PEACE PIPE THE Published by the Choctaw Lake Property Owners Association 2875 Oneida Drive, London, OH 43140 | www.choctawlake.com JULY 2017 Crace & Associates of e-Merge Real Estate are the Proud Sponsor of the Lake Choctaw Fireworks! JULY 3rd (1:30- 3:00) Beach Treats and after 3:00 Dock Goodies at Crace’s Check out the center spread to learn more about these scheduled events. JULY 3rd (9:45pm) FIREWORKS! | JULY 4th (6:00- 10:00am) - Fishing Tournament

THE JULY 2017 PEACE PIPE - Choctaw Lakechoctawlake.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/2017-07-Peace-Pipe.pdf · PEACE PIPETHE Published by the ... London, OH 43140 | JULY 2017 Crace &

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Published by the Choctaw Lake Property Owners Association2875 Oneida Drive, London, OH 43140 | www.choctawlake.com

JULY 2017

Crace & Associates of e-Merge Real Estateare the Proud Sponsor of the Lake Choctaw Fireworks!

JULY 3rd (1:30- 3:00) Beach Treats and after 3:00 Dock Goodies at Crace’sCheck out the center spread to learn more about these scheduled events.

JULY 3rd (9:45pm) FIREWORKS! | JULY 4th (6:00- 10:00am) - Fishing Tournament































We are long-time residents of the lake!

LEADINGEach office is independentlyowned and operated

If you are considering listing yourhome in 2017,


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ing Analysis and help you with staging ideas. Inventory is extremely low so now is

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Choctaw Lake Conference Room

Substantive Motions Approved in this Meeting:

Motion 17-044: Lynn Forster moved to allocate up to $1,000 from the Lake Water Quality fund towards the pur-chase of an aeration unit to be placed inside an East side cove to further test the effectiveness of aeration in fighting off the microcystin bacteria. Suprena Lohrer seconded. Motion passed 9-0.

Motion 17-045: Lynn Forster moved to approve the Lake Water Quality expen-diture for copper sulfate, which is used to treat the lake for the microcystin bac-

teria. Vincent Cyran seconded. Motion passed 9-0.

Motion 17-046: Vincent Cyran moved to spend up to $7,000 of the previously budgeted amount to purchase seven brand new bullet proof vests for the Lake Patrol Officers. Ken Petry second-ed. Motion passed 9-0.

Motion 17-047: Suprena Lohrer moved to accept the Fishing Club as an official club with the caveat that they must add how they pick their officers, and how property owners can join the club to their charter. Ken Petry seconded. Motion passed 9-0.

Motion 17-048: Brian Stewart moved to authorize the Interim Property Man-ager up to $700 for the purchase of a used boat motor for the maintenance pontoon boat. Vincent Cyran second-ed. Motion passed 8-0-1.Motion 17-049: Brian Welch moved to refund a property owner’s Arrowhead rental fee. Vincent Cyran seconded. Motion failed 3-5-1.

Call to Order: The Board of Trustees

meeting convened at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call: President Barb Niemeyer-pres-ent, Vice President Brian Welch-present, Secretary Brian Stewart-present, Trea-surer Suprena Lohrer-present, Sener Calis-present, Vincent Cyran-pres-ent, Lynn Forster-present, Scott Kutz-ley-present, Ken Petry-present.

Property Owners Time:

Dean Miller Lot #98 – Mr. Miller said he appreciated the Board’s time, and offered himself as a volunteer to the new Interim Property Manager Sam Thomas to help out on any projects he finds he needs extra help on.

Keith O’Connor Lot# 1000 – Mr. O’Con-nor, along with a number of other homeowners, brought a Fishing Club Mission Statement to the Board and asked to have the Fishing Club made official. The Club plans to oversee the stocking of the lake, help with lake water quality, increase habitat for aquatic life, promote youth fishing, and support & conduct fishing tourna-ments for lake residents.

