



AA-EQS (Total)

AA-EQS (Diss)

Dissolved Zinc (µg/l) Total:Diss Ratio

Total:Diss Ratio

Table 7.2 Summary table of laboratory analyses (highlighted values are those above AA-EQS values), and metals loadings on samples taken November 2010 to March 2011.

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Lead All water samples were tested for Total and Dissolved Lead concentrations. The results from these tests are shown in figure 7.9; figure 7.12 and table 7.2. Results from the mine water samples generally show dissolved Lead values (approx 3 to 8µg/l) of which some samples are only marginally above EQS values for dissolved Lead (annual average of 7.2µg/l). Results of the mine water samples show the majority of the Lead is in the dissolved state. One outlier of mine water from this trend is those from Gripps Level samples which are taken at the weir approx 100m downstream of the pipe outlet. Dissolved Lead values at the Gripps Level weir peak at 20µg/l with a mean of 12µg/l; however maximum and mean values for Total Lead at this site are 90µg/l and 38µg/l respectively. These higher readings at Gripps Level may in part be due to surface water and or river water influxes in to either the pipe and or drainage level; or within the discharge channel prior to the weir. Analysis of the river water samples for Dissolved Lead range from mean values of 4µg/l (minimum value of 3.0µg/l) at Dead Burn up to 51µg/l (maximum value of 83µg/l) at the site downstream of Glendorch smelter mill. The results for Total Lead range from an estimated mean value (estimated due to a spike in the data, possibly relating to high suspended solids) of 25µg/l at Dead Burn up to a mean value of 109µg/l (maximum value of 174µg/l) downstream of Glendorch smelter mill. Of the Total Lead concentrations the dissolved fraction varies between approx 5% and 100% and generally the dissolved fraction of Lead only makes up half that of Total Lead. Both Total and Dissolved Lead values increase going downstream from Dead Burn to downstream of the smelter mill. Zinc All water samples were tested for Total and Dissolved Zinc concentrations. The results from these tests are shown in figure 7.10; figure 7.13 and table 7.2. Results from the mine water samples show the Dissolved Zinc concentrations are generally over 95% of the Total Zinc readings. Note that at a neutral pH of 7, as observed in all samples, Zinc is known to be highly soluble, and thus it is expected that Zinc will primarily be in the dissolved form. Total Zinc for the general mine water shows means values ranging from 35µg/l up to 79µg/l compared to EQS values of 50µg/l (using a mean hardness related value from SEPA 2011); however results from the Broadlaw discharge give a mean value of 426µg/l. The reasons for elevated Zinc concentrations at Broadlaw are unknown; however this could suggest a different source of water; different mineralisation or different type of mining. There are also some differences with the Horse Level discharge and the pipe assumed to be the Horse Level Overflow pipe. Mean values for the Horse Level are 79µg/l compared to mean values of 47µg/l for the overflow pipe; reasons for this are uncertain, however could suggest additional sources of water for the overflow pipe or some stratification within the system.

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As per the mine water samples, the surface water Zinc concentrations are predominantly in the dissolved state. The mean results for Total Zinc range from 68µg/l (minimum 61µg/l) in Dead Burn up to 122µg/l (maximum 143µg/l) downstream of the sewage works (and Broadlaw), the downstream of the smelter mill sample point has a mean value of 113µg/l. However, it should be noted that on some occasions the downstream of the smelter mill had higher concentrations than downstream of the sewage works. The reasoning for this apparent decrease in Total Zinc concentrations between the sewage works and the smelter mill is uncertain; however there was little river analysis undertaken between these two sample points. Hence, there may still be potential for additional sources of Zinc between these two sample points which could have variable impacts on the Glengonnar Water throughout the year. Zinc concentrations have not been assessed against proposed environmental quality standard for Bioavailable Zinc. Cadmium All water samples were tested for Total and Dissolved Cadmium concentrations. The results from these tests are shown in figure 7.11; figure 7.14 and table 7.2. The results for the mine water samples show the Cadmium is nearly entirely in the dissolved state. Similar to zinc, cadmium is expected to be highly soluble at the ambient neutral pH values observed. Generally the mine water samples show Dissolved Cadmium concentration of between 0.3µg/l and 0.6µg/l compared to annual average EQS values of 0.08µg/l (annual average taken from SEPA 2011) and maximum acceptable concentration (MAC) of 0.45µg/l to 0.6µg/l (from SEPA 2011 and based on hardness values of <40 to 100 mg/l CaCO3). However, similarly to the trends in Zinc readings the Broadlaw discharge has elevated concentrations of Cadmium with values of Dissolved Cadmium ranging from 3.3µg/l to 4.6µg/l; several times higher than MAC. Reasons for these raised concentration are also uncertain but are likely to be the same as those for the raised Zinc concentrations. The river water samples also show the Cadmium is mainly present in the dissolved state. Coinciding with the trends for the Zinc readings the mean Dissolved Cadmium values range from 0.5µg/l at Dead Burn to 1.1µg/l downstream of the sewage works, the downstream of the smelter mill sample point has a mean value of 0.9µg/l. One off water samples An additional set of 8 one-off samples were taken at various locations in both the Glengonnar Water the Wanlock Water, the results are shown in appendix 4. Harrisons Level: Concentrations of Dissolved Lead, Total Zinc and Dissolved Cadmium were 10µg/l, 43µg/l and 0.3µg/l respectively. Sewage Works Outfall: Concentrations of Dissolved Lead, Total Zinc and Dissolved Cadmium were 17µg/l, 145µg/l and 1.7µg/l respectively.

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Poutshiel: Concentrations of Dissolved Lead, Total Zinc and Dissolved Cadmium were 83µg/l, 1368µg/l and 11.5µg/l respectively. Downstream of Susanna: Concentrations of Dissolved Lead, Total Zinc and Dissolved Cadmium were 29µg/l, 136µg/l and 1.4µg/l respectively. Upwelling: Concentrations of Dissolved Lead, Total Zinc and Dissolved Cadmium were 48µg/l, 141µg/l and 1.5µg/l respectively. Bay Mine: Concentrations of Dissolved Lead, Total Zinc and Dissolved Cadmium were 10µg/l, 130µg/l and 1.7µg/l respectively. Glenglass: Concentrations of Dissolved Lead, Total Zinc and Dissolved Cadmium were 32µg/l, 381µg/l and 3.5µg/l respectively. Wanlock D/S: Concentrations of Dissolved Lead, Total Zinc and Dissolved Cadmium were 39µg/l, 270µg/l and 2.6µg/l respectively.

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03-Dec-10 17-Dec-10 31-Dec-10 14-Jan-11 28-Jan-11 11-Feb-11 25-Feb-11 11-Mar-11 25-Mar-11 08-Apr-11


l Pb



High suspended solids












03-Dec-10 17-Dec-10 31-Dec-10 14-Jan-11 28-Jan-11 11-Feb-11 25-Feb-11 11-Mar-11 25-Mar-11 08-Apr-11



ed P

b (u


D/S Smelter Gripps Level

Shaft 5 Shaft 6

Horse Level Horse Level Overflow

D/S Sewage Works Broadlaw

Deadburn EQS

Figure 7.9 Graph of Lead concentrations for Glengonnar Water (EQS = 7.2µg/l Dissolved Lead)

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03-Dec-10 17-Dec-10 31-Dec-10 14-Jan-11 28-Jan-11 11-Feb-11 25-Feb-11 11-Mar-11 25-Mar-11 08-Apr-11


l Zn










03-Dec-10 17-Dec-10 31-Dec-10 14-Jan-11 28-Jan-11 11-Feb-11 25-Feb-11 11-Mar-11 25-Mar-11 08-Apr-11



ed Z

n (u


D/S Smelter Gripps Level Shaft 5 Shaft 6 Horse LevelHorse Level Overflow D/S Sewage Works Broadlaw Dead Burn EQS

Figure 7.10 Graph of Zinc concentrations for Glengonnar Water (EQS = Lower hardness value for Total Zinc)

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03-Dec-10 17-Dec-10 31-Dec-10 14-Jan-11 28-Jan-11 11-Feb-11 25-Feb-11 11-Mar-11 25-Mar-11 08-Apr-11


l Cd














03-Dec-10 17-Dec-10 31-Dec-10 14-Jan-11 28-Jan-11 11-Feb-11 25-Feb-11 11-Mar-11 25-Mar-11 08-Apr-11



ed C

d (u


D/S Smelter Gripps Level Shaft 5 Shaft 6 Horse LevelHorse Level Overflow D/S Sewage Works Broadlaw Dead Burn EQS

Figure 7.11 Graph of Cadmium concentrations for Glengonnar Water (EQS = Dissolved Cadmium)

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Soil and sediment samples Throughout the study a total or fifteen samples were taken from nine different sites. These sites are distinguished for the purposes of this study in to three separate types including:

Soil: These are samples taken adjacent to the floodplain; albeit in flood events these could potentially be under water. Predominantly these sites are likely to have potential for overland or through flow

Floodplain: These are samples taken from floodplain of the river Alluvial Sediment: These are samples taken from with the sediments in

the general course of the river. Leachability tests were undertaken on nine samples in the laboratory with a water soil ratio of 10:1 The results for the sediments samples and leachate tests are shown in figures 7.12 to 7.14 and table 7.3. Soil Samples

Analyte: Cadmium (MS) Copper (MS) Lead (MS) Mercury (MS) Nickel (MS) Zinc (MS)

Method Code: ICPMSS ICPMSS ICPMSS ICPMSS ICPMSS ICPMSSUnits: mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

Sample Desc Date Sampled TypeBase of Landfill 03-Mar-11 112 892.9 48,820 0.28 61.7 19940 SoilBase of Landfill 29-Mar-11 8.58 154.1 17,700 0.46 50.7 1337 SoilBy Gripps Level 03-Mar-11 0.91 268.4 31,440 0.17 44.2 866 FloodplainBy Gripps Level 29-Mar-11 7 421.6 45,480 0.8 50.6 1621 FloodplainD/S Shaft 4 03-Mar-11 9.32 397.5 26,930 0.84 51.8 1788 Alluvial

sedimentD/S Shaft 4 29-Mar-11 4.26 386.3 78,860 7.79 50.4 1008 Alluvial

sedimentD/S Susanna 03-Mar-11 8.37 205.3 23,350 0.97 53.7 1537 Alluvial

sedimentD/S Susanna 29-Mar-11 5.17 2029 103,300 0.3 58.6 742.3 Alluvial

sedimentOpposite Shaft 4/5 29-Mar-11 7.3 303.9 26,420 0.43 48.6 1619 Alluvial

sedimentSmelter Mill 03-Mar-11 6.19 215.1 60,690 0.17 94.1 3475 SoilSmelter Mill 29-Mar-11 2.67 271.7 93,640 0.21 70.2 3523 SoilU/S Shaft 3 29-Mar-11 8.14 340.8 32,470 1.18 45.3 1335 Alluvial

sedimentU/S Shaft 6 03-Mar-11 5.3 1563 88,390 0.31 51.4 1413 FloodplainU/S Shaft 6 29-Mar-11 175.4 1482 92,410 0.49 50.4 29100 FloodplainU/S Smelter 29-Mar-11 2.77 316.5 105,100 0.28 47.8 1432 Floodplain

Leachability testsAnalyte: Cadmium as

Cd (Dissolved)Copper as Cu (Dissolved)

Lead as Pb (Dissolved)

Mercury as Hg (Dissolved)

