The Lighthouse 2269 Seven Mile Ferry Road, Clarksville, TN 37040 Phone: 931-645-2544 Fax: 931-645-5263 E-mail [email protected] Prayer Requests [email protected] Website salemmethodistchurch.com Inside this issue: United Methodist Women &KLOGUHQ·V 0LQLVWU\ Early Voting Info 2 2 2 Vacation Bible School Mission Day³Sept 20 Church Cookbook 3 3 3 Youth News 4 Saints Alive! Pictures 5 July Birthdays July 4th Maze 6 6 July, 2014 Salem UMC, it is so great to be among you! Oh, how you have over- whelmed my wife, Nikki, and me with such warm hospitality. You have cared for us in so many ways, from unloading the truck when we ar- rived to filling our fridge with delicious foods (as well as gift cards for an evening out). Of course, I must confess that you are the first church to give a standing welcome with a roar of applause as I was introduced. In a moment of complete honesty, I was humbled and a little over- whelmed by such a wel- come. I laughingly com- mented that I was not worthy of such welcome, given that you didn’t fully know what you had gotten yourself into with this new pastor in your midst. Please know I am grateful for the ways you have sought to care for us. I look forward to our shared journey, and am honored to serve as your pastor. As we begin this new jour- ney, I have so much to learn about Salem: from the history of the church to its hopes and dreams as we head into the future. Even in this short week among you, I have started to discover some of what makes Salem’s story so rich. From visionaries who saw the building and min- istry beyond what it was to hard working servants going out to bless others during Saints Alive, Salem has blessed many with the hospitality and love of God. On Sunday, I invited you to consider those in your life who reflected the hos- pitality and love of God, by their words and ac- tions. Those saints often play a significant role in The monthly newsletter of Salem United Methodist Church — Clarksville, Tennessee our faith stories, pointing beyond themselves to the love of God in Jesus Christ. There are many in my life who have made such an impact, and who I will often reference and celebrate in ser- mons and stories. They had a few things in com- mon. None of them were perfect. They didn’t have it all figured out, nor did they know the Bible in its entirety. They all met me where I was, and committed to walk alongside me as I came to know God’s love and grace. They impacted my life as they shared their life. Those relation- ships were authentic, messy, and a sign of grace and hospitality. So, as we continue to meet one another in the next few weeks, I hope to hear your stories of hospitality and love. Who are those that re- flect God’s love and grace in your life? To whom are you an au- thentic, messy sign of God’s grace and hospi- tality? Please share! Blessings, Brian

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The Lighthouse

2269 Seven Mile Ferry Road,

Clarksville, TN 37040

Phone: 931-645-2544

Fax: 931-645-5263


[email protected]

Prayer Requests

[email protected]



Inside this issue:

United Methodist Women

Children’s Ministry

Early Voting Info




Vacation Bible School

Mission Day—Sept 20

Church Cookbook

3 3 3

Youth News 4

Saints Alive! Pictures


July Birthdays

July 4th Maze



July, 2014

Salem UMC, it is so great to be among you! Oh, how you have over-whelmed my wife, Nikki, and me with such warm hospitality. You have cared for us in so many ways, from unloading the truck when we ar-rived to filling our fridge with delicious foods (as well as gift cards for an evening out). Of course, I must confess that you are the first church to give a standing welcome with a roar of applause as I was introduced. In a moment of complete honesty, I was humbled and a little over-whelmed by such a wel-come. I laughingly com-mented that I was not worthy of such welcome, given that you didn’t

fully know what you had gotten yourself into with this new pastor in your midst. Please know I am grateful for the ways you have sought to care for us. I look forward to our shared journey, and am honored to serve as your pastor. As we begin this new jour-ney, I have so much to learn about Salem: from the history of the church to its hopes and dreams as we head into the future. Even in this short week among you, I have started to discover some of what makes Salem’s story so rich. From visionaries who saw the building and min-istry beyond what it was to hard working servants going out to bless others during Saints Alive, Salem has blessed many with the hospitality and love of God. On Sunday, I invited you to consider those in your life who reflected the hos-pitality and love of God, by their words and ac-tions. Those saints often play a significant role in