ChoCtaw Lake offiCe2875 oneida Dr. | London, ohio 43140

740-852-2593* faX 740-852-2444email: [email protected]: lakechoctaw.comCarla Dye - Office Manager

James Moran - Utility Manager Joseph Bell - Patrol Chief

Office HoursMonday 10:00 aM - 7:00 PM

Tuesday Friday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PMWestside Guard House

740-852-2976call for information only

emergency call sheriff departmentSewer Plant 740-845-1284

ChoCtaw Lake BoaRD of tRUSteeS 2017-2018

Barb Niemeyer (Pres) (2018) (740) 852-9304Brian welch (VP) (2019) (740) 206-2468Suprena Lohrer (Treas) (2019) (937) 206-0881Dave wheatley (2020) (740) 506-2237Sener Calis (2018) (740) 579-6702Vincent Cyran (2018) (740) 490-7473D. Lynn forster (2019) (614) 257-8161Scott Kutzley (2020) (614) 439-8327ken Petry (2020) (614) 440-7791

ChoCtaw UtiLitieS (wateR) BoaRD

David Lohrer (Pres) (2019) (614) 886-5625Doug Orange (Sec’y/Treas) (2019) (937) 475-6123andrew Beckman (2018) (763) 228-8869Bob O’Connor (2018) (937) 430-3583Gregory O’Brien (2019) (740) 845-9971kent feliks (2020) (614) 827-5449Scott Kutzley (2020) (614) 439-8327

In case of a water emergency, call the office at (740) 852-2593 (during office hours) or the Utility Manager, Jim Moran, at (740) 837-0319.

MaDiSoN CoUNty SeweRDiStRiCt #2 BoaRD

John Mitchell (Chairman) 614-296-9911Bob Dana (Vice Chairman) 614-519-5668Jim Moran 740-852-2085Brian welch 740-206-2468Dick hanna 419-630-3051

In Case of Sewer/Grinder Pump Emergency call the Sewer Plant Operator 740-845-1284 if no one answer it will transferred to the next Person on call if no answer it transfers back to the Sewer Plant Operator Leave a massage and he will return your call.

M.e.C.a. NatURaL GaS BoaRD Stan kavy (2016) (740) 852-0333Jeff Niemeyer (2017) (740) 852-9304John Cimino (2018) (740) 852-5122Dave wheatly 2019 (614) 581-5330Rick Ballard (2020) (740) 852-4631

SoMeRfoRD towNShiPBill Laney (Chairman) (740) 852-2550ernie Sparks (Vice Chairman) (740) 852-1949Jim Moran (740) 852-2085al hedrick Zoning inspector (740) 206-2046

Meeting Second wednesday of every month at 7:00pmhttp://co.madison.oh.us/somerford

otheR NUMBeRSMadison healthState Highway Patrol W Jeff postPoison Control CenterCall before you dig

MaDiSoN CoUNtyMadison County SheriffMadison County CommissionersMadison County AuditorMadison County RecorderMadison County Treasurer

PUBLiC UtiLitieSohio edison CompanyPower Outage ReportingNatural Gas MECAtime warner CableMadison County Sewer PlantRumpke Trash

CoMMitteeS of tRUSteeSCollections (614) 257-8161Constitiution, Rules & Regs (740) 206-2468Drainage, Roads and Dam (614) 440-7791investment (614) 257-8161Lake Water Quality (614) 257-8161Land/Facility & Long Range Planning (937) 206-0881Patrol/Security (614) 440-7791Personnel (740) 852-9304

otheR CoMMitteeSBeautification (740) 579-6702Fund Raising & Volunteer (740) 852-2593Public Relations & Publications (740) 852-2593Recreation (614) 440-7791


(740) 852-1212(740)-852-2972(740)-852-9717(740)-852-1854(740)-852-1936



Published by the Choctaw Lake Property Owners Association2875 Oneida Drive, London, OH 43140 | www.choctawlake.com

All articles not otherwise indicated to be authorized by an indi-vidual, should be addressed to the Board of Trustees. Choctaw

Lake is not liable for non insertion of ads beyond the amount paid for the advertisement.

Typesetting, layout and graphic design are done by CLPOA. All editorial submissions should be sent to [email protected].

DeaDLiNeSAll ads must be paid for in advance andsubmitted to the Choctaw Lake office.

CLaSSifieD aDS12 words or less for a minimum charge of $3.

