PLAIN DEALEK RAILROAD TIME TABLE- AJHOIDENT AND DEATH. X * m n* * i % » ft & THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1883. Chicago, Mil.&SI Paul Raili a;. Trains arrives as follows. GOING WEST. I Paftflf'npror 11:07 ft ni Passenger 2:20 a. in. | Accommodation 2:40 p m Accommodation. a oik a EAST, Passenger Passenger Accommodation ....... Accommodation. 6:10 a m| .. 8:48 p ml ,.11:54 p. m.I . 0:55 u ml .11:50 p ml L. T. WOODCOCK, Ag't THE GREAT jgrfflV RE MCDI CUI RCH DIRECTORY. C V II E# Rheumatism, neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumba^s. taefcacto, Headache, Teethaotie, i*r«Tkrwil.aiifllla««.ll|>rnla>.nnti«w, Barn*. NMlli, rr*l Ul»«. ANb iU OTHUt MWU I'lIM 411 AMIR*. QeMu Dri fftoUniKt H^lnncrtrT^kfit. Fifty O^ua ImMIi |>lr*edo«iM«i II UufianftM. 4ME CHAUICft A. VOURLEK on. Mm % A. WulUK * oo.> ? If you aro siclc nop Bitters will «urcly aid Nature in making you well when all elso fails. rwwmiKflATioNju, onenm.—Sprcloee every Sunday at ii.oo a.m. and 7:00 r. m. Sunday school nfwr morning mirvtce. Prayer meeting Wednwduy evening. 1U.V. A. R. McOonnell, I'Hstor. Mrraopimr Kriwv !«• a l u.—S< r\1 ee« «• ve ry Sjinday ai ii:U) a. m. and 7:00 r. m. Sunday Sehool after morning wrvloe. Prajer mwtiag every Thursday eventjig. Hitv. o. W. Piutt, Pastor. BAmsr ^nc*cn.—services every Sunday at 11:00 a. H. and 7:00 i». M. Sunday School eftcr morning service. I'r*y(T ruc<Mli<<f every Wed- nesday evening. ttsv. A. 11. Cahhan. I'uotor. cathoi.ic ohukch.—Services every Sunday at 11:00 a. u. und 8:00 r. M. Sunday School every Sunday ai 1:00 r. m. Krv. M. A. MrC.utTirr, Pastor. Orach Episcopal Ciukcii—Servloes every Sunday at il;oo a.m. autl 7:iw p.m. Staday Behoof after morning service. Kbv. c. 8. i KRcr-Ai., Rector. MISCELLANEOUS LOCAL. Ifjou are costive or dyspeptic or suffering from any of tue numer- ous discfu 03 of the stomach or bow- els, it is your own fault if you re- main ill, for jpp Bitters isa sover- eign remedy m all such oomplaints. If you ere wasting away with any form of Kidney disease, stop tempting Death this moment, and turn for a cure to nop Bitters. If you are sick with that terrible sickncss Nervousness, you will find a "Balm in Gilead" in the use of jjop Bitters. V' If you are a frequenter, or a resident of a miasmatic district, barricade: your system against the ecourge of all countries—malarial, «pidcmic, bilious and intermittent fevers—by tho use of nop Bitters. If you have rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad breath, imwb au<? aches, and feel miserable gener- ally, pop Bitters will give you a fair skin, rich' blood, the sweetest breath, health and comfort. In short they cure ell Pise&aHl of tho Stomach, Bowels, Blood, liver, Nerves, Kidneys, Bright's Disease. 1500 will be paid for A caso thev will not cure or help, 'fjqr jjop l>itters to-day. («j) Thivrsday afternoon Mrs. Jumes Oakloiy with two other ladies driving toward Creseo were run away with eomiii g down the hill north of th John Hichds house, the team turn- ing into the field almost in front of th e house, throwing all three out. Pi* o mi nutes after the accident, on our wny to Creseo, we found the la- dies With her, giving Mrs. Oakley, whom we found .seriously hurt, such support 118 they coufd. She was un coimeiou 9 » her left, arm broken with evident si^ns of alarming and dan- gerous iuj'ury. After assisting in r> t getting her into the house and as cresco, lowai eomfort abl.y placed upon the bed as the nature of L'er injuries would al- low, we hurried to towrr for Mr. Oak- ley aud a physh'hui b<>th of whom were on their way to file scene of the-accident iu 45 winut es from the time we left it. Mr. Oak.'ey had his team already to start for 1 iome as we came into towu, and or lering Dr. Eddy to be sent out, hurri ed otT, the Dr. following and passing b4ui a mile ox" «o out, hurried oil onl^* 1 to flud that the vital sparlc had already gone out and Mrs. J'ameti Oakley was cold in the embrace <»f death. The young ladies with hter w-ere con- siderably shaken up but not eerioua- ly hurt. Their names we did not learn nor any of the pa rtlculara of the accident as the ueeftl for im- mediate help seemed too urgent to permit of deluy to make ai iy inquir- eis, and at this writing we .are ignor- ant of all the facts pertainit'g U> the matter, except as related. O Tbe Btmarf Gtrro*, Ka 34, Fall tuid Winter, 18 83, gives wholesale prioeB dirMt to tommmmt on everything you use, eat. drink, wear, or have fun with. Tells how to order with exact on*, 216 pagea—large onqs—S,300 illustrations a whole picture gallery. Contain*) information cleaned from the markets of the world. Ho other price-hook in existence contains as mueb information. Sent free to any «d- dre» apon receipt of postage (7 ct«). Lctua hear from you, or visit iik when in our city. Kcar Plxposition Buildings. Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. •97 * MtWafeuhATMWitlteatiOl (QmtHmed/nm la/t uedt.} Now Watch Cases an Matk. In 1S75, thirteen men comprised the entire working force used in the manu- facture of the Jamet Bostf Gold Watch Out. Now over five hundred are employ**!, and the number in constantly iuereaeim;. Tlierea- eon of tliM mcresMMe is thi^: In the Jams* Bomf Gol4 W ateJl Case all the metal in night and subject to wear i* tolid yoW,whil#tho re- mainder, which only lends strength to the cas4 is of stronger metal than gold, giving gold where gold is needed, and strong, elastic metal where strength and elasticity are needed, a combination pro- •dbcing a watch case better than solid ^old and at OKB-naur the cost. Over 200,000 of these cases & _ A Iiave been sold, and every jeweler in the country can testify to their quality and ,nent * txrfmaTO*. Mioh . T>OC 8. 1«B. E W. Marsh ni the i'rmorr<u. lKiunnt 3m. Uom* •Ooiil WatUi cwu 14 } <»:> uki'i, er.d carrmd it until a abort tiuieMni, wbeu I |:un-haM>d ft, «ii«1 *<»ld it to a ciwUmitT Tlie cans »Ujow«.i no K!*m«< f wixir,c.x>* i4 that natural t > ejir case, u::.l I »:n t^i,.-fi.nl «v\u be Mkfcly ^uanuiUxl f jr at !«-ju t y«*r« ui ti». I haw void the Juset Uchik' (;»Jil\v*U'h Ctu*- f»r luatiy yojrn, anil the partloi who l>>ntrlit tUi- Crut anim ar«< carry- ing tliem to-.lay, u-< well su< thou+rh Oicy U:ul tKiuKbt a nolid (r>M «im* o^t'iiKtwioiithr iu<mey. I r«(rard Umo th" only caaeft or tln< kuu! a «hoiild h«U into tlaair> H t<i irv(» hiit cuntouicra liia woitt ut tlivlr mouey ur valuiw hln rppnUUon M m. J. Oumiway, Jmt*Ur. tNllmlriiBf to IrritoH *»li* Cn« FartorU., PWU- <Mylilfc IV^IWhawloMu. Hia«tr«W4 rnrJiM how Am ImTmI Watch Cam in Mia (lb be awMwimfJ DB. JOHN BULL'S Smi'sToiicSynii FOR THE CURE OP FEVER and ACUE Or CHILLS and FEVER, M0 «U MALARIAL DISEASES. The proprietor of this eelebzatei neiS* viae jtutly elaims for it a superiority over mil romediss ever oft red to the pnuio fee the SAFE, CKSTADT, SPXSDT aad PEE- 1AIXII ear* of Agaa aad Fever, er Chills •al Fever, whetker of shert er leag staai* lag. He refsrs te the eatire Weetera aai Southern eoaatry te bear hia testlaoayte tiie truth of the aasortioa that ia ao case whatever will it fail te oure if the diree- tioas are etriotly followed aad earried eat. la a great many oaate a single does has beea nAeieat tor a ease, aad whele tuiS- lles have beea oared by a siagle bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, pradeat. aad ia every ease more oertaia to oure, if its aae is oowtinaed ia smaller doses for a week er two after the disease has beea oheeked, mors especially la dlfiealt aad leag^itaadiag eases. Usa- aUy this medMao will aet require aayaid to keep the bowels ia good order. Should the patieat, however, roeaire a eathartio medioiae, after haviag takea three er fear doeee of the Toaio, a suagledeee ef BULL'S •10RASLS rA10LT>XLIJI will be saf> fteieat. BULL'S BABSAPA&TLLA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities ef the blood aad Serofalous affsotioas—the Kiag ef Blood Purifiers. DB. J0HK BULL'S YEOETABL1W01* DEST&OYXB is prepared ia the form ef oaady drops, attraeuve te the sight aad }leasaat to tho teste. t DR. JOHN BULL'S 8MITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER, The l*Opular Remedies of the Day. Maelpel OMee, 8tl Isla LOUIS V1LLK, IT, The apron and neck-tie sociable Ion Tuesday evening netted the sum I of one hundred and thirty dollars. John T. Clark's law office has been |mo\edto the south Ride of Market Street, a few doors east of Phelun's | grocery, It would be hardly possible for an Icvange.ittjund n christian to walk up- 1 rightly ontiie rickety walk udjoiuing I Mr. Ridlingtou's on the east. Prof. Weld, principal of tho Creseo I public school to deliver a republi- can spet»ch at the Libbey school | house Suaday afterttoon next. The Pettit farm half a mile north I of Creseo on the Granger road