rt POfiUSnfeB1 *vWtty SATURDAT MOBVOIO. - ; Individual*, like nation*, fail in nothing tehich they boldly attempt, when sustained by viriuou.' ' pttrpSie, and determined resolution..Hkkby Clat. | " Willing to praiae, y*t not afraid to Wme." Term*.One Dollar a Year, in Advanoo. ~ ABBEVILLE O. H. SATURDAY,". ..7....... JUNE 3, 1854. BST The Independent Preu will continue to published aa horctofore, at Abbeville C. H., at the same price, and will maintain its ehar- aeter as an independent, political, miscellano- oub, uisirict paper, Those whp bate paid up1 to the ferpici Editor X?H1 of 'courso contihuo to receiro the paper-without extra chJirgo. ... I ' * i ££T All letters oa busino&s connected with this office should be Addressed "Indkpkkdent Pum, Abbeville 0. tt, S. 0.," and post-paid. Salutatory. In assuming the chiur-editorial, so gracefully vacated by our predcccssor last week, it is of course meet that wo should exchange salutations with the patrons of the Prem, and indicate the ecneral nrlneinlp* flint t»:n j:-.» our course. Although wa are not of those who eeom to regard the life of an Editor loss favored than that <tr any other profession, still we aro aware that attached to such a position are labors and responsibilities that may well move the stoutest heart to trembling. And csj>ccially <lo we know that the. ebair of the printer-editor is devoid of velvet ease; Hence labor and care will not come upon us unawares, and we shall assuredly meet 'the responsibility with stout hearts, if not with string arms. The smiles of Providence, the approval of friends, and a liv> - ing remuneration .for our toil, are all the rewards we seek.all we hope to obtain. Our design in thb-future conduct of the rrcu trill be to render as acceptable a District JOutaal.as any in us State ; and to this end toxrar general to eschew lengthy disOohrete.onXorejgn eUbjccLsi and keep, an eye ptioro to the' {Musing present than to the proapective future. Everything, contributing augWio the ini.iiMliiflgfihid \>tgeneral intelligcb^vlwitiiin ehnir nnd room in the Pre*4'5n& its' friends and patrons may look for er«rythtogyviT0»4fcy of record, in its pages. [Happily for uv *nd happily for the peace and quiet j$f -the people of Solith Carolina, po- m.w a*m« <u vccurreaWand ttMptcnt 'in existence. Henco it do«fluo,t.^<M!^nily bceomo one of'the many journnliat licro to uphold the _v_ ev^r-.Yarj'jbig Utveto of changing parties, and "/dlSmfc^ljoct to^e. flmharraBementfl of bitter wrangling. In other'.Statoa,- ia many ftTi»hM>gevof « newspaper " ImmJftindar clronnutaaces like ^wWnonttHho fnofit lucrative oould | In-national' p^liUc^ iho complexion of the ~ - Pr«M fejraown to^hi^fc been tttliorto Scrthern fitrapcraUc ; aig&m theso respects, it will ©xperlirtie\i.o change.. And whilo We hold onnidrv«B averse to1 ^profligate abrogation of ajij^j^t.Qsages in wr State polity, -wo do not 6«pcJttiiioU8ly cling to any eimjOy because j tkey have the saijqtion of age, and we. do not o^r desire £pr cautious, con-1 ......... wory» Uio prcas we styjll nnrelatiopB that will oar settled nT principle rather than estrange a (fnfflfajflj>^ -wielding of tbe gla_®'" diatorial pen- Wo shall adopt and maintain the jr^o'-fco offotid none but the offending, ad- IM^npief that true independence language cannot be incom^WurteouB'irtfd reopccUiil bearing, ^^g predooeator's contiaucd {>roa-^ Bojot^B'oit^rb yeaffl ih Abbeville id hence .partial acquaintance witK jUon, intelligence and resoureea, we Won her abundant ability^ reward ( ojf.all her Journalist*, and only re- >IH uat wtbring ao.little of ability to meet j titf ^ponsibilltiefl which on anticipated re- , these bticf remark*, wa'aubmlt our- j i ^ladverte, wi& all tha grace a dkap-.a1 * jpj«.:£j; ow.- IftlLJUlMMI laBHCyBJEKE^ '-vf?%<^ffi$:> r ,. vt K^-.t V ^/TCuJBBaBc^|aL -dtiOT^BffI||j C*old«a Memories. This, out first paragraph for the J'rtin, is rfrittan with flna fold pap, a praeont from onr aataenad friend And former neighbor, D. Vi H*w*ho*k, of Dne West A pen and scissors are two indispensables to mi editor. The firtt especially should be a ;ood article.ono that glides smoothly across the sheet, and that will retain a sufficient quantum of ink to jot down several lines at i>nee without returning to the iuk-bottlc. Such a ono is that wo now hold. It will not however glido along all tho while without cessation ; for sometimes tho ideas stop and who could blame a pen for tardiness >vlicn the power that moves it refuses to act ? But we said an editor's pen should be a good one. Who could maintain his good humor when trying to write with a mcau pen f and of all inert perhaps the oditor has most :<ced of all the appliances to induce an even and good.tem-) per. It is bis vocation to -write of men and' things; and if anything disturbs his mental equilibrium and "raises liis dander," ho is very, apt to speak more harshly than he would doBiro to do. Perhaps our friend Hawthorn knew something of the irascibility of our nature, and knowing a good pen would aid in rendering 'diX* prospective labors more agreeablo to ourselves and more tolerable to others, kind\ ietermined to put an instrument into our hands that would cut Bmoothly. May our pen last a hundred years, and the donor as long, and every time we sco it may we gratefully remember him as tho ono who first threw h. golden light o'or the path we have nnnn A ». » 1 I Local Statistics. Tho following interesting items of statistical information linvc been kindly communicated by o»ir worthy Tax Collector, lie anticipated our wisli, as wo had thought of apptying to him for something of tho kind, and ho will please consider us obliged. t Marriages in Abbeville District from January 1st, 1853, to January 1st, 1864, 51; Births during the same time.Males 68, Females 107 .173 : Deaths durinor the snmn time.MiiIm 53, Females 45.98. Births among tbc colored .Males 848, Females 856.703 ; Deaths. Males 148, Females 162.810. Taxable property in Abbeville District:. 98 fre« persons of color; 19,481 slaves ; $415.iog otTTOiiuL oi sales; $ 12,130 professional; $21*7,660 town and village lota; 3,250 acres of bottom land ; 6,440 acr«s 1st quality npland ; 91,787 2d quality upland; 625,630 8d quality. Early Cotton. iuk. uahhib, residing near h niLcnaii in una District, has shown us several stalks of cotton, taken from hUr farm on tho 28th alt, -which* is ahead o?any "w« liave ecen or heard of the preaent season. They are some ten or twelve inches in height, and upon each stalk arc several squares. It was onr surmise that these plfcnta had been grown upon soino favored spot of^iis firm ; .bat he informed .us that it was not so.the field had not been manured Jn several 3'ear*, and ho contends the superior growth oi Dis coiion is owing mainly to bis manner of caUtijw.. ' ^*ive him.a Dispense the Light. With pleasure wd comply with the request o! a friend to direct attention to the notice of the approaching anniversary of the Abbeville Bibio Society, to be seen below. Let every one who has a dollar or more uninvested rctncmbci the day, and come up prepared to aid a cause so eminently worthy of support. Distribute tho Bible plenteoualy, then prevail