Classified Ads are accepted until the 15th of the month.

aDVeRtiSiNG aDSNew ads or ads requiring production time are due by the

10th of the month (or closest business day to the 10th)Camera ready ads provided in PDF format are due by the

15th of the month (or closest business day to the 15th)

aDVeRtiSiNG RateS1/8 Page (4in x 2.625in)

B&W $20.00 | Color $30.00 (production cost $10)

1/4 Page (4in x 5.25in)B&W $40.00 | Color $60.00 (production cost $20)

1/2 Page (8in x 5.25in)B&W $80.00 | Color $120.00 (production cost $30)

Full Page (8in x10.5in)B&W $200.00 | Color $300.00 (production cost $35)

Production costs only apply to new ads not submitted in PDF format, and to changes to existing ads that are more involved than

a minor copy change.

Property Owners also in attendance: Ron Roach, Dick Hanna, Angi Watson, Rich Helm, Joann Welch, Richard Cam-eron, Joseph & Coleen Fuchala, and Vicki Presnell.

Minutes: Brian Welch moved to accept the April 11th, 2017 Board Meeting Minutes as presented. Sener Calis sec-onded. Motion passed 9-0.

Lake Patrol Report: As submitted by Chief Bell.

Property Manager/Maintenance Report: Interim Property Manager Sam Thomas made a report to the Board regarding the status of the equipment, tools, grounds, buildings, and the office. He indicated he is prioritizing his to do list as he evaluates and finds areas that need to be addressed, and that he plans to inform regularly and

work closely with the Board during this transition. The Board gave Mr. Thomas permission to add a handicap placard to one of the jetty rental docks, and allow a property owner who rents the dock to drive his golf cart onto the edge of the jetty to facilitate making it easier to board his watercraft.

Office Report: As submitted by Carla Dye.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Suprena Lohrer reported our lot assessments are up from this time last year, and cred-its the collections efforts for this trend. She reported a few expenses that were above normal or unexpected paid during the last month. Those expens-es were the cost of the last Peace Pipe printed before our new process went into place, and work required at the dam and boat launch ramps.

Constitution, Rules & Regulations: Chairman Brian Welch presented the Board with a Building Code Grand-father Rule. The Committee wants to add this to the Code document before it is re-filed with the County, for which there is a fee. After some discussion over some verbiage the Board sent the document back to Committee for fur-ther refinement to be taken up again at a later date in old business.

Investment: Lynn Forster reported progress has been made on rewriting the policies with the help of Commit-tee member Rich Helm, and the Com-mittee hopes to have a proposal to present to the Board at the June 2017 meeting.

Lake Drainage, Roads & Dam: As sub-mitted by Chairman Ken Petry.

Dr. Kristen M. Thompson, OD26 South Urbana Street • South Vienna, Ohio 45369



Dr. Kristen M. Thompson, OD26 South Urbana Street • South Vienna, Ohio 45369



Lake Water Quality: Chairman Lynn Forster reminded everyone that the Lake Clean Up Day is May 13th, and said thank you to the Fundraising & Volunteers committee for their efforts to secure volunteers to help out. LWQ Committee thanks Dan Moran of Dock Pizza for providing pizza for the work-ers on Clean Up Day. Forster indicated we do not currently have a contract with a geese removal firm, and that the Committee is checking into that should we need to pursue that in the future. The Committee reports the resident geese population is down this year, and some of the eggs that were laid this spring have been addled. Potential issues with disturbing the Bald Eagle nest in regards to the upcoming dredg-ing operation were discussed. Federal law restricts some things from being done within a certain distance of a Bald Eagle’s nest during certain times of the year, and the Committee is research-ing this to make sure we are in compli-ance. If the dredging operation starts after August 1st, then we would be OK according to what the law requires. Lynn also reported that testing of lake water for the microcystin bacteria will

start in the next week or so. Motions were made and passed to purchase aeration equipment and the chemicals required to treat the lake from the Lake Water Quality fund.

Land/Facility & Long Range Planning: Chairwoman Suprena Lohrer report-ed that the Committee is working on the long range study, and gave a brief summary. They are also working on a live google document to make it easi-er for the committee to do their study, and they will be meeting on the 15th of May. It was also reported that Proper-ty Owner Dennis Wiser, a CPA, has been added to the Committee.

Patrol & Security: Chairman Ken Petry reported that Committee is setting up employee training for equipment and safety, and tracking for said training. Ken will also be attending the Madison County Safety Council meeting this month. The Committee recommended that the Board allow the order of the bullet proof vests for the Lake Patrol Officers that were previously approved in the 2017 budget. A motion was made and passed.

Personnel: Chairwoman Barb Niemey-er reported that the search for a new Property Manager is going well. Six-teen applications have been received to date. Three interviews have been conducted so far, and more are sched-uled.