Nickel as Ni (Dissolved)

Zinc as Zn (Dissolved)

Method Code: ICPMSW ICPMSW ICPMSW ICPMSW ICPMSW ICPMSWUnits: mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l

Sample Desc Date Sampled TypeBase of Landfill 29-Mar-11 0.0002 0.017 0.253 <0.0001 0.003 0.11 SoilBy Gripps Level 29-Mar-11 0.0003 0.012 0.256 <0.0001 0.001 0.171 FloodplainD/S Shaft 4 29-Mar-11 0.0003 0.012 0.097 0.0001 0.002 0.07 Alluvial

SedimentD/S Susanna 29-Mar-11 0.0003 0.017 0.231 <0.0001 0.001 0.121 Alluvial

SedimentOpposite Shaft 4/5 29-Mar-11 0.0002 0.008 0.088 <0.0001 0.001 0.06 Alluvial

SedimentSmelter Mill 29-Mar-11 0.0067 0.005 0.033 <0.0001 0.034 0.337 SoilU/S Shaft 3 29-Mar-11 0.0003 0.012 0.04 <0.0001 0.001 0.076 Alluvial

SedimentU/S Shaft 6 29-Mar-11 0.022 0.005 0.133 <0.0001 <0.001 0.725 FloodplainU/S Smelter 29-Mar-11 0.0009 0.005 0.281 <0.0001 0.001 0.213 Floodplain Table 7.3 – Summary table of soil sample analyses

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The sediment & soil sample analyses show high concentrations of Lead, Zinc and Copper present with the soils, floodplain and alluvial sediments. Soil and sediment samples were taken to give a guide to any future schemes or remediation proposals, hence a maximum of only two samples were taken at each site and leachate analyses was only undertaken once. Soils For the samples classed as ‘soils’ (for this report) the Lead concentrations range from 17,700mg/kg (1.77% wt/wt) to 48,820mg/kg (4.88% wt/wt) for the area below the old landfill at the bottom of Susanna Vein; and below Glendorch smelter mill the lead concentrations range between 60,690mg/kg (6.07% wt/wt) and 93,640mg/kg (9.36% wt/wt). These values are >100 times greater than mean values in soils in the Southern Uplands (139mg/kg, Towers et al, 2006). Concentrations of Zinc below the landfill area varied by a factor of approx times 10 between 1337mg/kg (0.13% wt/wt) and 19,940mg/kg (2% wt/wt); this may reflect a heterogeneous nature of the material of this site. The Zinc concentrations below the smelter mill were fairly consistent at between 3475mg/kg and 3523mg/kg. All the values for the Zinc in the soils are >20 times that of the mean values in soils in the Southern Uplands (67mg/kg, Towers et al, 2006). The analysis of the soils also showed elevated concentrations of Copper of between 154mg/kg and 893mg/kg. In the Southern Uplands soils mean values of 12mg/kg (Tower et al, 2006) were observed. The concentrations of Cadmium within the soils samples ranged from 2.7mg/l up to 112mg/kg; these are greater than Southern Uplands soils mean value of 1.28mg/kg with an observed maximum of 2.48mg/kg (Towers et al, 2006). The concentrations Nickel in the soils ranges from 50.7mg/kg to 94.1mg/kg which are approximately 10 times greater than the mean values for Southern Upland soils of 6.5mg/kg (Towers et al, 2009). Floodplain Due to the history of the ‘floodplain’ samples their data should not directly be compared to the soil samples as shown above. However, their concentrations and any patterns in data are presented below. The floodplain samples contain significant amounts (as a percentage) of Lead with values ranging between 31,440mg/kg (3.14% wt/wt) by Gripps Level and 105,100mg/kg (10.5% wt/wt) in the floodplain upstream of Glendorch smelter mill. The site upstream of shaft 6 showed fairly consistent values of Lead of between 88,390mg/kg (8.84% wt/wt) and 92,410mg/kg (9.24% wt/wt). The value of Lead in the site upstream of shaft 3 was sampled once and had a value of 32,470mg/kg which are comparable with those samples by Gripps Level of 31,440mg/kg and 45,480mg/kg. Concentrations of Zinc were measured in the floodplain samples and values ranged from 866mg/kg by Gripps Level up to 29,100mg/kg upstream of shaft 6’ although most values were approximately 1500mg/kg. The samples for upstream of shaft 6 gave variable results of 1413mg/kg and 29,100mg/kg, the reasons for this is uncertain however could relate to a heterogeneous nature of the soil.

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Along with the concentrations of Lead and Zinc shown above other notable metal concentrations include Copper with values between 268mg/kg (by Gripps Level) and 1563mg/kg (upstream of shaft 6); Cadmium with values between 0.91mg/kg (by Gripps Level) and 175mg/kg (upstream of shaft 6); and Nickel with values between 44.2mg/kg and 51.4mg/kg. Alluvial Sediments Has for the same reasons with the floodplain samples, the alluvial sediments sample should not directly by compared with the soils; although the data and any patterns are presented below. Looking at the concentrations for Lead and based on percentage there are significant amounts of Lead present with the alluvial sediments. The values for Lead range from 23,350mg/kg (2.34% wt/wt) up to 103,300mg/kg (10.3% wt/wt) both values are from downstream of Susanna Vein and may reflect a heterogeneous nature of the alluvial material. Lead concentrations downstream of shaft 4 were 26,930mg/kg (2.69% wt/wt) and 78,860mg/kg (7.89% wt/wt); these are also variable. A one-off sample opposite the upwelling between shafts 4 and 5 gave a value of 32,470mg/kg (3.25% wt/wt). The concentrations of Zinc were also measured and gave values between 742mg/kg (downstream of Susanna Vein) and 1788mg/kg (downstream of shaft 4). The values of Zinc within the alluvial sediments also showed some degrees of variability with concentrations of 1008mg/kg and 1788mg/kg downstream of shaft 4 and 742mg/kg and 1537mg/kg downstream of Susanna Vein. At these alluvial sediment sites notable metal concentrations were also measured and include Copper at between 205.3mg/kg (downstream of Susanna Vein) and 2029mg/kg (downstream of Susanna Vein); Cadmium of values between 4.26mg/kg (downstream of shaft 4) and 9.32mg/kg (downstream of shaft 4); and Nickel values of between 48.6mg/kg and 58.6mg/kg. Leachate tests Leachability testing was undertaken on nine samples and the testing was done on the bulk sample (after drying) using a ratio of 10:1 water to sample. The tests and were undertaken to give a guide to the potential of the material to leach pollutants and some guidance as to the concentrations leached from the material. It should be noted that the laboratory conditions and testing method may not be comparable with the ‘real world’ environment and conditions; and that this environment may change throughout the year and change throughout time. It should also be noted that leachability conditions are likely to be different between the different types of samples and their sample locations; these are also likely to have differing environmental conditions. Thus, due to reasons described above the results from the leachaility tests should not be directly compared to any of the water results obtained during the study, neither should they be compared to any EQS values.

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Figure 7.12 – Map of Lead Concentrations

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Figure 7.13 – Map of Zinc concentrations

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Figure 7.14 – Map of Cadmium concentrations

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8. Data analyses Primary analysis of the data shown in section 7 has been undertaken on the main pollution concerns of Dissolved Lead, Total Zinc and Dissolved Cadmium, however additional trends have been noted with respect other parameters such as water levels and temperature. Lead Measurements of Dissolved Lead were taken throughout the system and included samples of river water, mine water and soils. The chemical analysis shown in section 7 indicated small amounts of Lead within the mine water and concentrations of Lead are generally around EQS values (7.2µg/l). One exception to the relatively low concentrations of Lead for the mine water sample is the Gripps Level sample location; which shows two elevated readings in January and February 2011. It should be noted that the sample point for Gripps Level is at the weir which is located approx 100m downstream of the pipe outlet. The flow rate from Gripps Level showed seasonal variations, these increases in flow could be as a result of more flow in the Gripps Level and through the blockage; additional surface water and or groundwater entering Gripps Level downstream of the blockage; or water entering the channel between the pipe and the weir. The elevated concentrations of Lead coincide with high flow rates; thus could suggest a ‘non-mine water’ source for the Lead. Analysis of the river water samples shows increasing concentrations of both Total and Dissolved Lead heading downstream along Glengonnar Water. Comparisons of the Total and Dissolved Lead concentrations in the river water sample show the Total Lead is comprised of a significant amount of both dissolved Lead and particulate Lead; this trend is also noted in SEPA 2011. As shown above the mine water contains little Lead; hence to understand these increases in Lead concentration throughout the watercourse additional analyses of other water inputs and soils samples must be taken in to account. The one-off spot samples from the Leadhills Sewage works, an upwelling / spring near Big Wool Gill and a spring (Poutshiel) near Horse Level indicate significant impacts of Lead from these sources. However, it should also be noted that the source and pathway of these water inputs is currently unknown. The soil / sediment samples indicate a significant quantity of Lead is present within the soils, floodplain and alluvial and there is also the potential for this Lead to be leached in to the Glengonnar Water. The variable amounts of Lead present within these soil / sediments samples could indicate some of the areas are likely to have a variable of heterogeneous nature. Although the differing types of samples means they can not be directly compared it is worth noting that within the samples the percentages of Lead were all greater than approximately 2% wt/wt. Although this study has been able to measure point source mine water loadings to the river; the lack of flow monitoring in Glengonnar Water means that these loadings cannot be compared to the in-stream loading. Such a comparison is vital to allow an assessment of whether the majority of the metals pollutant loading is derived from the combined point sources, or alternatively from diffuse sources

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including surface runoff and erosion remobilising spoil or contaminated sediments. Ideally the comparison between point and diffuse contributions would be done in both low flow and high flow situations; although a permanent gauging station would need to be installed along with future sample and flow measurements would be required to make this assessment or a minimum of simultaneous spot gauging of river flows and river sampling. However, the concentrations alone can not be explained by mine water point source inputs and the these data indicate an additional diffuse and or unknown sources of Lead. Zinc Water and soil samples as per the Lead samples were analysed for Zinc, the results shown in section 7 indicate the majority of the samples are elevated in Zinc concentrations compared to EQS values (35µg/l). Throughout all the samples the Total Zinc is almost entirely comprised of Dissolved Zinc. Concentrations of Total Zinc in the mine water samples range from about EQS values at Gripps Level (31µg/l to 35µg/l) to over 13 times EQS values at Broad Law (346µg/l to 489µg/l). Generally however (with the exception of Broad Law) the mine water samples range between 35µg/l and 79µg/l. The reasons for a ten fold increase in Zinc concentrations in Broad Law are uncertain, however, this discharge is at a higher elevation than the other mine waters and may be from mine workings separate to the rest of the system. Thus, possible reasons could include different mineralogy of the strata, different sources and or pathways of water or less dilution. Analysis of the Total Zinc data from the river water samples show values ranging from 61µg/l in Dead Burn up to 143µg/l downstream of the Leadhills sewage works. The elevated concentrations of Zinc in Dead Burn could indicate inputs in to Dead Burn upstream of its confluence with Glengonnar Water. The single sample taken from Harrisons Level gave concentrations of 45µg/l; hence the source for the Zinc in Dead Burn is unlikely to be the Harrisons Level discharge. The concentrations of Zinc for the downstream of the smelter mill and downstream of the sewage works are very similar (mean values of 113µg/l compared to 122µg/l respectively). However, during the study period a significant fraction of Glengonnar Water between the sewage works and the smelter mill is from the mine water inputs associated with Gripps Level and Horse Level. Thus with concentrations of Zinc of c50µg/l from these discharges there is likely to be further ‘non-mine water’ inputs in to the Glengonnar Water. Analysis of the sewage works discharge show c140µg/l of Zinc, however this impact is included in the downstream of sewage works sample. Some spot samples taken from the spring / upwelling opposite Big Wool Gill and an upwelling (near Poutshiel) through the floodplain both show elevated concentrations of Zinc of c140µg/l for the Big Wool Gill upwelling and c1370µg/l for the ‘Poutshiel’ upwelling. The sources of both these upwellings are uncertain, however there is potential for the particulate and Dissolved Zinc to be washed out from within the floodplain and soils. Soils / sediment samples for Zinc show significant amounts of Zinc present within the soil, floodplain and alluvial material. Although the samples can not be directly compared the values generally range between approx 1,000mg/kg and approx 3,500mg/kg. Some of the higher values (>20,000mg/kg) and variable results

