The Interior Journal EnJt1td in the Pott Office al Stanford at utonddatt mailer- YVDL18DEU TUESDAYS AND VKIDAYB AT 500 PER YEAR CASH W When not so paid 1200 will be cbarged E D Peyton DEALER IN Staple and Fancy Gro ceries Fruits Veg- etables Cigars and Tdbaccos Stanford New Hustonville firm Ilnvlogbought of McOormnck A IVacpc tt Mr aroc rle HArdwnnl etc wo ahare or the pntronngo west End per pie 1Ve ntso hero connection n Doll lent Market nlld Lumh Ooullhr too will buy butcher stun nt highest mArket prkmrnnd having ft iplendld mrnt cutwr wo osn you with tho We also br- aall kind of country produce i BIRnOIt IilPPh Hustortvllle Kj N BDCARTER L Successor to Bruce A Oarter Livery Peed and Sale Stable Depot Street STANFORD KY Special attention to Commercial Men Your ii solicited Horse handled on commission Stock Pene In Connection NEW LIVERY STABLE BUHKB ft CLABE80N Frcn JUNCTION CITY KY TlntOUis Turnouts at Reasonable Batea Special Attention to Traveling Hen sod Hay For Sale A Special Bargain One hundred and slxtg sere farm nbout II allies Nort welt of Stanford Good two etory- q Urooiu dwelling n splviulld stock luirn ono U the tlt waterwl airing In the count ell- I outbuildings nrd 4Oacres In blueEms never bwn plowvd The whole furnt Ins well nnd there Is no waste land on It plve miles from Dnnvllli and In a splendid community This Is n bargain nnd the must lw sold within 7 thu next days Iat1 pots can gotton ofT of farm 1osseitslotiBlvinnt once or particulars too lame I White or Ii U ltu Ky Give Me Your Order I Can Please You Why buy rpnilymiiue clothing when then t i so little clllTerenco 111 thu prlcu of high gradurcmdynmdeeultebud n suit tnnilo ti your nn eiporl nc tailor I have a bnndiomu line of nnt Winter goods 1 can make from II low prlct btulneu suit to the finest dress suit AIw overcoat trousers and fancy rests The tomtmny I represent laonw of the best H C RUPLEY the Tailor i DaI Traylor I OIALSR IX Whls ll Brandy WinGs Beer Clears Etc KYaClose Pr at anl poltt attention Nothlnclolt tits ttarrak Marl phone cr talegrap orders receive romptattentlon isLe Beazley Co 1- I UndertaKers and Embalm era Also Dealers in Fur ¬ niture MattingsRugs They will exchange Furniture for sill Kinds of Stock Give Them a Call Prices Right C STANFORD KENTUCKY e1ICcear i Undertaker Embalm and Dealer in Harness Saddlery C STANFORD KENTUCKY OScsJPhooe 117 nome Phono Ii r r atl1 J aH FARMERS DEPARTMENT I Joseph Ware of Boyle has a hen which he clalms lays two eRgs a dayII A few Jersey cows fresh milkers for sale F Reid Danville or Stanford FOR SALEtOO bushels recleaned or chard grass seed Price IGO per bush- el Telephone Kentucky Supply Co Danville Ky J C Hays has sold his farm of GO acres two miles beyond Crab Orchard to A C Muncie of Horton for 2250 The Kentucky Supply Co bought ofi I F Tabb of Mt Sterling a pair heavy draft horses for 400 They weigh 2650 poundsAdvocate- At a public sale of mules near Shelb yule several pairs of IGhand mare mules brought from 425 to 455 and several pairs of yearlings brought from 325 to 385 A black sow weighing about 175 pounds crop off of one ear and slit in other came to my some time ago Owner can get her by paying for this and her E Bickle Stanforda Sixty thousand pounds of tobacco was hauled here from Lincoln county Sat- urday Although Mr Soper had never seen it or contracted for any of it he paid the owners from G to 9 cents a pound for it and they went home hap pyHarrodsburg Herald FOR SALEAbout 41 acres of land one mile from Crab Orchard Ky on Lancaster pike A good dwelling well and all necessary outbuildings Place is right on pike This is a good homo and a cheap place The owner of this property lives at Henderson Ky and has made up Ids mind to sell It can he bought at a bargain For price etc see or write L R Hughes Stanford Ky F A Land sold James Christie a combined mare for 175 D R Brown sold C T Bohon of Lebanon a pair of mules for 110 R L Murphy bough 18 steers of S S Williams of Adair it 3Jc and 44 hogs of different parties in Casey at 5c He sold 12 steers to F P Combest at 3Jc W IL McClure oC Humphrey delivered 200 bushels oC wheat to the roller mills here at Jl3c Liberty News HIGHLAND Miss Fannie Hatfield begun school hero Monday Some worthless dogs made a raid on- E G Baughs sheep a few days ago killing two of his flock II F Horton has his new house near- ly completed which is quite an Im- provement for our village 0 L Speaks has laid the foundation for a nee residence- J S Young our clever postmaster is making quite an improvement on the farm he recently bought of Goo Baugh Ho ispulling down the old fashionc rail fence and replacing it with a sub stantial wire C M Young and wife arts visiting friends and relatives at Science Hill and Somerset Elbert Young is looking af- ter his fathers store during his ab encc Charlie Cook has moved back to town He says country life is too lonesome for him Always Keep Chamberlain Cough Remedy in the House We would not be without Cham wrlalns Cough Remedy It Is kep tn hand continually In our home It lays W W Kearney editor of the Independent Lowry City Mo That Is just what every family should do Vhen kept on hand ready for instant checked at the out- set use a cold may bo and cured In much less time than deer It has become settled in tin s s- tern This remedy Is without u peer I for croup in children anti will prevent the attack when given as soon as the chilli becomes hoarse or even after- Itho croupy cough appears which can bo done whenlthc remedy is kept at hand For sale by Dr W K Craig tho popular druggist at Stanford Ky With a large size drummers trunk filled with ballots and dragging sev- eral ballot boxes IaP Lay circuit clerk of Whitley county came to rankfort to file these with the Court oC Appeals as evidence in the contest rankfort Journal r School Childrens Dyspepsia The common form of dyspepsia or ullgestlon which stops tho growth flules the checks weakens the system of so many school children is often due to Improper or too quickly eaten inches While seeing to a correction of tlu canto it Is also Important to cllre the disordered conditions of the stomach and bowels This can bu done b y no other medicine so safely and surely as by Dr Caldwell laxative yrup Pepsin Try It Sold by G L Penny Stanford rind C W Adams Alston villc at 60o and 8100 Money baclt If it fails Judge Gordon of the Hopkins county Circuit Court has ordered that Barth lompkins the convicted Negro murderer