upon the great mass of the people to read it, and onehalf the number of prisons, poor-houses and infirmaries that now exist-. ai., hauled down to give place to tho school-house, ~~ the eollego and church. God speed tho noble work I "Bujlk Society..The thiKy-first anniversary meeting of the Abbeville District Bible Society will be held in the M. & Church, at the Court House on Wednesday, the 26th of July. The annual sermon will bo preached by Rev. A. D. Montgomery, and the address denvered by R. A. Fair, Esq. A full meeting of the Board of Directors, consisting of T. C. I'errin, A. Giles, J. Moore, E. E. Pressly, 1L A Jones, J. T. Gibert* W. R. UcmpbilL F. G. Thomas, J. Dontr m m iu, u. a. oiouu. a. weviin, J. M. latimor, O. W. Pressly, J. Dickson, i. Gillom, N. Harm, A. D. Montgomery, R. C. Qrior, W. T. Jones, J. 11. Pcrrin, E. H. WardUtr, and Isaac Branch, is earnestly requested at the counting room of Q. H. Wardlaw, at 10 o'clock, on the morning Of the meeting. . Isaac BnANcn,So«.. May 18, 15fi^ - ^ Vl' , Taking- the Stump. The Southern Patriot leartis that in Laurens District the Electoral question is exciting considerable interest. Stump speeches,.pro and »«, are-being made at every muster. Messrs. Juixivak and II kn demon advocate the reform,' irtum Meaara. Iur ud Calhoun oppoae.. rheaawreable men, and more than that, they ire men tit dignified bearing, ao that vhllf nuch light m£y be elicited from the discuseion,ittle fear need be entertainedjof an In temper* ite, fanatical canvaae. ." ng of thia question will engender any dJsajreeable atrife or diaqtiietade in onr midst. The enfrment of the peopla. we believe t* be in irror of the change hot inasmuch aa the "withaiding it iavolrt^Jttle more tlin» QOvfralenoc ao^PjftTtfaea, arid a little expense »O* SUU/tty^rifi be alow to maaifeat .. r~ A Barber Ranted. » i Tho wktber'iB'grOwing rati)or warm it op? pears in Edgefield for longhair and whiskers* Oar friend of the Advertuer is authorised. to say that an "export shaver and hair-dresser" can find plenty of work at his village. Aaurcsa "UOD wi1wker8, or "UIABLIE IHUStaciik," Edgefield C. H.; no matter about the postage. ^ Is there anything more to be mado at hair clipping thah can bo mode by pnper clipping, brother Advertiser f If so, tee might be induced to invest.. The Eclipse. True to arrangement, the eclipse passed ofT on Friday evening last There was a brisk do mand for smoked gldsscs, and wo believe the spectators generally were pretty well satisfied with the performances oh the occdsioq. . tJf-It ia rumored thai the administration lias sent' down a seoret compiiuiober to* St'Domingo, tho-republioan end of the islarwl of Hiiytl, to sound tho official of that Country in Regard to annexation to the Unitod States. ».: The Oropa. Fine rains have fallen in different sections of tho District tho post week, and we anticipate a rapid growth of all kinds of crops.grass not excepted. Appended is a condensed view of the crops in various sections, as reported by the newspapers. . r" ^ Tiik Crops..From what wo can learn from our farmers and planters, the crops of this District bid fair to lie abundant, '1 lie late rains, however, have given the weeds some advantage, ns the ground is too wet in many places to allow of plowing. Wheat looks fine wherever sown on laud of sufficient strength to produce it at all. We have heard many farmers say that it promises to bo the finest wheat crop grown in this District for ninny ycari Oats look remarkrbly well, and great hopes ire now AIlfAriilituwl t.liilf n full nwin will I>n »nn,ln Corn is doing well, and if nothing intervenes our farmers will harvest an abundant yield, Laurent Herald. Crops and Fruit..We understand that tlio wheat crop is pretty good, and very little Injured by the cold spring. There ib sonic rumor of rest in the wheat. Corn and cotton are growing finely, and wo have lately had a fine season. There is still fruit in many portions of the country.some pcaches, and*ajiplcs in great abundanoe.r-(7r«(*»t>W« Patriot* rnosrEcr Brmuitkking..Since' thfr timely rains of last week, oats and corn have taken a start That will almost orutnre full orono* Our exchanges from North Georgia report nne rains in that section, and speak more hopefully of the prospect ahead. These rains appear to have been general; if so, planters and fconsu- mem. will take courage..Ororgia paper, Tiik Chops..A brief visit to tho parishes of "West Baton Rouge arid Point Coupeo, enables the editor,oC'jtiie Baton Houge Advocate to speak from observation of tho crops in those parishes. The stands ofcane and corny where well worked, are looking fine and flourishing, although they are of course somewhat backward from the tripling spells of cotd we^ther which have OccasiflnaUy- intervened . Wft liPArtfl (t'flfjitixl iknt anmo toiplantcorn m many four oip At' preeenl, however, general ^ncdnr^Smeni ia felt at the proepeot of the crope.-^-JV.(0. DiUa. Whkat Crop rw Missouri..'The, St tiouis Intcliigenger of the 17th' alt, ill speaking of the . quarter nrc expecting to cut their wlufct and have it in market by the 25th of June. # Tho Shreveport Deraocrftt says the soDsaofor crops Itas been fine thus far, good scn.ofT$$fe rains and weather warm enough geitrall^ Wo have had a few cold spells, and i littl6: frost once or twice sincc the first of Apll, but not enough to injure the crops. Our ppnters everywhere seem satisfied ; they bavfl good stands of cotton, aud corn looks rcmi*kably thrifty. The corn on Red lliver is ji<w'full waist high, and will be in tassel ia the course of ten days. J ~--&mnra in T*xab..Tho Shelby R«veille.of tho 6til BAJ Si " "~0 Brer lumnnnl r.tliaurrh1 out tins county look remarkably well, ayd that our planters havo larger and finor crops uf" cotton, corn, «fcc., and that they are nioro Jromiaing than at any former period in the history of Shelby county. Tho Chattanooga Advertiser says tint the present indications arc tntuli more favortble to the whont crop than it had anticipated, a^d that several farmers had pronounced the prtspects as quite flattering. The Newberry Sentinel of the 80th ifaforms us that the Corn and Cotton in that dUtejct are improving very much, and'from present apEearance indicate the proinuo of a )x>unti(ul arvort. *" v'^( Bow to Stop this Oars. A vast amount of iejqtyj to railroad* iffalna and loss of lifomight bo prevented were'eyerybody as oarcful'ahd heroin m Hi« in^« , ..~ w yww,f nnmed. There arc doubtless some who would not care prevent any accident, however terrible, so long aa their own flesh and bones aro out of harm's way. Such ones could see nothing to imitate in the following paragraph, which we oopy for those who under similar ;cir«nmstanoes would wish to act similarly.. Such deeds deserve record. / "Oae day Ia«fe week Mm Horiop., who rebi<m& about threo'miJes west of .Osw&ro. **«' - large pinertre«rf*H directly iuroM the railroad tatofc.