Inner Riches Livecast Project:Yourself PresentsThe Inner Riches Livecast A virtual hangout with some of the world’s most brilliant human potential experts, mind scientists, medical professionals and leaders as they unveil today’s best wisdom for awakening your highest consciousness & potential. Your complimentary spot is reserved and your Livecast access link has been emailed to you. Please review this pre-class PDF sidekick to get the most out of your upcoming experience. This should take you no more than 12 minutes. Congratulations for deciding to join the Inner Riches Livecast! This online livecast will empower you with a handpicked selection of practical tools and wisdom you can use to draw on your dormant inner powersand create spectacular change in any area of your life - including your career, finances, health and relationships. From neuroscientists and physicists to ancient health care specialists, we’re bringing in some of the world’s top experts to share some of the most powerful personal growth tools, insights and breakthroughs available today. You’ll also get to take part in immersive exercises for the mind, body and spirit - and even an exhilarating group meditation with thousands of participants from across the world.

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Inner Riches Livecast

Project:Yourself Presents…

The Inner Riches Livecast A virtual hangout with some of the world’s most brilliant human

potential experts, mind scientists, medical professionals and leaders as they unveil today’s best wisdom for awakening your

highest consciousness & potential.

Your complimentary spot is reserved and your Livecast access link has been emailed to you.

Please review this pre-class PDF sidekick to get the most out of your upcoming experience. This should take you no more than 12 minutes.

Congratulations for deciding to join the Inner Riches Livecast!

This online livecast will empower you with a handpicked selection of practical tools and wisdom you can use to draw on your dormant inner powers… and create spectacular change in any area of your life - including your career, finances, health and relationships.

From neuroscientists and physicists to ancient health care specialists, we’re bringing in some of the world’s top experts to share some of the most powerful personal growth tools, insights and breakthroughs available today.

You’ll also get to take part in immersive exercises for the mind, body and spirit - and even an exhilarating group meditation with thousands of participants from across the world.

Inner Riches Livecast

No prior experience or skills are necessary!

The Inner Riches Livecast could mark a major turning point in your life - so for your own benefit, please clear up your schedule and make time for this. You deserve to do this for yourself.

And for now, please review this pre-class PDF sidekick to prepare yourself (pay extra attention to the written exercise at the end of this document).

Inner Riches Livecast

Here’s what to expect at the Inner Riches Livecast:

1. You’ll connect with Project:Yourself founders Amish Shah & Dr. Puja Shah, and get inspired by true success stories from Project:Yourself members just like you.

We’re getting personal on this Livecast.

Amish and Puja will share their most intimate personal stories of how they used the exact same meditations and tools you now have to get out of their darkest moments, and turn their lives around.

Then, they’ll introduce you to some of Project:Yourself’s most inspiring success stories - people who have applied their learnings to reinvent their careers, heal themselves of illnesses, find the love of their lives, and so much more.

You’ll be motivated, you’ll discover new ways to apply your conscious practices, and you may even feel inspired to share your own personal experiences through our online chat tool.

Inner Riches Livecast

2. You’ll spend a whole life-changing day with world-class authorities on personal growth and peak performance - including neuroscientists, physicists, sound healers, spiritual leaders and more.

John Assaraf, brain researcher, serial entrepreneur and star of The Secret

John will share his remarkable discoveries in the field of neuroscience, and simple ways you can work with your brain to be more creative, intuitive, empathic and abundant.

David Wolfe, Health, Eco, Nutrition and Natural Beauty Expert

Living up to his reputation as the Indiana Jones of superfoods, David will reveal the foods you should be eating (and avoiding at all costs) to nourish, heal and protect your body.

Bill Harris, Director of Centerpointe Research Institute

Bill, inventor of the world-famous Holosync meditation technology, will give you today’s best mind tools and ‘hacks’ for boosting your mind power, creativity, intuition and self-awareness.

Inner Riches Livecast

Nassim Haramein, physicist and Director of The Resonance Project

Dive into the mind-blowing world of physics, matter and energy with the legendary Nassim Haramein, as he reveals how to harness the building blocks of reality to elevate your life.

Pedram Shojai, physician, eastern wellness expert and founder of Well.org

Combining his decades of experience in Eastern and Western wellness, Pedram will equip you with refreshingly holistic tools and practices for elevating your mind, body and spirit.

Trupti Gokani M.D., neurologist & ayurvedic physician

Discover Trupti’s fascinating world of mind ‘hacks’ and natural remedies for health and wellbeing - without drugs, surgery, or detrimental side effects.

Niraj Naik, former pharmacist turned brain researcher and sound healer

Learn the fascinating story of a pharmacist who healed himself of a chronic illness not with medication, but with meditation and brainwave entrainment technology.

Inner Riches Livecast

3. You’ll be part of an exhilarating live GROUP meditation that will draw on the power of our collective intent and bring a particular abundant outcome into reality.

By having thousands of us meditate together, connected through our presence and the power of the Internet, we’ll draw on our collective intent to focus on an outcome that we most want for each other.

What this outcome is will be decided before the session, based on the community’s collective feedback. It could be a stronger wealth mindset. A positive synchronicity that enters our lives. Or even a specific outcome like a raise at work, or physical or emotional healing.

Live group meditations are exhilarating and transformational experiences - we can’t wait to do this with you!