be hanged in the Circuit COurt room at Madison l11e Thomp kitJ is under sentence of death for kl11lng William Brame Lieut Gen John M Schofield U S A retired last surviving army com- mander of the Civil War died of cerebral hemorrhage at St Augustine Fla a s j J rr A Favorite Rembedy for Babl Its pleasant tasto and prompt cures have made Chamberlain Cough ncm edy a favorite with the mothers of small children It quickly cures thcr coughs and colds and prevents any danger of pneumonia or other serious consequences It not only cures croup but when given as soon as Uio crou cough appears will prevent the attack For sale by Dr W N Craig the pop- ular druggist at Stanford Ky Despite the prominence of tho stall hood Bill under tho arrangement for the week in the Senate the friends oC the railroad rate measure expect to inject a speech or two hours in its be half e The association to prevent corrupt practices at elections will meet in New York March 5 to 7 The subjects Cor discussion will be primary and election laws nnd corrupt practices nets The Seaboard Air Lino railway oC Ices burned at Portsmouth Va and many valuable records and official pa- pers were destroyed The monetary loss was 25000 United Mine Workers of the Western District of Kentucky who will meet in convention in Louisville Wednesday will demand an increase in the scale or wages Judge Benjamin F Graves former Thief Justice of the Michigan Supreme Court is dead Contra Kentuck- yRedIEstateExchaogi TITLE CO NUITwo bout cad loU tlluited la Cub Orebdlwlihlx and onehalf acre ol land al ached lloth ere inme eotugt one rontliiu fG mil t brother ot 1 room Stable two gOO itc The liulUlngi tie new and th enclngltordUtrr Two jooJ ganleni sad Ine UI le iattur WltIlIeacb place spaniel ru I whole Pike on the projurt ju a who 11300 ho 181A term of SflO ores one soil oneb nlle bt rill of J1mbnllle on the I > nflll plk To atoiy lr me dwelling seven rooms Terand llrtc Fine young orcaird lrln all kinds 01 etc A- ImlhflhgandlvocrsareingoMreM Ir Thu far I illtualeiln Ibe beet social cd la an Idol home HpleodM Ire bomr bnrn it tall other neeentry outbuilding Pure HI WNo IS98S acre ofhod In the town Iliulta or Rowland about at acm bottom latd coo N acm ID woodland The piac la well fenced and Iu- d water woks well and cistern I story trim lUildlog S room hall tranila Lick porch cum ner hltcbtn and good cellar lood bun and a11 itber ntcesaarr outbuilding Including till rraner7t4 All In good repair tenting In ant UM under ell wire true U a Irfiullfi ilace a dttlrable home cites to town and will letll heap ono on eiiy term No UOA Lea ol ICO acree 1 mile teiond Mi g0051 Lye well well Improved and la rlgl in pike No1 tACk tarn Il box atoll abid on we tide and dtlrewaj In cenur 2 other bin mod 2 tenant houtea 5 room brick ralJenre od iltchen ant all oilier DtIOt buy out hulldlDi iatUlngi and fencing In good rcnatr plan w1I ratend clirrn at bsm cod house tmdspnnp Ic Aboui180cminerasnilbe rat In cu Irallon Irlce 19WO CO No 151100 acre farm about I mile this tide of ihilby eu 4 room cottage 2 porckta No1 rood cellar under the kitchen Clood barn of 8 ullt crib etc Building are In good repair an- belencupiremoJeratr Two spdngiandguo on About acne In timothy ad lorerretInwoodland Trie 14 30000 No ISGA 220 acre arm lying on Dlx that asr- abOrchard Aboul7uacrlatocublvatlon aDd lacrraln pasture tit In good limber Alout 73 bearing fruit trttf on the place 2 story Grora Iwelllng Ordlniyaubie and crib and a teri- uorl tenant home The buildings are In lot the fences are not The pi r ratereJl6aevrrIuIngpringc Till Isaga lock Inn and Ii offered at a fates olJ 1Z500WI No 1SV Coltageln Lacuter feet front nd 3011 eel dl1l Ail uwoiry uullmlldlcgi exrei arn ErerylhlBg U new sod In Rood shape Cum Lage contains 4 turns hall verauda luck loorth ud Laseusrut Owe to school chMrcbn eli lrlce f 2VMOO No 154170 acre farm Dear HuttonTllle boa welling and born a good fortion of thus plan could be sold for town 10111 It la well watered an lbe fencing sod bulldlDfi are In good condition Ma la oi n of the teal tarn In the county The ill la rich and will produce bawl He Itlc 3000 0- 0o4 Two atorr frame dwelling 7 rooms bal IDd reranda loud garden fencing and house II- rood repair For ulx or rent 1rlc reawnabln No 34 lloute god fire acmof lint In Itll- nnk NtcraMry oulbulldlnga Fencing good id well watered Will sell tbla place ou tatj rma No 7329 acre of land lU room two tory dwelling well watered good lepclng It IA eaubutlie of be city Ol Stanford clote to Unlt bool anti clurchea Till < Ii a deitrable home Ice reasonable No 370 room frame cottge and one sere c Iod in Ky Large bun inioke bane tc All building and fencing In good repair lrlte 8100 No OTan arm ol lanJ two story front rot > tag e Coven rooms balls etc louts Ii new a goon den and iplendld orcbanl ot If sera leuclur ottwostablestbuggy flout tuiuie houae via A pN la pure a goof mill oa- be plate a g od cruihtr Jo mill U Ii run by nat uulllOwr which is a great economy and Ibe Jaw to In guud repair Will tell the properly at a low ure or te lt- N026 Frame hotel large rooms double versa duo hallway Etc A large 2 story store ruow mtlng eirert SOlcet tram boWl stain cults nfordwv Ing 2 nice cotlagei nlcvly furnished ppred and painted 4 rooms ant terandt each A- larl8 barn on tame lot used alhurlaille Uood garden Vacant lot adjoining b 200 feedefl All ol this property la In Ixjndon Ky dlaa one chance for au DIe one to mate money iprieior hanrefuaed lo rent property fur IO Ir1- 1101l1h On account of 111 health of bit wife only r man for arlllrg pruplletor detlrte to ezcbaogi for farm In Lincoln county No aA smut laon 075 acrea of good land Iccaled clove to town Price S2 230 No it 150000 acres of cotton land In Mlsiltslpil Tbre Is no section of country which offfllO many portunltlcs toe profitable Investment as the slrrl Delta It now fitly described as 101I Mty Valley The timber la becomlnir mote valu ble all the time for the reason that lumber people from the North where Me supply 01 timber I last nlnlshlne are constantly increasing their chasn of timber lands In the South Vlhenthtim ber Is removed the land Is unequaled for agrlcultu ral purposes It will produce a bale of cotton to the cre or will grow IO other kind of crop raised In temperate lone The soil nreds no fertilisers ant In a yield whlchcannot be excelled taxes are low- e title Is perfect and the man who buys Delta farm a1 timber lands