7/23/2019 The Last Supper: Saint John the Beloved; the zodiac sign of Cancer http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/the-last-supper-saint-john-the-beloved-the-zodiac-sign-of-cancer 1/11 Ujo Icst ]uppor8 Ujo 37 easmapios cle tjo 37 sabls d` tjo zdeacm Gy Holla`or Woyldies 3/7?/7>3=. Wovasadl 7/75/35 Mclmor8 Hdjl tjo Goidvoe wcs tjo easmapio fldwl td put jas joce dl Hosus‑ mjost cle wcs tjo easmapio wjdk Hosus idvoe. ’Jo tjoro`dro, ioclalb dl tjo grocst d` Hosus, scatj td jak8 Idre, wjd as at ‛(wjd waii gotrcy ydu)4  Hdjl 3=87? Womcii tjct tjo Bokala robadl d` tjo zdeacm kcl olmdkpcssos tjo sjduieors, crks, cle iulbs. Mclmor as al tjo mjost robadl wjoro wo `ale tjo jocrt, wjamj iaos gojale tjo io`t grocst. ]dko `ooi tjct tjo jocrt d` tjo zdeacm kcl as `dule al Iod cle dmmupaos tjo sdicr pioxus. Gut spocfalb cs c lurso, tjo jocrt as al tjo mjost, ldt tjo sdicr pioxus. Ujoro cro cisd osdtoram akpiamctadls tjct tjo jocrt d` tjo zdeacm kcl as al Mclmor cle ldt Iod, dlo goalb tjct Mclmor as c wctor sabl cle wctor roprosolts okdtadls, idvo, cle `ckaiy. jttp8//www.drtjdedxpjdtds.mdk/AmdlsTcleT@rosmdos/Amdls/HosusTMjrast/=7.sjtki Rjol Hosus tjol scw Jas kdtjor cle tjo easmapio wjdk Jo idvoe stclealb locrgy, Jo scae td Jas kdtjor, "Rdkcl, gojdie, ydur sdl! Cle td tjo easmapio, "Joro as ydur kdtjor." @rdk tjct tako dl, tjas easmapio tddf jor altd jas jduso. Hdjl 31870. @arst, iot‑s ceeross tjct jo jcs jas io`t jcle ct tjo `okalalo iddfalb easmapio‑s tjrdct. Ct `arst, at cppocrs td go c tjroctolalb bosturo, dr jo as pdaltalb dut tjct tjas mjcrcmtor jcs ld Ceck‑s cppio. ^orsdlciiy, A ed ldt

The Last Supper: Saint John the Beloved; the zodiac sign of Cancer

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Ujo Icst ]uppor8 Ujo 37 easmapios cle tjo 37 sabls d` tjo zdeacm

Gy Holla`or Woyldies 3/7?/7>3=. Wovasadl 7/75/35

Mclmor8 Hdjl tjo Goidvoe wcs

tjo easmapio fldwl td put jasjoce dl Hosus‑ mjost cle wcstjo easmapio wjdk Hosus idvoe.

’Jo tjoro`dro, ioclalb dl

tjo grocst d` Hosus, scatj td jak8

Idre, wjd as at ‛(wjd waii gotrcy

ydu)4 Hdjl 3=87?

Womcii tjct tjo Bokalarobadl d` tjo zdeacm kcl

olmdkpcssos tjo sjduieors,crks, cle iulbs. Mclmor as altjo mjost robadl wjoro wo `ale tjo jocrt, wjamj iaos gojale tjo io`tgrocst. ]dko `ooi tjct tjo jocrt d` tjo zdeacm kcl as `dule al Iod

cle dmmupaos tjo sdicr pioxus. Gut spocfalb csc lurso, tjo jocrt as altjo mjost, ldt tjo sdicrpioxus. Ujoro cro cisdosdtoram akpiamctadls tjct

tjo jocrt d` tjo zdeacmkcl as al Mclmor cle ldtIod, dlo goalb tjctMclmor as c wctor sablcle wctor roprosoltsokdtadls, idvo, cle


Rjol Hosus tjol scw Jas kdtjor cle tjo easmapio

wjdk Jo idvoe stclealb locrgy, Jo scae td Jas kdtjor, "Rdkcl, gojdie, ydursdl! Cle td tjo easmapio, "Joro as ydur kdtjor." @rdk tjct tako dl, tjas easmapio

tddf jor altd jas jduso. Hdjl 31870.

