The Key To Your Wishes (The Hidden Chapter of The Wishing Machine Series) -Devlyn Steele n oneself lies the !hole !orld and if you "no! ho! to loo" and learn# the door is there and the "ey is in your hand$ %o&ody on earth can give you either the "ey or the door to open# e'cept yourself$ - iddo Krishna urti agine &eing given a "ey that !ould unloc" your !ishes turning the into rea That !ould +ust &e an a!eso e po!er to have$ There are those !ho !ould !ant y &elieve that it is not possi&le for such a "ey to e'ist$ There are others !ho you to &elieve that the po!ers that the "ey contains are secrets$ Today# you ! that &oth are not true$ The "ey e'ists# it,s not a secret# and it,s availa&le efore !e get the "ey# !e ust first re!rite our !ish$ Ta"e out the piece a p ar"ed# . y !ish,$ There you should no! have your !ish !ritten do!n# that has all the steps for the !ishing achine instructions$ Since it has passed the s re!rite the !ish as follo!s$ /et,s i agine the !ish is to lose 01 pounds$ /et,s re!rite your !ish to loo" 3My specific !ish is to lose 01 pounds$ &elieve y !ish can happen and can achieved in 41 days$ feel positive a&out y !ish and really !ant this for accept it fully$ can see yself !ith the results fro this !ish and that v e happy$ truly desire this so uch that !ill put the effort in to a"ing happen$ have no dou&t in y !ish &ecause it passes all the !ishing achine instruction steps and "no! it is true &ecause intend to follo! through !it reservation$ My !ish !ill co e true$ Your !ish !ritten in this fashion passes all the steps and instructions$ t re po!erful state ent of "no!ing !hat you !ant# and co it ent to put in the al to create it$ That,s po!erful# !o!5 Congratulations# that in itself is really

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The Key To Your Wishes

The Key To Your Wishes(The Hidden Chapter of The Wishing Machine Series)

-Devlyn Steele

In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn,

the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give

you either the key or the door to open, except yourself.

-Jiddo Krishnamurti

Imagine being given a key that would unlock your wishes turning them into reality? That would just be an awesome power to have. There are those who would want you to believe that it is not possible for such a key to exist. There are others who would want you to believe that the powers that the key contains are secrets. Today, you will discover that both are not true. The key exists, it's not a secret, and it's available to all.

Before we get the key, we must first rewrite our wish. Take out the piece a paper marked, my wish'. There you should now have your wish written down, that has passed all the steps for the wishing machine instructions. Since it has passed the steps we will rewrite the wish as follows.

Let's imagine the wish is to lose 20 pounds. Let's rewrite your wish to look like this:

"My specific wish is to lose 20 pounds. I believe my wish can happen and can be achieved in 90 days. I feel positive about my wish and really want this for myself and accept it fully. I can see myself with the results from this wish and that vision makes me happy. I truly desire this so much that I will put the effort in to making my wish happen. I have no doubt in my wish because it passes all the wishing machine instruction steps and I know it is true because I intend to follow through with no reservation. My wish will come true.

Your wish written in this fashion passes all the steps and instructions. It represents a powerful statement of knowing what you want, and commitment to put in the all effort to create it. That's powerful, wow! Congratulations, that in itself is really all you need. There's a saying that I like, "Commit to the what, and the how will reveal itself." However, even though that is all you need, we will give you the how as well. We will discover the key.

What is a key? A key we see as the devise to unlock and make available to us something on the other side, which we want. We all have lost our keys to our home at some time. There you are standing on the other side of the door frustrated because you want to get in. To get in you need the key. So often we are standing on the other side of the door to our desires with equal frustration. We wonder... why we can't be living the life we want? Well, today you have a wish that you want, and now we need to unlock the door so you can get it.

If your mind is the wishing machine, and wishes are thoughts and thoughts turn into things, how then do we take those thoughts and turn them into things? What will turn our wish into reality? The key is very simple, and the Key is action. We have to take the right action to create our wishes into reality.

On your separate piece of paper, write at the top, "The Key."

Then write on the next line, "I am committing to the following action to create my wish."

Underneath, list all the things in your power that you can do to make your wish come true.