^She instantly laid down thebaby, called her basband from hia work, and thev bbtbrritffu, the railroad, a dirftoeTef hundred yard* taking an axe wffh them. But thetave wu Kw^ and not l«3*than three feet in diameter where it crossed the trae^ the o^^vie-fcm °rt tnrTa ia1^° road»' and hand. Probably at the «tgg<*iion of the vife, to wnmen toe al^ £ florton immediatftlv look I r More Candidates Wanted. ^ Tlio subjoined fftrtigraph 1ms been communjcated for. publication. We shall bo pleased j to- hear. not only from Messrs. IIearjbt and K Vanck, but from any and all others who mfcy ol be disposed to take the field: j|r Tiik friends of tlic South, coll upon Dr. J. W. Hearst and CoL J K. Vance £o anuounco tlicm- tli selves as candidates for the Legislature, at tlio ci next election. }" NEWS" ITEMS. Senator Butler..Wo are gratified to meet our faithful and esteemed Scuator, Judge But- !" ler, here yesterday, looking well and in fine ,z spirits. Ho is on a brief visit to his home iu . Edgefield. 18 iiojf. Angus i attkrson..He regret to learn from the Bnciiwell Sentinel, that this gentle- tl mop, so long the President of our State Senate, 1and one so universally esteemed, expired at his residence inJDfarnwell on Friday evening lost Wkll Done..We are truly gratified lo per- P ceive that in rfc'cordance with the desire expesscd thrortgh resolutions adopted at a public meet- w ing of th'o Citizens of Charleston, held on the 81 10th ult., the City Council at their meeting on °' Tuesday last, resolved to subscribe $260,000 to *1 the Charleston and Savannah Itail Road, in or- P Jn. n ,,.. tl.o ,<t !,. .n:A I>^»,1 C.I uvt VV OVVUt O VIIV V1IHI Vt VU\> DUtU Ituau* d< A pantlicr measuring teven and a half feet from the tip of his tail to the nose, was rccent- n ly killed in a cane-brake, about threo miles from ot Cross plains, in Ilobertson County, Tenn. He was tracked by a fine hunting dog, and driven to a tree, from which he was dislodged, and af- q tor two or three "bouts" with the aog and negro man, who was unarmed, and in which his assnildnte came off second best, he was finally brought down by Mr. l'evit Fry, who lodged a c( rifle-ball amonghis face and eyes. lie is sup- 0 puitcu to novo uccu a traveller. p Punishment Commuted.."We lenrn that Wm, Fowler, convicted of murder, and sentenced at P the lato term, of the Court of Appeals to be " hung on the 28th of July, has received at the hands of His Exccllcncy, Gov. Manning, a com- 1| mutation of his sentence. Instead of being ? iiung, he is to be imprisoned six months. Productions of Cuba,.Tho annual produc- £ tions of Cuba aro Bnid to comprise $13,300,000 worth of sugar; $16,000,000 of tobacco ; $2,- <1 Q 1 A AAA . ftQ AA/I AAA VAVyVUV. VI VVIIVC | V*)WW|VW VI V'UIU i ttUU J] $7,000,000 worth of other Agricultural pro- v duce. The grand total of its productions, in eluding dairy and domestio animals, average t! ft59.600.0Q0 per annum. Tho population is over ono million. . . .. tl ' Small Nutes in Virginia are 'prohibited on 81 and after the first of June. The Richmond and * Petersburg Railroad Company, it is said, have " anticipated -tho measure, ana stopped taking llwra on tlx.Both ult, The butchers r>f Win- v chestcr have also refused to take them any ri longer, and tho prospect is that the law will be generally observed. " h A number of citizens of Columbia upa rrof.Hnr. ;--o "t> m up a memorial to.presqnt to the Legislature at a, its pext session, praying an act for incorpora- r, ting a Mutual Life Insurance Company. The Sfartanbubq Mutk Asylum..This important Institution, situated about four miles from Spartanburg, under tho direction of N. P. d Walker, Esq., was the scene of much attention and interest on Friday last. " In accordance to an appointment, a regular c< fecundation of the student* in their several de- ^ Caftroetfta ^ofettfdy.eame off, before A very »rge and influential portion of the citizens of ®' tho District.., *: 'J Tlie students wcro examined principally hy " Messrs. Hughs ton and Springs assisted by the 11 two Misses Wal&erand Migs Cunningham. Geo- n. Cunningham and the other to Mr. llughston. At the close of the examination, S. Bobo, Esq., ^ delivered an Address on Education, which is said to have boon woll received..Spartanburg r.' JExpreu. ^ Presbyterian O. S. Genebal Assembly. c, Bu»Valo. Mav 28..The Asseinblv. after a wnrm .. debate, broke.up tbe large Synod of Philadcl- fc phia, making a new Synod out of the Presbyteries of Baltimore, Carlisle and the Eastern Shore, ], to bo oallcd the Synod of Baltimore. p An overturo was received from the Sccond Presbytery of New York, in referenco to tlie clergymen withdrawing from the church with- a out corcmouy. A resolution was adopted tbat tl tire rule Ira to erake the name from the roll. 0 The report of Board of Domestic Missions 0 was read by the Rev. Dr. Musgrave. o - The receipts of the yenr were $75,000. Lai- I an ce in the treasury $11,000. u The report proposes raising $100,000 as an s extra fund during the year for Church extension Bj purposes. o . The Assembly is now engaged on tho subject <j of ministerial support. 0 Defalcation at tiib Unitkd States Mp*r..It is generally reported that one of thac lief clerks I 81 of the United States Mint, well known^U'cito * of the most experienced in the institution, is a * defaulter to a large amonut* which is Tvieculy " reported at from $15,000 up to $100,Oft).-Tho " circumstances have not folly tranajxred, butt it 0 is understood -the frieAds of the officer w\[U n< make up the losses. The alleged defaulter htrs linrati>fai>a kama 1 5. . ^ MWi vw»v*w MVi HU u*uu tVJ^UWVtVIJ, BUU U a strict member of the cliuw*, He had been ab-M sent from the Mint for two weeks..Carolinian. Charleston and Savannah RailhoaS..The Savannah Republican, of "Wednesday, says'that the subscription by our City Council of (360,- u| 000 to the Charleston and Savannah Railroad fo has placed, the completion of a railroad connexion between Savannah and Charleston be1 y< yond doubt or uncertainty. Tho corps of engii neers having dfo-veyed three differeat routes. have now left.the field for office work; and the Chic£ l&r. McRae, is preparing hfa report that will determine the selection jot route. go The Ope]ilea railroad- will be' finished this year, and the direct road from Charleston to ^ Wilmington will be completed, during the year. m< Thus, la ftitiort nmo » »- * ins through Charleston wffliwiid, he completed to Mobile, within p®*»od years. The» o«n hardl*J» » donbt th«i U»* ry road from Columbus to Motile will be opened within thai period. tic The two cities of the Atlantic will thus * » Tt cover the mails aod pass^n^ers, which now- pass Standi. "VTehavo received from Mr. Brook* tb$ No oaka BilL The menxuro 'provides for the ormiration of tlie territories of Nebraska and ansae. It confers the richt of bu (Trace and igibility to officoat firtl election, and the ansformation of tlie Government, npon every eo white male inhabitant above the age of yenty-ono years, who shall be an actual reslBiit of said territory. This is the principle of 10 fifth section, establishing squatter sorer* gnty. But the qualifications of voters and of aiding office at all subsequent elections shall 3 such as shall bo prescribed by the legislative sscmbly. Here was interpolated tho Clayton rovininn aa fnllnwa' " Provided, that the right of euflfraco and of aiding office shall bo exercised only by the citcns of the United States." * *This provision is rejected by the House, and' expected to constitutda subject of contention zaiti in the Senate. 