1 Official Diet Plan

The L3F Kettlebell SportDiet

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Lifting Kettlebells is only half of the equation, you need to clean up your food intake. Let the L3F Kettlebell Diet lead you the way!

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Page 1: The L3F Kettlebell SportDiet


Official Diet Plan

Page 2: The L3F Kettlebell SportDiet


Updating our diet

No matter how hard or often you exercise, you likely won’t get that

lean look without a proper diet. You can run a marathon everyday, lift

the 40kg kettlebell for 500 reps per session, do a million crunches per

week, but without the proper nutrition profile, you won’t get those abs

that you’ve been aiming for. This is the truth. Diet and exercise are two

sides of the same coin – fitness. What good is one if you don't

maximize the other?

The reason for this update is because, in our old diet, it was tailored

for those people who wanted to lose fat at an unrealistically fast pace.

This is not only unsustainable, but could also be potentially hazardous.

It was also extremely difficult for beginners who are new to eating

healthy, because it had no migration period.

For example, our old diet limited you to fruits and vegetables on some

days. This is ultimately impossible to keep up. The new L3F diet will

no longer cater to those who want to lose weight quickly, but rather

support a healthy lifestyle that promotes fitness!

As many of you already know, our diet will center around replacing the

current carbohydrates you eat with SWEET POTATOES. (Kamote)

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Sweet Potato Power! The stuff of gods!

Concept of the word “Diet”

Diets are not meant to have a time limit, but should be considered a

lifestyle. You don’t want to starve yourself at any time just because

you are going to Boracay. You want to have a diet plan that could be

maintained consistently. L3F diet has that quality and the good part is,

it’s not expensive.

This diet has been made very simple. The simpler it is, the easier it is

to follow

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No need to starve yourself just because you are going to the beach

Payat-look versus Athletic look: what's the difference?

As you know by now, L3F workouts are not easy. You need to have an

optimal amount of strength, endurance, flexibility, mobility and

determination to maximize the L3F system. How can you possibly do

this, if your goal is to look like a stick figure?

You want to strive to be athletic and not thin and weak. We want your

body to be converted into a fat burning machine!

Most people think weight loss and fat loss are one and the same. This

is far from the truth. Weight loss simply means, you want to weigh less

– regardless of what part of your body was lost in the process. Muscle

being one of the first things to disappear (before fat even!) if you try

and 'lose weight' haphazardly. Losing fat is a different story. Look at

the two girls in the next picture, which one do you think lost weight,

and which one do you think lost fat?

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Fat loss versus Weight loss

One of them eats steaks, and the other eats peanuts every other day.

Which one would you rather be?

Does It Work?

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Photo above was 2 years ago and I was lifting 40kg Kettlebells ,

running 10-21km runs but still found myself at above 24% fat.

Photo above is me after quitting grains and following the new and

improved L3F diet. I found myself stronger and more energetic than

ever. It has been more than 8 years since I saw myself under 160lbs at

15% body fat.

Funny thing is during these three months, I never did a single crunch,

situp or any sort of abdominal movement. I just did L3F Kettlebell

lifting …that’s it.

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Protein Intake

The main problem of our previous “starch cycling” diet is the lack of

any guideline as to of how many grams of protein should be taken.

Protein is the main building block of your muscles. You need muscles

to burn fat and look awesome.

Below is L3F’s recommendation:

1. Fat Loss: 1 gram of Protein per 1 kilogram of muscle mass

2. Muscle Gain: 1 gram of protein per 1 pound of muscle mass

How do we compute it? By the use of our scale of course!

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Our Trusty Scale can detect not only your fat percentage but your

muscle mass as well

Migration towards Sweet Potato

Our diet requires you to eliminate the “bad” carbs or grains by the time

you reach the end. By bad carbs, I mean rice, pasta and bread.

I suggest you don’t get too excited and go straight to the last four

weeks of the 12 week migration period. If you are eating rice bread

and pasta I strongly suggest you start from week 1

Here are our weekly goals with the diet:

Weeks 1 -4: Making Brown Rice as the main carb source

Weeks 5-8: Making Potato as the main carb source

Week 9-12: Making Sweet Potato as the main carb source

Week 13 onwards: Lifestyle change

From weeks 1 – 12 (and further) you will observe the protein guideline

that was pointed out earlier.

