The Indian Arch '16 Brief

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  • THE INDIAN ARCH 2015-16

    National Association of Students of ArchitectureThe Indian Arch, 2016Re-Evolution

    The Indian Arch, being the annual magazine of NASA, India, showcases the association, and its essence to the whole world. As such, this magazine demands professionalism and elegance in its form and content .

    The Indian Arch 2016 promises to be a resplendent conglomeration of articles and graphics dwelling on architecture, its students and practitioners and their life in general. In order to create a publication which is enriching in experience for a varied and myriad range of readers, we are privileged to release the Brief for The Indian Arch 2016 to call for quality entries to be published.

    The final publication to be released during the Annual NASA Convention 2016, shall accommodate a substantial content based on the entries received in response to this brief.

    Articles:The articles in the magazine will be classified as follows: Champhalimaud

    This formal segment of The Indian Arch 2016 shall feature an article dedicated to an iconic Indian architect and also include the cover story articles of the publication.

    Jawahar Kala This informal yet clinically technical segment of The Indian Arch 2016 shall feature articles from present students, faculty members and recent graduates.

    Kanchanjunga This segment of The Indian Arch 2016 is for casual and light reading. It shall feature articles celebrating the journey of becoming an architect, of scaling new heights; tales from the table of the greenhorn!

    Bharat Bhavan This Newsletters segment of The Indian Arch 2016, featuring NASA, India, shall accommo-date the annual news and official reports of this association.

    A. Champalimaud:This segment of formal articles has a prescribed brief, and write-ups need to be sent, following which, quality articles will be selected and published.This section shall fit in the prime feature stories of the magazine: Cover story Dedication story

    Cover story:The Metropolitan Indian cities of today have developed and evolved through centuries to what they are today. Have you ever wondered as to what course, the fates of such cities would have taken, what changes to the present reality would have unfolded, had certain periods of history been RE-written, certain decisions RE-taken, certain plans RE-drawn?

  • THE INDIAN ARCH 2015-16

    National Association of Students of ArchitectureThe Indian Arch, 2016Re-Evolution

    To cite a fitting example, one may take up Babur, the first Mughal emperor who laid the foundation of the Mughal rule in the Indian subcontinent. He had turned his sights on India and decided to try and conquer lands here after his fathers death, the destruction of his mud fortress in Fergana, present Uzbekistan, and also since he faced relentless efforts from his relatives to dislodge him from his throne after his ascension. What if these factors had not urged Babur to invade India? How would the absence of the Mughals have shaped Indian history? What kind of a city could Delhi be or what kind of shift in architectural paradigm could have occurred with the absence of a Mughal lineage? Would India, and specially Delhi, have been better off without them?

    This was a scenario wherein alteration of historic occurrences is being deliberated upon.

    On a slightly different note, if we ponder about the Battle of Plassey It is known that Nawab Siraj-Ud-Daulah had an army numerically superior to that of the small British contingency; and that the Nawab was in possession of a larger number of canons which would have helped him win the battle easily despite the conspiracies of Mir Jafar. Had Siraj owned tarpaulin sheets or some contraption to cover the canons on that rainy night before the Battle of Plassey, his canons wouldnt have got damp and would have functioned properly, thus resulting in a crushing defeat of the British forces. As Lord Clive recounts, even after the battle as they were returning on horseback, the roads were flanked by thousands of Indian villagers. Clive comments, that if each villager had picked up a single stone and thrown it at the returning soldiers, theyd have been buried alive. What if it hadnt rained that night? What if the conspirators had failed to act? What if the villagers had won the losing battle for the Nawab? Maybe the Colonial Architecture at large that we find would have been replaced by structures totally indigenous or otherwise

    In this case, not just political, but a mere climatological factor, besides the farsightedness, or lack thereof, of the ruler and the ruled, the innate timidity of the villagers who did not dare to pick up a stone, changes the face of history as we know it.

    What would our country be like, had one little thing gone differently? We shall never know We can only resort to conjecture.

    Keeping the aforementioned examples in mind, give us a comprehensive account of a present scenario of your choosing; along with its causes and effects and thereafter provide us with your make-believe scenario, explaining the events that would lead up to it, supporting your views and inferences with sound logic and illustrations, if you may please, and elaborate on the effects it would have on our nation making it different from as we know it today, and more so to the architectural interventions.

    Give history a break. Give your imagination a push, and back it up with logic and rational explanations.

    The article must fit within four A4 pages, as per the specifications mentioned later. A few articles based on innovation, flair and logic shall be chosen. The shortlisted authors may be required to

  • THE INDIAN ARCH 2015-16

    National Association of Students of ArchitectureThe Indian Arch, 2016Re-Evolution

    further fine-tune their write-up to make it contextually more relevant to the publication.

    Dedication article:Charles Correa, the legendary personality has been a master in re-inventing traditional Indian architectural tenets in his own design. The abundant use of open courtyards and kunds can be predominantly found throughout the lengths and breadths of his design boundaries. The amazing play of openness and veils of protective cover proclaims its Indian roots.

    Do you find other such predominant or not so predominant or even overlooked features which this master, a class of his own, has Re-Evolutionized through his projects in todays perspective?

    In within four A4 pages, write about the Correan features you feel have influenced, rather revolutionised the scenario of Indian Architecture in a way so befitting, that it has become a part of the indigenous Indian style. One article will be selected by the host editorial team, and

    will be published in The Indian Arch, 2016.