1 The clauso of tlio bill vhich proved the great ionic of debate and sttffo is ineludVA^p^tllV Itb ecction, and is as follows: . i " That the constitution, and all the jMjlrgjf le United States which are not loeally^M^ licable, shall have the same force ana Wm ithin the said territory of Nebraska as I&m here within the United States. Except tfeft th section ofan aoi preparatory to the admission f Missouri into Iho Union, approved March io sixth, 1820, which was superseded byrthe pinninloa of tlta lA»loUii«n lOKA ..uv.|..vu v* VMV I^IOIHIIIUU V* 1UUV| VUiUUIVUIJT illed the comproniso measures, and is hereby eclarcd inoperative." The whole country will feel some relief that »e bill has been got rid of in some way..Car'inian. From the Baltimore Sun. treat Excitement in Boston.U. S. Officer Billed. Boston, May 27. An alleged fugitive slave, named BurnB, was jnfined in the Court House. The building a the 2Gth was attacked by a mob, for the urnosc of rescuing him. The doors and windows were broken, buf the olicu having made a dozen arrests, the disturance was quelled. During the riot at a still later hour, James intchelder, a special officer of tho UnitedStates larshal, was sliot dead. At midnight two mil- ,atj t;vui|7i»uiVO IUUV1IUU LUC COUTl 9(JUflrC, film rore quartered in the City Hail and Court louse. A large force of officers were detached for uring the night outaido the Court House, and throughout the whole night an additional force ras inside fully armed. At an early hour this morning, a mob of hree hundred was assembled in Court Square. When the examination of Burns commenced be mob had increased to two or three thouand. A company of United States Marines rere stationed in the Court House, and an aditional regiment of infantry ordered out . < At 12 a. ra. the examination wm proceeding ritll intensu MXcftAmntifr. nnil ^ ov v v* a A uivto iotcrs were arrested. A dctachment of United States marine?, nner Lieut. Bird, were on duty inside the conrt ou8c parading the passage ways. The multiide continued to increase, and Mayor Smith ddrcssed them, after which..the riot- act was oad. Batcheldor, the deputy mornhall who'wos.shot saves a family. The examination will not close before Monay, at the request of Bnra'ajcounsel. ' Account ok tiik ARnEa#&pr Bobns..The oston papers of Friday givolKe following ac< iunt of tho amet-of Burns, the fugitive, which >o)r nln/>hAn Considerable excitement was caused in our ty yesterday, when it. became known thjit' a igitive slave"had been arrested, and Waa in te custody of the United States marshal Free* ian. The name of the alleged slave is Author y Burns, a negro 25 years of age. He was rrested in Court street, on Weahefldw^;£^j ing. and escorted to the Court House, wtipd » waa kept during the inight. ' V Yesterday1 morning be was brought-before \**S& Apkil 3lL hearing ni had in Ifa Ued State* court mn. Mr. Seth J. Thomaa and Ed ward C. PnrK appeared as oounafel for the <rtaimaat, and In Richard H. Hana, jf., and' C.^BL IQHa-Tolun:crcd for the prisoner. Mr. Parker produced and read copies of the scora oi the oircuit court of Virginia, id seson on the 16th instant, at Alexandria, certiring the fact of Mr. Suttle concerning the esupe of Burns from service, after which he call1 ns a witness William Brent, who testified as illows: ' " * 1 I reside in Richmond, Va.; am a merchant; avo resided'there four years; know Mr; ChaB. . Suttle ; he now resides in Alexandria; he u merchant; know Anthony Burns, (witness lentified thoprisoner as Burns; now see him t the bar in front; he is the man referred to in lie record which has just been read; he is wned by Mr. Buttle as a slave; ho wasformorly wned by Mr. Battle's mother; Mr. Suttle has wned him for the last twelve or fifteen ygmfc onco hired Anthony of Mr. Sattle; uttle for hit) services; know: ifrniIwtryoit tig from llichmopd on or abooi^fho siitu dpy f March leat ; have sine* uallFV ay night -I hea*&A$Bxbj£ ' - - , w&** Burns came to the city iik March liut, and has inc« boen in th) etmiloyment of Coffin Pitta, soond hand cloWdSW, in Brattle street.. lo CAm^by^WS^er, having sailed from Richmond, VarvWrtnanlfested a deaira to return to MlTCmtiu. wllTch WO lieurd vp*t/>r«Jrv Buttle (to Burns,).have yon not always revived kind treatment of met ' >/; . Boms.Yob. - Buttle.Have I not always permitted von to » where and work for whom you pleaaeaf Burns.Ye* Suttlc.When vou Were sick, did I not triva [> myown bed that yon might be made as oomrtableaspotsiblef 40 ** * ).Yon did, master, >U did, kind msjUr. Suttle.Do yda want to go baek to Virginia Born#.J-do. Buttle.Will yon go back? wHl. '-Twait.iojjo to-day. I am a *od deal happier ai hom®. Prom this it will apjttar that hi will readily anuTtohavebe^ advertisement married u> a Mr. 'Fye:*l Here's a cUance for little PumpkiaPyea^t&* Pumpkin 1s good. ' Tli© Market. I "m AuncviLLE, Jane 3, In Cotton..Prices rang*' f-iui 5 to 8 conH Columbia, May si." til a !- -1 " *' *,,u u»«auu id rcprivu uiui, ana I Ormorquota are still tlio ruline nteK vii:*-' .6 to8 1-2 cts. jggs: ClIABUMTON, May 8». Tlio cotton market in active.sale of the da\ 860 bales prices 7 to 0 1-4' .... will sustain her two existing papers, (and hoposhe may,) it will be ample exercise f<W her liberality. C' To those gentlemen of the preM -wh#v so kindly hailed my prospectus, I ol " ranees of my profoundest thanis. V 4, c. a Poc4^ V CHARLES MOROJH. T J*t > |ENOUGH of Charles Morgin lias been nnh. . 1 'J lislicd to cnablo its readers to determine, * whether or not, it is worthy a place id their LIBRARIES. If a eufficicnt number of NAMBP bo seat ino at Greenwood or to-the Press Offico, to insure the paying for tho Publication,Jp BOOK FORM, I will publish.but nc^|^Vr% wise. <3#'» > The BOOK will contain 260 pogc/gK; ' PRICE cannot exceed FIFTY cent^g^si* Less. w S" 1 liavo bVcn induced to this sten br aX.. received from a distinguished graOfaW&k. Charleston, making the suggestion. v VSjj* j . tiie authors June 3, 1864. 56 EDWARD WBSTPnaj), ABBEVILLE COURT HOUSE,,*.. Ci ..1? "DETURNS thanks, for pvt.Uroi% and r«- % AVfapectfully salioiUacontwnince of tfoMtnafT^r He kmpd cohttfcriily on hud, ofl&WWamiuitff? a^hrrs, stirk'up* 1-iiu muortiu, crcaito^ concern will t»ke notiee, >fifc^fc5S^rSK7^ tlepent of the Estate Of Thom<« O/llwJW^ 1 ceased, will toko place in the Orfin*^!«,3pi4(R|»'; Spat Abbeville Court House, on the twenty-fourth <j£j| dny of August next; and in the mean time, it.. is expectxia that'bll demands wflfhe. rwoitf^ oPU, 24UjJ8^ J0HJ* SADLElt, j " -Notice* A LL persbni Indebted to.the firm oTjNU|M!w£«, jm,noar Scufffetown.'in Abbovillo Saluda River, containing a boat Wine Handred Ono hundred ncres of BOTTOM," aad'tw^WR dred acrea of "Wood Lnnd. Screw^ Thrasher, Ac, on tho =8*eldWy tuyere Very much dec »y eJPj^d^T^Iz/ He says that he ran away from Aw HiMff Green^ county, 6«*«ho^i't«a^i| Qougn* wn rom * Uendcnso" county, Jforlh Carolina. YThfin wa» on Ins way to IfortJiCarolina.- Ho lutd paw badly -wntten, «Dd da^^twenty Boraijt vu wmi vnmum UMnoOfDsMflBMCHflBH« Myi the