at present prices Is making an In velment that he will never regret land Is dl- vUeJ Into tracts ranging from 40 acres to the tract to- n1IOO acres to the tract and prices from S8 per acre tu Si6 per acre according to location etc We re authorized by the company who owns these lands 0 state that as other parties are considering the rebate of these lands that we offer these ttorrlnr sale withdrawal from market or chance n price wlthonl notice However when notified Ihey will hold any tract out of market long enough tor the purchaser to make an Investigation About noooClea of this land his hen told by the Com we received this option For further pan panysince at our office countyICy todate In every anu Dg with improvements and 20 acres of fine id close to Southern railroad Price 19 000 r No 401474 acres ol land cottage of 4 rOlUl good hall ana 2 porches loud bun and otbe necessary outbuildings Fencing and buildings ID good repair Place well watered a splendid wan at home etc iJind le all local and produce w 11 Young apple and poach orchard Thus I about 6 mllta troui town Irlce 1500 No203A 220 acre farm In the Wajnul arci Ion about 2 > 4mlln iron 2 tall road Ullou cloteto root office atones cburrbet etc Li between 2 County roads Rural Krte llclhr lUiute b Four room log home a 11adld himn54z161atboxing end bar two good the la watered with neTerfalllng springs mad a run nlig branch through tb pas It bar good fne log ad oUlbllIdln i Irlce f I 800 Tends es- No 205ISO acre tarn situated on the WInta bur mad ML YerfOn road lboal 8 mite < ufWaynraburg llasaaroomcuttage eta Tbl plaoe gentleman In Callturnli and h will aell iicheap aud on easy tcriua No VIJM acre S4 mil + iron Junction Cl17 3 story A room frame dwelling barn ret non le bouu etc All In repair locud IOIL fencing Dacr5iignaeat21 urea In culu lion hood orcbardofpeschalumsspphse- A splendid grape harlot 2600 s lrar avid ID onejear rlaca close to school caurcbea Ic and well watered medicated well at house aDll stock well at faro etc rice 13600 No 211 About 41 acres or land I mile lrolll Crab Orchark ou Unotater pike A goat deli log will and all neceaiary tutblldlnis flic I toepace ton D up i place reaming mineral water right on place It can be bought at a bargain new ua tjr a prke- No2 I A farm of 242 acre A handaorn e lUod era 2 stor britk tesldeoce IUlnllbel Ind up to due In e ery particular Ntor room oa prtlII ot the nicest to tummy Large the plan la well watered sot pajr 111101 a 1111 on It Th re 1 only about 20 acre la culttral and rest In grass 1leDt of fruit treciiic Tbl la an Ideal nome IDol a splendid farm 1la reu on able No xtl 2SO acres of land 2 dwelllBgs of 4 tool Neb Le rs tobacco barn 182 lect neat tot be liett biro la Lincoln county S imalf stock barlla Thus property lap belQeeu 2 good toUIII tou ird2 turnpike All Ibe building aod reccing are In good repair Ilace la well water by good springs creeks etc Splendid tobacco 1lId and wM else I barrels of corn to the acre Thll pleauknlheownerfron 21 to 20 per cent hie InTrstutent ono If not the cpean Mecca of land In Lincoln county If you are look lag for a bargain this It TOurchanAf Jce ehap No Sit 2500aaeloflint In Caaey raiinty Db IJberty nod Columbia coals Twel te houiea aod oo Htldenc a rooms 134story lo- rwnlbflWudt Hood barn 3UO scm ID cultlratton llulldlog In modern Ihnd bouleIprlog through at a lllouuoneaty teen or will dmrWi plate to auil HirchiwnNo nice little 8 loom collate All nto nary outbuildings and a gout garden About mile from Stanlord 1 his U a cheap place Irle I W Mill No 21791 ore lam In I molt ol OIL Ik lOry G io > ut dwelling stir house amok house w1I House crib etc Aliine bulidlal and eating are la fair condition toed apple urchird stout cm in cultlratlon nsl In nxiJ limber Waters ester falllPg well and waters ot South tgrll Iydae fJ200 TTa No 218 One vacant lot U Junction Cltf at- autbeast corner of Lucui and motion pmt ruoDlngI rrla 1600 J2S Nice I room cottage and I acra of lalll 10 about I mile Hheltoy City Tree hone Cost ISOO We will tell lhuplace lot tl X NO liSA nice large store room and dwellli dove cantUllDgot tcreral nicely fvrnlihed room e mod barn and lot and all necemury oulbulldln TIll prrpetly Is la good ralrtlIul1tttdoo Mss Ire t In right In jurtlon of own This property wIlltxMldofa bargain ar II a pllllild OJIIIualtllo come one desiring 10 0 In biisltnes r and dwelling belt ombioed will tdagrat using in rent eir- So IP e4djctuat land near Crab Orchar heapNo lli A farm of 35 l arm situated about i mire troll Htanfoidaod mile from rib 0rebar n the wtertof l lar Creek Tae plan la rut iioul12 Silts and can he sub dirldml bout a tree U lu cultlralloti ilmter lumdeol tu kMp UI day lDo and IIblll story fume dwelling I iroumt bIIloOrtbte Two gaud Ira D- Uharngranor7 torn etc Ilace Is well wale col two llbe door running siren trough fans ill buildings In good shape rice US taint foucing fair lure ISleracre Tern eurNo 117 A firm of 100 acres about 4 mile from itanlord laywell ant well valcrwl A good ol Ibe farm In blue gnat A ramfortab Iwclllogandalargeliarn Thu proprrty Ign plendld pike cloie Ui bol tie 1rlc U Ir sere No W A fnrui of nbout 100 Here on ooe ol II In lb County A bitndwMe tit- oryomedwellingnedonof Ibe lurgeai lIaoi urn phce U w- eentrsdandevarythlogu111 11 ItrluJiic feni logll ta n gwxl cwniuiunll lose to schools and iil4 utu minute drlre lrom ituolord Tbla n very desirable Lamer Irlce TUX I No 7010 acre ofland two tory Iron eolle 1 hall etc house Ii new a goal gaidc aod splendid orchard of one and on half acing twj stabiei Iogi7 hltfIIIIOk souse rte A good well on plao Therelialtu a 001 tnlll on the plan gind rruilirr In mill II Illua by natural sa wer which u great eronom nd Ibe dam Ii In iplendld repair This Inoncof the best farming district c- hetountyatoutdsndee frosts OUDlurd tbu 10 Ists a ready Stout ant total u sun a ground We will sell thla place for 52400 abar I tbe bUlhJn 1000 eoull nOI be ItIIl III fur this money No MFlfty acres near rieaaant Point Ky raine bOil Ie 5 rooms and porch Barn and other itbulldlngs Sacrreln cultivation reel In 110- 1ber Well watered SOU yanlt from pwlornwicboi id church lays well on pita and In goal cum unity Irlce U- No IJ230 acre urn Ji mile of Crab Orchard K y llrlck dwelling a rooms two tenant house ro barns well audiprlng near dwelling Farm In hllb pate of cultivation 160 acres rl er lotloi iIII gout fencing fruit etc 1rlre f 10110 an acre No tt