Beautification: Chairman Sener Calis reported the Committee has approx-imately $750 in their fund, and are exploring what to do for landscaping around the Memorial Park sign and statue. Interim Property Manager Sam Thomas is helping with the project.

Collections: As submitted by Chair-woman Suprena Lohrer.

Fundraising & Volunteers: Chairman Brian Stewart reported that the main lake sign is done aside from new solar lighting that is being researched for the best option/price. Property owner donations paid for everything, and were detailed. All receipts have been turned into the office for reimburse-ment of those items purchased out of pocket by Committee members. The Committee made an attempt to con-


LEADINGEach office is independentlyowned and operated

Janie [email protected]


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tact every property owner who donat-ed to the fireworks show by phone and email to see if they would like to use their money elsewhere. All but ten were reached successfully, and dona-tions have been moved to various clubs and committees. The Sunnyside Vet Clinic is assisting with the purchase of a dog chip reader for the Lake Patrol, and a chip installation clinic at the Lake is in the works. The Committee has been hard at work recruiting volun-teers for Lake Cleanup Day, and have had good results. F&V is providing the prize money for a Carp fishing tourna-ment on June 10th in conjunction with the Fishing Club and Lake Water Quali-ty Committee. They are also planning some games and activities for the July 1st weekend.

Public Relations & Publications: Chair-man Brian Stewart reported that the new Peace Pipe layout person and printer are working very well together. We’ve noticed a few errors that have slipped past the proofing on our end, and are working to eliminate those going forward. The Committee is work-ing on a potential new advertisers list,

and will be mailing out our standard advertising letter to businesses in the area in hopes of attracting new adver-tisers. The Board was reminded that the Peace Pipe deadline is the 15th of the month. The new website is up and running, and the Choctaw Lake Week-ly blog is now the official source for all Board information.

Recreation: Chairman Ken Petry report-ed to the Board that all of the funds allocated to the Committee have been used to book bands for the 2017 sea-son. Ken asked the Board to con-sider creating a separate line item in future budgets to differentiate funds for bands who have to be booked in advance, and funds to use towards other recreation events throughout the course of the year.

Choctaw Utilities Report: CU Board Member Scott Kutzley reported that the CU Board is working on a propos-al for the purpose of receiving bids from contractors, venders, and engi-neers in order to get firm costs for the two options; gravity fed filtration or pressurized filtration. He also briefly

detailed the County’s recent propos-al to purchase water from the prison’s treatment plant, and that the CU Board is making plans to tour that facility to check its condition, which is thought to be similar to our treatment plant. He told the Board the CU is planning an open house at our treatment plant this summer. The CU Board of Directors reported they are not receiving calls from property owners, and are open to receiving them. Sewer Report: Sewer Board Member Brian Welch reported to the Board the County is having issues getting to some grinder pumps in the community that need to be replaced because they are obstructed or in some fashion have a blockage near or above them that prevents the equipment that raises and lowers the units into place. These blockages include landscaping and structures.

Old Business: The Board’s Action Item list from the April Board meeting was gone through to make sure all assigned tasks had been or are in the process of being completed.

The Board reviewed the Rule’s Com-mittee’s Building Code Grandfather Rule, and decided to send it back to the Committee for further refinement before considering adding it to the Building Code.

Treasurer Suprena Lohrer discussed audit options; process or a full. She reported on firms she has contacted, and what they estimate the cost to be for a full audit. She indicated it is possi-ble we could share the cost with the CU Board and have their accounting audit-ed at the same time for better price, and the cost would be split between the two Boards. The Board asked Suprena to investigate further and report back so the Board can revisit this issue when more information is avail-able, and a decision from the CU Board has been received. She is also going through the current budget to see where funds could be obtained should the Board decide on a full audit done by a professional firm. The last profes-sional full audit was conducted in 1988. Since then all audits have either been conducted by property owner com-mittees, or a firm was hired to conduct

a process audit which is not as thor-ough as a full audit. Our Constitution requires an annual audit of some kind, and the 2016 fiscal year audit must be completed this year.

New Business: The Board reviewed the call from a group of property owners headed by Mr. Keith O’Connor asking to be made the official Fishing Club for the Lake. The group brought with them a Mission Statement that was reviewed by the Board. After some dis-cussion and asking the Club to add a few things to their Statement a motion was made and passed.