The independent press (Abbeville C.H., S.C.).(Abbeville ... · theeditor,oC'jtiie Baton Houge Advocate to speakfromobservation of tho crops in those parishes. Thestandsofcane and

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Page 1: The independent press (Abbeville C.H., S.C.).(Abbeville ... · theeditor,oC'jtiie Baton Houge Advocate to speakfromobservation of tho crops in those parishes. Thestandsofcane and


- ;

Individual*, like nation*, fail in nothing tehichthey boldly attempt, when sustained by viriuou.' '

pttrpSie, anddeterminedresolution..Hkkby Clat. |" Willing topraiae, y*t not afraid to Wme."

Term*.One Dollar a Year, in Advanoo.~


SATURDAY,". ..7....... JUNE 3, 1854.

BST The Independent Preu will continue tob« published aa horctofore, at Abbeville C. H.,at the same price, and will maintain its ehar-aeter as an independent, political, miscellano-oub, uisirict paper, Those whp bate paid up1to the ferpici Editor X?H1 of 'courso contihuo toreceiro the paper-without extra chJirgo. ... I


i££T All letters oa busino&s connected withthis office should be Addressed "IndkpkkdentPum, Abbeville 0. tt, S. 0.," and post-paid.

Salutatory.In assuming the chiur-editorial, so gracefullyvacated by our predcccssor last week, it is of

course meet that wo should exchangesalutations with the patrons of the Prem, andindicate the ecneral nrlneinlp* flint t»:n j:-.»

our course.

Although wa are not of those who eeom toregard the life of an Editor loss favored thanthat <tr any other profession, still we aro awarethat attached to such a position are labors andresponsibilities that may well move the stoutestheart to trembling. And csj>ccially <lo weknow that the. ebair of the printer-editor is devoidof velvet ease; Hence labor and carewill not come upon us unawares, and we shallassuredly meet 'the responsibility with stouthearts, ifnot with string arms. The smiles ofProvidence, the approval of friends, and a liv>- ing remuneration .for our toil, are all the rewardswe seek.all we hope to obtain.Our design in thb-future conduct of the rrcutrill be to render as acceptable a DistrictJOutaal.as any in us State ; and to this endtoxrar general to eschew lengthydisOohrete.onXorejgn eUbjccLsi and keep, an

eye ptioro to the' {Musing present than to theproapective future. Everything, contributingaugWio the ini.iiMliiflgfihid \>tgeneral intelligcb^vlwitiiinehnirnnd room in thePre*4'5n& its' friends and patrons may look forer«rythtogyviT0»4fcy of record, in its pages.[Happily for uv *nd happily for the peaceand quiet j$f -the people of Solith Carolina, po-

m.w a*m« <u vccurreaWandttMptcnt 'in existence. Henco itdo«fluo,t.^<M!^nily bceomo one of'the manyjournnliat licro to uphold the_v_ ev^r-.Yarj'jbig Utveto of changing parties, and"/dlSmfc^ljoct to^e. flmharraBementfl ofbitter wrangling. In other'.Statoa,- ia manyftTi»hM>gevof « newspaper

" ImmJftindar clronnutaaces like^wWnonttHho fnofit lucrative oould |

In-national' p^liUc^ iho complexion ofthe~

- Pr«M fejraown to^hi^fc been tttliorto ScrthernfitrapcraUc ; aig&m theso respects, it will©xperlirtie\i.o change.. And whilo We holdonnidrv«Baverse to1^profligate abrogation ofajij^j^t.Qsages in wr State polity, -wo do not6«pcJttiiioU8ly cling to any eimjOy because jtkey have the saijqtion of age, and we. do noto^r desire £pr cautious, con-1

.........wory» Uio prcas we styjllnnrelatiopBthat will

oar settlednT principle rather than estrange a(fnfflfajflj>^ -wielding of tbegla_®'"diatorial pen- Wo shall adopt and maintainthe jr^o'-fco offotid none but the offending, ad-IM^npief that true independence

language cannot beincom^WurteouB'irtfdreopccUiil bearing,^^g predooeator's contiaucd {>roa-^

Bojot^B'oit^rb yeaffl ih Abbevilleid hence .partial acquaintance witKjUon, intelligence and resoureea, weWon her abundant ability^ reward (ojf.all her Journalist*, and only re->IHuat wtbring ao.little of ability to meet jtitf ^ponsibilltiefl which on anticipated re- ,

these bticf remark*, wa'aubmlt our-j

i^ladverte, wi& all tha grace a dkap-.a1* jpj«.:£j; ow.- IftlLJUlMMI

laBHCyBJEKE^ '-vf?%<^ffi$:> r ,. vt

K^-.t V^/TCuJBBaBc^|aL -dtiOT^BffI||j

C*old«a Memories.This, out first paragraph for the J'rtin, is

rfrittan with flna fold pap, a praeont fromonr aataenad friend And former neighbor, D.Vi H*w*ho*k, of Dne WestA pen and scissors are two indispensables to

mi editor. The firtt especially should be a

;ood article.ono that glides smoothly acrossthe sheet, and that will retain a sufficientquantum of ink to jot down several lines ati>nee without returning to the iuk-bottlc. Sucha ono is that wo now hold. It will not howeverglido along all tho while without cessation ;for sometimes tho ideas stop and who couldblame a pen for tardiness >vlicn the power thatmoves it refuses to act ?But we said an editor's pen should be a good

one. Who could maintain his good humorwhen trying to write with a mcau pen f and ofall inert perhaps the oditor has most :<ced of allthe appliances to induce an even and good.tem-)per. It is bis vocation to -write of men and'things; and if anything disturbs his mentalequilibrium and "raises liis dander," ho is very,apt to speak more harshly than he would doBiroto do. Perhaps our friend Hawthornknew something of the irascibility of our nature,and knowing a good pen would aid inrendering 'diX* prospective labors more agreeabloto ourselves and more tolerable to others,kind\ ietermined to put an instrument intoour hands that would cut Bmoothly.May our pen last a hundred years, and the

donor as long, and every time we sco it maywe gratefully remember him as tho ono whofirst threw h. golden light o'or the path we have

nnnn A ». » 1 I

Local Statistics.Tho following interesting items of statistical

information linvc been kindly communicatedby o»ir worthy Tax Collector, lie anticipatedour wisli, as wo had thought of apptying tohim for something of tho kind, and ho willplease consider us obliged. t

Marriages in Abbeville District from January1st, 1853, to January 1st, 1864, 51; Birthsduring the same time.Males 68, Females 107.173 : Deaths durinor the snmn time.MiiIm53, Females 45.98. Births among tbc colored.Males 848, Females 856.703 ; Deaths.Males 148, Females 162.810.Taxable property in Abbeville District:.

98 fre« persons of color; 19,481 slaves ; $415.iogotTTOiiuL oi sales; $ 12,130 professional;$21*7,660 town and village lota; 3,250 acres ofbottom land ; 6,440 acr«s 1st quality npland ;91,787 2d quality upland; 625,630 8d quality.

Early Cotton.iuk. uahhib, residing near h niLcnaii in una

District, hasshown us several stalks of cotton,taken from hUrfarm on tho 28th alt, -which* isahead o?any "w« liave ecen or heard of thepreaent season. They are some ten or twelveinches in height, and upon each stalk arc severalsquares. It was onr surmise that theseplfcnta had been grown upon soino favored spotof^iis firm ; .bat he informed .us that it wasnot so.the field had not been manuredJn several3'ear*, and ho contends the superiorgrowthoi Dis coiion is owing mainly to bis manner ofcaUtijw..

