The Kind Connection C TO OTHERS - John Maxwell Teamcdn1.johnmaxwellteam.com/cds/youthmaxplus/YouthMAXPlus_KC_TE… · The Kind Connection CONNECTING TO OTHERS [TEENS ACTIVITY: FACILITATOR’S

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“Connecting is the ability to identify with people and relate to them in a way that increases your influence with them.”

~John C. Maxwell © 2015 | All rights reserved

ITEMS NEEDED Multiple sets of juggling balls [Feel free to replace juggling with any other activity where the students will teach each other how to do something; and said activity requires coaching and patience]

FACILITATOR INSTRUCTIONS & SCRIPTFFor this activity, we are going to pair up into teams. Within your teams, you are going to practice connecting. Connecting, or the joining together of two people, can only happen when people effectively communicate. But before we begin, I need everyone to remain silent and refrain from talking to one another until I say to do so. You must pay close attention to the instructions. Additionally, it is important that neither of you know if the other person knows how to do the activity or not. Keep that information to yourself.

[Distribute juggling balls – remind students to remain silent and not share whether or not they know how to juggle]

Standing nStanding next to one another and facing the facilitator, the team member to the right will be the coach. The team member to the left will be the juggler. The coach will teach the juggler how to juggle. Using whatever resources you have available to you, the coach will provide instructions. The juggler may only answer questions as asked by the coach. The juggler cannot provide instruction or guidance. You will have 5 minutes to complete this activity. Your goal is to juggle.

[Take 5 minutes]

Congratulations! You’ve just learned how to juggle! Right!?!

PPROCESS QUESTIONS1. Coaches: Provide positive feedback. Note what elements of the activity that the juggler did well. 2. Jugglers: Provide positive feedback. Share with the coach what elements of the activity that they did well. 3. How did the feedback make you feel?

Even though the activity may have been difficult to complete, you were able to keep going because you felt supported, encouraged and led by someone who cared about your success. So think about what happens when we encourage each other on a daily basis. How great we all can be with just a little encouragement andkindness from one another? kindness from one another?

Helping Youth MAXimize Their Leadership PotentialFeaturing The John Maxwell Team YouthMAX Ambassador, Nick Vujicic