A nice farm at Highland K> well impror 14 well watered tlL like hue- v4s6aausoflanJoniamestow rod south of > nnvilw loo acres In cultivation < rout n acres In- IlImbr and rest In grits A urge new frame dwell loC alto an old dwelllngon place A new barn and two old ones is and the fencing II od On public road lace f aoco- So lJ00 cere of land one mile iron Somerset rcut In Kfen Sells Forty acres In cultlva tloD 40 urn Inputure balance In timber Dwell log contains seven rooms Large barn and ill nee nary outbuildings Fcnct builIlrgsloeplea- d repair Well watered S28U- utio25lOdacreeof land In Ford county Ku tx munnfrow railroad end yi wile rote Arlauam rhr 8evengacrnofland Ii river botiotn le stclue laud tot in grass This land is for isle or rxchange No 1111110 acre fann shout S miles from town In js splendidly matte In cullliitlou well wither 01 etc tMttiige of lour room large turn oj erty well need etc 1 rice tV per tier 325 ftcriS In Allen county Ky on rail- road and pike about BO ncrcs cultivated aOOul125 In timber and Rrann and shout 110 In grays Timber on pines Is cut tu 18 IDches but will nmku barrel timber ling Ie I till und cord wood enough to pay for- the plant twice over A large part Ie tone ed There are four dwolllnxi of 4 room each and one store of two stories with roms abon Imi well and sprites of water U In 2 miles ot county sent mid prows tobacco corll wheat grass etc for 3200 Oco hail cadi I lour nnd Orllt Mill Anderson county Iy M barrel capacity covered with IroD- built ft year ago Steam and water power the latter 8 month of the year U U an up- i ditto roller mill with burrs for corn and meat bolt The miRlne Is of 7 years run 1- 6acrs with the mill including wish Is wltb- the house of S rooms All for 16210 or 53 6010 for the mill and 14 acres One knit caab- IIn fine trade No mill In 10 wills No 42 SeTcu room dwelling grod cellar sad 21 raland Never falling well and iprlcg Fencing nc condition Cneap pt- cloae 10 towntVlllnll a swill family No 76GO acres of land near Junction Cityicutln 1IfD neldt 2ft acres In cultlraltun rtlllD grass a edyoung and one of the t grape har- hOIl In Party sold 2SOO pounds or- gnpea last year Well watered mad fencing goof CI we to school and churches A tolOry1sro- om frame dwelling good barn etc UI- DIII repair Prlc 1730- No Twostory frame dwalllig of lit room two balil vtranda to well at door and all otber Also urge buclcamlth- opSOxSOaodehedllull length 0 bop and 10 t proper win be sold at a very 10 w price Denial Kentucky Real Estate k TitleOo Stanford Ky 1 v Spring Shoes ee To Delight the Eye and Comfort the Feet Thero are two ncccury requisite at most tiny ttmo of the year but more 80 in spring you know lint alter n cold and cheerless winter wo gladly j welcome the newness of life thnt the beautiful spring season brings with it 2 Wo like to lay ueido our dull and heavy garment and don something new ntul bright that will delight the eye and bring cool comfort to the Wkly Hero you find everything now and attractive as well as comfortable anti Tow Priced Stylish Clothing Shoes stud Oxfords RUt Gentij Furnish ings and Dry Goods You know that wo stand behind the goods that wo sell wlmtnvcr it may t hero want tu sell you your entire spring outfit mud after u careful in spection of our stock you will 1o as eager to buyns wo are to sell 1riees11ellalways as low as n legitimate store can alibis to make them SAM ROBINSON t1 Next Door to Lincoln County National Bank STANFORD KY t The 1 Kentucky State Journal Frankfort Kentucky jet A Only Daily and Weekly 1ublblicd at the Capital anti the only QUO that over took the lrsociated IrcM Reports liltS recently been oHlar4trlunit greatly improved It makes a spec of LOCAL isKWS 0 of the Court of Appeal Suite FiscalourtIIlo Federal Court It is es ¬ pecially valuable to lawyers Sub = ciiption yearly S 1 Send rcinittnnco to W P WALTON PRORI Frankfort Kentucky First National Officers Of Stanford Kyi J B 1IOOKK11 Prtsl Bank BT lUuitii Vrol JJMcllOHKUT8Ohr 50000iW II WKAHENAislUhn Capital Stock establhhodDlreotors TbUlnitttutlon wa I originally I al the Depoult Rank ot In 1851 then reorganised ae the National tank of Btanford In ISIS and again reorganlied ai f Held Uaavtlle the Flrtt National Ilaik of Stanford In B T Harris Stanford IIII having bad practically an uninter ¬ J B Mocker rupted existence for II rear It It better K L Tanner supplied now with facllltle tar tranael M n Klmore MclCIDnt1j Inr bntlniM promptly and well than ere 811 Haurhnj before In It long honorable carver T r Hill Ja Koblnion J II llaucbtnan r tanford Accounts of Individuals Fiduciaries and Cur J M Iettui Btanford O E Tale Stanford poratlons Solicited YOUR WANTS AIN e Drugs Paints and Oils Window ltS Glass Toilet Articles Stationery Wall Paper Cigars and Tobacco Will be supplied for low cash pri ¬ ces byf I W B McRoberts I Ii I PKIISOVAI eupcrvixion given to nil Iresrriptions coiiipounded iI u5y11 t tiN A 1tfNNNtiM7N 011 1 Craig Heroin Compound Cntiirn Heroin Com found t S d WIZEN BAIIY FIRST REGIS TO GIVE i- I = Craigs Heroin Compound t n < IT CURES THAT HOAIIWIC AND CHOUIV WHEEE fI SOUNDr iCRAIGS DRUGSTORE 1 i i pIllIOUUlOa npJJH pnnotiruoOulwJ1l YiIuo f L 1 NK1N1s7h Morris Perkins General Insurance and Real Estate Agents Crab Orchard Ky Wo art iriiriHl to writ Iiiiurniieo Life Accident Fire or Tornado And solicit the liuslniM of tho cltlxcit nl the Kaat End Noun but the lxnt complin lea repreeonod- 011icu with Crab Orchard Ranking Co Ifuvn n talk with tin boforo nlnelng your In nurunva of runuwliiK old pollcUil with tu nnd wo sell It for you churgingyouoglyitsmall percent a < L DRUGGIST STANFORD r BNKESJK n POSTED We whose names pller below strictly forbid hunting tubing or any kind of trea pamlnR on our place and will prosecute violators to the roll extent of the law- Mr Kate Ailor Itclclienbiich Hrs Fred VouOruonlRHn Alburt VonOruonlgan Fred Von lmIlD Fred llaumann 4 Alfred Simpson Oor u Holmes Mica Mattlo 11 Howe K Kolcbonbacb Charles Cumulus Joe Hallou A 0 Dunn 8M Holmes W E Amon W R nauKbortr M J HolTrnnn M n Klmore Peter W Tarter J Norln Carter J E truce W F Shomaker rI Thomas Forrlll Oreen Korrlll F J OonD John II Oatnenlicb SIm TRnwbrldge A D Root Charles Ensilln Prank Oordler Mrs M Hayden Welch Peter Dalmer John Uelor Samuel Ltndier Jacob dander Mrs AllcJl Lytle David Stephens Mary noiTmann Ll Nunnellejr J W Baughman Christens Orayion J 0 Carpenter t Jacob Jemweln Bm Damerou r- s I s