Then divide your list in to daily action steps. If you cannot figure out the action steps to take, then you cannot create your wish. You have to be able to break your wish down into action steps. Then you need to figure out what action steps you will take each day.

The daily accumulation of your actions for 90 days will add up to creating the wish you want. If it cannot be broken down in to a 90 day period, then your wish was too big.

Your Key should clearly state the action you are taking and your commitment to the action.

Now, in your hands you're holding a wish that you can make happen, and the key to it! Now do it and in 90 days you will make a difference in your life.

Whether you want to call it a wish, a want, a goal-it's about change. We're talking about how to create change in our lives. The Truth is we're all very powerful and if we learn how and put effort in we can make anything happen in our lives! The truth is, your mind holds the key to make your life what you want it to be. Take that key and unlock your dreams.

If reality can destroy a dream, why can't a dream destroy reality?

Now you are in possession of the wishing machine, the instructions and the key. It's now up to you to make your wishes come true.

Make Your Wishes Come True(Part 1 of 3 of The Wishing Machine Series)

-Devlyn Steele

My uncle's dying wish - he wanted me on his lap. He was in the electric chair.-Rodney Dangerfield

Imagine if all your wishes could come true. What would your life be like? It's probably a good thing that not all wishes come true. I'm sure Rodney Dangerfield is sure glad his uncle's wish didn't come true. However, I'm sure there are plenty of wishes that would change your life in a positive manner if they would come true.

I think we want our wishes to come true. After all, we've spent a lot of time making countless wishes, so we must do it for some reason. In fact, we have been practicing the art of wishing throughout our life. As soon as we can we are blowing out the candles on our birthday cake, and everyone joins in telling us to make a wish. We go to the wishing fountain and throw our coins in and wish. We use a wishbone, an eyelash, a ladybug, a shooting star, a four leaf clover, a lucky penny, a horseshoe, shamrocks and more ... all in hope that our wishes will come true.

We wish we could get that job, house, car, relationship, vacation and much much more. From big to small we make a lot of wishes. We wish and wish and keep wishing. Robert Frost put it well, "A man will sometimes devote all his life to the development of one part of his body - the wishbone."

We know in order to get our wish we have to follow wishing rules. Generally we have to close our eyes and we can't tell anyone what we wish for. In fact, we have to be very careful how and what we wish for, as wishes in many stories are granted without regard to it being positive. For example, if you wish to be wealthy, your wish could be granted through inheritance resulting from the death of a loved one. Thus the expression, "Watch out what you wish for, because you might just get it."

What we have come to realize is even with all this wishing going on, our wishes don't seem to come true. What if I told you that your wishes could come true, would you believe me? Well it is true, there is actually a machine that can make your wishes come to life, it's called the "Wishing Machine."

I know the idea of a wishing machine sounds too good to be true. Even if such a machine existed it must be very rare and hard to get a hold of. If it was available it would be very expensive and certainly people would fight over it. Here is the shocking part, the wishing machine is everywhere and it is free. More shocking is that it's not only not fought over, it's ignored by most.

It's hard to believe because everyone is always wishing for this and for that. So with so many wishes being made, one would think that people would want to be use the wishing machine. That's where people have another misconception about wishes. People think that making wishes means you don't have to do anything to get your wish. That all you have to do is put a wish out there and it will be delivered to you.

I love asking this question, "How's that working for you?" You have been wishing your entire life, ever since you could blow out that first candle. How many of your wishes have come true? You see, people don't use the wishing machine because it means reading the instructions,

learning how to use the machine, and then actually using it requires some effort.

The really crazy thing is that you then can realize your wishes. Richard Back, knew what he was taking about when he said, "You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however."

I am always amazed about how much effort we put into not' trying to put effort in to what we want. If we would just put the effort in the first place for the results we wanted, that it would actually result in less effort in getting the results we wanted. Lets take diets for example, people put so much effort, time, money into programs that claim that you have to put very little effort in' to lose weight. People do it for their entire lives never getting the results they want, or go back and forth. If instead, if they only just put in the effort to learning to eat a balanced diet and exercise they would actual achieve their goal and keep it with less effort.

Strange isn't it?