The monthly newsletter of Salem United Methodist Church — Clarksville, Tennessee

our faith stories, pointing beyond themselves to the love of God in Jesus Christ. There are many in my life who have made such an impact, and who I will often reference and celebrate in ser-mons and stories. They had a few things in com-mon. None of them were perfect. They didn’t have it all figured out, nor did they know the Bible in its entirety. They all met me where I was, and committed to walk alongside me as I came to know God’s love and grace. They impacted my life as they shared their life. Those relation-ships were authentic, messy, and a sign of grace and hospitality. So, as we continue to meet one another in the next few weeks, I hope to hear your stories of hospitality and love. Who are those that re-flect God’s love and grace in your life? To whom are you an au-thentic, messy sign of God’s grace and hospi-tality? P l e a s e s h a r e ! Blessings, Brian

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The Lighthouse Page 2

The UMW would like to thank the congregation for their overwhelming support in our sale of Mother's and Father's day candles as well as the bake and book sale at t h e c h u r c h y a r d sale. These are now our only fundraisers so once again, thank you!!!! A great time was had by all at our June social at Linda Matthews' cabin. It

was decided that we would provide another Saints Alive scholarship for one of the youth. Our next meeting will be July 14 at 7:00. Mr. Lynn Hunter, Carolyn Adams' father, will be our guest speaker. All ladies of the church are invited to attend.


On Wednesday, July 2, 2014 the Safe Sanctuary team will meet at 7:00 PM in the Fel-lowship Classroom. We will be reviewing and revising the Safe Sanctuary guidelines. If you have any questions or suggestions for the guidelines, please contact one of the team members: Fred and Becky Peters, Kim Yarbrough, Zach and Emily Gray, Phillip Morris, Myranel Bryant, Debo-rah Morris, Richard Hayes and

Susan Cornell.

Children’s Ministry News

SAVE THE DATE !!!!! Join us on Sunday, August 17, dur-ing worship service for a recogni-tion ceremony for the JAM City kids. All the children who have com-pleted "The Story" will be be rec-ognized and receive a small award for completing a study of the Old and New Testament.













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Salem's VBS is only three weeks away. Save the date: July 21-25. With your help, we can have a record number of children participating. Please bring your children, grandchildren, friends' and neighbors' children to our "SonTreasure Island VBS". The children will learn that Jesus Christ is the world's greatest treasure. We are thankful for those adults who will serve as teachers and helpers. Some classes still need helpers, so there is a spot for you. Please contact Myranel Bryant if you are willing to help with a class.

2 & 3 years old - Deborah Morris, Diane Grayer, Rachel Morris (helpers needed) 4 & 5 years old - Laura, Cory Morris, Jill Rodgers

1st & 2nd Graders - Jessica & Joel Morris, Kim Webb (helpers needed) 3rd & 4th Graders - Donna Wright, Lisa Joiner, Brittnye Mayes

5th & 6th Graders - Jenn Bryant, Jane Morrison Music - Shellie Parchman & Abney Parchman Crafts - Sue Binkley, Jessica Clark, Pat Cornell

Snacks - Kristie Vertrees (helpers needed) Games - Kevin Yarbrough, Scott Mayes (helpers needed)

Please begin praying now for these teachers and the children who will take part in the life-changing lessons they will share.






L Salem UMC Cookbooks

$10 Thank you for supporting the One Heart Adoption Ministry!

Purchase on Sunday mornings before/after worship

or ask a committee member:

Brian & Jennifer Bryant

Susan Cornell Vanessa Ellarson

Emily Gray Kay Hendricks Jaime Mobley Jessica Morris Sharon Puckett

Kevin & Jonna Yarbrough


We are planning a mission day Saturday, September 20th for all ages! This event will be similar to Faith In Action. We need team leaders and co-leaders (you can partner up)! Whatever gifts God has given you he will use! We will be having a short interest meeting after church on Sunday, July 13th (in the Fellow-ship Class). If you cannot attend the meeting and you are still interested please

contact Jenn Bryant 278-7206.

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Page 4 The Lighthouse

We are full of thanksgiving for another successful SAINTS ALIVE! week. Much good work was accomplished: 3 handicap ramps, handrails for existing steps, painting, gutters and siding cleaned, bushes trimmed,

and more. We had 20 youth on four teams with two adults leaders per team. It was a spe-cial privilege to help our own members and neighbors. So many Salem people deserve thanks for their time and work to serve our youth. We love you and appreciate all you did.