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may indicate a variable and heterogeneous nature of the materials. It should also be noted that there is potential for some of this Zinc to be leached in to the Glengonnar Water Cadmium As per Lead and Zinc all the samples were analysed for Cadmium concentrations. Results from the water samples show the Cadmium is almost entirely comprised of Dissolved Cadmium and all water samples were above EQS values (0.08µg/l). Dissolved Cadmium concentrations with in the mine water were generally between 0.3µg/l and 0.6µg/l, albeit as per the Zinc the Cadmium concentrations were also a lot higher in the Broad Law discharge (approx 4µg/l). The reasons for raised Cadmium concentrations compared to the other mine water samples are uncertain, however are likely to be the same as those for the Zinc. The river water samples also showed elevated concentrations of Cadmium and ranged from 0.3µg/l in Dead Burn to 1.3µg/l downstream of the sewage works, values for downstream of the smelter were similar to downstream of the sewage works albeit at slightly lower concentrations. As with the Zinc readings similar trends of elevated concentrations were also observed from the sewage works outfall and both upwellings; and also as per the Zinc all of these additional inputs are likely to have significant impacts on Glengonnar Water for Cadmium. Soils / sediment samples for Cadmium show significant amounts of Cadmium present within the soil, floodplain and alluvial material. Although the samples can not be directly compared the values generally approx 6mg/kg with two samples at >100mg/kg. Some of the higher values and variable results may indicate a variable and heterogeneous nature of the materials. It should also be noted that there is potential for some of this Cadmium to be leached in to the Glengonnar Water. Copper and Nickel Both Copper and Nickel analysis were undertaken on the soil and sediments samples taken. Although the different types of sample material and sample can not be directly compared all of the samples do show elevated values of Copper of up to approx 1500mg/kg and elevated values of Nickel of up approx 40 to 60mg/kg. The values of Nickel at individual sample points and throughout the samples are less variable than the other metals.

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9. Conclusions Within the report results and analysis has been made on various data for water chemistry, flow rates and water levels; hence conclusions can be made with respect to mine water chemistry, mine water flows and water levels; river water chemistry and soil contamination. The mine water had relatively low concentrations for Lead, however the Glengonnar Water shows increasing amounts of Lead from Dead Burn to Glendorch smelter mill. Thus, the source of Lead in Glengonnar Water is unlikely to be the mine water is more likely to be due to springs (shallow and or deep sourced), surface water and groundwater leaching Lead from the floodplain sediments along Glengonnar Water. Generally the concentrations of Zinc are above EQS (annual average) in the majority of the mine water. However, there is a significant impact in Zinc loading from both Gripps Level shaft 6 (high flow rates) and Broad Law (high Zinc concentrations). There also appears to be additional significant impacts from the sewage works and various springs with the valley floor. The sewage works discharge may have become polluted with metals through receiving surface runoff from mining spoil in the vicinity of Leadhills village. It is likely that as per the Lead there are significant amounts of Zinc being leached from the floodplain material. Cadmium concentrations are elevated throughout the study area and there is a significant impact from Gripps Level shaft 5 & 6 (high flows) and Broad Law (high concentrations). Also as per the Zinc there are likely to be significant impacts from the sewage works and the various springs. Some of these springs are likely to be leaching Cadmium from the floodplain. However there appears to be less of an impact from Cadmium than for Lead and Zinc. Although there is potential for some localised ‘hotspots’ of Cadmium. Mine water flows have a seasonal variation and are likely to be related to seasonal rainfall. Total mine water flows range from approx 30l/s in the summer to over 150l/s in the winter. It should be noted that these values are based on measured and estimated values hence actual flow could differ from these values. The majority of this increase in seasonal flow rates occurs from the Horse Level and probable associated overflow pipe which reflects variations in water levels in the mine workings. The mine water levels show the same trends as the mine water flows and represent seasonal variations relating to rainfall. The mine water levels at Gripps Level shafts 5 and shaft 6 indicate a head of water of approx 20 to 25m above the pipe outlet. This is due to a blockage(s) within the Gripps Level downstream of Shaft 5, thus there is a risk of a ‘blowout(s)’ of mine water from Gripps Level which could release large amounts of mine water. This could cause significant amounts of pollution and possible structural damage along the valley. Along the Gripps Level there are a number of collapsed shafts and open fissures, not only do these cause concern for safety to humans and wildlife there is also an additional risks of further collapses causing changes to the water levels and flows currently present within the Gripps Level and Horse Level drainage system.

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Further collapses along Gripps Level could results in a sudden release of water (blowout) from the level or could equally cause further blockages restricting flow from Gripps Level and increasing water levels higher within the mine workings. The mine water levels at Hamilton Shaft and Landles Shaft are very similar to the discharge levels at Shafts 5 & 6 and the Horse Level thus suggesting good connections between Landles Shaft and the discharges. Water level monitoring at Glengonnar Shaft which is approx 2km from Landles Shaft show a further head of c20m between Glengonnar Shaft and Landles Shaft. This head difference is likely to be the natural water level gradient within the mine workings. The relationship between mine water levels and chemistry is complicated and varies between sites; for instance high water levels in January 2011 corresponds with raised Zinc at Horse Level, whilst the raised water levels in January and February gave reduced concentrations of metals in the Broad Law discharge. To understand the relationships between water levels and metal concentrations a long-term (at least one years) study may be required. In addition to Glengonnar Water preliminary sampling suggests significant pollution within Wanlock Water, with the main pollutants being Zinc, Cadmium to a greater extent than Glengonnar Water, and Lead to a lesser extent than Glengonnar Water. The analyses for these samples show concentrations greater than their likely EQS (annual average) values, albeit the classification under WFD shows Wanlock Water (approx 1.5km downstream of Meadowfoot Smelter Mill) as achieving good status. However, this classification does not appear to be based on any potential ‘priority’ or ‘hazardous’ metal contamination and the Coal Authority understands that this is currently being re-assessed by SEPA

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10. Recommendations Following the conclusions and results shown in this report the following recommendations are given below • There is a significant impact from the soils / sediment within the floodplain,

hence prior to any remediation it is recommended to undertake a study to assess the extent and nature of this contamination, and the relative contributions in dry and wet conditions.

• Once the nature of the contaminated soil has been assessed adequate and

appropriate remedial options should be designed and implemented to reduce or remove any impacts from the soil. However, some of the options for remediating the soils such as soil washing or river canalisation could be fairly obtrusive, whilst other options such as carbon cementation and co-precipitation are likely to be trials and their effectiveness is uncertain.

• Prior to any remedial works to treat the mine water pollutants the concerns

and risks associated with blowouts from the Gripps Level should be assessed and resolved as any changes to flow paths in the system could result in unsuccessful attempts to treat the mine water. It is also recommended that any contaminated soils should be remediated prior to any mine water remediation schemes.

• A design stage for a potential water treatment scheme(s) is required to

assess the most appropriate treatment options. Feasibility assessments and studies should also be undertaken for the most appropriate location(s) for any treatment schemes. These treatment schemes could and possibly should include some of the additional non-mine water inputs and could involve co-treatment. Removal of Zinc, Lead and Cadmium could be achieved by conventional wetlands / compost wetlands. Any treatment scheme is also likely to be located within the floodplain and early indications suggest an area of at least 4000m2 (based on PIRAMID Guidelines for passive remediation of mine waters).

• A complete years’ worth of chemistry, flow and water level data are

recommended to aid assessment and design of any remedial works required. A permanent downstream flow gauge would provide invaluable data on the flows and the metal loadings leaving the mining area. This is important to quantify the relative contribution of the measured point sources to the overall metals loading in both dry and wet conditions, and should be done before any significant investment on remediation is made.

• An ecological and chemical assessment should be undertaken to assess the

quality of Wanlock Water and any contamination. This should be undertaken over a minimum period of one year. A prior desk top or walkover study would be advisable before any studies are undertaken, this would help to pin point any potential monitoring sites.

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• A condition survey of the mine entries within the area should be undertaken to assess for any risks and actions required to resolve any risks, this should also be undertaken on a routine basis to assess for any changes.

• Undertake a geochemical investigation of all the water inputs and types

affecting the Glengonnar Water to further aid assessment of the pollutant loadings and their various sources. This may require and include water samples taken at varying depths from mine shafts along with samples from any existing or intended shallow and or deep groundwater boreholes.

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11. References Babbtie Geotechnical., 1991. Gripps drainage level, Leadhills: Report on proposed remedial options. Prepared for Clyde River Purification Board Floyd J.D., 2003. Geology of the Leadhills district: a brief explanation of the geological map sheet 15E Leadhills. British Geological Survey. 30pp Harvey, W.S., 2000. Lead and Labour: The miners of Leadhills. PIRAMID, 2003. Engineering guidelines for the passive remediation of acidic and/or metalliferous mine drainage and similar wastewaters. European Commission 5th Framework RTD Project no. EVK1-CT-1999-000021. 166pp Rowan J.S., Barnes S.J.A, Hetherington S.L. & Lamber B., 1995. Geomorphology and pollution: the environmental impacts of lead mining, Leadhills, Scotland. Journal of geochemical exploration,52, pp57-65. Schmolke, C.M.R., 1998. Leadhills, Scotland – Flood and pollution threat from disused lead workings p512-523. In Fox, Moor & McIntosh, 1998. Land reclamation: Achieving Sustainable Benefits, Rotterdam, Holland. SEPA, 2008. Implementing the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003: Development of environmental standards and conditions limits – phase II: A Consultation. June 2008 (http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2008/06/26111138/0) SEPA, 2011. Review of metal concentrations data held for Glengonnar Water and Wanlock Water, South Central Scotland. September 2011. Towers, W., Grieve, I.C., Hudson, G., Campbell, C.D., Lilly, A., Davidson, D.A., Bacon, J.R., Langan, S.J. & Hopkins, D.W., 2006. Report on the current state and threats to Scotland’s soil resource. Environmental Research Report 2006/01. (http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2006/09/21115639/0) Younger, P.L. & Adams, R. 1999. Predicting mine water rebound. R&D Technical report W179. Prepared for the Environment Agency

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Appendix 1

Photographs of monitoring points and mining Features

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Mine water and Glengonnar Water sample locations

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Gripps Level Pipe Outlet Weir (NS 88540 17350)

Tension Crack Upwelling between shaft 4 and shaft 5 (NS 88475 16810)

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Gripps Level Shaft 5 discharge at top of shaft (NS 88465 16720)