' ^*ive him.a

Dispense the Light.With pleasure wd comply with the request o!

a friend to direct attention to the notice of theapproaching anniversary of the Abbeville BibioSociety, to be seen below. Let every onewho has a dollar or more uninvested rctncmbcithe day, and come up prepared to aid a causeso eminently worthy of support. Distributetho Bible plenteoualy, then prevail upon thegreat mass of the people to read it, and onehalfthe number of prisons, poor-houses andinfirmaries that now exist-.ai., hauleddown to give place to tho school-house, ~~

theeollego and church. God speed tho noblework I"Bujlk Society..The thiKy-first anniversarymeeting of the Abbeville District Bible Societywill be held in the M. & Church, at theCourt House on Wednesday, the 26th of July.The annual sermon will bo preached by Rev.A. D. Montgomery, and the address denveredby R. A. Fair, Esq. A full meeting ofthe Boardof Directors, consisting of T. C. I'errin, A.Giles, J. Moore, E. E. Pressly, 1L A Jones, J. T.Gibert* W. R. UcmpbilL F. G. Thomas, J. Dontrm m

iu, u. a. oiouu. a. weviin, J. M. latimor, O.W. Pressly, J. Dickson, i. Gillom, N. Harm,A. D. Montgomery, R. C. Qrior, W. T. Jones,J. 11. Pcrrin, E. H. WardUtr, and Isaac Branch,is earnestly requested at the counting room ofQ. H. Wardlaw, at 10 o'clock, on the morningOf the meeting. . IsaacBnANcn,So«..May 18, 15fi^ - ^Vl' , Taking- the Stump.

The Southern Patriot leartis that in LaurensDistrict the Electoral question is exciting considerableinterest. Stump speeches,.pro and»«, are-being made at every muster. Messrs.Juixivak and IIkndemon advocate the reform,'irtum Meaara. Iur ud Calhoun oppoae..rheaawreable men, and more than that, theyire men tit dignified bearing, ao that vhllfnuch light m£y be elicited from the discuseion,ittlefear need be entertainedjof an Intemper*ite, fanatical canvaae. ."

ng of thia question will engender any dJsajreeableatrife or diaqtiietade in onr midst. Theenfrment of the peopla. we believe t* be inirror of the change hot inasmuch aa the "withaidingit iavolrt^Jttle more tlin»QOvfralenoc ao^PjftTtfaea, arid a little expense»O* SUU/tty^rifi be alow to maaifeat

.. r~A Barber Ranted. » i

Tho wktber'iB'grOwing rati)or warm it op?pears in Edgefield for longhair and whiskers*Oar friend of the Advertuer is authorised. to

say that an "export shaver and hair-dresser"can find plenty of work at his village.

Aaurcsa "UOD wi1wker8, or "UIABLIE IHUStaciik,"Edgefield C. H.; no matter about thepostage. ^

Is there anything more to be mado at hairclipping thah can bo mode by pnper clipping,brother Advertiser f If so, tee might be inducedto invest..

The Eclipse.True to arrangement, the eclipse passed ofT

on Friday evening last There was a brisk domand for smoked gldsscs, and wo believe thespectators generally were pretty well satisfiedwith the performances oh the occdsioq. .

tJf-It ia rumored thai the administration liassent' down a seoret compiiuiober to* St'Domingo,tho-republioan end of the islarwl of Hiiytl,to sound tho official of that Country in Regardto annexation to the Unitod States.

».:The Oropa.

Fine rains have fallen in different sections oftho District tho post week, and we anticipate a

rapid growth of all kinds of crops.grass not

excepted.Appended is a condensed view of the crops

in various sections, as reported by the newspapers..r"^

Tiik Crops..From what wo can learn fromour farmers and planters, the crops of this Districtbid fair to lie abundant, '1 lie late rains,however, have given the weeds some advantage,ns the ground is too wet in many places toallow of plowing. Wheat looks fine whereversown on laud of sufficient strength to produceit at all. We have heard many farmers saythat it promises to bo the finest wheat cropgrown in this District for ninny ycari Oatslook remarkrbly well, and great hopes ire nowAIlfAriilituwl t.liilf n full nwin will I>n »nn,lnCorn is doing well, and if nothing intervenesour farmers will harvest an abundant yield,

Laurent Herald.Crops and Fruit..We understand that tlio

wheat crop is pretty good, and very little Injuredby the cold spring. There ib sonic rumorof rest in the wheat. Corn and cottonare growing finely, and wo have lately had afine season. There is still fruit in many portionsof the country.some pcaches, and*ajiplcsin great abundanoe.r-(7r«(*»t>W« Patriot*

rnosrEcr Brmuitkking..Since' thfr timelyrains of last week, oats and corn have taken astartThat will almost orutnre full orono* Ourexchanges from North Georgia report nne rainsin that section, and speak more hopefully ofthe prospect ahead. These rains appear tohave been general; if so, planters and fconsu-mem. will take courage..Ororgia paper,

Tiik Chops..A brief visit to tho parishes of"West Baton Rouge arid Point Coupeo, enablesthe editor,oC'jtiie Baton Houge Advocate tospeak from observation of tho crops in thoseparishes. The stands ofcane and corny wherewell worked, are looking fine and flourishing,although they are of course somewhat backwardfrom the tripling spells of cotd we^therwhich have OccasiflnaUy- intervened .

Wft liPArtfl (t'flfjitixl iknt anmotoiplantcorn m many four oipAt' preeenl, however, general ^ncdnr^Smeni iafelt at the proepeot of the crope.-^-JV.(0. DiUa.Whkat Crop rw Missouri..'The,St tiouis Intcliigengerof the 17th' alt, ill speaking of the

. quarter nrc expecting to cut their wlufct andhave it in market by the 25th of June.


Tho Shreveport Deraocrftt says the soDsaoforcrops Itas been fine thus far, good scn.ofT$$ferains and weather warm enough geitrall^Wo have had a few cold spells, and i littl6:frost once or twice sincc the first of Apll, butnot enough to injure the crops. Our ppnterseverywhere seem satisfied ; they bavfl goodstands of cotton, aud corn looks rcmi*kablythrifty. The corn on Red lliver is ji<w'fullwaist high, and will be in tassel ia the courseof ten days. J~--&mnra in T*xab..Tho Shelby R«veille.of tho6til BAJ Si " "~0 Brerlumnnnl r.tliaurrh1out tins county look remarkably well, ayd thatour planters havo larger and finor crops uf" cotton,corn, «fcc., and that they are nioro Jromiaingthan at any former period in the history ofShelby county.Tho Chattanooga Advertiser says tint the

present indications arc tntuli more favortble tothe whont crop than it had anticipated, a^d thatseveral farmers had pronounced the prtspectsas quite flattering.The Newberry Sentinel of the 80th ifaforms

us that the Corn and Cotton in that dUtejctare improving very much, and'from present apEearanceindicate the proinuo of a )x>unti(ularvort. *" v'^(

Bow to Stop this Oars.A vast amount of iejqtyj to railroad* iffalna

and loss of lifomight bo prevented were'eyerybodyas oarcful'ahd heroin m Hi« in^«, ..~ w yww,fnnmed. There arc doubtless some who would

not care U» prevent any accident, however terrible,so long aa their own flesh and bones aroout of harm's way. Such ones could see nothingto imitate in the following paragraph,which we oopy for those who under similar;cir«nmstanoes would wish to act similarly..Such deeds deserve record. /

"Oae day Ia«fe week Mm Horiop., who rebi<m&about threo'miJes west of.Osw&ro. **«' -

large pinertre«rf*H directly iuroM the railroadtatofc.^She instantly laid down thebaby,called her basband from hia work, and thevbbtbrritffu, the railroad, a dirftoeTefhundred yard* taking an axe wffh them. Butthetavewu Kw^ and not l«3*than threefeet in diameterwhere it crossed the trae^ theo^^vie-fcm °rt tnrTa ia1^° road»' and

hand. Probably at the «tgg<*iion of the vife,to wnmen toe al £̂florton immediatftlv look


r More Candidates Wanted.