is for ] sale at a bargain. There is not a more desiriuble 80 In Howard coun- ty. Mrs. Mitchell, wife of a son of the lato lliley Mitchell, departed life Sunday last leaving two little chil- dren and a husband to nioura their loss. Hcrvcy Axtel is In town repairing [the fences which lead toward the sheriff's residence. Hugh Price seems to be tearing through t.heiu {in tIk* north part ef the county. There will be a meeting of Memor- ial Post G. A. R, ut the court house next Monday evening. Si-ptombor 2^, to arrange far a union with Osagt Post at Riecville, October 2, aud £ Comrada all invited. W. D. Miner at Riceville fceeps n country hotel that even more pre- tentions towns need not be ashauicd I of. Excellent meals, tidy rooms, clean and comfortable beds are among the luxuries of the house .T. J. Lowry has purchased Uab- IcocIc'h intcp'Kt in the grocery of | Babeoek & Barber. The new iinu is styled Barber & Lowry and will be a popular one. In time it will «peak for itself through the jpiUx IDealkb. Wallace Clark, who has been at I I Webster, Dakota, is brought liom sick from puhnonory disease from which his recovery is doubtful. He w:is never very strong of lungs, and I we understand iias been much worse |©f late than usual. Tli # Wost Sliore, Portland, Oregon lis one of the best publications a per- Uon can take to po>t himself on the resources and progress of the Pad lie slope. It is to be greatly improv- ed with the September number. Thn subscription price is $2.00 per year. | Its illustrations are fine. The Chicago SeEtinel wiU change its "makeup" before long from an eight, to a sixteen page sheet. The Sentinel ranks among the best pap era of the national party aud it« new form will be especially valuable fori future- reference and use. Its eireu lation should be extended to com- pensate for this expense and useful- ness. Read the Infamous record of Sen- ators Allison a«d Wilson on the 4th page of the Plain Dr.iiER. It will 'liable you to judge whether you will vote for senators or representa tives who will vole for the return ofl such speculators in public trusts to the places they have used to feather their own nests at the public ex- pense. Encouraging words come froml qUJirtor of R million of dollars. Mitchell and Worth counties toueh-l ^ ing the candidacy of Mr. Foreman! railroads operated to exact all [for Senator. Farmers, if you desire! trafile will bear, take on an average to wipe out the $2 per thousand feetl ten emits a bushel more than a Just tariIT-tax. which senator Allison yot-l Ponmensatiou. This extraordinary ed to impose on lumber, and the 21 . . , . .. I cents a pound tarri?T-t..x Allison! expense is deduete^d from the puc Aniiounteinent. OtHng to urgent solicitation £>f nty many friends I hereby anuouneo my- self as an independent candidate fo»" the ofiice of sheriff of Howard coun- ty, Iowa. Tours very respectfully. I HI oh PKICB. I Creseo, Iowa, Sep. IB, 1883. | John Johnson of the firm of Thompson & Johnson Bros., with hib wifo has lie«n spending the past few months at their old home in Nor- way fro:n whence they returned to Creseo last, week looking well and report having had an enjoyable time. The National party of Iowa, has the ouly platform in tho interest of the people, and its candidates are in harmony with the interests which the platform espouses. There is not a single question, even that of a tariff, which is not safer with the National party than with the so- called democratic party, which in the democratic strong-holds of the country is organized in the Interest of monopolies, as the republican par- ty in its strongholds is organized in the same interest. These unques- tioned facts should determine Nationals iu Howard county, in favor of their state ticket from top to bot- tom. Politicians may talk, flatter and cajole tho people as t'uey will, |the truth yet remains that both the old Moss-back panics of the country are owned body aud soul, aud run In the exclusive interest of the monop- olies. And before extending the right- hand of fellowship to the democratic party, it will be prudent for Nation- als to wait and see if the democratic congress which is to meet in Decem- ber, proposes to serve the people, or |if it. will follow in the footsteps of its ' illustrious predecessor," the repub- lican party in the service of monop- oly- Honest money is that whi^l con- fers like beneiits and is of like value I to all'-lasses. Honest government is that which makes no law discrim- inating against one class and iu the special interest of another. These nre Solid Facts. The beat blood purifier aud syster.t regulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, liilionsness. Jaundice, con- sumption, Weak Kidneys, or any dis- ease of the urinary organs, or who- ever Tequires an appetiser, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Elec- tric Bitters the bert and only certain cure known. They ac t surely and quickly, every bottle guarunieed to give entire satisfaction or money- ey refunded. Soi l at fifty cents a bottle by l)r. .1. .1. Oleimm r. 4 The wheat crop of Iowa is esti- mated at 25,000,t»G0 bushels. A dif- ference of one cent on n bushel is a The the of the product by the buyer who has it to ship. The difference is $2,500,- 000. The republican party with its railroad conimisioner system permits the robbery to go on. helps retain on barbed win.-, vote for Cyrus Foreman for state senator. On our fourth page may be found an article from Chicago Tribune en dorsing government currency, al- most as fully as is done by the "lu- natic press" of the country. We in vite the attention of such papers as the Postville Review to this remark- able article from the leading repwb lican paper west of New York. But then the Tribune has a 'limited eir eulation and little influence with the people or its party, perhaps. Sweeney was hunting greenback I The Latest Bonanza BUSINESS NOTICES. "rnUE SliEllVVIN "\V 1 hLCAMS JL Paint" is the best paint f durability and beauty ever sold in Creseo. It is composed of strictly pure material (best lead, zinc and linseed oil) and is guaranteed to work better, wear longer and perma- nently look better than any white lead or other prcpured paint in tin market. The tnanufacturers guar- antee this paint to be free from any tendency to chalk, peel or flake off a fault so common with wliiti lead. The colors being ground in this paint are so uniform, tho matter of fading is done away with, and tlu harmony of colors much more com- plete. Sold by C.J. Webber, Creseo, Iowa. 48w4 RICK 1 BRICK iinoiTlT l AM now prepared to furnish as fine red brick as there Is in the state. Will ship to any point on the rail- road at low rates. Mason City lime, cement, hair, etc., always on hand. 44tf N. B. Whkelkb. T O RENT.—THE FIRST BTTILD ing north of courthouse square in Creseo. Enquire on the promises or of M. B. Doolittle. 40 I F YOU WAiNT THEliEHI r YJNE gar made, a pure Apple Cider Vinegar that ia warranted to keep pickles for years, you can only find it at R. S. CawAia 's. _ ^ tW ~orcW to DrTPriees for BIED CAGES new stock just tfoceived at lowest figures. 22tf Persons in town or country want- ing bran, shorts or gr ound feed of any kind will be furnished with the same iu any quantity* desired from the grange warehouse in Creseo at the lowest rates. John McHroti. A CARl». fWTo all who urr st. ffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, earlj- decay, loss 1' manhood, &c., 1 will e end a rec ipe that, will cure you, FJREE OF CllARGE. This great t iniedy was iscovered by a missionufy in South America. Send a sell-add ressed en lope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inuian, Station D, N. Y. City. 7yl , N otice of removal.Rafter September 15 we inbvud to re move our Dry Goods ami Notions to the store room two door* south of Kimball & Farnswortlrs baede where we will lie happy to have all of our old and as many* ne w eusto mers as wish to call and we will sh ow you tho largest and bwst assorted stock of Dry {foods and Notions in the ity. Bespectfully, A. ZrNDEiv vwrrz. ^ LOVES AND MITTEN* /. YOU JT ought to see our stock of them, on will need them after av hile and e don't want you to forget that our store is Headquarter fore* erything the hand covering line, fr« >m gents' fine kid to the heavy Bud it gloves, at A. Zundelowitz. _ HO WHOM IT MAY )NCEKN All persons indebted to the late firm of Connolly & "Fitzgerald :e hereby requested to make im- ediate settlement as tho books of the lato film mu*t be doee d. P. Contjc u.T, S 1 Political parties are judgeflfcy the acts of the men they permit to lead them. Judged by this criterion, the republican party is justly chargable with nearly all the political crimes of the last generation. dfe iS«* i zr'vr - *>«•»>> A fnvm- t > Vi- - pt moat notr>l n* 'l t.l •; •• :now iv>ii.