THE LITTLE BOOK - AlkaWay AustraliaHomeostasis is a delicate balancing act. It requires a communication/control system. Its our chemical supercomputer. Instead of electricity, our

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Page 1: THE LITTLE BOOK - AlkaWay AustraliaHomeostasis is a delicate balancing act. It requires a communication/control system. Its our chemical supercomputer. Instead of electricity, our




Page 2: THE LITTLE BOOK - AlkaWay AustraliaHomeostasis is a delicate balancing act. It requires a communication/control system. Its our chemical supercomputer. Instead of electricity, our

Our life expectancy has increased greatly over the past century. That’s good news – but how do we keep quality of life AND longevity?

Most of us seem condemned to the aches, pains and frailties caused by the never ending acidifying, oxidizing ageing process.

We all want to stay healthy, stay active, enjoy life!

If you’re open to a revolutionary and simple concept that has the potential to change your future life…

...take the time to read, learn and benefit from what we... and many scientists.. believe to be the biggest discovery in alternative health this century.

We have identified a technology that harnesses the lightest element in the universe. It is the fundamental source of energy and life on the planet, yet until now it has been ignored.

It is none other than Molecular Hydrogen, and we think it holds the key to turning accepted ageing theories upside down!

Molecular HydrogenThe most abundant element in the universe. It is: 63% of your body, 75% of the sun and 75% of the universe.

It was - until now - perceived as an inert gas with no health function. So how does molecular hydrogen work as a selective anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and cell communication powerhouse? (And much, much more!)

To understand the health benefits of hydrogen we need to understand what free radicals do to us, and what inflammation and poor cellular communication does to us..

Page 3: THE LITTLE BOOK - AlkaWay AustraliaHomeostasis is a delicate balancing act. It requires a communication/control system. Its our chemical supercomputer. Instead of electricity, our

Why Do We Need Anti-oxidants?Oxygen is everywhere. We all need oxygen to live, but we know now that in its free radical form, it may be partially responsible for premature ageing and other serious health problems.

Oxygen is a chemically active element. Over time, it degrades everything it touches. This is called oxidation. Outside of the body we see it as rust.

A free radical, also known as a Reactive Oxidative Species (ROS), is simply an unstable molecule. It wants to be stable, so it steals an electron from another molecule to regain stability.

Now we have another newly unstable molecule, and this process repeats itself.

If your body can’t keep up with the number of ROS you get oxidative stress; (you rust) and that can cause damage to tissues and organs.

The Hydrogen atom is the simplest and most abundant atom in the universe

Page 4: THE LITTLE BOOK - AlkaWay AustraliaHomeostasis is a delicate balancing act. It requires a communication/control system. Its our chemical supercomputer. Instead of electricity, our

Antioxidants reduce oxidative stress. By sacrificing electrons to the ROS they keep your healthy cells Healthy. Most free radicals are natural - and beneficial - and your body has systems in place to recognise and utilise them. However environmental pollutants, acid forming foods, second hand smoke, and pesticides cause excessive free radicals to form.

Ultimately, our ageing bodies fight a losing battle.

The most aggressive and dangerous free radical by far is the Hydroxyl Radical. It can damage virtually all large molecules found in the body, as well as our DNA. DNA Damage is serious and can lead to mutations, early cell death and many types of cancer.

Molecular Hydrogen is an effective anti-oxidant support, specifically against this dangerous hydroxyl radical. It actually supports our natural antioxidant, Glutathione, to perform the task of Hydroxyl neutralisation.

An antioxidant atom donating an electron to neutralize a free radicals

Page 5: THE LITTLE BOOK - AlkaWay AustraliaHomeostasis is a delicate balancing act. It requires a communication/control system. Its our chemical supercomputer. Instead of electricity, our

Molecular Hydrogen is the smallest molecule in existence. It can easily pass through cell walls to reach the DNA where the most serious oxidative damage occurs.

Damage to DNA in the mitochondria is strongly associated with the ageing process. Popular anti-oxidants like Vitamin C and E are too large to enter the mitochondria within the cell so they can’t protect against such damage.

Molecular Hydrogen unites with the hydroxyl radical, leaving nothing but pure water. No other by-products for the body to deal with. No chain reaction.

Hydrogen and Inflammation

Trauma or infection causes our body to release inflammatory molecules. It begins with a few. If the trauma continues, we are stimulated to release more.. and then more. The the end result is an inflammatory cascade.

Examples of commmon inflammation areas

Page 6: THE LITTLE BOOK - AlkaWay AustraliaHomeostasis is a delicate balancing act. It requires a communication/control system. Its our chemical supercomputer. Instead of electricity, our

If this cascade isn’t stopped the end result is chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is thought to be involved in the development of many lifestyle and other chronic diseases.

Molecular Hydrogen works in a similar way to anti-inflammatories, switching off this inflammatory cascade, thus reducing the number of inflammatory molecules, causing an anti-inflammatory effect.

Hydrogen and Cell Signalling

Homeostasis is a delicate balancing act. It requires a communication/control system. Its our chemical supercomputer. Instead of electricity, our body uses different chemicals as messengers to keep the balance.

How It Works

Cell signalling is process of cells communicate by sending and receiving chemical signals.

As we age our ability to maintain this finely tuned process inevitably decreases. Studies found that Hydrogen up-regulates this communication network, helping the body stay in balance, sharp and reactive to the world’s challenges.

Hydrogen (H2) has no known toxic effects regardless of the amount ingested. It’s been shown to have a wide range of therapeutic effects like increased energy, higher metabolism and strengthened

Stimulation of neuron signalling in the brain

Page 7: THE LITTLE BOOK - AlkaWay AustraliaHomeostasis is a delicate balancing act. It requires a communication/control system. Its our chemical supercomputer. Instead of electricity, our

immunity. That’s why we believe H2 to be nature’s perfect antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cell signalling modifier.