The Interior Journal dayII I Babl Spring Shoesnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt75mk655628/data/0396.pdf · The Interior Journal EnJt1td in the Pott Office al Stanford at utonddatt mailer- YVDL18DEU

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Page 1: The Interior Journal dayII I Babl Spring Shoesnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt75mk655628/data/0396.pdf · The Interior Journal EnJt1td in the Pott Office al Stanford at utonddatt mailer- YVDL18DEU

The Interior Journal

EnJt1td in the Pott Office al Stanford atutonddatt mailer-



500 PER YEAR CASHW When not so paid 1200 will be cbarged


Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits Veg-etables Cigars andTdbaccos Stanford

New Hustonville firm

Ilnvlogbought of McOormnck A IVacpctt Mr aroc rle HArdwnnl etc woahare or the pntronngo west End perpie 1Ve ntso hero connection n Doll

lent Market nlld Lumh Ooullhr too willbuy butcher stun nt highest mArketprkmrnnd having ft iplendld mrnt cutwr woosn you with tho We also br-aall kind of country produce

i BIRnOIt IilPPh Hustortvllle Kj

N BDCARTERL Successor to Bruce A Oarter

Livery Peed and Sale StableDepot Street STANFORD KY

Special attention to Commercial MenYour ii solicited Horse

handled on commission

Stock Pene In Connection


JUNCTION CITY KYTlntOUis Turnouts at Reasonable Batea

Special Attention to Traveling Hensod Hay For Sale

A Special Bargain

One hundred and slxtg sere farm nbout II

allies Nort welt of Stanford Good two etory-q Urooiu dwelling n splviulld stock luirn ono

U the tlt waterwl airing In the count ell-I outbuildings nrd4Oacres In blueEms never bwn plowvdThe whole furnt Ins well nnd there Is nowaste land on It plve miles from Dnnvllliand In a splendid community This Is nbargain nnd the must lw sold within

7 thu next days Iat1 pots cangotton ofT of farm 1osseitslotiBlvinnt once

or particulars too lame I White or Ii Ultu Ky

Give Me Your OrderI Can Please You

Why buy rpnilymiiue clothing when thent i so little clllTerenco 111 thu prlcu of high

gradurcmdynmdeeultebud n suit tnnilo tiyour nn eiporl nctailor I have a bnndiomu line of nntWinter goods 1 can make from II low prlctbtulneu suit to the finest dress suit AIwovercoat trousers and fancy rests Thetomtmny I represent laonw of the best

H C RUPLEY the Tailor



Whls ll Brandy WinGs BeerClears Etc

KYaClosePr at anl poltt attention Nothlnclolt tits

ttarrak Marl phone cr talegrap orders receiveromptattentlon

isLe Beazley Co1-


UndertaKers and Embalmera Also Dealers in Fur ¬

niture MattingsRugs Theywill exchange Furniture forsill Kinds of Stock Give

Them a Call Prices RightC




Undertaker Embalm and

Dealer in Harness Saddlery



OScsJPhooe 117 nome Phono Ii

r r atl1J aH


Joseph Ware of Boyle has a henwhich he clalms lays two eRgs a dayII

A few Jersey cows freshmilkers for sale F Reid Danville orStanford

FOR SALEtOO bushels recleaned orchard grass seed Price IGO per bush-

el Telephone Kentucky Supply Co

Danville KyJ C Hays has sold his farm of GO

acres two miles beyond Crab Orchard

to A C Muncie of Horton for 2250The Kentucky Supply Co bought ofi

I F Tabb of Mt Sterling a pairheavy draft horses for 400 Theyweigh 2650 poundsAdvocate-

At a public sale of mules near Shelbyule several pairs of IGhand maremules brought from 425 to 455 andseveral pairs of yearlings brought from

325 to 385A black sow weighing about 175

pounds crop off of one ear and slit inother came to my some time agoOwner can get her by paying for this

and her E BickleStanfordaSixty thousand pounds of tobacco washauled here from Lincoln county Sat-

urday Although Mr Soper had neverseen it or contracted for any of it hepaid the owners from G to 9 cents apound for it and they went home happyHarrodsburg Herald

FOR SALEAbout 41 acres of landone mile from Crab Orchard Ky onLancaster pike A good dwelling welland all necessary outbuildings Placeis right on pike This is a good homoand a cheap place The owner of thisproperty lives at Henderson Ky andhas made up Ids mind to sell It canhe bought at a bargain For price etcsee or write L R Hughes StanfordKy

F A Land sold James Christie acombined mare for 175 D R Brownsold C T Bohon of Lebanon a pair ofmules for 110 R L Murphy bough18 steers of S S Williams of Adair

it 3Jc and 44 hogs of different parties

in Casey at 5c He sold 12 steers to FP Combest at 3Jc W IL McClure oC

Humphrey delivered 200 bushels oC

wheat to the roller mills here at Jl3c

Liberty News


Miss Fannie Hatfield begun schoolhero Monday

Some worthless dogs made a raid on-

E G Baughs sheep a few days agokilling two of his flock

II F Horton has his new house near-

ly completed which is quite an Im-

provement for our village 0 LSpeaks has laid the foundation for a

nee residence-

J S Young our clever postmasteris making quite an improvement on thefarm he recently bought of Goo BaughHo ispulling down the old fashioncrail fence and replacing it with a substantial wire

C M Young and wife arts visitingfriends and relatives at Science Hill andSomerset Elbert Young is looking af-

ter his fathers store during his abencc Charlie Cook has moved backto town He says country life is toolonesome for him

Always Keep ChamberlainCough Remedy in the House

We would not be without Chamwrlalns Cough Remedy It Is keptn hand continually In our home It

lays W W Kearney editor of theIndependent Lowry City Mo ThatIs just what every family should doVhen kept on hand ready for instant

checked at the out-

setuse a cold may bo

and cured In much less time thandeer It has become settled in tin s s-

tern This remedy Is without u peerI for croup in children anti will preventthe attack when given as soon as thechilli becomes hoarse or even after-

Itho croupy cough appears which canbo done whenlthc remedy is kept at

hand For sale by Dr W K Craigtho popular druggist at Stanford Ky

With a large size drummers trunkfilled with ballots and dragging sev-

eral ballot boxes IaP Lay circuitclerk of Whitley county came to

rankfort to file these with the CourtoC Appeals as evidence in the contestrankfort Journal


School Childrens DyspepsiaThe common form of dyspepsia orullgestlon which stops tho growth

flules the checks weakens the systemof so many school children is oftendue to Improper or too quickly eaten

inches While seeing to a correctionof tlu canto it Is also Important tocllre the disordered conditions of thestomach and bowels This can bu doneb y no other medicine so safely andsurely as by Dr Caldwell laxative

yrup Pepsin Try It Sold by G LPenny Stanford rind C W Adams

Alston villc at 60o and 8100 Moneybaclt If it fails

Judge Gordon of the Hopkins countyCircuit Court has ordered that Barth

lompkins the convicted Negromurderer be hanged in the CircuitCOurt room at Madison l11e ThompkitJ is under sentence of death forkl11lng William Brame

Lieut Gen John M Schofield U SA retired last surviving army com-

mander of the Civil War died ofcerebral hemorrhage at St AugustineFla a s j

J rr

A Favorite Rembedy for BablIts pleasant tasto and prompt cures

have made Chamberlain Cough ncmedy a favorite with the mothers ofsmall children It quickly cures thcrcoughs and colds and prevents anydanger of pneumonia or other seriousconsequences It not only cures croupbut when given as soon as Uio croucough appears will prevent the attackFor sale by Dr W N Craig the pop-

ular druggist at Stanford Ky

Despite the prominence of tho stallhood Bill under tho arrangement forthe week in the Senate the friends oC

the railroad rate measure expect toinject a speech or two hours in its behalf

eThe association to prevent corrupt

practices at elections will meet in NewYork March 5 to 7 The subjects Cor

discussion will be primary and electionlaws nnd corrupt practices nets

The Seaboard Air Lino railway oC

Ices burned at Portsmouth Va andmany valuable records and official pa-

pers were destroyed The monetaryloss was 25000

United Mine Workers of the WesternDistrict of Kentucky who will meet in

convention in Louisville Wednesdaywill demand an increase in the scale orwages

Judge Benjamin F Graves formerThief Justice of the Michigan SupremeCourt is dead

Contra Kentuck-



NUITwo bout cad loU tlluited la CubOrebdlwlihlx and onehalf acre ol land alached lloth ere inme eotugt one rontliiufG mil t brother ot 1 room Stable two gOO

itc The liulUlngi tie new and thenclngltordUtrr Two jooJ ganleni sad IneUI le iattur WltIlIeacb place spanielru I whole Pike on the projurt j u a who

11300ho 181A term of SflO ores one soil oneb

nlle bt rill of J1mbnllle on the I > nflll plkTo atoiy lr me dwelling seven rooms Terandllrtc Fine young orcaird lrln all kinds 01

etc A-ImlhflhgandlvocrsareingoMreM Ir Thu far

I illtualeiln Ibe beet socialcd la an Idol home HpleodM Ire bomr bnrnit tall other neeentry outbuilding Pure HI

WNoIS98S acre ofhod In the town Iliulta or

Rowland about at acm bottom latd coo N acmID woodland The piac la well fenced and Iu-d water woks well and cistern I story trimlUildlog S room hall tranila Lick porch cumner hltcbtn and good cellar lood bun and a11

itber ntcesaarr outbuilding Including tillrraner7t4 All In good repair tenting In antUM under ell wire true U a Irfiullfiilace a dttlrable home cites to town and will letll

heap ono on eiiy termNo UOA Lea ol ICO acree 1 mile teiond Mi

g0051 Lye well well Improved and la rlglin pike No1 tACk tarn Il box atoll abid onwe tide and dtlrewaj In cenur 2 other binmod 2 tenant houtea 5 room brick ralJenre odiltchen ant all oilier DtIOt buy out hulldlDiiatUlngi and fencing In good rcnatr plan w1Iratend clirrn at bsm cod house tmdspnnpIc Aboui180cminerasnilbe rat In cuIrallon Irlce 19WO CO

No 151100 acre farm about I mile this tide ofihilby eu 4 room cottage 2 porckta No1

rood cellar under the kitchen Clood barn of 8

ullt crib etc Building are In good repair an-

belencupiremoJeratr Two spdngiandguoon About acne In timothy ad

lorerretInwoodland Trie 14 30000No ISGA 220 acre arm lying on Dlx that asr-abOrchard Aboul7uacrlatocublvatlon aDd

lacrraln pasture tit In good limber Alout73 bearing fruit trttf on the place 2 story GroraIwelllng Ordlniyaubie and crib and a teri-

uorl tenant home The buildings are Inlot the fences are not The pi rratereJl6aevrrIuIngpringc Till Isaga

lock Inn and Ii offered at a fates olJ1Z500WI

No 1SV Coltageln Lacuter feet front nd3011 eel dl1l Ail uwoiry uullmlldlcgi exrei

arn ErerylhlBg U new sod In Rood shape Cum

Lage contains 4 turns hall verauda luck loorthud Laseusrut Owe to school chMrcbn eli

lrlce f 2VMOO

No 154170 acre farm Dear HuttonTllle boawelling and born a good fortion of thus plan

could be sold for town 10111 It la well watered anlbe fencing sod bulldlDfi are In good condition

Ma la oi n of the teal tarn In the county Theill la rich and will produce bawl He Itlc3000 0-

0o4 Two atorr frame dwelling 7 rooms balIDd reranda loud garden fencing and house II-

rood repair For ulx or rent 1rlc reawnablnNo 34 lloute god fire acmof lint In Itll-

nnk NtcraMry oulbulldlnga Fencing goodid well watered Will sell tbla place ou tatjrmaNo 7329 acre of land lU room two

tory dwelling well watered good lepclng It IA

eaubutlie of be city Ol Stanford clote to Unltbool anti clurchea Till < Ii a deitrable homeIce reasonableNo 370 room frame cottge and one sere c

Iod in Ky Large bun inioke banetc All building and fencing In good repairlrlte 8100

No OTan arm ol lanJ two story front rot >

tag e Coven rooms balls etc louts Ii new a goon

den and iplendld orcbanl ot If sera leuclurottwostablestbuggy flout tuiuie houae via

A pN la pure a goof mill oa-

be plate a g od cruihtr Jo mill U Ii run by natuulllOwr which is a great economy and Ibe Jawto In guud repair Will tell the properly at a low

ure or te lt-

N026 Frame hotel large rooms double versaduo hallway Etc A large 2 story store ruowmtlng eirert SOlcet tram boWl stain cults

nfordwv Ing 2 nice cotlagei nlcvly furnishedppred and painted 4 rooms ant terandt each A-

larl8 barn on tame lot used alhurlaille Uoodgarden Vacant lot adjoining b 200

feedefl All ol this property la In Ixjndon Kydlaa one chance for au DIe one to mate moneyiprieior hanrefuaed lo rent property fur IO Ir1-

1101l1h On account of 111 health of bit wife onlyr man for arlllrg pruplletor detlrte to ezcbaogifor farm In Lincoln county

No aA smut laon 075 acrea of good landIccaled clove to town Price S2 230

No it 150000 acres of cotton land In MlsiltslpilTbre Is no section of country which offfllO many

portunltlcs toe profitable Investment as theslrrl Delta It now fitly described as 101I

Mty Valley The timber la becomlnir mote valuble all the time for the reason that lumber people

from the North where Me supply 01 timber I lastnlnlshlne are constantly increasing their

chasn of timber lands In the South Vlhenthtimber Is removed the land Is unequaled for agrlcultural purposes It will produce a bale of cotton to thecre or will grow IO other kind of crop raised Intemperate lone The soil nreds no fertilisers antIn a yield whlchcannot be excelled taxes are low-e title Is perfect and the man who buys Delta farm

a1 timber lands at present prices Is making an Invelment that he will never regret land Is dl-

vUeJ Into tracts ranging from 40 acres to the tract to-

n1IOO acres to the tract and prices from S8 per acretu Si6 per acre according to location etc Were authorized by the company who owns these lands