-<t l.-ir ti -'* V' tup.a.111. .ti l.v< 1-1,1. J'rrv. Aj!J.t>w ds. w.»:«o a co ,i>:i <•' ein t.f M,« i , th -r. •rrMMf lifbAttti i>ru k> at- li-ilt. votes when in Creseo and nearly disgusted the national bank repub- licans. He said the greenbaek- ers were right and that the republi- cans were getting there as fast as | they could. This is probably true; with thei; leaders monopolists they can't get there at all. The way for them to get there is to drop their I candidates and vote the greenback ticket. Then they'll make no mis- take. Woman at Work comes to us from I Brattloboro, Vermont, in fact she comes to us iu the same way from | everywhere. But this particular woman proposes to work for one | dollar a year and is worth double the price. She is dressed up in neat and tidy style, sparkling with wit and intelligence, ladiant In virtu* land asks to couie aud cheer and bless your home. Send the Woman at Work $1.00 and g*t the neatest 130-page magazine published, for one | year. The Drs. Bennett, leave tho last of this week to complete their course iu the Chicago Homopnthie Medi- cal college, and will not* bo in at tendance upon patients until the close of the term. They have met with good success in their practice! and have made many friends, whom I with th." efforts they are making to be thoroughly qualilled for every branch of the notes ion, they will not only retain, but wiU muko Ad ditioual friend in Caftfbrnia.' Bikmvh, Cal.,—Mr. Thomas P. Ford editor or the Montana Tribune, of this place, publishes that the great pain-cure, St. Jacobs Oil, has worked wonders in his family, and that he would not lie without it. He states that among all the peoplu St. Jacobs Oil is the most popular medicine ov r introduced. BUSINESS NOTICES, W HY DO YOU SUFFER WITH Back Ache, Paiu iu the Chest, lth» .mini ism, or lameness anywhere when Hop Plaster will surely give you relief? Druggists sell them, 25 cents. 50yl 1SS S. MEROA KIMBALL CON 1VI neeted with S. M. Cole's mil linery returned yesterday after four weeks absence in studyiupf styles of millinery and dressmaking in* Independence and Chicago. She is now prepared to do anything in those departments with neatness and dispatch that the citizens of Creseo and Howard county may desire. All aro cordially solicited to call an see the new goods that are arriving 1 1VERY LADY SHOULD SEND j to Jauies Morgan, Milwauke for "Tho Bazar Dressmaker," prio twenty cents by mail. Large quau tities of Dress Goods, Blankets, Vwl vets. Silks, Shoes &c., are received at Morgan's daily and marked at the lowest priectt, l*t3 Wm. Frrz ui AWLS IN ENDLESVT VA1UE- ty both double aud single, im- ported and domestic, ttud prices to suit, at A. Zundelowitz. r piIE LARGEST AND BI£ST SE"- JL lertetl stock of Dress Goods , er brought to this city, all the lat- t shades and styles, at A. Zun- elowita. OOTS "AND H'lIOES" Yt)U can't bettor yoMrself anywhere else in town. Wo have everything desired for men's <uid boys' wear. A. ZrM>rLowiT7„ JEW GOODS,OVERCOATS AND winter clothing in endless va- rieties. Come ajid see us. Every- body«and you will f,o home lmppy and rejoicing, with your anus full of goods for but ti small amount of money at the Golden Eagle Clothing House. B' N r pRUNKS AND VALISES. BIG X_ stock just received. Prices way down the Golden Eagle Clothing Honse, > EMEMBER SO YOU DONT \ forget It when you are pre- ired to buy your fall and winter clothing, you will find all styles, grades and quality ot new goods at prices that will please you at the Golden Eagle Clothing Houi>e. Cows for Sale. Twenty five milch cows, mostly grade short-horns, and all in calf to very line thoroughbred short-horn bull. These cows are to be seen at my farm in Chickasaw county, two miles from Lawler. This is no cull- ing out sale and includes nil of my males over three years of age. I prefer to sell to one purchaser and ill give some one a bargain. Ad ress, John McIIraa, 7tf Creseo. CHRISTOPHER C'GRADY, THE SOLID SHOEHAN, Announces to the poople of Howard counts, and to all who irnde in ereaco, tiiut lie haa An Endless Stock Of LADIES', GEXTV, MISSHB' and CTIXL- 1>!:EN'S BOOTS AND SHOES. will also jnefce booe# cad uteee to order. He also keeps .ealher and Findings Of nit Kinds In Stock ftt Ms P-X)t. b .h1 Stoi*. sign (tf the VJOLO Ut'OT. Next door to l'Uit £ o'Maliey a, On-aco, lawa. 8»t4 ADIES STORE, CENTENNIAL BLOCK, CHESCO^ IA, For twenty years I was a sufferer from Catarrh of the* head ur.d throat in a very aggravated form, and dur ing the summer months with Hay Fever. I procured a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and nfter a few appli- at ions received decided benefit— was cured before the bottle was used. Have had no return of the complaint Cuaklotti; Pauki:n, Waverly, N. Y. One and one half bottles of Ely's Cream Baltu cutirely cured me of Hay Fcfer of ten years' standing. Have had no trace of it for two years Ai.nr.nr A. Pekht, Smithbore, N. Y. Since boyhood 1 have been troub d with Catarrh and Hay Fever, and invc been unable to obtain perma- nent relief until I used Ely's Cream lialni. It has cured me. E. L. Click- knf.k, New Brunswick, N. J. Price 50 cents. 4i)t2 FOUND AT LAST. IHarsh'fi Golden Balsam, for the Throat and Lungs, is the Right Remedy. Twenty-four years agD my wife and I were out uu Lake Ontario in a sail boat, duriug a hard wind storm and were capsized and thoroughly drenched with water and chilh through. She took a severe cold and cough from which she never re 'oVered I have spent hundreds of lollars for physicians' prescription and patent medicines, but all in vain A short time ago I was given a sum pic bottle of Maush's Goldkn Bal SAM FOK TUF. TmiOAT AND LfNOS. It seemed to help her. I purchased large bottle, and then another, ami then two more- —for at last had found the right remedy. It has cured her."—[J. W. Brown, carriage manufacturer, Kansas City, Mo. Maksu's Goldkn Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, and Maiisu Golden Blood & Livr.u Tonic, are for sale by Chus. J. Webber, drug 'sco, Large bottles 50 cents gist, Crei und $1.00. sept HOP PLASTER Thli poron* jlnrtT 1' Iy thm but er or ma-lc, c-nitilnlnt? ti:-- •lrtiiea of h'i| < with piniH, Nklmnu mt'l ex- tract*. Iti |vj»< r I t wonilcrful In enrlnif * trh^ro ctli.-r plaftom irii.-i-lj rt-li>-v«. CHok In tlm liork and k, I'nln in tl:" R or Stiff J-.tnti dii<1 »lu»fl«i, KMm' V TiuuM«4, IthwmuiUim, N«uraJcl», Ko.o C'ie«t, ii»rn of the lit art an-l IJ»cr. ftttdiUI jialiut or In lift cared ln»t*ntty 1.y tho //..p I'UuIt. f|r Try It. I'lltv-tS c«ntfl or flvo for ®109. HaUcct on mxiliit of price. HdIiI hj all Unnrtrlft* and country utorea. //-))> I'l'wttr Company, rmprti'toiK, r.otit--u, IImw, LAME BACK Mk IWl >>r coaslipation, Ionh i-i ni-p.rtito nn.l illwao- Hof Lh« bpwoH tafce Hawlcy'll Stomach and Liver lllln. 16 oanU. NOTHING LIKE IT. Sewtng Machine. WITH SELF THREADING SHUTTLE. The Best Machine Hade. The Lightest Running, the Simplest in Construction, the most Perfect in its Work, tho Easiest operated. Prices Reasonable. Terms Satisfno* torv. Call arid see it, try it, and u |N)u want a machine you'll buy it. C. MEVERDEN, 28mA Agent, Creseo, Iowa. t JUST RECEIVED. o A New Stock Compltte in every department. Constant Additions Made to Mate- tain 4>ur Stock and suit our patron*. ashionable Hats; Bon- nets with suitable and seasonable trim- mings alway on hand. CRESS MAKING AM) II MP, WORK Satisfactorily attended to, and with Promptness. Tilecs, considering quality, its CHEAP AS TUE EJJ'IEBEST Grateful for past liberal patron- age, we shall endeavor to nitrit its future continuance by renewed ef- forts to serve vou faithfully. S. M. COLE. IN ALL ITS De partm ENT S FOR TOWN OK COUNTRY, Will have prompt, akllKirt and) satisfactory *t» Wntl.m. Apply ti) .T, J. 3JKOWK, shup rtu\r part ot the building West^ollousleys I'uuip Suoij. rarrtaRo. sign, ai.d every spc-otce of fine work will have sp"Oi:\l utn uttou. graining Neatly done. fsriu lMct-ij -.,on t b-" umlorbal by anybuby PRESENT POWER. U«l|* k Grand Opening This Week and the Balance ot th* Sanson. No Old Ooods. No Old Styles Wo aro bound to win because OUR PRICES ARE LOW Our Stock Is Good and our Dotfrrmlnation is to Please. If you wunt Dry Goods, if you want Notions, if yon want Trimming, If you wunt Anything usually You can And It Good and Cheap at our store* Our Motto Is Quick Sales and Small Profits. Ottr New Stock was Selected with Great Cure, Our Grades are Uni- form and as represented. We are not Giving Goods Away, uor oven Sell* Ing them Below Cost, but reracmborhig that We bought our goods on that basis and are now ready to ahliro tho GOOD RESULTS With our Patrons. Our aim is to make you a permanent customer, this end we can attain by guaranteeing and GIVING SATISFACTION. By all means inspect our HANDSOME STOCK whether jm wish to purchaso or not. Y'OU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. A. Zundelowitz. C. F. WEBSTER. F. A. CLASS. Webster & Class. -I •• DEALERS IN wmwi Staple and Fancy Groceries CJRESCO, IOWA, N-E-W S-T-O-C-K -—INFOBM— YOUR NEIGHBORS, YOUR RELATIVES, YOUR FRIBNDS,! EVERYBODY SL8K THAT PUTTS OWE!. —-HAYli Till DB8T-— tatovii Alpaca ii (tit vorli AND THB Mot CtothiHfi, MHry and Grocery Houoo im CKJKSCO, Who HOW plac e before the pub)lo f eompleio stock ot Fill Clitlii! Iu every department The beat im4 largest Uo« •! BOOTS 1 SHOES In tills market Fifteen ycar»acquaintance with th« •ants of the people af Howard coun* ty, has enubicJ us to cou«ult their interests equally as well a? our own in purchasing wtock. Our good* are sold upon their merit, and nnleas they »u»LiUu the recommend we give them mav be returned aad the non* ey refuuded. Alt rcc.souablc efforts will be mad* ou our piu t to malotain and eontli.na ths plHu^ant relutloua which our long ctpiutntaiic* ami pleaaaut hustnees r i>ociatlous with the people of tke county has seemed to eslabiiah. nrnMVT 4- (fAUUK •Ot every Description,- BOOTS and SHOES Of all Kinds.