    B. Jawahar Kala:This section will accommodate the technical articles of the magazine from students, faculty members, and recent graduates. This section has no prescribed guidelines, and no restrictions on the selection of subject. Just keep it technical.

    Write about the lost cities of the globe such as those of the Incas or the legendary city of Atlantis; write about the urban fabric affecting the lives of millions; write about Re-Evolution of public spaces with the growth in urban cult and change in its built form; parley on the extremes the army men guarding the Siachen need to go through and what kind of interventions our profession can provide them with; the kind that needs to be built to endure the Sahara or the Atacama; interpret the streamlined glass facade, as opposed to the bold grain of exposed concrete

    Authors are always free to choose their own subject!

    Articles in this section are to be submitted within four A4 pages. A few of the best entries, as selected by the host editorial team will be published in The Indian Arch, 2016.

    C. Kanchanjunga:Fun entries from the young architects in the making, the youth on their journey to scale great heights; this segment asks for entries that one shall expect to be jovial, festive and experiential. Archi-Tales, college and lifestyle Photographs, illustrations, doodles and graphics

    Post anything. Literally.

  • THE INDIAN ARCH 2015-16

    National Association of Students of ArchitectureThe Indian Arch, 2016Re-Evolution

    Your relationship with coffee or the hangouts at the chai, coffee and more shop near your college gate; the leaking Rotring while drafting that ensured a major blot on paper and extended to ones impression; the smudged eye liner being a dreaded peril of all-nighters before jury; your road-trips certainly must have impressive tales to tell; or talk about how a sheet of paper has become your bread and butter

    Your life. Your ink. Your words. Unchain your emotions, pen down your memories, remembrance from the best days of your life.

    Articles need to be submitted within two A4 pages, and a few of the selected ones shall be published in The Indian Arch, 2016. There are no guidelines for other forms of printable entries.

    D. Bharat Bhavan (NASA Newsletters) :Official NASA chapter of the magazine: This section contains the reports and news of NASA, India. Articles about the Zonal NASA conventions of 2015, workshops, seminars, and events hosted throughout the year. News articles regarding the proceedings throughout the year needs to be published. Send in the Zonal news, any news published in the local newspaper, or otherwise. Individual messages from the zonal presidents, reports on workshops, and so on.

    Compile your write-ups within two A4 pages and all newsletters will be published in The Indian Arch, 2016.

    General guidelines and regulations: Page layout

    Articles need to be composed with Microsoft word. The standard A4 sized page with normal margins (one inch on all sides) is to be used in all cases. Text has to be typed using Calibri font, in sentence case, and no spacing style, having font size 12. All text and supporting illustrations, if any, needs to be composed in a single Ms Word (.docx) file, maintaining the page limitation mentioned in the respective articles. There is no separate word limitation, but one has to stick to the page limitation; any image if attached to the word file has to be sent separately.

    Visual articles & scans All images needs to have a good (above 180 dpi) resolution, so that it does not pixelate during publishing. Photographs sent in for publishing has to be of 300 dpi resolution. Any hand drawn illustration, doodle or any artwork needs to be scanned with a high resolution. Photographed version of the same will not do. All visual articles sent needs to have a caption of not more than 25 words typed in a MS Word (.docx) file, with the photographers name, and sent along. Without the caption file, entries shall not be considered for publishing.

    File name The word file has to be named in the manner as described: ___.docx

  • THE INDIAN ARCH 2015-16

    National Association of Students of ArchitectureThe Indian Arch, 2016Re-Evolution

    The Category is as mentioned earlier numbered as A,B, C & D. While the type and title is left at the logical discretion of the author. If a student from Z509 sends a casual article titled Dead before the deadline, then the article will have a file name: C_architales_dead-before-deadline_Z509.docx If a faculty member from Z612 sends a technical article titled Principles of a good space, then the article will have a file name: B_facultytechnical_principles-of-a-good-space_Z612.docx The authors name, year, college name and code, along with the article category and type should be very distinctly mentioned at the end of the article, on a separate page. Failure to provide these details will result in cancellation of your entry.

    Number of selections Selection for publication in The Indian Arch, 2016 will be at the sole discretion of the host editorial team.

    Dates and deadlines For all articles other than the cover story, the submission date is 10th October, 2015. For entries of the cover story, the stories must reach us within 20th September, 2015. The authors of the selected articles will be then duly notified, and an additional fortnight will be

    provided for finetuning the article. No entries will be accepted after the deadline.

    Important dates:Queries till: 15th Septmber, 2015Deadline for cover story: 20th September, 2015

    Deadline for all articles (incl. final cover stories): 10th October, 2015

    Authors/contributors please note: Stick to the page limitations & file naming format, else it will be tough for us to manage. Send high resolution visual articles; Pixelated content will be rejected. Follow the deadline; defaulters will not be accepted.

    Important contacts:Queries and submissions: [email protected] Indian Arch Co-ordinator: Shubhayan Modak (+918653792921)Unit Secretary: Shubhasish Chowdhury (+917384697011)Unit Designee: Asutosh Prasad (+919038417364)

    The Indian Arch 2016National Association of Students of Architecture, IndiaDepartment of Architecture, Town and Regional Planning

    Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur