The Internationalization of Doctoral Education: A Two- Way Street Promoting Productive Educational Experiences Professor Maresi Nerad Director, CIRGE University of Washington, Seattle AC 21 International Shanghai October 19-20, 2010 Center for Innovation and Research in Graduate Education

The Internationalization of Doctoral Education: A Two-Way Street Promoting Productive Educational Experiences The Internationalization of Doctoral Education:

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The Internationalization of Doctoral Education: A Two-Way Street

Promoting Productive Educational Experiences

The Internationalization of Doctoral Education: A Two-Way Street

Promoting Productive Educational Experiences

Professor Maresi NeradDirector, CIRGE

University of Washington, Seattle

AC 21 InternationalShanghaiOctober 19-20, 2010

Center for Innovation and Research in Graduate Education


I. Renewed emphasis on internationalization in higher education

II. Globalization and its effect on doctoral education: More is asked from the next generation of researchers

III. What do we know about the effects of international experiences? (literature)

IV. The international village concept: a two-way approach

V. Further research neededSource: CIRGE Center for Innovation and Research in Graduate Education, University of Washington, Seattle, ACE 21 Shanghai October 2010

I. Renewed Emphasis on Internationalization in Doctoral Education

1. Internationalization is not new to doctoral education

2. Economic interests- revenue

3. The entrepreneurial university

4. Aging societies

5. Run for status and profile building

6. New modes of research production

II. Effects of Globalization on Doctoral Education

1. Increase in PhD production: more women, more international students, more part-time /older students – more diverse researchers

2. A change in the mode of research production – mode 2 (research triangles)

3. Increase in importance of transferable/ professional and translational skills- more skills

4. Increase in standardization of doctoral education – allows for mobility

Effects of Globalization on Doctoral Education

5. Quest for greater accountability- project management skill

6. Increased global communication and creation of global networks – scholarly, global networks, IT competencies

7. Higher education is responding to market forces faster than before – competition

8. Higher education has become commercial and generates revenue - the degree has become a commodity that has value beyond pure knowledge production-competition for PhD students

3 CIRGE International Working Conferences Forces and Forms of Change in Doctoral Education

Worldwide (NSF funded)

2005 US, Seattle - 2007 Australia, Melbourne - 2009 Germany, Kassel

Goals: • Research synthesis of selected topics, • Development of an international network of experts in doctoral education

Countries: 6 continents, 20 countries

Participants: Graduate Deans, national funding agencies (i.e. NSF ), researchers of doctoral education, University provosts for research, early career researchers (ECR)

Outcomes:• Web information www.cirge.washington.edu • Books: Towards a Global PhD? University of Washington Press (2008); in

process What (in the World) is a PhD? Globalization and Quality in Doctoral Education

• Research agendas• 3 declarations: Seattle declaration, Melbourne declaration, Kassel Policy

declarations (see CIRGE website)

Common Definition of a Research Doctorate (study by CIRGE- Forces and Forms of Change in Doctoral

Education Worldwide Network, Melbourne 2007)

1. Need to contribute to knowledge through original research

2. Expect to have substantial knowledge in area of study

3. Training needs to include the development of professional/ transferable, translational competencies

• Source: publication in process -What (in the World) is a PhD? Globalization and Quality in Doctoral Education

More is Asked from the Next Generation of Researchers

1. Academic research skillsSkills developed in completing the PhD (critical thinking, research design + methods, data analysis/synthesis, writing, publishing), working in multi-disciplinary teams

Research ethics –responsible conduct in research

2. Professional competenciesTeam work, presenting, grant writing, managing people and

budgets, Working in multi-disciplinary teams, translational competencies

3. Inter-cultural competenciesWorking with international researchers and in international settings

Conceptual Approaches to the Education of PhDs

1. Apprenticeship model- one to one

2. Professional socialization- disciplinary values and norms

3. Community of practice - situated learning

4. Mentoring – a panacea for everything?

5. It takes an international village concept- a two-way (street) approach- coordinated efforts of many levels of the university

The International Village Concept:

A Two-way Approach

The International Village Concept:Two-Way (Street) Approach

Involvement at 4 levels:

1.National Higher Education decision making unit (Ministry, Immigration Office)

2.Central campus administration/ graduate school

3.Graduate Program

4. Individual instructor and student

What do we Know about the Effects of International Experiences?

Claims of Benefits

1. For the Universitya) Vibrant intellectual learning community

b) Excellent researchers

c) Investment in later international collaborations

d) Contribution in improving inequalities in intellectual capital

2. For the Individual PhDa) Cosmopolitan mind set

b) Enriched dissertation research

c) Opening up of improved employment possibilities

d) Richer intellectual life

e) Early international network building

Empirical evidence?

What can we learn from the literature?

1. Communication styles and professional behavior are substantially different by cultures and personal background

2. Study programs abroad have an impact on perceptions of self and others and influence - professional and personal developments

3. There are various types/ motivations of mobility and these affect to impact of the experiences

4. One outcomes measure is the number of co-authored (from different countries) publications

5. Increasing reliance of international postdocs for research

A lack of research

, Policy Recommendation for Doctoral Education

on Internationalization –A Two-way Approach3rd CIRGE workshop- March, Kassel 2009 ( international/national levels)

1. Share expertise and capacity between more developed and less developed research and educational systems through not-for-profit networks which encourage collaboration instead of competition for talent.

2. Undertake capacity-building projects that can employ doctoral level researchers in the developing world.

The Internationalization of Doctoral Education A Two-Way Approach

3rd CIRGE workshop- March, Kassel 2009 (Instructor level)

1. Train PhD advisors/supervisors to effectively facilitate cross-cultural research groups.

2. Orient and integrate international doctoral students from the start with the academic expectations and cultural context of host institution.

3. Help international doctoral students nurture scholarly and professional relationships with their home country while studying abroad, including support for presenting and publishing in their native language.

4. Allow international students to do research on and in home country

5. Help international students with “re-entry” support for those graduates who wish to return to their home countries.

1. Draw attention to the internationalization of doctoral education and doctoral careers.

2. Increase awareness - the campus is an international village – campus research symposia (doctoral students focus on the world).

3. Collect and consolidate campus resources:a. for international graduate studentsb. For domestic students’ research and study/research

possibilities abroad.

4. Undertake needs assessment among international students.

5. Establish a graduate student advisory board on international matters: Inviting international and US graduate students with an international interest.

Practical Implications of the Two-Way Approach The campus an International Village concept

Internationalization for Doctoral Education – A two-way concept (level of instructors)

Class Goals for Instructor

1. Recognize challenges for all new doctoral students and those that are specific to international students

2. Practice academic skills and strategies in a safe environment (communicating with peers, advisor/advisee relationship)

3. Empower international students by recognizing them as “equal” members of the graduate community

4. Help students become critical consumers

Developing a Research Agenda !

• How to make international doctoral education as inclusive as possible?

• Your suggestions!

CIRGE website



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