- GROCERIES In endless variety and unlimited qualittes, may be found at tho South Side FARMER'S STORE ot P. OIHINIOILIL Tyu Thankful for past liberal patronage, and better prepared than ever to serve the public, he hsks a share of its favors and trade. Terms as cheap as the cheapest; everything us good as the best. oA'JZE OVEN PERFECTION Is ROASTING mi BAKING to Mai HARTER OAK- STOVES fid RANGES - - .J . . i ' f+r* *— ^ 0 * y\ 1^4; Dissolution of Copartnership. JioTl. e is, I'fre'.ty Klv«-n that the copitrtiiersihlp hereletorr v\l*Un« ui ^t r t n e > a-ne nml »»t > I-* ef Connelly KHrp'mlil utli«wlvr<l thl^a.i> l'> mutunl consent The UiJ 'bUHUuvs ui the nrm is !..«suiu>M und will Ih> i>ald v-y P. t'onnuliy. l~ du-' the nna may Vv paid to Hiht-r ei lto late iih iulters, UuUxl, crceco, lovra, ?. issa. 1'. Cl'KNOt I.V, WM. rni-i«KAi.p. The burtnesa will be contu.Ur-J .it the late stand et thi* llr:n "t; th »ouih Mrt-' f M irk-'t St. by 1*. Connelly who luvnoull eli eatnms ut the hou-e and as many new ones .is nn.l t eot? venlivit to etuue and we hU ^oo<la an-1 learn jfflcea. m Dissolution of Copartnerjdti)i. Nottee is hereby Klvcn that the coparinoralili* herelot-m existing muter the '..mie ami »t> le ot Uallup a Kasier, Is tls^olx «m* mis day by muiu U evmseut. Th«!ltul«bt»Hln*"ssaf the I'nift la a.s- stnned iiul win V -p. OaHitp. 1><-I>t» due Un- ilrin sau^'. jv.ta w P. V.«; »ll«p. l)ate<l, C:\aCj, lowa, s-ept. loth lsx.i. A. r. «J Ul.lT. J. Kasmm. lAients Waatei E?p?j?kore To handle ,.ur ll.l.rs. FaMI'.V Klhl.SH. N>w s>ib*"rl|'U».»iNjiiloa now ready . n.o»t Pl«- k'ftut *\<ft pnwluecJ. rRKtt PUOT^V Ai.ai In exclusive .»- -iPns, d«- fcijv lme«>rt 1 tw our own tra.le. a ul st,.c«t*rti 'i ublleat!o.;»: mil s Munnal. lll-.KuteV WooBc-i ut.rlval> i ln»|uoi menu, xe'-.ulNet< rr!l r\. Writ* to u »a m. * »u.*>K IHWWwtii, Mnutiiaetwrrrs .\u«t 1 .nper*.er*, \ ..Sc Ktde ami *.M0 S. t iara-st., Ohu\-cv>, "i!. _ _ ' *S-U FtilSVOC. \*e w.tuc Aifats.malfer teiualo \Tio vorK t -r UOOU !' VV I s. 'f !'!u S M lo\ Al. TANK t»f KNOWl.Kl> K* a suslem ef M«<lie> s.lul yuestleus vHUUbtn.^, ter »Ne la Sellouts u,a K (e.il'.ler. !.,vneia h^cnUrely \ Soinevhlii< very usetUU Noil.'.mf »t i u" k.ul h^saver yvt !• -a pt.-eni M. i>^i thtsis* out tor A**.,i*, l«»r r.'l p-tuv-w.a: i-rrlt r> .e.vt terms to agents. uu«!ie-. I: W. V -K : «t co„ N. K. C r.ttfiu A\fnucand Woods;iwUi. mti> bur>r. I' i. 4s'-4 Time Given. "To Wh->m 1? May t'oneern: Netlee is hereby ,-l\eu that 1 haw Riven my minor s-m WlUl.mi Mater, aged *evenieeu J ' .u s his tlm (rem an.I utter this date, and that 1 will not Interfere with hlseontr.a 's mum (lit* tlnv heneforih »»f tK" n-sponalble fer them, l'ar.s, Hovvaru Co.. Iowa, Neptetuber 4. lSSS. 4SC) NV V Matuu TUTT'S T - MOrrow a l,oaic W«j Wautod T >- Off Win Day. Comfort Is never in a hurry. Pain and d!s- trosHAU* In hot haste. 11 N W tli® "trlend in i\l" 11. friend «!u> does si iiu-tlil ig new— H th" old aila^e p.t.vs I iic» e.(>uiplui:e:i! ef b.* tn^ -a frlenil Itul eti." That thev do not the xuiTeivr In H>uivn»e la tlu> saiiem exc Ken.-. r.f I1'-:n si i\"s c\ IVX '* pt»hoi*«» pi.ASTru«< The phi-tent of othrr day- -w la ther p.euus - i oiheiwls^»— u.iid "Walt uutU to-iiiern>w. \V. au proailse i.ethih< on in» spur ef the no ine-it." Hut p.ilu litnelk'vi tl. like hojv def-'rn* ii .ikeiU tlu* h«'*n 4'k. Bena»><i> ph-.sier J ;u- a ippllealiOii. I hev pt-rmeat-*, se<v.n,., v ar:i tid lieal, eent ilntiik'. n' thev do, eheniloal a. il lindli'lual aueut- wf the hlirhe-t eilteien-: Thilr motto t-s >w, and Ui-' t n itno have u word i API INK eut la ta ii.lduie r[ a 1 :' , ;, r. ITice mcenta. tscaLury i JoUu^uu *- n i 1st*, New York. *>-u Executor's Notice. r:»tate «»r Oorm nuii Harrow Deceased. Not'.cu tn t'.KKKUV fllVhM, t Uat Ui»s sub.-eiIt) er lias eii duly api« iut<d ex«e:u- r totticin- mi •- of I'.a-nejnjs u irrow, late of t) -kd.Ue. in Uie county el Ilowi.al. siate ot 1,-wa, -i ve in 1, ln- t- st «e, ,U'<1 h;>s taken uj on luiu.-::t that trust by Klvii-si liotula s s t i e law iltreet-i. All p< t-ons Uavlnc d-'iicuid-. :•;* . t e estate o.' s.dd do er.i^e t are required to exldblt the a:uue; Bi d pei-soiiK indebted !•> t he s.ud-*'j>U»le are e.UU-U upou to tu*ke pjvymeai JULIAN r. DAEROW, SeptemK'r, p, l^si. :«i Hxt-xuior. PILLS TORPID BOWKLt, DISORDERED LIVCM, ' From t^aK^boui\'e4 ta*Uo Uu*«-?barth» of tho diseiii.,-d of the human race. TlieaO evntptotuaIndicate UiOlrexwtenee: Ia>m» mt App*tU», Mowrla cOitlvt, H«k UmA* belt,, iWlR«M after (»tln(, to •mertton ot body or aaina, BractaUM Of food. IrrlulMlllr or temper, LoW •|>lrtU, A foelluc of h*fi»f MfltcltS Buunl tho u*o of :i rt 'iu ly that aete dlrootlf Oil llio l.iver. Asal.lvorineiUelnoTWTT* 1»I!.£.» havo no i.iual. Theli' tieiionoa tho Kldnev*in».l Sk U la :ilso prompt; rv«moYlnjf all lnipuMtie i thiv>u :!» tneao three"eeo»» •atera of tho nviUiU." produelna *rpo» ttto.Bonnd <"! vei»tu>n. regular a^U. ft clear tkln and a v Kurouj l>< .1 * . Tl'TT*(j WIXS OauHO no ii;i.i«'!i or ii>in»i nor laterwit With dally work and ;> > a portoot TUTTS HAIR DYE, Ghav Hair or Wmiskiem oh»o«e4 to- ft am! y toaUrx-s n- litacs bro«ln»le »p. pllej-.tion of thH Dt B. Sold by prugglM^ ifiti bv ou wwlplof ©*• OtUee, 44 Murray Street, New Yor*. tin's MAHI'.U 5?^\i8iw wc!»m wn." MONEY BOOKS Tons A. Hay. OVKKMOaVO Vol.! MRSUKAOV. Theehoi^ llu i tu>e ef th w- rl-l, o.*ti a t.ie be#t f lit: v •Ub'.L-hisl. !.*»•• PAiiK aTAItKU'H PUKK !.o* est prleea <j\ «r knew a. NM'miM deal er*. Seut for rxamlnatiOtt HKHUtit pa,i uieut, OBev denceof cihkI faith. J^'UN R Al.l'KN Pubhslmr, IS \esev S*u<ct, New York. I' o. llox 1«;. -ft. T A / C WorU WateU Hitt ue I Cm p.t 'k.i^e la the las'o-t -ellti^; »»v Ucle In the ni okeu tvntalu-1 > s:»<h>V- of Note Paner, IS Kr.v loia's. IV nctl, l\M*-lloUt#r, Pen aud :i Si uelsoia pltce of Jcwcit ). tiei.u'. prl i3 cents. sr de-en for i*l«.». \ w %ivn jju^r anteinl with ewT> lour -l-woii v ord r K< V51 t*iita, lu one er two eeut p\Mta»re stasap.-, iv will si n 1 a comsUete aampte i»e k,.»fe. with elv if a tit i. .-l-i P.-.ted ^ta Is. i';oUf " .«e.l \ '1 ,r l>«! t->». 11 an l-Oiae V. ,teh Ohitu. v»v>;u Pt.c.ed Wl » and el-vaal s irt Pin. I jji>ter 1 IX* at.;ou*i?s IS IMife rated CAta'.wit't of i.'as. e.K-.\.aij He\ni -. vs, T>'', v >'|m s, s^> iila-• Wa'eltes, A< onieooa. \ wil ts, v»fifHneUe» & fro -. Write at o-u>t World j^QTICG 4S'4 M-cetfiU'tnr.iijf i'»., W Nas- ai; Ht„ New Y<>rH. Ksstaura&t, Billiards, tiui rUhiteri aud - a ii'a- n. .re*,!, .vu5»alway* AT BEN SEr rLi^C'C. min:;. Courtwss muI . l..;at:. etl* ' to Ui<i want* pa:;ont». r--n - aa.t t-• >--.ou.i e,. HEADSS and mil BiUMSCaMHJUMIt Are relieved bv tnkin WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS tui*i ••isui'.s; r; :^ ;c S^:. ;.lll SPREAD THE lie Would stitK«M» to m trlMfti MtA last he has resumed work in Creaco, sa4 that be has > i>en<sj Iq dnttf Htors A Select Stock JEWELRY, IumkI m WM To «Moa he rr^eevullr Ifevtlar DM I otttQR dcMtlng ALL GOODS WABRANTED WbolssleiwiewwC SMV CONTINENTAL OINTMENT CVHE8 CRACKED 81*RAljra» 8CIUTCIIKS and StHUCS IN 1IOUSKS, CATTI.E and SHEEP. A<4 VMrSter#i(^t«nawll,sr watli SlveaS tO th* ftMiiMUrMi, American Lcbricitin^ Oil Ce„ iTyl Cleveland, Ohio. ULBS MILLIONS OFTHKM; FtrFlOKSnul AUATEURS. tMk h lt»lha, }»MI iuiUs rnick Bwt AitwrtoMi Bolhe. •nd WiBd«>w ( CUUTIFU1 FREE I HIRAM SIBLEY A CO. ,a.y.aohtoNfeifc STANDARD LAUNDRY WAX Preserves Unen, Olvea a Beauti- ful, l'iui d». Prevents the Irou fro* Sticking, Saves Labor. 5 CENTS A. CA1CK Anil Year Stoeekee^f &>r <«. Xtado by the Standard Oil Company, ITyl CLEVKLASD. OititA 9

The Iowa plain dealer. (New Oregon, Howard County, Iowa

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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1883. Chicago, Mil.&SI Paul Raili a;. Trains arrives as follows.

GOING WEST. I Paftflf'npror 11:07 ft ni Passenger 2:20 a. in.

| Accommodation 2:40 p m Accommodation.

a oik a EAST, Passenger Passenger Accommodation....... Accommodation.

6:10 a m|

.. 8:48 p ml ,.11:54 p. m.I . 0:55 u ml .11:50 p ml




C V II E# Rheumatism, neuralgia, Sciatica,

Lumba^s. taefcacto, Headache, Teethaotie, i*r«Tkrwil.aiifllla««.ll|>rnla>.nnti«w,

Barn*. NMlli, rr*l Ul»«. ANb iU OTHUt MWU I'lIM 411 AMIR*.

QeMu Dri fftoUniKt H^lnncrtrT^kfit. Fifty O^ua ImMIi |>lr*edo«iM«i II UufianftM. 4ME CHAUICft A. VOURLEK on. Mm % A. WulUK * oo.>

? If you aro siclc nop Bitters will «urcly aid Nature in making you well when all elso fails.

rwwmiKflATioNju, onenm.—Sprcloee every Sunday at ii.oo a.m. and 7:00 r. m. Sunday school nfwr morning mirvtce. Prayer meeting Wednwduy evening.

1U.V. A. R. McOonnell, I'Hstor. Mrraopimr Kriwv !«• a l u.—S< r\1 ee« «• ve ry

Sjinday ai ii:U) a. m. and 7:00 r. m. Sunday Sehool after morning wrvloe. Prajer mwtiag every Thursday eventjig.

Hitv. o. W. Piutt, Pastor. BAmsr ^nc*cn.—services every Sunday at 11:00 a. H. and 7:00 i». M. Sunday School eftcr

morning service. I'r*y(T ruc<Mli<<f every Wed­nesday evening. ttsv. A. 11. Cahhan. I'uotor. cathoi.ic ohukch.—Services every Sunday at 11:00 a. u. und 8:00 r. M. Sunday School every Sunday ai 1:00 r. m.

Krv. M. A. MrC.utTirr, Pastor. Orach Episcopal Ciukcii—Servloes every

Sunday at il;oo a.m. autl 7:iw p.m. Staday Behoof after morning service. Kbv. c. 8. i KRcr-Ai., Rector.


Ifjou are costive or dyspeptic or suffering from any of tue numer­ous discfu 03 of the stomach or bow­els, it is your own fault if you re­main ill, for jpp Bitters isa sover­eign remedy m all such oomplaints.

If you ere wasting away with any form of Kidney disease, stop tempting Death this moment, and turn for a cure to nop Bitters.

If you are sick with that terrible sickncss Nervousness, you will find a "Balm in Gilead" in the use of jjop Bitters.

V' If you are a frequenter, or a resident of a miasmatic district, barricade: your system against the ecourge of all countries—malarial, «pidcmic, bilious and intermittent fevers—by tho use of nop Bitters.

If you have rough, pimply, or sallow skin, bad breath, imwb au<? aches, and feel miserable gener­ally, pop Bitters will give you a fair skin, rich' blood, the sweetest breath, health and comfort.

In short they cure ell Pise&aHl of tho Stomach, Bowels, Blood, liver, Nerves, Kidneys, Bright's Disease. 1500 will be paid for A caso thev will not cure or help, 'fjqr jjop l>itters to-day. («j)

Thivrsday afternoon Mrs. Jumes Oakloiy with two other ladies driving toward Creseo were run away with eomiii g down the hill north of th John Hichds house, the team turn­ing into the field almost in front of th e house, throwing all three out. Pi* o mi nutes after the accident, on our wny to Creseo, we found the la­dies With her, giving Mrs. Oakley, whom we found .seriously hurt, such support 118 they coufd. She was un coimeiou 9» her left, arm broken with evident si^ns of alarming and dan­gerous iuj'ury. After assisting in

r> t • getting her into the house and as cresco, lowai eomfortabl.y placed upon the bed as

the nature of L'er injuries would al­low, we hurried to towrr for Mr. Oak­ley aud a physh'hui b<>th of whom were on their way to file scene of the-accident iu 45 winut es from the time we left it. Mr. Oak.'ey had his team already to start for 1 iome as we came into towu, and or lering Dr. Eddy to be sent out, hurri ed otT, the Dr. following and passing b4ui a mile ox" «o out, hurried oil onl^*1 to flud that the vital sparlc had already gone out and Mrs. J'ameti Oakley was cold in the embrace <»f death. The young ladies with hter w-ere con­siderably shaken up but not eerioua-ly hurt. Their names we did not learn nor any of the pa rtlculara of the accident as the ueeftl for im­mediate help seemed too urgent to permit of deluy to make ai iy inquir-eis, and at this writing we .are ignor­ant of all the facts pertainit'g U> the matter, except as related.

OTbe Btmarf Gtrro*, Ka 34, Fall tuid Winter, 18 83, gives wholesale prioeB dirMt to tommmmt on everything you use, eat. drink, wear, or have fun with. Tells how

to order with exact on*, 216 pagea—large onqs—S,300 illustrations — a whole picture gallery. Contain*) information cleaned from the markets of the world. Ho other price-hook in existence contains as mueb information. Sent free to any «d-dre» apon receipt of postage (7 ct«). Lctua hear from you, or visit iik when in our city. Kcar Plxposition Buildings. Respectfully,

MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. •97 * MtWafeuhATMWitlteatiOl

(QmtHmed/nm la/t uedt.}

Now Watch Cases an Matk.

In 1S75, thirteen men comprised the entire working force used in the manu­facture of the Jamet Bostf Gold Watch Out. Now over five hundred are employ**!, and the number in constantly iuereaeim;. Tlierea-eon of tliM mcresMMe is thi^: In the Jams* Bomf Gol4 W ateJl Case all the metal in night and subject to wear i* tolid yoW,whil#tho re­mainder, which only lends strength to the cas4 is of stronger metal than gold, giving gold where gold is needed, and strong, elastic metal where strength and elasticity are needed, a combination pro-•dbcing a watch case better than solid ^old and at OKB-naur the cost. —

Over 200,000 of these cases & _ A Iiave been sold, and every jeweler in the country can testify to their quality and ,nent* txrfmaTO*. Mioh . T>OC 8. 1«B. E W. Marsh ni the i'rmorr<u. lKiunnt • 3m. Uom* •Ooiil WatUi cwu 14 } <»:> uki'i, er.d carrmd it until a abort tiuieMni, wbeu I |:un-haM>d ft, «ii«1 *<»ld it to a ciwUmitT Tlie cans »Ujow«.i no K!*m«< f wixir,c.x>* i4 that natural t > ejir case, u::.l I »:n t^i,.-fi.nl «v\u be Mkfcly ^uanuiUxl f jr at !«-ju t y«*r« ui ti». I haw void the Juset Uchik' (;»Jil\v*U'h Ctu*- f»r luatiy yojrn, anil the partloi who l>>ntrlit tUi- Crut anim ar«< carry­ing tliem to-.lay, u-< well su< thou+rh Oicy U:ul tKiuKbt a nolid (r>M «im* o^t'iiKtwioiithr iu<mey. I r«(rard Umo th" only caaeft or tln< kuu! a «hoiild h«U into tlaair> H t<i irv(» hiit cuntouicra liia woitt ut tlivlr mouey ur valuiw hln rppnUUon M m. J. Oumiway, Jmt*Ur. tNllmlriiBf to IrritoH *»li* Cn« FartorU., PWU-<Mylilfc IV^IWhawloMu. Hia«tr«W4 rnrJiM how Am ImTmI Watch Cam in Mia

(lb be awMwimfJ


Smi'sToiicSynii FOR THE CURE OP


The proprietor of this eelebzatei neiS* viae jtutly elaims for it a superiority over mil romediss ever oft red to the pnuio fee the SAFE, CKSTADT, SPXSDT aad PEE-1AIXII ear* of Agaa aad Fever, er Chills •al Fever, whetker of shert er leag staai* lag. He refsrs te the eatire Weetera aai Southern eoaatry te bear hia testlaoayte tiie truth of the aasortioa that ia ao case whatever will it fail te oure if the diree-tioas are etriotly followed aad earried eat. la a great many oaate a single does has beea nAeieat tor a ease, aad whele tuiS-lles have beea oared by a siagle bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however, pradeat. aad ia every ease more oertaia to oure, if its aae is oowtinaed ia smaller doses for a week er two after the disease has beea oheeked, mors especially la dlfiealt aad leag^itaadiag eases. Usa-aUy this medMao will aet require aayaid to keep the bowels ia good order. Should the patieat, however, roeaire a eathartio medioiae, after haviag takea three er fear doeee of the Toaio, a suagledeee ef BULL'S •10RASLS rA10LT>XLIJI will be saf> fteieat.

BULL'S BABSAPA&TLLA is the old and reliable remedy for impurities ef the blood aad Serofalous affsotioas—the Kiag ef Blood Purifiers.

DB. J0HK BULL'S YEOETABL1W01* DEST&OYXB is prepared ia the form ef oaady drops, attraeuve te the sight aad }leasaat to tho teste. t



• The l*Opular Remedies of the Day.

Maelpel OMee, 8tl Isla LOUIS V1LLK, IT,

The apron and neck-tie sociable Ion Tuesday evening netted the sum I of one hundred and thirty dollars.

John T. Clark's law office has been |mo\edto the south Ride of Market Street, a few doors east of Phelun's | grocery,

It would be hardly possible for an Icvange.ittjund n christian to walk up-1 rightly ontiie rickety walk udjoiuing I Mr. Ridlingtou's on the east.

Prof. Weld, principal of tho Creseo I public school i« to deliver a republi­can spet»ch at the Libbey school

| house Suaday afterttoon next.

The Pettit farm half a mile north I of Creseo on the Granger road is for ] sale at a bargain. There is not a more desiriuble 80 In Howard coun­ty.

Mrs. Mitchell, wife of a son of the lato lliley Mitchell, departed life Sunday last leaving two little chil­dren and a husband to nioura their loss.

Hcrvcy Axtel is In town repairing [the fences which lead toward the sheriff's residence. Hugh Price seems to be tearing through t.heiu

{in tIk* north part ef the county. There will be a meeting of Memor­

ial Post G. A. R, ut the court house next Monday evening. Si-ptombor 2^, to arrange far a union with Osagt Post at Riecville, October 2, aud £ Comrada all invited.

W. D. Miner at Riceville fceeps n country hotel that even more pre­tentions towns need not be ashauicd

I of. Excellent meals, tidy rooms, clean and comfortable beds are among the luxuries of the house

.T. J. Lowry has purchased Uab-IcocIc'h intcp'Kt in the grocery of | Babeoek & Barber. The new iinu is styled Barber & Lowry and will be a popular one. In time it will «peak for itself through the jpiUx

IDealkb. Wallace Clark, who has been at I

I Webster, Dakota, is brought liom sick from puhnonory disease from which his recovery is doubtful. He w:is never very strong of lungs, and

I we understand iias been much worse |©f late than usual.

Tli # Wost Sliore, Portland, Oregon lis one of the best publications a per-Uon can take to po>t himself on the resources and progress of the Pad lie slope. It is to be greatly improv­ed with the September number. Thn subscription price is $2.00 per year. | Its illustrations are fine.

The Chicago SeEtinel wiU change its "makeup" before long from an eight, to a sixteen page sheet. The Sentinel ranks among the best pap era of the national party aud it« new form will be especially valuable fori future- reference and use. Its eireu lation should be extended to com­pensate for this expense and useful­ness.

Read the Infamous record of Sen­ators Allison a«d Wilson on the 4th page of the Plain Dr.iiER. It will 'liable you to judge whether you will vote for senators or representa tives who will vole for the return ofl such speculators in public trusts to the places they have used to feather their own nests at the public ex­pense.

Encouraging words come froml qUJirtor of R million of dollars. Mitchell and Worth counties toueh-l ^ ing the candidacy of Mr. Foreman! railroads operated to exact all

[for Senator. Farmers, if you desire! trafile will bear, take on an average to wipe out the $2 per thousand feetl ten emits a bushel more than a Just tariIT-tax. which senator Allison yot-l Ponmensatiou. This extraordinary ed to impose on lumber, and the 21 . . , . ..

I cents a pound tarri?T-t..x Allison! expense is deduete^d from the puc

Aniiounteinent. OtHng to urgent solicitation £>f nty

many friends I hereby anuouneo my­self as an independent candidate fo»" the ofiice of sheriff of Howard coun­ty, Iowa. Tours very respectfully. I

HI oh PKICB. I Creseo, Iowa, Sep. IB, 1883. |

John Johnson of the firm of Thompson & Johnson Bros., with hib wifo has lie«n spending the past few months at their old home in Nor­way fro:n whence they returned to Creseo last, week looking well and report having had an enjoyable time.

The National party of Iowa, has the ouly platform in tho interest of the people, and its candidates are in harmony with the interests which the platform espouses. There is not a single question, even that of a tariff, which is not safer with the National party than with the so-called democratic party, which in the democratic strong-holds of the country is organized in the Interest of monopolies, as the republican par­ty in its strongholds is organized in the same interest. These unques­tioned facts should determine Nationals iu Howard county, in favor of their state ticket from top to bot­tom. Politicians may talk, flatter and cajole tho people as t'uey will,

|the truth yet remains that both the old Moss-back panics of the country are owned body aud soul, aud run In the exclusive interest of the monop­olies. And before extending the right-hand of fellowship to the democratic party, it will be prudent for Nation­als to wait and see if the democratic congress which is to meet in Decem­ber, proposes to serve the people, or

|if it. will follow in the footsteps of its ' illustrious predecessor," the repub­lican party in the service of monop­oly-

Honest money is that whi^l con­fers like beneiits and is of like value

I to all'-lasses. Honest government is that which makes no law discrim­inating against one class and iu the special interest of another.

These nre Solid Facts. The beat blood purifier aud syster.t

regulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, liilionsness. Jaundice, con­sumption, Weak Kidneys, or any dis­ease of the urinary organs, or who­ever Tequires an appetiser, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Elec­tric Bitters the bert and only certain cure known. They ac t surely and quickly, every bottle guarunieed to give entire satisfaction or money-ey refunded. Soi l at fifty cents a bottle by l)r. .1. .1. Oleimm r. 4

The wheat crop of Iowa is esti­mated at 25,000,t»G0 bushels. A dif­ference of one cent on n bushel is a

The the

of the product by the buyer who has it to ship. The difference is $2,500,-000. The republican party with its railroad conimisioner system permits the robbery to go on.

helps retain on barbed win.-, vote for Cyrus Foreman for state senator.

On our fourth page may be found an article from Chicago Tribune en dorsing government currency, al­most as fully as is done by the "lu­natic press" of the country. We in vite the attention of such papers as the Postville Review to this remark­able article from the leading repwb lican paper west of New York. But then the Tribune has a 'limited eir eulation and little influence with the people or its party, perhaps.

Sweeney was hunting greenback I The Latest Bonanza


"rnUE SliEllVVIN "\V 1 hLCAMS JL Paint" is the best paint f

durability and beauty ever sold in Creseo. It is composed of strictly pure material (best lead, zinc and linseed oil) and is guaranteed to work better, wear longer and perma­nently look better than any white lead or other prcpured paint in tin market. The tnanufacturers guar­antee this paint to be free from any tendency to chalk, peel or flake off

a fault so common with wliiti lead. The colors being ground in this paint are so uniform, tho matter of fading is done away with, and tlu harmony of colors much more com­plete. Sold by C.J. Webber, Creseo, Iowa. 48w4

RICK 1 BRICK iinoiTlT l AM now prepared to furnish as fine

red brick as there Is in the state. Will ship to any point on the rail­road at low rates. Mason City lime, cement, hair, etc., always on hand.

44tf N. B. Whkelkb.

TO RENT.—THE FIRST BTTILD ing north of courthouse square

in Creseo. Enquire on the promises or of M. B. Doolittle. 40

IF YOU WAiNT THEliEHIr YJNE gar made, a pure Apple Cider

Vinegar that ia warranted to keep pickles for years, you can only find it at R. S. CawAia 's. _ ^

tW ~orcW to DrTPriees for BIED CAGES

new stock just tfoceived at lowest figures. 22tf

Persons in town or country want­ing bran, shorts or gr ound feed of any kind will be furnished with the same iu any quantity* desired from the grange warehouse in Creseo at the lowest rates. John McHroti.

A CARl». fWTo all who urr st. ffering from

the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, earlj- decay, loss

1' manhood, &c., 1 will e end a rec ipe that, will cure you, FJREE OF CllARGE. This great t iniedy was

iscovered by a missionufy in South America. Send a sell-add ressed en

lope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inuian, Station D, N. Y. City. 7yl ,

Notice of removal.Rafter September 15 we inbvud to re

move our Dry Goods ami Notions to the store room two door* south of Kimball & Farnswortlrs baede where we will lie happy to have all of our old and as many* ne w eusto mers as wish to call and we will sh ow you tho largest and bwst assorted stock of Dry {foods and Notions in the ity. Bespectfully,

A. ZrNDEiv vwrrz. ^ LOVES AND MITTEN* /. YOU JT ought to see our stock of them, on will need them after av hile and e don't want you to forget that our

store is Headquarter fore* erything the hand covering line, fr« >m gents'

fine kid to the heavy Bud it gloves, at A. Zundelowitz. _

HO WHOM IT MAY C« )NCEKN All persons indebted to the

late firm of Connolly & "Fitzgerald :e hereby requested to make im-ediate settlement as tho books of

the lato film mu*t be doee d. P. Contjc u.T,


Political parties are judgeflfcy the acts of the men they permit to lead them. Judged by this criterion, the republican party is justly chargable with nearly all the political crimes of the last generation.

dfe iS«* i zr'vr - *>«•»>>

A fnvm- t > Vi- • - pt moat notr>l n* 'l • • t.l •; •• :now iv>ii.-<t l.-ir ti • -'* V' tup.a.111. .ti l.v< 1-1,1. J'rrv.

Aj!J.t>w ds. w.»:«o a co

,i>:i <•' ein t.f M,« i , th -r. •rrMMf lifbAttti i>ru k> at- li-ilt.

votes when in Creseo and nearly disgusted the national bank repub­licans. He said the greenbaek-ers were right and that the republi­cans were getting there as fast as

| they could. This is probably true; with thei; leaders monopolists they can't get there at all. The way for them to get there is to drop their

I candidates and vote the greenback ticket. Then they'll make no mis­take.

Woman at Work comes to us from I Brattloboro, Vermont, in fact she comes to us iu the same way from

| everywhere. But this particular woman proposes to work for one

| dollar a year and is worth double the price. She is dressed up in neat and tidy style, sparkling with wit and intelligence, ladiant In virtu*

land asks to couie aud cheer and bless your home. Send the Woman at Work $1.00 and g*t the neatest

130-page magazine published, for one | year.

The Drs. Bennett, leave tho last of this week to complete their course iu the Chicago Homopnthie Medi­cal college, and will not* bo in at tendance upon patients until the close of the term. They have met with good success in their practice! and have made many friends, whom

I with th." efforts they are making to be thoroughly qualilled for every branch of the notes ion, they will not only retain, but wiU muko Ad ditioual friend

in Caftfbrnia.' Bikmvh, Cal.,—Mr. Thomas P. Ford

editor or the Montana Tribune, of this place, publishes that the great pain-cure, St. Jacobs Oil, has worked wonders in his family, and that he would not lie without it. He states that among all the peoplu St. Jacobs Oil is the most popular medicine ov

r introduced.


WHY DO YOU SUFFER WITH Back Ache, Paiu iu the Chest,

lth» .mini ism, or lameness anywhere when Hop Plaster will surely give you relief? Druggists sell them, 25 cents. 50yl

1SS S. MEROA KIMBALL CON 1VI neeted with S. M. Cole's mil linery returned yesterday after four weeks absence in studyiupf styles of millinery and dressmaking in* Independence and Chicago. She is now prepared to do anything in those departments with neatness and dispatch that the citizens of Creseo and Howard county may desire. All aro cordially solicited to call an see the new goods that are arriving

11VERY LADY SHOULD SEND j to Jauies Morgan, Milwauke

for "Tho Bazar Dressmaker," prio twenty cents by mail. Large quau tities of Dress Goods, Blankets, Vwl vets. Silks, Shoes &c., are received at Morgan's daily and marked at the lowest priectt,

l*t3 Wm. Frrz ui AWLS IN ENDLESVT VA1UE-ty both double aud single, im­

ported and domestic, ttud prices to suit, at A. Zundelowitz. rpiIE LARGEST AND BI£ST SE"-JL lertetl stock of Dress Goods

, er brought to this city, all the lat-t shades and styles, at A. Zun-

elowita. OOTS "AND H'lIOES" Yt)U

can't bettor yoMrself anywhere else in town. Wo have everything desired for men's <uid boys' wear.

A. ZrM>rLowiT7„

JEW GOODS,OVERCOATS AND winter clothing in endless va­

rieties. Come ajid see us. Every-body«and you will f,o home lmppy and rejoicing, with your anus full of goods for but ti small amount of money at the Golden Eagle Clothing House.



rpRUNKS AND VALISES. BIG X_ stock just received. Prices way

down the Golden Eagle Clothing Honse,

> EMEMBER SO YOU DONT \ forget It when you are pre-ired to buy your fall and winter

clothing, you will find all styles, grades and quality ot new goods at prices that will please you at the Golden Eagle Clothing Houi>e.

Cows for Sale. Twenty five milch cows, mostly

grade short-horns, and all in calf to very line thoroughbred short-horn

bull. These cows are to be seen at my farm in Chickasaw county, two miles from Lawler. This is no cull­ing out sale and includes nil of my

males over three years of age. I prefer to sell to one purchaser and

ill give some one a bargain. Ad ress, John McIIraa, 7tf Creseo.


Announces to the poople of Howard counts, and to all who irnde in ereaco, tiiut lie haa

An Endless Stock Of LADIES', GEXTV, MISSHB' and CTIXL-1>!:EN'S

BOOTS AND SHOES. will also jnefce booe# cad uteee to order. He

also keeps

.ealher and Findings Of nit Kinds In Stock ftt Ms P-X)t. b .h1

Stoi*. sign (tf the VJOLO Ut'OT. Next door to l'Uit £ o'Maliey a, On-aco, lawa. 8»t4



For twenty years I was a sufferer from Catarrh of the* head ur.d throat in a very aggravated form, and dur ing the summer months with Hay Fever. I procured a bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and nfter a few appli-

at ions received decided benefit— was cured before the bottle was used. Have had no return of the complaint

Cuaklotti; Pauki:n, Waverly, N. Y. One and one half bottles of Ely's

Cream Baltu cutirely cured me of Hay Fcfer of ten years' standing. Have had no trace of it for two years

Ai.nr.nr A. Pekht, Smithbore, N. Y. Since boyhood 1 have been troub d with Catarrh and Hay Fever, and

invc been unable to obtain perma­nent relief until I used Ely's Cream lialni. It has cured me. E. L. Click-knf.k, New Brunswick, N. J. Price 50 cents. 4i)t2


IHarsh'fi Golden Balsam, for the Throat and Lungs, is the

Right Remedy. Twenty-four years agD my wife

and I were out uu Lake Ontario in a sail boat, duriug a hard wind storm and were capsized and thoroughly drenched with water and chilh through. She took a severe cold and cough from which she never re 'oVered I have spent hundreds of lollars for physicians' prescription and patent medicines, but all in vain A short time ago I was given a sum pic bottle of Maush's Goldkn Bal SAM FOK TUF. TmiOAT AND LfNOS. It seemed to help her. I purchased large bottle, and then another, ami then two more- —for at last had found the right remedy. It has cured her."—[J. W. Brown, carriage manufacturer, Kansas City, Mo.

Maksu's Goldkn Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, and Maiisu Golden Blood & Livr.u Tonic, are for sale by Chus. J. Webber, drug

'sco, Large bottles 50 cents gist, Crei und $1.00. sept


Thli poron* jlnrtT 1' Iy thm but er or

ma-lc, c-nitilnlnt? ti:--•lrtiiea of h'i| < with piniH, Nklmnu mt'l ex­tract*. Iti |vj»< r I t wonilcrful In enrlnif * trh^ro ctli.-r plaftom irii.-i-lj rt-li>-v«. CHok In tlm liork and

k, I'nln in tl:" R !« or Stiff J-.tnti dii<1 »lu»fl«i, KMm' V TiuuM«4, IthwmuiUim, N«uraJcl», Ko.o C'ie«t, ii»rn of the lit art an-l IJ»cr. ftttdiUI jialiut or

In lift cared ln»t*ntty 1.y tho //..p I'UuIt. f|r Try It. I'lltv-tS c«ntfl or flvo for ®109. HaUcct on mxiliit of price. HdIiI hj all Unnrtrlft* and country utorea. //-))> I'l'wttr Company, — rmprti'toiK, r.otit--u, IImw,

LAME BACK Mk IWl >>r coaslipation, Ionh i-i ni-p.rtito nn.l illwao- Hof Lh« bpwoH tafce Hawlcy'll Stomach and Liver lllln. 16 oanU.


Sewtng Machine.



The Best Machine Hade. The Lightest Running, the

Simplest in Construction, the most Perfect in its Work, tho Easiest

operated. Prices Reasonable. Terms Satisfno*

torv. Call arid see it, try it, and u |N)u want a machine you'll

buy it.

C. MEVERDEN, 28mA Agent, Creseo, Iowa.



A New Stock Compltte in every department.

Constant Additions Made to Mate-tain 4>ur Stock and suit our


ashionable Hats; Bon­nets with suitable

and seasonable trim­mings alway on hand.


Satisfactorily attended to, and with Promptness.

Tilecs, considering quality, its CHEAP AS TUE EJJ'IEBEST

Grateful for past liberal patron­age, we shall endeavor to nitrit its future continuance by renewed ef­forts to serve vou faithfully.




