1 The Inside Scope Yerba Mate has become the next popular beverage. The herbal tea comes in various forms, and has gained its popularity by claiming to provide consumers with a jitter free energy boost. How is Yerba Mate made? Yerba Mate is prepared by steeping the leaves of the yerba mate tree, which is the descent of the Holly tree and is found in the rainforests of South America. Once the leaves are steeped in hot water, the tea is traditionally served in a calabasa gourd with a metal straw, otherwise known as a bombilla. What are some of the benefits of Yerba Mate? Drinkers of Yerba Mate claim that the drink has increased their mental awareness without causing the “jittery” side effect associated with caffeinated beverage. The drink enhances mood, memory, and alertness. It is known to stimulate the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is thought to page 7 more on 2 Winter| 2018 Pros and Cons of Drinking Yerba Mate Pros and Cons of Drinking Yerba Mate The Top 10 Medical Advancements of 2017 2 6 Care Extender Committees 7 4 UCLA Health Creative Arts Program 5 Healthy Morning Habits Photo courtesy: Thebarlow.net Outstanding Care Extenders for this Rotation 9 Important dates to keep in mind 11 1 On behalf of the Care Extender Program,

The Inside Scope Winter| 2018 In this Issue: On behalf … · Once the leaves are steeped in hot water, the tea is traditionally served ... between the caffeine content of tea and

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The Inside Scope

Yerba Mate has become the next popular beverage. The herbal tea comes in various forms, and has gained its popularity by claiming to provide consumers with a jitter free energy boost.

How is Yerba Mate made?

Yerba Mate is prepared by steeping the leaves of the yerba mate tree, which is the descent of the Holly tree and is found in the rainforests of South America. Once the leaves are steeped in hot water, the tea is traditionally served

in a calabasa gourd with a metal straw, otherwise known as a bombilla.

What are some of the benefits of Yerba Mate?

Drinkers of Yerba Mate claim that the drink has increased their mental awareness without causing the “jittery” side effect associated with caffeinated beverage. The drink enhances mood, memory, and alertness. It is known to stimulate the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is thought to

In this Issue:


page 7

more on 2

Winter| 2018

Pros and Cons of Drinking Yerba Mate

Pros and Cons of

Drinking Yerba Mate

The Top 10 Medical

Advancements of




Care Extender




UCLA Health

Creative Arts


5 Healthy Morning


Photo courtesy: Thebarlow.net

Outstanding Care

Extenders for this



Important dates

to keep in mind



On behalf of the Care Extender Program,

The Inside Scope: Care Extender Internship Program Winter| 2018


drink contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Each serving of Yerba Mate contains high concentrations of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, C, E, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus potassium, selenium, sulfur and zinc.

What are some current health risks associated with Yerba Mate?

Carcinogenic Food Contaminants, a journal focused on cancer investigation, listed yerba mate as an agent with a moderate level of carcinogenicity. Furthermore, in May 2008, Cancer Epidemiology also reported that high concentrations of a type of carcinogenic compound were found in Yerba Mate leaves. The mate is found to contain the known carcinogenetic, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Some studies indicate that people who drink large amounts of Yerba Mate over prolonged periods may be at increased risk of some types of

control motivation and productivity. The drink is also useful for those who suffer from mental or physical fatigue. It contains about 85mg of caffeine per 8 ounces, which is relatively between the caffeine content of tea and coffee. Additionally, the


“If Yerba

Mate is your

cup of tea

enjoy it in


But as


check with

your doctor


trying an







Photo courtesy: bebrainfit.com

Photo courtesy: www.freshdesignpedia.com

The Inside Scope: Care Extender Internship Program Winter| 2018


Care Extender Committees

Department Coordinator Assistant (DCA) Position

DCAs must perform “sweeps” at Ronald Reagan or Santa Monica Hospital to gain feedback from staff and Care Extenders. DCA’s must also make sure Care Extenders are attending shifts and are in proper uniform.