Your complimentary spot is reserved and your Livecast access link has been emailed to you.

4. You’ll learn how to trigger dramatic elevations of your mind, body and spirit through conscious practices that combine ancient wisdom and modern science.

The Project:Yourself philosophy is to train you by harnessing the best of both ancient wisdom and space-age science. We believe that harmonizing these two approaches is the key to manifesting exponential growth in every area of your life.

Inner Riches Livecast

On the Livecast you’ll go deeper into why our unique approach to personal growth works - and how to get more out of it through specific techniques that deepen and elevate you faster.

We’ll also dive into subjects like chakras, genetics, quantum mechanics, and other phenomenons that have an astonishing effect on your reality (and that can be harnessed to elevate your reality).

By the end of the Livecast, you’ll have a toolkit of powerful holistic practices you can reach into whenever you need to channel success, joy, abundance, wellbeing, personal power and wisdom into any area of your life.

5. You’ll learn how to harness the reality-bending power of the Sri Yantra - a 12,000-year-old symbol revered by scientists and spiritual teachers alike.

Inner Riches Livecast

For thousands of years, the Sri Yantra has been used as a tool for deep meditation and concentration.

On the Livecast, you’ll learn quick and simple techniques you can use every day to funnel the Sri Yantra’s creation power into your life. Not only to meditate, but to manifest, visualize and attract abundance and wellbeing.

It’s fascinating and almost strange that a symbol can create such incredible results in a person’s reality - but during the class, once you see the science and history behind the Sri Yantra, the truth will become clear to you.

Inner Riches Livecast

Checklist: how to get the best results from the Inner Riches Livecast

Find yourself a quiet and comfortable place. The Livecast will last approximately 8 hours, so you should be as comfortable and at ease as possible. Certain exercises and meditations will take you into a deep state of mind, so no driving or operating heavy machinery. We understand that you may have unavoidable plans at some parts of the day - so do join us for as much as you can, and remember that some quality time is better than no quality time.

Take note that the sessions can be accessed from anywhere you have an internet connection - so you could also do it in a park or a

beach, if you prefer. Turn off all sources of distraction. That means music (except meditation music), your mobile phone, Facebook, email, Twitter, and anything else that could draw you away from the moment. Make sure you have a fast and stable internet connection. You’ll be joining thousands of people who are streaming audio and video from our site - so it’s important that you have a reliable connection. Equipment to prepare: a pair of headphones or speakers, a pen and paper to write down notes (or your journal if you prefer), and an open mind :)

Inner Riches Livecast

Finally, for best results, please do this written exercise before the Livecast:

Awakening your dormant powers to create the biggest improvements you want in your life is not something that can happen overnight.

It takes time, positive energy, and a persistent intention.

And so in this exercise, we’ll go through how to spark a big shift in your life… through making small changes.

Tools needed: a pen and paper, and a few short minutes of focused time.

1. First, find a relaxing spot to sit down in, turn on some soft lounge music if you like and then ask yourself:

What do I want my average Perfect Day to look like?

Write down your answer in the form of a schedule, from the moment you wake up to the moment you sleep.

This schedule should include what time you wake up and what you do once you are awake. Do you start by kissing your spouse? Hugging your kids? Expressing gratitude? Going for a run and coming back to a home-cooked breakfast?

Remember, you want this to be an average day, because for some people, their 'perfect' day means waking up and flying to Bali on the whim - but remember this is about what you normally do that would feel perfect.

As you write down this schedule, take the effort to visualize the scenario in your head to make sure you’re tapping into the scientifically proven power of visualization.

Inner Riches Livecast

2. When you’re done, read your answer from beginning to end. Don't make any corrections or changes.

Even from here, you may be able to see the little habits that you can actually start instilling today to get yourself even closer to this vision.

You may feel some changes are way too big to make right away. In that case, set a clear intention to get there, and trust that your subconscious mind will pursue that intention.

3. In simply setting this intention, don’t be surprised to find hidden opportunities cropping up, or new ideas or habits float into your reality, which in turn drive you towards the big changes you had tuned your intention for.

4. Now, you may wonder why we are focusing on the small changes, when it’s the big transformations we’re after.

The reason is, this exercise helps you shift focus from short term gain to steady long term results.

You may recall the moral from the fable of the tortoise and the hare:

Slow and steady wins the race.

That's what this is about. It's about choosing realistic changes that you will stick with to attain your higher goal - like saying thank you more often, or reading a story to your kids before bed. Or what about spending 10 minutes meditating, or being sure to eat breakfast before you leave for work?

Inner Riches Livecast

5. Final step: read over the perfect day again and write down, on a different paper, a list of things you must change in your current reality to make this perfect day your new reality.

You just need to be determined enough to stick with these changes for 30 days (that’s the time studies have shown it takes to turn into an automatic habit). Then you can move on to the next little goal and keep going.

Remember, how we spend our days is how we spend our lives!

And if you’re ready to create a life full of these perfect days, remember to join us for as much of the Livecast as possible. You’ll get powerful

wisdom and daily practices you can use to instantly expand your consciousness, creation power and inner strength.

Congratulations! You’re now ready for the Inner Riches Livecast

Your complimentary spot is reserved. Please check your email for your Livecast

access link.