L3F Official Diet

Below is the official migration plan in order for you to eliminate the

bad calories from your diet. Take note that the diet stated below

focuses on your MAIN source of carbohydrates. You can put ulam

putahe beside your main source of carbohydrates. For example for

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Weeks 1-4 you can eat Brown Rice and Sinigang, Weeks 5-8 you can do

Potato + Chicken, Weeks 9-12, Sweet Potato + Sardines. Keep in mind

that you will be observing your daily protein intake..

4 week Brown Rice Migration (Weeks 1-4)

Week 1

Day 1 Brown Rice as your carbohydrate. No bread, pasta or white rice.

Day 2-6 Normal Eating Habits

Day 7 Cheat Day

Week 2

Day 1-3 Brown Rice as your carbohydrate. No bread, pasta or white


Day 4-6 Normal Eating Habits

Day 7 Cheat Day

Week 3

Day 1-4 Brown Rice as your carbohydrate, No Sugar, Bread or Pasta

Day 5-6 Normal Eating Habits

Day 7 Cheat Day

Week 4 Day

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1-6 Brown Rice Only, No bread, pasta or white rice.

Day 7 Cheat Day

4 week Potato Migration (Weeks 5 – 8)

Week 5

Day 1 Potato ONLY, No Brown Rice. No bread, pasta or white rice.

Day 2-6 Normal Eating Habits

Day 7 Cheat Day

Week 6

Day 1-3 Potato as your carbohydrate, No bread, pasta or white rice.

Day 2-6 Normal Eating Habits

Day 7 Cheat Day

Week 7

Day 1-4 Potato as your carbohydrate, No bread, pasta or white rice.

Day 5-6 Normal Eating Habits

Day 7 Cheat Day

Week 8

Day 1-6 Potato as your carbohydrate, No bread, pasta or white rice.

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Day 7 Cheat Day

4 Week Sweet Potato Migration (Weeks 9 -12)

Week 9

Day 1-2 Sweet Potatoes as your carbohydrate, No bread, pasta or

white rice.

Day 3-6 Normal Eating Habits

Day 7 Cheat Day

Week 10

Day 1-3 Sweet Potatoes as your carbohydrate, No bread, pasta or

white rice.

Day 4-6 Normal Eating Habits

Day 7 Cheat Day

Week 11

Day 1-4 Sweet Potatoes as your carbohydrate, No Sugar, Bread or


Day 5-6 Normal Eating Habits

Day 7 Cheat Day

Week 12

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Day 1-6 Sweet Potatoes as your carbohydrate, No Sugar, Bread or


Day 7 Cheat Day

Maintenance phase, Weeks 13 onwards

Day 1-6 Sweet Potatoes as your carbohydrate. No bread, pasta or

white rice.

Day 7 Cheat Day

Feeling badass? This is the basic of the basics. Remember, cheat days

are optional! You can also reduce the amount of 'normal eating habits'

days. Also, it goes without saying, avoid excesive sugar please :)

What do you mean by normal eating?

By “Normal Eating” we mean that you just eat whatever you are eating

in order for your mind to relax and not think of the fact that you are

cleaning up. Diet is a mind game especially during the migration

phase. This is your way of managing that.

If you are eating 3 times a day with rice as your normal eating, go

ahead. Be strict on your migration days though!

Vegetables is still a must!

L3F’s Official Diet focuses on eliminating the bad carbs but this does

not mean that you should neglect eating your vegetables. You need

Vegetables as a source of vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. Eat your


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Frequency of Eating

How many times a day should you eat? Follow your appetite! One

sweet potato is very heavy on the stomach and you’ll feel full for a

considerable amount of time. This is coming from a guy who can eat 5

cups of rice in one sitting. Eat when you're hungry – don’t starve



This is optional. Taking a Protein Supplement, multi-vitamin and amino

acid tabs are highly recommended. Honestly, you won’t need fat

burners anymore since your diet will take care of everything. No need

to rush.


L3F athletes, I strongly recommend that you follow the diet because I

don’t want you guys to rob yourselves getting the 100% benefits of L3F

training. I’ll say it again, 1 trillion crunches or leg raises will not give

you abs. Quality Lifting, Kettlebell Sport Training, Circuits and most

importantly DIET is the perfect equation into converting your body into

a fat burning machine!

Nobody cares if you are strong and fat but everybody loves a strong,

sexy, HEALTHY athlete. That alone is worth the sacrifice.

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