@arst, iot‑s ceeross tjct jo jcs jas io`t jcle ct tjo `okalalo iddfalbeasmapio‑s tjrdct. Ct `arst, at cppocrs td go c tjroctolalb bosturo, dr jo aspdaltalb dut tjct tjas mjcrcmtor jcs ld Ceck‑s cppio. ^orsdlciiy, A ed ldt

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tjalf tjct oatjor wcs altoleoe. A sjceoe dut tjo dtjor `aburos td `dmus dljas pdsturo, wjamj as mrdumjoe td kdro roprosolt jas zdeacm sabl, tjo mrcg.Ujo jorkat mrcg jcs dlo icrbor palmjor, dl stordaes, cle dlo skciior kdropdaltoe palmjor. Ujo icrbor (io`t) palmjor as usoe cs c mrusjor cle tjo

skciior (rabjt) as usoe cs c muttor, wjamj as roprosoltoe cs tjo muttalbutolsai. At mcl cisd edugio cs tjo spaly pdalt ct tjo gcmf d` jas sjoii.Ujo Obyptacls roprosoltoe tjo sabl d` Mclmor cs c ]mcrcg gomcuso

tjas mrocturo wduie rdii tjoar obb al eulb dr kue cle pusj at up c jaii tjolciidwoe at td rdii gcmf edwl tjo jaii cbcal. Ujus, tjo obb gomcko olmcsoe`dr prdtomtadl. Ujas miakgalb up cle edwl tjo jaii roprosoltoe tjo sulmiakgalb td ats jabjost pdalt al tjo sfy euralb sukkor (Mclmor) cle `ciialbtd ats idwost pdalt al waltor (Mcpramdrl).Ujo Mjurmj jcs gool fldwl td mciiHosus tjo Bdde ]mcrcg al tjo pcst.

Mclmor as mcrealci wctor, koclalb tjct tjo olorby d` wctorgursts `drtj al cii ats kchosty al tjas sabl, hust cs tjo jocrt, cromoptcmio, pukps `drtj tjo `iuae d` tjo gdey. Kdst sabla`amcltiy,Mclmor as tjo jduso d` tjo Kddl. Cii tjoso roprosolt `okalalosykgdiask6 wctor, romoptcmio, cle kddl. Mclmor as tjo upkdst sabld` `okalask cle as tjo zdeacm sabl d` tjo Bdeeoss olorby. Iod, dltjo dtjor jcle, as tjo jduso d` tjo sul cle as `axoe `aro. At mcrraos ctdtciiy ea``orolt olorby. Ldtamo tjct tjo jduso d` tjo sul cle jduso

d` tjo kddl cro loxt td ocmj dtjor.

Ujo sykgdi `dr Mclmor as tjo kdtjor jdiealb tjogcgy al jor crks suppdrtalb gdtj tjo gdttdk cle tjojoce. Ujo prdpor wcy td jdie c gcgy as tjct wjaiomrdssalb tjo crks, tjo io`t jcle suppdrts tjo gcgy‑sgdttdk cle tjo rabjt jcle suppdrts tjo gcgy‑s joce. Qdu wduie tjol jdie tjo gcgy midso td tjo grocsts drmjost (a.o. Mclmor). At as ldt tjo lukgor 01 cs tjas

wduie roquaro tjo sykgdi td go turloe uprabjt.Ardlamciiy, ocmj eobroo d` idlbatueo (jdrazdltci ialos) ascpprdxakctoiy 01 kaios. ]oo `alci akcbo al crtamio.

Ujo sukkor sdistamo dmmurs al tjo sabl d` Mclmor wjol tjo sulrocmjos tjo joabjt d` ats oiiaptamci al tjo trdpam d` Mclmor. Rjol tjo sulrocmjos tjas jabjost pdalt, at pcusos al ats csmolt, bavalb at tjo cppocrclmo

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td kdvo saeowcys, go`dro at gobals ats eosmolt, wcifalb gcmfwcres tdwcrestjo oquctdr. Ujas saeowcys cle gcmfwcres ’wcifalb‛ bcvo tjas sabl atscssdmactadl watj tjo mrcg.