However, I'm getting off target, we are talking about wishes. So, if you could learn how to use a wishing machine and get your hands on one, would you use it? If you are willing to do the work, then I'm going to show you how to both get your hands on a wishing machine and how to use it.

So close your eyes, smile and make a wish. Make sure not to tell anyone, because your wish is about to come true.

Finding The Wishing Machine (Part 2 of 3 of The Wishing Machine Series)

-Devlyn Steele

That's the thing with magic. You've got to know it's still here, all around us,

Or it just stays invisible for you. -Charles de lint

Imagining that there is actually a machine that can produce wishes, seems too good to be true. However, wishes do come true and they happen all around you every day. When you stop believing that your wishes can come true they disappear and become invisible. So the first step in finding your way to the wishing machine is belief.

Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Believe that you can change your life. When you are willing to learn the "How" change is not only possible, it is for certain. So if you could learn "How" to use a wishing machine and you could get your hands on one would you use it? If the answer is yes, I am going to show you both how to get your hands on a wishing machine and then how to use it.

Wishes, wishes, wishes... what are wishes? If you think about what a wish is, a wish really is a thought that we are having. We think about things we want changed in our life, and then we wish that our thoughts would come true. So a wish is what you are thinking in regards to change in your life. If you don't think it, then the wish doesn't exist. So, what is a wish? A wish is a thought.

So when you make a wish, what you are wishing is that your thoughts turn into physical reality. You are wishing that your thoughts were things. Let's start with using a different word for wish, after all a wish is a thought we are having. So to make you wishes come true you have to have the right thoughts. I know you have heard the expression before that thoughts are things. Today while showing you how to find the wishing machine, we will also prove that thoughts really are things!

Let's take a moment a take a look around wherever you may be. No matter where you are there are all sorts of things. For example, I am looking at my computer, the desk, the lamp, pens, pads, and more. All these things are around me just as there are many things around you. We give each one of these things an individual name so we can identify and discuss them. However, I have one name for everything you and I are looking at, "Physical thoughts."

Everything that is created outside of nature is a result of a thought. No thought no thing. Someone first has to think of making a computer before it becomes a reality. Someone has to first think make lamp, pen, pad or anything else before it also becomes reality. Every single physical object is a result of a thought. You see thoughts are things and every object around you is proof that thoughts manifest into reality. So if a wish is a thought, then it is a matter of learning how to manifest the wish into reality and then wishes can come true.

If everything is a result of a thought and nothing happens without a thought, then where are thoughts produced? Thoughts are what you think, and what you think is in your mind. That's right, each of us has our very own wishing machine, and it has been with you always, it's your mind. You're just not using it correctly. It's all a matter of what thoughts you feed the wishing machine with.

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts.

With our thoughts we make the world. - Buddha

Imagine that you can feed a thought into your mind and that thought will then become reality. Think of it like writing down your wish/thought and putting that piece of paper in one ear, and what you want comes out the other. Well, it doesn't exactly work like that, but pretty close. The wish/thought you put in will be the result you produce. So if you want to change your life, if you want your wishes to come true, then you have to put the right thoughts into your wishing machine in the right way, and then your wishes will come true.

It sounds like magic, but it's really true. However, it's not as simple as making any wish. As I mentioned there are instructions on how to use the wishing machine. In order for the thoughts to be realized in physical reality the instructions need to be followed. Once followed, you can make your wishes come true.

Now, I have showed you where the wishing machine is, and that you have access to it. The question is, "Do you want to learn how to use it?"

If you do, then wish for it. Then get excited because you have your very own wishing machine, and your wish is about to come true. You are going to learn how to use it...

Because wishes do come true...

Wishing Machine Instructions

(Part 3 of 3 of The Wishing Machine Series)

-Devlyn Steele

What happens when the guy who runs the reactor gets out of bed on the wrong side or decides, for some reason, that he wants to override his instruction sheet some afternoon? -David R Brower

Today is the day. Today you learn how to use the wishing machine. So far you learned that you have to put effort behind your wishes, and then you learned where the wishing machine is located. You know that a wish is a thought and that you have to put the right thought into your mind for you to can manifest it, because thoughts are things. Now we are getting ready to learn how to use the wishing machine, so get excited.