Fishing signs around the Lake do not have the current fishing rules on them. Brian Stewart was assigned to contact a local sign maker to obtain an estimate on updating the fishing signs with the new rules. All Bass and Wipers are catch and release only now per the cur-rent rules.

Interim Property Manager Sam Thom-as informed the Board that one of the boat motors used for maintaining the lake is down a cylinder, and it is past its

useful life and not worth repairing. He has sourced a used boat motor in nice shape that is available for $700 that will do the job, and he asked the Board to consider purchasing it. A motion was made and passed.

Executive Session: Suprena Lohrer moved to take the Board into Execu-tive Session for the purpose of discuss-ing collections, personnel, and lot sale negotiations. Brian Welch seconded. Motion passed 9-0. Executive Session was entered at 9:50 p.m. The Board came out of Executive Session at 12:16 a.m. on Wednesday May 10th, 2017.

Adjournment: Brian Stewart moved to adjourn the Board meeting. Brian Welch seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 12:23 a.m. on Wednesday May 10th, 2017.

Minutes compiled by Secretary Brian Stewart.

The Trophy for the Largest Fish was awarded to Aidan Cooney! Aidan weighed in one carp that weighed 9 lbs. 4 oz!

1st Place ($100) – Grant Carpenter along with his friends Caleb Sollars & Isaiah Hatem weighed in 7 carp for a total of 26 lbs. 2 oz!

2nd Place ($50) – Brian Stewart weighed in 4 carp for a total of 22 lbs. 6 oz! Brian is donating his win-nings back to the Fundraising & Volunteers Com-mittee for future projects.

3rd Place ($25) – Cody & Brent Planck weighed in 4 Carp totaling 17 lbs. 2 oz!

25 carp were brought in for a grand total of 115

lbs. 7 oz.!Thank you to all of our fisherman! Nice job every-one!!

Also, thanks to the Fishing Club for doing the weigh in, Sam Thomas for disposal of the waste, Lake Water Quality Committee for providing the Trophy, and the Fundraising & Volunteers Com-mittee for putting up the prize money!

Carp Fishing Tournament Results!June 12, 2017

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* free estimates * local references* no project too big or small



JULY 2017
































Seniors 12pm (A)

CLPOA BoardMtg 7pm (CR)

FishingTournament (The Dock)


Dog Club 6:30pm (CR)

SummerConcert 7pm (A)

Scott Amold Band

Garden Club7pm (CR)

Office Closed

Fireworks 9:45 PM

Zumba 6pm (L)Euchre

6:30pm (A)

Zumba 6pm(L)

Zumba 6pm (L)

Zumba 6pm (L)Choctaw

Utilities Board Mtg 7pm (L)

Booster Club7pm (CR)

Quilt Club 8:30am (A)

PROPERTY TRANSFERS – JUNE ISSUELot Buyer Address Seller334 Charles & Lisa Dumolt 2025 E Choctaw Charles & Mavis Giska529 Mark & Helen Baker 1840 W Choctaw Bob & Terri Sisco 847 Susanne & Jon Williams 2415 Cherokee Charles & Lisa Dumolt933 Samuel Montrose 2487 Chickasaw Kathryn Allen1080 Suzanne Ake 2639 Cayuse Martin & Tristen Beckett

(A) - Arrow Head(L) - Lodge

(CR) - Conference Room

































JUNE 2017































2017 Choctaw LakeSummer Concert Series

By Dan Blazer

The Recreation Committee is very excited about this year’s lineup for our Choctaw Lake Summer Concert Series. It is headlined by a Country/Rock and nationally touring recording artist (Ashley Martin), includes a Nashville re-cording and nationally touring artist (Scott Arnold), and includes three other bands all of which have many years of experience in the music business (The Trains, Soul Express and The Alexander Band). A great variety of music will be on display including classic rock, country, southern rock, soul, funk, pop, swing and classics (e.g., Frank

Sinatra). This year we are thrilled that our stage will have a roof on top and removable sides so that we can survive rain showers. The funds to buy the materials for the new stage roof have been donated by the Campbell Family who own and operate the Lakeside Market. If you have a chance, please thank the Campbell family for being so

generous. As always, admission is free. Sider’s Barbeque will be available.