Gripps Level Shaft 5 Seepages near base of shaft mound (NS 88485 16715)

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Gripps Level Shaft 6 upwelling (NS 88425 16515)

Horse Level Weir (NS 88470 16150)

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Horse Level 900mm overflow pipe (NS 88490 16055)

Hamilton Air Shaft on Horse Level (NS 88505 15980)

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Landles Shaft (NS 88245 15840)

Broad Law Discharge (NS 88670 15640)

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Glengonnar Shaft (NS 88207 13830)

Lady Ann Hopetoun Shaft (NS 88030 14195)

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Dead Burn upstream of Glengonnar Water (NS 88730 15435)

Dead Burn issues and Harrisons Level (NS 89235 14985)

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Glengonnar Water upstream of Broad Law (NS 88695 15475)

Glengonnar Water downstream of Susanna Vein, Horse Level overflow

channel to left (NS 88440 16070)

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Glengonnar Water downstream of sewage works (NS 88545 15815)

Glengonnar Water valley bottom spring issue opposite Big Wool Gill (NS

88500 16610)

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Glengonnar Water downstream of Glendorch smelter mill (NS 88740 17705)

Bay Mine Adit Discharge (NS 86590 13535)

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Glencrieff (Glenglass) Level Discharge (NS 86170 13735)

Wanlock Water downstream of Meadowfoot Smelter Mill (NS 85390 14495)

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Soil and sediment sample locations

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Below Landfill / Susanna Vein (NS 88455 15955)

Downstream of Susanna Vein and upstream of Horse Level Overflow (NS

88440 16070

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By Gripps Level Shaft 6 (NS 88450 16515)

Opposite Gripps Level Shaft 4 (NS 88535 16905)

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Upstream of Gripps Level Shaft 3 (NS 88505 16960)

By Gripps Level Outlet (NS 88540 17270)

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Below Glendorch Smelter Mill (NS 88735 17705)

Upstream of Glencorch Smelter Mill (NS 88670 17590)

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Downstream of Gripps Level Outlet (NS 88560 17395)

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Other selected mining related features

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Landles Shaft – Part of manhole missing on visit on 28 March 2011.

Landles Shaft – State of shaft cap and manhole after the visit on 28 March


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View looking down Landles shaft (28 March 2011)

Lower Broad Law Adit / Discharge

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Clay plug (leaking) on possible original entrance to Gripps Level, the modern

pipe can be seen in the background (NS 88515 17390)

Horse Level 900mm overflow pipe with possible grille at the far end

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Hamilton Air Shaft on Horse Level, looking through the upper manhole down

the shaft

Gripps Level Shaft 4 with inner fence visible (NS 88460 16895)

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Gripps Level Shaft 4 – General view with inner and outer fences

Gripps Level Shaft 3 with inner and outer fences (July 2010) (NS 88460


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Gripps Level Shaft 3 showing inner fence collapsing (February 2011)

Gripps Level Shaft 2 top of shaft mound (NS 88475 17195)

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Gripps Level Shaft 1 (NS 88505 17220)

Gripps Level Shaft 1 with part brick lining and opening to Gripps Level

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Susanna Vein and Glengarry Scar taken from Broad Law (NS 88300 15800)

View looking towards Big Wool Gill spoil tips (NS 88500 16600)

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Shaft hollow at Big Wool Gill (NS 88600 16600)

Area of Glengonnar Water opposite Gripps Level Shaft 6 (NS 88500 16500)

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Glendorch Smelter Mill area

Possible adit location below Landles shaft (NS 88290 15840)

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Collapsed Marchbank Adit near to Glengonnar Shaft (NS 88175 13900)

Wilsons Shaft and Glengonnar Shaft spoil tips (NS 88400 13900)

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Wilsons Shaft with false shaft bottom at approx 20m (NS 88560 13985)

Wilsons Shaft area and spoil tips and ore processing

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Watsons Shaft large fence around collapsed shaft area (NS 88730 14205)

Watsons Shaft collapsed shaft

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Wanlock Water mining features

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Meadowfoot ore processing area (NS 85800 14000)

Meadowfoot ore processing catch ponds (NS 85500 14200)

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Meadowfoot smelter mill (NS 85500 14300)

Meadowfoot Level and fenced collapse behind (NS 86255 13750)

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New Glencrieff mine site (NS 86500 13300)

New Glencrieff mine site and spoil tip

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New Glencrieff mine spoil tip and boggy area at base of tip

New Glencrieff former settlement ponds (NS 86400 13500)

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Line of collapse along Glencrieff (Glenglass) Level (NS 86300 13500)

Pates Knowes Smelter Mill (NS 86700 13300)

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View towards Bay Mine from New Glencrieff Mine (NS 86700 13600)

Bay mine area and spoil tips

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Appendix 2

Site Visit Sheets

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Leadhills and Wanlockhead Site Visits Notes 7-8th July 2010. Area 1 - Wanlockhead West = Museum to Sewage Works at Meadowfoot Wanlock water by museum is small flow, flow disappears approx opposite church near Straitsteps Mine. Wanlock Water is a stone line, old concrete lined (eroded) culverted watercourse with bedrock exposed in numerous parts Extensive tipping along southern side of Wanlock Water valley. Large tips at New Glencrieff New (West) Glencrieff): A number of building remains including engine house, ore processing and washing plant along with other buildings. Shaft to northeast of engine house = concrete cap surrounded by a wooden fence. Possible shaft to southwest of engine house = shallowish sleeper covered part and a steel cover plate (approx 0.3 – 0.5m square) adjoining the sleeper covered section. Old settlement lagoons are still evident to northwest of Glencrieff. Glencrieff Tips: A number of seepages at base of tip area = possible issues or stream re-issues. Some water also enters old leat (aqueduct) which merges with main tip discharges to north of the old tramway path. Glencrieff Adit Level: Two fenced areas mark the position of two air shafts. Adjacent to the eastern shaft is where the issues from the base of the tip goes under the old tramway. Downstream of this channel the flow increases from one side of the tramway to the other = no visible sources apparent. The last 100m (approx) is on the line of a collapsed area. Strong flow of water from stone portal at end of adit = approx upto c10l/s. Possible gated access from old tramway path. Meadowfoot Adit: Large open adit appears dry, however could not get close enough to confirm. Small fenced collapsed by the adit on other side of the road. Bay Mine: Stream running down alongside the western end of the mine area is dry above the mine and all the way to Wanlock Water. Strong flow of water (over approx 25l/s) from stone outlet (Bay (Millicans) Adit) below the road and Gabion baskets. Line of adit is approx northwest via old shaft to SE of Bay Mine to Bay Mine pumping shaft. Extensive area of tips and possible old refuse tip. Remains of old pumping engine house and evident and a void capped pumping shaft. Lochnell / Straitsteps: Remains of two adit, 1 in use for underground mining tours and 1 tramway adjacent. Old shafts to west and below Beam Engine; 1 fenced and collapsed, 1 covered and possibly filled; 1 pumping shaft below beam engine presumed void with manhole.

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Area 2: Leadhills South - Glengonnar Shaft to Leadhills Glengonnar Shaft: Extensive area of tipping and building remains with easy access of the main road. Rectangular shaft cap visible, possible monitoring site. Marchbank adit adjacent which is collapsed below the road Wilsons Shaft: Extensive tipping in the area with some building and ore processing remains. Grilled shaft visible with possible false bottom or filled to approx 20mBGL Jeffreys Shaft: Area of tipping with small building and shaft hollows Lamington / Raikhead: No signs of shafts and tipping in the area Watsons Shaft: Extensive tipping around the area, large fenced collapse of Watsons Shaft with former fence in the collapse Area 3: Leadhills North – Leadhills to Glendorch Smelter Gripps Level Shaft 6: Strong flow of water approx 20l/s from part collapsed shaft cut in to the rock with shaft spoil mound Gripps Level Shaft 5: Shaft spoil mound with water filled hollow in to collapse at the top of the shaft. Numerous springs and seepages at the base of the shaft mound Gripps Level Shaft 4: Void shaft with inner fence part collapsed, no evidence of water in or from the shaft or shaft spoil mound Gripps Level Shaft 3: Collapsed shaft with 2 fences, possible hillside run-off channels in to the shaft. No evidence of water from or in the shaft or shaft spoil mound Gripps Level Shaft 2: Shaft spoil mound with slight depression, no evidence of water in or from the shaft of shaft spoil mound Gripps Level Shaft 1: Brick Lined void and fenced shaft offset from line of shaft 2 to shaft 6. Part of brick lining collapsed and hole / branch to Gripps Level at bottom of shaft. Water visible at base of shaft and sound of flowing water Gripps Level Pipe Outletl Iron pipe approx 1m diameter from flow of water approx 5 to 10l/s Upstream of Shaft 6 it was noted that the Glengonnar Water was dry and the river disappeared between the sewage works and shaft 6. Horse Level: Adit mouth filled with stone under the road. Old V-Notch still in place and in good condition. Now flow of water from the adit, however channel runs to Glengonnar Water Hamilton Air Shaft: Shaft mound with concrete mound at surface, possible monitoring shaft Landles Shaft: A concrete cap with manhole and old cable and logging device may be present. Possible monitoring shaft. Adjacent the shaft is a possible adit which appears to be loosely covered with rubbish and stone Broad Law Lower Adit: Adit spoil mound with some slight seepages and damp area at base of mound. No flow of water, adit mouth possibly collapsed

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Notes on Leadhills Site Visits 14th and 15th December 2010. 14th December 2010. Horse Level: V-Notch = 26cm across; stage = 13cm Dataloggers (Barodiver and CDT diver) installed Temperature = 7.4°C EC = 181µs/cm Eh = 283mV TDS = 118 mg/l pH = 6.25* Alkalinity = 90mg/l (CaCO3); Acidity = 30mg/l (CaCO3) Sample taken for lab analyses (Horse Level) Shaft 6: Flow = Estimated 25-30 l/s

Dataloggers (Barodiver and CDT diver) installed Temperature = 7.3°C EC = 178µs/cm Eh = 200mV

TDS = 115mg/l pH = 6.44* Sample taken for lab analyses (Shaft 6) Shaft 5: Combined flow of 4 seepages and shaft flow = approx 15-20 l/s Approx 3 – 5l/s flow from pond at top of shaft 5 Approx 10 - 15 l/s from seepages at base of shaft mound Datalogger (Barodiver) installed Water level = 3cm below base of gauge staff Shaft flow on site data: Temperature = 7.2°C EC = 178µs/cm Eh = 210mV TDS = 115mg/l pH = 6.65* Shaft 4: Sound of running water heard down shaft 4. Shaft dry Shaft 1: Sound of running water heard Ochreous seepages coming through shaft wall. Small amount of water in base of shaft

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Gripps Loud sound of water heard from Gripps Level Pipe. Level: Weir installed in to channel from pipe to Glengonnar Water at

approx 75m downstream of pipe outlet Weir clogged with reeds and plant life; behind the weir cleaned out. V-notch = 32cm across; stage = 16cm Barodiver tied to staff gauge (Used original Spare Barodiver) On site data at weir Temperature = 7.1°C EC = 156µs/cm Eh = 195mV

TDS = 101mg/l pH = 6.96* Sample taken for lab analyses (Gripps Level) at Weir Hamilton Manhole requires a slightly smaller manhole key, hence was Shaft: difficult to lift. Offset opening at base of manhole ring giving

access to void shaft. Water level = 6.58m below top of manhole cover. Barodiver installed in to water and lone barodiver installed

approx 2m down the shaft. Both tied to top step in manhole Landles Split manhole, manhole key is fine to use Shaft: Small opening under the manhole cover approx 30 – 40 cm

square in to void shaft. Shaft supports seen part way down the shaft. Shaft appears to be in good condition and brick lined

Water level = 30.07m below manhole cover Barodiver installed in to water and lone barodiver installed

approx 10m down the shaft. Both fixed to the manhole cover Upstream Approx 5m downstream of sewage works outfall. Flow from

works = approx 10 - 15l/s. Temperature =5.4°C EC = 185µs/cm Eh = 183mV

TDS = 121mg/l pH = 7.27 Sample taken for lab analyses (Upstream) Broad Law Flow = approx 3 – 5 l/s from possible adit area at top of mound.