 Cldtjor subbostadl `dr tjo sykgdi jcs gool tjo twd tcais d` tjoedlfoys tjct iao midso td tjas mdlstoiictadl. Dlo stcr as mciioe Csoiius-Gdrocias, dr ’tjo ldrtjorl css‛ cle tjo dtjor as Csoiius Custrcias, dr ’tjosdutjorl css‛. Dl dlo edlfoy, tjo Parbal Kcry rdeo altd Gotjiojok pradrtjo Hosus gartj, cle dl tjo dtjor sjo rdeo dut td Obypt c`tor jas gartj.

At jcs cisd gool subbostoe tjct tjoy cro twd brcspalb palmjors d` tjomrcg, salmo tjo cmt d` brcspalb as c `okalalo cttraguto d` romoavalb(romoptavo) wjaio roiocsalb (oxprossavo) as c kcsmuialo cttraguto. Ujaseuciaty d` `okalalo/kcsmuialo kcfos tjo wdrie bd rdule (sd td spocf).

 C mdkpoiialb cttraguto d` ]calt Hdjl tjo Goidvoe (ldt Gcptast) as tjoMjciamo watj c slcfo okorbalb cs jo jdies up tjo aleox cle kaeeio `albor`dr tjo Mctjdiam sabl d` Goloeamtadl td aleamcto c giossalb gostdwoe.

Ujo wdre mjciamo as `rdk tjo Ictal mciax, koclalb mup cle wcsgdrrdwoe `rdk Broof fciyx, koclalb sjoii. Mups cle sjoiis cro

romoptcmios, romossavo, cle `okalalo cle croroictoe td tjo oiokolt d` wctor (Mclmor asmcrealci wctor). Ujo sykgdi `dr Mclmor as c mrcgcle altorostalbiy oldubj, tjo jorkat mrcg as cwctor mrocturo (sparat) tjct gdrrdws c sjoii(`iosj) al dreor td iavo dl icle (kctoraci wdrie).

Ujo oxpiclctadl `dr tjas mjciamo cttraguto,wjamj kcly takos as hust c mdvor-stdry `dr atstruo dmmuit sykgdiask, as tjct ]calt Hdjl wcsbavol pdasdl al jas mjciamo cle jo oatjor erow atdut cs c slcfo dr erclf at cle wcsl‑t jcrkoe.Ujas wduie go c kystamci ciiusadl td tjocimjokamci oiaxar d` akkdrtciatyjttp8//www.gagiadtomcpioyceos.lot/sdmadpdiatamc/sdmadpdiTgrdtjorjddeslcfo>:.jtk 

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@dr clmaolt Obyptacls, ]araus (tjo broct bdeeoss,) wcs tjo okgdeakolt d`Asas tjo kdtjor d` Jdrus. Asas cle Jdrus cro tjo `drorullors d` Parbal Kcrycle Hosus. Ujas as mdkpoiialb gomcuso at `ats watj tjo vorso ocriaor wjoroHosus iddfoe edwl `rdk tjo mrdss cle scw tjo goidvoe easmapio (Mclmor)stclealb locr Jas kdtjor (]araus,) cle jo alstrumtoe jak td tcfo jor altdjas ’jduso‛ . Ratj Hosus eyalb dl tjo mrdss ct tjo waltor sdistamo al

Mcpramdrl jo mduie aleooe ’iddf edwl‛ tdwcres Mclmor cle soo tjoGoidvoe easmapio watj jas kdtjor (]araus-Asas).

Ujo mjciamo cisd roprosolts tjo `okcio wdkg, al tjas mcso tjo wdkgd` tjo kdtjor bdeeoss. Ujo slcfo roprosolts tjo kcio pjciiam cle tjooiokolt d` `aro. Jcvalb tjoso twd mdko tdbotjor al ’uladl‛ strdlbiy akpiaos

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tjo aeoc d` mdlmoptadl tjct wduie dmmur wjol tjo sul oltoroe tjo jduso d`tjo kddl al tjo zdeacm sabl d` Mclmor.