^ Tlio subjoined fftrtigraph 1ms been communjcatedfor. publication. We shall bo pleased jto- hear. not only from Messrs. IIearjbt and KVanck, but from any and all others who mfcy olbe disposed to take the field: j|r

Tiik friends of tlic South, coll upon Dr. J. W.Hearst and CoL J K. Vance £o anuounco tlicm- tliselves as candidates for the Legislature, at tlio cinext election. }"

NEWS" ITEMS.Senator Butler..Wo are gratified to meet

our faithful and esteemed Scuator, Judge But- !"ler, here yesterday, looking well and in fine ,z

spirits. Ho is on a brief visit to his home iu .

Edgefield. 18

iiojf. Angus i attkrson..He regret to learnfrom the Bnciiwell Sentinel, that this gentle- tlmop, so long the President of our State Senate, 1andone so universally esteemed, expired at hisresidence inJDfarnwell on Friday evening lostWkll Done..We are truly gratified lo per- P

ceive that in rfc'cordance with the desire expesscdthrortgh resolutions adopted at a public meet- w

ing of th'o Citizens of Charleston, held on the 8110th ult., the City Council at their meeting on °'Tuesday last, resolved to subscribe $260,000 to *1the Charleston and Savannah Itail Road, in or- PJn. n ,,.. tl.o ,<t !,. .n:A I>^»,1 C.Iuvt VV OVVUt O VIIV V1IHI Vt VU\> DUtU Ituau*

d<A pantlicr measuring teven and a half feetfrom the tip of his tail to the nose, was rccent- n

ly killed in a cane-brake, about threo miles from otCross plains, in Ilobertson County, Tenn. Hewas tracked by a fine hunting dog, and drivento a tree, from which he was dislodged, and af- qtor two or three "bouts" with the aog and negroman, who was unarmed, and in which hisassnildnte came off second best, he was finallybrought down by Mr. l'evit Fry, who lodged a c(rifle-ball amonghis face and eyes. lie is sup- 0puitcu to novo uccu a traveller. pPunishment Commuted.."We lenrn that Wm,

Fowler, convicted of murder, and sentenced at Pthe lato term, of the Court of Appeals to be "

hung on the 28th of July, has received at thehands of His Exccllcncy, Gov. Manning, a com- 1|mutation of his sentence. Instead of being ?iiung, he is to be imprisoned six months.

Productions of Cuba,.Tho annual produc- £tions of Cuba aro Bnid to comprise $13,300,000worth of sugar; $16,000,000 of tobacco ; $2,- <1Q 1 A AAA . ftQ AA/I AAAVAVyVUV. VI VVIIVC | V*)WW|VW VI V'UIU i ttUU J]$7,000,000 worth of other Agricultural pro- vduce. The grand total of its productions, ineluding dairy and domestio animals, average t!ft59.600.0Q0 per annum. Tho population isover ono million. . . ..tl

' Small Nutes in Virginia are 'prohibited on 81and after the first of June. The Richmond and *

Petersburg Railroad Company, it is said, have "

anticipated -tho measure, ana stopped takingllwra on tlx.Both ult, The butchers r>f Win- v

chestcr have also refused to take them any ri

longer, and tho prospect is that the law will begenerally observed. "

hA number of citizens of Columbia upa rrof.Hnr.;--o "t> m

up a memorial to.presqnt to the Legislature at a,its pext session, praying an act for incorpora- r,ting a Mutual Life Insurance Company.The Sfartanbubq Mutk Asylum..This importantInstitution, situated about four miles

from Spartanburg, under tho direction of N. P. dWalker, Esq., was the scene of much attentionand interest on Friday last. "

In accordance to an appointment, a regular c<

fecundation of the student* in their several de- ^

Caftroetfta ^ofettfdy.eame off, before A very»rge and influential portion of the citizens of ®'tho District.., *: 'JTlie students wcro examined principally hy "

Messrs. Hughston and Springs assisted by the 11two Misses Wal&erand Migs Cunningham. Geo- n.

Cunningham and the other to Mr. llughston.At the close of the examination, S. Bobo, Esq., ^

delivered an Address on Education, which issaid to have boon woll received..Spartanburg r.'JExpreu. ^Presbyterian O. S. Genebal Assembly. c,Bu»Valo. Mav 28..The Asseinblv. after a wnrm ..

debate, broke.up tbe large Synod of Philadcl- fcphia, making a new Synod out of the Presbyteriesof Baltimore, Carlisle and theEastern Shore, ],to bo oallcd the Synod of Baltimore. pAn overturo was received from the SccondPresbytery of New York, in referenco to tlieclergymen withdrawing from the church with- aout corcmouy. A resolution was adopted tbat tltire rule Ira to erake the name from the roll. 0The report of Board of Domestic Missions 0was read by the Rev. Dr. Musgrave. o- The receipts of the yenr were $75,000. Lai- Iance in the treasury $11,000. uThe report proposes raising $100,000 as an sextra fund during the year for Church extension Bjpurposes. o. The Assembly is now engaged on tho subject <jof ministerial support. 0

Defalcation at tiib Unitkd States Mp*r..Itis generally reported thatone of thac lief clerks I 81

of the United States Mint, well known^U'cito *

of the most experienced in the institution, is a *

defaulter to a large amonut* which is Tvieculy "

reported at from $15,000 up to $100,Oft).-Tho "

circumstances have not folly tranajxred, butt it 0is understood -the frieAds of the officer w\[U n<make up the losses. The alleged defaulter htrslinrati>fai>a kama 1 5..̂MWi vw»v*w MVi HU u*uu tVJ^UWVtVIJ, BUU U astrict member of the cliuw*, He had been ab-Msent from the Mint for two weeks..Carolinian.

Charleston and Savannah RailhoaS..TheSavannah Republican, of "Wednesday, says'thatthe subscription by our City Council of (360,- u|000 to the Charleston and Savannah Railroad fohas placed, the completion of a railroad connexionbetween Savannah and Charleston be1 y<yond doubt or uncertainty. Tho corps of engiineers having dfo-veyed three differeat routes.have now left.the field for office work; andthe Chic£ l&r. McRae, is preparing hfa reportthat will determine the selection jot route. goThe Ope]ilea railroad- will be' finished thisyear, and the direct road from Charleston to ^Wilmington will be completed, during the year. m<Thus, la ftitiort nmo » »- *

ins through Charleston wffliwiid, hecompleted to Mobile, within p®*»odyears. The» o«n hardl*J» » donbt th«i U»* ryroad from Columbus to Motile will be openedwithin thai period. ticThe two cities ofthe Atlantic will thus * » Ttcover the mails aod pass^n^ers, which now- pass

Standi."VTehavo received from Mr. Brook* tb$ No

oakaBilL The menxuro 'provides for the ormirationof tlie territories of Nebraska andansae. It confers the richt of bu(Trace andigibility to officoat firtl election, and theansformation of tlie Government, npon everyeo white male inhabitant above the age ofyenty-ono years, who shall be an actual reslBiitof said territory. This is the principle of10 fifth section, establishing squatter sorer*gnty. But the qualifications of voters and ofaiding office at all subsequent elections shall3 such as shall bo prescribed by the legislativesscmbly. Here was interpolated tho Claytonrovininn aa fnllnwa'" Provided, that the right of euflfraco and ofaiding office shall bo exercised only by the citcnsof the United States." *

*Thisprovision is rejected by the House, and'expected to constitutda subject of contentionzaiti in the Senate. 1The clauso of tlio bill vhich proved the greationic of debate and sttffo is ineludVA^p^tllVItb ecction, and is as follows: . i" That the constitution, and all the jMjlrgjfle United States which are not loeally^M^licable, shall have the same force anaWmithin the said territory of Nebraska as I&mhere within the United States. Except tfeftth section ofan aoi preparatory to the admissionf Missouri into Iho Union, approved Marchio sixth, 1820, which was superseded byrthepinninloa of tlta lA»loUii«n lOKA..uv.|..vu v* VMV I^IOIHIIIUU V* 1UUV| VUiUUIVUIJTilled the comproniso measures, and is herebyeclarcd inoperative."The whole country will feel some relief that»e bill has been got rid of in some way..Car'inian.