Will have prompt, akllKirt and) satisfactory *t» Wntl.m. Apply ti)

.T, J. 3JKOWK, shup rtu\r part ot the building West^ollousleys

I'uuip Suoij. rarrtaRo. sign, ai.d every spc-otce of fine work

will have sp"Oi:\l utn uttou. graining Neatly done.

fsriu lMct-ij -.,on t b-" umlorbal by anybuby


Grand Opening This Week and the Balance ot th* Sanson. No Old Ooods. No Old Styles

Wo aro bound to win because

OUR PRICES ARE LOW Our Stock Is Good and our Dotfrrmlnation is to Please. If you wunt Dry Goods, if you want Notions, if yon want Trimming, If you wunt Anything usually

You can And It Good and Cheap at our store* Our Motto Is

Quick Sales and Small Profits. Ottr New Stock was Selected with Great Cure, Our Grades are Uni­

form and as represented. We are not Giving Goods Away, uor oven Sell* Ing them Below Cost, but reracmborhig that

We bought our goods on that basis and are now ready to ahliro tho

GOOD RESULTS With our Patrons. Our aim is to make you a permanent customer,

this end we can attain by guaranteeing and

GIVING SATISFACTION. By all means inspect our HANDSOME STOCK whether jm wish to

purchaso or not. Y'OU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME.

A. Zundelowitz.


Webster & Class. -I •• DEALERS IN wmwi

Staple and Fancy Groceries CJRESCO, IOWA,







PUTTS OWE!. —-HAYli Till DB8T-—

tatovii Alpaca ii (tit vorli AND THB

Mot CtothiHfi, MHry

and Grocery Houoo im


Who HOW plac e before the pub)lo f

eompleio stock ot

Fill Clitlii! Iu every department The beat im4

largest Uo« •!

BOOTS 1 SHOES In tills market

Fifteen ycar»acquaintance with th« •ants of the people af Howard coun*

ty, has enubicJ us to cou«ult their interests equally as well a? our own in purchasing wtock. Our good* are sold upon their merit, and nnleas they »u»LiUu the recommend we give them mav be returned aad the non* ey refuuded.

Alt rcc.souablc efforts will be mad* ou our piu t to malotain and eontli.na ths plHu^ant relutloua which our long ctpiutntaiic* ami pleaaaut hustnees r i>ociatlous with the people of tke

county has seemed to eslabiiah.

nrnMVT 4- (fAUUK

•Ot every Description,-

BOOTS and SHOES Of all Kinds.- •

G R O C E R I E S In endless variety and unlimited qualittes, may be found at tho South


P. OIHINIOILILTyu Thankful for past liberal patronage, and better prepared than ever to

serve the public, he hsks a share of its favors and trade. Terms as cheap as the cheapest; everything us good as the best.







- - .J . . i ' f+r* *— ^ 0 * y\

1^4; •

Dissolution of Copartnership. JioTl. e is, I'fre'.ty Klv«-n that the copitrtiiersihlp

hereletorr v\l*Un« ui ^t r tne > a-ne nml »»t > I-* ef Connelly KHrp'mlil utli«wlvr<l thl^a.i> l'> mutunl consent The UiJ 'bUHUuvs ui the nrm is !..«suiu>M und will Ih> i>ald v-y P. t'onnuliy. l~ du-' the nna may Vv paid to Hiht-r ei lto late iih iulters,

UuUxl, crceco, lovra, ?. issa. 1'. Cl'KNOt I.V, WM. rni-i«KAi.p.

The burtnesa will be contu.Ur-J .it the late stand et thi* llr:n "t; th • »ouih Mrt-' f M irk-'t St. by 1*. Connelly who luvnoull eli eatnms ut the hou-e and as many new ones .is nn.l t eot? venlivit to etuue and we hU ^oo<la an-1 learn jfflcea. m

Dissolution of Copartnerjdti)i. Nottee is hereby Klvcn that the coparinoralili*

herelot-m existing muter the '..mie ami »t> le ot Uallup a Kasier, Is tls^olx «m* mis day by muiu U evmseut. Th«!ltul«bt»Hln*"ssaf the I'nift la a.s-stnned iiul win V -p. OaHitp. 1><-I>t» due Un- ilrin sau^'. jv.ta w P. V.«; »ll«p.

l)ate<l, C:\aCj, lowa, s-ept. loth lsx.i. A. r. «J • Ul.lT. J. Kasmm.

lAients Waatei E?p?j?kore To handle ,.ur ll.l.rs. FaMI'.V Klhl.SH. N>w s>ib*"rl|'U».»iNjiiloa now ready . n.o»t Pl«-k'ftut *\<ft pnwluecJ. rRKtt PUOT^V Ai.ai In exclusive .»- -iPns, d«- fcijv lme«>rt 1 tw our own tra.le. a ul st,.c«t*rti 'i ublleat!o.;»: mil s Munnal. lll-.KuteV WooBc-i ut.rlval> i ln»|uoi menu, xe'-.ulNet< rr!l r\. Writ* to u » a m . * » u . * > K IHWWwtii, Mnutiiaetwrrrs .\u«t 1 .nper*.er*, \ ..Sc Ktde ami *.M0 S. t iara-st., Ohu\-cv>, "i!. _ _ ' *S-U

FtilSVOC. \*e w.tuc Aifats.malfer teiualo \Tio vorK t -r UOOU !' VV I s. 'f !'!u S M lo\

Al. TANK t»f KNOWl.Kl> K* a suslem ef M«<lie> s.lul yuestleus vHUUbtn.^, ter »Ne la Sellouts u,a K (e.il'.ler. !.,vneia h^cnUrely \ Soinevhlii< very usetUU Noil.'.mf »t i u" k.ul h^saver yvt !• -a pt.-eni M. i>^i thtsis* out tor A**.,i*, l«»r r.'l p-tuv-w.a: i-rrlt r> .e.vt terms to agents. uu«!ie-. I: W. V -K : «t co„ N. K. C r.ttfiu A\fnucand Woods;iwUi. mti> bur>r. I' i. 4s'-4

Time Given. "To Wh->m 1? May t'oneern:

Netlee is hereby ,-l\eu that 1 haw Riven my minor s-m WlUl.mi Mater, aged *evenieeu J ' .u s his tlm (rem an.I utter this date, and that 1 will not Interfere with hlseontr.a 's mum (lit* tlnv heneforih »»f tK" n-sponalble fer them,

l'ar.s, Hovvaru Co.. Iowa, Neptetuber 4. lSSS. 4SC) NV V Matuu


T - MOrrow a l,oaic W«j Wautod T >-

Off Win Day.

Comfort Is never in a hurry. Pain and d!s-trosHAU* In hot haste. 11 N W tli® "trlend in

i\l" 11. friend «!u> does si iiu-tlil ig new— H th" old aila^e p.t.vs I iic» e.(>uiplui:e:i! ef b.*

tn^ -a frlenil Itul eti." That thev do not the xuiTeivr In H>uivn»e la tlu> saiiem exc Ken.-. r.f I1'-:n si i\"s c\ IVX '* pt»hoi*«» pi.ASTru«< The phi-tent of othrr day- -w la ther p.euus - i oiheiwls^»— u.iid "Walt uutU to-iiiern>w. \V. au proailse i.ethih< on in» spur ef the no

ine-it." Hut p.ilu litnelk'vi tl. like hojv def-'rn* ii .ikeiU tlu* h«'*n 4'k. Bena»><i> ph-.sier J ;u-

a ippllealiOii. I hev pt-rmeat-*, se<v.n,., v ar:i tid lieal, eent ilntiik'. n' thev do, eheniloal a. il

lindli'lual aueut- wf the hlirhe-t eilteien-: Thilr motto t-s >w, and Ui-' t n itno have u word i API INK eut la ta • ii.lduie r[ a 1 :' , ;, r. ITice mcenta. tscaLury i JoUu^uu *- n i 1st*, New York. *>-u

Executor's Notice. r:»tate «»r Oorm nuii Harrow Deceased.

Not'.cu tn t'.KKKUV fllVhM, t Uat Ui»s sub.-eiIt) er lias l« eii duly api« iut<d ex«e:u- r totticin-mi •- of I'.a-nejnjs u irrow, late of t) -kd.Ue. in Uie county el Ilowi.al. siate ot 1,-wa, -i ve in 1, ln-t- st «e, ,U'<1 h;>s taken uj on luiu.-::t that trust by Klvii-si liotula s s t i e law iltreet-i. All p< t-ons Uavlnc d-'iicuid-. :•;* . t e estate o.' s.dd do er.i^e t are required to exldblt the a:uue; Bi d pei-soiiK indebted !•> t he s.ud-*'j>U»le are e.UU-U upou to tu*ke pjvymeai

JULIAN r. DAEROW, SeptemK'r, p, l^si. :«i Hxt-xuior.



' From t^aK^boui\'e4 ta*Uo Uu*«-?barth» of tho diseiii.,-d of the human race. TlieaO evntptotuaIndicate UiOlrexwtenee: Ia>m» mt App*tU», Mowrla cOitlvt, H«k UmA* belt,, iWlR«M after (»tln(, to •mertton ot body or aaina, BractaUM Of food. IrrlulMlllr or temper, LoW •|>lrtU, A foelluc of h*fi»f MfltcltS

Buunl tho u*o of :i rt 'iu ly that aete dlrootlf Oil llio l.iver. Asal.lvorineiUelnoTWTT* 1»I!.£.» havo no i.iual. Theli' tieiionoa tho Kldnev*in».l Sk U la :ilso prompt; rv«moYlnjf all lnipuMtie i thiv>u :!» tneao three"eeo»» •atera of tho nviUiU." produelna *rpo» ttto.Bonnd <"! vei»tu>n. regular a^U. ft clear tkln and a v Kurouj l>< .1 * . Tl'TT*(j WIXS OauHO no ii;i.i«'!i or ii>in»i nor laterwit With dally work and ;> > a portoot

TUTTS HAIR DYE, Ghav Hair or Wmiskiem oh»o«e4 to­

ft am! y toaUrx-s n- litacs bro«ln»le »p. pllej-.tion of thH Dt B. Sold by prugglM^

ifiti bv ou wwlplof ©*• OtUee, 44 Murray Street, New Yor*.

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