0 state that as other parties are considering therebate of these lands that we offer thesettorrlnr sale withdrawal from market or chance

n price wlthonl notice However when notifiedIhey will hold any tract out of market long enoughtor the purchaser to make an Investigation AboutnoooClea of this land his hen told by the Com

we received this option For further panpanysince at our officecountyICytodate In every anuDg with improvements and 20 acres of fine

id close to Southern railroad Price 19000


No 401474 acres ol land cottage of 4 rOlUlgood hall ana 2 porches loud bun and otbenecessary outbuildings Fencing and buildings ID

good repair Place well watered a splendid wanat home etc iJind le all local and produce w 11

Young apple and poach orchard Thus I

about 6 mllta troui town Irlce 1500

No203A 220 acre farm In the Wajnularci Ion about 2>4mlln iron 2 tall road Ulloucloteto root office atones cburrbet etc Libetween 2 County roads Rural Krte llclhrlUiute b Four room log home a 11adldhimn54z161atboxing end bar two good thela watered with neTerfalllng springs mad a runnlig branch through tb pas It bar good fnelog ad oUlbllIdln i Irlce f I 800 Tends es-

No 205ISO acre tarn situated on the WIntabur mad ML YerfOn road lboal 8 mite <ufWaynraburg llasaaroomcuttage eta Tblplaoe gentleman In Callturnli and hwill aell iicheap aud on easy tcriua

No VIJM acre S4 mil + iron Junction Cl173 story A room frame dwelling barn retnon le bouu etc All In repair locud IOIL

fencing Dacr5iignaeat21 urea In cululion hood orcbardofpeschalumsspphse-A splendid grape harlot 2600 s lrar avid ID

onejear rlaca close to school caurcbea Icand well watered medicated well at house aDllstock well at faro etc rice 13600

No 211 About 41 acres or land I mile lrolllCrab Orchark ou Unotater pike A goat delilog will and all neceaiary tutblldlnis flic Itoepaceton D up iplace reaming mineral water right on place Itcan be bought at a bargain new ua tjr a prke-

No2I A farm of 242 acre A handaorn e lUodera 2 stor britk tesldeoce IUlnllbel Indup to due In e ery particular Ntor room oaprtlIIot the nicest to tummy Largethe plan la well watered sot pajr 111101 a 1111

on It Th re 1 only about 20 acre la culttraland rest In grass 1leDt of fruit treciiic Tblla an Ideal nome IDol a splendid farm 1la reuon able

No xtl 2SO acres of land 2 dwelllBgs of 4 toolNeb Le rs tobacco barn 182 lect neat tot beliett biro la Lincoln county S imalf stock barllaThus property lap belQeeu 2 good toUIII touird2 turnpike All Ibe building aodreccing are In good repair Ilace la well waterby good springs creeks etc Splendid tobacco 1lIdand wM else I barrels of corn to the acre Thllpleauknlheownerfron 21 to 20 per centhie InTrstutent ono If not the cpeanMecca of land In Lincoln county If you are looklag for a bargain this It TOurchanAf Jce ehap

No Sit 2500aaeloflint In Caaey raiinty DbIJberty nod Columbia coals Twel te houiea aod

oo Htldenc a rooms 134story lo-rwnlbflWudt Hood barn 3UO scmID cultlratton llulldlog In modern IhndbouleIprlogthrough at alllouuoneaty teen or will dmrWi plate to auil

HirchiwnNo nice little 8 loom collate All ntonary outbuildings and a gout garden Aboutmile from Stanlord 1 his U a cheap place IrleIW Mill

No 21791 ore lam In I molt ol OIL Ik lOryG io > ut dwelling stir house amok house w1IHouse crib etc Aliine bulidlal and eating arela fair condition toed apple urchird stoutcm in cultlratlon nsl In nxiJ limber Waters

ester falllPg well and waters ot South tgrllIydae fJ200 TTa

No 218 One vacant lot U Junction Cltf at-

autbeast corner of Lucui and motion pmtruoDlngIrrla 1600

J2S Nice I room cottage and I acra of lalll10 about I mile Hheltoy City Tree honeCost ISOO We will tell lhuplace lot tl X

NO liSA nice large store room and dwelllidove cantUllDgot tcreral nicely fvrnlihed roome mod barn and lot and all necemury oulbulldln

TIll prrpetly Is la good ralrtlIul1tttdoo MssIre t In right In jurtlon of

own This property wIlltxMldofa bargain arII a pllllild OJIIIualtllo come one desiring 100 In biisltnes r and dwelling beltombioed will tdagrat using in rent eir-

So IP e4djctuat land near Crab Orchar


lli A farm of 35 l arm situated about imire troll Htanfoidaod mile from rib 0rebarn the wtertof l lar Creek Tae plan la rutiioul12 Silts and can he sub dirldml bout atree U lu cultlralloti ilmter lumdeol tu kMp UIday lDo and IIblll story fume dwelling Iiroumt bIIloOrtbte Two gaud Ira D-

Uharngranor7 torn etc Ilace Is well walecol two llbe door running sirentrough fans ill buildings In good shape rice

US taint foucing fair lure ISleracre Tern

eurNo 117 A firm of 100 acres about 4 mile fromitanlord laywell ant well valcrwl A good

ol Ibe farm In blue gnat A ramfortabIwclllogandalargeliarn Thu proprrty Ignplendld pike cloie Ui bol tie 1rlc U Irsere

No W A fnrui of nbout 100 Here on ooe ol IIIn lb County A bitndwMe tit-

oryomedwellingnedonof Ibe lurgeai lIaoiurn phce U w-


ItrluJiic fenilogll ta n gwxl cwniuiunll

lose to schools and iil4 utu minute drlre lromituolord Tbla n very desirable Lamer Irlce


No 7010 acre ofland two tory Iron eolle1 hall etc house Ii new a goal gaidcaod splendid orchard of one and on halfacing twj stabiei Iogi7 hltfIIIIOksouse rte A good well on plao Therelialtu a001 tnlll on the plan gind rruilirr In mill II

Illua by natural sa wer which u great eronomnd Ibe dam Ii In iplendld repair This

Inoncof the best farming district c-

hetountyatoutdsndee frosts OUDlurd tbu 10

Ists a ready Stout ant total u suna ground We will sell thla place for 52400abarI tbe bUlhJn 1000 eoull nOI be ItIIl

III fur this money

No MFlfty acres near rieaaant Point Kyraine bOil Ie 5 rooms and porch Barn and otheritbulldlngs Sacrreln cultivation reel In 110-

1ber Well watered SOU yanlt from pwlornwicboiid church lays well on pita and In goal cumunity Irlce U-No IJ230 acre urn Ji mile of Crab Orchard

K y llrlck dwelling a rooms two tenant housero barns well audiprlng near dwelling Farm In

hllb pate of cultivation 160 acres rl er lotloiiIII gout fencing fruit etc 1rlre f 10110 an acre

No tt A nice farm at Highland K> well impror14 well watered tlL like hue-

v4s6aausoflanJoniamestow rod south of> nnvilw loo acres In cultivation < rout n acres In-