Although the research is in its infancy, the 1000+ scientific articles suggest that H2 has therapeutic potential in over 170 different human and animal disease models, and essentially every organ of the human body.


The benefits of hydrogen may include:

• Ageing: may slow ageing and help rejuvenate cells

• May supports natural detoxification function• May improve liver and kidney function• May improve metabolism• May have dermatological benefits• May improve immune system function• May improve allergy symptoms and respiratory

health• May improve lipid and glucose metabolism• May reduce cellular changes and mutations• Improves cardiovascular health (reduces the

likelihood of stroke and heart attack)• Molecular hydrogen has unique properties that

allow it to rapidly penetrate cell membranes and reach sub-cellular compartments (e.g. mitochondria, nucleus, etc.) where it can exert its therapeutic effects.

For more molecular hydrogen information visit: www.molecularhydrogeninstitute.com and alkaway.com or alkaway.com.au

Molecular hydrogen, highly beneficial for the body, the mind and quite possibly the soul!

Page 8: THE LITTLE BOOK - AlkaWay AustraliaHomeostasis is a delicate balancing act. It requires a communication/control system. Its our chemical supercomputer. Instead of electricity, our

Sourcing Molecular Hydrogen There are at last review 11 methods of accessing H2. The most common and most studied methods are inhalation and drinking hydrogen rich water.

InhalationNew inhalers are appearing on the market in response to growing demand. They deliver either pure H2 or a mix of pure H2 and O2.

Perhaps the easiest, most affordable and effective solution of getting molecular hydrogen into your body is to drink hydrogen rich water. You can do this by using tablets or a special water filter that also produces H2.

I LOVE H2To use tablets, simply dissolve a magnesium tablet in a bottle of filtered water to achieve a therapeutic “dose” of molecular hydrogen!

A breakthrough technology that supplies the benefits of a $4,000 water ionizer in a dissolvable tablet.

A unique formula that converts regular water to hydrogen infused water

Page 9: THE LITTLE BOOK - AlkaWay AustraliaHomeostasis is a delicate balancing act. It requires a communication/control system. Its our chemical supercomputer. Instead of electricity, our

There are more hydrogen molecules in a 1.6mg dose of H2 than there are vitamin C molecules in a 100-mg dose of pure vitamin C“To say I love H2 is a true statement! I have thrown out my multiple daily tablets. Happy to recommend this tablet to others after increased performance, whether in strength training, running or even just every day health.”

THE ULTRASTREAMHYDROGEN INFUSING WATER FILTER SYSTEM The UltraStream is the worlds most advanced Water filter system.

It purifies, alkalizes, ionizes and infuses your water with molecular hydrogen.

and… it’s extremely affordable!

The UltraStream is the first ever natural water

Tanja, Mullumbimby

Page 10: THE LITTLE BOOK - AlkaWay AustraliaHomeostasis is a delicate balancing act. It requires a communication/control system. Its our chemical supercomputer. Instead of electricity, our

alkalizer proven to infuse massive amounts of beneficial hydrogen gas into your purified drinking water. In normal daily use, it’s been tested and shown to give 3 times more hydrogen than an electric water ioniser almost ten times the price! That’s 10,000 times the hydrogen gas in tap water. It also infuses magnesium into your water – something impossible for an electric system.

Magnesium has been shown to be best taken up in water rather than food.

Benchtop and undersink versions and additional filtration are available depending on your water supply and location. We can test your water to help you make the right decision.

“I started taking the hydrogen water since this past

August and results have been fantastic. My training sessions have gotten better. I’ve been able to train harder and longer!

I do NOT get winded very easily and when I do, the recovery is amazing. I would recommend this product to anybody looking to take it to the next level with their training”. ~ Kane Waselenchuk. 9 Time world racquet ball champion.

UltraStream Touchless Undersink System

Page 11: THE LITTLE BOOK - AlkaWay AustraliaHomeostasis is a delicate balancing act. It requires a communication/control system. Its our chemical supercomputer. Instead of electricity, our

We LOVE our UltraStream water (five stars out of 5) Renate, Adelaide

We have been using our UltraStream filter for 3 weeks and are very impressed. Adelaide water is known for its foul tasking water. Never knew water can taste this good. We recommend the filter to everybody. Thank you very much for your wonderful technology. We seem to have more energy and just feel better.

“I ditched my Chinese alkalizer (for good reasons!) and purchased the UltraStream. Five stars out 5 Phoebe, Sydney.

The UltraStream has filtration test results for the life of the filter. The tests have been done by an independent tester. It is made in the USA in a highly certified factory. I found independent test results for H2 too. The H2 in the water is really making a difference to my health and energy.

Thanks for spending the time to absorb this “ new science”Times change faster than ever and breakthroughs in molecular hydrogen knowledge are happening almost weekly. If you’d like to keep updated, you’ll find a web address on the back page where you can sign up to our regular HealthEmail.

Ask the person who gave you this Little Book of Hydrogen for their recommendations and help.

Page 12: THE LITTLE BOOK - AlkaWay AustraliaHomeostasis is a delicate balancing act. It requires a communication/control system. Its our chemical supercomputer. Instead of electricity, our

This Little Book of Hydrogen is not meant to be a replacement for advice from a health professional.

The information herein is related to published scientific tests and information. It is not meant to purport, infer or

recommend a change in your health regimen without proper medical advice. As such it is purely for educational purposes and intended to assist the reader in making informed choice. Nothing in the Little Book of Hydrogen has been submitted to

the TGA or FDA.Version 2.0