Since this is your first time using the wishing machine let's start with just one wish. Everybody participating will get one wish granted. I have taken people through the wishing machine instructions over the radio, and have granted thousands of wishes simultaneously, this week we'll grant more wishes than ever.

So let's see if you can follow instructions, and how important having your wish come true is to you. The first thing you need to do is get two pieces of paper and a pen. At the end of The Wishing Machine Series you will be holding in one hand your wish, and in the other hand the key to making your wish come true.

So with one wish, what would you wish for?

To lose weight

For a new job

More money

A relationship


What would it be?

Follow the wishing machine instructions and your wish will come true!

Write at the top of one of the blank pieces of paper, "My Wish."

Step 1: Write down your wish. Wishes, like goals perform another type of magic, if they are not written down they disappear into thin air.

Step 2: Your wish must be Specific. Ask yourself is this a specific concrete wish? For example, don't wish to be rich, happy or in love, that's not specific.

All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have

been more specific. -Lily Tomlin

Think of yourself aiming at a target. If you cannot see the bull's eye, then you don't know where to aim. If your wish isn't specific then rewrite it now.

Step 3: Time line rule. Because this is your first time using the wishing machine, we need to keep it simple. Your wish has to be something that can happen in 90 days. Don't wish to be 1000 years old if you're not 999 and your birthday is in the next 90 days.

So if your wish is not something that can happen in the next 90 days, once again rewrite your wish now.

Step 4: You must be able to believe in your wish. Don't wish to fly. Do you really believe you can fly?

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors

go to war first and then seek to win. -Sun Tzu

Do you really want your wish to come true? If you do, make sure it is something that you believe can happen and in the next 90 days and that it's specific! Rewrite your wish now if you need to.

Step 5: Your wish must be positive. I think we all understand what positive is, so if needed, rewrite your wish now.

Once you replace a negative thought with a positive one, you will start

to have positive results. -Willie Nelson

Step 6: Your wish must be for yourself. The only control we have over our lives is self-control. Your wish cannot be for anyone else or involve anyone else. If needed, rewrite your wish now.

I am,indeed,a king,because I know how to rule myself.-Pietro Aretino, 10 May 1537

Step 7: You must be able to conceive your wish. You have to be able to visualize it!

If you can't see it in your mind, then you can't manifest it.

The future you see is the future you get.

-Robert G Allen

Step 8: You must desire your wish. We will always follow our true desires to the end result. Make sure you really desire your wish.

When your desire is strong enough, you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve. -Napoleon Hill

Step 9: You must be willing to accept your wish. Often we want and when we can have it, we don't accept it. Get ready to accept your wish.

Watch out what you wish for because you just might get it.

Step 10: The Law of Effort. Nothing happens by itself. Are you willing to put effort into make your wish come true?

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. -Thomas Edison

Don't let your wishes disappear to lack of effort. Put effort behind your wishes and the wishing machine will grant your wish. Are you willing to put effort in? Make a wish that you are. Rewrite your wish now if you need to.

Step 11: Your Intention must be to make your wish come true. Inside yourself you know the truth. You know if you're really willing to follow through to achieve. We really can't fool ourselves.

Our intention creates our reality.

-Wayne Dyer

Take a moment and ask yourself if your intention is really to do what it takes to make your wish come true. If it isn't, then rewrite your wish until your intentions are in line with your wish, and then your wish will come true.

Now, if the wish you have written down has passed all these tests, then you have a wish that you can make come true. Now you need the key. Once you have the key, you can feed the wish into the wishing machine, and you can achieve your wish in 90 days. If your wish has passed the desire and intention test, then the key will unlock your wish.

Imagine what it will be like to have your wish come true. Take the blank paper and write at the top, "The Key To My Wish." People have searched the globe looking for the key. Pirates have buried it and treasure maps have been fought over. The key is the last piece to achieve your wish. Imagine the value the key has!

It can't be that simple to get the key. We were scared to make the key available because of the power it contains. Imagine everyone having the ability to make their positive wishes come true. The idea is overwhelming, but we have decided to give you the key after all. The key will be made available to you. and it's being made available to all. Get ready for the hidden chapter of the Wishing Machine Series coming out later this week.