The Insider Elder Scrolls Online Tel Var Stones GuideThe Insider Elder Scrolls Online Tel Var Stones Guide Finding Stones While any enemy within the Imperial City carries tel var stones,

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Page 1: The Insider Elder Scrolls Online Tel Var Stones GuideThe Insider Elder Scrolls Online Tel Var Stones Guide Finding Stones While any enemy within the Imperial City carries tel var stones,
Page 2: The Insider Elder Scrolls Online Tel Var Stones GuideThe Insider Elder Scrolls Online Tel Var Stones Guide Finding Stones While any enemy within the Imperial City carries tel var stones,

The Insider Elder Scrolls Online Tel Var Stones Guide

Table of ContentsGuide to Tel Var Stones..........................................3

Acquisition.............................................................3The Multiplier......................................................4Rewards..................................................................4Finding Stones......................................................5

Optimal Farming Locations..................................6Humanoid Camps...............................................6Gathering Part 1: Rare Crafting Items,Recipes and Motifs.............................................7Gathering Part 2: Crafting Materials..........8

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Page 3: The Insider Elder Scrolls Online Tel Var Stones GuideThe Insider Elder Scrolls Online Tel Var Stones Guide Finding Stones While any enemy within the Imperial City carries tel var stones,

The Insider Elder Scrolls Online Tel Var Stones Guide

GUIDE TO TEL VAR STONEShe Tel Var Stones are the new currency in “Elder Scrolls Online.” Tel var stones are usedto buy armor sets, lockboxes, and crafting materials for armor and weapons.T

AcquisitionTel var stones are found in the Imperial City district in player-versus-player zones. To

acquire the stones, players must kill NPCs and players from an opposing alliance. The tel varstones a player carries can be seen in the right-hand corner of the screen. The number ofstones a monster carries varies. Normal NPCs carry around eight stones while bosses can drop500 stones apiece.

Once a monster is killed, the monster’s tel var stones are distributed evenly between themembers of the group. Players who manage to kill an enemy character acquire 80 percent ofthe dead character’s stones. Stones acquired from player kills are also distributed evenly.

Chests containing tel var stones can be found throughout the Imperial City. The playerwho loots the chest receives all the stones that the chest contained. Daily quests allow players toacquire boxes that contain a modest amount of stones. Unlike the stones, the boxes cannot belost. The boxes can be opened anywhere.

Tel Var stones do not occupy inventory space. They can be deposited and removed froma player’s personal bank. They cannot be traded or mailed.

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The Insider Elder Scrolls Online Tel Var Stones Guide

The MultiplierPlayers receive an acquisition multiplier dependent on the number of tel var stones they

are carrying in their inventory. The multiplier can be seen alongside the number of tel varstones a player carries in the right-hand corner of their screen. The multiplier is onlyapplicable after the stones have been divided between the players who helped bring down theenemy.

Players who carry between 100 and 1,000 tel var stones receive double the number oftel var stones per kill.

Carrying between 1,000 and 10,000 tel var stones nets a player a triple multiplier.

Players who carry over 10,000 stones receive a quadruple multiplier.

RewardsThere are twelve armor sets available for purchase with tel var stones. There are two

different quality versions that are noted by blue and purple colors. Blue-quality armor isinferior in quality. Blue armor ranges from 700 tel var stones to 2600 tel var stones per piece.

The purple armor requires veteran 16 and 10,000 tel var stones per piece. In addition,boxes containing a random piece of armor can be purchased for 800 tel var stones. The sigil ofimperial retreat is also available. The sigil will teleport a player to an alliance’s camp and awayfrom harm.

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The Insider Elder Scrolls Online Tel Var Stones Guide

Finding StonesWhile any enemy within the Imperial City carries tel var stones, the Arboretum District

contains the most enemies in the entire zone. Large groups of enemy characters can often befound in the district, so it is best to group up.

Solo players should avoid the Arboretum District and stick to smaller and more remotezones. Avoid bosses and large groups of enemies.

Tel Var Stones can be earned by

-Drop from monster kill.-Unlocking purple sealed treasure chests.-Completing main story and daily quests-Drop from Scamps in sewer-Player's corpse.

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The Insider Elder Scrolls Online Tel Var Stones Guide


Humanoid CampsDespite the fact that quests take you all over Tamriel, there are definitely areas of the

game where it's more beneficial to slay enemies randomly in search of rare goods than in otherareas. Any area with humanoid enemies, unsurprisingly, is usually an area ideal for money-making. Humanoid enemies drop small amounts of gold plus have a higher chance of droppingbind-on-equip pieces of equipment or provisioning recipes such as green or blue items. Someof these can be sold or traded to other players. They also vendor for a decent chunk of change ifyou can't find a potential buyer.