The Scott Arnold Band (July 22nd)The Scott Arnold Band is a “hi-energy” country and crossover southern rock band that will electrify the evening.

Scott is now a Nashville recording artist that is touring nationally. Through Nashville influences Scott has created his form of country sound from the likes of Chris Cagle, Chris Stapleton, Dierks Bentley and Randy Houser. Scott

looks to follow up his very successful concert from last year in this year’s first concert in May.

www.scottarnoldband.comContact: Scott Arnold (614) 999-2788

Southern Rock & Country

The Luna MothBy Ciara Cooney, age 15.

The Office will be closed on Monday July 3rd and 4th for the Holiday. If you need a 2017 boat or miscellaneous vehicle registration sticker Friday, June 30th

will be your last chance to get one before the 4th Holiday weekend.

Did you know the Luna Moth, one of the giant silk moths in the family, Saturniidae, lives right here at Choctaw Lake? This par-ticular Luna Moth was found by the Lohrer family at a neigh-bor’s house on West Choctaw.

The Luna moth is a large light green colored moth, with a ruffled swallow tail, pink legs, bushy antennae, bullseye spots on their wings, and a reputation for shimmering when the light strikes its wings at night. Luna Moths are so large that one can see their shadow flit across the room when they fly past a light at night. Like most moths, the Luna Moth is strongly attracted to light, and can delay their journey to a mate, for hours at a lighted gas station, basking in its incandescent glow.

Luna moths start their life cycle as an egg like most moths, and once they eat through the wall of the egg which holds them, they do nothing but eat until they build their cocoons. The lar-vae’s diet varies in different parts of the country. In this part of North America the larvae prefer to eat white birch leaves. Once a larvae is secure in its cocoon, it never eats again. When it first emerges, the newly hatched moth will let its wings dry, and then

fly away, off to find a mate. Luna Moths only live for one week, time just sufficient to mate and lay eggs. A female lays about four to six hundred eggs on the underside of leaves where they will take eight to thirteen days to hatch.

Since Luna Moths have such a short lifespan they typically appear in generations, the number of generations depending on the warmth of the area. Warmer areas can have up to three gen-erations of Luna Moths each summer, while cooler climates may only have one. They are typically spaced about every eight to ten weeks, usually starting in March. Experts say the only way to tell male and females apart is by their antennae, males usually have larger and bushier ones.

If you want to attract Luna Moths to your yard, experts suggest planting, walnut, birch, hickory, and large leaf trees.

Overall, the Luna Moth is one of the most beautiful and delicate moths in The United States. If you are lucky, you might even see one in your backyard.

The Luna MothBy Ciara Cooney, age 15.


JULY 3rd

1:30- 3:00 Beach Treats FREE ice cream at the beach (until it’s

gone). FREE Giveaway Registration—We

have 3 super gift baskets (one for men, one for women, and a family one) to giveaway.

ANY time after 3:00 Dock Goodies Join Joy and Tim for ice cold drinks and some goodies on the dock under the banner on the east side of Lake Choctaw. We’d LOVE for EVERYONE to stop by!


JULY 4th

6:00- 10:00am Fishing Tournament Sponsored by The Dock at Lake Choctaw and Ernie’s medicine Shoppe.

Our humble thanks to all who have served!

Crace & Associates

of e-Merge Real Estate are the

Proud Sponsor of the Lake Choctaw



Sponsored by the Dock Marina at LakeMedicine

e-Merge Real EstateCrace & Associates

As residents of Lake Choctaw and a full service real estate team, we are looking

forward to sharing our real estate talents with all of our new neighbors!


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The 2017 Choctaw Junkyard Boat Derby will take place as usual, the day before Labor Day as partof Choctaw’s Community Days celebration: Sunday, Sep-tember 3rd at 4:00 p.m. The rules andguidelines are as follows:

• Anything that floats and meets the guidelines below is eligible to enter.

• Must be human or wind-powered (paddled, pedaled, sailed, etc. - no motors).

• All boats will be inspected prior to the race. All construc-tion materials must be JUNK that did NOTcome from an actual boat, raft, personal watercraft, inflat-able, or any other type of floating vessel.

• JUNK means salvaged, not purchased. Paint and materi-als that hold the boat together such asduct tape, rope, screws, glue, etc., are the only exceptions.

• Any boat that threatens the safety of its passengers, other race participants, or spectators will bedisqualified at the discretion of the judges.