Hosus wcs mdlmoavoe al wctor (mcrealci sabl d` Mclmor) cle gdrl al`aro (mcrealci sabl d` Craos).

 Hosus scatj td ]akdl ^otor8 ]akdl sdl d` Hdjl, idvost tjdu ko kdro

tjcl tjoso4 Jo scatj td jak8 Qoc, Idre, tjdu fldwost tjct A idvo tjoo. Jo

scatj td jak8 @ooe ky ickgs. (Hdjl 7383?)

Mdltrcry td tjo Mctjdiam Mjurmj moiogrctalb tjo Cllulmactadl d` ParbalKcry dl Kcrmj 7?tj, cle eospato c kuitatueo d` ocriaor wrators, at as kyokpjctam mdltoltadl tjct tjo mdlmoptadl dmmurs euralb tjo cuspamadussukkor sdistamo (Hulo 73st) cle mdalmaeos watj tjo gartj d` tjo sul 1

kdltjs ictor ct tjo spralb oqualdx (Kcrmj 73st

,) jolmo rabjt`uiiy ocrlalbtjo low gdrl sul tjo tatio, Ickg d` Bde (Craos).Ujo Mctjdiam Mjurmj orrdlodusiy picmoe tjo gartj d` Hosus cs

Eomokgor 75tj gomcuso tjo sul ’eaos dl tjo mrdss‛  euralb tjo waltorsdistamo dl Eomokgor 73st al Mcpramdrl. Cs at eae al Mclmor, tjo sul sookstd pcuso `dr = ecys. Ujol, at gobals td kdvo cs ecyiabjt jdurs stcrt bottalbidlbor. Gut, alstoce d` salbalb ’   jo jcs rasol,‛        tjoy moiogrcto jas gartj.

Jdw mcl clydlo go gdrl tjroo ecys c`tor tjoy eao4 Rjct jcppoloetd tjo 1 kdltjs4 Ujoy kust jcvo csfoe tjoksoivos tjo scko quostadl

gomcuso tjoy tjol mdultoe gcmfwcre 1 kdltjs `rdk Eomokgor 75


 clepicmoe jas mdlmoptadl (Cllulmactadl d` Parbal Kcry) cs Kcrmj 7?tj. ]drry,gut tjo sul as ldt gdrl tjroo ecys c`tor jas eoctj ct tjo waltor sdistamogomcuso jo as ldt c Mcpramdrl cle jo as ldt mciioe tjo Bdct d` Bde.

Al foopalb watj, ’wo iafo td ed ovorytjalb gcmfwcres hust td mdl`usoydu,‛ tjo Mjurmj moiogrctos Hosus‑   ’raso `rdk tjo eoce‛  ct tjo ]pralbOqualdx, c `uii tjroo kdltjs c`tor jo eaoe dl tjo mrdss! Ovol kdrogo`ueeialb as tjo trceatadl d` grocfalb dpol roe obbs ct Ocstor tdmdkkokdrcto jas raso `rdk tjo eoce, wjol obbs jcvo idlb gool c sykgdi

d` `ortaiaty cle gartj. Gy tjo wcy, c roe obb kocls at jcs gool `ortaiazoe. Qdu waii soo akcbos d` Kcry Kcbeciolo jdiealb c roe obb.Al mdltokpictalb jdw tjas idlb stclealb kax-up mduie jcvo

jcppoloe, A mdlmiueoe tjct at iafoiy dmmurroe euo td icmf d` fldwioebo(dfcy, abldrclmo) al tjct `drgaeeol ’eovai-kcbam‛  fldwl cs cstrdtjodidby(scrmcsk altoleoe). _lcgio td rabjtiy altorprot wjct tjoy jce piuleoroegut eosaralb td uso at td mdltrdi tjo kcssos tjoy guait tjoar mjurmj dl

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ciiobdramci tcios drabalciiy koclt td akpcrt cstrdidby td tjo alatacto, gut tjoyprosoltoe tjoso cs iatorci mjcrcmtors cle ovolts. Cii tjo wjaio, tjoy strdvotd dgiatorcto edmukolts dl cstrdidby tjct kabjt prdvo tjoar `iosj cle giddescvadr lovor oxastoe cle tjoy porsomutoe cle faiioe clydlo watj cly truo

cstrdidbamci cgaiaty dr wjd mduie tosta`y td tjo mdltrcry. ]d, tjoy prclmocrdule iafo c mjaie erossoe up al c palf `iu``y @u@u cle wocralb mdwgdygddts cle dlo jcs td tjalf, uj, tjct sfart edl‑ t bd watj tjok sjdos6 cmdkpioto kdrdlam cgdkalctadl. Dfcy, sd A `ooi strdlbiy cgdut at.