Water flows over and down the mound to Glengonnar Water On site measurements:

Temperature = 6.9°C EC = 180µs/cm Eh = 168mV TDS = 116mg/l pH = 7.13

On site data rechecked on 15 December 2010 and very similar to 14 December 2010. Sample taken for lab analyses (Broad Law) on 15 December 2010.

Downstream Taken at bottom bridge below old smelter mill site Of Smelter: Temperature = 6.1°C EC = 167µs/cm Eh = 195mV TDS = 108mg/l pH = 7.2 Sample taken for lab analyses (D/S Smelter)

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15th December 2010. Broad Law: See visit notes on 14 December 2010. Lady Anne Hopetoun: The shaft incorporates a grilled cover set in to concrete blocks. The grill is in a reasonable state however may in parts be slightly loose. The shaft appeared dry and no sound of water. To determine shaft depth prior to dipping Dead Burn Issues: Water emerges from the base of the old railway below the golf course. Water may be in relation to the Harrisons Level which is located within this area. Glengonnar Water Upstream of Broad Law:

Temperature = 4.9°C EC = 145µs/cm Eh = 129mV TDS = 93mg/l pH = 7.4 Sample taken for lab analyses (Glengonnar U/S) Confluence of Glengonnar Water and Dead Burn: No flow within Glengonnar Water, however sound of running water in adjacent manhole Dead Burn: Upstream of confluence with Glengonnar Water

Temperature = 5.3°C EC = 147µs/cm Eh = 125mV TDS = 95mg/l pH = 7.51 Sample taken for lab analyses (Dead Burn)

Possible future testing along Dead Burn may be required depending on sample results

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Notes on Leadhills / Wanlockhead Site Visits 18th and 19th January 2011.

18th January 2011. Horse Level: V-Notch = 35cm across; stage = 17.5cm Datalogger downloaded Temperature = 7.26°C EC = 197µs/cm Eh = 61mV TDS = 128 mg/l pH = 6.64* Sample taken for lab analyses (Horse Level) Shaft 6: Flow = Estimated 25-30 l/s

Datalogger downloaded Temperature = 7.22°C EC = 175µs/cm Eh = 46mV

TDS = 112mg/l pH = 7.09 Sample taken for lab analyses (Shaft 6) Shaft 5: Combined flow of 4 seepages and shaft flow = approx 15-20 l/s Approx 3 – 5l/s flow from pond at top of shaft 5 Approx 10 - 15 l/s from seepages at base of shaft mound Datalogger downloaded Water level = 0cm below base of gauge staff Shaft flow on site data: Temperature = 7.17°C EC = 175µs/cm Eh = 44mV TDS = 112mg/l pH = 7.23 Sample taken for lab analyses (Shaft 5) Shaft 4: Sound of running water heard down shaft 4. Water at bottom of

shaft and evidence of approx 5-10l/s at base of shaft mound. Inner fence has now fallen down the shaft

Shaft 1: Sound of running water heard Ochreous seepages coming through shaft wall. Small amount of water in base of shaft Gripps Loud sound of water heard from Gripps Level Pipe. Level V-notch = 36cm across; stage = 18cm

Datalogger downloaded On site data at weir Temperature = 6.66 °C EC = 127µs/cm Eh = 47mV

TDS = 82mg/l pH = 7.16 Sample taken for lab analyses (Gripps Level) at Weir Hamilton: Water level = 2.51m below top of manhole cover. Shaft Datalogger downloaded

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Horse Level: Discharge via a 900mm pipe between Horse Level and Hamilton Overflow shaft. Flow = Approx 25-30 l/s Temperature = 7.16°C EC = 192µs/cm Eh = 77mV TDS = 124mg/l pH = 7.25 Sample taken for lab analyses (Horse Overflow) at pipe outlet Possibly install weir in to channel Poutshiels Level: Small flow of water issues in to base of valley and flows in

to Horse Level overflow channel. This may be in relation to some buried aspect of Poutshiel Level

Landles: Water level = 26.5m below manhole cover Shaft Datalogger downloaded Upstream Approx 10m downstream of sewage works outfall.

Temperature = 5.52°C EC = 240µs/cm Eh = 80mV TDS = 156mg/l pH = 7.19 Sample taken for lab analyses (D/S Sewage Works) Broad Law Flow = Approx 3 – 5 l/s

Temperature = 6.93°C EC = 148µs/cm Eh = 101mV TDS = 95mg/l pH = 7.02

Sample taken for lab analyses (Broad Law)

Dead Burn: Upstream of confluence with Glengonnar Water Temperature = 5.67°C EC = 209µs/cm Eh = 71mV

TDS = 136mg/l pH = 7.34 Sample taken for lab analyses (Dead Burn)

Possible future testing along Dead Burn may be required depending on sample results

Downstream Taken below bottom bridge below old smelter mill site Of Smelter: Temperature = 6.22°C EC = 189µs/cm Eh = 94mV TDS = 123mg/l pH = 7.15 Sample taken for lab analyses (Smelter)

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19th January 2011. Bay Mine: Water emerges from stone cut adit below the road.

Flow = Approx 40-50l/s. Temperature = 7.0°C EC = 163µs/cm Eh = 125mV

TDS = 106mg/l pH = 7.27 Sample taken for lab analyses (Bay Mine) Glenglass: Water emerges from pipe outlet in to adit Level Flow = Approx 25l/s Temperature = 7.84°C EC = 204µs/cm Eh = 74mV TDS = 132mg/l pH = 7.46 Sample taken for lab analyses (Glenglass) Wanlock: Downstream of Meadowfoot smelter mill and tributary Downstream Temperature = 6.19°C EC = 139µs/cm Eh = 64mV TDS = 84mg/l pH = 7.54 Sample taken for lab analyses (Wanlock D/S)

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Notes on Leadhills / Wanlockhead Site Visits 8th / 9th February 2011.

Shaft 6: Flow = Estimated 30-40 l/s

Datalogger downloaded Temperature = 7.15°C EC = 180µs/cm Eh = 160mV

TDS = 116mg/l pH = 6.74* Sample taken for lab analyses (Shaft 6) Shaft 5: Combined flow of 4 seepages and shaft flow = approx 20 l/s Approx 3 – 5l/s flow from pond at top of shaft 5 Datalogger downloaded Water level = 1.5cm below base of gauge staff Shaft flow on site data: Temperature = 7.0°C EC = 179µs/cm Eh = 107mV TDS = 116mg/l pH = 6.98 Sample taken for lab analyses (Shaft 5) Shaft 4: Sound of running water heard down shaft 4. Water at bottom of

shaft and evidence of approx 5-10l/s at base of shaft mound. Inner fence has now fallen down the shaft

Shaft 1: Sound of running water heard Ochreous seepages coming through shaft wall. Small amount of water in base of shaft Gripps V-notch = 36cm across; stage = 18cm Level Datalogger downloaded

On site data at weir Temperature = 6.5 °C EC = 124µs/cm Eh = 109mV

TDS = 80mg/l pH = 6.79 Sample taken for lab analyses (Gripps Level) at Weir Upwelling near Big Wool Gill Flow approx 5l/s

Temperature = 5.7 °C EC = 182µs/cm Eh = 115mV TDS = 118mg/l pH = 6.64 Sample taken for lab analyses Horse Level: V-Notch = 35cm across; stage = 17.5cm Datalogger downloaded Temperature = 7.0°C EC = 205µs/cm Eh = 152mV TDS = 133 mg/l pH = 6.92 Sample taken for lab analyses (Horse Level) Hamilton: Water level = 3.15m below top of manhole cover. Shaft Datalogger downloaded

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Horse Level: Discharge via a 900mm pipe between Horse Level and Hamilton Overflow shaft. Flow = Approx 40l/s Temperature = 7.0°C EC = 188µs/cm Eh = 105mV TDS = 122 mg/l pH = 7.36 Sample taken for lab analyses (Horse Overflow) at pipe outlet Poutshiels Level: Small flow of water issues in to base of valley and flows in

to Horse Level overflow channel. This may be in relation to some buried aspect of Poutshiel Level

Flow = Approx 2l/s Temperature = 5.6°C EC = 246µs/cm Eh = 123mV TDS = 161 mg/l pH = 6.94

Sample taken for lab analyses Downstream of Sewage Works

Temperature = 5.4°C EC = 203µs/cm Eh = 104mV TDS = 132mg/l pH = 7.3 Sample taken for lab analyses Upstream of Sewage Works

Temperature = 5.4°C EC = 172µs/cm Eh = 108mV TDS = 111mg/l pH = 7.15 Sample taken for lab analyses Downstream of Susanna Vein

Temperature = 5.6°C EC = 197µs/cm Eh = 112mV TDS = 128mg/l pH = 7.14 Sample taken for lab analyses Downstream of Smelter Mill

Temperature = 5.8°C EC = 175µs/cm Eh = 104mV TDS = 112mg/l pH = 7.36 Sample taken for lab analyses Broad Law: Flow = Approx 5l/s

Temperature = 6.9°C EC = 139µs/cm Eh = 129mV TDS = 90mg/l pH = 7.15 Sample taken for lab analyses Sewage Works

Temperature = 5.4°C EC = 367µs/cm Eh = 101mV TDS = 245mg/l pH = 7.14 Sample taken for lab analyses Flow between shaft 4 and shaft 5 approx 5 to 10l/s from upwelling in area of tension crack, depression approx 3m deep

Temperature = 7.0°C EC = 178µs/cm Eh = 130mV TDS = 115mg/l pH = 6.89

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9th February 2011. Landles: Water level = 27.07m below manhole cover Shaft Datalogger downloaded Harrisons Level:

Flow = Approx 2l/s Temperature = 7.0°C EC = 158µs/cm Eh = 183mV

TDS = 101mg/l pH = 6.93 Sample taken for lab analyses Dead Burn upstream of Harrisons Level Temperature = 6.2°C EC = 350µs/cm Eh = 158mV TDS = 232mg/l pH = 7.1 Dead Burn upstream of Glengonnar Water (8/2/2011) Temperature = --°C EC = 179µs/cm Eh = 112mV TDS = 116mg/l pH = 7.38

Temperature sensor broken

Dead Burn upstream of Glengonnar Water (9/2/2011)

Temperature = 6.1°C EC = 188µs/cm Eh = 135mV TDS = 120mg/l pH = 7.25 Sample taken for lab analyses

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Notes on Leadhills Site Visits 2nd / 3rd March 2011. 2nd March 2011. Shaft 6: Flow = Estimated 25 - 30 l/s