IlImbr and rest In grits A urge new frame dwellloC alto an old dwelllngon place A new barn andtwo old ones is and the fencing II

od On public road lace faoco-So lJ00 cere of land one mile iron Somersetrcut In Kfen Sells Forty acres In cultlva

tloD 40 urn Inputure balance In timber Dwelllog contains seven rooms Large barn and ill nee

nary outbuildings Fcnct builIlrgsloeplea-d repair Well watered S28U-utio25lOdacreeof land In Ford county Ku

tx munnfrow railroad end yi wile rote Arlauamrhr 8evengacrnofland Ii river botiotn le

stclue laud tot in grass This land is for isleor rxchange

No 1111110 acre fann shout S miles from townIn js splendidly matte In cullliitlou well wither

01 etc tMttiige of lour room large turnoj erty well need etc 1 rice tV per tier325 ftcriS In Allen county Ky on rail-

road and pike about BO ncrcs cultivatedaOOul125 In timber and Rrann and shout110 In grays Timber on pines Is cut tu 18IDches but will nmku barrel timber lingIe I till und cord wood enough to pay for-

the plant twice over A large part I e toneed There are four dwolllnxi of 4 roomeach and one store of two stories with romsabon Imi well and sprites of water U In2 miles ot county sent mid prows tobaccocorll wheat grass etc for 3200 Oco hailcadi

I lour nnd Orllt Mill Anderson countyIy M barrel capacity covered with IroD-

built ft year ago Steam and water powerthe latter 8 month of the year U U an up-

i ditto roller mill with burrs for corn andmeat bolt The miRlne Is of 7 years run 1-6acrs with the mill including wish Is wltb-the house of S rooms All for 16210 or 536010 for the mill and 14 acres One knit caab-IIn fine trade No mill In 10 wills

No 42 SeTcu room dwelling grod cellar sad 21

raland Never falling well and iprlcg Fencingnc condition Cneap pt-

cloae 10 towntVlllnll a swill familyNo 76GO acres of land near Junction Cityicutln

1IfD neldt 2ft acres In cultlraltun rtlllD grass a

edyoung and one of the t grape har-hOIl In Party sold 2SOO pounds or-

gnpea last year Well watered mad fencing goofCIwe to school and churches A tolOry1sro-om frame dwelling good barn etc UI-DIII repair Prlc 1730-

No Twostory frame dwalllig of lit roomtwo balil vtranda to well at door and all otber

Also urge buclcamlth-opSOxSOaodehedllull length 0 bop and 10

t proper win be sold at a very10 w price

Denial Kentucky Real Estate k TitleOoStanford Ky



Spring Shoes ee

To Delight the Eye andComfort the Feet

Thero are two ncccury requisite at most tiny ttmo of the year but

more 80 in spring you know lint alter n cold and cheerless winter wo gladly jwelcome the newness of life thnt the beautiful spring season brings with it 2Wo like to lay ueido our dull and heavy garment and don something new

ntul bright that will delight the eye and bring cool comfort to the Wkly

Hero you find everything now and attractive as well as comfortable

anti Tow Priced Stylish Clothing Shoes stud Oxfords RUt Gentij Furnish

ings and Dry Goods

You know that wo stand behind the goods that wo sell wlmtnvcr it mayt

hero want tu sell you your entire spring outfit mud after u careful inspection of our stock you will 1o as eager to buyns wo are to sell

1riees11ellalways as low as n legitimate store can alibis to make them


Next Door to Lincoln County National BankSTANFORD KY



Kentucky State JournalFrankfort Kentucky


Only Daily and Weekly 1ublblicd at the Capital anti the only QUO thatover took the lrsociated IrcM Reports liltS recently been oHlar4trlunitgreatly improved It makes a spec of LOCAL isKWS 0of the Court of Appeal Suite FiscalourtIIlo Federal Court It is es ¬

pecially valuable to lawyers Sub =ciiption yearly S 1 Send rcinittnnco to

W P WALTON PRORIFrankfort Kentucky

First National OfficersOf Stanford Kyi J B 1IOOKK11 PrtslBank BT lUuitii Vrol


50000iW II WKAHENAislUhnCapital Stock

establhhodDlreotorsTbUlnitttutlon wa I originally I

al the Depoult Rank ot In 1851

then reorganised ae the National tank ofBtanford In ISIS and again reorganlied ai f Held Uaavtllethe Flrtt National Ilaik of Stanford In B T Harris StanfordIIII having bad practically an uninter ¬ J B Mockerrupted existence for II rear It It better K L Tannersupplied now with facllltle tar tranael M n Klmore MclCIDnt1jInr bntlniM promptly and well than ere 811 Haurhnjbefore In It long honorable carver T r Hill

Ja KoblnionJ II llaucbtnan r tanford

Accounts of Individuals Fiduciaries and Cur J M Iettui BtanfordO E Tale Stanford

poratlons Solicited



Drugs Paints and Oils Window ltS

Glass Toilet Articles StationeryWall Paper Cigars and TobaccoWill be supplied for low cash pri ¬

cesbyfI W B McRoberts IIi

I PKIISOVAI eupcrvixion given to nil Iresrriptions coiiipoundediI

u5y11 t tiN A 1tfNNNtiM7N 011 1

Craig Heroin Compound Cntiirn Heroin Com found tS




Craigs Heroin Compound t n



pIllIOUUlOa npJJH pnnotiruoOulwJ1l YiIuo fL 1 NK1N1s7hMorris Perkins

General Insurance and RealEstate Agents

Crab Orchard Ky

Wo art iriiriHl to writ Iiiiurniieo

Life Accident Fire orTornado

And solicit the liuslniM of tho cltlxcit nlthe Kaat End Noun but the lxnt complinlea repreeonod-

011icu with Crab Orchard Ranking Co

Ifuvn n talk with tin boforo nlnelng your Innurunva of runuwliiK old pollcUil

with tu nnd wo sell Itfor you churgingyouoglyitsmall percent






POSTEDWe whose names pller below strictly

forbid hunting tubing or any kind of treapamlnR on our place and will prosecuteviolators to the roll extent of the law-

Mr Kate Ailor Itclclienbiich HrsFred VouOruonlRHn Alburt VonOruonlganFred Von lmIlD Fred llaumann

4Alfred Simpson Oor u HolmesMica Mattlo 11 Howe K KolcbonbacbCharles Cumulus Joe HallouA 0 Dunn 8 M HolmesW E Amon W R nauKbortrM J HolTrnnn M n KlmorePeter W Tarter J Norln CarterJ E truce W F Shomaker rI

Thomas Forrlll Oreen KorrlllF J OonD John II OatnenlicbSIm TRnwbrldge A D RootCharles Ensilln Prank OordlerMrs M Hayden Welch Peter DalmerJohn Uelor Samuel LtndierJacob dander Mrs AllcJl LytleDavid Stephens Mary noiTmannLl Nunnellejr J W BaughmanChristens Orayion J 0 Carpenter tJacob Jemweln Bm Damerou r-