From the Baltimore Sun.treat Excitement in Boston.U. S. OfficerBilled.

Boston, May 27.An alleged fugitive slave, named BurnB, wasjnfined in the Court House. The buildinga the 2Gth was attacked by a mob, for theurnosc of rescuing him.The doors and windows were broken, buf theolicu having made a dozen arrests, the disturancewas quelled.During the riot at a still later hour, James

intchelder, a special officer of tho UnitedStateslarshal, was sliot dead. At midnight two mil-,atj t;vui|7i»uiVO IUUV1IUU LUC COUTl 9(JUflrC, filmrore quartered in the City Hail and Courtlouse.A large force of officers were detached foruring the night outaido the Court House, andthroughout the whole night an additional forceras inside fully armed.At an early hour this morning, a mob of

hree hundred was assembled in Court Square.When the examination ofBurns commencedbe mob had increased to two or three thouand.A company of United States Marinesrere stationed in the Court House, and an aditionalregiment of infantry ordered out .

<At 12 a. ra. the examination wm proceedingritll intensu MXcftAmntifr. nnil^ ov v v*aA uivtoiotcrs were arrested.

A dctachment of United States marine?, nnerLieut. Bird, were on duty inside the conrtou8c parading the passage ways. The multiidecontinued to increase, and Mayor Smithddrcssed them, after which..the riot- act wasoad.Batcheldor, the deputy mornhall who'wos.shotsaves a family.The examination will not close before Monay,at the request of Bnra'ajcounsel. '

Account ok tiik ARnEa#&pr Bobns..Theoston papers of Friday givolKe following ac<iunt of tho amet-of Burns, the fugitive, which>o)r nln/>hAnConsiderable excitement was caused in ourty yesterday, when it. became known thjit' aigitive slave"had been arrested, and Waa inte custody of the United States marshal Free*ian. The name of the alleged slave is Authory Burns, a negro 25 years of age. He wasrrested in Court street, on Weahefldw^;£^jing. and escorted to the Court House, wtipd» waa kept during the inight. ' VYesterday1 morningbe was brought-before\**S& Apkil3lL hearing ni had in u« IfaUed State* courtmn. Mr. Seth J. Thomaa and Edward C. PnrKappeared as oounafel for the <rtaimaat, andIn Richard H. Hana, jf., and' C.^BL IQHa-Tolun:crcdfor the prisoner.Mr. Parkerproduced and read copies of thescora oi the oircuit court of Virginia, id sesonon the 16th instant, at Alexandria, certiringthe fact of Mr. Suttle concerning the esupeof Burns from service, after which he call1ns a witness William Brent, who testified asillows: ' " * 1

I reside in Richmond, Va.; am a merchant;avo resided'there four years; know Mr; ChaB.. Suttle ; he now resides in Alexandria; he umerchant; know Anthony Burns, (witnesslentified thoprisoner as Burns; now see himt the bar in front; he is the man referred to inlie record which has just been read; he iswned by Mr. Buttle as a slave; ho wasformorlywned by Mr. Battle's mother; Mr. Suttle haswned him for the last twelve or fifteen ygmfconco hired Anthony ofMr. Sattle;uttle for hit) services; know: ifrniIwtryoittig from llichmopd on or abooi^fho siitu dpyf March leat ; have sine* uallFV

ay night -I hea*&A$Bxbj£'-

-, w&**Burns came to the city iik March liut, and has

inc« boen in th) etmiloyment of Coffin Pitta,soond hand cloWdSW, in Brattle street..lo CAm^by^WS^er, having sailed from Richmond,VarvWrtnanlfested a deaira to return to

MlTCmtiu. wllTch WO lieurd vp*t/>r«Jrv

Buttle (to Burns,).have yon not always revivedkind treatment of met ' >/; .

Boms.Yob. -

Buttle.Have I not always permitted von to» where and work for whom you pleaaeafBurns.Ye*Suttlc.When vou Were sick, did I not triva

[> myown bed thatyon might be made as oomrtableaspotsiblef40 ** * ).Yon did, master,

>U did, kind msjUr.Suttle.Do yda want to go baek to VirginiaBorn#.J-do.Buttle.Will yon go back?

wHl. '-Twait.iojjo to-day. I am a*od deal happier ai hom®.Prom this it will apjttar that hi will readilyanuTtohavebe^


married u> a Mr. 'Fye:*lHere's a cUance for little PumpkiaPyea^t&*Pumpkin 1s good.'

Tli© Market. I"mAuncviLLE, Jane 3, In

Cotton..Prices rang*' f-iui 5 to 8 conH

Columbia, Maysi."til a !- -1 " *'*,,u u»«auu id rcprivu uiui, ana IOrmorquotationsare still tlio ruline nteK vii:*-'

.6 to8 1-2 cts. jggs:ClIABUMTON, May 8».

Tlio cotton market in active.sale ofthe da\860 bales prices 7 to 0 1-4'


will sustain her two existing papers, (and w«hoposhe may,) it will be ample exercise f<Wher liberality. C'To those gentlemen of the preM -wh#v

so kindly hailed my prospectus, I ol "

ranees ofmy profoundest thanis. V 4,c. a Poc4^ V


|ENOUGH of Charles Morgin lias been nnh. .1 'J lislicd to cnablo its readers to determine, *

whether or not, it is worthy a place id theirLIBRARIES. If a eufficicnt number of NAMBPbo seat ino at Greenwood or to-the Press Offico,to insure the paying for tho Publication,JpBOOK FORM, I will publish.but nc^|^Vr%wise. <3#'» >The BOOK will contain 260 pogc/gK; '

PRICE cannot exceed FIFTY cent^g^si*Less.wS"1 liavo bVcn induced to this sten br aX..

received from a distinguished graOfaW&k.Charleston, making the suggestion. v VSjj*j .

tiie authorsJune 3, 1864. 56

EDWARD WBSTPnaj),ABBEVILLE COURT HOUSE,,*.. Ci ..1?"DETURNS thanks, for pvt.Uroi% and r«- %AVfapectfully salioiUacontwnince oftfoMtnafT^rHe kmpd cohttfcriily on hud, ofl&WWamiuitff?

a^hrrs, stirk'up*

1-iiu muortiu, crcaito^concern will t»ke notiee, >fifc^fc5S^rSK7^tlepent of the Estate OfThom<«O/llwJW^ 1ceased, will toko place in the Orfin*^!«,3pi4(R|»'; SpatAbbeville Court House, on the twenty-fourth <j£j|dny of August next; and in the mean time, it..is expectxia that'bll demands wflfhe. rwoitf^oPU,24UjJ8^

J0HJ* SADLElt, j"

-Notice*A LL persbni Indebted to.the firm oTjNU|M!w£«,

jm,noar Scufffetown.'in AbbovilloSaluda River, containing aboat

Wine HandredOno hundred ncres of BOTTOM," aad'tw^WRdred acrea of "Wood Lnnd.

Screw^ Thrasher, Ac, on tho =8*eldWytuyere

Very much dec»yeJPj^d^T^Iz/He says that he ran away from Aw HiMffGreen^ county, 6«*«ho^i't«a^i|

Qougn* wn rom * Uendcnso"county,Jforlh Carolina. YThfinwa» on Ins way to IfortJiCarolina.- Ho lutdpaw badly -wntten, «Dd da^^twenty Boraijt

vu wmi vnmum UMnoOfDsMflBMCHflBH«Myi the