Datalogger downloaded Temperature = 7.2°C EC = 173µs/cm Eh = 250mV

TDS = 113mg/l pH = 6.81 Sample taken for lab analyses (Shaft 6) Shaft 5: Combined flow of 4 seepages and shaft flow = approx 20 l/s Approx 2 – 3l/s flow from pond at top of shaft 5 Datalogger downloaded Water level = 4.0cm below base of gauge staff Shaft flow on site data: Temperature = 7.1°C EC = 174µs/cm Eh = 167mV TDS = 114mg/l pH = 7.31 Sample taken for lab analyses (Shaft 5) Shaft 4: Sound of running water heard down shaft 4. Shaft 1: Sound of running water heard Ochreous seepages coming through shaft wall. Small amount of water in base of shaft Gripps V-notch = 32cm across; stage = 16cm Level Datalogger downloaded

On site data at weir Temperature = 6.9°C EC = 147µs/cm Eh = 174mV

TDS = 96mg/l pH = 7.37 Sample taken for lab analyses (Gripps Level) at Weir Upwelling near Big Wool Gill Flow approx 5l/s

Temperature = 6.3°C EC = 182µs/cm Eh = 143mV TDS = 1119mg/l pH = 7.3 Horse Level: V-Notch = 29cm across; stage = 14.5cm Datalogger downloaded Temperature = 7.1°C EC = 191µs/cm Eh = 165mV TDS = 125 mg/l pH = 7.29 Sample taken for lab analyses (Horse Level) Horse Level: Discharge via a 900mm pipe between Horse Level and Hamilton Overflow shaft. Flow = Approx 20 - 30l/s Temperature = 7.2°C EC = 189µs/cm Eh = 124mV TDS = 124mg/l pH = 7.38 Sample taken for lab analyses (Horse Overflow) at pipe outlet

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Hamilton: Water level = 5.79m below top of manhole cover. Shaft Datalogger downloaded Landles: Water level = 29.33m below top of manhole cover. Shaft Datalogger downloaded Glengonnar: Water level = 74.44m below top of manhole cover. Shaft Datalogger downloaded Deadburn:

Temperature = 6.4°C EC = 162µs/cm Eh = 240mV TDS = 109mg/l pH = 7.08 Sample taken for lab analyses Broad Law: Flow = Approx 3 - 5l/s

Temperature = 7.1°C EC = 166µs/cm Eh = 240mV TDS = 109mg/l pH = 7.1 Sample taken for lab analyses Downstream of Sewage Works

Temperature = 6.1°C EC = 178µs/cm Eh = 162mV TDS = 117mg/l pH = 7.33 Sample taken for lab analyses Downstream of Smelter Mill Ultrameter broken Sample taken for lab analyses 3rd March 2011 Soil samples taken at:

1. Base of Landfill: top 0.2m of soil / silt material 2. Downstream of Susanna Vein: Silt / sand bar in watercourse, same

place had water sample 3. Upstream of shaft 6: Soil / silt / gravel material of floodplain 4. Opposite shaft 4: Alluvial sediment 5. By Gripps Level: Soil sample from floodplain 6. Smelter Mill: At base of madeground adjacent river.

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Notes on Leadhills Site Visits 28th / 29th March 2011. 28th March 2011. Shaft 6: Flow = Estimated 25 - 30 l/s

Datalogger downloaded and removed Temperature = 7.2°C EC = 176µs/cm Eh = 187mV

TDS = 114mg/l pH = 6.82 Sample taken for lab analyses (Shaft 6) Shaft 5: Approx 2 – 3l/s flow from pond at top of shaft 5 Datalogger downloaded and removed Water level = 8.0cm below base of gauge staff Shaft flow on site data: Temperature = 7.3°C EC = 175µs/cm Eh = 172mV TDS = 113mg/l pH = 7.04 Sample taken for lab analyses (Shaft 5) Shaft 4: No sound of running water heard down shaft 4. Shaft 1: Sound of running water heard Ochreous seepages coming through shaft wall. Small amount of water in base of shaft Gripps V-notch = 32cm across; stage = 16cm Level Datalogger downloaded and removed

On site data at weir Temperature = 7.8°C EC = 153µs/cm Eh = 162mV

TDS = 98mg/l pH = 6.93 Sample taken for lab analyses (Gripps Level) at Weir Horse Level: V-Notch = 27cm across; stage = 13.5cm Datalogger downloaded and removed Temperature = 7.7°C EC = 201µs/cm Eh = 175mV TDS = 131mg/l pH = 7.7* Sample taken for lab analyses (Horse Level) Horse Level: Discharge via a 900mm pipe between Horse Level and Hamilton Overflow shaft. Flow = 5 – 10l/s No on site measurements and no samples taken Deadburn:

Temperature = 9.3°C EC = 172µs/cm Eh = 195mV TDS = 111mg/l pH = 7.38 Sample taken for lab analyses

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Downstream of Sewage Works Temperature = 8.75°C EC = 187µs/cm Eh = 181mV

TDS = 121mg/l pH = 7.35 Sample taken for lab analyses Downstream of Smelter Mill

Temperature = 8.65°C EC = 169µs/cm Eh = 161mV TDS = 109mg/l pH = 7.5 Broad Law: Flow = Approx 2l/s

Temperature = 7.7°C EC = 180µs/cm Eh = 202mV TDS = 116mg/l pH = 7.7 Sample taken for lab analyses Hamilton: Water level = 6m below top of manhole cover. Shaft Datalogger downloaded and removed Landles: Half of the manhole lid is missing and possible signs of Shaft tampering. Datalogger downloaded and removed Glengonnar: Water level = 74.07m below top of manhole cover. Shaft Datalogger downloaded and removed 29th March 2011 Soil samples taken at:

1. Base of Landfill: top 0.2m of soil / silt material 2. Downstream of Susanna Vein: Silt / sand bar in watercourse, same

place had water sample 3. Upstream of shaft 6: Soil / silt / gravel material of floodplain 4. Opposite shaft 4 / shaft 5 area sediment material 5. Opposite shaft 4: Alluvial sediment 6. Upstream shaft 3: Alluvial sediment bar 7. Smelter Mill: At base of madeground adjacent river 8. Upstream smelter: Soil / floodplain maerial 9. By Gripps Level: Soil sample from floodplain.

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Appendix 3

Collated On site data

Page 111: The impacts of mining on the Glengonnar Water, Leadhills, South Lanarkshire

Est Flow Stage (cm) Calc Flow Flow Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh Est Flow Flow Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh07-Jul-10 5 516-Nov-10 10 1014-Dec-10 16 13.9 13.934 7.1 156 101 6.96 19515-Dec-1018-Jan-11 18 18.7 18.683 6.66 127 82 7.16 4719-Jan-1108-Feb-11 18.5 20.0 20.002 6.5 124 80 6.79 109 10 10 7 178 115 6.89 13009-Feb-1102-Mar-11 16 13.9 13.934 6.9 147 96 7.37 174 10 1028-Mar-11 16 13.9 13.934 7.8 153 98 6.93 162 10 10

Date Gripps Level Pipe Outlet Issues between shaft 4 and shaft 5

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Combined Seepages

Est Flow Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh Est Flow Est Flow Flow Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh07-Jul-10 5 20 2016-Nov-10 15 25 2514-Dec-10 3 7.2 178 115 6.65 210 15 30 30 7.3 178 115 6.44 20015-Dec-1018-Jan-11 3 7.17 175 112 7.23 44 20 30 30 7.22 175 112 7.09 4619-Jan-1108-Feb-11 4 7 179 116 6.98 107 25 35 35 7.15 180 116 6.74 16009-Feb-1102-Mar-11 3 7.1 174 114 7.31 167 20 30 30 7.2 173 113 6.81 25028-Mar-11 2 7.3 175 113 7.04 172 15 30 30 7.2 176 114 6.82 187

Flow from shaft pond at top of shaftGripps Level Shaft 6Gripps Level Shaft 5 Flows - See diagramDate

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Est Flow Stage (cm) Calc Flow Flow Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh Est Flow Flow Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh07-Jul-10 0 0.00 0 016-Nov-10 10 10.00 0 014-Dec-10 13 8.3 8.31 7.4 181 118 6.25 283 0 015-Dec-1018-Jan-11 17.5 17.4 17.42 7.26 197 128 6.64 61 30 30 7.16 192 124 7.25 7719-Jan-1108-Feb-11 17.5 17.4 17.42 7 205 133 6.94 152 35 35 7 188 122 7.36 10509-Feb-1102-Mar-11 14.5 10.9 10.90 7.29 191 125 7.29 165 25 25 7.2 189 124 7.38 17528-Mar-11 13.5 9.1 9.13 7.7 207 131 6.95 175 10 10

Date Horse Level Horse Level 900m overflow pipe

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Est Flow Flow Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh Est Flow Flow Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh Flow07-Jul-10 0 0 30.016-Nov-10 2 2 62.014-Dec-10 3 3 6.9 180 116 7.13 168 70.215-Dec-1018-Jan-11 3 3 6.93 148 95 7.02 101 119.119-Jan-1108-Feb-11 1 1 5.6 246 161 6.94 123 4 4 6.9 139 90 7.15 129 146.409-Feb-1102-Mar-11 3 3 7.1 166 109 7.08 240 112.828-Mar-11 2 2 7.7 180 116 7.24 202 90.1

Date Broad Law Mine Water

Poutshiel Issues

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Est Flow Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh Est Flow Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh07-Jul-1016-Nov-1014-Dec-10 6.1 167 108 7.2 19515-Dec-1018-Jan-11 6.22 189 123 7.15 9419-Jan-1108-Feb-11 10 5.7 182 118 6.64 134 5.8 175 112 7.36 10409-Feb-11 2 7 158 101 6.93 18302-Mar-11 10 6.3 182 119 7.3 14328-Mar-11 10 8.65 169 109 7.5 161

Date Downstream of Smelter MillHarrisons Level Discharge Upwelling opposide Big Wool Gill

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Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh07-Jul-1016-Nov-1014-Dec-10 5.4 185 121 7.27 18315-Dec-1018-Jan-11 5.52 240 156 7.19 8019-Jan-1108-Feb-11 5.6 197 128 7.14 112 5.4 203 132 7.3 104 5.4 367 245 7.14 10109-Feb-1102-Mar-11 6.1 178 117 7.33 16228-Mar-11 8.75 187 121 7.35 121

Date Upstream of Horse Level Confluence with Glengonar Water (Downstream of

Susanna Vein)

Downstream of Sewage Works Sewage Works Outfall

Page 117: The impacts of mining on the Glengonnar Water, Leadhills, South Lanarkshire

Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh07-Jul-1016-Nov-1014-Dec-1015-Dec-10 4.9 145 93 7.4 129 5.3 147 95 7.51 12518-Jan-11 5.67 209 136 7.34 7119-Jan-1108-Feb-11 5.4 172 111 7.15 108 179 116 7.38 11209-Feb-11 6.1 186 120 7.25 13502-Mar-11 6.4 166 109 7.15 17628-Mar-11 9.3 172 111 7.38 195

Date Upstream of Sewage Works Glengonnar Water Upstream of Broad Law

Dead Burn US of conf with Glengonnar Water

Page 118: The impacts of mining on the Glengonnar Water, Leadhills, South Lanarkshire