• The name of the boat MUST be readable by spectators, judges, and emcee from shore. It can bepainted on both sides or movable to either side AS LONG AS IT IS FASTENED SECURELY. Windconditions may dictate the direction of the race.

• No boat will be allowed in the water if there is any ex-posed surface, inside or out, that could shedpolluting or hazardous substances or debris into the water. Any such surfaces must be wrapped orsealed.

• Boats raced in prior years are eligible to enter.

• All registration forms need to be filled out COMPLETE-LY AND LEGIBLY, including e-mail address,phone number, and age category, and name of boat. THE NAME AND AGE OF EACH PERSON ONBOARD MUST BE ON THE FORM. THE AGE OF THE OLDEST PERSON ON BOARDDETERMINES WHICH HEAT EACH BOAT ENTERS.

• The registration table will be set up at the beach at 3:00 p.m. on race day, and all boats must beregistered and lined up at the beach, READY TO RACE by 4:00 p.m. at which time the Emcee willstart interviewing the contestants. The race begins after all contestants have been interviewed.

• Each heat will start when the judge determines that all boats are lined up properly behind thestarting line.

• Entrants under the age of 18 must have written permis-sion from a parent or guardian and beaccompanied by a designated adult during the race.

• Racers in the 12 & under category MUST wear a Coast Guard Approved Flotation Device.

• Awards will be given in the following overall categories: Anchor Dragger (last place) will receive areplica of an anchor as well as a certificate. Other catego-ries are: Best Team Spirit, Best-LookingBoat, Best Costume, Best Use of Materials, Most Creative, Wackiest Boat, Most Ingenious Design,and Most Likely to Sink. Prizes will be provided by local business sponsors.

• There will be three heats: 12 and under, 13-17, and adult (18 and over). Cash prizes provided bythe Booster Club will be awarded for each boat that places first ($50) or second ($25) in each ofthose age categories.



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Choctaw Lake Yards of the

MonthThe Choctaw Lake Garden Club is excited about choosing a few of our community’s outstanding yards for recognition this summer. It is not an easy task because so many Choctaw residents love making their yards look colorful and inviting. These beautiful yards inspire us to work even harder in our own yards. When we take good care of our property , it helps all of our property values. It is our goal to select two yards each month for this honor.

For the month of June, we have chosen the Frank and Amy Grove home located at 1426 Itawamba on the East side of the Lake. Frank and Amy have chosen a variety of perennials and annuals for both the front and back of their home. The young, working couple have two huge baskets of bright pink petu-

nias hanging from their front porch which bring a powerful punch of color to the exterior and generate lots of positive comments from those passing by. The yard hosts a variety of trees and perennials. The Coral Bells looked especially spec-tacular on the days that we visited. The addition of sun toler-ant annuals brings contrasting color to the beautiful greens in the landscaping.

The home owned by Dick and Jeanette Hanna located at 1935 Palouse was the club’s choice on the West side of the Lake. The front yard is shaded and displays colorful window boxes, hostas, impatiens, and much more. When you walk towards the front door you feel as if you have stepped into a beautiful and restful retreat area. The mix of perennials and annuals is

impressive as is the massive Maple tree that shades the area. Mrs. Hanna has accented the area with colorful pots filled with shade tolerant plants as well as a variety of shrubs and small trees including hydrangeas and a small Japanese Maple. The side of the home facing the lake has a striking row of bright red knock out roses along with other plantings.

It is obvious that both the Hanna and the Grove families take great pride in their homes and yards. Congratulations!

Watershed happeningsMy name is Eric Thomas and I live here at the lake. I am a senior at Colorado State University majoring in Water-

shed Sciences. I will be assisting the Lake Water Quality Committee this summer to document the flows of all of the streams and creeks that feed the lake. I will be surveying these streams to look at sediment discharge, phosphorus loads, and nitrogen loads. As many of you know, these are the main contributors to algae growth which is current-ly threatening the lake. While I complete this survey, I will also be making recommendations to restore the streams,

stabilize the banks to reduce erosion and movement of the banks, and provide recommendations to reduce the nutrients and the hazards of flooding.

My goal is to look at these streams and provide recommendations to both improve the health of these streams, the health of the lake, and the stability to the areas around the water. If one of these streams comes through your yard you may find a note from me letting you know that I will be walking along the stream bed and in your yard.