Ujoro cro 5 bctos al jocvol (foys bavol td ]calt ^otor-Craos). Ujoocst bcto as oltry altd pcrceaso (cgdvo tjo oquctdr). Ujo wost bcto as oltrytd jceos (goidw tjo oquctdr). Ujoso cro tjo foys td jocvol cle joii.

Ujo sdistamo bctos d` ldrtj (Mclmor) cle sdutj (Mcpramdrl) cro tjobctos tjrdubj wjamj sduis eosmole cle csmole (rospomtavoiy) cle cro

mciioe tjo bctos d` tjo sul. ’Ujrdubj Mclmor, dr tjo 'bcto d` kcl', tjo sdui eosmoles updl ocrtj (td

ulato watj tjo gdey), wjamj as ats sparatuci eoctj. Ujrdubj Mcpramdrl, tjo 'bcto d`

tjo bdes', at rocsmoles td jocvol.‛  

- O. Pcioltac ]trcatdl, Ujo Moiostaci ]jap d` tjo Ldrtj Pdi. AA, p. 7>0.

Mdltaluoe dl loxt pcbo

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A prosolt tjas pamturo td `urtjor tjosughomt d` Hdjl tjo Goidvoe goalbtjo zdeacm sabl d` Mclmor. Ud tjorabjt as Hdjl tjo Goidvoe. Jo jdies

tjo mjciamo watj tjo ’oromt‛ slcfotd roprosolt mdlmoptadl, uladl d`kcio cle `okcio pralmapcis. Ldtamojdw tjo slcfo karrdrs tjo raggdloltwaloe dl tjo stc``, rokalasmoltd` tjo grcss slcfo d` Kdsos (sckomdlldtctadl). Goidw tjo mjciamo astjo maty d` Low Horusciok. Cgdvotjo mjciamo as c styiazoe jcle d`

Goloeamtadl.Hdjl tjo Gcptast as dl tjo io`tcle jo jcs c gddf d` smrapturos tdaleamcto jo roprosolts tjo icstprdpjot d` tjo Die Uostckolt(Hosus tjo Low). Jo jdies c stc``taitoe ct c 7=.? eobroo clbio td

jttp8//www.wbc.ju/`rckos-o.jtki4/jtki/e/edssa/edssd/cppocral.jtki roprosolt tjo tait d` tjo ocrtj dlats cxas. Rrcppoe crdule tjo stc`` as c sykgdi d` al`alaty, wjamj as tjo sul

dl ats oiiaptamci mdurso cgdvo cle goidw tjo oquctdr cle cisd mcl roprosoltdur oltaro sdicr systok kdvalb cgdvo cle goidw tjo bcicmtam piclo euralbtjo Broct Qocr (37,>>> yocrs cgdvo, 37,>>> yocrs goidw). Gojale Hdjl tjoGcptast as c styiazoe spjalx roprosoltalb Obypt6 wjoro tjas ]cmroeFldwioebo mdkos td us `rdk!

 Ckczalbiy, gojale tjo Parbal Kcry as c icrbo bidwalb drg, sopcrcto`rdk jor jcid. Ujas as oatjor Bde (tjo sul) oltoralb tjo jduso d` tjo kddlal Mclmor, sykgdiamciiy akproblctalb jor watj jas rcys, dr tjo drg as tjorotd cssdmacto tjo Parbal Kcry watj tjo stcr ]araus, tjo kdtjor d` ia`o-bavalb

suls. At‑s ld wdleor sjo wcs dlmo volorctoe, cle rabjtiy sd. Gdtj Hdjls ldt dliy iddf upwcres gut gcmfwcres tdwcres tjoearomtadl d` ]araus, wjamj iaos goydle tjo mdlstoiictadl d` Mclmor. Rjct wojcvo joro as Hosus, tjo low gdrl sul, cle Parbal Kcry cgdvo Hdjl tjoGoidvoe wjd roprosolts Mclmor ct tjo sukkor sdistamo dl tjo rabjt(kcsmuialo) cle Hdjl tjo Gcptast wjd roprosolts Mcpramdrl ct tjo waltor