WL Dip WL mAOD WL Dip WL mAOD WL Dip WL mAOD WL Dip WL mAOD07-Jul-1016-Nov-1014-Dec-10 6.58 352.64 30.07 353.4115-Dec-10 Dry18-Jan-11 2.51 356.71 26.5 356.9819-Jan-1108-Feb-11 3.18 356.0409-Feb-11 27.07 356.41 74.04 370.96 Dry02-Mar-11 5.79 353.43 29.33 354.15 74.44 370.5628-Mar-11 6.33 352.89 29.8 353.68 74.07 370.93

Date Landales Shaft Glengonnar Shaft Lady HopetounHamilton Shaft

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Est Flow Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh Est Flow Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh Temp °C EC (µs/cm) TDS pH Eh07-Jul-1016-Nov-1014-Dec-1015-Dec-1018-Jan-1119-Jan-11 50 7 163 106 7.27 125 25 7.84 204 132 7.46 74 6.19 139 84 7.54 6408-Feb-1109-Feb-1102-Mar-1128-Mar-11

Glenglass/Glencrieff Level Wanlock Water Downstream of smelter and triburary

Bay Mine DischargeDate

Page 120: The impacts of mining on the Glengonnar Water, Leadhills, South Lanarkshire

Appendix 4

Collated Laboratory Data

Page 121: The impacts of mining on the Glengonnar Water, Leadhills, South Lanarkshire




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Units: µS/cm mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l µg/l µg/l mg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l µg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l meq meqEX/1101970 Bay Mine 19/01/2011 10:30 7.6 118 <5 47 0 3 15 9 20 2 0.09 8 <1 <0.001 <0.001 1.8 1.7 <0.001 12 10 130 128 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.02 0.7 <0.01 0.48 0.06 <0.001 4.1 0.39 -1.9 1.6 1.5EX/1045321 Broadlaw 15/12/2010 11:30 7.5 155 <5 55 0 4 5 7 27 4 0.11 6 <1 0.007 <0.001 4.6 4.6 0.001 3 3 489 488 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 0.3 0.02 0.73 0.05 <0.001 8.2 0.49 16.6 1.4 2EX/1101966 Broadlaw 18/01/2011 16:00 6.4 135 <5 57 0 5 5 6 20 3 0.09 5 <1 0.005 <0.001 3.5 3.5 <0.001 2 2 382 360 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.02 1.2 <0.01 0.45 0.04 <0.001 7.5 0.37 0 1.5 1.5EX/1105490 Broadlaw 08/02/2011 16:25 7.3 106 <5 59 0 2 5 6 20 3 0.09 5 <1 0.005 <0.001 3.2 3.3 <0.001 2 2 346 341 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.06 0.5 0.08 0.58 0.04 <0.001 7.4 0.45 0.4 1.5 1.5EX/1109006 Broadlaw 02/03/2011 15:10 7.2 137 <5 90 0 <2 6 7 25 4 0.1 5 <1 0.006 <0.001 4.1 4.1 <0.001 4 3 431 436 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.02 0.3 0.03 0.51 0.05 <0.001 8 0.55 -7.9 2.1 1.8EX/1113145 Broadlaw 28/03/2011 15:00 7.3 151 <5 79 0 2 5 7 27 4 0.11 5 <1 0.007 <0.001 4.6 4.5 0.001 6 4 483 471 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 0.0002 <0.01 0.5 <0.01 0.5 0.05 <0.001 8.1 0.59 0.6 1.9 1.9EX/1045319 D/S Sewage Works 14/12/2010 15:30 6.9 164 6 35 0 2 23 8 17 3 0.07 15 <1 0.002 <0.001 1.5 1.5 0.002 84 78 143 141 <0.01 0.05 0.05 0.04 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.8 0.9 0.14 1.4 0.07 <0.001 5.4 1.1 7.3 1.6 1.8EX/1101968 D/S Sewage Works 18/01/2011 16:00 6.5 185 <5 36 0 5 43 6 16 3 0.07 21 <1 0.002 <0.001 1.1 1.1 <0.001 27 16 120 114 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.06 0.8 <0.01 0.99 0.06 <0.001 4.6 0.95 -3 2.1 2EX/1105487 D/S Sewage Works 08/02/2011 16:40 7.4 134 <5 24 0 3 31 5 14 2 0.06 17 <1 0.002 <0.001 0.9 0.9 0.012 22 16 94 103 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 1.2 <0.01 1.1 0.05 <0.001 4.2 0.93 2.7 1.5 1.6EX/1109007 D/S Sewage Works 02/03/2011 15:25 7.3 150 <5 50 0 <2 23 7 17 3 0.07 13 <1 0.002 <0.001 1.2 1.1 <0.001 29 19 129 121 <0.01 0.02 <0.01 0.04 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.5 0.4 0.08 1.2 0.06 <0.001 5.2 1.2 -2.8 1.8 1.7EX/1113146 D/S Sewage Works 28/03/2011 16:00 7.2 160 <5 60 0 6 22 7 18 3 0.07 14 <1 0.002 <0.001 1.3 1 0.001 66 22 126 113 <0.01 0.04 <0.01 0.08 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.5 0.5 0.06 1.5 0.06 <0.001 5.4 1.6 -4.8 2 1.8EX/1045320 D/S Smelter 14/12/2010 16:00 7.4 146 <5 37 0 2 14 8 20 4 0.08 8 <1 0.001 <0.001 0.9 0.9 0.001 95 83 110 108 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 0.8 0.02 0.77 0.09 <0.001 4.9 0.51 11.3 1.4 1.7EX/1101969 D/S Smelter 18/01/2011 17:00 7.4 150 <5 46 0 5 23 8 19 3 0.08 12 <1 0.002 <0.001 1 1 0.002 174 46 126 125 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.04 0.9 <0.01 0.71 0.08 <0.001 4.7 0.59 -1.4 1.8 1.7EX/1105491 D/S Smelter 08/02/2011 17:00 7.4 137 <5 48 0 2 21 7 18 3 0.08 12 <1 0.002 <0.001 1 0.9 0.005 123 43 112 108 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 0.5 0.17 0.76 0.08 <0.001 4.5 0.59 -1.2 1.7 1.7EX/1109008 D/S Smelter 02/03/2011 16:15 7.6 135 <5 62 0 <2 16 9 19 3 0.08 9 <1 0.002 <0.001 0.9 0.9 0.001 81 41 111 108 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.03 0.5 0.02 0.64 0.08 <0.001 4.8 0.59 -8.4 1.9 1.6EX/1113147 D/S Smelter 28/03/2011 17:00 7.5 141 <5 41 0 2 15 8 20 4 0.07 9 <1 0.001 <0.001 0.9 0.9 0.001 73 44 106 103 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.04 0.6 <0.01 0.63 0.08 <0.001 4.8 0.66 9.3 1.5 1.8EX/1105482 D/S Susanna 08/02/2011 15:00 7.6 161 <5 28 0 3 34 6 15 3 0.07 19 <1 0.002 <0.001 1.4 1.4 0.002 44 29 136 136 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.02 0.6 0.02 1.1 0.06 <0.001 4.3 0.95 4.7 1.7 1.9EX/1045323 Dead Burn 15/12/2010 11:50 7.6 122 137 67 0 2 13 5 14 3 0.06 10 <1 <0.001 <0.001 0.5 0.3 <0.001 137 3 68 52 0.02 0.22 <0.01 0.12 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 0.4 0.03 0.81 0.04 <0.001 5.2 0.62 -13.2 1.8 1.4EX/1101967 Dead Burn 18/01/2011 16:30 6.5 162 <5 29 0 5 38 5 15 3 0.07 19 <1 <0.001 <0.001 0.7 0.7 <0.001 5 5 77 76 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.02 0.6 <0.01 0.85 0.05 <0.001 4.3 0.78 1.4 1.8 1.9EX/1105489 Dead Burn 08/02/2011 16:20 7.5 143 <5 26 0 3 33 4 13 2 0.06 18 <1 <0.001 <0.001 0.5 0.5 0.003 6 3 61 56 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.03 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 0.6 0.09 1.1 0.05 <0.001 4 1 1.4 1.6 1.6EX/1109005 Dead Burn 02/03/2011 15:00 7.6 136 9 53 0 <2 21 7 16 3 0.07 13 <1 <0.001 <0.001 0.7 0.6 <0.001 70 5 73 67 <0.01 0.05 <0.01 0.05 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.03 0.4 0.02 0.74 0.05 <0.001 5 0.71 -5.3 1.8 1.6EX/1113144 Dead Burn 28/03/2011 14:00 7.4 146 7 56 0 4 21 6 16 3 0.07 13 <1 0.001 <0.001 0.5 0.3 0.001 32 6 61 55 <0.01 0.03 <0.01 0.05 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.03 0.5 <0.01 0.77 0.05 <0.001 5.2 0.74 -6.6 1.9 1.6EX/1101971 Glenglass 19/01/2011 11:00 7.5 160 <5 65 0 8 11 18 28 4 0.11 7 <1 0.002 <0.001 3.5 3.5 0.002 33 32 381 349 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.02 0.4 <0.01 0.73 0.07 <0.001 3.4 0.54 1.2 2 2.1EX/1045322 Glengonnar U/S 15/12/2010 11:40 7.6 123 <5 41 0 2 13 5 15 3 0.06 10 <1 <0.001 <0.001 0.4 0.3 <0.001 9 7 58 58 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 0.4 0.03 0.83 0.05 <0.001 5.1 0.55 5 1.3 1.5EX/1109002 Gripps Level 02/03/2011 12:00 7.2 119 <5 57 0 <2 11 8 18 3 0.08 6 <1 0.003 <0.001 0.4 0.4 0.001 14 9 36 36 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.04 0.4 0.03 0.59 0.09 <0.001 4.8 0.5 -6.7 1.6 1.4EX/1045318 Gripps Level 14/12/2010 13:00 7.2 136 7 40 0 2 12 8 19 4 0.08 7 <1 0.004 <0.001 0.4 0.3 0.003 90 7 38 38 0.04 0.43 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 0.7 0.02 0.57 0.09 <0.001 4.9 0.42 8.6 1.4 1.6EX/1101964 Gripps Level 18/01/2011 12:30 6.6 113 <5 36 0 4 10 7 15 3 0.06 6 <1 0.003 <0.001 0.3 0.3 <0.001 23 14 37 35 0.02 0.03 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.02 0.6 <0.01 0.49 0.08 <0.001 4.4 0.51 3.9 1.2 1.3EX/1105485 Gripps Level 08/02/2011 12:45 7.5 114 <5 40 0 <2 11 7 14 3 0.06 6 <1 0.002 <0.001 0.4 0.4 <0.001 28 20 31 30 0.03 0.04 <0.01 0.02 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 0.6 <0.01 0.62 0.08 <0.001 4.2 0.54 -2.5 1.3 1.2EX/1113142 Gripps Level 28/03/2011 11:30 7.2 124 <5 49 0 4 12 8 19 4 0.08 7 <1 0.003 <0.001 0.3 0.3 0.002 12 7 36 35 0.02 0.04 <0.01 0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 0.3 <0.01 0.46 0.08 <0.001 4.8 0.55 3.4 1.5 1.6EX/1105492 Harrison Level 09/02/2011 10:00 7.1 127 <5 92 0 3 6 5 22 4 0.09 6 <1 0.002 <0.001 0.3 0.3 <0.001 10 10 43 45 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 0.5 0.04 0.58 0.1 <0.001 6.6 0.6 -11.1 2.1 1.7EX/1045316 Horse Level 14/12/2010 11:00 7.3 155 5 51 0 <2 14 8 22 4 0.09 8 <1 0.002 <0.001 0.4 0.4 <0.001 6 6 67 65 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 0.5 0.03 0.69 0.06 <0.001 4.8 0.42 5.5 1.6 1.8EX/1101961 Horse Level 18/01/2011 11:00 7.3 157 <5 51 0 5 20 8 22 4 0.09 11 <1 0.002 <0.001 0.5 0.6 0.001 5 5 104 74 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.02 0.7 <0.01 0.52 0.07 <0.001 4.8 0.41 3.6 1.8 1.9EX/1105483 Horse Level 08/02/2011 14:30 7.5 160 <5 52 0 3 23 8 24 4 0.09 12 <1 0.001 <0.001 0.6 0.6 0.001 7 6 71 72 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 1 <0.01 0.62 0.07 <0.001 4.8 0.56 3.8 1.9 2.1EX/1109003 Horse Level 02/03/2011 12:45 7.4 162 <5 55 0 <2 18 10 23 4 0.09 10 <1 0.002 <0.001 0.5 0.5 0.001 6 5 72 70 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.03 0.6 0.03 0.62 0.07 <0.001 4.8 0.56 2.2 1.9 1.9EX/1113143 Horse Level 28/03/2011 12:00 7.2 173 <5 59 0 6 19 9 24 4 0.09 11 <1 0.002 <0.001 0.5 0.5 0.001 6 5 80 76 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 0.6 <0.01 0.71 0.07 <0.001 4.8 0.54 2.2 1.9 2EX/1101965 Horse Level Overflow 18/01/2011 15:00 6.2 157 <5 41 0 5 28 8 24 4 0.1 9 <1 <0.001 <0.001 0.3 0.3 <0.001 6 7 45 38 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.02 0.9 <0.01 0.48 0.07 <0.001 4.9 0.4 2.9 1.8 1.9EX/1105481 Horse Level Overflow 08/02/2011 14:45 7.6 155 <5 50 0 3 16 8 24 4 0.1 10 <1 <0.001 <0.001 0.3 0.3 <0.001 9 13 38 39 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 0.4 <0.01 0.69 0.07 <0.001 4.8 0.5 9.5 1.6 2EX/1109004 Horse Level Overflow 02/03/2011 12:55 7.5 161 <5 54 0 <2 17 9 23 4 0.09 9 <1 0.001 <0.001 0.4 0.3 <0.001 6 5 58 57 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.02 0.7 0.02 0.67 0.07 <0.001 4.8 0.63 2.8 1.8 1.9EX/1105480 Poutshiel 08/02/2011 15:15 7.6 211 10 57 0 3 32 16 25 4 0.08 16 <1 0.004 <0.001 11.6 11.5 0.003 117 83 1368 1383 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 1.4 0.01 0.88 0.12 <0.001 4.5 0.73 -3.6 2.5 2.3EX/1105486 Sewage Works 08/02/2011 16:45 7.2 298 <5 50 0 3 75 11 23 4 0.09 39 1 0.002 <0.001 2 1.7 0.004 41 17 145 136 0.02 0.02 <0.01 0.08 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.5 1.4 0.08 2 0.1 <0.001 4.2 1.8 -3.1 3.4 3.2EX/1101963 Shaft 5 18/01/2011 12:15 7.1 123 <5 51 0 6 14 10 22 4 0.09 7 <1 0.001 <0.001 0.5 0.5 <0.001 8 7 88 46 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.02 1.2 <0.01 0.46 0.08 <0.001 5.1 0.38 1.6 1.7 1.8EX/1105488 Shaft 5 08/02/2011 12:15 7.4 143 <5 67 0 2 14 8 22 4 0.09 8 <1 <0.001 <0.001 0.5 0.5 <0.001 7 7 42 41 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 1.2 <0.01 0.71 0.08 <0.001 5.1 0.44 -4.8 2 1.8EX/1109001 Shaft 5 02/03/2011 11:20 7.5 145 7 49 0 <2 14 9 23 4 0.09 7 <1 0.001 <0.001 0.5 0.5 0.001 7 7 43 42 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.04 0.5 0.04 0.61 0.08 <0.001 5 0.54 6.3 1.6 1.8EX/1113141 Shaft 5 28/03/2011 11:10 7.3 148 <5 65 0 4 14 9 23 4 0.09 7 <1 0.001 <0.001 0.5 0.4 0.003 9 8 45 43 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 0.4 0.02 0.44 0.08 <0.001 4.9 0.55 -2.7 1.9 1.8EX/1045317 Shaft 6 14/12/2010 11:30 7.4 156 <5 63 0 <2 14 9 23 4 0.09 7 <1 <0.001 <0.001 0.4 0.4 <0.001 12 9 44 42 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 0.5 0.02 0.84 0.08 <0.001 4.9 0.3 -1.8 1.9 1.8EX/1101962 Shaft 6 18/01/2011 12:00 7.2 132 <5 42 0 5 14 9 21 4 0.09 7 <1 0.001 <0.001 0.5 0.5 <0.001 8 8 47 46 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.02 0.9 <0.01 0.48 0.08 <0.001 5.1 0.37 7.1 1.5 1.7EX/1105484 Shaft 6 08/02/2011 11:45 7.6 139 <5 70 0 2 15 8 23 4 0.1 8 <1 <0.001 <0.001 0.5 0.5 <0.001 8 8 46 44 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 0.4 <0.01 0.71 0.08 <0.001 5.2 0.51 -4.2 2 1.9EX/1109000 Shaft 6 02/03/2011 11:00 7.5 147 11 68 0 <2 14 9 23 4 0.09 7 <1 0.002 0.001 0.5 0.5 0.006 8 7 55 44 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.04 0.5 0.04 0.65 0.08 <0.001 5 0.67 -4.3 2 1.8EX/1113140 Shaft 6 28/03/2011 11:00 7.2 151 <5 57 0 4 14 9 23 4 0.09 7 <1 0.002 <0.001 0.4 0.4 0.004 10 8 58 43 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 0.5 <0.01 0.48 0.08 <0.001 5 0.53 1.5 1.8 1.8EX/1105479 Upwelling 08/02/2011 12:00 8.2 157 <5 33 0 6 30 7 14 3 0.06 17 <1 0.001 <0.001 1.4 1.5 0.002 48 48 141 140 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 <0.01 7.9 0.02 0.72 0.05 <0.001 3.8 0.55 -61.8 7.3 1.7EX/1101972 Wanlock D/S 19/01/2011 11:30 7.6 110 <5 39 0 4 10 11 17 3 0.07 6 <1 0.001 <0.001 2.6 2.6 0.001 51 39 270 259 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.0001 0.02 0.5 <0.01 0.72 0.05 <0.001 3.4 0.67 2.2 1.3 1.4