Even though it is a holiday weekend, our youth will meet Saturday morning, July 5, at 8:00 to go serve breakfast to Clarksville’s homeless. We assist Manna Café with this ministry the first Saturday of every month. If you would like to join us, just show up! We travel in the church van to the New Providence police precinct where the

food is served outdoors. We are usually back at Salem by 10:30.


All UMYF Counselors and SALT (Student Action Leadership Team) are reminded of our monthly council meeting this Sunday, July 6, at 4:00 P.M., in the Fellowship classroom. We will wrap up summer plans and begin our autumn plans. Please bring your calendar and a pencil.

YOUNG LADIES’ CAPTIVATING RETREAT Our high school girls will join with those from Cumberland City UMC and Fort Donelson UMC for a unique retreat on the book, Captivat-ing, by John & Stasi Eldredge. The focus will be on self-image, sex-uality, and a girl’s relationship with God. Special speakers are lined up with Lydia Walker leading worship. This retreat is set for Wednesday night, July 16 through Friday noon, July 18, here at Salem. The cost is $25.

Youth NewsYouth NewsYouth News

CAR WASH FUND RAISER Salem’s youth will be holding a car wash on Saturday, July 12, from 10:00-2:00, at the Chick-fil-a on Mad-ison Street. Please stop by for a late breakfast or lunch that day, and let us wash your vehicles while you eat. We will accept donations for our work which will go towards our Fall Retreat in October. We would greatly appre-ciate your support.


Middle and high school-aged youth are needed as helpers for our VBS classes. Vacation Bible School will be July 21-25, from 6:00-8:00 P.M. Contact Nonnie if you are willing to help out.

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Page 5

Pictures from Saints Alive!

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July Birthdays

Pastor: Rev. Brian Marcoulier

Youth Minister: Myranel Bryant

Administrative Assistant: Angela Counts

Custodian: Mike Bryant

Nursery Coordinator: Deborah Morris

Musicians: Richard Hayes, Julie Waskiewicz,

Myranel Bryant, Abney Parchman, Olivia Allison,

Kara Peters, Stephanie Carson, Kirsten Meaker

Sa lem Uni t ed

Method i s t Chur ch

We’re on the Web!


Salem UMC is a Safe Sanctuary congregation. All of our childcare workers are screened and accountable to

Safe Sanctuary guidelines to promote the safest possible environment for out children.


David Worth Jul 1

Chris Abernathy Jul 2

Jeff Parchman Jul 3

Collin McElroy Jul 3

Kaitlyn Kinslow Jul 3

Becky Peters Jul 3

Daniel Zahn Jul 5

Carol Carmon Jul 6

Dale Binkley Jul 7

Rebecca Stapp Welch Jul 7

Eric Smithson Jul 8

Joseph Charles Redman Jul 9

Dianne Stevens Jul 10

Andrew DeRosia Jul 10

Cathy Castleberry Jul 10

Heather Brown Jul 11

Ulrike Vaughn Jul 11

Mike Barbee Jul 11

Haley Matthews Jul 12

Jennifer Minton Jul 12

George Ford Jul 12

Emily Claire Watts Jul 14

Trampas Morrison Jul 14

Matt Buck Jul 15

JoAnn Sullivan Jul 15

Jensen Buck Jul 17

Jennifer Shaffer Jul 17

Barry York Jul 18

Dale Simms Jul 18

Dorothy Payne Jul 19

Freddie Abernathy Jul 20

Tristan Endres Jul 22

Laura Morris Jul 23

Glenn Abernathy Jul 24

Shavonna Neville Jul 24

Gloria Shelton Jul 25

Sherry Abernathy Jul 25

Ethan Morrison Jul 25

Carol Ussery Jul 25

Landry Austin Jul 26

Tyler Jordan Polley Jul 27

Gary, Jr. Jackson Jul 27

Margaret Peggy Bird Jul 27

Jerry Castleberry Jul 28

Laurie Barbee Jul 28

Zachary Delano Jul 29

Pamela Byard Jul 29

Rebecca MCCALL Jul 29

Hayden Stevens Jul 30

James Miller Jul 30

Becky Redman Jul 31

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