Recruitment Committee

These leaders must spread the word about the Care Extender Program by emailing professors, visiting the school’s career center, making class announcements, etc.

cancer. These cancers include, cancers of the mouth, esophagus, and lungs. To address this, the Pan American Journal of Public Health examined the role of hot mate in increasing the risk of these cancers. One these studies from Urguay in 2003 found a 300% increased risk of esophageal cancer for the mate drinkers within a group of approximately 800 adults (fitday.com). In addition, smoking in combination with yerba mate has been shown to further increase cancer risk. Yerba Mate is also known to have side effects such as insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, headache, and irregular heartbeats.

What is the general consensus? The simple truth about Yerba Mate is that there needs to be more research done in order to make a valid claim on the benefits and risks of consuming the drink. Although there have been studies showing the negative effects of prolonged and excessive Yerba Mate consumption, there is a lack of findings on the long-term effects of moderate intake of the beverage. Doctors such as Katherine Zeratsky advise to drink the beverage on occasionally until further research is done.

Greeters Committee

Those in this committee must train incoming Care Extenders to get them more acquainted with the hospital. The tours consist of taking Care Extenders to the most visited places in the hospital.

Admissions Committee

These members must facilitate the interview process by checking in applicants, taking photos, giving health requirement presentations, and answering applicants’ questions.

Project Health Literacy (PHL) Committee

Members will conduct data collection for a UCLA Health research study under the supervision of Dr. Neil Parikh.

Photo courtesy: www.mowielicious.com

The Inside Scope: Care Extender Internship Program Winter| 2018


2017 served to be a remarkable year of growth for the field of medicine. Here are just a few of the most exciting advancements.

1. Regenerative medicine

A technology by the name of Tissue Nano Transfection was first introduced by researchers at The Ohio State University. The technology aims to reprogram skin cells to repair organs and blood vessels. The procedure involves sending an electrical current through a tiny chip placed on the skin. The process has been tested on animals such as mice, and is expected to begin human trials in 2018.

2. A smartphone heart monitor

AliveCor is collaborating with the Mayo Clinic to develop an artificial intelligence system that can record and EKG and predict if a patient


has too much or too little potassium in the blood, indicating risk of sudden death. The company aspires to create a device that can be attached to the back of a smartphone.

3. 3D printed spinal implants

Scoliosis affects more than 3 million individuals in the US per year. 3D spinal implants are a high-tech

solution for patients suffering from spinal deformities. The implants are constructed from titanium powder and manufactured to include rough surfaces and porous components. This structure allows the implant to be more readily accepted and integrated into the body.

4. Deep brain stimulation for strokes

Deep brain stimulation is commonly utilized in patients with Parkinson’s disease. However, the Cleveland Clinic has pioneered this treatment as a therapy for stroke patients. After deep brain stimulation, the patients were shown to regain more motor function than expected. This outcome

The Top 10 Medical Advancements of 2017

Photo courtesy: www.carecentricworld.com

Photo courtesy: www.alivecor.com

The Inside Scope: Care Extender Internship Program Winter| 2018


has generated the possibility of fostering new neural connections and improving plasticity in the brains of stroke patients.

5. Virtual reality as a pain relief

Aside from serving as entertainment purposes, virtual reality has shown potential as a pain relief method. Patients who watched uplifting videos through virtual reality goggles reported their pain levels to drop by 24%. The technology works by overwhelming the brain with positive experiences that divert the brain from focusing on the pain. There is predicted to be a push for development of virtual reality clinics in the near future, as the technology offers promising results.

6. Beyond vision contact lenses

Oregon State University scientists have discovered a new method to monitor health: contact lenses. The lens health monitors are predicted to measure levels of blood sugar, uric acid and other substances. This new technology is most

beneficial to those with diabetes as it can help patients monitor blood glucose level, and would eliminate the need for regular finger pricking.