I look forward to working with everyone.

Special Thanksto Danny Moran of One Source Lawn Care for donating time

and materials to fertilize and weed control forMemorial Park, Lodge and both entrances.

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CHOCTAW LAKE PATROLMay, 2017 Monthly Report

Specific Activity: Citations:Calls for Service 99 State 1Alarm Drops 2 Lake 3House Checks 189 Documented Warnings 26Building Checks 847 Total Citations 30Unsecured Doors / Windows 14

Boat Patrol:Squad Runs 7 Citations 1Fire Runs 0 Warnings 1911 Hang Ups 0 Boater Assists / Tows 1Backup Deputy 6Resident Assists 46 Arrests:

Felony 0Residential Burglaries 0 Misdemeanors 5Thefts from Residences 3 Juvenile Complaints Filed 0Criminal Damaging 0 Total Arrests 5Other Property Crimes 0

Other Activity:Domestic or Neighbor Disputes 9 Reports Written 12Juvenile Complaints 6 Subpoenas or Civil Papers Served 3Animal Complaints 10Vehicle Crashes 0 Total Mileage: 4,975Suspicious Persons 66Suspicious Vehicles 28

The band plays the last Tuesday ofEvery month (except in December)from 7:40 to 9:30

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Choctaw UtilitiesUpdate All neighbors,

We realize we’ve been quiet the past few months, but we’ve been hard at work.

There are basically four main lines of effort occurring within CU at the moment.

The first effort involves the Plant Replacement. We have a committee that has been squeezing every expert (Ohio Rural Water Association, consulting firms, contrac-tors, equipment suppliers) for information. What we’ve learned is that we anticipate being able to construct a new plant for approximately $1.75 million, which is $900,000 to $1.15 million less than the initial IBI esti-mates. We still have a bit more research to conduct on Dualator system costs, but feel confident enough in this figure to put it out there.

The second line of effort involves reincorporating CU as a non-profit. We have been exploring the in’s and out’s of 6119 Water Districts and non profits and believe that a non profit would serve us well as a water utility. Why? The main reason is tax savings. We pay over $40,000 annually in property taxes that a non-profit would be exempt from paying. We also pay “excise and poor” taxes because of our current For Profit incorporation status. All taxes added up, we anticipate a total annual savings of $50,000.

If CU were to reincorporate as a non profit, the CLPOA Board of Trustees would still appoint the CU Board of Directors. What this means is you the property owner would still have influence over who is on the CU Board in the exact same manner that you do right now.

To summarize the reincorporation line of effort: $50,000/year stays at home in your water utility instead of leaving as a tax expenditure, and the CU Board would still be appointed in the same manner as it is right now.

The third line of effort involves flushing taps. We have

EPA approval to replace “blow off assemblies” with flush-ing taps in ~12 locations around the system. We have an initial estimate, and our committee is exploring other vendors and options to ensure we provide the best val-ue to our customers and neighbors. These flushing taps would update some older infrastructure and allow us to flush the main lines in a more effective manner.

There is a very important item regarding these flushing taps – we’re not calling them “hydrants.” For a hydrant to count as a hydrant for insurance purposes, it must meet a requirement to provide certain volume of water over a period of time, such as 400 gallons per minute. Due to our main lines being a relatively small diameter (most are 4-6 inches), we are not sure if we would get the neces-sary amount of volume to actually count as a “hydrant”. We wouldn’t know until after they are installed and flow tested.

Therefore, we cannot promise you “fire hydrants” that would save you money on insurance. However, we need these hydrants for flushing purposes to perform system maintenance, so it’s a necessary expenditure. Obviously

our hope is that they will save us money on insurance, but we cannot guarantee that at this time.The fourth main line of effort involves standing up a CU office at the current plant facility. A few weeks ago we posted an opening for a administrator/clerk as part of this effort. We will be updating our accounting practices, billing systems, and communication systems in order to have better oversight and provide you with better service. We do anticipate some growing pains with standing up a new office (thank you in advance for your patience), but believe this is the best solution for CU.

If anyone has further questions, your board members are always available for questions. We love to talk about the nuances of pressure filtration vs gravity filtration, equiv-alent length flow rate engineering, accounting practices, Ohio Revised Code and other fun things.

The next CU meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 17 at 7pm in the Lodge. All are always welcome.






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