Sample ID Sample Desc

Page 122: The impacts of mining on the Glengonnar Water, Leadhills, South Lanarkshire

Analyte: Arsenic (MS) Cadmium (MS) Chromium (MS) Copper (MS) Lead (MS) Mercury (MS) Nickel (MS) Selenium (MS) Zinc (MS) Tot.Moisture @ 105C

Method Code: ICPMSS ICPMSS ICPMSS ICPMSS ICPMSS ICPMSS ICPMSS ICPMSS ICPMSS TMSSUnits: mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %

Sample ID Sample Desc Date SampledCL/1109025 Base of Landfill 03-Mar-11 76.7 112 25.3 892.9 48,820 0.28 61.7 1.6 19940 11CL/1113009 Base of Landfill 29-Mar-11 22.8 8.58 45.6 154.1 17,700 0.46 50.7 1 1337 36.1CL/1109028 By Gripps Level 03-Mar-11 48.9 0.91 56 268.4 31,440 0.17 44.2 1.4 866 34.9CL/1113017 By Gripps Level 29-Mar-11 45.3 7 48.5 421.6 45,480 0.8 50.6 1.1 1621 31.8CL/1109026 D/S Shaft 4 03-Mar-11 35.3 9.32 43.3 397.5 26,930 0.84 51.8 1 1788 28.6CL/1113013 D/S Shaft 4 29-Mar-11 41.5 4.26 46.9 386.3 78,860 7.79 50.4 1.3 1008 42.8CL/1109027 D/S Susanna 03-Mar-11 25.9 8.37 48.4 205.3 23,350 0.97 53.7 1.3 1537 37.3CL/1113010 D/S Susanna 29-Mar-11 39.8 5.17 16.7 2029 103,300 0.3 58.6 1.6 742.3 11.5CL/1113012 Opposite Shaft 4/5 29-Mar-11 34.9 7.3 46.7 303.9 26,420 0.43 48.6 0.8 1619 24CL/1109029 Smelter Mill 03-Mar-11 30.6 6.19 73.2 215.1 60,690 0.17 94.1 0.9 3475 13CL/1113015 Smelter Mill 29-Mar-11 36 2.67 91.3 271.7 93,640 0.21 70.2 1.1 3523 11CL/1113014 U/S Shaft 3 29-Mar-11 35.4 8.14 38.6 340.8 32,470 1.18 45.3 1 1335 23.9CL/1109030 U/S Shaft 6 03-Mar-11 43.7 5.3 20.6 1563 88,390 0.31 51.4 1.3 1413 24.4CL/1113011 U/S Shaft 6 29-Mar-11 84.3 175.4 27.4 1482 92,410 0.49 50.4 1.9 29100 10.2CL/1113016 U/S Smelter 29-Mar-11 62.3 2.77 55.5 316.5 105,100 0.28 47.8 1.3 1432 25.3

Analyte:Arsenic as As (Dissolved)

Cadmium as Cd (Dissolved)

Chromium as Cr (Dissolved)

Copper as Cu (Dissolved)

Lead as Pb (Dissolved)

Mercury as Hg (Dissolved)

Nickel as Ni (Dissolved)

Selenium as Se (Dissolved)

Zinc as Zn (Dissolved)

Method Code: ICPMSW ICPMSW ICPMSW ICPMSW ICPMSW ICPMSW ICPMSW ICPMSW ICPMSWUnits: mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l

Sample ID Sample Desc Date SampledEX/1114163 Base of Landfill 29-Mar-11 0.003 0.0002 0.003 0.017 0.253 <0.0001 0.003 0.001 0.11EX/1114171 By Gripps Level 29-Mar-11 0.001 0.0003 0.002 0.012 0.256 <0.0001 0.001 <0.001 0.171EX/1114167 D/S Shaft 4 29-Mar-11 <0.001 0.0003 0.001 0.012 0.097 0.0001 0.002 <0.001 0.07EX/1114164 D/S Susanna 29-Mar-11 <0.001 0.0003 0.002 0.017 0.231 <0.0001 0.001 <0.001 0.121EX/1114166 Opposite Shaft 4/5 29-Mar-11 <0.001 0.0002 0.002 0.008 0.088 <0.0001 0.001 <0.001 0.06EX/1114169 Smelter Mill 29-Mar-11 0.003 0.0067 <0.001 0.005 0.033 <0.0001 0.034 <0.001 0.337EX/1114168 U/S Shaft 3 29-Mar-11 <0.001 0.0003 0.002 0.012 0.04 <0.0001 0.001 <0.001 0.076EX/1114165 U/S Shaft 6 29-Mar-11 <0.001 0.022 0.001 0.005 0.133 <0.0001 <0.001 <0.001 0.725EX/1114170 U/S Smelter 29-Mar-11 <0.001 0.0009 0.001 0.005 0.281 <0.0001 0.001 <0.001 0.213

Soil Samples

Leachability tests