7. No-Drill Tooth Repair

The Dental Institute at King’s College made a profound discovery regarding tideglusib and tooth repair. Tideglusib is an Alzheimer’s drug that’s is currently being used in clinical trials. The researchers at King’s College found the drug to promote the growth of dentin. Dentin is rooted under enamel and is the material utilized in tooth repair. Using a tideglusib-soaked sponge applied to the tooth pulp, researchers were able to restore dentin in mice within a matter of weeks.

8. Voice analysis to detect disease

A study done by the Mayo Clinic found there to be more than a dozen voice features associated with heart disease. Similarly, the company Sonde Health is aspiring to create software that can predict depression by examining millisecond long vocal changes that humans can’t perceive. Through voice analysis, patients could gain the

ability to easily monitor their own health, and perhaps quickly diagnose illnesses that can cause harm over prolonged periods of time.

9. Liquid Biopsies

Liquid biopsies are being developed as a method to analyze blood samples for evidence of cancer. Most recently, the method is being used to detect changes in patients suffering from metastatic cancer. The technology offers the potential to be eventually used to aid in the early diagnosis of new cancers, at a stage in which they are more treatable.

10. Photosynthesis as a heart saver

The chair of cardiothoracic surgery at Stanford University has found another method to deliver oxygen to failing hearts. By injecting mice with photosynthesizing bacteria and succumbing them to light, Dr. Woo was able to increase the oxygen levels of rodents 25 times higher than those that were untreated.

Photo courtesy: www.prevention.com

Photo courtesy: www.orthofeed.com

Photo courtesy: www.prevention.com

The Inside Scope: Care Extender Internship Program Winter| 2018


into the medical setting. Nearly half of the health care institutions in the United States utilize art in healing programs. Furthermore, a 2003 study conducted by John Hopkins University found that nature scene murals displayed by the bedside reduced pain for patients undergoing bronchoscopy. Research has also shown that in patients suffering from dementia, creativity remains long after speech and language have deteriorated. The UCLA Health Creative Arts program is currently accepting donations for the following items: colored pencils, playing cards, journals, travel checkers, sketch books,

Recently, UCLA Health launched the UCLA Health Creative Arts Program. The program aims to foster comfort among patients in a hospital setting. By distributing art supplies, puzzle books, coloring books, audio books, journals, and decks of cards, the program nurtures ease in the hospital. The positive effects of art and healing are nested within these items. Recently, there has been a rapid growth in the incorporation of art

UCLA Health Creative Arts Program

sudoku, stickers, small Lego sets, markers, crayons, pens, pencils, origami, coloring books. Individuals also have the option to volunteer their time to the program. By serving as a volunteer, one can gain the opportunity to round patient rooms with these creative activities and can help engage the patients in healing through art.

Photo courtesy: www.uclahealth.org

Photo courtesy: www.uclahealth.org

Photo courtesy: www.uclahealth.org

The Inside Scope: Care Extender Internship Program Winter| 2018


3. Drink water

While we sleep, the body continues to carry out processes, relying on fluid. Because we rarely wake up to take a drink in the middle of the night, we often wake up slightly dehydrated. Drinking water in the mornings provides many health benefits, including stimulating your metabolism throughout the day. Studies have shown that drinking one glass of water in the morning can increase metabolism by 24% for 90 minutes. Water is also

5 Early Morning Habits

2. Don’t hit the snooze button

Many of us face the daily struggle of getting out of bed when hear our alarm. What may seem like a simple act of laziness, actually holds negative physiological effects. Hitting the snooze button can make the period of grogginess, called sleep inertia, drag throughout the day causing one to feel drowsier. Furthermore, productivity plummets as the brain and body exhaust themselves in the constant switch from sleeping to waking up. Snoozing can also be detrimental to your sleep cycle. The constant delay in waking up can eventually push your sleep cycle out of its natural rhythm. If you find yourself frequently hitting the snooze button, it is recommended to slowly decrease your amounts of snoozes, which will eventually develop a habit of waking up when your alarm goes off.