Some humanoid enemies such as Daedric enemies also drop Soul Gems which come inhandy in all areas of the game. These let you resurrect in place as well as act as an agent forresurrecting other players (which is especially useful when you start to PvP). Soul Gems arepurchasable off vendors found in most major towns, but every bit of saved money often helps,especially during the early levels.

There are areas where farming humanoid enemies is extremely easy due to quickrespawn rates. Just make sure you're powerful enough to take on more than one enemy at atime and have plenty of free bag space. Most of these areas tend to be world dungeons orcaverns. One of the first areas that's excellent is the Ondil area in Auridon.

As a general rule of thumb, most random humanoid enemies you come across are worthkilling while random beasts, demons and other enemies might not be. Most beasts and demonsdrop items that can be vendored, however, so it's not useless to kill them. Beasts also often dropraw leather goods for crafting.

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The Insider Elder Scrolls Online Tel Var Stones Guide

Gathering Part 1: Rare Crafting Items, Recipes And MotifsAs you may have noticed, there are a lot of lootable/interactable goodies in Elder Scrolls

Online. Some are more worthwhile to loot than others. Barrels, produce baskets, regularbaskets, normal sacks and crates are not very valuable and only contain raw provisioningmaterials for the most part. You may not feel the need to loot these items at all unless you'releveling provisioning and need the raw goods.

Other objects, however, are always worth looting. These items include cabinets, non-locked chests, trunks, backpacks (sometimes), urns (sometimes), nightstands, desks and heavysacks. These generally tend to be found within areas that are slightly out of the way. Buildinginteriors, especially inside major towns or structures, are a good place to find these items. Theinteriors of many of the buildings inside Vulkhel Guard, Davon's Watch and Daggerfall containquite a few cabinets and trunks, for example.

Other areas have items outdoors that are always worth looting. Heavy sacks and urnsare sometimes found within instanced quest areas such as Cheesemonger's Hollow during theearly Mages Guild quest line. Backpacks are often found while running around outdoors.

These rare objects have a chance of containing normal provisioning materials, but alsorare items such as consumable items, provisioning recipes, gems, racial motifs and racial stylestones that are used to craft gear in the style of that particular race. These stones make decentselling and trading fodder. They're also good for crafting various items for trading, of course.

Racial motifs are what crafters need to use in order to be able to make crafted itemsfrom that particular race. Each race has a separate motif that must be learned. Since thesemotifs are fairly rare, they sell extremely well right now and make great items for barteringand trading.

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The Insider Elder Scrolls Online Tel Var Stones Guide

These objects can be looted multiple times and respawn over a fluctuating frame of timethat seems to be anywhere between 10 minutes and 30 minutes. It's worth looting these objectsmultiple times if you happen to be nearby. Certain areas such as the building interiors withinmajor towns are especially worth keeping on eye on due to how many cabinets, etc. tend to befound within various rooms.

Locked treasure chests which need lockpicks are also worth opening when you runacross them. These chests contain a small sum of gold as well as bind-on-equip items that aregood to keep or sell. It can be difficult to find treasure chests, but a few are often found alongthe coastlines. It may not be worthwhile to actively farm locked treasure chests, but they're anice bonus when you do happen to find them. Make sure to always carry a stash of lockpicks!

Gathering Part 2: Crafting MaterialsRaw crafting goods are also worth farming if you happen to have an eye for gathering

or crafting. There are six types of raw materials: Jute/leather, herbs, ore, food stuff, rune stonesand wood. Jute, herbs, ore, rune stones and wood can be gathered all across Tamriel. Thehigher level zones, especially, will contain raw materials that should sell well among theplayerbase.

In particular, ore, rune stones and herbs seem to be high in demand. Selling rawmaterials in large bundles is often a good way to earn decent gold. Some gathered items such asherbs that spawn in particular areas or rune stones that are gold or purple in quality may fetcha higher price than other rune stones or herbs. It might also be a good idea to keep an eye onrare spawn locations for herbs that do happen to sell well.

If you are having difficulties seeing gathering nodes and are a crafter yourself, youshould place a few passive skill points in the Keen Eye abilities which will help the nodes standout from farther away. It's also not a bad idea to lower your graphic settings a notch in order tosee the nodes from farther away. Herbs, especially, often appear hidden under grassy areas thatdon't appear quite so grassy with the graphic settings turned down.

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