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sdistamo dl tjo io`t (`okalalo). Hdjl tjo Goidvoe ioces watj jas io`t `ddt cleHdjl tjo Gcptast ioces watj jas rabjt `ddt. Ujas bavos euciaty cle gciclmo.^iocso wctmj `dr ky `uturo crtamio dl Hdjl tjo Gcptast td bcal c kumjeoopor cstrdidbamci uleorstclealb d` tjas `csmalctalb mjcrcmtor.

]abla`amcltiy, watj gcgy Hosus cle Kcry cro (eakiy cs a` bjdsts `rdktjo pcst) tjroo pradr gcgy suls tjct sdko wduie scy cro mjorugs. Mjorugscro eopamtoe kcly takos cs hust c joce watj walbs, sakaicr td tjo Obyptaclwalboe sdicr easf tjct roprosolts tjo sul. Ujosotjroo gcgaos roprosolt tjroo pradr suls td dur dwl.

 Qdu waii iafoiy soo dtjor akcbos d` Hosus watj = gcgy mjorugs. Ujasmcrvalb gy 3?tj moltury Atciacl smuiptdr, Eoiic Wdggac, cisd jcs tjroomjorugs al tjo gcmfbrdule. Ujoy roprosolt tjroo pradr suls, watj Jdrus-Hosus goalb tjo low gcgy sul cle `durtj wdrie. Goidw cwcats tjo mdkalb

gartj d` c `a`tj sul cle wdrie (c.f.c. Low Horusciok d` Wovoictadls). Ratjtjas `uturo sdl (sul) cro twd jdrls6 dlo `dr tjo _lamdrl mdlstoiictadl alMclmor cle dlo `dr Mcpramdrl (tjo jdrl d` tjo bdct).

 Parbal Kcry‑s wcast as taoe watj tjo fldt d` Asas, tjo Obyptacl Clfj,wjamj kocls ia`o cle as tjo uladl d` kcio cle `okcio olorbaos. Ujas fldtcisd taos al (sam) Parbal Kcry watj Asas c.f.c. ]araus. Al tjo moltor d` tjo Asas

fldt as tjo al`alaty sykgdi sjdwalb tjctgartj, ia`o cle eoctj cro mymiam. Ujo al`alatysykgdi cisd oquctos watj tjo mdaioe

raggdl dl tjo stc`` d` Hdjl tjo Gcptast. A`ydu iddf midsoiy ct tjo ictmjalb ct tjo tdpd` jor mcpo, tjoro as c mrdss `dr tjo 5 jdiymcrealci pdalts.

]pocfalb d` tjo `durtj cle `a`tjwdries, tjo Kcyc idlb mdult mciolecroleoe dl Eomokgor 73st, 7>37 wjol tjosul cle ocrtj ciabloe watj tjo bcicmtammoltor cs wo pcss tjrdubj tjo bcicmtam

piclo. Ujas kcrfoe tjo ole d` cldtjor75,>>> yocr- Broct Qocr mymio. Ujo yocr7>3= stcrts dur yocr 3 d` tjo loxt 75,>>>yocrs. Ro looe c low mciolecr,pro`orcgiy dlo wrattol al stdlo.

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Alkcmuicec Mdlmopmaýl Ic Mdidsci  Gcrtdidká Ostogcl Kuraiid &Akkcmuicto Mdlmoptadl Eaobd voiczquo

 Cs ky midsalb crbukolt, A wduie iafo td sugkat `urtjor ovaeolmo tjct tjoAkkcmuicto Mdlmoptadl tcfos picmo wjol tjo sul oltors tjo jduso d` tjokddl. Joro cro twd pcaltalbs, d` kcly, eopamtalb Parbal Kcry stclealb dltjo kddl watj tjo rceaclt bdieol sul gojale jor.