1. Adopt a morning stretch

Stretching in the morning helps regulate blood circulation. This regulation allows for an increase in blood flow to the muscles, allowing one to feel energized during the day. According to NBC News, morning stretches can also lead to improvements in posture, which is especially beneficial for those working desk jobs. By adopting a morning stretch, tense back muscles and tight chest muscles can be opened up and loosened. Men’s Health magazine recommends stretches such as the upper back release and the chest release to target the muscles in these areas that often become stiff or tight throughout the work day. While it is common knowledge that stretching aids in flexibility, researchers at Florida State University discovered that stretching can also build strength. Stretching creates small tissue tears in the muscle that are then repaired by the body, generating more muscle mass.

Photo courtesy: cookingchanneltv.com

The Inside Scope: Care Extender Internship Program Winter| 2018


important in flushing out toxins. Fluids push through the kidneys, detoxifying the body. Hydration can also prevent fatigue, encouraging a positive mood throughout the day. Seventy-five percent of the brain tissue is water tissue, therefore keeping the body hydrated provides the brain with more fuel to operate.

4. Eat Breakfast

Breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day. Studies have shown that consuming a healthy breakfast allows one to have improved concentration and performance in the workspace, more strength and endurance for physical activity, and lower cholesterol levels. Skipping breakfast can have detrimental effects on the body. When we first wake up, the blood sugar in our body is quite low, from the processes that occurred while we were asleep. Breakfast

serves to replenish the body and raise our blood sugar.

5. Use your phone minimally

According to an IDC Research report, 63% of individuals said that they immediately reach for their phone upon waking up in the morning. This habit can negatively impact the start of your day. Research has shown a correlation between social media notifications and elevated levels of stress. Checking a cell phone can also waste time, as it compromises time spent on health habits such as preparing breakfast and drinking water. Therefore, it is best to start the day in a positive way, outside of social media.

Photo courtesy: sleepnumber.com

Tell us about your healthy

morning habits or which ones

you’re most interested in creating




Stay tuned for the spring

newsletter to see what morning

habits your fellow Care Extenders

are interested in creating!

Photo courtesy: huffingtonpost.com

The Inside Scope: Care Extender Internship Program Winter| 2018


Care Extenders of the Rotation

• Claudia Rosso


• Ariel Chan


• Edwina McFadden

o Post Partum

• Armen Khanbabaei

o ER-B

• Jade Cook

o ER-B

• Yan Zhou

o 8E

• Russell Chin

o 8E

• Alexia Vanegas

o 7W-CTU

• Chester Hui

o 7W-CTU

• Mariam Ghattas


• Christina Quigg


• Amy Shao

o ER-A

• Brittany Wolff

o ER-A

• Kellie Inouye

o Radiology

• Tatum Little

o Radiology

• Bronson Barretto

o Geriatrics

• Leo Del Roasario

o Geriatrics

• Yessenia Juan

o Greeters B

If nominated by your


Coordinator as Care

Extender of the

Rotation two or more

times, you will be

eligible for a letter of

recommendation! ☺

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”

- Mahatma Gandhi

The Inside Scope: Care Extender Internship Program Winter| 2018



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Like what you see? Want

to help out?

Important Dates

2/4 Training Day/ Department Meetings

2/5 Winter Rotation Begins

3/25 Spring Rotation Assignments Posted on


3/30 Cesar Chavez Holiday

4/01 Easter Holiday

4/03 Prospective Care Extender Orientation

4/05 Prospective Care Extender Orientation

4/08 Prospective Care Extender Orientation

4/11 Prospective Care Extender Interviews

4/12 Prospective Care Extender Interviews

4/22 Training Day and Department Meetings

4/29 Last Day of Winter Rotation