 Qdur Jdldr, A wduie iafo td rost ky mcso.

Page 10: The Last Supper: Saint John the Beloved; the zodiac sign of Cancer

7/23/2019 The Last Supper: Saint John the Beloved; the zodiac sign of Cancer

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  A ck bdalb td eotdur cle spocfcgdut prdpjosy d` tjo mdkalb `a`tj wdriegut waii iafoiy kdvo tjas kctoracioisowjoro wjol cii crtamios cro `alasjoe.

Ujo aleaboldus tragos d` Jdpa,]adux cle Cztom Aleacls goiaovo tjct wocro iavalb al tjo `durtj wdrie cle sddlwaii mdko tjo `a`tj wdrie. Ujo gddfs d`Ozofaoi cle Wovoictadls cro cisd alcbrookolt watj tjas prdpjomy.

Al Ozofaoi cle Wovoictadls cro 5 gocsts tjct jcvo `dur `cmos ocmj. Ujoso `cmos cro d` c iadl (Iod), cl ocbio(]mdrpad), cl Dx (Ucurus) cle c kcl (Cqucraus). Ujoso `dur mcrealci pdalts

dlmo kcrfoe tjo sukkor cle waltor sdistamos cle tjo spralb cle `ciioqualdxos. Ujoso-jdiy-pdalts-eoialocto-tjo-wjdio-d`-tjo-mroctadl-d`-dur-_lavorso.

]almo smrapturos prosolt 5 d` tjoso `dur-`cmoe mrocturos tjctroprosolt-tjo-wjdio-d`-dur-mroctadl, at aleamctos quato miocriy tjct tjorojcvo gool `dur pradr mroctadls d` dur ulavorso, al cbrookolt watj duraleaboldus clmostdrs.

Al Wovoictadls, c`tor goalb altrdeumoe td 5 mrocturos, ocmj jcvalb`dur `cmos, wo cro tjol bavol cl cstrdidbamciiy eravol eostrumtadl d` dur

wdrie (`durtj) cle prosoltoe watj c ’low jocvol cle low ocrtj6‛  c `a`tjwdrie. Ujoso eostrumtadls cle romroctadls cro al foopalb watj tjo mymiam icwd` lcturo wjoro c tjalb as gdrl (mcrealci,) at iavos (`axoe,) cle at eaos(kutcgio,) dliy td go gdrl cbcal.

Page 11: The Last Supper: Saint John the Beloved; the zodiac sign of Cancer

7/23/2019 The Last Supper: Saint John the Beloved; the zodiac sign of Cancer

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Ujo sul kdvos cgdvo cle goidw tjo oquctdr tjrdubjdut tjo yocr alc salo-wcvo kdtadl. At rocmjos ats jabjost pdalt al tjo sfy wjol at tdumjostjo Urdpam d` Mclmor, updl c 7=.? eobroo almialo cgdvo tjo oquctdr, cle atrocmjos ats idwost pdalt al tjo sfy wjol at tdumjos tjo Urdpam d` Mcpramdrl,updl c 7=.? eomialo goidw tjo oquctdr.

Ujo aleox `albor pdaltoe tdwcres tjo sfy aleamctos tjo sul dvorjocecle murialb dr taitalb tjo aleox `albor 7=.? eobroos dliy `urtjor aleamctostjo sul gy ciiuealb td ats oiiaptamci pctj cgdvo cle goidw tjo oquctdr.]akpiy pdaltalb td tjo stc`` d` tjo mrdss mcrraos tjo scko koclalb salmo tjo

stc`` atsoi` roprosolts tjo oquctdr. Ujo sul updl ats oiiaptamci pctj mroctostjo mymios d` gartj, ia`o, eoctj, cle rogartj.

Ocmj eobroo d` ictatueo as cpprdxakctoiy 01 kaios. Ictatueo as kcrfoegy tjo ialos tjct bd `rdk io`t td rabjt. Idlbatueo as tjo ialos tjct bd `rdktdp td gdttdk (idlb wcys).

^iocso mjomf gcmf `dr rovasadls. Ujclf ydu.